PRXQuantum 5 010102
PRXQuantum 5 010102
PRXQuantum 5 010102
The scaling barriers currently faced by both quantum networking and quantum computing technologies
ultimately amount to the same core challenge of distributing high-quality entanglement at scale. In this
Perspective, a novel quantum information-processing architecture based on optically active spins in silicon
is proposed that offers a combined single technological platform for scalable fault-tolerant quantum com-
puting and networking. The architecture is optimized for overall entanglement distribution and leverages
color-center spins in silicon (T centers) for their manufacturability, photonic interface, and high-fidelity
information-processing properties. Silicon nanophotonic optical circuits allow for photonic links between
T centers, which are networked via telecom-band optical photons in a highly connected graph. This high
connectivity unlocks the use of low-overhead quantum error-correcting codes, significantly accelerating
the time line for modular scalable fault-tolerant quantum repeaters and quantum processors.
DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.5.010102
even a few hundred physical qubits and presently it seems deliver SFTQ technologies and the corresponding trans-
that more (and perhaps substantially more) high-fidelity formational real-world use cases far earlier than current
qubits will be necessary for commercial advantage. Simi- predictions.
larly, the scaling of quantum networks is currently blocked This technology is being built based upon networked
by the unavailability of reliable quantum repeaters. There- spins in silicon, specifically the T-center spin-photon inter-
fore, it remains an open question if any commercial value face [26]. The architecture itself is broadly applicable to
can be realized with these NISQ devices [23]. all long-lived spin-photon interfaces such as solid-state
Delivering the full potential of quantum information color centers [27] as well as some optically active atoms
processing requires the construction of scalable fault- in vacuum [28,29]. This architecture exploits the connec-
tolerant quantum (SFTQ) computing and networking tech- tivity and modularity of quantum networks to scale the
nologies. Although the global race to deliver SFTQ tech- power of fault-tolerant quantum processors and the error-
nology is already considerable and accelerating, and the corrected memory of distributed processors to scale the
performance of some small-scale quantum systems are reach of quantum networks. This paper is an overview of
approaching the levels needed to operate individual logical that vision.
qubits [24], scaling such systems seems to be a consider-
able challenge and hence the advent of large-scale SFTQ
networking and computing technologies is believed by
some to be a decade or more away [25] based upon the The stringent thresholds for fault-tolerant quantum error
quantum architectures known today. correction imply that qubits must operate in strictly
In this Perspective, the argument is made that quantum controlled environments, including, e.g., low tempera-
networks and quantum information processors will both tures, ultrahigh vacuum, electromagnetic shielding, with
achieve ultimate scale by combining them into the same high-purity materials, and more. Each of these physical
core entanglement-distribution technology. The network- constraints results in a certain system size, beyond which
ing of quantum computers will allow for true horizontal the marginal difficulty of adding the next qubit gets harder,
scaling of quantum resources through modularity; and the not easier. Constraints such as these imply that for each
introduction of quantum repeaters (small quantum com- quantum computing platform, there exists a natural system
puters) will scale the topologies and total distance of size past which it would be far easier to link multiple com-
telecom quantum networks. By way of illustration, a quan- puter modules instead of building ever-larger monolithic
tum architecture emphasizing entanglement distribution is quantum supercomputers. This shift into modular quan-
proposed (Fig. 1), which could be reasonably expected to tum processing has multiple advantages: it can directly
1-K Cryostat
Quantum Processor Chip Fiber Links
FIG. 1. Photonic’s scalable quantum technology architecture. A quantum chip is cooled in a 1 K cryostat. This chip hosts inte-
grated silicon T centers within optical cavities, photonic switches, and single-photon detectors. Optical input-output (IO) ports connect
via telecom fiber to a room-temperature photonic switch network and control electronics. This naturally allows a highly connected
architecture with nonlocal connectivity even as the system scales in size. Telecom fiber also enables horizontal system scaling by
connecting multiple cryostats together through their optical IO. This enables both expansion of computing power and long-distance
quantum networks.
