C-3 Flat Slab Design

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Reinforced Concrete Structures II

Lecture III Outline

 Types of Slabs
ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF  Flat Slab Definition
 Design Considerations
 Behavior of Flat Slabs
 Methods of Design
Abdulaziz Kassahun
 Moment Division - Example
 Detail of Reinforcements

Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle

Structural Engineering Chair

27 June 2012 EiT-M Page 2 Abdulaziz K.

Types of Slabs Two-Way Slabs

One way Slab Two way slab
The most frequently used.
Flexibility in terms of bay
Beams can be place on
an irregular column grid.
Ribbed slab Waffle Type
Slab is rectangular with
main rebar's in the short
direction, and
temperature steel in the
long direction.

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Waffle Slab Floor System Flat Slab
High gravity loads (e.g., industrial buildings) What is a flat slab?
High stiffness leads to small displacements  A reinforced concrete slab supported directly by
concrete columns without the use of beams
Expensive because formwork costs are high
 These slabs may be of uniform thickness
throughout or a portion of it, symmetrical about
the column, may be thicker than the rest of the
slab (called “drop panel”) and the supporting
column may be increased in size near the top
to form a “column head” or “column capital”

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Flat slab Types of Slab System

Flat plate floor system
 Simplest deck system
 Effective for short spans and
light loads (e.g., apartment
 Flexibility for partition placement
and mechanical system layout
 Economical because formwork
costs are low
Problems: punching shear.

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Flat Slab Floor System Uses of column Capital
Similar to the flat plate, a Increase shear strength of slab
shearhead (capital or drop
Reduce the moment in the slab by reducing
panel) is added for the clear or effective span
punching shear
Higher gravity loads than Uses of drop panels
flat plates (e.g., office Increase shear strength of slab
buildings) Stiffen the slab and hence reduce deflection
Most effective with square Increase negative moment capacity of slab
or nearly square column
EiT-M Page 9 Abdulaziz K. EiT-M Page 10 Abdulaziz

The advantages of flat slab floor over the Design Considerations

beam slab floor
 Wall and Column Position
 Simplified form work  Locate position of wall to maximize the structural stiffness for
 Reduced story height lateral loads

 Windows can extend up to the underside of the slab.  Deflection Check

 In general, under full service load, δ < L/250 or 40mm whichever is
 No obstruction of light and circulation of air due to beams. smaller
 Flexible for constriction partition walls than slabs with  Punching Shear

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Behavior of Flat Slabs A column strip
 A probable width of slab acting as “beam” between columns  is a design strip which serves the purpose of a beam spanning
between columns and deflects as continuous beam and it has a width
 Slab bands: are beams having the same depth as slabs but with greater on each side of a column centerline equal to 0.25Lx or if drops with
reinforcement. dimensions not less than LX/3 are used, a width equal to the drop
 The slab have been divided into Column Strip and Middle Strips dimension
Middle strip
 is a design strip bounded by two column strips
Drop panels
 are rectangular (may be square) or circular and influence the
distribution of moments with in the slab
 The smaller dimension of the drop is LX//3
 The drop may be 25 to 50% more thicker than the rest of the slab i.e.
(td =1.25 ts to 1.5 ts )

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Slab Without Drops Slab With Drops

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Statical Moment Mo The effective dimension of a head Lh
 Based on static principle of analysis, the total statically  Lh shall be taken as the lesser of the actual dimension
moment M0 obtained as the sum of the maximum positive Lho or Lh,max
design moment and the average of the negative design Lh,max = Lc + 2dh
moments in any one span on the slab is given by:
wL2 2h
Mo  [ L1  c ]2
8 3
Where, w - distributed load on slab (Design load)
L1 - length of slab in the direction of moment measured b/n centers of columns.
L2 – width of slab measured between centers of columns.
hc – effective diameter of column or column head.
It is the diameter of a circle whose area equals the x-sectional area of the column, or if column
heads are used, effective diameter of column head given as
hc < Lx/4 , where Lx - shorter span of slab

EiT-M Page 17 Abdulaziz K. EiT-M Page 18 Abdulaziz K.

