Angels With Shola Livingstone - COMPLETE BOOK
Angels With Shola Livingstone - COMPLETE BOOK
Angels With Shola Livingstone - COMPLETE BOOK
Oh great.
Ecclesiastes 10:20 “Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in
thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings
shall tell the matter”.
The physical birds can't hear your thoughts, here the birds talk of angels. And it says the
birds will carry the voice of your thoughts.
And God is the King here!
In the realm of the spirit, your thoughts are louder than your words. And your thought
has its own voice. Those of you at still feeling the sensation, don't allow it waste O
Set your heart, to communicate and hear and to see.
The other Side of the communications with angels where we speak to them physically,
is when they appear to us in a physical form. Like they did with Abraham and ate in his
The first thing we need to combat with when engaging angelic interaction is unbelief.
What if it’s my mind? Many people have aborted divine dealings because of that
weakness. Just believe simple faith! Oh beautiful. When it comes enjoy it to God's praise.
One of the ways by which I deal with the question “What if it’s my mind?”
is this, I tell myself, I am not smart enough to think this up right now! No way! I am not
that smart! And that settles It! I don't know, But I just heard in my Spirit, restoration of
that which is lost.
Oh Glorry!!!!!!!
Thank you Jesus.
Father I release angels for the cancelation of debts I the name of Jesus for everyone who
needs it!!
Samuel Eja, [17.10.19 21:30] An angel has been by my bed since you mentioned that
they were being released, i have been feeling a hot sensation on my left leg, and i knew
an angel had entered my room.
Uzybaby, [17.10.19 21:31]
I received a small box with a golden key inside
I see someone who is supposed to pay for something and the date I almost closing. The
Fee is paid. The fee is miraculously paid. The fee is paid. You won't be put to shame.
And someone has a pain on the right ankle, just stretch the joint the pain is gone.
Oh wow! Great! Did you ask, what the key is for?
Chinazo Ozioma, [17.10.19 21:37]
Sorry for the delay however I feel you said this because of me...
Actually, when you mentioned that angels are being released, I actually felt a hot
sensation at the back of my neck and a coldness hovering round my head.
After that till now, I started having a blanket wrapped around me with its coolness and
cold effect...I am still having now. It is not just that, it seems that I am actually having
conference with them cos I have been giggling since then till, like something is actually
amusing me...It is actually awesome and funny at the same time but I am actually
Okay, good one, its great you share.
Emotion creates pathways for outburst of revelation. If you follow that experience to
the end, I believe that you will come into amazing revelation knowledge of God. Isn't
that awesome! Thank you, Jesus,!! Hallelujah!!
Angels manifest to us majorly in visionary state. Visionary state is that point where our
spiritual senses superimposes on our natural senses. As we grow and feed upon the
Truth and mature, we are able to interact better and better.
And Also, I like to say Dreams are visions of the night.. So tonight, in our sleep, Angels
are coming!! Just like they came to Joseph to give him instructions about his family ans
they came to Jacob to give him idea for his business. They are coming! Be expectant!
I love this class! Your hunger and faith is palpable.
we will continue tomorrow, same Time!
Jesus said....John 17:10 All that I have is yours and all that you have is mine.
We haven’t had electric supply since Monday in my environment, but this morning I
engaged my angel in charge of electricity, I told him to do something, Behold in few
minutes, light was restored....
Early hours of today there was fire explosion in our residence at Onitsha. Just similar to
the one that happened two days before in Ochanja market. A truck carrying fuel fell. As
we leaving our different buildings, I just realised that if I don't do anything then, the
whole Omagba phase 2 will be burnt down. I called two people, we released the angels
of God and we bound the demon behind the fire and ask for a release of rain. To my
surprise, it was as if a hand was shifting the fire backwards because it was only 3
compounds to get my house and then came rain that fell for about 2hrs. This rain only
fell around area.
Last night I mentioned that there are two ways from the scripture as I have found how
people interact with angels..One is visionary experiences. And the other is she the angels
manifest physically, putting on flesh. As God permits them. Almost all of us have had
these two kinds of experiences before now. Its just that some of us didn't discern that
they were angels.
The second aspect, you don't see it with your imagination, you see it with the eyes of
your spirit. Like I entered into a meeting one day and the angel that went to the meeting
with me left me and went to the angel in charge of that church and they were discussing.
