Instruments: User Manual
Instruments: User Manual
Instruments: User Manual
U V- V I S S P E C T R O P H O T O M E T E R
Thanks for your purchase of the PG INSTRUMENTS LIMITED T60 spectrophotometer.
For obtaining maximum performance and trouble-free operation, we give you the following
ƹ Upon receiving your instrument, please check all the items listed in the packing list are
included and install the instrument according to the instruction manual.
ƹ The spectrophotometer is a precise electronic instrument. Please read the instruction manual
carefully before operation. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
ƹ Avoid collision and handle the instrument carefully during transportation.
ƹ If the tested solution is harmful to humans, please wear gloves or use other protection
ƹ Please keep the accessories in a safe place for the use in future maintenance.
and Direction guide: direction guide when you mount and dismount the instrument.
Eyes protection: Please wear glasses for the inner ultraviolet radiation and strong light.
Wear gloves: Please wear gloves when you maintain some parts.
CHAPTER 1 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Photometric Measurement ..................................................................................... 9
3.3 Card Program .................................................................................................................. 15
3.4 System Set ......................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 4 SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................. 21
CHAPTER 5 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER 6 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................. 23
This manual contains copyrighted and proprietary information. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the permission of PG INSTRUMENTS LIMITED.
The units described in this manual are designed to be operated only by professionals.
Any errors or omissions that may have occurred in this publication despite the utmost care taken in its
production will be corrected as soon as possible, but not necessarily upon detection.
Chapter 1 Installation
1.1 Packing List
T60 main unit and the necessary accessories are packed in the packing box. We also provide optional
accessories at your discretion. Upon receiving your instrument, please check that all the items listed below
are present:
Name No. Q’ty
01 T60 main unit 1
02 Conformity certificate 1
03 Fuse (T, 250V, 2A) 2
04 Quantitative program card 1
05 Installation guide 1
06 Black block 1
07 AC power cord 1
08 Instruction manual 2
09 Packing list 1
10 Quartz cell (10mm) 2
11 Tool kit 1
Table 1-1
Any shortage or damage should be reported immediately to your local dealer.
Please keep the packing and accessories for the possible later packing
transportation and maintenance.
1.2 Environmental Requirements
To insure correct operation and stable performance over an extended period of time, install the T60 in
a location that meets the following conditions:
1. Operation conditions:
The improper environment will affect the measurement result and the
instrument service life!
1.3 check the mains voltage
Verify the mains voltage before turning on the power, or it may damage the instrument.
Confirm the AC mains is earthed in the building before turning on the instrument.
Turn off the power and cover the instrument after use.
1.4 Instrument Installation
Unpack the instrument carefully and set it down gently! The workbench should be stable and
free from vibration.
Be sure to turn off the power of the instrument and the printer before connecting via the parallel
port, otherwise it may damage the devices.
Step three: Connect the power cords, and then put the plug into the AC outlet in the building.
Confirm that the power switch is set to “0” before connecting the power cords.
Step four: Switch on the instrument power and then it will start initialization, as shown in the following
Step five: When the initialization procedure is completed, the main menu will automatically appear on the
Chapter 2 Instrument construction
2.1 Front view
Numeric keys
Input the numeric values
Function keys
Set the working mode
Set the wavelength
Zero Abs (100%T)
Print data
Edit keys
Start measurement
Chapter 3 Operation
3.1 Introduction
The main menu
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required function, then pressǏENTERǐto gain
access to the screen of selected option; Press ǏRETURNǐ to return to the preceding page.
There are three options available on the main menu:
Ĵ Photometric Measurement
This mode allows the user to measure Abs or transmittance at a fixed wavelength and K factor and
print out.
Ĵ Card Program
The instrument can perform a required measurement such as quantitative measurement, DNA/Protein
analysis etc. by loading a pre-programmed card into the extended interface of the instrument. If there is no
pre-programmed card in the extended interface, this option is inoperative.
Ĵ System Set
This mode allows the user to specify the working parameters, such as backlight working mode,
tungsten lamp On/Off, deuterium lamp On/Off, control mode, time set, wavelength calibration, and dark
current correction etc.
Setting parameters
In the case of photometric measurement (Fig.3-2), pressǏSETǐto gain access to the menu of
parameters setting.
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then press ǏENTERǐ to gain
access to the required menu. Press ǏRETURNǐ to quit, returning to the preceding menu.
