Hunter His Last Trickpdf
Hunter His Last Trickpdf
Hunter His Last Trickpdf
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Written by Jose Garcia
Development: Cat Evans
Producer: Kevin Schluter
Art Director: Sarah Robinson
Graphic Design and Layout: Sarah Robinson
© 2023 Paradox Interactive® AB. Hunter The Reckoning® is a trademark and/or registered trademark of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe,
the U.S., and other countries.
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Story Structure 4
The Quarry 5
The Reflections 5
Red Flags 5
“No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a
good set of teeth.” — Harry Houdini
In the town of Rochefort, Massachusetts, the famous stage magician turned “paranormal truth
seeker” Aaron Phelps goes missing. He leaves behind the one mystery he couldn’t solve, a
deceased occultist’s house known for its ghost sightings. Spurred on by his disappearance, the cell
investigates the house, only to find operatives from a rival organization and a very real evil inside.
The cell must put end the danger the house poses and escape with their lives.
occultist, whose misguided studies brought him into
contact with other realities. When he died, the magics
he worked on his home deteriorated — like radioactive
waste, right down to the half-life and seeping magical
pollution. This story’s a reminder for Hunters to make
damn sure when they close a case, they don’t just kick a
can full of problems down the road.
If they make anyone uncomfortable, avoid them
is Last Trick is a story for Hunter: The or replace them. The notion of being trapped
Reckoning. It’s best suited for a cell of four in an adjacent, timeless reality is horrifying
to six Hunters who’ve recently awakened their whether you need food and water or not.
Drives. It works as either a one-shot, a convention
Story Structure
game, or an early story in a Hunter chronicle.
Because it’s designed to be suitable as a convention
game, it doesn’t use every rule in the core book: for
example, exactly what effect a character’s Creed has
This story has three chapters.
on gameplay isn’t explained or referred to. If you have
In “Chapter One: House Calls”, the cell arrives
Hunter: The Reckoning to hand and can look up rules,
in town to investigate Aaron Phelps’s disappearance,
great. If not, there’s enough guidance and explanation
interviewing a remaining member of his film crew.
in this story to keep you going.
They enter The Meadows and learn they’re not alone in
Hunting is a school of hard knocks. There’s no
the house.
guide to surviving, much less fighting, the monsters
In “Chapter Two: House Arrest”, The Meadows
living among humanity. Cells learn the laws of the
seals the cell inside, and slowly transforms into its true
Hunt by trial and error.
form. The cell regroups and searches for survivors
Hunters expect death to bring an end to the danger
while tangling with the house’s servants.
a monster poses. It’s not always so easy. In His Last
In “Chapter Three: Escape”, the cell escapes the
Trick, a cell of hunters discover a “haunted” house is
house in one of several ways, one of which could end
actually troubled by the residual power of a long-dead
The Meadows’s terror once and for all.
Though this story is set in a fictional New England
town and the house in question has a Western design,
this narrative works for any setting. A haunted house
and a stage magician are easy to relocate; change the
The cell aren’t the only people on the scene.
location, names and architectural details as necessary.
Contractors for the first (and only) monster hunting
app, Re:Venge, are on the case. They’re locked and
JUMPING IN loaded, but they’re ill-prepared for the horror inside.
If the players don’t have time to make their own
characters for this story, we’ve provided a cell More information and traits are on page 19.
of six ready-to-play Hunters in “Appendix Two:
Red Flags
Player Character Cell” on p. 20. This cell’s just
starting their Hunt as a group, and this story
gives them a warm welcome.
The Quarry
If you’re running this story at a convention or as a
one-shot, tell the players they’re going to Rochefort to
investigate the mysterious disappearance of famous ghost
hunter Aaron Phelps in a notorious haunted house. If
Rochefort locals call the beautiful old mansion on the you’re using this story in a chronicle, or just want a little
edge of town “The Meadows.” No one lives there and more buy-in for a one-shot, consider these hooks:
no one has since its architect and first owner, William ● One of the Hunters grew up in Rochefort. They
Sumner III, died in the early years of the twentieth know the legend. “Step in the Meadows, and you
century. Some say they can see Sumner’s ghost in its don’t come back.” Now that’s happened, maybe it’s
windows. Others say doomed souls are lured into the time to put an end to the legend forever.
house to join the building’s legion of ghosts.
Some say Sumner was an occultist and spiritualist ● Several years ago, someone close to a Hunter
who sacrificed local people to power his black magics. vanished. The details of their disappearance is
They’re right. sketchy, and even the Hunter has a hard time
When Sumner died, the magic didn’t. It’s taken on a remembering it. Recent events point toward The
life of its own, and still lures in visitors to convert their Meadows.
life force into energy that keeps the house connected ● A Hunter’s Touchstone is a relative of Aaron
to a myriad of other realities. Unless the cell is careful, Phelps. They don’t trust Re:Venge or its operatives,
they’ll be the next victims. Complicating Factors and while they’re still not sure what the Hunter and
A man-eating house shaped creature is bad enough, but their group of weird friends really do, maybe they
it gets worse. can help somehow.
