5 BIM Document Templates Report
5 BIM Document Templates Report
5 BIM Document Templates Report
construction planning
in Poland
Construction investment
management in BIM methodology –
BIM document templates
August 2020
Table of contents
List of tables .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
List of figures ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
List of diagrams .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Attachments .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Notes..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 MacroBIM ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 BIM Document Templates ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Designation of the BIM Document Templates ...................................................................................... 11
2.2 The scope of the BIM Document Templates ........................................................................................ 11
2.3 Form of the templates ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 ISO standard and the content of BIM documents ................................................................................. 13
3 Recommendations for the PROJECTS, including PP, implemented with the use of the BIM document
templates..................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 General recommendations.................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Formula for investment implementation ................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Procurement procedure mode .............................................................................................................. 19
3.4 Organization of the investment process ............................................................................................... 20
3.5 Summary of assumptions for PROJECTS, including PPs implemented on the basis of BIM document
templates ............................................................................................................................................. 22
4 Verification of BIM documents ......................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Consultation with Project Stakeholders – survey.................................................................................. 24
4.2 Consultation wit the Project Stakeholders - meeting ............................................................................ 32
4.3 Key success factors .............................................................................................................................. 33
4.4 Supplement to the standard of BIM documents – next steps ............................................................... 34
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
List of tables
Table 1. The most important terms used in this study .......................................................................................... 6
Table 2. The scope and content of BIM document templates developed as part of the Project ........................ 12
Table 3. Application of the recommendations of the PN-EN ISO 19650 series standards in BIM documents .. 14
Table 4. PROJECT implementation phases - general comments ...................................................................... 20
Table 5. Lesson learnt – sheet proposal ............................................................................................................ 33
Table 6. Comments and recommendations regarding supplements to the BIM document system ................... 34
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List of figures
Figure 1: Diagram of extrapolation of the Target Cost based on the available design solutions ......................... 8
Figure 2: Example of maximum model accuracy for delivery in the MacroBIM stage.......................................... 8
Figure 3. Illustration of the investment process using the MacroBIM stage - the location of the BIM document
templates....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4. Comparison of investment implementation charts .............................................................................. 19
List of diagrams
Chart 1. Business profile of the respondents...................................................................................................... 25
Chart 2. Profile of respondents – types of construction...................................................................................... 25
Chart 3. Declared level of BIM advancement ..................................................................................................... 26
Chart 4. Declared numer of completed projects using BIM ................................................................................ 26
Chart 5. Declared level of knowledge about BIM ............................................................................................... 26
Chart 6. Declared participation in the development of the EIR or BEP .............................................................. 27
Chart 7. Is the BIM document system complete? ............................................................................................... 28
Chart 8. Is the used form of BIM document templates clear and understandable? ........................................... 28
Chart 9. Do the templates represent the most important aspects of BIM? ........................................................ 29
Chart 10. Is the list of terms in the BIM Lexicon sufficient to understand the content of the templates? ........... 29
Chart 11. Are the terms in the BIM Lexicon sufficiently explained? ................................................................... 30
Chart 12. Will the contracting authority be able to independently develop the Exchange Information
Requirements based on the provided documents? .................................................................................... 30
Chart 13. Are the BIM Execution Plan template and its overview detailed enough for the project team to
develop a BIM Execution Plan based on them? ......................................................................................... 31
Chart 14. Is the overviewof the Model production and delivery table sufficient? ............................................... 31
Chart 15. Do the provisions of the BIM Attachment to the Agreement cover the most important issues in relation
to BIM, which are not regulated in standard construction agreements?..................................................... 32
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Nr Document title PL EN
Contents MARKED IN COLOR means the provisions which the reader should pay special attention to because the
proper interpretation of the presented contents is required to understand the assumptions discussed in the
This document is a part of the studies prepared under the project "Digitization of the construction planning in
Poland" (hereinafter "Project"), implemented with the financial and substantive support of the European Union
under the European Commission program for supporting structural reforms (DG Reform). The Project Beneficiary
is the Ministry of Development.
The term "universal" should be understood as meaning that the proposed provisions should apply to most PROJECTS. Their use
depends on the specific PROJECT and should always be analyzed by the template user.