Selecting the photometric method
On the menu of (Fig.3-3), select Ĵ Method, then press ǏENTERǐ to display the menu as shown
in (Fig.3-4):
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then pressǏENTERǐ to gain
access to the relevant menu. Press ǏRETURNǐ to quit, returning to the preceding menu.
When the user selects energy, the gain setting menu will be displayed (Fig.3-5):
At the bottom of this page, enter the gain value by pressing the numeric keys (1~8). The range is 1~8.
If the entered figure exceeds the range, the system will delete what has been entered automatically and you
should start a new entry again. Press ǏENTERǐto confirm, and press ǏRETURNǐto quit, returning to
the menu of parameters setting.
Note: Generally speaking, the user needn’t use the energy method.
At the bottom of this page, enter the K factor by pressing the numeric keys (0~9), decimal pointǏˊ ǐ
and negative sign Ǐ-ǐ. Press ǏRETURNǐ key to clear the mistakes, and press ǏCEǐ to clear step
by step, then press ǏENTERǐ key to confirm. The system will prompt the user to input factor B. Press
ǏENTERǐ key to confirm and quit. If nothing is to be entered, press ǏRETURNǐ key to quit this page
directly. The range is from -999 to 999. If the entered figure exceeds the range, the system will delete what
has been entered automatically and you should start a new entry again.
Selecting the sample cell
On the menu of (Fig.3-3), select Ĵ Cell Setting, then press ǏENTERǐ to display the menu as
shown in (Fig.3-7) (Fig.3-8):
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then pressǏENTERǐ to gain
access to the menu. Press ǏRETURNǐ to quit, returning to the preceding menu.
ĴSetting Module Style
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then pressǏENTERǐ to select
among “8 cell”, “5 cell” and “fixed cell”. If the user choose “fixed cell”, the options irrelated to the fixed
cell are inoperative.
Ĵ Cell Number
This option allows the user set the cells in use. Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the
required option, then pressǏENTERǐ. The figure will increases one by pressing ǏENTERǐeach time.
The range is 1ü8.
Ĵ Reagent Blank/Cell Blank/Blank Test
1) Reagent Blank
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then pressǏENTERǐto toggle
between “yes” and “no”. If you choose “yes”, the system will take the sample in the No.1 Cell as the
reagent blank to measure the samples in other cells (2-8).
2) Cell Blank
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then pressǏENTERǐto toggle
between “yes” and “no”. The sample cells will differ from each other in optics characteristics subtly even
though they are made in the same way. When the user start cell blank, first put the blank in each sample
cell and save the measured value. Then put and measure the unknown sample in the cells. Using the
measured value deducts the saved blank sample value, and you can get the required measurement result.
3) Blank Test
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then pressǏENTERǐto test the
blank value. If you select yes for the cell blank, the test is necessary. Put blank samples in each cell before
test, the system will record the measurement values of each cell automatically.
If you select “yes” for both reagent blank and cell blank, you can perform cell blank for each cell and
take the sample in No.1 cell as the blank to correct the measured values of other cells.
Blank correction is a kind of data processing. The following table shows the calculation.
Cell Reagent blank and Only the Only the Both blank
number Cell blank are reagent cell blank correction
“NO” blank “YES” “YES”
The NO. n Abs An An - a1 An - an (An - an) -
output sample ( A1 - a1)
data cell Transmittance Tn Tn / t1 h Tn / tn h Tn * t1 / tn *
(n=2---8) T1 h
100(%) 100(%)
NO. 1 Abs A1 A1 A1 - a1 A1 - a1
cell (as Transmittance T1 T1 T1 / t1 h T1 / t1 h
100(%) 100(%)
ĴMove Cell
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then press ǏENTERǐ. The sample
cell will move forward one cell by pressingǏENTERǐeach time. When it moves to the maximum cell
number, next it will return to No.1 cell automatically. If the user selects fixed cell, the option is
Ĵ Factor K
Input the required magnified multiple times of the measurement value.
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then press ǏENTERǐ to set
factor K. At the bottom of this page, enter the factor K by pressing the numeric keys (0~9), decimal point
Ǐˊ ǐand negative signǏ-ǐ. PressǏRETURNǐkey to clear the mistakes, and pressǏCEǐ to clear step
by step, then pressǏENTERǐkey to confirm . If nothing is to be entered, press ǏRETURNǐ key to quit
this page directly. The range is from -99 to 99. If the entered figure exceeds the range, the system will
delete what has been entered automatically and you should start a new entry again.
