Topics For Halloween
Topics For Halloween
Topics For Halloween
Cha Ch
Attach a plastic cup upside down to a Grab a clear glass or bottle and fill it
spoon using tape. Stretch rubber halfway with vinegar. Add a small
bands around the spoon's handle for spoonful of bicarbonate of soda to
tension. Load your candy into the cup, the vinegar. Watch as it fizzes and
pull back on the spoon, and release to bubbles, creating your magical
watch your candy soar through the concoction. Stir with a wooden stick
air! Have fun experimenting with for a magical science experiment!
different candies and launch angles.
llenge 3 allenge 4
Cha Ch
Build your own eerie haunted house Weave a spooky spider’s web with
using cardboard, craft supplies, and white string! Tie one end of the string
recyclables! Try and incorporate to a large object like a table or tree,
spooky science and engineering into then create spokes by stretching it
your design. Work together, get out. Weave the string in a circular
creative, and let your Halloween spirit pattern around the spokes, going over
shine as you build a haunted and under, until you have a spiderweb.
llenge 5 allenge 6
Cha Ch
Start by drawing and cutting out a Gather some earbuds and arrange
bat shape from a black piece of them to create the shape of a
paper. Fold the wings out for a 3D skeleton. Connect the earbuds
effect, and add eyes with googly together, making sure they're
eyes or white paper circles. Attach a securely attached to form the
string to hang your spooky paper bat skeleton's frame. Add some cotton
in your room, and enjoy your wool or paper for the skull and you've
Halloween craft! got your very own spooky skeleton!