PE Steel Transitions - Technical Description

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1.1 Technical description of PE/STEEL connections

PE/STEEL connections are made by pressing the pipe's PE section on a specially calibrated,
welded end pipe to the steel pipe section. The connection is additionally reinforced by applying
a suitably dimensioned steel sleeve onto the connection. The steel end pipe of the PE/STEEL
connection is connected to the steel element of the gas network by welding. The PE/STEEL
connection's PE end pipe is made from PE 100RC, SDR 11 measurement interval. The connection
with PE pipes may be made by butt welding or electrofusion welding with molded sockets.

Steps in manufacturing process:

A smooth sleeve encases the PE pipe, while a steel barbed spigot within the PE pipe pushes
outward, hooking the pipe and creating a leak-proof seal and tensile strength that is far greater
than the PE pipe itself.
The execution of PE/STEEL connections in SDR 17.6 sizes is identical as in SDR 11 sizes. In
order to obtain dimensions of PE pipes in SDR 17.6 sizes, the SDR 11 end pipe must be milled on
a specific distance, as per the technical drawing.

PE/STEEL connections are marked with labels that clearly specify:

- manufacturer's name
- nominal diameter
- PE class
- dimension interval
- working pressure
- clearly marked inscription "GAZ" (Eng. gas)
- technical approval number

PE/STEEL connections with diameter ranging from 25 [mm] to 225 [mm] are used for making
low and medium distribution networks made from PE 100RC class pipes in SDR 11 and SDR 17.6
dimension intervals. The operating temperature of such connections is between -- 20 ºC and +
30 ºC. The gas working pressure should not cause circumferential stress higher than specified for
the given PE class, while maintaining safety coefficient of 2.

1.2 Storage, warehousing and transportation

Storage and warehousing.

PE/STEEL connections should be stored and warehoused on even and dry surfaces, where they
will not be subject to mechanical damage or weather. The storage height should guarantee that
the pile of products is stable. PE/STEEL connections should be protected against movements or
falling over.

The fundamental principle to be maintained during transportation is to ensure the safety of

employees and to avoid damage to the transported PE/STEEL connections. PE/STEEL connections
should be protected against damage. PE/STEEL connections may only be loaded onto trucks
whose cargo bays are even and have no sharp or protruding edges. PE/STEEL connections should
be placed next to each other, so as to guarantee their stability and protect them against moving.
The cargo may be secured with wooden supports, wedges and bound with plastic tape or
wrapped with stretch wrap. PE/STEEL connections placed in layers should be separated with, e.g.
cardboard spacers, in order to prevent damage to them. PE connections must not be thrown or
pushed along the surface as it will result in damage and scratches that may lead to deformation
of PE pipes or damage of the thread. Smaller quantities of lightweight PE/STEEL connections may
be moved manually, provided relevant OHS regulations are observed.

Dimension interval of PE/STEEL connection

Connection type SDR 11

25/20 25/20 32/25 w/ thread 1"
32/25 32/25 32/32 w/ thread 5/4”
40/32 32/32 40/25 w/ thread 1”
63/50 32/40 40/32 w/ thread 5/4”
90/80 40/32 63/50 w/ thread 2"
110/100 40/40 ---
125/100 63/50 ---
160/150 90/80 ---
180/150 110/100 ---
200/200 125/100 ---
225/200 160/150 ---
--- 180/150 ---
--- 200/200 ---
--- 225/200 ---
Connection type SDR 17.6
90/80 90/80 ---
110/100 110/100 ---
125/100 125/100 ---
160/150 160/150 ---
180/150 180/150 ---
200/200 200/200 ---
225/200 225/200 ---



2.1 PN-EN 1555-1:2012 – Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels – Polyethylene
(PE) – Part 1: General
2.2 PN-EN 1555-2:2012 – Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels – Polyethylene
(PE) – Part 2: Pipes
2.3 ZN-G-3150 – Gas pipelines – polyethylene pipes. Requirements and tests
2.4 PN-EN 10208-1:2011 – Steel seamed pipelines for inflammable utilities. Class A pipes
2.5 PN-EN 10216-1:2004 – Steel seamless pipes for pressure purposes. Technical conditions of
2.6 PN-ISO 5864:1998 – ISO inch screw threads. Allowances and tolerances
2.7 PN-ISO 725:1997 – ISO inch screw threads. Nominal dimensions
2.8 PN-EN 1092-1:2010 – Flanges and their joints. Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and
accessories, PN designated - Part 1: Steel Flanges

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