Ĵ Cell Init.
If the user moves the cell during measurement, cell init. should be performed.
Press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then press ǏENTERǐ to perform
cell init. It will return to No.1 cell.
(Fig. 3-9)
At the bottom of this page, enter the wavelength by pressing the numeric keys (0~9) and decimal point
Ǐˊǐ. Press ǏRETURNǐ key to clear the mistakes, and press ǏCEǐ to clear step by step, then press
ǏENTERǐ key to confirm . If nothing is to be entered, press ǏRETURNǐ key to quit this page
directly. The range is from 190 to 1100. If the entered figure exceeds the range, the system will delete what
has been entered automatically and you should start a new entry again.
Auto Zero
In the case of photometric measurement (Fig.3-1), press ǏZEROǐ to zero the Abs (or 100%T) at
current wavelength. Put the blank sample into the sample compartment before correction.
In the case of photometric measurement (Fig.3-1), press ǏSTARTǐto gain access to the measurement
menu, then press ǏSTARTǐ again tomeasure the samples at current wavelength in the auto cell changer
or the fixed cell holder, as shown in Fig.3-10.
(Fig. 3-10)
500.0 nm The current wavelength
1.000 Abs The actual measured value of current cell
NO.1-1 The first measurement value of No.1 Cell
Abs Current measurement mode
K*Abs Factor K multiply by the current Abs
Five rows of data can be displayed on the screen, the others can be displayed by pressing ǏƷǐ and
On the menu of Fig.3-10, press ǏPRINTǐ to print the data in the data area. The system will clear the
data area after printout.
When the data area is full or the user changes the setting of the system, it will ask the user whether to
print the measured data when the user starting measurement the next time. The user can select print or not.
If the user chooses “Print”, the system will print the measured data. If the user chooses “Don’t print”, the
system will clear the data area.
Changing the system setting means changing the measurement mode or wavelength after getting data
in the measurement mode, such as changing from photometric measurement to Abs measurement.
Note: the data area can save 64 groups of data at most, please printout your data in time.
(Fig. 3-11)
Unloading the program card
Please turn off the instrument before taking out the card. Press the pushing bar above the slot to take
out the card.
Inputting the serial number
When the user uses the program card for the first time, the system will ask the user input the serial
number, which was given to the user by the manufactory when he bought the cards. The user also can
acquire the serial number by telephone. Please keep the serial number in an appropriate place.
If the user input the wrong number for more than 5 times, the system will return to the main menu.
The user should make sure the accuracy of the serial number, if not, please contact our service personnel.
The user is required to input the serial number when he uses the card for the first time, and needn’t to input
Do not insert or take out your program card when power on. Please keep your program card
The program card can only be inserted into the left extended slot, as shown in Fig. 3-11.
(Fig. 3-12)
(Fig. 3-13)
(Fig. 3-14)
ĴDeuterium Lamp
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the D2 Lamp. Each time you
pressǏENTERǐ, the ON and OFF will change alternately. It costs 20 seconds for the deuterium lamp to
change from off to on. The system will display BUSY and neglect the user’s input during this period.
ĴTungsten Lamp
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the W Lamp. Each time you
pressǏENTERǐ, the ON and OFF will change alternately.
ĴWork Mode
In the case of system set, pressǏƷǐ andǏͩǐto move the cursor to the option of Work Mode. Each
time you press ǏENTERǐ, the MCU and PC will change alternately. The default work mode is MCU.
When the user selects PC mode, it will display the waiting page of PC connection, as following Fig (3-15).
The user should confirm the main unit have connected with PC properly, and then use PC software to
(Fig. 3-15)
The software is an optional accessory. It provides you more powerful analysis function. Please
contact your local dealer for more detailed information.
ĴTime Set
In the case of system set, pressǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the Time Set, then press
ǏENTERǐ, as shown in Fig.3-16:
(Fig. 3-16)
At the bottom of the page, the indication information prompts the user set time. And enter current
year/month/date according to the indication time units. The numeric keys (0~9), [.] and [-] key is used to
set time. ǏRETURNǐ key is used to clear mistakes, and press ǏCEǐ key to clear step by step, then press
ǏENTERǐ key to confirm. If nothing is to be entered, press ǏRETURNǐ key to quit this page directly.