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1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
As part of the project task for the development of BIM document templates, the main document of which is this
study, two types of studies have been developed:
• BIM DOCUMENT TEMPLATES whose main goal is to support the implementation of public pilot projects in
residential construction using the BIM methodology. At the same time, the task of the project team is to
develop universal document templates for the public and private construction sector;
• The documents constituting THE OVERVIEW OF THE AFOREMENTIONED TEMPLATES containing comments and
recommendations aimed at facilitation for the representatives of the construction market of the use of those
documents in the implementation of the aforementioned projects.
These documents were subject to consultation with representatives of the construction industry as part of the
survey. The results of the survey are presented in chapter 4.1 of this document and during the meeting with
Project Stakeholders, which took place in July 2020.
Template users should bear in mind the meaning of the used terms related to “PROJECT” and
“REQUIREMENTS”, which are indicated in Table 1. Concepts related to BIM are presented in the BIM Lexicon
which constitutes Attachment no. 1 to this study.
1 PROJECT An investment task, in particular a pilot project This term is used in the content of BIM
(PP) for the implementation of which BIM document templates and instructions for those
documents developed under the "Project" will be studies.
2 Project Task entitled "Digitization of the construction -
planning in Poland", implemented with financial
and technical support of the European Union
under the European Commission’s programme
for the support of structural reforms, whose
beneficiary is the Ministry of Development.
3 Pilot Project (PP) Task/tasks implemented in accordance with the This Project does not include the
assumptions adopted under the Project for the implementation of Pilot Projects and possible
implementation of investments using BIM in corrections of BIM document templates
Poland, with the application of BIM document resulting from their implementation.
The task of Pilot Projects is to verify the
effectiveness of the project delivery formula and
to validate the BIM document templates.
4 BIM Documents Studies setting out the principles for using BIM In relation to the results of the Project, BIM
as part of the implementation of an investment. documents mean attachments to this study.
5 BIM Document A set of BIM document templates developed as These documents, after being supplemented
Templates part of the Project, constituting attachments 1-7 by the relevant entities involved in the
to this study. PROJECT implementation, constitute
attachments to the contract concluded for this
purpose. Their place in the implementation
process is presented in Figure 3.
6 REQUIREMENTS A set of exchange information requirements This term is used in the content of BIM
developed for the PROJECT, in particular the document templates and instructions for those
"Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)" studies.
developed on the basis of the "Exchange
Information Requirements (EIR) Template".
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Table 1. The most important terms used in this study
7 TEAM A team of people cooperating with each other to This term is used in the content of BIM
implement the PROJECT, consisting of document templates and instructions for those
representatives of the contracting authority, the studies.
contractor and - if necessary - its subcontractors.
8 Contracting The entity defining the REQUIREMENTS. The ISO19650 standard indicates that both the
Authority investor (appointing party) and the lead /
general contractor (lead appointed party) may
act as the "contracting authority" - in relation to
their subcontractors.
British documents used the term "employer"
before the introduction of ISO19650.
9 Contractor The Entity implementing the "PROJECT". -
Users of BIM Document Templates should also understand that the documents should be treated as a proposal
for the layout of documents and their minimum content which will allow for the proper implementation of the
investment with the BIM requirement. It should always be borne in mind that the overriding purpose of
development of the BIM Document Templates is to support the user in the implementation of investments with
1.2 MacroBIM
The MacroBIM 2 stage is a part of the asset procurement process, which includes the delivery of a concept
(design and implementation) with the proposed indicative total cost of the investment.
MacroBIM is the first stage of the procurement procedure and is not significantly different from traditional
procurement processes. The largest difference is the greatest emphasis placed on preparing the investment
in such a way as to ensure its economic security.
The definition is included in the document entitled "BIM Lexicon".
The definition is included in the document entitled "BIM Lexicon".
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applied to their juxtaposition: the minimum quality of the design solution and the maximum Target Cost assumed
in the evaluation process. The idea of the Target Cost is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Diagram of extrapolation of the Target Cost based on the available design solutions
Source: own translation based on [1]
The concept evaluation assumes indicative calculations for m2 gross/net function, m3 cubic capacity, unit
calculations, other calculations possible to be obtained from 3D models (without any definitions of building
partitions or openings) and combination of groups of functions (without division into individual room allocation).
