Dev. of Psy Assignment
Dev. of Psy Assignment
Dev. of Psy Assignment
Developmental Psychology
the development and improvement of the person's entire being, including their feelings about
themselves and their capacity for living. In this assignment, I'm going to concentrate on the
various ways I developed in various facets of my life in consideration of Piaget's and Bandura's
Social Learning Theory, as well as the significance of hereditary factors. I'm choosing to focus
helped me to progress in my career and life in this article, as well as adding more fun and
happiness to my life and how assimilation and accommodation concept of Piaget helped me in
The development and learning theories are the main emphasis of Piaget's theory. The
development of a child's capacity for reasoning as they learn new methods to comprehend the
implication, although all children experience the same stages of development, they do so at
various rates (Lefa, 2014). According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development,
children's intelligence evolves with age. A kid's cognitive growth involves more than just
knowledge acquisition; the youngster also needs to create or develop a mental view of the world
(McLeod, 2022). Piaget developed and researched an explanation of how children and young
people eventually acquire the capacity for logical and scientific thought. According to Piaget,
learning progresses through the interaction of assimilation (fitting new experiences into existing
were crucial for empowering pupils to direct their own learning in accordance with their existing
developmental understandings. In order to create concepts and later deal with verbal
propositions, students at the stage of concrete operations need opportunities for hands-on
learning, experimentation, and testing of items. Open-ended projects that allow students at the
formal operations stage to investigate speculative ideas and reasoning are beneficial.
person's education is a crucial aspect of their life. It is essential for future success and for having
numerous options in life. Education equips people with the capacity for logical thought, and the
drive to live fulfilling lives and contribute to society. We are given the freedom to express
ourselves and a clear course to pursue in life through education. The overall growth of the human
mind and brain depends on it. Education introduces fresh perspectives and ideas. It encourages a
young mind to think creatively and explore various aspects of life. Knowledge of things,
maintaining physical fitness, and living a productive lifestyle are all benefits of education.
Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the
world.” (Silas International, 2016). At the secondary level of my education, teachers provided
me with different types of experimental issues. I gained knowledge on how to create my thoughts
for life planning from these encounters. My school experience has given me the tools I need to
achieve, which has superbly prepared me for a smooth transition from adolescence to adult life.
My teachers prepared me for many types of experiments during my time in school, and it was
through them that I learned how to handle various tasks as an adult. In order to be prepared to
operate in everyday workplaces in the future, the institute where I studied allowed me to
community, and to help me to define who I am, my part in the world, and my motivations and
my perspective on life.
Social learning theory is the idea that humans learn from observing and imitating the behavior
modeled by others. Bandura labeled this phenomenon observational learning. In short, it is not
necessary to have a direct experience of something in order to learn (Becton, 2022). The four
elements of this Social learning theory are Attention, Retention, Reproduction, and Motivation.
In order to pay attention, a person must concentrate on the activity and its results as well as
visualize the action in their mind. We must be drawn to a behavior in order to imitate it. We
observe a wide range of behaviors every day, the majority of which are ordinary.
The level of recall is known as retention. Even while the behavior may be noticed, it is typically
not remembered, which obviates the need for imitation. It is essential that memory of the activity
The ability to perform the action that the model just demonstrated is known as reproduction.
engage in the behavior. If the perceived benefits outweigh the perceived drawbacks, if there are
any, the likelihood that the observer would imitate the behavior rises. Your career is so much
more than just your employer, position, and pay. There is a lot to be said about the workplace
environment, as recent studies indicate. Your physical environment might affect your motivation
and productivity. The health sector is my area of expertise. I work as a clinical assistant in a
Health Center. Soon after finishing my studies, I joined the Health Center as a clinical assistant.
Due to my lack of relevant experience on my first day of work, I was unable to do any tasks
effectively. So one of the most popular techniques for on-the-job training is this one. For the first
few weeks or months on the job, new hires are commonly paired with experienced workers
because they may learn how to react to a variety of events through vicarious learning much more
effectively than they might by reading an employee handbook. I was kept among workers that
had a lot of industry experience. I gained a lot of knowledge about the subject through Bandura's
social learning theory's four pillars: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. I currently
have the greatest experience among the staff members around me.