I was just looking at them, that what are these guys saying. And I didn't want to
So, I waited for them to finish talking and then I asked, what were you guys saying, and
he told me how my coming to that place brought a particular supply of the spirit and
that day they had an unusual service. Now, I didn't see that with my imagination, I saw
it with the eyes of my spirit.
And the other part which is when they appear physically.
Many of us have had such ministrations of angels before now but we didn't just know.
Some years ago, I told the lord I wanted to see the physical manifestation of an angel
and he said okay. Few days later, I and a friend travelled to a city for a meeting and we
missed our way. And we perambulated for close to more than an hour and we were
almost losing it. We asked the Lord to help us. And a young man walked up to us, smiling,
where are you going, he said.
We told him and he said I will take you right there... He took us there oo... We walked
there together and he was asking us questions, what we were what were we doing in
town and lo that...
In the scriptures,
Angels appear to many of them in the old testament bodily.
Abraham, Manoah and his Wife, Elijah and Jacob, They I am Appeared in visionary states
to Abraham, to Daniel, to Ezekiel. This is the deal with, we don't choose how they appear
to us. But we must be skilled enough to discern whenever and however they show up!
And that's one of the reason for this class.
Discernment is key!. I will talk on the different foundations for discernment.
Right now!!
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven !!!!!!!!
Eyes everywhere
I just saw like a flash, a man smiling on me with so much beautiful smile
I want us to exercise our sight. Every one of you has an angel that is yours. I mean you
have an Ange that you can call my angel. He is the angel sent of God to see to your
fulfilling your destiny. He has a copy of your destiny scroll in his hand, he looks like you.
This angel is the chief of the other angels that will be or is assigned to work with you. I
want us individually interact with that Angel tonight.
Testimony: There is an Angel I am seeing this evening whom I asked his name and he
said he is an instructor/messenger. I asked if he is the only one here and he said other
angels comes by functions and assignments. There are some for ministrations, some
for help
Jesus said her...
Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the
churches....I want you to talk to your angel too.
Please, pay attention before you engage!
Right now!!
The basics necessary understanding of interacting with angels.... Which we are still on.
How to consciously relate with them
There is a way that the Kingdom of light feels, there is a way the kingdom of light taste,
there is a way that the kingdom of light smells...
On the first day, while I was teaching, someone said he is feeling sweetness on his
tongues. That's the kingdom he is discerning. Also Paul said in 2 Cor 2, we in the kingdom
we give off an aroma of Christ, a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord.
That's because we smell like the kingdom.
The kingdom has a taste and it has a feel, and it has a smell. It feels good, pure, holy. It
taste sweet like nice flavors and it smells very nice. Jesus is likened to the Lilly of the
valley. That flower smells very good,
On two occasion, I have been in my room and suddenly a foul smell feels the room. I
went around to check if it's the soak away tank or something, I didn't find anything. But
the Holy whispered to me it’s a foul spirit that around. Rebuke it, I didn't see it, but I
perceived its presence by smelling it. I rebuked it to get out of my environment and
immediately the odour stopped.
Foul spirits or devils have foul smells.
Paul revealed to us that..
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of
Satan can appear like an angel of light. Glittering, wearing white. By your eye gate you
may not know that its satan. But what's the feeling you are having, what's the smell it
brings, what's the atmosphere around it like. Most times, dark spirits have an oddness
about their atmosphere. Something feels odd about them...Angels bring atmosphere of
peace, or grace of joy or righteousness of humility of the Kingdom!
One time I took a teaching on angels in a school of prophets. And at the middle of the
night a spirit came to my room. By its presence I woke up and turned to the right on the
bed to check, I saw it was the devil. I just knew it wasn't an angel. Well I did what you
would have done too.
I turned to back to the left side of the bed closed my eyes and continued sleeping. Not
saying a word. Of course I woke the next morning very well.
Dr Val Mystic Medics, [19.10.19 20:28]
You have power! No fear! The spirit realm is not the devil’s possession
I feel some people are afraid to see in the spirit. Saying what if I see the Devil. If you see
the devil, rebuke him and go your way. It’s not every time that you see the devil that he
is coming after you, some of those periods he is going after someone else... Remember
he is moving about to and fro seeking whom to devour. So sometimes, una fit jam no
fears, rebuke him and go your way... Two of Una dey follow pass the road in the spirit
realm. Soon enough we will get him packing finally.
