Lesotho Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Order No. 13 of 1970

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13 OF 1970

The Medical , Dental and Pharmacy Order 1970


To provide for a medical, Dental and Pharmacy Council; the keeping and sale of poisons
and other related matters. [Date of Commencement: see Sec.1]

Made by the Council of Ministers

1. This Order may be cited as the Medical, Dental and Pharmacy ---Short title and

Order 1970, and shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the Minister in the Gazette,
provided that different dates may be fixed for the coming into operation of different sections.

2. In the Order, unless the context otherwise indicates -----Interpretation

“Council” means the medical, Dental and Pharmacy Council of Lesotho;

“dental surgeon” means a person registered as such under this Order;

“medical practitioner” means a person registered as such under this Order;

“Minister “means the Minister for the time being responsible for Health;

“paramedical personnel” means persons registered as such under this Order;

“pharmacist” means a person registered as such under this Order;

“practice” shall mean and include doing or performing whether for gain or otherwise, of such
acts as specially belong to the calling of a medical practitioner, intern, dental surgeon or

“register” means, when used as a noun, a register kept in accordance with the provisions of this
Order, and when used in relation to any class or member of any class of persons in respect of
which a register is kept ,means the register kept for that class, and when used as a verb mean to
enter in such register; and the words “registered”, ”registrable”, ”registration” and all other
words formed with or derived from the word “register” shall have a corresponding meaning;

“this Order” includes any regulation, rule or order made under this Order.


Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Council

3. (1) There shall be established for ----Establishment of a medical, dental and
pharmacy council

Lesotho a council under

Name of the Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Council of Lesotho, whose constitution and
functions shall be as in this Order provided.

(2) The Council shall be a corporate body and shall, under the said name, be capable of suing and
being sued and, subject to the pro.

He is incapacitated by physical or medical illness; or as an elected member, has notified his

resignation in writing to the Council or as an appointed member, has given note in writing to the
Minister has accepted his resignation.

(3) Every such vacancy and every vacancy caused by death of a member shall be filled in the
following manner—

a)in the case of an elected member, the vacancy shall be filled by election; provided that, if the
remainder of the period for which the member whose office has been vacated would otherwise
have held office is less than six months, it shall not be necessary to hold an election and the
council may, if it deems fit, co-opta person to fill the vacancy;

b)in the case of an appointed member the Minister shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy; and
in each case the person so elected ,co-opted- or appointed shall belong to the same procession as
the member whose place he fills and shall hold office for the remainder of the period for which
that member would otherwise have held office.

(3) If any member of the Council is granted leave of absence by the Council, his place may either
be left vacant or the Council may co-opt a person to fill the vacancy during his absence as the
Council in its discretion may determine and any person so co-opted shall belong to the same
profession as the member whose place be fills.

(4) The council may exercise its powers not withstanding any vacancy in the number of its

5. (1) At the first meeting of the Council in each three-year ----president and vice-

Period the members of the Council shall elect from among themselves a president and a vice-
president who shall hold office during that three-year, unless either of them sooner resigns or
ceases to be a member, and the vice-president, if the president is absent or unable to act, exercise
all the functions of the president.

(2) If the president or vice-president vacated office a new president or a new vice-president shall
be elected as the next meeting or as soon thereafter as may be convenient.
(3) A president or vice-president may vacate his office a new president or vice-president without
such vacation terminating his membership of the Council.

(4) A president or vice-president shall, not withstanding that his period of membership has
expired, continue to hold office as president or vice-president until his successor has been

6. (1) Meetings of the Council shall be held twice a year and ---- meetings and procedures

Special meetings may be convened by the president and shall be convened by him if not less than
four members of the Council sign a request in writing for such special meeting and such written
request clearly states the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened.

(2)At all meetings of the Council the president, or in his absence the vice-president, shall
preside; in the absence of both the president and the vice-president the members present may
elect one of their number to preside.

(3) In the registers shall be entered the names, addresses, qualifications dates of the first
registration thereof and any other particulars relating to registered persons as the Council may
time to time prescribe.

7. (1) Except as provided in this section no person shall be ---Non-Residents

Registered who does not at the time of his application for registration reside in Lesotho.

