AAE-Lesson 5-6
AAE-Lesson 5-6
AAE-Lesson 5-6
Advanced Academic English - FL6383 Lesson #5 & 6: Culture
SOURCE: Wardle, J. & Cooke, L. (2010). One man's meat is another man's poison. EMBO
reports, 11: 816-821.
Advanced Academic English - FL6383 Lesson #5 & 6: Culture
Evaluate the quality of the sample critical response, using the given checklist.
Wardle and Cooke (2010) present evidence from a number of sources suggesting
factors that may influence an individual’s food preferences. They divide these into three
broad groups, taste, exposure, and social transmission, and report on a variety of studies to
support each potential influence. Whilst the research reported is all from relatively recent
studies, published between 1990 and 2004, it uses a wide range of subjects, including
babies, young children, adults, and in several cases, animal experiments. This disparate
range of subjects, experimental contexts, and food types tested make it difficult to draw
direct inferences that can be applied more widely.
Perhaps the most convincing of the three influences put forward by Wardle and
Cooke (2010) is the idea that exposure promotes a liking for certain foods. They offer a
number of studies, largely in children (Cooke et al., 2004, Sullivan & Birch, 1990, and Wardle
et al., 2003) that show repeated exposure to a new food, in both experimental and more
natural settings, increases a child’s acceptance of it, a finding which intuitively fits with our
own experiences of food. Whilst this finding has interesting implications in the area of child
health and nutrition, it seems clear, however, that there may be other important influences at
work that are not mentioned in this extract, such as genetic, biological, or even cultural
factors, that need to be explored to build up a more complete picture.
Your comments: __________________________________________________________
Advanced Academic English - FL6383 Lesson #5 & 6: Culture
➔ Read the main ideas. How will you use those ideas to discuss the given topic?
➔ Work in pairs. Present your argument for this discussion. Remember to:
1. give a brief summary of the text
2. make your argument
3. include examples and evaluations based on the text.
Advanced Academic English - FL6383 Lesson #5 & 6: Culture
Activity 3. Feedback
Use the marking criteria below to assess participants in the seminar, then give
constructive feedback to your peers.