The Reflections
The creatures The Meadows creates are not flesh and
blood, and the quartz-like material that lies under their
fake skin and the yellow-gray ichor that flows from
their wounds might quickly tip off a Hunter to this.
Their minds are mostly their own, save for a desire to
get a living person alone and devour them bones and
all. Some keep it under control while others revel in it.
See page 18 for more information on The Reflections.
Chapter One:
he cell arrives in Rochefort, Massachusetts. They The Meadows is a mansion just outside of town. They
can either gather info from Phelps’s film crew or say it’s haunted, and that trespassers never return. A
head straight to The Meadows. After convincing week ago, the famous magician Aaron Phelps came here
the police chief to let them in the house or sneaking with a full film crew to debunk the legend. He vanished.
in, they realize that they’re not alone and the house You’re here to figure out why, and deal with whatever’s
isn’t a house. responsible for it.
The film crew is still in town, and you could ask them
DANGER what happened. You could also drive straight on to the
The Storyteller should track Danger — a mansion and dive right in. The former could shed some
measure of how powerful the paranormal forces more light on the situation, but the latter could save some
arrayed against the Hunters currently are, and…
well… how much danger they’re in throughout
time, maybe even Aaron’s life if you’re lucky.
the story. Danger starts at 1. What’s your plan?
Town Limits at
Give the players some time to get into character and
discuss their next actions. If the cell can do research
on the road, the Global Access or Library Edges reveal
that The Meadows has a history of people vanishing in
or around the house. A critical win on these Edge tests
reveal odd inconsistencies in these stories, with some
sources presenting the stories as legends while others
The story begins as the sun rises over the town of report it as fact. Global Access also reveals that there is
Rochefort, Massachusetts. If the cell’s from out of no known property holder for The Meadows.
town, it’s been a long drive from where they were and If the cell decides to speak with the last person that
they’re finally arriving. If the cell’s local, they might saw Aaron, head into “Chatting With The Film Crew.”
have gotten up early to take full advantage of the If the cell wants to get directly to the action, go to
daylight. Read out or paraphrase: “Entering The House.”
Chatting With
defensiveness in his gestures, suggesting he hasn’t told
the authorities the whole truth.
The cell doesn’t have to tell Ed their life stories, but if
Running For It
disagree whether her mother’s last known location was
The Meadows, this specific inconsistency serves as a +1
Aggravated Willpower weapon.
Pat relents if she has taken more Willpower damage No one said the cell had to talk to Pat. They’re monster
than her opponents after three rounds. The Hunters hunters driven to fight the darkness, and Pat’s a regular
clearly understand something is wrong with the house cop on a morning shift. If the cell wants to sprint right
that she doesn’t know (or can’t remember), and she by her, they can.
gives them three hours to look around the place. If she Getting to the front or back door without Pat
ends the Conflict Impaired, she breaks down sobbing, catching a Hunter is a Strength + Athletics test,
and tells the cell to “find it and kill it.” She has no idea Difficulty 4. If multiple Hunters fail, she catches the
why she said that. character with the highest margin of failure. Pat tries
If the cell doesn’t win the Conflict, they can still to put anyone she catches under arrest and will escalate
distract Pat or start running. to a physical Conflict (which causes Health damage
to the loser) if the cell fights back. She has a pistol but
Distracting Pat
prefers to use a baton unless she feels her life’s in serious
danger. If she has more Health damage than the rest
of the cell after three rounds, she heads for her car
If the cell’s willing to split up, they can get one or and drives back into town. She then has to convince
more of the Hunters to distract Pat while the others her fellow officers to come back to the house with her,
sneak around for an alternative entrance. Pat’s already which gives the cell more than enough time to get into
suspicious of the cell, so distracting her with bluster The Meadows and start exploring.
or the details of a fake identity is a Manipulation + If a Hunter ends up in Pat’s custody, she keeps
Subterfuge test at Difficulty 4. Even if this roll fails, them in the house’s yard until she finally convinces
Pat’s spending so much of her mental energy trying to her officers to be her backup. This gives the other
see through the distraction that she could miss a few Hunters time to explore the house and the captured
Hunters passing her by. Sneaking past Pat during the Hunter time to escape and join the rest of the cell but
The Freelancers
some truth in the stories Sumner was a magician; they
think they might not be dealing with ghosts here at all.
Unfortunately, that means they’re out of their depth —
Armel, Jeannine, and Regan are Re:Venge jobbers but the pay was too good to pass up.
exploring the house together, despite the house’s
attempts to separate them. The cell finds them
Chapter Two:
T Trapped!
he Meadows traps its prey. The Hunters are caught
in a space between our world and somewhere else.