Am I clear?
So when someone says, I see the person may not literally see, the person may use other
sense of discernment but it’s still sight!
The Third fundamental way of discernment is "the word of God"
Hebrews 4:12 NKJV
The word of God is active its living, it’s always ready to engage you and it's powerful and
efficient!. It’s the discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. The word of
the can expose the secret of any being.
When the discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart lives in you, it becomes quite
easy to discern angelic presences and engage them.
Now friends!
Since the time that we have been announcing that there will be a class on angels.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged
sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our
innermost thoughts and desires.
Hebrews 4:12 NLT
The more you feed on the word, the more active the word of God will be in you!
How will you be able to judge spirit if you are not filled with the word of God?
Hey! We can't be lazy?? We must be studious!
Take it upon yourself to read every place in the scripture where they mentioned angels.
Read how they appeared to people, how people interacted with them, how they operate
and all. You will see that what you thought you need laying on of hands for will flow
naturally through you.
Imagine you reading on angels, and boom one shows and say let me explain to you what
actually happened then.....
Many people have gone off restrain and off borders in their chase for the supernatural.
Because they just want impartation, they don't want to study the scripture. The scripture
is the surest gateway for the supernatural dimension to open up.! Are you sure you are
ready for the responsibility that comes with the dimension you are asking for
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit
Hebrews 1:14 NKJV
I sense a need to mention the note of caution!!
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root
and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
Revelation 22:16 NKJV
Do you see that....When we speak the word of God, we give voice to God's word, angels
hear us as though its God that is talking and they go ahead to do what we decree..
Daniel was praying and decreeing, and his confessions and decree made the angel fly
swiftly. Meaning uncreased the speed of operation of the angel...
When it comes to angelic ministrations, we pray the word.
Father thank you because your word says you will give your angels charge over me, as I
go this journey the angels of the Lord protect me from evil that I am aware of and that I
am not aware of.
Thank you father because you word says angels are ministering spirit sent to minister to
heirs of salvation of which I am one. For this job Interview am going for I release angels
to go ahead and cause all things to work together for my good. Let angels go now and
cause things to fall in place so I can get that job.
Father thank you because I cannot be stranded. And your word said you will supply all
my needs according to your Riches in Glory right now I release angels to place my name,
my thought, in the heart of those that will bless me financially.
Right now angel of the Lord go for and cause the school fees to come to me speedily....
That's how we pray and release angels to work
Have you seen Igbo village movies. Where there is an Igwe and the Igwe has plenty
attendants. And the igwe has a son that have some attendants waiting on him. They
follow him anywhere he goes and are available at the flick of his fingers. They are waiting
on him for orders. He tells one to go and he tells the other to go and he goes..
If he feels like he doesn't need them. He will over work himself for nothing.
You are the igwe's son. Angels are your attendants. Use them, give them work to do.
It was a major key in the manifestation of the 'Healing Anointing' in the life of Jesus.
If you are a believer, then you ought to get more angry, more often, in the right
direction! DR. VAL
Something happened to me last night. I will like to share with you Sir.
I couldn't take part in yesterday's class fully even though I was online. Network was
terribly fluctuating.
When it eventually became stable, I decided to go through the teachings. This was
around 1:30am.
Afterwards, I had the impression to read Jeff Janson's book that was shared by someone
on SWAT.
26 | P a g e Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT)
As I scrolled, it took me to chapter 3 titled *Catching a glimpse of Eternity*
I began reading from there. The part where he talked about intimacy and estacy, I read
about St Teresa of Avila and Maria Woodworth-Etter
The striking part was how the later will get into a trance and lot of things will happen
Just as I finished reading about her, I dozed or maybe I got into a trance.
I was conscious that my phone was just about to drop from my hand to the floor, but
instantly, someone pushed my hand and the phone fell on my bed. Hmmmmm. It was
so real.
I was almost becoming afraid, but remembered the teaching where fear was
emphasized. "...God has not given us the spirit of fear..."
Just after that incident, 3 ladies came into our room. I started feeling my whole body
vibrating on the bed. I was half awake and half asleep. They asked me to pray in the Holy
Ghost. As I began, they said I should press further and engage . The more I pressed the
more intense the vibration.
