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Haccp 1728701571

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Certifying The Future Of Food


What is H.A.C.C.P.?
HACCP stands for “Hazard Analysis Critical
Control Points”. It is a food safety
management system. It is not the only one but,
since its development for the NASA space
program in the 1960’s, it has become the
global standard and is now used throughout
the world to ensure the production of safe

HACCP essentially controls the process of

food production. However, there are many
environmental issues which affect food safety.
These often apply across the board,
regardless of what food is being produced or
how it is processed. These issues are referred
to as “prerequisites”. This means that, in order
to ensure food safety, these matters must all Why do HACCP?
be addressed alongside the processing
hazards. HACCP, as originally devised, is best applied to the
production of single food products. It needs modification
Examples of prerequisites include: when applied to catering operations, which involve the
▪ Structure, layout, design and production of many different food items at the same time.
maintenance of food premises Nevertheless, the principles of HACCP can still be applied to
▪ Cleanliness these situations and the food hygiene regulations now require
▪ Pest Control that all food businesses other than those involved in primary
▪ Personal Hygiene production, utilise the principles of HACCP in their food safety
▪ Training management. The exact wording of the Regulation is shown


April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs

Article 5 - Hazard analysis and critical control points

1. Food business operators shall put in place, implement and maintain a permanent procedure or procedures
based on the HACCP principles.

2. When any modification is made in the product, process, or any step, food business operators shall review the
procedure and make the necessary changes to it.

3. [ This Article does not apply to primary production. ]

4. Food business operators shall:

(a) provide the competent authority with evidence of their compliance with paragraph 1 in the manner that the
competent authority requires, taking account of the nature and size of the food business;
(b) ensure that any documents describing the procedures developed in accordance with this Article are up-to-
date at all times;
(c) retain any other documents and records for an appropriate period.
The 7 Principles of HACCP
Principle 1 The Principles Explained
Identify any hazards that must be prevented,
eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels. Principle 1 – A hazard is anything that can cause harm.
The degree of harm it causes will depend on the
Principle 2 circumstances and this is what you need to assess. For
Identify the critical control points at the step or example – Salmonella is a hazard. One or two Salmonella
steps at which control is essential to prevent or probably won’t make anyone ill, but if circumstances allow
eliminate a hazard or to reduce it to acceptable them to grow and multiply, then major illness may result.
levels. You need to identify all potential hazards involved in your
food production chain and then ask the question “What
Principle 3 if…?”
Establish critical limits at critical control points
which separate acceptability from Principal 2 – Some control points are more important than
unacceptability for the prevention, elimination or others. A critical control point is one where no further
reduction of identified hazards. actions or operations later in the chain would remove or
reduce the risk present at this stage. For example –
Principle 4 pathogenic bacteria are present in raw meat and will grow
Establish and implement effective monitoring at room temperature. Keeping raw meat in the chiller is a
procedures at critical control points. useful control point. However, it is not a “critical” control
point if the meat is to be cooked, as the cooking process (if
Principle 5 done correctly) will kill any bacteria present. The cooking
Establish corrective actions when monitoring operation itself is the “critical” control point as, if this is not
indicates that a critical control point is not done correctly, some bacteria may survive and cause
under control. illness. The idea of identifying “critical” control points is
intended to focus your attention on the most important
Principle 6 safety controls.
Establish procedures, which shall be carried out
regularly, to verify that the measures taken are
working effectively

Principle 7
Establish documents and records
commensurate with the nature and size of the
food business to demonstrate the effective
application of the measures proposed or taken.

Principle 3 – You must know what your target is

before you can say whether you have reached it or
not. It is no good specifying “adequate cooking” as a
control point without specifying what temperature
must be reached or how long the product must be
cooked for. It is no good stating that high-risk foods
must be kept in the chiller without specifying what
temperature the chiller should run at.

Principal 4 – The monitoring procedures will depend

on the nature of the control. If cooking is the control,
then checking the temperature of the cooked food
with a probe thermometer to ensure that the critical
limits have been met will be appropriate. If the control
is adequate handwashing by staff, then simple
observation by a supervisor to make sure all staff do
wash their hands in the correct manner may be
Principle 5 – There is no point at all in monitoring the critical control points if you are not going to take action when
the monitoring indicates something is wrong. The “corrective action” is the action you must take when the critical
limits are not met. For example – if monitoring shows that the chiller temperature is too high, the corrective active
action might be to recheck the temperature an hour later and, if it is still too high, to throw the food away and call
the refrigeration engineer.