The cell must find and rescue each other and other
survivors before the Reflections devour them.
After an appropriate narrative trigger, read out or
Throughout “Chapters Two” and “Three”, pay
close attention to Danger. In this story, Danger
represents how completely The Meadows’s reality has
The house groans. It’s not like the way an old house groans
overwritten ours, and the general Difficulty for any
when it’s exposed to the elements. It’s a slow, rolling groan
attempt at escape that doesn’t use the hearth (p. 16).
that descends into an airy growl.
THE STATE OF REALITY If the Re:Venge freelancers are present for this scene,
add this sequence. If not, skip it:
Danger Reality
The freelancers look around the house, then to each other.
1 All doors, windows, and other exists
sealed. Some crystalline growth on the Jeannine makes sure her weapons are loaded.
floors and walls. “Tyson?” Armel’s hiding his terror well. “What’s happening?”
2 Full crystall ine growth on the floors and “I’m not sure,” he says, “maybe some kind of poltergeist
walls. Environment still recognizable as activity or—”
a house, but with a constant, pale blue
glow. Reflections are now physical.
Continue reading out or paraphrasing:
3 Walls and floors begin to fall away,
becoming potential hazards for the cell. A man’s voice fades in. “Hello? Is anyone there? Help!”
Furniture and other household objects The voice is panicked, but some of you recognize it from
begin to crystallize. Sludge rivers emerge, TV specials. That’s Aaron Phelps!
trickling from room to room or down (or
sometimes up) staircases.
In the distance, you hear a loud crash. Beneath your
feet, the hard wood floors of the house ripple like liquid.
4 Vine-like crystalline structures sprout
from furniture and household objects, When they settle, they’re covered in a thin layer of crystal.
growing in and around what little remains Then you hear a sound like crumpling paper. You only
of the house. need to turn your head to see the doors and windows
5 All semblance of the house is gone. Vine- leading outside the house melting into the walls.
like crystalline growths are abundant.
Sludge rivers stretch as far as the eye can
All light from the outside snuffs out. You hear a rumble.
see. The ceiling collapses, revealing a sky What do you do?
of swirling, purple stars.
Increase Danger by 1.
Those On the
Because the house’s windows and doors still work
from the outside, they can send in objects, or even enter
They could use Drone Jockey to bring in a flying
drone or hurl a ground drone through a window. The
drone maintains contact with its operator inside the
house. If it’s capable of broadcasting audio and/or
If any Hunters are outside when the chapter begins, video, its still capable of this and has a clear view of the
read out or paraphrase to them: shifting reality inside. The operator can communicate
with the Hunters inside the house using the drone if
Outside the house, you and Pat hear a crash. You look it’s broadcast capable. However, entering the house
up and see the house shudder like an animal. Nothing’s always does 1 damage to the drone, and the house and
changed on the outside, as far as you can tell. Reflections attack it if they see it.
“No.” Pat whimpers, and you can see blood trickle Outside Hunters can enter the house through its
from her nose. “Please. Please not again.” doors and windows. The Meadows always has room
She tumbles to the ground in pain. That’s when you for one more. If they do, the entrance behind them
realize that something has changed. You can’t see your cell vanishes, and they’re in the same situation as the rest of
through the windows. You can’t see your cell at all. their cell.
What do you do?
Search and
Hunter by looking their light is a Wits + Awareness test
at Difficulty 3.
If the Hunters find Aaron or the freelancers, they
can pass on this knowledge to them, and they use it for
the rest of the story. If they become Reflections after
learning this, they’ll still use it.
Reflections of
they’d rather win at a cost — meaning they’ll find
Aaron, but something bad will happen, or fail meaning
they might not find him at all. If the group chooses to
win at a cost, they find Aaron just as several Reflections
(equal to Danger) reach him.
If they fail, it’s too late. Aaron has died of hunger
and thirst, and the Hunters see the crystal ground
grow over his body. A few moments later, the crystal Reflections (p. 18) should feel like a constant threat but
bursts open and he emerges as a Reflection. He realizes shouldn’t be so common that the cell sees them as a
what’s happened to him and begs the cell to destroy trivial enemy to blast away.
him. Then, The Meadows pours its hunger into him, Consider bringing out a Reflection to antagonize
and he attacks. Once the Crystal Abode has control of the cell in the following situations:
him, Aaron fights until he’s destroyed or all the living ● The Danger rises.
humans present are dead.
