Hochiki Firenet Plus Battery Calculator v1!10!8537916204

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FireNET Plus Battery Calculator Tool

The FireNET Plus Battery Calculator Tool will help you determine the batteries needed for your installation. In order to use this tool you must
know the number and type of devices that will be attached to your control panel, and the current requirements of any auxiliary devices
being powered by the control panel. Please enter this information in the yellow boxes. To use the FireNET Plus Aux. Power in the calculation,
change the "N" (NO) to "Y" (YES) to select. To begin, answer the following questions…
How much Standby Time (in hours) is required for the installation? 24 Hours
How much Alarm Time* (in minutes) is required for the installation? 5 Minutes

FireNET Plus Panel Hardware Loop 1 Loop 2 Panel Total Standby Total Alarm
Total Current Current
FNP-1127 1-Loop Panel 1 Ö 1 0.200 0.250 ###
FNP-1127-SLC Loop Expander 0 0.000 0.000 ###
FN4127-NIC Network Card 0 0.000 0.000 ###
DACT Digital Alarm Communicator 0 0.000 0.000 ###
SLC Device Communication Current 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 ###
5 Device Alarm LEDs 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 ###
0.200 Total 0.250 ###
Devices on Total Standby FNP Aux. Total Alarm
SLC Devices Loop 1 Loop 2
Loops Current Pwr. Used Current

ALG-V Analog Photo Smoke 0 0.00000 0.00000

ACA-V Analog Multi-Sensor 0 0.00000 0.00000
ALK-V Analog Photo Smoke 0 0.00000 0.00000
AIE-EA Analog Ion Smoke 0 0.00000 0.00000
ATG-EA Analog Heat Sensor 0 0.00000 0.00000
Number of Remote Alarm LEDs 0 0.00000 0.00000
FRCME-4, P Input Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
FRCMA, FRCMA-I Class A Input Mod. 0 0.00000 0.00000
FRCME-M Input Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
DIMM Dual Input Monitor Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
AMS Addressable Pull Station 0 0.00000 0.00000
R2M, R2ML, R2MH Dual Relay Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
R2ML-I, R2MH-I Dual Relay Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
SOM Supervised Output Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
SOMA, SOMA-I Class A Output Mod. 0 0.00000 0.00000
SOM-R Supervised Output Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
See Aux. Devices Below for Power
DH98-A Analog Duct Smoke 0 0.00000 0.00000
DH98-AR Analog Duct w/Relay 0 0.00000 0.00000
Panel Aux. 24V Power 0 0.00000 Y 0.00000
Number of Remote Alarm LEDs 0 0.00000 Y 0.00000
Number of Remote Power LEDs 0 0.00000 Y 0.00000
CZM Conventional Zone Module 0 0.00000 0.00000
Panel Aux. 24V Power 0 0.00000 Y 0.00000
ASB Analog Sounder Base 0 0.00000 0.00000
Panel Aux. 24V Power 0 0.00000 Y 0.00000
SCI Short Circuit Isolator 0 0.00000 0.00000
Device Total 0 0 0
0.200 A 0.250 A

FireNET Plus Notification NAC Total

Standby NAC Total
Appliance Circuits NAC 1 NAC 2 NAC Total Current Alarm Current

Total Current per NAC Circuit 0.00 0.000 A 0.000 A

Constant / Resettable Power N N Y Include NAC Standby in Battery Calculation, Yes or No?

The amount of current needed to power Auxiliary Devices varies with application. Large amounts of current may be necessary.
The table below by default calculates the total current required by the Auxiliary Devices and assumes that the FireNET Plus Aux. Power
will not be used. To use the FireNET Plus Aux. Power in the calculation, change the "N" (NO) to "Y" (YES) to select. Calculate and enter
the amount of current necessary for your application. Total the current used for all SOM(s) and enter in the table.

FireNET Plus
Auxiliary Devices Device Standby Alarm Standby
Aux. Pwr. Used
Total Alarm
Quantity Current Current Current Current
# of SOM(s) X Total Current/SOM 0 0.000 Y 0.000
FN-LCD-S Serial Annunciator 0.020 0.110 0.000 Y 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000
0.000 N 0.000

Total Current Required for Operation 0.000 A 0.000 A

Total Current Load for Additional 24VDC Fire Rated Power Supply 0.000 A 0.000 A
(Not Included In Battery Amp Hour Calculation)
Standby Alarm
Amount of FireNET Plus Auxiliary Power Remaining 0.720 A 0.720 A
(Using FireNET Plus 24VDC Aux. Power Terminals)
Continue calculation on Page 2.

FireNET Plus Battery Calculator Tool (Page 2)

The amount of current needed to power the I/O Board varies with application. Large amounts of current may be necessary if I/O Board
outputs are used. The table below by default calculates the total current required by the I/O Boards and assumes that the FireNET Plus
Aux. Power will not be used. To use the FireNET Plus Aux. Power in the calculation, change the "N" (NO) to "Y" (YES) to select. Calculate and
enter the amount of Output current necessary for your application.

FireNET Plus
I/O in Standby I/O in Alarm I/O Aux. Pwr. Used
Total Alarm
I/O Boards Standby I/O Current Alarm Current Current
I/O Board Address #1 Y 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000
I/O Board Address #2 N 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000
I/O Board Address #3 N 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000
I/O Board Address #4 N 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000
I/O Board Address #5 N 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000
I/O Board Address #6 N 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000
I/O Board Address #7 N 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000
I/O Board Address #8 N 0.000
Number of Inputs 0.001 0.001 0.000
Number of Outputs 0.000

Total Aux. Current Required for Operation A 0.000 A

(Using Aux. 24VDC Fire Rated Power Supply)

Total Current Remaining for I/O Board Operation A 0.720 A

(Using FireNET Plus 24VDC Aux. Power Terminals)

Up to 32 I/O Boards can be connected to a single FireNET Plus control panel. To determine total current requirements, the
number of inputs and outputs in the table above per I/O Board can be multiplied to reflect a fully loaded 32 I/O Board system.
Note: Each I/O Board has 2 banks of 8 I/O channels. The maximum current output per channel is 0.100A with a total of 0.500A per bank.

Site Information
Total Standby Current Draw = 0.200 AMPS
Site Name-
Total Alarm Current Draw = 0.250 AMPS Address-
x Alarm Time 0.083 Hours* City-
Total= 0.021 AH State & ZIP-

Standby Amp-Hours Required = 4.800 AH
Alarm Amp-Hours Required = 0.021 AH Panel Info-
Total AH Required= 4.821 AH

x Derating Factor 1.20 (20%)

Battery Size Needed --- 5.785 AH

The FireNET Plus panel can support batteries up to 60 AH. Install Date-


* Alarm Time: 0.083 = 5 minutes, 0.250 = 15 minutes, 0.500 = 30 minutes.

Enter quantity if using control panel "Aux. Power" to power the module.
Note: A limited amount of current (720mA) is available for this function.
If Aux. Power from another source is used, do not include the current
draw in this calculation.

NOTE: Hochiki hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software product, whether expressed or
implied. Including without limitations any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. Hochiki cannot and will not be liable for any incidental, consequential, special,
indirect or similar damages for any reason. It is the responsibility of the user to ascertain the
accuracy and the reliability of any and all information generated or provided by this software.
Rev. 1.10

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