PrEd 152 LT 4.1

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Department of Teacher Education

VSU-Isabel, Isabel, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Cel no.: 0919 085 2484
Email: [email protected]

PrEd 152: Technology for Teaching and Learning II

1st Semester, AY 2024-2025

Name: ________________________ Degree & Year: _______ Major: ________

Schedule: ______________________ Date: _______________ Score: ________

Learning Task No.: 4.1

Productivity Software Applications for Teaching and Learning

Discovering Word Processing

What are some common writing projects or assignments that you must do? What tools and materials
do you use to write them? Pencils, pens, and typewriters are
tools that help us write. Another tool that can help us is a
computer with word processing software. Word processing
software allows us to make fast and easy changes to the way
our words look as well as helps us to add pictures and even
create Web pages.

Plan It
Create an assessment handout that is based on
the content you teach your students

Do It
1. Start the word processing software, and open a
new, blank document.
2. At the top of the page, type an appropriate title for the
assessment handout.
3. Change the font, size, style, and color of the new title.
You might also want to change the left/right position, or
alignment, of the title on the line.
4. Press the Enter key twice to move the cursor down two
lines. If needed, change the alignment so the cursor is positioned on the left side of the page.
Then, type a multiple-choice question that you decided on during the planning stage.
5. Move the cursor down two lines. Then, type a true/false question.
6. Two lines down, type a fill-in-the-blank question. To create a blank line, hold down the Shift key
and press the Dash key as many times as needed.
7. Move the cursor down two more lines and then type a short answer question.
8. Highlight the four questions, and change the font and size of the text. Then, turn the four questions
into a numbered list. (Note: If the blank lines are also numbered, simply position the cursor on the
blank lines and press the Backspace key to delete the number. Be sure to keep the blank lines.
The numbering should automatically adjust accordingly.)
9. Position the cursor on the empty line below the first numbered question. Since this is the multiple-
choice question, type the first possible answer choice that you decided on during the planning
stage. (Note: If you are using Writer, press the Tab key before typing your
answers.) Press the Enter key and type the next answer choice. Continue in this manner until all
answer choices are added. Make sure each answer choice is on its own line. When you are
finished with the list of answers, press the Enter key again.

Department of Teacher Education
VSU-Isabel, Isabel, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Cel no.: 0919 085 2484
Email: [email protected]

Challenge: If you want to change the left/right position of the items in the
numbered or lettered lists, select the lines and drag the first line indent and
left tab markers on the ruler.

10. Highlight all of the answers for the multiple-choice question. Then, turn the answers into a
numbered list. This time, use letters instead of numbers at the beginning of each list item.
11. The second numbered item in the list will be a true/false question. Position the cursor on the line
below the second numbered item in the list. (Note: If a number appears on this line, simply delete
it.) Make sure you have access to the feature in the word processing document that allows you
to create a form.
12. Add a check box form field. Then, press the Spacebar key and type “True”. On the line below, add
a second check box form field. Press the Spacebar key and type “False”. (Note: If a number
appears on this line, simply delete it.) (For help, refer to Word Processing Skill 10.10: To create a
13. Since the third question (fill-in-the-blank) is complete, go to question four. This question requires
students to write their own short answer. Position the cursor on the empty line below the fourth
numbered list item. Press the Enter key to add another blank line. (Note: If a number appears on
this line, simply delete it.) Then add a custom border to the bottom of the paragraph. (For help,
refer to Word Processing Skill 4.8: To add a border around words or paragraphs.)
14. Position the cursor down two more empty lines, and add another custom border to the bottom of
the paragraph. Repeat this step one more time to add a third line.
15. Now, add lines where students can write their name and the date. Go to the document header and
type “Name:”. Change the look of the text. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 6.16: To add
repeated information at the top and bottom of your pages, or to add headers and footers.)
16. Make sure the ruler is displayed at the top of the page. Find the center point on the ruler and set
a tab if one is not create by default. Set the tab’s leader option to create an underline when you
press the Tab key. After the tab is set, make sure the cursor is positioned after the word Name,
and then press the Tab key on the keyboard. (For help, see Word Processing Skill 4.4: To set and
use a tab to space your words from left to right.)
17. Press the Spacebar and then type “Date:”.
18. Find the far right point on the ruler and set a tab if one is not created by default. Set the leader
option to create an underline when you press the Tab key. After the tab is set, press the Tab key
on the keyboard.