Suddenly, I saw myself in another realm. They were still by my side. I was amazed. It was
quite quiet there, no activity, didn't see people. So I turned to them and began telling
them that it's actually better for someone to be there since there was nothing to be
afraid of.
Just then a lion appeeared and was about to pounce on me when one of the ladies
grabbed it in the air. She asked me to pray again in the Holy Ghost. As I did,the claws of
the lion started receding until it disappeared. The lion became incapacitated and then
they left me.
By the time I eventually slept, I found myself in a stronghold. A lot of persons were held
captive by a man. The next person in line to be made useless was a man. I gave him a
sword and instructed him to use it without fear because he was the one to kill the evil
I couldn't take part in yesterday's class fully even though I was online. Network was
terribly fluctuating.
When it eventually became stable, I decided to go through the teachings. This was
around 1:30am.
Afterwards, I had the impression to read Jeff Janson's book that was shared by someone
on SWAT.
The striking part was how the later will get into a trance and lot of things will happen
Just as I finished reading about her, I dozed or maybe I got into a trance.
I was conscious that my phone was just about to drop from my hand to the floor, but
instantly, someone pushed my hand and the phone fell on my bed. Hmmmmm. It was
so real.
Just after that incident, 3 ladies came into our room. I started feeling my whole body
vibrating on the bed. I was half awake and half asleep. They asked me to pray in the Holy
Ghost. As I began, they said I should press further and engage the. The more I pressed
the more intense the vibration.
Suddenly, I saw myself in another realm. They were still by my side. I was amazed. It was
quite quiet there, no activity, didn't see people. So I turned to them and began telling
them that it's actually better for someone to be there since there was nothing to be
afraid of.
Just then a lion appeeared and was about to pounce on me when one of the ladies
grabbed it in the air. She asked me to pray again in the Holy Ghost. As I did,the claws of
the lion started receding until it disappeared. The lion became incapacitated and then
they left me.
By the time I eventually slept, I found myself in a stronghold. A lot of persons were held
captive by a man. The next person in line to be made useless was a man. I gave him a
sword and instructed him to use it without fear because he was the one to kill the evil
This morning while praying, the Holy Spirit instructed me to pray for the people I'll meet
at the salon this afternoon cos I intended to go retouch me hair. When I got there, I met
a dumb boy of about 16 (not from birth.) He was prophesying. He signed while the owner
of the salon interpreted. I started praying in my mind to discern any foul play but
I was saddened by the whole matter. I told him I wanted to pray for him. He signed that
I was marked by God and that I should pray for everybody in the salon. In my mind I said
for where. I held his hand and prayed for him. Then he insisted I prayed for everybody
(5 people were there) that ANGELS are here.
I dragged my chair to a pregnant woman, held her hands and wanted to pray quietly.
The boy said we should all stand, I sing and pray one after the other. Brethren, na so I
so am o. When I got to the owner of the salon, the Holy Spirit came and hugged me. I
became suddenly drunk, staggering, and praying loudly in tongues.
When I was about done, one woman with a baby walked in and requested for prayers.
She said she had a dream where she was swimming and being chased by cult boys. I told
her she needed a relationship with Jesus not prayers, that that's the protection she
needs. When I laid hands on her she fell under the anointing o and landed on the floor.
I said I had killed pesin pikin and mama. That was when I got myself and became aware
of my surrounding. I had my hair washed and ran from there.
There is something about you that made the father sacrifice His son for you..
There is a place you are called to be....
There was a need that God saw, a vacuum he noticed that birthed the thought of 'YOU'
in His mind!
An Eagle may spend its life among chickens because it was hatched among them.
But its potentials will always distinguish it.
However, the power of choice still belongs to it!
It may decide to live amongst them and try to adapt to their lifestyle.
It'll always wonder though,why it has to struggle even in feeding, seeing that the shape
of its beak is much different from the others.
It'll live in fear and each time a hawk carries one of its 'brethren', he'll wonder when it'll
be his turn.
A sleeping dynamite... Carrying the potentials of a predator, but living like a prey!
Like the eagle, you need to acknowledge your discomfort with where you are.
Stretch those wings and flap them.. Hard!
You can fly beyond the fence.
Sometimes that eagle may need the vision of another eagle high in the sky to stir him
He needs to be ignited!