unlock quantum repeaters and scalable quantum networks (a) (b) (c)
if telecom photons are used to link the modules. For some
quantum computing architectures, the maximum number q1
of future qubits in any one module could, in principle, be q2
q1 q8 q1 q8 q3
quite large and the requirement to shift into horizontally
scalable modular quantum computing may be positioned q4
q2 q9 q2 q9
in the distant future. However, for competitive (rapid) scal- q5
ing of quantum resources, it is suggested in this Perspective q3 q10 q3 q10
that modular quantum processing will be an ultimate long- q7
term goal for all quantum architectures on a practical q4 q11 q4 q11 q8
basis. q9
If one assumes that modularity will unleash limit- q5 q12 q5 q12 q10
less horizontal scaling of fault-tolerant quantum net- q11
works and quantum supercomputers, as it has for classi- q6 q13 q6 q13 q12
cal networking and supercomputers, the role of connec- q13
tivity between modules deserves specific attention. For q7 q14 q7 q14
reference, modern classical high-performance computing Module1 Module 2 Module1 Module2
hinges entirely upon parallelization across interconnected
computing modules [30,31]. In the quantum case, even (d)
higher degrees of intermodule connectivity will be crit- q1
ical. The architectural benefits of high connectivity have q2
been discussed in Refs. [32,33]. Even with quantum algo- q3
rithms that minimize the number of logical operations
across modules [34–36], entanglement will need to be dis- q6
tributed efficiently. This is deeply connected to how quan- q7
tum error correction is implemented in physical systems, q8
as is described next. q9
The scaling of connections between modules is a crit- q10
ical design parameter, as module size sets a lower bound q11
on the number of entangled pairs that must be shared q12
to apply an arbitrary operation on a joint two-module q13
system [37]. More importantly, connectivity remains sig- q14
nificant in the specific case where each module encodes
its own set of logical qubits. To implement logical two- FIG. 2. The temporal overheads associated with intermodule
qubit gates between separate modules, many physical connectivity. (a),(b) An illustrative example of two seven-qubit
qubits must be entangled between the individual modules. CSS code blocks with (a) limited (low) and (b) ideal (high)
intermodule connectivity. (c) Maximal intermodule connectiv-
By way of example, for a Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS)
ity, where each physical qubit can be directly entangled with
code (a quantum error correcting code where bit-flip and its partner qubit from the second module in parallel, results in
phase-flip errors are detected and corrected independently a single-time-step transversal CNOT gate, which implements the
by classical error-correcting codes), a transversal logical logical CNOT gate between these two modules. (d) The lim-
controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate between logical qubits from ited intermodule connectivity of this example results in a serial
two code blocks in separate modules requires transversal slowdown for the two-qubit logical CNOT operation with an
(pairwise) physical CNOT gates between every single one illustrative, but suboptimal, circuit implementation. Substantial
of their constituent physical qubits (Fig. 2). Without a high additional temporal overheads are incurred (not shown here) if
degree of intermodule connectivity, the entanglement dis- all-to-all connectivity within the module is not available, as is
assumed for this example.
tribution between the two modules becomes a bottleneck
in the performance of the distributed system [38,39]. As
systems scale, this bottleneck can only be avoided if the
connectivity of qubits between modules scales with the
error-detecting capacity of the code. In codes where this estimates of quantum networking and computing applica-
error-detection capacity scales proportionally with module tions [39]—and yet connectivity between and within mod-
size, this poses a stringent mandate: an interconnect for ules is almost never accounted for, and typically not even
each physical qubit in the ideal case [40]. In large-scale mentioned, in current quantum resource-estimation liter-
quantum systems, the interconnectivity of modules may in ature. Simply put, these one-to-one physical entangling
fact dominate the temporal and spatial quantum resource operations between the modules must be parallelizable
similar check weights [48], and proven efficient decoding given physical qubit type should be selected for further
algorithms for large finite codes [68]. QLDPC codes that development with this long-term requirement in mind.