● A Hunter falls into Despair (see Hunter: The
Chapter Three:
s The Meadows’s power reaches its height, the cell hearth, surrounded by a number of Reflections equal
finds potential escape routes. Depending on their to Danger. A critical win sees them facing half as many
choices, they escape to fight another day or take Reflections (round up).
down the quarry once and for all. At the hearth, the Hunters can engage in physical
or social Conflict with The Meadows. Any Reflections
The Hearth
nearby speak for it in social Conflict, and fight for it in
physical Conflict. If it’s alone, it speaks through images
reflected in the crystal in social Conflict and throws
around household items and stray crystals in physical
Within a network of tunnels somewhere in The
Conflict. In social Conflict, it attacks by explaining it
Meadows’s cosmic body, there lies a bright crystal that
is a gateway to other worlds, a leap forward in human
radiates intense warmth. This is the house’s combined
knowledge, that destroying it is small minded and
heart and central nervous system, without which it
ignorant, and contrary to what “the great architect”
cannot survive.
William Sumner III would have wanted, and that the
If the cell found Aaron alive, he describes how
cell should be honored that it chose them to fuel its
he found this crystal while hiding in the tunnels. He
continued existence.
says when he did, the whole house lurched like it was
Aaron and the freelancers are willing to help the
in an earthquake. He speculates the crystal must be
Hunters fight The Meadows. To keep conflicts speedy,
important to the Abode. He describes it as its “hearth.”
consider having their help be a free one-time use of
Using his guidance, the cell can navigate the tunnels
Willpower for re-rolling dice per person instead of
as if they were looking for Aaron (p. 14) to find the
having them be active participants. Striking the hearth
hearth. A win brings them to the hearth, surrounded
damages the house physically. Any accusation that it is
by a number of Reflections equal to Danger. A critical
a monster or that it’s not wanted in this world damages
win brings them to an unprotected hearth.
the house socially. Conflicts end after three rounds.
The cell can still learn about the hearth if they don’t
The cell wins when they Impair the hearth or if, after
have access to Aaron. Reflections return to the hearth
three rounds, they take less damage than it took.
for healing or rest. After driving away a Reflection after
If the cell wins a physical Conflict with the
a Conflict, a Hunter can make a Dexterity + Stealth
hearth, it either succumbs to its wounds if Impaired
test at a Difficulty equal to the Reflection’s remaining
or abandons its connections to the cell’s reality to
Health levels. A single critical win at any point wins the
recuperate. The cell’s surroundings burst like a balloon,
extended test immediately. A win brings them to the
sending countless shards of crystals flying in the air.
Loose Ends
If the cell wins a social Conflict with the hearth,
the house doubts its own right to exist. If Impaired it
crumbles around the cell, otherwise it leaves theirreality
in a rage. The cell’s surroundings stretch into the air,
If this is a one-shot, the story ends here. If this is the
and then fling into the sky.
start of a chronicle, here are some consequences that
When the cell leaves the house, they are five feet in
could lead to future stories.
the air over the hilltop. At the Storyteller’s discretion,
● If Aaron survived the story, he becomes a contact
this might inflict one Superficial Health damage
for the cell. He doesn’t have a Drive, but the
without a brace for impact. They land in front of
experience has only emboldened him to explore
a passed-out Pat Lynn and any Hunters who were
and debunk the supernatural. It isn’t long before he
still outside. Pat awakens and asks them if she was
asks for the cell’s consultation on a case involving a
If the cell loses either Conflict, the cell is thrown
from the hearth and into a distant part of the house. ● While playing baseball on the hill where The
This keeps the group together. The cell can track Meadows once stood (or still stands), a group of
down the hearth and try again (the hearth retains any teens find buried metal plates inscribed with occult
damage) or try one of the Forced Exits (below). symbols. Is this more of Sumner’s work? What
happens when one of the teens unlocks the plate’s
Forced Exits
magical secrets?
● If the freelancers survived, their Drives awaken,
and they look to the cell as mentors. They’re trying
If the cell is wiling to let the house stand, here are some to break free from Re:Venge, but find themselves
alternate exits: harassed by the company’s compliance department.
● Explosives. Applying explosives like those obtained ● If The Meadows still stands, its influence in
from the Ordinance Edge to the house’s walls (both Rochefort gets stronger as it attempts to repair itself
outside and inside, should the latter still exist) could and continue its great work of reaching out to other
burst them open. worlds. It lures in more victims, and eventually
● Vehicles. Pat’s car or another vehicle obtained from starts to expand.
the Arsenal fleet could knock down the house’s ● In a big city, far away from Rochefort, rumors of
walls from the outside. a haunted skyscraper spread like wildfire. That
● Fire. The house’s exterior burns quickly, and so skyscraper never existed until now. Has The
do its interior walls while they still exist. If the Meadows returned, or was it only one of several
cell’s willing to risk severe burns, this is a risky but places like it around the world?
effective way out.
Each of these exits should feel as climactic as
battling the hearth. The Meadows throws everything it
has to prevent these breaches and strikes at Hunters in
the outside once it’s breached. When the cell gets a few
minutes from the house’s walls, they’re free.
