Lesson 05 - English Way-To-Go-8-Teachers-Book Croatian

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Way to go 8

4 Write the words from VOCABOX on the board. Ask

Lesson 5 students if they know what they mean in Bosnian /
THE SCHOOL Croatian / Serbian. Tell them to do the matching up
in Task A, p.32. Check their answers.
ORCHESTRA 5 Then, tell them not to look at the SB or to close
it. Erase the words from the board. Read the
Objectives definitions aloud. Encourage them to write down
• to talk about music and musical instruments the word correctly.
• to talk about people who play an instrument 6 Let the students listen to a CD and say who the
winner is.
• to practise comparison of adverbs
7 Listen to it again and complete the sentences.
8 Discuss the questions with your students

Step 3
1 Start off by asking students to write down at least
4 musical instruments. They can do this in pairs. Practising the comparison of adverbs
Check their ideas / suggestions.
1 Ask your students about the rules used to form the
2 Encourage students to compare their words to the
photos in SB, p.29. Ask the students for the musical
instruments from the SB that are not on their 2. Divide the class into 4-5 groups and tell them to
lists. Write them all on the board. Add some more underline the adverbs in one of the assigned texts.
instruments from your own list. 3. Check the answers together with them.
3 You can play a game in order to memorise the 4. Encourage students to answer the questions from
words dealing with the instruments. Divide the Task B, p.31
class into two groups. Then, ask two students from
5. Introduce students to comparison of adverbs.
each team to come before the board. Students
Remind them that it is similar to comparison of
from each group say the word tha’s on the board
adjectives. Elicit some differences and similarities
aloud. Two students should turn towards the board
between them. Draw their attention to Grammar
and circle the right word. Who does that first, wins
Spot or Grammar plus pages.
the point. The group that has most of the words
correctly circled is the winner. 6. In the end, introduce students to homonyms.
Explain them what does the term mean and
4 Students listen to a CD and write the musical
give them an example. Let the students listen to
instruments in the order they hear them. Check
the CD and complete the sentences in Task B,
their answers.
Pronunciation box.
5 Then, students listen to the CD again trying to sort
Suggested homework: Tasks C,D in the Workbook.
them out into 4 groups. Discuss the topic with the
students and check their answers.
Suggested homework: Tasks A, B in the Workbook.

Step 2


1 Ask students to do Task C in SB.
2 Students read the text aloud to check their guesses.
3 Discuss the topic with the students asking them
questions from Task A.

Way to go 8
I’m very sad/I can’t eat/I eat all the time/I talk to my
Lesson 6 best friend/I don’t talk to anybody/I tell my mum or
HELP! dad/I don’t want to tell them but they usually find
out, etc.
Objectives 3 Why do some people write about their problem to
 to talk about problems a magazine?

 to give advice (Because they want advice/they don’t want to talk
about it/they want advice from a person whom
 to practise time sentences in the present simple they don’t know/they feel better after writing the
problem down.) By asking questions try to lead
Step 1 your students to some of the answers above.

Lead-in (A guessing game) Introducing new vocabulary

1 You can start off with an association game (a 4 Students should look at Task B. You can always
modified version of Task A from the book) in which tell them to refer to the word list at the back of the
students have to guess the word. The boxes (1- book. Check what they have done before telling
10) which they can “open” hide some information them to do Task C.
about the word. The first group says a number 5 Task C. There is no correct answer about what good
from 1 to 10 and you read the sentence with that and what bad is. Ask them to justify their choice.
number. Then it’s the other group’s turn. They open Listen to their opinions very carefully and always
the boxes until they guess the word. If they want stress the importance of listening to what others
they can open the same box several times. (The are saying. Teach them to respect other people’s
chosen word is PROBLEMS.) opinion.
1 It’s a noun, in the plural. Children at this age might be very reluctant to
2 Nobody wants to have them. express their opinions, not only because they might
3 It’s best to deal with them. not know what to say or how to say it but because
they are afraid of their classmates’ reaction.
4 You can solve them.
Students should sort the expressions from Task B in
5 The word starts with the letter P. two columns.
6 They can be serious or big.
7 They can be small. Reading
8 They can be connected with school. 6 While reading the problem page on page 35
9 They can be connected with love. students should decide who has the most serious
10 It’s good to talk about them. problem.
2 Students should open their books now and look at
Task A. Post-reading tasks
How do you say in English 7 Students should do Task E (1F 2F 3T 4F) and Task F
(oral or written exam/twin brother/pop or classical
riješiti problem?
music/adoptive or natural patents)
veliki, ozbiljni problem?
8 Task G and H revise the present simple tense. Ask
ljubavni problemi? your students what changes they have to make
problemi povezani sa školom? when turning the first person singular in the
third person. (For more present simple practice
Ask students how they feel when they have a go to GRAMMAR PLUS section at the back of the
problem. What do they do? Workbook.)
Do they talk about it? Suggested homework: Task A, B and C in their
Go around the class and let them finish the Workbook which will make them go back to the
sentence. text once more.
When I have a problem…