An example of a conceptual model (volumes and areas of grouped functions) for the purposes of evaluating
indicative investment costs in the MacroBIM stage is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Example of maximum model accuracy for delivery in the MacroBIM stage
Source: own 3D study. 2D concept: architectural office of Jan Gorgul, Łódź
For a Target Cost proposal to be feasible, it must include not only the design, but also executive, organizational
and exploitation solutions for the construction site. Therefore, the concept of each of the tenderers should be
developed in the form of cooperation between the maximum possible number of all significant entities which will
be involved in the implementation of the construction investment, both at the design and implementation stage,
including future users, in a form similar to multilateral contracts for the integrated design, and implementation and
exploitation stage of a relevant investment (e.g. a Joint Venture 4).
The definition is included in the document entitled "BIM Lexicon".
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Figure 3. Illustration of the investment process using the MacroBIM stage - the location of the BIM document templates
Source: own study
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2 BIM Document Templates
2.1 Purpose of the BIM Document Templates
The main goal of the development of the BIM Document Templates is to support the residential construction sector
in the implementation of this type of investments using BIM, in particular as part of Pilot Projects. It is also possible
to use materials developed under the Project for the implementation of other types of building investments, but IT
The recipients of the BIM Document Templates, based on the assumption of the Project, are mainly:
When using BIM Document Templates, it should be borne in mind that their use should be preceded by a detailed
analysis of the scope of a given PROJECT - the developed BIM DOCUMENT TEMPLATES DO NOT CONSTITUTE
The role of the entities using the BIM Document Templates is their proper incorporation in the documentation of
the proceedings, i.e. ensuring that they become binding on the Parties during the implementation of the
PROJECT. To this end, it is recommended to use the provisions of the " BIM Attachment to the Agreement ". It is
also recommended that the contractor, when entering contracts with its subcontractors, also incorporates them.
The parties may also use provisions not included in the " BIM Attachment to the Agreement " if this is justified by
the needs of the PROJECT.
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Table 2. The scope and content of BIM document templates developed as part of the Project
number Title of the template Description of the content Comments
1 BIM Lexicon Concepts, terms and acronyms used in The meaning of these terms should be
BIM document templates developed as treated as a suggestion and always adapted
part of the Project. These terms should to the PROJECT.
be treated as proposals which are not
but may become a standard to be
applied in the construction industry in
2 Overview of the Presentation of the recommended -
Exchange Information minimum content of individual chapters
Requirements (EIR) of the template, also containing
Template suggestions and recommendations
regarding actions or methods of conduct
undertaken under the PROJECT.
3 Exchange Information This is a study to be completed by the Exchange Information Requirements should
Requirements (EIR) contracting authority (investor, its be incorporated in the documentation of the
Template representative or contractor planning to procedure - as an attachment to the
present Exchange Information description of the subject matter of the
Requirements (EIR) to its contract.
4 Overview of the BIM Presentation of the recommended -
Execution Plan (BEP) minimum content of individual chapters
Template of the template, also containing
suggestions and recommendations
regarding actions or methods of conduct
undertaken under the PROJECT.
5 BIM Execution Plan This is a study to be completed by the It is recommended to include the template in
(BEP) Template contractor (as a proposal to meet the the documentation of the procedure as an
contracting authority's requirements). attachment to the description of the subject
The content of the document should be of the contract in order to standardize the
agreed, i.e. it should contain provisions studies submitted by contractors as part of
developed between the parties to the their offers. It is required to adapt the
proceedings by way of cooperation document to the content and scope of the
"BIM Execution Plan" developed on the basis
of the " Overview of the BIM Execution Plan
(BEP) Template " and the " Exchange
Information Requirements (EIR) Template "
to ensure consistency in terms of structure
and content for both documents.
Based on the offer document, a BIM
Execution Plan will be agreed as part of
negotiations with the Contractor. It is
recommended to include it in the contract
concluded as a result of the completed
tender procedure.
6 Model production and A template of a table covering the types -
delivery table. of models produced as part of the
Template, overview, PROJECT implementation, their
example content, and responsibility for their
delivery in terms of investment stages.
7 BIM Attachment to Recommended contractual provisions to The provisions contained in the document
the Agreement be included by the Parties in the content should be incorporated in the model contract
of the contract concluded as a result of concluded between the contracting authority
the completed tender procedure. and the contractor. The contractor should
incorporate them in the contract concluded
with its subcontractors.
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Recommendations should not be treated as a full, closed list and each PROJECT implemented based on the BIM
document templates should be analysed individually.