The Meadows
melee or brawl attacks, the creature can target all
enemies within reach simultaneously. The creature
makes a single roll, with each target making their own
defense roll.
The Meadows is a three-story mansion with five Terrify (6 dice): The creature can instill a primal fear
bedrooms, four bathrooms, a large foyer, and a center in its victims and enemies and is able to make even the
staircase with steps made of glass. It was built by most grizzled hunter shake with fright. Anyone failing
William Sumner III, a wealthy railroad mogul and to resist the power with their Composure + Resolve are
gifted occultist, in the late 1880s. terrified for the rest of the scene. Terrified victims must
For decades, he used it to carry out explorations into spend a point of Willpower to master their fear, otherwise
other versions of reality, his magic powered by the blood any actions taken in the creature’s presence suffer a two-
of anyone he could lure into the house to use as a sacrifice. dice penalty. This power usually affects anyone in sight of
While His Last Trick speaks of the house as a sentient the creature when used, but as with charm, might affect a
being, it’s a sentience composed of fragments of those single victim for “lesser” monsters.
victims, united with the lingering magic of the house.
The Reflections
Once a person steps inside The Meadows, the house
transforms into a seemingly endless world made from large,
human-sized crystals, each functioning like a mirror. Its
victim, unable to escape, wanders its shifting halls until they
die and become a Reflection, or the Reflections find them The Reflections are The Meadows’s semi-willing
and personally initiate them into their ranks. However they servants. When a person dies or is murdered in the
meet their end, their energy becomes fuel for the house’s house, their energy used to fuel its existence,their ghost
ongoing efforts to connect itself to other worlds. walks the house until the last of their energy’s depleted.
General Difficulties: 5/3 Their appearance fits the house itself: a quartz-like
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Mental 6, Social 3 crystalline body . The new Reflection remembers who
Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7 they were, but their identity’s subjugated to a desire
Notes/Other Traits: to turn living people into more Reflections. If the
Twist and Turn: The Meadows can separate starvation and thirst doesn’t kill a lost visitor to the
groups of its victims. Once per scene, the house may house, the Reflections will.
make an attack resisted by Dexterity + Athletics test (if Some Reflections realize what they’ve become
it separates them by physically shifting architecture or and make peace with it. Others are in denial but
assaulting guests with household objects) or Resolve + can’t overcome what the house, and the collective
Composure test (if it separates them through illusions) consciousness of the .
at Difficulty 3 in Chapter One and a Difficulty of Some of the Reflections Hunters could encounter are:
Danger +2 in Chapters Two and Three. Anyone who ● Jenna Lynn, a mother looking for her child.
fails is sent to a different part of the house and is at risk ● Michael Erdrich, a home appraiser assigned to the
of a Reflection attack. house by the town.
Resilience (5 dice): Persistent. The creature treats
all damage as superficial damage unless it belongs to
one of its Vulnerabilities.
Terrify (5 dice): The creature can instill a primal fear
in its victims and enemies and is able to make even the
most grizzled hunter shake with fright. Anyone failing
to resist the power with their Composure + Resolve are
terrified for the rest of the scene. Terrified victims must
spend a point of Willpower to master their fear, otherwise Not even the unearthly power of The Meadows can
any actions taken in the creature’s presence suffer a two- ward off the all-seeing algorithms of Re:Venge. Once
dice penalty. This power usually affects anyone in sight of Aaron’s disappearance made the news, their closers
the creature when used, but as with charm, might affect a approached his family. Soon enough, Phelps’s family’s
single victim for “lesser” monsters. devices were running the organization’s spyware, and a
Their Weak Spot (hitting a weak spot requires an team of three local freelancers got their big break.
attack made as a called shot with a +2 Difficulty, but Armel Carver, a “veteran” with the company who’s
the damage is Aggravated and ignores the Reflection’s served for six months, is their leader and moral support.
Resilience) is their head, and they’re Vulnerable to fire Jeannine Tyson is their makeshift quartermaster.
damage (i.e., all fire damage is Aggravated and ignores Regan Coulson is their occult expert, though only in
the Reflection’s Resilience). the loosest sense. This job might get them killed or it
might awaken their Drives.
Aaron Phelps
General Difficulties: 3/2
Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Mental 5, Social 5
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5
Exceptional Dice Pools:
Anyone with a TV knows who Aaron Phelps is. Best Armel: Leadership 7, Investigation 7
known for his sleight of hand and “mesmerism” tricks, Jeannine: Firearms 7, Persuasion 7
Aaron Phelps was a regular on talk shows. As his fame Tyson: Melee 7, Occult 7
grew, he became interested in debunking supernatural Notes/Other Traits: What the freelancers lack
phenomena, like some of his magician heroes did. He in experience is made up in teamwork. When the
produced a series of TV specials focusing on all kinds freelancers act as a group, in any situation, any
of hoaxes. He hoped that The Meadows: Exposed! Difficulties to influence them or resist their attacks
would be his masterpiece. increases by 1. If a Hunter separates a freelancer from
Instead, he vanished, leaving a confused and the rest of their team, and they see no sign that their
terrified camera crew behind. He’s been gone for a week allies are around, any Difficulties to influence them or
now, but he’s not dead yet. resist their attacks decrease by 1.