Principle 6 – Formal HACCP protocols talk about “validation” and “verification”. Validation is checking that your
completed procedures are actually capable of ensuring safe food. This can be done by sampling and analysis or by
making use of controls and standards that have already been well documented and proved to work.
Once your “system” has been validated you need to carry out ongoing verification to ensure that staff are actually
implementing the controls properly on a regular basis.

Principle 7 – You have to be able to prove that your food operation is fully under control and will produce safe
food. This is partly to satisfy the enforcing authority (see Article 5 – 4(a) above) but also to support any claims you
may need to make in respect of a “due diligence” defence. Without adequate documentation you will find it very
difficult to prove, in court, that you are producing a safe product.

How do I start? Start by making a flow chart of your food

production operation. Don’t forget to
include every stage. The diagram below
shows a flow chart for a typical catering
Purchasing operation but you may have different
stages. Some stages may occur more than


Refrigerated Storage Ambient Storage



Cooling Hot Holding

Refrigerated Storage


Then identify all potential hazards at each stage and what action you are going to take to control them. Identify
which of these are “critical control points” and make sure you have established critical limits, means of
monitoring, and corrective actions for these points. The diagram on the next page shows how you can set out
your completed plan.
The HACCP Plan
Stage Hazard Control C.C.P.? Monitoring Critical Limit Corrective Action Documentation

1. Purchasing Contaminated raw Purchase only from Maintain

materials vetted reputable approved supplier
suppliers list.
2. Delivery (a) Foreign Visual check of all Yes Visual check to No foreign bodies. Reject delivery. Check-in or
bodies goods on delivery. expected standard. Adequate quality. rejects book.
All goods with
(a) Warm Check temperature Yes for Check automated remaining shelf-life. Reject delivery
transport of refrigerated RTE vehicle temperature Check-in or
allowing goods on arrival food log or check arrival Chilled food <5°C rejects book.
growth of and place straight temperature yourself. Frozen food <-18°C
bacteria into storage. Ice cream <-29°C
3. Refrigerated Growth of micro- Put perishable food Check temperature of Chilled food <5°C Check again 1 hour Temperature log
storage organisms. into refrigeration all refrigeration units Frozen food <-18°C later. If temperature for all units.
immediately on first thing in the still high, adjust
delivery and keep morning and again in thermostat or call
there until needed the afternoon using a engineer.
for preparation probe thermometer.
Cross contamination Raw food stored Reject RTE food
Keep raw and RTE Manager to check above or within 1 unless it can be
foods in separate daily. metre of RTE food. further cooked.

Keep all foods well

wrapped in storage.

5. Preparation Cross contamination Ensure raw and

RTE foods are Visual checks by Retraining of staff
handled and manager.
prepared in different
areas with different
equipment. Sanitise
all equipment after
Ensure good
6. Cooking Survival of bacteria Ensure all food is Yes Temperature probe all > 75°C in the Continue cooking Cooking
due to under cooking cooked thoroughly. large items and a thickest part of the until this temperature log.
representative sample item. temperature is
of smaller items. reached

This is a part example only. Each business must prepare its own plan related TRAINING
specifically to what they actually do. It should be used as a working document as
you will be expected to provide evidence that you are actually doing what you say “Food business operators
you should be doing. If you are producing several different foods, other than in a are to ensure:…… those that
catering situation, you will need to prepare a separate HACCP plan for each item or responsible for the
closely related group of items, for example –sausages, meat pies, cooked meats. development and
maintenance of the
All relevant staff should be trained on your HACCP Plan, monitoring procedures procedure referred to in
and recording. The manager may normally do all this but when he is on holiday or Article 5(1) of this
off sick, someone else will need to take over. You can’t just suspend normal Regulation or for the
procedures until he is back. operation of relevant guides
have received adequate
Don’t forget to review and if necessary amend your plan at regular intervals and training in the application of
whenever there is any significant change in procedures or products produced. It the HACCP principles;”
helps if the master copy is kept on a computer so that alterations can easily be
made without having to rewrite the whole plan.

Further Information

Guidelines for Food Safety Control in European Restaurants


A Simple Guide to Understanding and Applying the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Concept

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