Being aware that it is not the lack of a template that is the greatest obstacle for the industry, but the answer to the
question: "how to fill it?", in the "Overview of the BIM Requirements Template" and "Overview of the Building
Information Modelling Plan (BEP) Template" a number of issues were presented, indicating the recommended
paths to be considered in the CONTEXT OF A GIVEN PROJECT. These comments form a set of tips - a guide on
how the template user should complete it.
A user of templates should also pay attention to the fact that they should be treated as a proposal for the layout
of documents and their minimum content which will allow for the proper implementation of the investment with the
BIM requirement.
When analysing the content of the BIM document templates, one should keep in mind the importance of concepts
related to this methodology which were presented in the study entitled BIM Lexicon.
The content of the BIM Document Templates written in black font is an example of the entries which may appear
in the document. This content should be completed by the contracting authority, indicating additional provisions
related to the PROJECT, so that they constitute an exhaustive description of its requirements. The numbering of
the requirements has been introduced in order to indicate relations between entries.
The content in orange font is an additional overview of the issue and examples which are aimed to better illustrate
the discussed content.
The text written against a grey background indicates the parts of the template which should be completed by the
template user. To facilitate this task, BIM document templates contain suggestions for these entries, which should
not, however, be considered as a closed list.
Before issuing (publishing) a document, it is necessary to remove all elements which constitute merely a help for
the template user, as specified above.
In order to help industry representatives to make reference between the presented BIM Document Templates and
the provisions of ISO 19650, a list of comments and recommendations in this regard is presented below (see:
Table 3).
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Table 3. Application of the recommendations of the PN-EN ISO 19650 series standards in BIM documents
1 General
1.1 Terms and definitions The lack of Polish equivalents of terms regarding BIM used in the standard and other
studies means that the vocabulary and terminology used in Polish proceedings are not
uniform - it is recommended to develop a common glossary of terms, i.e. considering:
• Terms included in the "BIM Lexicon" (Attachment 1 to this study),
• Additional terms and acronyms that will be used in Polish BIM documents.
Translations of the terms contained in the ISO 19650 series of standards (it is
recommended that this task be undertaken by the relevant Technical Committee of the
Polish Committee for Standardization).
1.2 Introduction - the idea The idea of cooperation, which was highlighted in the introduction to the series of
of cooperation standards and repeatedly emphasized in its content, should be the overriding idea in the
case of implementing investments with the use of BIM. Actions taken to implement BIM
in Poland should result in displacing antagonistic relations between participants in
investment processes and rewarding cooperation.
The lean methods proposed in the templates (mainly in chapter 1.3 „Overview of the
Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template ") fit into the approach
recommended in the standard. The other documents also indicate the need to cooperate
for the implementation of the PROJECT.
1.3 The role of information The rules set out in ISO 19650, which refer to information requirements, are similar to the
requirements requirements contained in Polish regulations, in particular in the Public Procurement
Law 5 Act. The information requirements should be provided to the contractor and they
should constitute a set of basic PROJECT principles, as indicated in Table 2 contained in
this document. Information requirements should also be specified adequately to the
subject of the PROJECT, i.e. they should be proportionate and appropriate to the scale
and complexity of the PROJECT which is the subject of the contract, as indicated in the
introduction and chapter 1.4 „ Overview of the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)
Template ".
1.4 „BIM compliant with The term "BIM compliant with ISO 19650" should be related to the level of BIM maturity
ISO 19650”6 that has not yet been achieved in Poland, because there is no adequately developed,
complete and well-established legal and normative system, which is required to achieve
the expected from "ISO-compliant BIM 19650 "results. Recommendations for the
development of additional documents supporting the achievement of the "BIM compliant
with ISO 19650" level are provided in chapters 4.3 and 4.4 this document.
2.1 The role of OIR, AIR, Due to the scope of the Project, issues related to the operational phase (AIR and AIM)
AIM, PIR and EIR were only indicated in the BIM Documents. In Chapter I.C "Overview of the Exchange
Information Requirements (EIR) Template", the links between the OIR, AIR, PIR and EIR
indicated in the standard were presented. The definitions of the above-mentioned studies
and their the basic content are presented in the document "Discussion of PN-EN ISO
19650 series standards with focus the possibility of their application within the framework
of digitalization of Polish construction industry".
It should be noted that setting requirements for the delivery of the AIM document are not
contrary to Polish regulations. However, it is worth ensuring that AIR is included in the
"Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)" or attaching to a Description of the Subject
of the Contract a separate study containing the requirements for AIM. This will allow
them to be properly documented in the procurement documentation.