A 2-digit figure entry is allowed. The range of year is from 0 to 99. The range of month is from 0 to 12. The
range of date is from 1 to 31. The range of hour is from 0 to 24. The range of minute is from 0 to 59. If the
entered figure exceeds the range and you have pressed ǏENTERǐ or exceeds two digits, the system will
delete what has been entered automatically and you should start a new entry again.
ĴDark Current Correction
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the option of Dark Current, then
press ǏENTERǐ, as shown in Fig.3-17:
(Fig. 3-17)
ĴPrinter Selection
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the option of Printer, then
press ǏENTERǐ to set. There are two modes, uP and HP. Each time you press ǏENTERǐ, the uP and
HP will change alternately. UP stands for mini temperature sensing parallel printer, while HP stands for HP
series ink jet parallel printer or laser jet parallel printer. Please confirm the selection of the printer is the
same type with the actual printer, or the system will work abnormally.
ĴWavelength Correction
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the WL Correct, then press
ǏENTERǐ. The system will test and display the current characteristic wavelength PEAK=n, and prompt
you whether to perform wavelength correction. When the absolute value of n-656.1 is larger than 1ˈyou
should choose yes. If the absolute value of n-656.1 is smaller than 1, you should choose no. The menu of
wavelength correction is shown as following (Fig.3-18):
(Fig. 3-18)
ĴLamp Life
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the Lamp Life, then press
ǏENTERǐ to observe the total working hours of the light source. If the tungsten lamp works or the
deuterium lamp works more than 2000 hours, it is recommended replace them, otherwise the performance
will be affected. The menu of lamp life is shown as following (Fig.3-19):
(Fig. 3-19)
ĴReset System
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the option of Reset System,
then press ǏENTERǐ to gain access to the menu of reset system.
(Fig. 3-20)
In the case of reset system, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the required option, then
press ǏENTERǐ.
The original parameters setting:
Module Style: 8-cell changer
Cell Number: 5
Reagent Blank: No
Cell Blank: No
Change Lamp Wavelength: 359.9nm
Dark Current: reset
The instrument will remember the parameters, which is set according to the user’s requirements. It is
not recommended to reset system.
ĴInput Change Lamp Wavelength
In the case of system set, press ǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the Change Lamp WL, then
press ǏENTERǐ to input value.
(Fig. 3-21)
At the bottom of this page, enter the wavelength by pressing the numeric keys (0~9) and decimal point
Ǐˊǐ. Press ǏRETURNǐ key to clear the mistakes, and press ǏCEǐ to clear step by step, then press
ǏENTERǐ key to confirm . Press ǏENTERǐ key to confirm and quit. If nothing is to be entered, press
ǏRETURNǐ key to quit this page directly. A 3-digit figure entry is allowed. The range is from 300 to 400.
If the entered figure exceeds the range and you have pressed ǏENTERǐ, the system will delete what has
been entered automatically and you should start a new entry again.
In the case of system set, pressǏƷǐ and Ǐͩǐ to move the cursor to the option of About, then press
(Fig. 3-22)
Press ǏRETURNǐ to return to the menu of system set.
Chapter 4 Specifications
Wavelength 190nm-1100nm
Wavelength +1.0nm (with automatic wavelength correction)
Wavelength İ0.2nm
Spectral 2 nm
Photometric +0.3 %T
Photometric İ0.15 %T
Stray Light İ0.05 %T˄220nm NaI,340nm NaNo2˅
Baseline r0.002A˄1000-200nmˈafter 1 hour warm-up˅
Noise 0%T˖+0.05%T (500nm)
100%T˖İ0.15%T (500nm)
Baseline <0.001A/1h (500nmˈafter 1 hour warm-up)
Photometric Abs˖-0.3-3Abs
Range Transmittance˖0-200%T
Interface PC interface via RS232 link
Printer interface via parallel output port
Optional With the extended interface for optional
Program Card program cards
Light Source 12V20W tungsten lampˈdeuterium lamp˄with
LCD 128X64 backlight digital LCD
Sample Inner Dimensions˖235X130X110mm
Compartment The maximum pathlength: 100mm
Build-in automatic multiple cells
Detector Silicon photodiode
Photometric The split-beam monitoring ratio system
Voltage 230V (original setup)
Weight 11kg
Dimensions 476X362 X 225mm
Chapter 6 Maintenance
Surface cleaning
Do not spill solution on the cover. Otherwise, the cover will be blemished. If the solution spills on the
cover, please clean it with wet towel. Avoid using organic solution to wipe the cover.