encode one logical qubit per every three physical qubits
have been demonstrated to saturate the quantum hash- III. BUILDING BLOCKS: SILICON, TELECOM,
ing bound under depolarizing noise (one of the biggest MEMORY, ENTANGLEMENT
points of pride of the planar surface code) using decoders A. Silicon
already in practical use today [69]. Even with rather small
system sizes (where the asymptotic behavior of QLDPC Silicon is a pinnacle material for both quantum and
codes need not be representative of actual performance) classical applications. It is the industrial standard for high-
and under nuanced noise models, QLDPC codes have been performance integrated electronics, as well as for low-loss
demonstrated to lower resource costs by over a factor of 10 high-density photonic integrated circuits both active and
in comparison to planar codes [70], even when extending passive. Spin qubits within silicon have also proven to be
to physical-resource estimation [71]. Certain families of exceptional quantum memories, with coherence times of
QLDPC codes offer constant overheads as the code scales approximately 3 h [93] and high fidelity [94]. From an
in size. For instance, explicit codes of around 1000 physi- industrial perspective, no other semiconductor is remotely
cal qubits support well over 100 logical qubits [71]. With close to silicon in its global impact, process engineering
constant-overhead QLDPC codes, the encoding rate could capabilities, cost effectiveness, and purity. The industrial
remain the same as the system scales horizontally. Unfortu- dominance and extensive development of silicon offers
nately for purely planar architectures, there is no substitute such incomparable competitive advantages that, histor-
for high connectivity—it is a fundamental requirement for ically, if a solution is found using silicon, the silicon
any system hoping to capitalize on this tantalizing poten- solution usually wins.
tial [33,72]. While full space-time logical-circuit-overhead
estimates are currently scarce, existing methods [48,73] B. Telecom photons
already upper bound this overhead at O(n) and there is Telecommunications-band (telecom) photonic flying
optimism that QLDPC logical circuit compiling can match qubits will be the backbone of any highly connected global
or beat state-of-the-art methods for surface codes [74] in quantum network and the backbone of modular quan-
practice. tum computers. Telecom photons can be flexibly routed
Even in advance of SFTQ, connectivity is also prov- with arbitrary connectivity to connect matter qubits both
ing critical in NISQ applications. For example, to build locally and remotely, with low loss in cryogenic compat-
a quantum repeater, connectivity allows for substantially ible waveguides and at room temperature using modern
more efficient entanglement distribution across many users telecommunications infrastructure. Although a number of
[75,76] and higher entanglement throughput via multipath research efforts are now advancing the transduction of
routing [77]. Other examples where connectivity improves other qubits into telecom photons [95–99], the overhead of
near-term applications include mapping circuits to hard- transduction processes can be avoided entirely by working
ware [78] and quantum image processing [79]. with quantum systems that interact with telecom photons
Taken together, the rate and quality of nonlocal entan- directly—such as the silicon T center. In this Perspec-
glement generation should be seen as the key characteristic tive, the claim is made that telecom photons are essential
dictating the ultimate performance and resource require- for high-connectivity quantum technologies at scale but
ments of applications using large-scale modular fault- are likely not practically sufficient on their own without
tolerant quantum systems. This is true for both large-scale a quantum memory.
networks leveraging quantum repeaters as well as modular
and horizontally scalable quantum supercomputers. In this
vision, quantum supercomputers and quantum networks C. Quantum memory
are both ultimately large-scale entanglement-distribution The central challenge with photonic qubits of all wave-
systems. Many physical qubit types can, in principle, lengths, across quantum computing and quantum network-
support nonlocal optical entanglement generation, includ- ing, is that they suffer from unavoidable loss. Each pho-
ing trapped ions [32,80], neutral atoms [81,82], quan- tonic process over optical links succeeds only a fraction of
tum dots [83], and solid-state color centers [84–90], and the time, and this is true even for telecom photons, which
the newly rediscovered and hence relatively unexplored have the lowest-loss photonic components available by
silicon T center [26,91,92]. While the architecture pro- far (e.g., switches) [100]. In large-scale high-connectivity
posed here could be applied to each, practical details that settings, each switch layer introduces yet further loss.
impact the rate and quality of the nonlocal entanglement- Quantum memories offer a straightforward path to protect
generation capabilities of a qubit can have truly dramatic against photon loss for both high-fidelity computing and
consequences on the final system performance and any networking applications [101].
coordination of photon signals with long time-of-flight
(long distance) connections, as well as in high-loss envi- A B C D
ronments where many entanglement-generation attempts
are necessary on average before photons arrive success-
fully. Solid-state color-center qubits with access to a spin e
degree of freedom [27,84], as well as some optically Controls
active atoms in vacuum [28,29,104], and rare-earth emit-
ters [105–109] offer all of the aforementioned ideal quan-
tum functionality. Each of these physical qubit types offer
a direct high-quality photon interface into at least one (b) B C
long-lived [110] high-fidelity [111] universally control- T-Center Optical-Cavity
Spectrum Response
lable spin qubit [112]. Every physical qubit in this category
has a direct and dedicated photonic interface allowing for
parallel entanglement generation.