Like a dynamite, you carry unlimited potential.
All you need is ignition!
The word you are reading now is already setting a fire in your bosom.
I know because there's fire in mine and the deep calleth unto the deep!
Wake Up!
A great man once said, "The graveyard is the wealthiest place on earth. It is filled with
untapped treasures and unharnessed potentials. It is filled with men who died still full
of the treasures God packed inside them"
Dr Val
Today we will focus on Ministering angels or what the Bible calls ministering spirits...
Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who
shall be heirs of salvation?
KJV:Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs
of salvation?
ESV:Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to
inherit salvation?
NIV:Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
AMP:Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God
for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?
Look at the sentences carefully
Angels are not sent to help our laziness. They are rather sent to serve us as we go about
serving God..
I have people mentioned how angels do certain things for them. I personally know a
minister who after late might meetings, he is a pastor. He gets home tired and meet
food on his table, covered in plates. He eats and after eating the angels comes to carry
their plates. This happened several times. This doesn't happen when he is free to cook
and he feels like not cooking. They serve us as we go about serving God.
Mind you, this is not him decree that angels should pound yam. It is rather happening
because he sustained a consciousness that angels are sent to work with him and he
believes very well that they will show up when they need to.
He mentioned how he left meeting late at night. There was no vehicle. He was so tired.
He started to bless the ne of God for angelic ministry and acknowledging them. And man
came to his side with a power bike. Before he even finished mentioning where he is
going. The man took off. He alighted at the front of his house, while he was trying to get
his money to pay. The man zoomed off and vanished out of sight. This happened in
Such experiences have happen to some of us too. We didn't just quickly know that it's
angelic ministry at work.
Now, the ministry of angels prospers around us as we acknowledge their work and
ministry often. Even in our prayers. Thank you, Father for the Ministry of angels. Thank
God for the things his word says angels will do. We set the atmosphere for angelic
ministry by our faith filled confession in line with the will of God.
Our confessions of worry, anxiety, fear, doubts, dampens the atmosphere for them
incapacitates them. Thy are practically helpless when we are doubtful.
They can't help us.
When we understand what the scripture says that angels will do for us. It helps us to
have the right expectation. And the Bible says the expectation of the righteous shall not
be cut short.
Do you expect angelic ministration in your daily life. Do you expect them in your
Ministry, in your business, in your family, in hour home, in your school work ...?
So the angel of your ministry knows what you are sent to do and has a copy of the word
of the Lord for your ministry. He works with you based on what God has sent you to do.
There is the angel of your ministry platform come.
Your minsitry platform is not your ministry. Your ministry is an assignment resulting from
your walk with God. Your ministry platform is what God gave you for you to carry out
your assignment
For instance I write, is part of my ministry, there are scribal angels in heaven. One of
them is assigned to work with me. When i write he is usually around and his presence in
a way helps the flow of the anointing.
Hope you know that the angels are under the administrator called the Holy Ghost. He is
the one who sends them.
Some times when I am writing and it's not flowing. I just stop and pray in tongues and
consciously call for help
Do you also know when you teach, when you preach there are angels around?
I once heard Apostle Arome Osayi say that when he is teaching, he usually has a sign
when a particular angel is around. And then he can switch into healing and miracles
happens. As you learn to work with your angels it makes the work better.
There is the gift of healing.
There ia the angel of healing...
The angel of healing multiplies the effect of the gift of healing.
William Braham when he ministers usually wait for the angel of healing. When the angel
comes, he begins to have word of knowledge for people infirmities and as he mentions
it, they are being healed wherever they are. He doesn't have to touch them
This same thing happened for other gifts of the spirit.
There is the angel of signs and wonders and miracles.. there is the angel or spirit of
knowledge, there is the angel or spirit of faith.
I never prayed for that scribal angel for instance it's in the place of intimacy that the Lord
added the angel to my arsenal
Now, there is the angel of your ministry platform.... he has in his hand the scroll
containing the vision for your ministry platform when God spoke it out of heaven.
He is not loyal to your desires in ministry. He is loyal to what is in the scroll.
It is his work to bring the necessary network that you need in ministry. He opened door
of ministry by causing situation to align. He is the one in charge kf bringing the money
the ministry needs to carry our God ordained programmes.
This guy won't bring the money to pay school fees.
Your angel will do that!
So this is the deal.
Father in the name of Jesus I quicken and activate the angel you have assigned to work
with me on this platform. He asks that he goes to work to cause the connection I need
for ministerial breakthrough. I decree that he brings strategy for advancement in
ministry, I decree that the 5 million for this meeting is supplied. I decree that the angel
of this ministry goes forth to stir the hearts of those whom the Lord has put the money
in their hands.
This is how we do it, we put pressure on angels. They put pressure on those who are
holding our money...
How many of us know that business platforms too have angels assigned to them...?
When you begin to see business as a calling, you begin to expect grace and spiritual
supply for the advancement of the business.
God sponsors what he commands.
When God gives me a business idea, I know it's not first about me, it's first about
kingdom. And so, I release the business to him. Same way we do ministry too.
The business whose idea God gave you has an angel assigned to it to oversee it's
An Angel appeared to Jacob and gave him a multi-million idea of how he will become a
millionaire off the flocks of Laban without cheating Laban. He gave Jacob wisdom for
genetic mutation and engineering... Genesis 31
You lack strategy for your business or your business is not prospering. Perhaps you are
in the wrong business. Ensure you are in God's perfect will business and by a
consciousness receive angelic help. They will bring solution and ideas, and inventions
and modifications, and innovations...
You are never alone. They will gather customers. Guys! You are never disadvantaged.
It's time to engage your angel for your business and ministry. It’s time to stop struggling,
rest in understanding of how to harvest help!! God has given you all that you need.
Everything you need to prosper and reign in life as a king that you are.
You have an angel attached you . This angel kinda looks like you, he has a copy of your
destiny scroll. His work is to bring to your remembrance. Words, visions, prophecies that
are the things you have once come into awareness of from your destiny scroll.
The Bible said about Jesus in Heb 10. That he has come to do that which is written in the
volume of the books concerning him.
This angel of yours is the chief of all other angels assigned to work with you. They
practically submit to him as he serves you.
The angel of your ministry, business and other assignments and platforms works with
you in submission to him. This is the angel the guys called the angel of peter here... They
knew that his angels looked like him...
Acts 12:13-15 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken,
named Rhoda.
And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and
told how Peter stood before the gate.
And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so.
Then said they, It is his angel.
Ok sir
Sir, I once heard someone said that angels are impatience and that is why they pass
judgement on every doubt. Please how true is this?
Also Sir, during prayers, is there anything like angels talking to you and God Himself
talking to you?
Good question!
God talked about an angel that he sent to work with Moses one time ..
Exodus 23:20-22 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to
bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your
transgressions: for my name is in him.
But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy
unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.
They work basically by principles. They hear go and come. They do exactly what God
sends them and they use their delegated authority when they have to. But have been
trained to do all they do in God's will, they won't do anything that God won't endorse.
And yes. There is a possibility for the holy spirit to be talking to you on the inside and
angel is around you too to talk to you.
The example of Kenneth Hagin that i shared. I mentioned that Jesus and an angel
appeared to him and both of them spoke to him.
They take instruction from God. But they are not zombies, they have the right to use
their initiative in the will of the Father.
All the angels in heaven and all they have to do has a direct implication on the saints to
the positive.
Heb 1:14
.AMP:Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God
for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?
Have you seen minister enter into an auditorium and immediately the place feels so
crowded with spirits. It's because they that came him are plenty. Actually, the presence
of a son of God is equivalent to the presence of a city. So, by spiritual understanding a
son of God can do a thing in the spirit commensurate to the strength of a city. Friends
you are never alone!
Psalms 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and
delivereth them.
The angel of the Lord encamp around the righteous. One angel cannot encamp around
you. That angel of the Lord is the chief of your angels. He is the chief of the host that
surrounds you...See ehn, there is a consciousness that will make you walk in the dark
alone when need be Without fear. This consciousness makes some people look for
trouble. You are not alone! The believer in Christ Jesus is never disadvantaged. No
matter the condition, you are never disadvantaged. Only that you didn't know that what
happened yesterday that was unpleasant didn't happen to your disadvantage...
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Put on the consciousness of what is yours by Christ Jesus.
I explained to us last week that angelic ministries bring their ministries to us first hand
1. In the realm of vision
2. They appear physically
And three they work behind the scenes causing situations and circumstances to align for
the will of God to be done in our lives.