The scope of the EIR is presented in the "Overview of the Exchange Information
Requirements (EIR) Template " and the "Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)
Template". Recommended provisions regarding the anchoring of information models in
the documentation of the procedure are presented in the " BIM Attachment to the
Agreement" (Annex 7 to this study).
Ustawa z dnia 11 września 2019 r. Prawo zamówień publicznych (Dz. U. poz. 2019 r. poz. 1843
Ang. „BIM according to the ISO 19650 series”.
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Table 3. Application of the recommendations of the PN-EN ISO 19650 series standards in BIM documents
2.2 The information Since the production, delivery and verification of data are key elements of an effective
delivery cycle BIM process, these issues run through all BIM documents developed as part of the
(planning, delivery and Project. In particular, the need for adequate planning of information delivery was
verification) identified.
In particular, the need for appropriate planning of information provision was indicated.
It is recommended to use the methods indicated in chapter 2.2.3 of " Overview of the
BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template " to define the procurement schedule. It is also
recommended to describe the implementation products (in the form of models) using the
model production and delivery table, the template and overview of which is provided in
annex no 6 to this document.
Recommendations related to the verification of the data provided are presented in
chapters 2.4 and 3.3.2 of „Overviews” 7.
2.3 Roles in the process - The division of roles in the process should be adapted to the PROJECT requirements.
general requirements However, considering the large discrepancy, both in the nomenclature and in the scope
of responsibilities of the "new" roles (members) of the team implementing the investment
– in chapters 2.3 „Overviews” there are general recommendations regarding the division
of roles and responsibilities. The recommendations consider the provisions of the
"Roadmap for the implementation of BIM methodology in public procurement". In
addition, the " Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Overview" includes a
responsibility matrix (proposal) that is recommended to be included in the BIM Execution
2.4 Federation strategy The federation strategy described in the standards of the ISO 19650 series corresponds,
in assumptions, to the standard division of labor in project teams that takes place in
Poland. The only difference in relation to projects implemented in a "traditional" way (i.e.
without the use of BIM) is the form of these studies.
Issues related to the federation strategy are discussed in chapters 2.2.1 of "Overviews".
Additionally, the "BIM Execution Plan Template" contains the basic principles of creating
BIM models that are recommended for use.
2.5 Level of information The recommended approach to the concept of "level of information need" and the
need 8 method of defining these requirements is presented in chapter2.2.2 „Exchange
Information Requirements (EIR) Overview”.
2.6 Collaboration in the According to the standards of the PN-EN ISO 19650 series, the guidelines for the CDE
CDE environment are one of the most important in the process of investment implementation with the BIM
requirement. Provisions regarding these requirements, due to the broad aspect of issues
that should be considered, are included in the following chapters of " Exchange
Information Requirements (EIR) Overview ", respectively:
• with reference to the basic principles of work and recommendations contained in
standards - in chapter 2.2.4
• with reference to the selection of the solution in terms of the impact on the PROJECT
implementation and technical requirements - in chapter 3.1.1,
• with reference to the work safety at CDE - in chapter 2.5.
It should be noted that it is recommended that the contracting authority deliver CDE,
even though the most frequently chosen solution by contracting authority is requiring the
contractor to deliver CDE.
3.1 Organization of the The scheme of organization of the information management process presented in PN-EN
information delivery ISO 19650-2 (Figure 3) is possible to be implemented in Polish legal conditions.
process - general However, the chosen formula for the order fulfillment will affect the amount of activity. For
scheme the formula recommended in this document ("design and build"), it will be the same as
that presented in the standard. In the case of other formulas (e.g. "design", "build"),
certain elements of the scheme will have to be repeated due to the occurrence of
additional tender procedure.
"Overviews" should be understood as " Overview of the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template " and " Overview of the BIM
Execution Plan (BEP) Template ".
Eng. level of information need – The definition is included in the document entitled "BIM Lexicon".
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Table 3. Application of the recommendations of the PN-EN ISO 19650 series standards in BIM documents
3.2 Identification of needs The issues related to the preparation of the procedure, indicated in the standard, are
typical to be undertaken by the contracting authority planning the implementation of the
investment. The contracting authority must indicate, as in Polish practice, persons
performing functions related to project management (and information provided during the
project implementation) as well as specify information requirements. The last scope
includes the development of a series of guidelines, called Exchange Information
Requirements (it is recommended to use the " Exchange Information Requirements
Template Overview" and the " Exchange Information Requirements Template" itself).