Sammy Alvarado
Scorned Scientist
Questions came as naturally as breathing to Yasmine. When they were young, they asked about how the
world worked. As an adult, they asked questions about particle physics. In the weeks before they became
a Hunter, they asked why their project’s funding was redirected to a department on her company’s
campus that only existed on paper. After surviving an attack by the sorcerous head of that department,
they’ve set out on their own, using their scientific prowess as well as experimental prototypes, to find out
how the world really works.
Creed: Entrepreneurial
Drive: Curiosity
Ambition: Perfect and market my inventions.
Touchstones: Chris Stanhope, a former subordinate at a former workplace and current guinea pig.
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2;
Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 4
Skills: Athletics 2, Craft (Design) 3, Stealth 2, Leadership 2, Persuasion 1, Academics (Research) 3,
Awareness (Concealed Objects) 1, Occult 1, Science (Physics) 4, Technology 3
Advantages: Resources 2, Safe House (Alvarado Solutions: Very Large, Laboratory, Security System) 5
Flaws: Living on the Edge
Edges and Perks: Improvised Gear (Alvarado Prototypes; roll Intelligence + Science), Sense the
Unnatural (Alvarado Handheld Detection Meter: Precision; Wits + Science)
Sammy Alvarado
Scorned Scientist
Creed Entrepreneurial
Perfect and market my inventions
Dexterity ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Manipulation ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Wits ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡
Stamina ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Composure ¡¡¡¡¡
� Resolve ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡
Craft Design ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Insight ¡¡¡¡¡ Finance ¡¡¡¡¡
Stealth ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Streetwise ¡¡¡¡¡ Science Physics ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡
Sammy Alvarado
Safe House ¡¡
¡ ¡¡
� �
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Date of birth
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Safe House (Alvarado Solutions: Distinguishing features
Very Large, Laboratory, Security System)
Ash Zamora
Pragmatic Peacemaker
After a car accident took away Ash’s parents and siblings, they faced a hard and lonely reality. They
refused to let it destroy them and took refuge in their faith. They made it their life’s mission to spread
comfort to the downtrodden and aid to the ailing. After experiencing a haunting while on a spiritual
retreat, they realized that becoming a beacon of light in the world means banishing the darkness. If
a monster craves peace and redemption, Keaton will give it to them. If it just wants to cause harm,
Keaton’ll pay it in kind.
Creed: Faithful
Drive: Oath
Ambition: Rescue my family from beyond the veil of death.
Touchstones: Nathaniel Galura, a local spiritual leader.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3; Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 3;
Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 7
Skills: Athletics 2, Driving 1, Firearms 2, Melee 1, Insight 3, Performance (Violin) 1, Persuasion 1,
Streetwise 3, Academics (Theology) 4, Medicine 3, Occult (Ghosts) 2
Advantages: Mask 1, Nutritionist: Cell Chef, Resources 2, Safe House (Reinforced Van: Small,
Hidden Armory) 2
Flaws: Weak-Willed
Edges and Perks: Library (Dedicated section of their van: Who They Are, How to Harm Them;
Resolve + Academics)
Name Ash Zamora Faithful
Pragmatic Peacemaker
Concept Creed
Rescue my family
Cell Ambition Desire
Dexterity ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Manipulation ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Wits ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡
Stamina ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Composure ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Resolve ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡
� ¡
Driving ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Intimidation ¡¡¡¡¡ Investigation ¡¡¡¡¡
Firearms ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Leadership ¡¡¡¡¡ Medicine ¡¡
� ¡
� ¡¡
Melee ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Persuasion ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Politics ¡¡¡¡¡
Ash Zamora
Resources ¡¡
¡ ¡¡
Safe House ¡
¡ ¡¡
Flaw – Weak-Willed ¡
¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Date of birth
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Library (Dedicated section of their van: Who They Are, How to Distinguishing features
Harm Them; Resolve + Academics)
After a car accident took away Ash's parents and siblings, they faced a hard and
lonely reality. They refused to let it destroy them and took refuge in their faith.
They made it their life's mission to spread comfort to the downtrodden and aid to
the ailing. After experiencing a haunting while on a spiritual retreat, they realized
that becoming a beacon of light in the world means banishing the darkness. If a
monster craves peace and redemption, Keaton gives it to them. If it just wants
to cause harm, Zamora repays it in kind.
Charley Roy
Independent Analyst
Charley was once known as “Zeta,” an important figure in the Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
community. From firefights in Europe to terrorist plots in the Americas, Zeta was a trustworthy, reliable
source until their analysis pointed them towards a secret cover-up of a series of massive attacks in the
American Great Lakes region. They found out the vampires behind the attacks were on to them and
burned their cover. Now they live in secret, using their talents and state-of-the-art computer rig to
support their cell and the Hunter community.
Creed: Inquisitive
Drive: Pride
Ambition: Establish and disseminate undeniable proof of the supernatural.
Touchstones: Ismail “Zero-Day” Pasha, a still active OSINT operative.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3; Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Composure 2;
Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 5
Skills: Athletics 1, Stealth 2, Etiquette 1, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 3, Awareness 3, Finance (Black
Markets) 1, Investigation 3, Politics 2, Technology 4
Advantages: Contact (Leland Orban, head of Court Solutions, a private intelligence firm) 3, Influence
(Online Intelligence Enthusiasts) 2, Status (Inquisitive Creed) 2
Flaws: Person of Interest
Edges and Perks: Global Access (penetrate secure digital systems) (“Middle Brother”: Watching Big
Brother, Money Tap; Intelligence + Technology)
Name Charley Roy Inquisitive
Independent Analyst
Concept Creed
Establish proof
Cell Ambition Desire
Dexterity ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Manipulation ¡¡¡¡¡
� � � Wits ¡¡
� ¡
� ¡¡
Stamina ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Composure ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Resolve ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡
Stealth ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Streetwise ¡¡¡¡¡
� � � Science ¡¡¡¡¡
Charley Roy
Influence ¡
¡ ¡¡
Status ¡
¡ ¡¡
Flaw-Person of Interest ¡¡
¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Date of birth
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Global Access (penetrate secure digital systems) Distinguishing features
("Middle Brother": Watching Big Brother, Money Tap;
Intelligence + Technology)
Harley Blackwell
Righteous Street Fighter
Harley was born with a chip on their shoulder. Fights on the playground became fights in juvenile
hall, and it wasn’t until they found a group of MMA enthusiasts at a local gym that they finally found
someplace to channel their anger. That anger rushedback when the gym got foreclosed, and the property
manager Harley confronted died sixty years ago and had a taste for the blood of children. After bashing
the monster into ash, they took a trophy from its lair, a pair of leather gloves. Since then, they and their
gloves have been knocking monsters back to where they belong.
Creed: Martial
Drive: Vengeance
Ambition: Reclaim my sense of inner peace.
Touchstones: Declan Ruiz, martial arts instructor.
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 1;
Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 4
Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 4 (Artifact), Firearms 1, Melee 3, Stealth (Ambushes) 1, Survival 2,
Intimidation 2, Streetwise 2, Investigation 1, Occult 3
Advantages: Allies (Tough Stallion Gym Members: Effectiveness 3, Reliability 2) 5, Mask 1, Resources 1
Flaws: No Safe House, Stigmata (Physical Injury)
Edges and Perks: Artifact (Rune-Painted Leather Gloves: Empower, Shield; Intelligence + Occult,
grants +1 die to Brawl)
Harley Blackwell
Righteous Street Fighter
Creed Martial
Cell Ambition
Inner peace Desire
Dexterity ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Manipulation ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Wits ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡
Stamina ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Composure ¡¡¡¡¡
� Resolve ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡
Brawl Artifact ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡ Etiquette ¡¡¡¡¡ Awareness ¡¡¡¡¡
Firearms ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Leadership ¡¡¡¡¡ Medicine ¡¡¡¡¡
Melee ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Persuasion ¡¡¡¡¡ Politics ¡¡¡¡¡
Stealth Ambushes ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Streetwise ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Science ¡¡¡¡¡
Survival ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Subterfuge ¡¡¡¡¡ Technology ¡¡¡¡¡
Harley Blackwell
Mask ¡¡¡¡
Resources ¡¡¡¡
¡¡¡¡ ¡
¡¡¡¡ ¡
¡¡¡¡ ¡
Date of birth
¡¡¡¡ ¡
¡¡¡¡ ¡
Artifact (Rune-Painted Leather Gloves: Empower, Shield; Distinguishing features
Intelligence + Occult, grants +1 die to Brawl)
Harley was born with a chip on their shoulder. Fights on the playground became
fights in juvenile hall, and it wasn't until they found a group of MMA enthusiasts
at a local gym that they finally found someplace to channel their anger. That
anger rushed back when the gym got foreclosed, and the property manager
Harley confronted died sixty years ago and had a taste for the blood of children.
After bashing the monster into ash, they took a trophy from its lair, a pair of
leather gloves. Since then, they and their gloves have been knocking monsters
back to where they belong.
Joey O’Doherty
Corporate and Combat Strategist
When Joey served in the Marines, their head for logistics saved lives. As a member of the logistics team
for the American branch of monster hunting corporation Monster X, they were responsible for making
sure the company’s supply chain of supernatural phenomena remained stable. When they realized both
that the “supernatural phenomena” they were talking about was very real, and that a stable supply line
did not mean protecting the health and safety of its field agents, Joey went solo. They’ll use their tactical
genius and her firearms prowess to keep fellow Hunters alive.
Creed: Martial
Drive: Atonement
Ambition: Unify the Hunting community into something more powerful than the orgs.
Touchstones: Amie Greer, fellow Marine vet.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Composure 3;
Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl (Grappling) 1, Craft (Weaponsmithing) 3, Firearms 2, Survival 1, Leadership
3, Persuasion 2, Streetwise 4, Awareness 1, Technology 3
Advantages: Influence (Unique Threat Response Industry) 2, Resources 3, Safe House (The Last
Resort: Small, Panic Room) 2
Flaws: Shunned (Monster X)
Edges and Perks: Arsenal (Old Military Connections: Team Requisition; Manipulation + Streetwise),
Drone Jockey (“Sky Eye”; Wits + Technology)
Name Joey O'Doherty Concept
Combat Strategist
Creed Martial
Unify Hunters
Cell Ambition Desire
Dexterity ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Manipulation ¡¡¡¡¡
� � � � Wits ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡
Stamina ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Composure ¡¡¡¡¡
� � � Resolve ¡¡
� ¡¡¡
Brawl Grappling ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Etiquette ¡¡¡¡¡ Awareness ¡
� ¡¡¡¡
Craft Weaponsmithing ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Insight ¡¡¡¡¡ Finance ¡¡¡¡¡
Firearms ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Leadership ¡¡¡¡¡
� � � Medicine ¡¡¡¡¡
Survival ¡
� ¡¡¡¡ Subterfuge ¡¡¡¡¡ Technology ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡
Joey O'Doherty
Resources ¡
Safe House ¡¡
¡ ¡¡
Flaw-Shunned ¡
¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Date of birth
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Arsenal (Old Military Connections: Team Requisition; Distinguishing features
Manipulation + Streetwise)
Sal Jacobs
Supernatural Con Artist
There isn’t a mark that Sal can’t milk for everything they’ve got. Sure, not all suckers deserve it, but Sal’s
the master of washing them out and getting away clean. Or, at least, that’s what they thought until they
swindled a family that turned out to be a pack of man-eating werewolves. Their guile and a machete
got them out of there alive with fewer than ten broken bones. The attack left Sal with two things: a
realization they could focus their talent on more deserving targets, and a strange ability to paralyze
Creed: Underground
Drive: Greed
Ambition: Find a way to go legit.
Touchstones: Annie Chan, drinking buddy.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 1; Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2;
Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 4
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 6
Skills: Athletics (Endurance) 1, Driving 2, Firearms 1, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Etiquette 3, Insight 3,
Persuasion 4, Awareness 1, Occult 3
Advantages: Mask (Cobbler) 3, Resources 2, Unseemly Aura
Flaws: Addiction (Nicotine), Disliked (Law Enforcement)
Edges and Perks: Fleet (Previous Marks’ Vehicles; Intelligence + Technology), Repel the Unnatural
(Powerful Shout: Handsfree; Resolve + Occult — roll at the opponent’s higher General Difficulty to
keep it from moving closer as long as the Hunter stands still)
Name Sal Jacobs Underground
Supernatural Con Artist
Concept Creed
Cell Ambition
Go legit Desire
Dexterity ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Manipulation ¡¡
� ¡
� ¡¡ Wits ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡
Stamina ¡¡¡¡¡
� Composure ¡
� ¡
� ¡¡¡ Resolve ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡
� ¡
Driving ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Intimidation ¡¡¡¡¡ Investigation ¡¡¡¡¡
Firearms ¡¡¡¡¡
� Leadership ¡¡¡¡¡ Medicine ¡¡¡¡¡
Stealth ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Streetwise ¡¡¡¡¡ Science ¡¡¡¡¡
Survival ¡¡¡¡¡
� � Subterfuge ¡¡¡¡¡ Technology ¡¡¡¡¡
Sal Jacobs
Mask (Cobbler) ¡
¡ ¡ ¡¡
Resources ¡
¡ ¡¡
Unseemly Aura ¡
¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Date of birth
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡
Fleet (Previous Marks' Vehicles; Intelligence + Technology) Distinguishing features
There isn't a mark that Sal can't milk for everything they've got. Sure, not all
suckers deserve it, but Sal's the master of washing them out and getting away
clean. Or, at least, that's what they thought until they swindled a family that
turned out to be a pack of man-eating werewolves. Their guile and a machete
got them out of there alive with fewer than ten broken bones. The attack left Sal
with two things: a realization they could focus their talent on more deserving
targets, and a strange ability to paralyze monsters.