Methods of Design Finite element analysis

 Based upon the division of complicated structures into
Finite element analysis smaller and simpler pieces (elements)
whose behavior can be formulated
Simplified method
 E.g of software includes SAFE, ADAPT, etc
Equivalent frame method  Result includes
 Moment and Shear envelopes
 Contour of structural deformation

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Finite element analysis Finite element analysis

Finite element analysis The Simplified Direct Method

 There should be a minimum of three continuous spans in each
 Panels should be rectangular and the ratio of the longer span to
shorter span should not be greater than 2.0
 Successive span length in each direction shall not differ by more
than one - third of the longer span.
 Maximum offsets of columns form either axis between centerlines of
successive columns should not exceed 10% of the span in the
direction of the offset.
 All loads should be vertical and uniformly distributed over the entire
area. The design live load should not exceed two times the design
dead load.
 Design is based on single load case of all spans loaded with
maximum design ultimate load.

EiT-M Page 24 Abdulaziz K.

The Simplified Direct Method The Equivalent Frame Method
 The simplified direct method is applied to non-sway - The bending moments and shear forces may be
structures and the design moments and shear forces are determined by dividing the structure longitudinally and
obtained from coefficients given in the tables
transversely into frames consisting of column and strips of
- The frames of slab used to define the effective stiffness of
the slab. The following provisions may be applied in the
absence of more accurate method
 For vertical loading assume full width of panel between columns for
frame analysis.
 For lateral loading, as a frame of half width of panel

- Ratio of LL/DL < 1.25
- LL ≤ 5 kN/m2

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The Equivalent Frame Method The Equivalent Frame Method

9 10 10 9.2 0.8


9 10 10.6 10.5 0.8


Plan of floor slab Step 1 : define line of Step 2 : define design strips in
support in X & Y directions X & Y directions

EiT-M Page 27 Abdulaziz K. EiT-M Page 28 Abdulaziz K.

Analysis of flat slab


6000 6000 6000 6000 6000


Layout of building


A floor slab in a building where stability is provided by shear walls

in one direction (N-S). The slab is without drops and is supported
internally and on the external long sides by square columns . The
imposed loading on the floor is 5 KN/m2 and an allowance of
2.5KN/m2 for finishes, etc. fcu = 40 KN/m2, fy = 460KN/m2
EiT-M Page 29 Abdulaziz K.

Analysis of flat slab Analysis of flat slab


6000 6000
6000 6000 6000 6000 200 200
35 35
1250 3500 2500
5000 200 200
2500 3500 2500

2750 Column strip

exterior support = 0.75*35 on 2.5m strip = 10.5Knm
4000 3000 3000 centre of 1st span = 0.55*200 on 2.5 strip = 44KNm
3000 3000 1st interior support = 0.75*200 on 3m strip = 50KNm
centre of interior span = 0.55 *369 on 3m strip = 67.7KNm
3500 2500 Middle strip
3500 2500 exterior support = 0.25*35 on 2.5m strip = 3.5KNm
centre of 1st span = 0.45*200 on 2.5 strip = 36KNm
1st interior support = 0.25*200 on 3m strip = 16.7KNm
Division of panels into strips in x and y direction centre of interior span = 0.45 *369 on 3m strip = 55.4KNm
Shear in Flat Slab
 In flat slab it is not convenient to provide stirrups for flat slabs, thus
the thickness of the concrete section must be adequate to resist
the shear force.

Two types of shear actions are considered:

1. Beam type shear (Diagonal tension):
 Critical section is considered at a distance ‘d’ from the face of the
column or capital
2. Punching shear:
 Is characterized by the formation of a truncated punching cone or
pyramid around a concentrated loads or reactions such as
columns - critical section is considered perpendicular to the plane
of the slab at a distance of ‘d’/2 from the periphery of the support.

Flat slab reinforcement under construction

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Detail of Reinforcements
(2/3) rd of the amount of
reinforcement required to Column Strip
resist the negative design Half Column strip
moment in the column strip.
This concentration of 1/6 Ast 2/3 Ast 1/6 Ast
reinforcement over the
column will increase the
capacity of the slab for
transfer of moment to the
column for flexure

Flat slab reinforcement under construction

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The End

EiT-M Page 37 Abdulaziz K.

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