MLK Speech Analysis
MLK Speech Analysis
MLK Speech Analysis
The speech given by Martin Luther King is to convey the discrimination facing by
Negro people. It is to inform that Emancipa(on Proclama(on was signed to stop
the racial inequality, however, years passed but the white people’s discrimination
over Negro’s hasn’t stopped. This speech argues to obtain freedom and justice to
remove the racial inequality.
This speech is aimed on the people in the nation, who gathered at their nation’s
capital, ‘we've come to our na(on's capital’, the phrase ‘God's children’ was used to
emphasise that his speech wants to be delivered to everyone but not only the black
The speech was persuasive for people to come out of their boundary and take ac(on
, as evident in phrases like ‘Now is the (me to make jus(ce a reality’, ‘Now is the (me
to liC our na(on from the quicksands of racial injus(ce’. The speech delivered by him
was formaEed in way star(ng with the introduc(on by telling the history of his
country, ‘in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstra(on for freedom in
the history of our na(on’ then started persuading his people telling them to fight for
their jus(ce , ‘Now is the (me to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segrega(on
to the sunlit path of racial jus(ce’ and gave a conclusion to inspire his people, ‘as we
walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn