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Complete Guide On Configuration Steps in Idoc

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IDOC or Intermediate Documents are commonly used in
case of data migration between SAP systems or between
SAP and legacy system or vice versa.This blog details the
steps involved in configuring a new IDOC and also list's
down the various transactions that are used while
working with IDOCs.

IDOCs can be classified into two . Inbound IDOCs and

Outbound IDOCs.
Inbound IDOC : These are IDOCs which get the data into SAP
system from external source i.e PI system or any other
external system.

Outbound IDOC : These are IDOCs which are sent out from
SAP system to any other system. i.e PI system or any other
external system.

We need to check the

RFC connections to the
target system , it can be
PI system or any external
system. If it is to a PI
system then we need to
check the connection
under ABAP connections
in SM59 transaction and
for external system
under HTTP Connections
to External System.
Step 2:

Create a port in
transaction WE21
which shows the
target system’s RFC
Step 3:
In transaction WE20, create a
partner profile and mention
the message tpe details .In
case of Oubound IDOC’s ,
mention the message types
under Outbound
Parameters.In case of
Inbound IDOC’s , mention the
message types under
Inbound Parameters. For
outbound parameters
,maintain port and IDOC
details, because port
describes to which system
the IDOC has to flow.
Whereas in Inbound
IDOC,mention the process
code details which
determines the inbound
function module for
processing the data.
Step 4:
Message type SYNCH is
the default message type
for outbound
parameters. Choose a
particular message type
and maintain the below
settings. Under the
receiver port mention
the port created in
transaction WE21. In
Output mode, choose
Transfer IDOC
immediately. In IDOC
type mention the IDOC
associated with the
Message Type.
Step 5:
For Inbound
IDOCs, mention
the process code
as APL1 and
choose option
Immediately under
Processing by
Function Module.
Step 6:
In transaction BDFG, we
can see which ALE function
module we need to
enhance for our
requirement. In case, we
are working with Business
Partner we can choose the
FM as
and the Business Object
Type as ‘BUS1006’. In
IDOCs , SAP by standard
provides us to exchange
the business partner
master data details , BP
relationships and BP
Step 7:

In case we are
working with
Transactions we can
choose the FM as
and the Business
Object Type as
Step 8:

In our example let us work

upon Business Partners.
Select the FM name and
the Business Object type
and click enter. By default
all standard messages
types would be displayed
out.Now to create a new
message type , click on
Create button as shown
below. You will get a popu
where in you can enter a Z
Step 9:

Once the Z
message type is
created. Release
it as shown.
Step 10:

Once the Z
message type is
created. Release
it as shown.
Step 11:

With Z Message
Type , Z FM’s for
both Inbound
and Outbound
gets created.
Step 12:

In transaction
WE30 we can
check the IDOC
Step 13:

In transaction
WE31 we can
check the IDOC
segment .
Step 14:

For Inbound IDOCs in

transaction code WE42
, select the process
code APL1 and click on
display . Assign a Z Fm-
Create a copy of the
standard FM
Step 15:

Under Logical
Message ,
mention the Z
message type
Step 16:

In transaction
WE81 , we can
see the message
type details.
Step 17:

In transaction
WE82 , we can
see the message
type and basic
type details.
Step 18:

For outbound IDOCs

in transaction BD64
, create a
distribution model.
Goto change mode
and click on 'Create
Model View'. Enter
a description and
Technical name.
Step 19:

Add the message

type under the
Model and
maintain the
sender and
receiver system
Step 20:

In transaction
BD82, generate
the partner
profile for the
newly created
Step 21:
In transaction SMOEAC ,
we create the sites and
subscriptions.Site is the
destination where the
data needs to be sent.
Subsricption is to identify
what is the object to be
exchanged. (In case of BP
data it will be All Business
MESG).Subscriptions are
assigned under Sites.
Type would vary based
on our need.
Step 22:

In transaction
CRMXIF_C1 , we
maintain the
message type
details against the
Site name.
Step 23:

We can even restrict an Outbound IDOC flow based on any

condition to a particular Site. A times there could be multiple
sites in a system , we can control the flow of IDOC here as
well.This can be achieved by maintaining an entry in table -
SMW3FDCUST, we assign a copy of standard FM -
BUPA_MAIN, which is used to do any further customizations.
We can do the same for other IDOC types.
Step 24:

Apart from the above steps we can use Transaction

WE02/WE05 to display any IDOC and WE60 for IDOC
Step 25:

Any IDOC has 3 records types - Control, Data and

Status.Control Records displays the direction of the
IDOC, message type/basic type details.

Data record display the data under multiple

segments. In Status Record we can check the IDOC
status whether it is a success or failure.

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