These documents include guidance on, inter alia, information production methods and
procedures (chapter 2.2.1) and the PROJECT information standard (chapter 2.2.2).
The rules that regulate the legal issues that should be considered in the case of Polish
investments using BIM are included in the " BIM Attachment to the Agreement "
3.3 Invitation to tender As in the traditional approach to investment implementation, the contracting authority, in
accordance with the standard, should define the terms of participation in the procedure
and tender evaluation criteria (in the Polish Public Procurement Law, these are elements
of the Specification of Order Terms).
BIM documents developed under this Project do not contain guidelines in this regard. It is
recommended to develop them as part of the next steps of BIM implementation in Polish
public procurement, as indicated in chapter 4.4 of this document.
3.4 Tender preparation The main difference between the implementation of the investment in a traditional way
and submission, (without BIM) and the method recommended by the standard is the inclusion of a study
signing the contract that constitutes the Pre-appointment/contract building information modelling execution
plan. As its provisions should be agreed, it is recommended to use the procurement
procedures that will enable such activities. They have been indicated in chapter 3.3 of
this study.
The implementation of one of the above-mentioned procurement procedures will allow to
include in the contract (as binding documents, applicable to the PROJECT) documents
that are the sum of the BIM Requirements and the contractor's capabilities.
It is recommended to include in the contract the provisions of the " BIM Attachment to the
Agreement ", constituting Annex 7 to this document.
3.5 Mobilization The mobilization stage occurs in Polish projects, but it is mainly associated with contracts
for the implementation of works. Regardless of the scope of the contract (design, build,
design and build), due to the need to verify the adopted technological and organizational
solutions, it is recommended to include this stage in the investment implementation
schedule. in chapter 2.1 " Exchange Information Requirements Template Overview " and
chapter 2.1 " BIM Execution Plan Template Overview", the advantages of this approach
and recommended actions to be performed are indicated
3.6 Collaborative As part of the production of information, emphasis should be put on the correct (i.e. in
production of accordance with the Exchange Information Requirements set for the PROJECT and the
information and model agreed BIM Execution Plan) implementation of the subject of the contract. The basic
delivery information principles of cooperation and providing information are the provisions of the "Overviews".
Additional recommendations for the production and verification of information are
provided in section 2.2 of this table.
3.7 Completion of the The closing of the PROJECT (if the contracting authority did not provide CDE for its
project delivery phase implementation) should be accompanied by the delivery of an archive of data exchanged
by CDE. As this is not a recommended solution, and the way of delivering the archive
depends on the individual needs of the customer, this issue was only mentioned in the
study " Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Overview " (see chapter 2.5).
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Recommendations for the
PROJECTS, including PP,
implemented with the use
of the BIM documents.
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3 Recommendations for the PROJECTS,
including PP, implemented with the use
of the BIM document templates
The following items contain recommendations for Pilot Projects in residential construction implemented using the
BIM document templates developed as part of the Project. It is also possible to use them to implement other
investments, but in each case the following assumptions should be borne in mind.
• This formula will allow the most complete application of the recommendations contained in the PN-EN ISO
19650 [2], [3] standard;
• The greatest challenge during the implementation of the investment covered by the Exchange Information
Requirement (EIR) is the "transition" between the design and implementation stage, because in the case of
the most-commonly used procedure ("design" and "build” separately) the contractor (and thus its possibilities,
capabilities and resources) is not known at the design stage. However, its experience and impact on the
accepted design solutions can be invaluable. Thanks to the early involvement of the contractor into the project
team implementing the PROJECT, many design changes may be avoided, and the adopted technological,
logistic and economic solutions may be optimized;
• When using the “design” and “build” formulas, the contracting authority’s requirements must be defined in
such a way as to enable the contractor to use the products developed during the design stage as widely as
possible (to minimize overproduction associated with the re-development of the same scopes of work), and,
on the other hand, ensure the achievement of the contracting authority's objectives related to the various
stages of the PROJECT implementation. This task, therefore, requires special attention of the contracting
authority and a better knowledge of the issues related to BIM, because it enforces a broad analysis of the
available solutions and conditions, including legal conditions, and skillful connection of information
requirements and competences of individual entities involved in the implementation of the Task10;
• The “design and build” formula allows the contracting authority to apply greater generality of the
requirements, which promotes cooperation with the contractor when developing the most favorable
cooperation methods for the PROJECT between the Parties implementing the PROJECT (this approach
forms the basis of BIM);
• From the investment implementation formulas used in Poland, "design and build" is the closest to the
recommended assumptions for BIM, i.e. the implementation of investments based on multilateral contracts
The entities involved in the implementation of the PROJECT should be understood as entities involved in the implementation of the
investment process, in particular: the contracting authority, designers, contractors and its subcontractors.