Challenge: If your assessment handout flows onto two pages, you might
want to add a page number in the document’s footer.

19. Use the skills that you just learned to add more questions to the assessment handout. For
example, you might copy and paste the question and answer choices for item number one to add
another multiple-choice question. You might also copy and paste item number two to add another
true/false question. Replace the text with other questions that you decided on during the planning
20. If needed, use the forms feature to remove the gray shading from the check boxes. Then, protect
the form.
21. Save your work as directed.

Department of Teacher Education
VSU-Isabel, Isabel, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Cel no.: 0919 085 2484
Email: [email protected]

Review It
Look over your assessment handout. Make sure it has the following elements:
• Lines at the top of the page where students can write their name and the date
• An appropriate title
• A numbered list of various types of assessment questions including multiple choice,
true or false, fill in the blank, and short answer
If any elements are missing, add them to the assessment handout now. You should
also make other desired changes. Remember to save your work when you are finished.
Applying Multimedia
What are some ways people communicating with one another? When might you use words to explain
something, and when might you use pictures to explain something else? Multimedia software lets you create
presentations with words, pictures, sounds, and videos. Multimedia presentations can be used to share
information as well as entertain.

Plan It
Create a curriculum preview presentation to inform students and parents of the content you will
be teaching in the year ahead

Do It
1. Start the multimedia software, and open a new, blank presentation.
2. Insert a Title slide. If necessary, switch to Normal View.
3. Click the title text box at the top of the slide. Type the name of your school. Change the font, size,
color, and style of the text.
4. Click the subtitle text box at the bottom of the slide. Type your name, your room or grade number, and
the beginning and end dates for the school year. Change the font, size, color, and style of the text.

Department of Teacher Education
VSU-Isabel, Isabel, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Cel no.: 0919 085 2484
Email: [email protected]

Challenge: Add a border to the title slide by drawing a large rectangle.

Remove the fill color so you can see the text. Then, pick the desired line
width and color.

5. Insert a new slide with space for a title, text, and clip art.
6. Click the title text box at the top of the slide. Type the name of the first content area or subject that
you decided to include during planning. Then, change the font, size, style, and color of the text. To
create a consistent visual look, this text should look similar to the presentation title on the first slide.
7. Click the text box in the bottom corner of the slide. Replace the text with a bulleted list of content area
topics that you might teach in the year ahead. Change the look of the text.
8. Click, or double-click if necessary, the picture box in the opposite bottom corner of the slide. Insert a
clip art picture that is related to the content area or one of the listed topics. Resize the picture if
9. Insert a duplicate slide. Then, repeat Steps 6–8 to complete a slide with the second content area as
the title, a list of topics to teach, and a related picture.
10. Insert another duplicate slide. Then, repeat Steps 6–8 to complete a slide with the third content area
as the title, a list of topics, and an appropriate picture.
11. Insert a Title Only slide. In the title text box, type one or two sentences that summarize and conclude
the presentation.
12. Now you are ready to add some final touches that will make your presentation more interesting.
Return to Slide 1, and fill the slide background with color. Be sure to apply the same color to all the
slides so the same color will appear in the background of all slides in the presentation. (For help, refer
to Multimedia Skill 4.3: To change a slide’s background color.)
13. To help the presentation flow smoothly from one slide to the next, add transitions between all of the
slides. To create a consistent visual look, consider applying the same transition to all slides.
Challenge: After you add transitions to your slides, go back and insert
music or sound effects.