For high-connectivity quantum computing, a similar
architectural advantage is proposed here, where the pho- A D
tons distribute entanglement but do not process quantum
information directly: the processing is done within the
spin qubits. This design is inherently tolerant to pho- Energy
ton loss as probabilistic entanglement-generation attempts
can be repeated until success, without losing the spin- FIG. 4. (a) The energy levels of a T center. Transition C is
qubit state [113]. Memory qubits within the spin register optically pumped to generate entanglement and for readout. h,
must be insulated from decoherence due to remote entan- excited-state hole spin; e, ground-state electron spin. (b) The
glement attempts between communication qubits by a optical spectrum of the electron spin of the T center, overlaid
with optical cavity to enhance emission of the C transition.
suitable memory-protection scheme [114,115]. Essentially,
the high connectivity between matter qubits—which could
be physically arranged on planar chips—is provided by of quantum interfaces, which will inevitably compromise
entanglement carried by telecom photons and the arbitrary entanglement-distribution rates and fidelities.
connectivity that these photons provide.
Maximally entangled Bell pairs (BPs—pairs of qubits in
one of the four Bell states) of long-lived spins can be pro- D. Computing and networking with T centers
duced via a variety of photonic methods (see Fig. 6 for a Even in a loss-tolerant design, achieving efficient distri-
specific implementation [116,117]). Once entanglement in bution of entanglement at scale is a critical performance
the form of BPs is delivered to the spins, this entanglement metric for high-connectivity SFTQ. This further motivates
can be used as a resource to construct cluster states to be the adoption of solid-state spin-photon interfaces, ideally
consumed for computation within the measurement-based telecom color centers, which can be directly placed into
computing paradigm [118,119] or teleported gates in the low-loss integrated photonic circuits in silicon. Direct inte-
traditional gate model of quantum computing [120,121]. gration not only maximizes photon collection efficiency
Both the cluster state and teleported gate models of quan- from every single qubit but also enhances the photon emis-
tum computation allow for blind-computing applications sion rate and quality using routine photonic engineering,
over a network [15,122]. Below, the focus is on teleported while the spins, particularly long-lived nuclear spins, can
gates as an example implementation. perform at the high levels necessary for low-overhead
For this kind of quantum technology, the repeaters QEC.
and quantum computing modules of quantum networks The above considerations foretell a future where scal-
will be almost identical in their core construction, which able fault-tolerant quantum networks and scalable fault
reflects the fact that the key to efficient high-performance tolerant quantum computers will be the same core technol-
large-scale quantum networking and quantum computing ogy, with long-lived spins embedded into silicon integrated
is high-bandwidth high-connectivity entanglement distri- photonics, directly interfacing with telecom photons. In
bution. In the long term, it is suggested that this unified particular, the silicon T center [26,91,123] is proposed as
technology will outperform architectures with disparate the exemplary foundational quantum unit: in addition to
networking and computing cores that require extra layers direct telecom access, it contains one unpaired electron
spin and up to three spin-1/2 nuclear spins (one hydrogen high-fidelity operations according to the vision set out in
and two carbon atoms; see Fig. 1), each of which serves as Sec. III.
a high-fidelity and long-lived qubit with good performance
comfortably above 1 K [26], where substantial cooling
power is available for large-scale modular processors. A. State preparation and measurement
Solid-state spin performance is largely determined by For readout and initialization, the electron spin can be
the host-crystal environment. High-fidelity performance projectively measured and initialized to high fidelity using
and ultralong coherence times [93,124,125] are common spin-dependent optical excitation [Fig. 4(a)] [26,91,132].