(2) If an applicant for registration does not at the time of his application reside in Lesotho but in
good faith intends, if his application is granted, to take up residence therein, his application may
be granted on condition that he takes up residence in Lesotho within six months from the date of
his application or such other reasonable time as the Council may determine;

Provided that in the event of such conditions not being fulfilled within the prescribed period,
such registration shall lapse.

(3) A medical Practitioner, dental surgeon or pharmacist who does not intend to reside
permanently in Lesotho but who enters Lesotho for employment, either in the capacity of locum
tenes or for a salary or for purposes of private practice, may be granted registration in a separate
register, for such period and on such conditions as the Council may determine.

8. (1) Every person who wishes to be registered shall apply in ---- Procedure for registration

Writing to the register and shall submit-

a. The certificate of his degree, diploma or other certificate on which he relies as a

qualification for registration;
b. Such evidence of identity, of good character, reputation and of the authenticity and
validity of the degree, diploma, or certificate submitted as the Council may require.
(2) The Council or the executive committee of the Council may require any statement in or in
connexion with an application to be supported by solemn declaration.

(3) If the register is not satisfied that the degree, diploma or certificate and the facts or
documents submitted in support of the application are in accordance with the requirements of
this Order he shall submit the application to the Council or the executive committee of the
council, whichever meets the sooner, for decision.

(4) The council or the executive committee of the Council, as the case may be, may refuse
registration if in its opinion the applicant, notwithstanding that he is otherwise qualified, is
not a fit person to be registered by reason of the fact that he is not of good character and
reputation or has not an adequate knowledge of the Sesotho or English language.

(5) If the registrar is satisfied that the degree, diploma or certificate and the facts or
documents submitted in support of the application are in accordance with the requirements of
this Order, he shall, upon payment by the applicant and issue to him a certificate that he is
registered in the register applicable to him.

(6)The Council may erase from a register any entry which is proved to have been made in
error or though fraudulent representations or conceal of a material fact:

Provision that, whenever practicable, the person whose name it is proposed to erase from the
register shall be given an opportunity to show why his name shall not be erased there from.

(7) Whenever an erasure in respect of any person is made from a register in terms of this
section, the reasons thereof shall be noted in that register and such person shall, whenever
practicable, be notified accordingly. Any certificate issued in respect of any such registration
shall be deemed to have been cancelled as from the date of the erasure:

Provided that nothing in this section contained shall bar any person from making a new
application for registration

9. (1) Any who is aggrieved by ---Appeal to high


a)the refusal of the Council or the executive committee of the Council, hereinafter in this
section referred to as the registering authority, to register him or any degree, diploma,
certificate or particular which he wishes to be registered in terms of this Order; or

b) the erasure from a register of his name or of any degree, diploma, certificate or particular
which he maintains he is entitled under this order to have enrolled upon that register; may,
after notice to the registering authority and within three months after the date on which notice
is given to him by the registrar of such refusal or erasure, make application in the manner
provided by rules of court to the High Court against such refusal or erasure.
(2) The High Court may dismiss such application, or if it is of opinion that the registering
authority has not acted in accordance with the provisions of this order, may make an order
for the enrolment on the register of the applicant’s name or of any particulars as aforesaid, or
may remit the matter to the registering authority for further consideration and may make such
other order as to costs or otherwise as may to it seem just. In any case in which the
registering authority has refused to register an applicant on the ground that in the opinion of
the registering authority he is not a fit person to registered by reason of his character or
reputation or the inadequacy of his knowledge of either the Sesotho or the English language,
the High Court may, it thinks fit, notwithstanding the opinion of the registering authority,
make an order for the registration of the applicant.

10. Any person who----

a) procures or attempts to procure for himself or ---Offences in regard to


any other person registration under this order or any certificate referred to in this Order by
means of false representation whether verbally or in writing, or aids or abets any person in
doing so:

c. Makes or cause to be made any unauthorized entry or alteration or erasure in a register or

certified copy thereof all surgery, or uses the name of dental surgeon ,dentist or any name
,title, description or symbol indicating or calculated to lead persons to infer that he
possesses a degree, diploma or other qualification as a dental surgeon or dentist, or that
he is registered as a dental surgeon or entitles to practice dental surgery under this Order;

d. Advertise in any manner, or by means whatsoever gives advice in dentistry or dental

surgery on in any act specially pertaining to the practice of dental surgery, shall be guilty
of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred rands or to imprisonment not
exceeding twelve months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