6.2 Maintenance
1. The screen fails to display or doesn’t display clearly after power on
Check the contrast dial--use the plain screwdriver to adjust the “CONTRAST” dial rear of the
2. The instrument does not operate at all; noting appears on LCD screen.
Check the mains voltage according to the page five “check the mains voltage”.
Check the power cord connection and connect the power cord properly.
Check whether the fuse is blown. If it is, replace it.
3. The printer does not operate; printout failure
Check whether the types of printer are right. T60 only supports HP ink jet printer (HP 5652 is
recommended) and mini temperature sensing parallel printer (WH153PT01 is recommended).
Check whether the printer connection is loose
Check whether the printer selection is right. UP stands for mini temperature sensing parallel printer,
while HP stands for HP inkjet parallel printer or laser jet parallel printer.
4. “ Cell init ERR” of initialization fails
Check whether there is opaque object in the sample compartment block the motor movement.
5. “Lamp motor”, “W lamp”, “D2 lamp” and “WL check” of initialization fail
Check whether there is opaque object or cell in the sample compartment. Remove the opaque object.
Take out the cell after each measurement to avoid unnecessary intervention and corrosion to the instrument.
Check whether the mains voltage is too low, which may cause abnormal startup.
Check whether the W lamp or the D2 lamp is lit; if not, replace it.
6. Unstable measurement
Check whether the instrument performs initialization normally. If you press ǏRETURNǐ soon after
you power on, the instrument will not perform initialization or operate normally.
Take out the cell at current measurement status, and then press ǏZEROǐ to check whether 0.000Abs
is fluctuate. If it fluctuates between –0.001 and +0.001, it is normal. If it fluctuates widely, please confirm
the outer power supply meets the power requirements. Then, restart the instrument to perform initialization,
and confirm the initialization is normal.
If the sample compartment is blank, press ǏZEROǐ to check whether the 0.000Abs fluctuates
normally. Check whether the following problems exist:
1) Check whether the volatility of the measured sample is high. If it is, please use the cell cover.
If you use the highly volatile gas, such as benzene, please perform measurement after remove
the interference gas by opening the sample compartment.
2) Check whether the reagent blank used to zero meets the requirements. It stipulates that the
Abs of the reagent blank should be no more than 0.4Abs. If it is out of range, please replace
the reagent blank or the reference blank.
Set the change lamp wavelength, the instrument will switch over the lamp automatically.
Why isn’t the stray light eligible?
The poor power and the resultant raise of the dark current adversely affect it. Perform dark current
correction will solve the problem. In addition, if the instrument is placed in the humid environment for a
long time, it will also cause the stray light raises higher.
It is recommended that switch on the power of the instrument once a week to avoid some problems
caused by leaving unused.
How to clear the data?
T60 is designed to clear all the data after printout. The system will promote the user to print data after
changing the parameters. If the user selects “Don’t print”, the system will also clear all the data.
Appendix 1
Be sure to turn off the power when replace the lamps. Otherwise, it
is dangerous.
Fig. 7-1
Step two: loosen the two knobs at the right rear of the instrument.
Fig. 7-2
Step three: take off the right cover
Fig. 7-3
Step four: lift the displayˈloosen the screws of the light source cover and dismount it.
Fig. 7-4
Step five: replace the required light source
1˅ Tungsten lamp replacement
Turn the W lamp flake right slightly.
Remove the old tungsten lamp by wearing a pair of cotton gloves.
Insert a new tungsten lamp into the base˄12V20W˅, turn the flake to its original position.
2˅ Deuterium lamp replacement
Loosen the two screws from the D2 lamp holder;
Pull out the coupler plug, and take off the old deuterium lamp.
Mount the new lamp by wearing a pair of cotton gloves.
Screw up the two crews.
Don’t touch the light source cover if the instrument has worked for a while and the cover is
The ultraviolet radiation emitted by the deuterium lamp and the strong light emitted by the
tungsten lamp will harm your eyes. Please do not light the lamps when adjusting the instrument.
Do not touch the reflective surface of the light source mirror during the lamp changing
procedure; otherwise, it will adversely affect the performance of the instrument, even cause the
instrument inoperative.
Please wear cotton gloves when you change lamps to avoid adversely affect the
performance of the instrument.
Appendix 2
T: +44 (0)1455 220131
F: +44 (0)1455 220025