EP. 15 Year Olds With Low Literacy Levels
EP. 15 Year Olds With Low Literacy Levels
EP. 15 Year Olds With Low Literacy Levels
Read the model text below. Match paragraphs a-d with summaries 1-4.
b There are two clear trends visible. Only one country, Denmark, experienced a
slight fall in poor literacy levels, as numbers dropped marginally from around 17
per cent in 2000 to 15 per cent in 2009. This minor dip nevertheless gave
Denmark the lowest percentage overall by the end of the period shown.
d Therefore, with the exception of Denmark, the percentage of 15 years olds with
literacy problems generally went up. The difference between the countries was
relatively low in 2009, ranging from around 11 per cent, but this difference grew
and by 2009 spanned from approximately 15 per cent to over 27 per cent.
Guided model
8. Look at the graph. Quickly check the title and axis to find out:
a. what the chart shows.
b. what the numbers refer to.
9. Identify three to four key tends in the graph. Use the questions below to help
a. How many of the lines show an upward trend? How many show a
downward trend?
b. Which line is consistently higher? Which is consistently lower?
c. What are the similarities and differences between the start and end
10. Look at the summary table now. Complete the table with notes about the graph.
1 Introduction Data identified – 4 types of course in China
Data specified - 2008-2012
2 Downward trends
3 Upward trends
You need to identify key trends and patterns in the data, and use details to support
this information. If you list a lot of information about each part of the graph
separately, you will not be demonstrating an ability to select and group information
effectively. If you do not include supporting details, you will lose marks. Spend two
or three minutes identifying key trends and use this to structure your answer. Add
supporting details after identifying the main features.
11. Read the example question and model answer below. Ignore the gaps. Number the paragraphs a-d
in the correct order. Does the model answer contain information to your notes?
The graph shows the number of students enrolled on different course types
in China.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main information.
Write at least 150 words.
a The first key feature shows that literacy courses had the lowest number of
participants overall for the whole period. This type of course is the only one
which showed a __________, beginning with just over 1.5 million students in
2008 then __________ almost 0 by 2010. Uptake __________ slightly in 2012
to just under a million but this course type remained the lowest in terms of
student numbers.
b Overall, with the exception of literacy, the number of students on all the other
courses climbed _________ with undergraduates easily outnumbering all other
types of student.
c The graph _________ the number of people enrolled on four different types of
educational course in China in the period 2008 to 2012.