11. (1) save as is provided in subsection (2), no person shall ----Restriction use of

Take or use the title of pharmacist, chemist and druggist, pharmaceutical chemist, druggist or
pharmaceutics or take or use in connexion with the sale of goods, whether by wholesale or
retail, the title of pharmacist unless the appropriate condition mentioned hereunder is
complied with---

a. In the case of an individual, he must himself be registered as a pharmacist;

b. In the case of a body corporate, that body must be incorporated under the laws of Lesotho
and the majority of the members of the board must be individually registered as
c. In the case of a partnership, the majority of the partners must be individually registered as

(2) No person shall use in connexion with any business any title, emblem or description
reasonably calculated to suggest that he or anyone employed in the business possesses any
qualification with reference to the selling , dispensing or compounding of medicines or poisons
other than the qualification which he in fact possesses. For the purpose of this subsection the use
of the description ‘pharmacy’ in connexion with a business carried on in any premises shall be
deemed to be reasonably calculated to suggest that the owner of the business and the person
having control of the business on those premises are pharmacists.

12. (1) For the purposes of this Order there shall be a --- Constitution of disciplinary

disciplinary committee of the Council ,all of who shall be members of the Council and the
membership of which shall be variable in accordance with the provisions of this section and
which shall consist of not less than three and not more five members.

(2) The president shall be a permanent member of the disciplinary committee and shall in his
discretion appoint the other members on an ad hoc basis save that—

a) in any enquiry into the conduct or condition of a medical practitioner, the member
appointed shall be members of the Council who are medical practitioners;

b) in any enquiry into the conduct or condition of a dental surgeon, the members appointed
shall be members of the Council who are dental surgeons;

c) in any enquiry into the conduct or condition of a pharmacist, the members appointed shall
be members of Council who are pharmacists; and

shall be, as nearly as practicable ,in the form prescribed by the Council and shall be signed
by the president or the registrar and shall be served either by registered letter sent tough the
post or in the same manner as it would be served if it were a subpoena issued by a
magistrate’s court in criminal proceeding.

(3) Every person summoned a s aforesaid shall be found to obey the summons served on him
and any person who refuses or fails without sufficient cause to attend and give evidence
relevant to the enquiry at the time and place specified in the summons, or who refuses to be
sworn when called upon to do so by the president, or to produce any book, record, document
or thing which he has been required by summons to produce, shall be guilty of an offence
and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty rands or to imprisonment not exceeding
three months or to both such fine imprisonment;

Provided that every person so summon shall be entitled to all the privileges to which a
witness subpoenaed to give evidence before the High Court is entitled.
(5) Every witness attends before the disciplinary committee and refuses to answer fully and
satisfactory to the best of his knowledge and belief any question lawfully put to him shall be
guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding fifty rands or to imprisonment to
exceeding three months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(6) Any person who gives false evidence on oath at any enquiry, knowing such evidence to
be false or not knowing or believing it to be true, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on
conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred rands or to imprisonment for a period not
exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.

13. (1) Every registered person who, either before or --- Disciplinary powers on

after registration, has been convicted of any offence by a court of law shall be liable to be
dealt with by the disciplinary committee in accordance with this part if the disciplinary
committee is of opinion that such offence constitutes improper or disgraceful conduct, or
conduct which, when regard is had to such person’s profession or calling is improper or
disgraceful and in every such case the disciplinary committee may, if it thinks fit, on proof
before it of such conviction and without hearing further evidence, deal with such person in
accordance with this part:

provided that such person shall be afforded an opportunity of tendering an explanation to the
disciplinary committee in extenuation of his conduct.

(2) Whenever in the course of any proceedings before any court of law it appears to the court
that there is prime facie evidence of improper or disgraceful conduct on the part of the
registered person, or conduct which, when regard is had to such person’s profession or
calling, is improper or disgraceful, the court shall direct that a copy of the record in such
proceedings or such portion thereof as is material to the issue,be transmitted to the register.