I went through a lot of ups and downs as a child, including poverty, emotional ups, and downs,
ignorance, etc. As a child, I had a difficult and unhappy childhood because my father abandoned
us when we were kids. My mum endured a lot to provide us with an education. She wasn't
working, which was one of the key issues. On those days, we weren't able to obtain a decent
lunch. Even though my relatives were rich they tend to ignore us most of the time. Through these
experiences in my life, I've learned how to make my adult life a lot more enjoyable and joyful. In
Bandura's social learning theory, there are some contributions, some of which claim that we store
events through visual images and through the stages, we move through as we gradually acquire
different abilities. In Piaget's cognitive theory, there is a process of coming to know things and
the stages we move through as we gradually acquire different abilities. My personal experience
Parents can better comprehend that not all children learn and develop at the same rate by keeping
in mind that every child learns differently depending on what they are taught. A parent can aid
their child by using Piaget's theory of cognitive development by being more empathetic and
patient with them. Jean Piaget, introduced the concepts of assimilation and accommodation to
explain how children create mental models based on observations of the outside world. Due to a
child's practical experience, Jean Piaget's stages of child development are based on how a
youngster learns.
According to Piaget, the organization is crucial to growth through these four stages of cognitive
development. A youngster can develop cognitive structures via organizing. Cognitive structures
are thought processes that frequently include more precise representations of reality. The infant
adapts to any new knowledge in his or her environment from the standpoint of adaptation, which
is the opposing viewpoint. After that, the infant assimilates the newly learned knowledge into
their cognitive processes. After that, they discover how to make accommodations for it. At this
point, equilibrium is crucial because it determines when assimilation will end and
accommodation will begin. The youngster is likely to feel uneasy if there is an issue between the
Children or people learn through observation, in accordance with Bandura. According to this
concept, learning can take place without a change in behavior. Another crucial element is the
theory's emphasis on cognition's significant role in the learning process. Bandura conducted tests
using "Bobo dolls." For instance, if the youngsters observed the grownups treating the doll
nicely, they would do the same. This suggests that there is a process of behavior observation and
I gained knowledge about how to get ready to parent my kids through these concepts. I have
Every person has a unique personality and behavioral tendency. Due to the impact of heredity,
this difference can be visible. In actuality, heredity has a significant impact on how a person's
There is no birth without inheritance. Since the moment of conception, a person has inherited
traits from their parents. An individual's heredity determines every characteristic and response.
As a result, understanding a person's genetics is essential to learning about them. Every human is
born as a result of a biological process and set of factors known as conception. An organism's
existence begins when two germ cells come together. A female's ovary contains an egg cell or an
ovum. Ovum is a specific type of female egg cell. The ovum contains 23 pairs of chromosomes
in various sizes and forms. Numerous germ cells are also found in large amounts in the male's
sperm. The female ovum has 23 pairs of chromosomes, much like a germ cell. when a female
chromosome interacts with a male chromosome. Fertilization occurs, and life starts to develop.
This cell or set of chromosomes is what a person inherits from his or her parents through the
process of heredity. Numerous physiological and psychological quirks that exist in the parents
also exist in the child. In actuality, traits like structure, complexion, hair structure, and height are
determined by inheritance. facial characteristics, such as the child's nasal index. Thus, several
gene types contribute to the development of a body. Geneticists claim that sex is also inherited.
There are supposedly two large chromosomes. These chromosomes have been given the names
"X" and "Y." One large "X" chromosome and a little "Y" chromosome are found in the male's
germ cells. The child will be a female if the mother's X chromosome and the father's other X
chromosome enter the germ cell, and the child will be a male if the mother's X chromosome and
the father's other X chromosome enter the germ cell. According to a chromosome study, the 'X'
chromosome's genes are comparably stronger than the 'Y' chromosome's genes. The genetic
makeup of a person is determined by his or her parents; in other words, what one passes on to
I just resemble my parents because of heredity. Additionally, I practically have my parents' skin
My life has advanced much more than I realize it has in light of developmental theory. My
education has been shaped by the knowledge I have, my experiences, and the various
experimental problems that my teachers have given me to work through. These interactions
taught me how to organize my thoughts for life planning. My education has provided me with
the resources I need to succeed, which has excellently equipped me for a seamless transition
from adolescence to adulthood. I gained a lot of knowledge about the subject through Bandura's
social learning theory's key principles: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. Among
the employees around, I currently have the most experience. And I'm developing my parenting
Becton, L. (2022, March 10). Bandura's Social Learning Theory in Education. Education
StudyCorgi. (2022). Three Developmental Theories in Child Psychology | Free Essay Example.
McLeod, S. (2022). Jean Piaget's theory and stages of cognitive development. Simply
Silas International. (2016). Role of education in human development. Silas International School.
Razieh, T. N., (2012). Bandura's social learning theory & social cognitive learning theory.