to many silicon spin centers, including T centers [26]. In The initialization and readout of the full T center spin
particular, the capability to isotopically purify silicon to register could be realized via successive rounds of high-
the nuclear spin-free 28 Si isotope has shown nuclear spin- fidelity state swaps between the nuclear spins and the elec-
coherence times of 3 h [93], with fidelities above 99.9% tron spin. Additionally, quantum nondemolition (QND)
[94]. T centers in bulk 28 Si samples show spin-coherence readout of the nuclear spins can be achieved by executing
times (T2 Hahn echo) of 2.1 ms for the electron and 1.1 s two-qubit CNOT gates with the electron spin as the target,
for the hydrogen nuclear spin; both spins have T1 lifetimes optically reading out the electron spin, and then repeating
far longer than a second [26]. as necessary [133]. In either case, memory qubits must be
The T center is one of very few spin qubits with a protected from decoherence due to optical excitation by a
direct telecom interface in silicon [109,126,127]. It can suitable scheme. Readout schemes without excitation are
efficiently interact with a pump laser pulse and emit a spin- possible for strong-coupled emitter-cavity systems [134].
entangled O-band photon. A photonic cavity can change The four spin qubits in the local register of a T cen-
the photonic environment around the T and enhance the ter admit independent and high-fidelity single-qubit and
emission of the photon into desired optical modes through multiqubit gates through standard electron and nuclear
the Purcell effect [128,129]. These modes are coupled to magnetic resonance techniques [26]. Silicon donor spins
optical waveguides with well-defined modes and there- have demonstrated excellent spin-selective control, long
fore spin-entangled photons can be accurately (and with dephasing rates (T∗2 ), and frequency stability, as well as
low loss) routed to their destination either through inte- long spin lifetimes a mere 10 nm from interfaces [94,135].
grated photonic waveguides or by coupling into optical
fiber. Optical fibers can connect T centers across multiple
chips, enabling a naturally modular and horizontally scal- B. Bell-pair entanglement
able architecture. As monolithic quantum systems grow Two-qubit gates rely on proximity-based or nonlocal
in size, they typically face increasingly difficult IO and entangling operations between qubits. Remote T centers
environmental challenges, e.g., resonator wiring for super- interact through photon-mediated entanglement. Each T
conducting transmon qubits. Modular scaling can relieve center can be optically triggered to emit single telecom O-
IO density challenges and environmental constraints that band photons [91], optionally entangled with the electron
emerge as systems grow in size. spin. To generate entanglement between spins, these pho-
tons must be indistinguishable. This means matching every
degree of freedom between two photons: wavelength,
linewidth, timing, polarization, and so on. Importantly, the
The silicon T center, only recently rediscovered for wavelength of these photons can be tuned with either strain
quantum applications in 2020 [26], has the potential to [136] or electric fields [137,138] to compensate for the
enable high-performance SFTQ in the near and long term. variations in the local environments of the T centers.
It merges the advantages of silicon fabrication and scal- The indistinguishability of spin-entangled photons dic-
ability, telecom emission, and long-lived spin memories tates the quality of the generated BPs and hence the max-
into a quantum system uniquely adapted to a modular high- imum fidelity of the multiqubit operations. Highly indis-
connectivity architecture. Compared to color centers such tinguishable photons can be produced on demand when
as the NV or SiV in diamond, which have decades of the optical-transition linewidth of the emitter approaches
development as qubits and photon sources, there is rel- its lifetime-limited value, rather than being broadened by
atively little literature concerning the performance of T environmental noise. This can be dramatically assisted by
centers as a spin-photon interface. From published results, photonic engineering, specifically by spin-selective Pur-
it is clear that the T center has progressed rapidly from cell enhancement of the optical transition when on res-
characterization to device integration [26,91,92,130,131]. onance [Fig. 4(b)] with a high-Q photonic cavity [139].
Although there is significantly more work to be done, This offers faster emission rates, leading to larger lifetime
recent results have established the striking spin [26] and contributions to the linewidth and therefore more indistin-
optical [131,132] properties of the T center. Below, it guishable photons, as well as higher cyclicity (defined as
is described how the qubits of the T center perform the conservation of the spin state through an optical cycle).