14. if any registered person has counseled ---Accessories to offences by unregistered


or knowingly been a party to the performance of any act in respect of which any
unregistered person has been convicted of an offence, his conduct shall for the purpose of
this part be improper or disgraced conduct

Any person who is aggrieved by this ,imposed by the disciplinary committed under this
section may, within three months after the date of such finding or the imposition of such
penalty, appeal to the High Court in manner provided by rules of court against such finding
or penalty. The High Court m aside any such finding or penalty or may remit the matter to
the disciplinary confirm, vary or set aside any such finding or penalty or may remit the
matter to the disciplinary committee for further consideration and may make such other order
as to costs or otherwise as army to it seem just:
Provided that a finding shall not be set aside by reason only of any informality in the
proceedings of the disciplinary committees which did not embarrass or prejudice the
appellant in answering the charge or in the conduct of his defense?

15. (1) The Council may apply to the ---Application for removal of name from

High Court for the removal of a registered person’s name from the register.

(2) On any such application the High Court may dismiss the application or may—

a) order that the person’s name be removed from the register; or

b) order him to pay to the Council such penalty as the High Court may think fit; or

c) censure him;

and may make such other order as to costs or otherwise as army to it seem just. In any order for
the removal of a name from the register the High Court may order that the Council shall not
consider any application for the restoration of that name to the register before the expiry of any
period which it may fix or until the Council is satisfied that the conditions imposed by the High
Court have been fulfilled.

16. The Minister may, after ---Regulations regarding conduct,

therapeutic sub stances, ect

considering any recommendation of the Council, make regulations-

a. Defining what in the case of any class or registered persons, shall constitute improper or
disgraceful conduct: provided that nor regulations made hereunder shall be deemed to
limit the general power conferred on the disciplinary committee and the High Court
under this part to enquire into allegations of improper or disgraceful conduct not covered
by such regulations and to penalize any person guilty of such conduct;
b. Regarding the manner in which complaints or charges against a registered person may be
c. Regarding any other matters incidental to the investigation of, and enquiry into,
complaints and charges;
d. Prescribing a code of ethics;
e. Regarding the conditions upon which paramedical personnel may carry on their
respective callings;
f. Regarding registration and other fees payable by persons registrable or registered under
the provisions of this Order; and
g. Generally in regard to any other matter in respect of which

i)prescribing standards of accuracy;

ii)providing for inspection, sampling examination and testing;

iii)prescribing the fees payable and the certificates issuable and the methods of marking or
labeling in respect of examination and testing;

iv)prescribing the certificates of testing and accordance which may be accepted in lieu of
examinination and testing under the regulations;

v)prohibiting the importation into, or the manufacture, sale or use within Lesotho; and providing
for the seizure and destruction or requiring re-export fro Lesotho of, any such article or apparatus
which is not in accordance with the standard prescribed, or in respect of which any requirement
of the regulations has been complied with;

h) prescribing the manner of marking or labeling of any substance or of the container of any
substance the name where of is mentioned in the British Pharmacopoeia,or other standard laid
down in such formularies for that substance.

17. in any criminal proceedings against any person upon a ---Burden of proof

Charge of having performed any act which constitutes an offence under this Order if performed
by a person who is not registered, the person charged shall be deemed to be unregistered unless
he proves the contrary.

18. (1) The Minister may, after consultation with Council, make regulations---

a) as to the registration of blood donor services;

b)prohibiting the operation of blood donor services which are not registered.

c) prohibiting the operation the conditions under which blood donor services shall be operated;

d)providing for the inspection by authorized persons of premises, technical equipment and
methods of procuring blood used by blood donor service where any has in connexion with the
operation of that service contravened or failed to comply with the provisions of any regulation
made under this section.

(2) regulations made under subsection (1) may prescribe penalties for any contravention thereof
or failure to comply therewith, not exceeding a fine of one hundred rands.

19. (1) The following formularies shall be the formularies ---Official formularies to be
According t which all medicines mentioned therein shall be prepared unless otherwise directed in
writing by a medical practitioner, dental surgeon or veterinary surgeon on whose prescription
any medicine is prepared—

a. The British Pharmacopoeia and addenda thereof;

b. The British Parmaceutical Codex; and addenda thereto;
c. The Extra Phamacopoeia (Martindale) ,Volumes I and II;
d. The United States Pharmacopoeia and addenda thereof;

Order specifies a quality of the poison in terms of the imperial system and the quality sold,
issued or supplied is the equivalent of that amount in the metric system, and the equality of a
poison in the metric system which is the equivalent of a particular quantity in the imperial system
shall be deemed to be that set out as such in the Table of Equivalent contained in the British
Pharmacopoeia 1968.