14. To add a sound or music file saved on your computer.) (Note: An icon for either a sound file or a
music file will appear in your slide.) Play your presentation to make sure everything works correctly.
Make any necessary changes.
15. Save your work as directed

Review It
Look over your curriculum preview presentation. Make sure it has the following elements:
• A title slide with your school’s name, your name, information about the grade and
classroom you teach in, and the dates of the school year that the presentation covers
• Slides for three classroom subjects that you plan to teach, in which each slide includes
the name of the classroom subject or content areas, a list of three specific topics or skills,
and a related picture
• A final slide with information that summarizes and concludes the presentation
• The same background fill color on all slides, and transitions that play
between slide.
If any elements are missing, add them to the curriculum preview presentation now. You should also make
other desired changes. Remember to save your work when you are finished.


Department of Teacher Education
VSU-Isabel, Isabel, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Cel no.: 0919 085 2484
Email: [email protected]

Applying Spreadsheet Skills

Many teachers keep track of their students’ grades in a grade book. Typically, teachers record the
scores for different assignments and then use a calculator to calculate students’ grades in a class or subject
area. How might you be able to use a computer to make this process easier?

Plan It
Create a spreadsheet grade book based on the assignments and grading practices used in your
classroom. Look at the following example:

Do It
1. Start the spreadsheet software, and open a new, blank worksheet.
2. Rename Sheet 1 with the name of the school subject you selected.
3. In cell A1, type a title for the worksheet. Change the look of the title.
4. Now you will add the column headings to your worksheet. Type “Last Name” in cell A3 and “First
Name” in cell B3. Then in cells C3 through F3 type information that identifies four of the five
assessments and/or assignments that you want to include in the grade book. Lastly, type “Total
Score” and “Average Score” in cells G3 and H3.

Challenge: Consider rotating the column headings in cells C3 through H3

so they are placed at an angle. Then, add borders around the column
heading cells.
5. Change the look of the headings in row 3.
6. Change the width of columns B through H to fit the information. If your columns are still too wide,
change the text wrapping so the information fits on two lines.
7. In cells A4 through A9, type the last names of the five students. Then I cell B4 through B9, type the
students’ first names. Change the colum width if needed.
8. Type the scores for each assessment or assignment in the four cells to the right of each student’s
9. In cell G4, insert a Sum function that will calculate the first student’s total score. Then, fill the Sum
function into the four cells below.
10. In cell H4, insert an Average function that will calculate the first student’s average score. Make sure
the cell range includes only the cells with assignment scores (cells C4 through F4) and not the total
score (cell G4).
11. Fill the Average function into the four cells below cell H4.
12. Change the average scores so they all have two decimal places. Change the column width as needed.
13. To make sure the grade book will work as it should when new grade scores are added later, insert a
column between columns F and G.
14. In cell G3, type the name of the fifth assessment or assignment. Then, type the grade scores that
each of the five students received on the fifth assignment. Notice that each student’s total score and
average score changes automatically when new information is added.

Department of Teacher Education
VSU-Isabel, Isabel, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Cel no.: 0919 085 2484
Email: [email protected]

15. Use the students’ last names in column A to put rows 4 through 8 in alphabetical or ascending order.
(For help, see Spreadsheet Skill 6.7: To sort or change the order of rows based on certain information.)
16. Add borders around the worksheet cells. (For help, see Spreadsheet Skill
To add borders to cells, rows, columns, and worksheets.)
Challenge: You might want to make another grade book worksheet for
a second school subject. To do this, duplicate the worksheet you just created
and give it a new name. Then, change the worksheet title, and put in new
assessment or assignment scores for the students. You should also rename
the worksheet’s tab.
17. Delete any unused worksheets.
18. Save your work as directed.

Review It
Look over your grade book worksheet. Make sure it has the following elements:
• A title that explains the type of information in the worksheet
• The names of five students sorted in alphabetical order
• Formulas that calculate each student’s total score and average score
• New names on all used worksheets, with all unused worksheets deleted
If any elements are missing, add them to the worksheet now. You should also make other
desired changes. Remember to save your work when you are finished.


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