G-10 Citizenship Note
G-10 Citizenship Note
G-10 Citizenship Note
Majority rule and minority right,
Separation of power,
Free, fair and periodic election,
Accountability and, transparency
Equality before the law,
Peaceful transmission of power, and
multiparty system
II. Actors in the democratization process. The major actors are: -
Political parties: are vectors of democracy and instruments through which
power is attained by means of free, fair and transparent elections.
Civil societies: are non-governmental and non- profit making
associations and organizations. They contribute to consciousness raising,
defense of the legitimate interests of groups of individuals and the protection
of individual and collective rights and freedoms.
Interest groups: are organizations or groups of people, which are
autonomous from government or political parties with the objective of
influencing government.
Mass media: refers to an institution and to the methods of communication
which can reach largenumber of people at the same time. It is one of the
major actors in the democratization process which needs freedom
essentially. And, It includes newspapers, television, radio, books, posters,
magazines, cinema, etc.
III. Democratic institutions. They are institutions that facilitate and promote the
operations of democracy and make democracy to work. Some of the democratic
institutions include independent national electoral commission, political parties,
pressure groups, arms or bodies of a government (The legislative, the executive and
judiciary organs), human rights commission, ombudsman … etc.
Independent national electoral commission (INEC): Independent national
electoral commission is a corporate body charged with the responsibility of
organizing, conducting and supervising electionsinto electoral offices in
the country.
Political parties: Political parties are organized group of individuals who
share same political ideologies, beliefs and interests and who seek to win
elections and control the state power and machinery of government.
Pressure group: A pressure group is an organized body of people seeking to
influence government policy, and to promote the interest of their members.
A pressure group is also called interest group.
Branches of government: Basically the three bodies that makes law
(Legislative), that implements law (Executive) and that interprets law
The role of democracy for social transformation: -
Social change
Social activism
Civic engagement
Civic dialogue
Community building
Social capital
Community development
Cultural vitality
Cultural democracy
Democratic values
Democracy has three core values. These are: -
Liberty includes personal freedom, political freedom and economic
Justice includes distributive justice (It is about distributive benefits
and burdens fairly), corrective justice (It is about giving proportional
response to wrong doings and injuries), and procedural justice (It is
about gathering information and making decisions impartially in
Equality includes political equality, social equality and cultural
Aspects of democracy
Democracy has different aspects. But, the major aspects of democracy are:
Economic, and
Social connectivity: young citizens can connect socially in spite of time and
Learning opportunities: young citizens can access lessons and courses that
are delivered virtually online.
Versatile working opportunities: young citizens can accomplish their task
from thousands of miles, just staying at your home.
Innovative and creative opportunities: young citizens are being exposed to
new ideas and technologies which is motivating them to be more creative and
Impacts of unethical use of digital technology
Academic dishonesty or plagiarism is the act of presenting the ideas,
words, or other intellectual property of other person as one’s own.
Digital media piracy is violating property rights related with artistic
productions like music, movies and books.
Identity theft is behaving anti-socially hiding self-identities in others name.
Unfriendly and revenge sex is to pose risks on the relationships of sexual
friends using digital technology.
This unit has 7 lessons. These are: -
Lesson 1: The concept of governance
Lesson 2: The concept of good governance
Lesson 3: Elements of good governance
Lesson 4: The role of good governance
Lesson 5: Challenges of good governance
Lesson 6: Impacts of lack of good governance
Lesson 7: Understanding and fighting corruption
Accordingly, the unit has the following major ideas: -
The concept of governance
Governance refers to the exercise of political and administrative authority at
all levels to manage a country’s affairs.
The concept of good governance
Good governance is a way of measuring how public institutions conduct
public affairs and manage public resources in a better way.
Elements of good governance
Elements of good governance may vary according to the nature and functions
of institutions. However, the following elements are practiced by almost all
institutions and organizations. These elements of good governance include: -
Accountability: it is about answerability of officials for their deeds.
Participation: it is about the involvement of citizens in the process of
decision making.
Rule of law: it is about the fair and impartial enforcement of legal
frame works so that citizens obey the law in the same way.
Transparency: it is about availability of information for the general
Equity and inclusiveness: it is about the feeling of all citizens that
they have stake in their society.
Responsiveness: it is about service provision of institutions within
reasonable time frame.
Consensus oriented-ness: it is about considering the interests of the
vast majority and giving priority based up on the majority’s interest.
Effectiveness and efficiency:is about achieving goals of institutions
using the least minimum cost.
The role of good governance
Good governance promotes:
Economic development through ensuring the rule of law; improving
the efficiency and accountability of the public and private sector; better
allocation and distribution of resources; allowing the community
access to government institutions and markets…etc.
Social development through access to better living conditions;
creating ability to feed, clothe and shelter oneself; creating ability to
live longer, to read, write and understand and to participate
Strong social cohesion and unity,
Peace and peaceful coexistence,
Social justice,
Government’s stability, and
Respect for human right