Detector Clicks
TCenter A
n Z n n n
e H
TCenter B
n X n n n
(b) Accepted Bell Pairs
0.8 Bell Pairs
Initialize Interfere Invert states Interfere Entangled
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 FIG. 6. The two-qubit-gate mechanism. The electron spin is
Time Difference Between Clicks (ns) initialized in a superposition state and optically pumped to emit
a spin-entangled photon. Repeating this process and heralding on
FIG. 5. (a) Two T centers emit synchronized photons. The photon detector clicks produces photon-mediated electron spin-
detection times will vary due to the finite time width of the pho- spin entanglement, which is consumed in remote T centers to
ton wave packets. (b) The detection time difference dt can be effect a CNOT gate between two nuclear spins.
used to herald only high-fidelity BPs. As the heralding thresh-
old grows more stringent, the BP-generation rate decreases. The
model curves have been calculated using reasonable projections
of system parameters from current performance.
electric field E, a trimming magnetic field δB0 , and optical- All-to-all Connectivity
switch and detector signals. Multiplexing strategies reduce (networked)
the electrical line count for all signals, particularly the local
control [168] and detector [169] signals.
implemented in Fig. 6. Each node possesses one or more (a) (b) (d)
logical qubits, which become logically entangled to neigh- e
boring logical qubits through entanglement distribution.
n H
Subsequent logical entanglement swapping allows the end-
node logical qubits to be entangled, similar to the end-node LC1 LC2
physical qubits of the first generation of repeaters. This LC2
second generation uses the scalability and connectivity of
T centers in individual nodes to distribute error-corrected (c)
logical qubits over long distance.
For these reasons, the proposed T center-based archi-
tecture is not only best suited to tackle the challenges of
SFTQ computing but also offers a very attractive platform
for implementing large-scale quantum networks and their L E E L
various applications.
Laser Client
VI. QUANTUM NETWORKING APPLICATIONS Initialize Interfere Invert Interfere Loaded
A truly scalable network, extendable both in dis-
tance and number of users, unlocks powerful applications FIG. 8. (a) A protocol for loading of a time-bin photonic qubit
[176,177], such as quantum key distribution (QKD), dis- state into the spin memory of a T center. (b) A quantum circuit
tributed quantum computing, blind quantum computing that utilizes the protocol in (a) to generate a cryoptographic key
for two users (laser clients, LCs) connected to the same hub (c).
[15], and enhanced sensing. Here, the focus is on two
Loading photons from two users and then performing a Bell-
applications, blind quantum computing and quantum key state measurement on them computes the parity of their states,
distribution, and we discuss how these could be naturally allowing secret key generation in MA-MDI QKD.
implemented in the proposed architecture.
A. Memory-assisted measurement-device independent than existing trusted-node networks [181]. At the same
quantum key distribution time, the memory assistance provides improved key-rate
Quantum key distribution is the quantum networking scaling [179] due to the ability to store the clients’ quantum
application nearest to widespread adoption. A first imple- information in the T center spins. This means that the client
mentation of a QKD network using T centers consists of photons do not have to arrive simultaneously; their loading
users possessing laser clients (LCs) that are optically con- to the spins is heralded and only once both are loaded is the
nected to a quantum processor containing T centers (see Bell-state measurement performed between spins.
Fig. 8), possibly in a hub-spoke configuration (a network Within this architecture, each hub will support thou-
with many outlying nodes and one central hub connected sands of users in a hub-spoke model, well exceeding the
to each outlying node). Users can encode quantum infor- usual point-to-point connections of currently commercially
mation onto weak coherent pulses (e.g., using time-bin
encoding) and send this to the processor hub. There, using
the spin-photon entangled state of the T center and quan- (a) (b)
tum teleportation, the encoded quantum state is loaded to e
a local spin state [178] for storage and further processing. n H
T Center A
Multiple hubs could be interconnected to extend range and
capacity (Fig. 9). e LC1
T Center B
The proposed networking configuration realizes n
memory-assisted measurement-device-independent (MA- LC1
MDI) QKD [179]. Within this protocol, a secret key
between two users is established by first loading each
user’s states onto the qubits of the hub, followed by a Bell-
FIG. 9. (a) A quantum circuit for loading qubit states from dis-
state measurement between these two qubits. The result of tant laser clients to two different quantum hubs and performing a
that measurement is announced to the users, who use this nonlocal Bell-state measurement between the two T center spins.
information to extract a shared secret key. The teleported CNOT (middle) is mediated by entanglement dis-
The MA-MDI-QKD protocol eliminates detector-side- tribution between the two hubs. (b) Because the CNOT between
channel attacks [180], allowing the hub to operate as an the two T centers is teleported, this circuit could be used to gener-
untrusted node. Entanglement-based linking of nodes can ate cryptographic keys between two users connected to different
also be untrusted, providing significantly more security cryostats that are linked by telecom fiber.
