Herbal-Materia-Medica Exhibit April 2013
Herbal-Materia-Medica Exhibit April 2013
Herbal-Materia-Medica Exhibit April 2013
Special Collections
Among the holdings of the Galter Health Sciences Library
Special Collections are many rare and curious volumes on the
subject of materia medica.
The herbal depicts 131 plants with instructions for their use
in medicines. This was the first printed work on plants having
numerous illustrations and is generally termed the first
printed illustrated herbal.
The history of the work has been lost with the passage of
time, leading to endless speculation on the identity of the
De Historia Plantarum…
Amstelsdami : Apud Henricum
Laurentium, 1644.
Blackwell, a Scot,
achieved fame as
a botanical
illustrator, as both
artist and
engraver for the
plates of
A Curious Herbal,
published between Illustration on preliminary page granting
1737 and 1739. The Blackwell permission to publisher her work
book illustrated by the Royal College of Physicians, July 1727
many odd-looking and unknown plants from the New
World, and was designed as a reference work on medicinal
plants for the use of physicians and apothecaries.
Rembert Dodoens (1517-1585)
A beautifully illustrated
prototype history of plants
based on a selection of
species cultivated at the
Royal Garden in Paris,
which Reneaulme described
using a nomenclature of his
own invention derived from
Greek rather than Latin.