Therefore, the contracting party must, inter alia, take into account a possibility of data exchange between the designer and the contractor
(whose resources are not known at the time of publication of the REQUIREMENTS for the design stage), analyse in detail the duties and
scopes of responsibility of the designer and contractor, for instance with regard to responsibility for information models, etc
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(e.g. in accordance with IPD 11 rules), based on full cooperation and allowing for the involvement of all parties,
at the earliest possible stage of the PROJECT implementation.
The definition is included in the document entitled "BIM Lexicon".
Other modes e.g. competitive dialogue also may be applied here, whereas the phase MacroBIM itself would have to be subject to the
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the conditions set by the legislator for the negotiation with announcement mode. To proceed with investments
with the use of BIM, including Pilot Projects, the negotiation with announcement mode is recommended.
The MacroBIM stage assume that the entity which has developed the concept which best meets the investor's
requirements - if the investment is continued (i.e. it does not turn out to be unprofitable) - will continue works as
part of the delivery stage (design and implementation of works). There should therefore be no significant risks
associated with the requirements for the PROJECT between the MacroBIM stage and the subsequent stages. It
should be borne in mind that in the subsequent stages of the PROJECT, they will, however, require significant
clarification (in the MacroBIM stage it is not justified to specify detailed requirements for further stages, as they
may not occur - it would therefore be unreasonable to develop them).
Therefore, BIM documents developed as part of the Project should be supplemented in accordance with the
information presented in Table 4 below.
1 Pre-delivery • Securing the budget for the MacroBIM Due to the scope of studies carried out in the
(Preparation of phase; MacroBIM stage (point 2), it is recommended to
the investment) • Defining the basic requirements for the develop the following information requirements:
PROJECT, including OIR 14; • For the MacroBIM stage - to the precise degree;
• Development of EIR for the PROJECT • For the design and implementation phase - to a
MacroBIM stage. high degree of generality (it should be borne in
mind that if the investment is not continued, the
expenditure incurred to develop the
requirements for further stages will be
economically unjustified).
2 Procurement • Prequalification 15 of the entities applying It is recommended to apply the prequalification for
procedure for the contract; the following reasons:
(MacroBIM) • Cooperation with entities developing the • Reducing the number of entities involved in the
functional and utility concept; work at the MacroBIM stage (i.e. at the tender
The above-mentioned principles are contained in Art. 44 sec. 3 of the Act of 27 August 2009 on Public Finance. Source: [6]
The definition is included in the document entitled "BIM Lexicon".
Pre-qualification is a process aimed at ensuring that entities joining the procedure meet certain conditions - ensuring proper performance
of the contract - and that the number of potential contractors will not exceed a certain number.
PwC 20
Table 4. PROJECT implementation phases - general comments
The investment phase, in which the financial resources are mobilized for its implementation. It includes the stage of design and
implementation of works, i.e. providing the asset.
The definition is contained in the “BIM Lexicon”.
PwC 21
Table 4. PROJECT implementation phases - general comments
As can be seen, in the use of the BIM methodology, the greatest emphasis on proper organization of the
PROJECT implementation process is placed on the first stages of the investment implementation (investment
preparation and conduct of the procurement procedure). Decisions taken at that time have an impact on the
entire process of providing the asset and, in a sense, define it.
The operational phase covers the operation phase of the facility up to its demolition.
PwC 22
Verification of BIM
PwC 23
4 Verification of BIM documents
4.1 Consultation with Project Stakeholders – survey
Consultations with Project stakeholders were aimed at gathering opinions on the content of the developed BIM
documents. The consultations were conducted in the form of a survey, the results of which were summarized
during a meeting with stakeholders.
The purpose of the survey was to obtain the opinion of representatives of the construction industry regarding the
proposed BIM document templates. Due to the possibility of identifying potential correlations between the
responses and obtaining an opinion in terms of all developed documents the results of only those surveys which
have been completed, i.e. 68, have been subject to analysis. A total of 174 people took part in the survey.