available QKD systems. Performing entanglement distri- quantum systems, potentially distributed over global dis-
bution between hubs as in Fig. 9 allows implementing the tances, will be the ultimate version of horizontally scaled
same MA-MDI-QKD protocol in a distributed setting. The quantum information processing and networking. Under-
shared entanglement can be generated independently of the pinning this view is the observation that combining
qubit loading events and then consumed to implement the quantum computing and quantum networking technology
nonlocal Bell-state measurement. removes the fundamental obstacles to scale that each of
Whether connected to a single hub or a repeater chain, these technologies are facing in isolation, i.e., truly scal-
each user requires only a simple cost-effective source: a able architectures are horizontally scalable. Namely, to
room-temperature laser attenuated below the single-photon unlock quantum networks at scale, one needs to develop
level. It is equipped with a modulator able to produce time- quantum repeaters that, in the high-performance limit, are
bin-encoded photonic qubits, which are spectrally matched essentially fault-tolerant quantum computing modules, and
to T centers in the hub. Such a device is very similar to to unlock truly scalable quantum computing one needs
the telecom transceivers of a modern data center and the to leverage the entanglement-distribution capabilities of
photonic qubits produced by these sources can be simi- quantum networking to link quantum computing modules
larly routed through existing data-center or metropolitan into quantum supercomputers.
telecom fiber to the hub. Given that high-bandwidth high-quality entanglement
distribution ultimately sets the performance of both scal-
able (modular) fault-tolerant quantum computing and net-
B. Blind quantum computing working, quantum systems should be engineered to opti-
Although quantum repeaters allow for long-distance mize entanglement distribution. Under this model, quan-
quantum computation and telecom-wavelength photons tum computing and quantum networking are (in the ideal
allow for modular quantum design, quantum computers case) ultimately the same fundamental technology.
may remain constrained by the complex hardware required This Perspective proposes a scalable quantum (network-
to protect and manipulate quantum states. This restric- ing and computing) architecture with this end goal in
tion suggests that quantum supercomputers are expected mind. It suggests a specific implementation using telecom
to start, and perhaps remain, as network-accessible large- color centers in silicon—namely, the T center—but this
scale devices. Cloud access over the classical Internet may architectural model is broadly applicable to many qubit
not be able to provide the necessary privacy for all poten- systems. Because of the high connectivity offered by the
tial end-user applications. Additionally, the operators of spin-photon interface, this architecture can take advantage
the quantum computers would have access to both the data of fixed- and low-overhead QLDPC codes to deliver fault
and the algorithm run on it. Similar concerns for classi- tolerance. Due to the integrated silicon photonics plat-
cal cloud computing have galvanized research in the field form, thousands of qubits can be fabricated and addressed
of homomorphic encryption [182], where a computer per- on a single chip with optical and electronic control and
forms logic directly on encrypted data without ever gaining routing, and modules can be connected together across
the capability to decrypt and learn the underlying infor- existing global telecommunications infrastructure without
mation. Blind quantum computing [15], which may be any transduction losses. The use of a T center network
viewed as a quantum analogue to homomorphic encryp- to distribute verified quantum entanglement allows for
tion, allows users to perform arbitrary computations using device-independent networking protocols, providing the
remote quantum processing resources, while restricting the ultimate protection against eavesdropper attacks, as well
computer from having meaningful access to both the data as other high-value applications leveraging entanglement
and the algorithm. In this highly connected architecture, distribution, such as blind computing. Taken together, the
the same process of qubit loading employed for MA-MDI future for truly scalable quantum technology is bright.
QKD can also be employed to realize remote and blind Declaration of competing interest: Stephanie Simmons
quantum computation, without a change of user hardware. is the founder and Chief Quantum Officer at Photonic Inc.,
This is due to the intrinsic spin-photon interface of the a company for quantum technologies based on photoni-
T center, which allows the loading of arbitrary external- cally linked silicon spin qubits.
user qubits into the computation in a heralded way. Loaded
qubits are largely used to direct the computation remotely,
while some are reserved as checks to confirm the operation
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