20. (1) It shall not be lawful for any Licensed General Dealer ---Restriction of sales by

Or Co-operatives Society registered under the law relating to Co-operative Societies to sell
poisons unless authorized thereof by the Permanent Secretary for health by a certificate issued
under his hand. Application for such certificate shall be made in the form prescribed in the
seventh schedule to this Order.

(2) The permanent Secretary for Health shall maintain a record of all such certificates issued by
him in the form prescribed in the seventh schedule to this Order.

21. (1) The substances mentioned or included in part I of the first schedule to this Order may be
sold with or without a prescription and only by an authorized seller of poisons.

(2) The substances mentioned or included in part II of the fist schedule to this Order may be sold
by authorized sellers of poisons upon a prescription only.

(3) The substances mentioned or included in part III of the first schedule to this Order may be
sold by authorized sellers of poisons and subject to the restrictions contained in the Third
Schedule, also by listed sellers of poisons.

(4) The Minister may, after considering any recommendation of the Council, by notice in the
Gazette amend any of the schedules to this order.

22. (1) Every authorized seller of poisons shall keep a prescription ---Restriction

Book and a poison register in which shall be accurately recorded all the particulars required to
be recorded in terms of this order
(2) The prescription book and poisons register shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times
by the Permanent Secretary for Health or by any other professional officer so authorized by him
in writing.

(3) The prescription book and poisons register shall be retained on the registered premises for a
period of not less than two years from the date of the last entry made therein, and each entry shall
be made in chronological order on the day on which the sale or supply was affected.

23. (1) any person not being an authorized ---Sale of certain medication by persons

seller of poisons or a listed seller of poisons who carries on the business of a general dealer in
Lesotho may, subject to the provisions of this section, sell patent or proprietary medicines and so
called “Dutch “ medicines only if such patent or proprietary or “Dutch” medicines do not co

(2) A prescription shall be in writing and shall be signed by the person giving it and with the date
of issue clearly recorded thereon and—

a) specify the address of the person giving it;

b) specify the name and address of the person for whose treatment it is given or, if the
prescription is given by a veterinary surgeon, of the person to whom the medicine is to be

c)have written there on, if given by a dental surgeon ,the words “For dental treatment only” or
,if given by a veterinary surgeon ,the words “For animal treatment only”;

d) when the medicine is packed otherwise than in ampoules, indicates-

i)the total amount to be supplied, and

ii) except in the case of a preparation which is to be used for external treatment only, the dose
to be taken;

e. When the medicine is packed in ampoules, indicate-

i)either the total amount to be supplied or the total amount to be administered or injected

ii) in any case, the amount intended to be administered or injected in each dose.

24. The person dispensing the prescription shall comply with the following requirements;
a)the prescription must not be dispensed more than once unless the prescriber has directed ther
on that it may be dispensed a stated number of times or that it may be dispensed at stated

b) where the prescription contains a a direction that it may be dispensed a stated number of times
or at stated intervals it shall not be dispensed otherwise than in accordance with that direction;

c) a prescription which contains a direction that it may be dispensed a stated number of times but
no direction as to the intervals at which it may be dispensed shall not be dispensed more often
than once in the three days, and a prescription which contains a direction that it is to be
dispensed at stated intervals but no direction as to the number of times that it may be dispensed
shall not be dispensed more than three times;

d) at the times of dispensing or, where a poison has been delivered in accordance with the
proviso to subsection (1) on the subsequent receipt of the prescription there must be noted on the
prescription above the signature of the prescriber, the name and address of the seller and the date
on which the prescription is dispensed or, as the case may be, the poison was delivered;

e) except in the case of a prescription which may be repeated, the prescription must be retained
and kept on the premises.

25. (1) The provision of subsection (2) of section 45 shall not ---Labeling of containers

Apply in the case of a substance sold for the purpose of being sold in the same container.

(2) The requirements of subsection (2) of section 45 shall be deemed to be satisfied, in the case
of a poison supplied from a warehouse or depot, if the container is labels with the address of the
supplier’s principal place of business or, in the case of a limited company, of the registered office
of that company.