Yesterday we looked at the place of angels in our ministry in our business.
Now lots look at their place in our home and families.
When we understand the purpose of God that defines the things that we do, we sign up
for back up from heavens economy.
The resources of heaven gravitates towards the Purpose of God and his kingdom.The
resources of heaven answer to the will of the father playing our on earth. Remember,
what God commands, he sponsors.
That word is what the angel oversees to ensure that it comes to pass. When the couple
forgets, the angel will bring to remembrance..That guy... Remember why God brought
you two together...Go0 back to the word!
God seeks something from every relationship! What he has placed in it, a seed! A godly
seed! A divine purpose!
That is why as a believer, your marriage is spoken out of heaven. You can't just marry
sister bright and brother sunshine.
Your marriage is supposed to an expression of a spoken word. Same way your life, your
ministry and all that concerns you! The devotion of angels is not to you! It’s to the
spoken word.
And this very well includes the written word in the scripture about homes and
marriages..And yes, the spoken word specific to your union and marriage
The Bible says they do the word of Gods command..Their loyalty is to what God has said.
That's why when you speak to angels to do something you speak to them what God has
Some marriages are ordained by God for some specific assignment. Some of them may
not involve bearing children. This may be a hard nut to chew. But do you think those
that don't have children are sinners and God doesn't love them..?
Some marriages are best in God's will without children. And yet they gave God what he
seeks in their union... Godly seed.! And yet some are brought together because God seek
children that will stand and speak with the enemies at the gate..
Can you pray in other tongues.. wherever you are...
We saw how an angel appeared to Manoah's family and told them that they will give
birth to Samson who will rise as a judge.
And the angel said.. no razor should touch his head and he shouldn’t drink wine..See
how angelic ministry defined the growth of the unborn child. If the parents do other
wise, they will be tampering with his purpose..Their is a way each child is to be raised if
he will start on time on the path of destiny...
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We saw how angelic ministry flooded the family of Abraham. Ishmael wanted to die of
thirst and on the account of Abraham's walk with God. An angel appeared and caused a
well to materialise..
The young boy got water and was fine.The angel even gave words about his future and
destiny to Hagar.
Do you also remember that it was on the account of entertaining strangers who are
angels that Abraham got the word that by this time next year, you will bear a son and
you will call his name Isaac.
So am angel need the son of Abraham.
Abraham on the account of his walk with God really understood angelic ministry. When
he sent his servant Eliezer of Damascus to get a wife for Isaac. You know what he did.
He pulled from his spiritual economy and said, the angel of the Lord that I serve will go
with you... And he will cause the young lady to come with you.
And it happened like that. Rebecca followed him and that was how Isaac got a wife..
Angelic ministry is for our home!!
We make our home conducive for angelic ministry by being firm believers of the word.
And by consciously acknowledging the ministry of angels in our families...We must allow
our home conducive for the holy spirit and the manifestation of his kingdom.
We must shut our homes from the things that invites demonic spirits. Unclean movies,
nude magazines, abusive words, division, grumblings, curses... And all. Rather we must
cultivate our home for peace joy, righteousness justice mercy love
We have to teach our children that angelic ministries are real. Don't tell them to run
from strangers, teach them how to discern spirits rather. Most times angels come
strangers when they come physically.Tell them angels are in the house..Practice sight
together.Tell them angels can appear to them their dreams..Teach them to be believers
in the supernatural!
Now this is it!
Every couple must learn to consciously submit their marriage under the Lordship of
Jesus. By doing that they are setting the atmosphere right for angelic ministry.
Remember the Bible says that the man is the head of the woman and the woman should
cover her head in other words honour her husband because of the angels. That means
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dishonour affects angelic ministry to you. Same thing for the man. Christ is his head. If
he doesn't go our Christ .. angels won't do their work as they should thy will be hindered
by your actions...
Where ever we are now, we can start, it's not too late...Let the ideal be that. This home
is for Jesus, and he must always feel at home in this home. This marriage exist, for the
kingdom and the pleasure of the King.
But I believe we are being blessed, right...?? We love you Jesus. You care so much for us.
Thank you for all you made available by your death and resurrection.
