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A Digital Bridge for Food Donation and Waste Reduction

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Mumbai, India
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Abstract:- In today’s growing food waste

crisis, webbased platforms are emerging This waste not only contributes to pollution
as powerful tools to connect households and hunger but also exacerbates economic
with NGOs, streamlining the donation of challenges faced by many families struggling
surplus food to those in need. This review with food
explores the transformative potential of a
insecurity. Many families can’t afford proper
food waste management system designed
to bridge the gap between donors and Meals with their limited money. They don’t
NGOs. By analyzing the application’s even get
functionality, we highlight how it enables ample nutrition due to the shortage of having
households to donate food, and how three meals in A day. Many restaurants,
NGOs can notify registered needy canteens, social and family get-togethers,
individuals for collection. This system marriages and functions discharge a large
fosters timely food distribution and
Amount of food at the end of the
reduces wastage by providing real-time
interactions, notifications, and day even though the food is perfectly fine to
coordination. However, challenges such as be eaten. The excess food wastage Usually
logistics, user engagement, and ends up in landfills, creating potent
coordination among multiple stakeholders greenhouse gases which have rise
hinder widespread adoption. This review environmental implications. This Has been a
emphasizes the need for refining digital problem for decades[17]. Despite the
platforms to ensure efficient and equitable alarming amounts of food discarded, there are
food distribution. Our findings opportunities to redirect this excess to those
underscore the system’s capacity to in need through donations to organizations
revolutionize food donation, turning
such as orphanages, old age homes, and
household efforts into a streamlined,
NGOs. [15].The purpose of this review is to
impactful process for alleviating hunger.
look how this web based application helps to
I. INTRODUCTION reduce food waste By creating a platform that
connects donors with NGOs, we can tackle
In recent years, food wastage has emerged as food waste while simultaneously addressing
a significant issue, especially in densely hunger, fostering a sustainable solution for
populated countries like India.The Food and the community. The system not only
Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates enhances food security but also encourages
that every year, almost 1.3 billion tons, or social responsibility among businesses and
onethird, Of the food produced for human individuals alike. [20].
consumption is wasted[20].
There are challenges that still need to be (FAO):A specialized agency of the United
addressed, such as ensuring data privacy and Nations that leads international efforts to
security for users and establishing effective defeat hunger, improve nutrition, and
communication protocols between promote sustainable agricultural practices.
households and NGOs. Additionally, there is FAO provides knowledge and support to
a need for more robust systems to verify the countries to enhance food security, reduce
accuracy of food donations and improve the food waste, and improve agricultural
matching process between donors and productivity.[20].
recipients. By tackling these challenges, we
B. Search Strategy:-
can enhance the effectiveness of food waste
management initiatives, making a meaningful To identify relevant literature for this
impact in the fight against hunger. review, a systematic search was conducted
across five primary online research
This review highlights that the integration
databases: IEEE Xplore, Springer, Elsevier,
of such technology-driven solutions is
IJERT, and IJCRT. The search was designed
crucial for enhancing food security and
to capture a comprehensive range of studies
fostering a
related to food waste management, food
sustainable environment. Through donation systems, and technology-driven
collaboration and innovation, we can solutions for reducing food wastage.
transform excess food into nourishment for
The following key terms and phrases were
those who need it most, ultimately creating
employed during the search: “food waste
a more equitable food
reduction,” “food donation systems,” “mobile
distribution system [17] application for food wastage,” “NGO food
II. METHODS collection,” and “technology in food
management.” These terms were specifically
selected to reflect both the technological
A. Terminologies:
solutions for reducing food wastage and the
1. NGO (Non-Governmental social impact of food donation systems[1][2]
Organization): A non-profit [6].
organization that operates The search was restricted to peer-reviewed
independently of the government, articles published between 2010 and 2024 to
focusing on humanitarian and socia ensure that the findings Reflects the most
issues[12][19][21][15] current advancements Digital technologies
2. Food Insecurity: A condition where like IoT, blockchain, and AI and its relevance
individuals or households lack to excess food management. Furthermore, the
consistent access to enough reference Lists of the selected articles were
nutritious food due to economic manually reviewed to Uncover additional
constraints.[13] relevant studies, thereby broadening the
Scope of the review [11] C. Selection Criteria
3. Internet of Things (IoT):A network a) Real-Time Functionality: The studies
of interconnected physical devices supported real-time notifications and updates,
embedded with sensors and software ensuringtimely communication were
that collect and exchange data over included.[8]
the internet, enabling automation
and datadriven decision-making b) Types of Research: Both empirical
across various sectors.[11]. studies and theoretical papers on consumer
behavior related to food waste management
4. Food and Agriculture
systems were included to ensure balanced hunger is stark, and the need for an efficient
coverage of the topic challenges.[10][21] solution is evident.