Way to go 8

Step 2 Listening – TWO DIALOGUES

3 Before listening for the first time let the students
Lead-in read the questions in Task A.
1 Check homework and ask your students to pick out Dialogue 1
one of the problems young people have written
about. Ask them what advice they would give Pam has problems with her friends. They’ve pushed
them and write two sentences on the board. For her out of the group. They don’t let her sit at their
example: table. They don’t want to talk to her.
If I were you, I’d talk to your parents. She feels terrible. She is disappointed.
You should talk to your brother, too. She talks to her friend Allie.
You shouldn’t worry about explaining the second Dialogue 2
conditional. Introduce If I were you as a chunk of
Brad has problems with geography. He has a test
language used for giving advice.
on Friday and he doesn’t know much.
Matching the problem with the advice He is worried and a bit jealous of his sister who is
very good at school.
2 The purpose of this activity is to expose students
He talks to his sister.
to more examples of ’You should… ’/’If I were you..’
structures typical for giving advice. Each student 4 Students should read the sentences in Task B very
gets just one slip of paper (a problem or a piece carefully. You can ask them what the sentences
of advice). There are two pieces of advice for each have in common. They are used for giving advice.
problem. Some of the students would be able to sort the
sentences out before listening for the second time.
First a student who has a problem card reads out
his/her problem. At least two students should read Dialogue 1
appropriate advice for the same problem. With a
If I were you, I’d talk to her.
stronger class you can discuss each piece of advice
as you go along. You should tell her to treat others with respect.
I have a headache. If I were you, I’d invite her to come over.
You should take an aspirin. Dialogue 2
If I were you, I’d go for a walk. You shouldn’t fool around, then. You should start
My friends tease me for being fat. studying.
You should laugh at it and tell them that nobody You should first clear away the mess on the table.
is perfect. If I were you, I’d study ten pages today and the next
If I were you I’d eat fewer sweets. five tomorrow.
And you should switch off the mobile phone.
My best friend is always late.
If I were you I’d buy him/her a big clock as a 5 Check their work and ask them why Allie and
birthday present. Corina give such advice.
You should tell him/her that you won’t wait for 6 Ask your students to turn the ’should’ sentences
him the next time. into ’If’ sentences and the other way around.

I’m very skinny and I’m not very happy about it. Speaking
If I were you I wouldn’t worry. You will put on 7 Students work in pairs. They ask each other
some weight when you get older anyway. questions from Task E. The aim of this activity is to
If I were you I’d be very happy. But why don’t put the phrasal verbs in a personal context.
you eat more?
My brother and me are not treated the same.
If I were you I’d talk to your parents.
You should talk to your brother first.

Way to go 8
Step 3 Explain that phrasal verbs consist of two or three
parts. They can have one particle (come over) or
Reading two particles (get down to). In English phrasal verbs
can be replaced by another single word verb with
1 Now students may have a look at Part 2 (Task A). the same meaning. Ask your students to do Task D.
Those are Ed’s answers to the problem letters from
page 35. You can ask someone to read it aloud. Check if they understand the meaning by asking
While reading they should refer to page 35 in order them to translate the sentences into Bosnian/
to fill in the names in Task B. Task B familiarises Croatian/Serbian.
them with the verb pattern advise someone to do
something. The four sentences in Task B summarise
Ed’s answers and they might help weaker students Additional tasks
when talking about them. (Key: Kelly, Tom, Kitty,
Patty) Vocabulary revision
2 Ask students to find the exact sentences where 1 Ask some of your students to come to the board
Ed gives advice. This time they read selectively and write the following expressions. Other students
(scanning). copy the expressions in their notebook one below
For example: the other:
First you should tell your adopted parents that you friends, difficult time, to read and study again and
have found out. again, to be in a better position, getting bigger,
If I were you I wouldn’t look for my natural parents little child, not interesting, to be serious, nice.
now. Students can work in pairs. Tell them to go once
more through Ed’s answers and find in the text
You should be kind and understanding to your friends. the expressions with a similar meaning. Point out
If I were you I’d try to meet people who have similar that they do not appear in the text in the same
interests. order as on the board. They should copy the
expression next to its paraphrase.
3 Students should copy in their notebook sentences
where Ed gives advice. 2 After that you tell them you are going to read Ed’s
answers once more. They have their books shut.
For example: When they hear the expression with a similar
You should ask them to stop talking as if you were still meaning to the ones on the board they should
their baby. shout stop. You then stop reading and they read
If I were you, I’d talk to your brother. one of the expressions from the blackboard.
The words appear in the text in the order below.
You should ask you friend to help you.
difficult time – tough time
He should examine you as if you were his teacher.
to study over and over again – revise
If I were you, I’d revise aloud.
getting bigger – growing up
4 Ask your students to do Task C now. Help if little child – baby
necessary. friends – mates
5 Task D can be given for homework. Each student not interesting – boring
should think of two pieces of advice for each
nice – kind
problem (an exercise similar to the one you started
off with). to be serious – mature
3 Check if students can translate the expressions into
Phrasal verbs Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.
6 Let your students have a look at the Vocabox
with phrasal verbs. Ask them why they are called Giving advice – revision
phrasal verbs. You can write on the board some of
the phrasal verbs they learnt last year. For example: 4 Check the students’ homework. Sometimes you can
wake up/get up/look for/go away/look after, etc. do it in the middle of the lesson not only as a break
from the routine but also as revision or as a lead-in

Way to go 8

for the step that follows. You can split the class into
two groups. The students take turns to read their Workbook answer key
advice. The group which has more advice to give
Part one
is the winner. Revise once more the two ways of
giving advice which they are going to use in the A examine a student/hang out or around/advise
next step. someone to do something/play an instrument/go
out/feel angry/get mixed up
Note: If you have time and you believe your class
is mature enough to do it, you can dedicate one B 1 hangs; goes 2 examines; gets 3 advises;
more lesson to the topic. You can do Task A and B feels 5 plays
from the Workbook. You can ask students to write C 2 Tom is disappointed when the teacher examines
a problem on a piece of paper anonymously. You him.
collect all the papers and then let the students take
somebody else’s problem and write a short answer 3 Patty is bored with the things her friends talk
with a piece of advice. You can collect them and about / when her friends talk about fashion and
photocopy them and then let them read them all pop music.
and look for the answer they got.
We advise you not to correct mistakes this time on
their papers, but maybe just point out some of the
common mistakes in one of the following lessons.
Suggested homework: Task C in their Workbook.


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