Right now, I decree angels go to work, gather all the money and give them abundance
for the wedding. Because their wedding will advance the kingdom and it's a kingdom
project and it's God's sponsored . I decree you lack nothing !
I am not praying as it were. I am teaching us how to pray in a way that we activate angelic
ministries in our families...
I am not praying..I am teaching us how to pray to get angels to work
Thank you Father.
We cannot end tomorrow sir until you have released everything to us. I suggest we
continue next week Thursday after tomorrow's class
Please concerning the naming of the children,when is it possible? Can someone receive
the names of her children even while she is still single?
And instruction on how to receive them. God is not restricted with time.
But we must learn how to keep secret. Remember the Bible says about Mary that she
kept the Info the angel told her and other things she got to know in her heart...
We know in part.
But God gives us part that we need enough for us to do good parenting as we trust him
for those details.
Either by hearing or seeing. Test idea is coming into the knowledge of it.
The Calling for the assignment that we have been called to do. Plays out in seasons over our
lives. It doesn't just happen once and for all. It plays out with time as we are faithful with the
much or little revealed per time.
Jesus said, many are called but few are chosen.
You begin to draw the attention of territorial princes when you begin to take up territorial
burdens. And in the same way you also draw the attention of principalities, they come against
you. Principalities are princes that seat on spiritual thrones that are sustained by spiritual and
Paul went to Ephesus to scatter occultic practice. And he came against the worship of Dianna
the goddess and many people turned to God. And he that later testified that I fought the beast
of Ephesus..
You begin to draw the attention of territorial princes when you begin to take up territorial
burdens. And in the same way you also draw the attention of principalities, they come against
you. Principalities are princes that seat on spiritual thrones that are sustained by spiritual
Daniel wouldn't have never met angel Michael and Gabriel of he didn't pick up the prayer
burden for Israel. And in fact Michael and Daniel got so close that the Bible calls angel Michael
the prince of Daniel.
Daniel 10:18-21 Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and
he strengthened me,
And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And
when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast
strengthened me.
Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the
prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.
But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth
with me in these things, but Michael your prince.
If you see in this place...
An angel came and said to Daniel I will show you the things in the scripture of truth. That means
angels can explain scripture to you and teach you about angels. Majority of the things that know
about angelic ministry, angels taught me.
One of the primary things they do, is to bring education and revelation of truth.
How can they call. Michael the prince of Daniel
The reason is this.
Daniel has rose to become a human prince of God on the earth. He became the gateway for
what God want to do in Israel at that time.
Basically, Michael was an angelic prince assigned over Isreal. But Daniel is the human prince of
Isreal at that time.
Daniel 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the
children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a
Why were you not killed? because God doesn't take pleasure in killing anybody...
Sir question, you talked about commissioning leading to greater spiritual authority are
you saying there are limits to what certain Believers can do spiritually because of
Livingstone, [26.10.19 21:19]
Yes there are limits to what certain believers can do. Here is what Paul said...
2 Corinthians 10:13-16 But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to
the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you.
For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we
are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of Christ:
Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labours; but having hope,
when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,
To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's line of things
made ready to our hand.
There are measures allotted to our commissioning. We know and stay within our measure.
Jesus went to a place to minister they don't believe him and he couldn't help them much.
Same thing with Paul too.
But if the person ask that you okay for them.
Please feel free to kick the devil's bombom.
Set the captives free by the reason of Truth and the anointing of the spirit!
Please sir, what is the exact difference between the role of the Holy Spirit and the role of angels
in a believers' life. For instance, when ministering healing, are there operations of healing done
by angels and those done by the Holy Spirit?
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They are the same team. And they work together.
Someone is sick, you release life to the person a son of God. And the person Gets healed.
I have not found where the scripture says and the holy spirit healed the person. Rather we see
the Bible says and the Apostles healed.. through the apostle miraculous signs were done. We
do the healing not the holy spirit. The same way we speak the tongues not the holy Spirit. But
angels can reach out to touch people and get them healed at your word.
Acts 10:1-7 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called
the Italian band,
A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people,
and prayed to God alway.
He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him,
and saying unto him, Cornelius.
And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy
prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.
And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:
He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side: he shall tell thee what thou
oughtest to do. And when the angel which spake unto Cornelius was departed, he called two of
his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually; ...
How beautiful will it be when we embrace angelic ministry even in our evangelism and