c) Target Population: Studies covering 2. Way to Manage Excess Food Waste:-

households, NGOs, and restaurants involved
in food donation were considered to provide a • Leveraging IoT for efficient Food Waste
comprehensive understanding of food waste Management:-
management practices[13][20][29] The IoT-based Food Wastage Management
d) Recency of Publications: Research System offers a smart solution by using IoT
and case studies published after 2010 were sensors to monitor food waste in real-time. It
selected to reflect the latest advancements in collects data, generates reports, and shares
food waste management technologies and insights with employees and management to
strategies [2][4][17]. promote waste reduction. The system
automates food waste tracking, making it
III. RESULTS scalable for future use in areas like
restaurants and events, with potential
The development of a web-based food waste
management application draws from a review integration of technologies like blockchain.
of several existing studies, each contributing [8]
valuable insights into effective methods of • StreamLining Food Donation with an
reducing food waste.The key findings from Android Application:-
the selected literature are summarized below:
The Android app helps reduce food waste by
enabling users to donate surplus food and
1. Problem of Food Waste and Hunger:- • allowing needy individuals or NGOs to claim
it. This study states, "food wastage has been
Widespread Food Waste:-
reduced by food redistribution"and the system
Food waste is a serious worldwide issue that provides a platform where "the donor can
has an impact on society, the economy, and login to the website, update the food details
the environment. The Food and Agriculture and the location where the food is available."
Organization (FAO) estimates that every year, Notifications are sent to NGOs, orphanages,
almost 1.3 billion tons, or one-third, of the and old age homes, facilitating the
food produced for human consumption is redistribution of excess food[17].
wasted. In addition to adding to poverty and • Web-Based Application for Excess
malnutrition, this waste depletes natural Food Management:-
resources, increases greenhouse gas
emissions, and aggravates issues with food The web-based application for food waste
Security.[19] • Hunger and management connects food donors with
NGOs, enabling the efficient redistribution of
surplus food to those in need. It facilitates
Many families can’t afford proper meals with communication between donors and NGOs,
their limited money. They don’t even get manages logistics for food collection and
ample nutrition due to the shortage of having delivery, encourages regular donations, raises
three meals in a day. Many restaurants, awareness about food waste, directly
canteens, social and family gettogethers, addresses food insecurity, and includes a
marriages and functions discharge a large feedback mechanism for continuous
amount of food at the end of the day even improvement. This innovative approach aims
though the food is perfectly fine to be to reduce food waste while alleviating hunger
eaten[17]. The gap between food wastage and in communities.[12]
3. Challenges and Limitations:-
• Scalability Issues and Lack of Real-Time Efforts should improve cold storage, use
Tracking:- nanotechnology for food preservation, and
raise public awareness about food waste[18]
The system does not cover scalability for
. Future enhancements may include better
handling large-scale operations or the logistics, like refrigerated transport, rural
integration of food safety measures expansion, and integrating renewable
during transportation. Additionally, energy, such as solar power, for
there's no mention of real-time tracking for sustainability[13]. Smart technologies, like
food distribution logistics. smart fridges and improved packaging, can
[1][12][19][14] . Improving also help reduce food waste. [27]
Infrastructure for Safe Transportation of 2. Future Enhancements for Food
Food:- Donation Platform: Smarter Logistics,
There is potential to improve cold storage Expanded Donations, and AI
facilities and logistics infrastructure to ensure Integration
that perishable items are safely transported
• Future Enhancements: Smarter
and stored. Additionally, increasing public
Logistics, Expanded Donations, and
awareness could further enhance participation
AI Integration
in food donation programs[13]
Future enhancements may focus on
improving logistics with better
The future development of the web-based transportation solutions and expanding the
food waste management application is platform to include donations beyond food,
informed by emerging trends and such as clothing and books [20]. AI can be
technological advancements, aimed at integrated for smarter logistics, optimizing
enhancing user engagement and system donor-NGO matching based on food
efficiency. availability and providing realtime logistics
tracking [12]. Additional features could
1. Future Development and include GPS-based food location tracking,
Enhancements for Food Waste time/date stamps, crossplatform
Management Systems functionality, and support for various types
• Boosting User Engagement through of donors [1]. Further studies may examine
Gamification and Social Network food waste patterns across different
Integration geographic regions and social classes in
India, employing mixedmethod or
Future development could include quantitative approaches to broaden the
gamification to boost user engagement and findings [23]. 3. Transforming Food Waste
integrating social networks for broader Management: Research and
reach and user Policy
involvement.Integrate food safety Strategies
checks, collaborate with more
NGOs and local governments, and • Advancing Food Waste Management:
add gamification features to enhance user
Research, Policy Integration, and Consumer
engagement.[6]19]. Future Directions in
Sustainable Food Waste Management
Future research could focus on refining the
• Innovative Solutions: Cold Storage and
decision-making framework for waste
Smart Technologies:
management and expanding the
categorization process to other industries and
regions[26]. A Future efforts should focus on Moving forward, continuous research and
integrating waste reduction into food policies, development in this space are essential to
improving infrastructure for postharvest refining the technological tools, making them
handling, and increasing public awareness more accessible, user-friendly, and impactful.
about food waste. Consumer education and By focusing on scalability, inclusivity, and
better food packaging technology can also ethical practices, these innovations can not
play a crucial role [30]. only minimize food waste but also contribute
significantly to global efforts toward
V. CONCLUSION sustainability, hunger reduction, and
In conclusion, the review of these studies environmental conservation. The future of
shows that food waste management, whether food waste management lies in harnessing the
through mobile applications, AI-driven power of technology while keeping
solutions, or community-based interventions, humancentric solutions at the core of these
holds the potential to significantly reduce efforts.These systems show that reducing
global food waste. Technologies like real- food waste can contribute significantly to
time tracking, inventory optimization, and alleviating hunger, minimizing environmental
redistribution platforms play a key role in degradation, and promoting sustainability by
ensuring excess food reaches those in need. optimizing food resources. They emphasize
Implementing such systems can help the critical need for implementing real-time
minimize environmental impacts, reduce data tracking, geolocation,and automation to
hunger, and improve sustainability. However, connect donors with non-profit organizations
the challenges of user engagement, data more effectively.
privacy, and logistical barriers must be
addressed to fully optimize these solutions.
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