(3) where any poison is sold in a container with an outer covering being the container and
covering in which it was obtained by the seller, it shall be sufficient if the name of the seller and
the address of the premises on which it was sold appear only on the outer covering.

(4) where the names of more than one person or more than one address appear on the label, there
must also be words on the label indicating clearly which person is the seller and at which of the
addresses it was sold.

26. It shall not be lawful to sell, whether by wholesale or by ---Containers

Retail, or supply any poison unless—

a. It is contained in a container impervious to the poison and sufficiently stout t prevent

leakage arising from the ordinary risks of handling and transport; and
b. In the case of a liquid container in a bottle of a capacity of not more than one hundred
and twenty fluid ounces, not being----
i)a medicine made up ready for the internal treatment of human or animal ailments, or

ii)a local an aesthetic for injection in the treatment of human or animal ailments, or

iii) a sterile ophthalmic solution in a single dose sterile bottle enclosed in a sealed
container, the outer surface of the bottle is fluted vertically with ribs or grooves recognized
by touch.

27. It shall not be lawful to store any poison except in a ---Storage of poisons

Container impervious to the poison and sufficiently stout to prevent leakage from the
container arising from the ordinary risks of handling.

a. in a cupboard or drawer reserved solely for the storage of poisons; or

b. in a part of the premises which is partitioned off or otherwise separated from the
remainder of the premises and to which customers are not permitted t have access; or
c. on a shelf reserved solely for the storage of poisons and-

i)no food is kept directly under the shelf, and

ii)the container of the substance is distinguishable by touch and in the case of a

medicine to which subsection (1) of section 50 applies the requirements of section
shall be satisfied in addition to the requirements aforesaid.

28. (1) In any institution in which medicines ---Supply of medicines for use in

are dispensed in a dispensing department in charge of a person appointed for that purpose, no
medicine containing a poison shall be issued from that department for use in the wards, operating
theatres or other sections of the institution in subsections (3) and (4)

(2) The medicines must not be issued except upon the written order signed by a duly registered
medical practitioner, registered dental surgeon, or by a sister or nurse in charge of a ward ,theatre
or other sections of the institution;

Provided that in a case of emergency a medicine containing a poison may be issued

,notwithstanding that no such written order is produced, on an undertaking by the person
ordering the medicine of furnish such a written order within the next twenty –four hours

(3) The container of the medicine must be labeled-

a)with words describing its contents; and

b) in the case of poisons contained in part II of the First Schedule to this Order, with a
distinguishing mark or other indication indicating that the poison is to be stored in a cupboard
reserved solely for the storage of poisons and other dangerous substances.

(4) In this section “institution” means any hospital, infirmary, health center, dispensary, clinic,
nursing home or any other place at which human ailments are treated.

29. (1) In any institution in which medicines are dispensed in ---Storage of poison in

a dispensing or pharmaceutical department in the charge of a person appointed for that purpose,
all poisons other than those issued for use shall be stored in that department.

(2) in any institution to which the foregoing paragraph of this section does not apply, all poisons
other than those issued for the use shall be stored---

a) in the charge of a person appointed for the purpose by the governing body or person in
control of the institution;

b)otherwise than on an open shelf, unless the container of the poison is distinguishable by
touch from containers of substances other than poison kept on the same premises;

c) in the case of poisons mentioned in Part II of the First Schedule to this Order, either in a
cupboard, drawer or cabinet capable of being security locked and reserved solely for the storage
of poisons.

(3) In every institution every poison mentioned in Part II of the First Schedule to this Order kept
in a ward shall be stored in a cupboard reserved solely for the storage of poisons and other
dangerous substances.


Form of entry to be made in the book kept by sellers of poison in accordance with section
43 of the Order.

Name and quality of Signature of
Date of sale
poison supplied Purchaser
Name Address Business

Medical Dental and Pharmacy Order No.13 of 1970

Form of Application

To the permanent Secretary for Health,

I,………………………………………………………..being engaged in the business

of………………………..hereby apply for a certificate to sell poisons in terms of Section 20(1)
OF MEDICAL,DENTAL AND PHARMACY Order No. 13 of 1970 in respect of the following
……………………………………………………………………………………as a person
entitled to sell from these premises poisons included in Part Three of the First Schedule to the
Order subject to the provisions of the Third Schedule.

Signature of Applicant_______________________


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