08 CHEM X ICSE Ammonia
08 CHEM X ICSE Ammonia
08 CHEM X ICSE Ammonia
➢ Scope:
o Laboratory preparation of ammonia from ammonium chloride, from
nitrides like Mg3N2 & AlN & ammonium salts & its collection.
o Industrial manufacture by Haber’s process.
o Properties: Density, solubility of ammonia [Fountain experiment];
Aqueous solution reactions, reaction with hydrogen chloride & with
hot copper [II] oxide & chlorine; burning of Ammonia in oxygen.
o Uses of ammonia.
➢ Chemical Properties:
1. Combustibility Non-combustible nor a supporter of combustion.
Ammonia with oxygen undergoes burning and catalytic oxidation.
Burning Green or greenish yellow
4NH3 + 3O2 → flame.
2N2 + 6H2O
Falguni Thakker 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 1
2.Action of Indicator Original Colour Final Colour
Litmus Red Blue
Falguni Thakker 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 2
4. Reducing 1.Ammonia reduces heated metallic
Action oxides to metals:
2NH3 + 3CuO → 3Cu + 3H2O + N2
2NH3 + 3PbO → 3Pb + 3H2O + N2
1. Black CuO to pink Cu
2. Buff yellow PbO to grey Pb
2.Ammonia reduces Cl2: Observation:
8NH3 (excess) + 3Cl2 → 6NH4Cl + N2 NH3 – Colourless gas
NH3 + 3Cl2 (excess) → 3HCl + NCl3 Cl2 – Greenish yellow gas
NH3 is oxidized by a metal oxide [CuO, PbO] NCl3 – Yellow explosive liquid
and by a gas chlorine. NH4Cl – Dense white fumes.
5. Thermal ∆ On heating ammonium chloride
NH4Cl → NH3 + HCl
dissociation Reversible reaction undergoes thermal dissociation to
form ammonia and HCl.
Conducted by:
Author of Key Point, Check Point and Final Revision Papers for Math
Falguni Thakker 03, Sapna bldg. S.V Road, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai 56. Tel 9820428493 Page 3