Most respondents took 5 to 30 minutes to complete the entire survey. Most of the people who dropped out of the
study quit within the first 5 minutes (68%).
• Limiting comments from people who declared no or low knowledge of BIM as unrepresentative for further
• Possibility to determine links between the answers and belonging to a specific group of respondents.
The structure of respondents was shaped as shown in the chart below. The "Other" profile includes, among other:
lawyers, software suppliers or surveyors.
PwC 24
Chart 1. Business profile of the respondents
Approximately 71% of respondents indicated cubature construction as their main business activity (or one of the
main ones). The answer "Other" was given, among others, by representatives of the geotechnical and energy
industry, software suppliers and healthcare professionals.
15% use BIM mainly for visualization purposes (concept presentation, virtual walks, etc.). Slightly over 22%
indicated that although they communicate with other participants in the investment process based on 2D
drawings, BIM models are indeed made in their organization. Every fourth respondent communicates with the
use of a 3D model. Only about 4% of respondents use BIM for advanced analyzes.
Approx. 87% of respondents who declared the implementation of projects using BIM participated in more than 1
such project, and every third (about 36%) in more than 5 (70% of them represent designers or consultants).
PwC 25
Chart 3. Declared level of BIM use
Respondents defined their level of knowledge at a different level. Almost every third respondent (31%) did not
have knowledge of BIM or described it as negligible. The remaining respondents (about 69%) declared they knew
at least basic concepts of BIM.
PwC 26
Almost 38% of respondents who indicated that they implement projects using BIM participated in the development
of the " Exchange Information Requirements " (EIR) or the "BIM Execution Plan" (BEP). Almost every 4th
respondent did not answer this question.
The definition is included in the document entitled "BIM Lexicon". The position of the authors in this regard is presented in Annex 8 to this
The position of the authors in this regard is presented in Annex 8 to this document.
PwC 27
Chart 7. Is the BIM document system complete?
The document system proposed as part of the study was developed so that each BIM document contains a part
describing the content of the template and its description. Over three quarters of the respondents (77%) found
that such a layout of documents is legible and understandable.
Almost half of the respondents (47%) stated that BIM documents deal with the most important issues related to
BIM. Every fourth person (23%) indicated that the templates should be completed. In addition to general
comments, the respondents indicated, inter alia, the expected additions to the content of the Exchange
Information Requirements (EIR) template (e.g. regarding CDE, description of roles in the implementation of the
investment process, trainings, naming conventions).
PwC 28
Chart 9. Do the templates represent the most important aspects of BIM?
Chart 10. Is the list of terms in the BIM Lexicon enough to understand the content of the templates?
Almost every third respondent (30%) indicated that the terms contained in the "BIM Lexicon" are not sufficiently
explained. According to the respondents, the "BIM Lexicon" requires, first, the development or reformulation of
definitions (their content is not understandable) and the indication of examples. In addition, the respondents
indicated the need to translate the definitions contained in the series of PN-EN ISO 19650 standards.
PwC 29
Chart 11. Are the terms in the BIM Lexicon sufficiently explained?
More than a third of the respondents (36%) stated that the contracting authority would not be able to
independently develop Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) based on the provided template and discuss
it. According to the respondents - mostly represented by contractors - the scope of BIM is so wide that the
contracting authority, despite having a template and discussion, will need external support. The reasons for this
may be seen in the lack of appropriate competences on the part of the contracting authorities. It should be noted,
however, that the representatives of the contracting authorities were less skeptical - half of them could not clearly
indicate whether they would be able to develop BIM requirements on the basis of the provided documents, and
every third respondent representing this group indicated that the contracting authority would cope with this task
Chart 12. Will the contracting authority be able to independently develop the Exchange Information Requirements based on
the provided documents?
PwC 30
Chart 13. Are the BIM Execution Plan template and its overview detailed enough for the project team to develop a BIM
Execution Plan based on them?
Chart 14. Is the overview of the Model production and delivery table sufficient?
PwC 31
Chart 15. Do the provisions of the BIM Attachment to the Agreement cover the most important issues in relation to BIM,
which are not regulated in standard construction agreements?
The presentation, which was the first part of the meeting, was divided into 3 parts:
• Introduction, during which the stakeholders were presented with the objective and meeting agenda;
• Presentation of MacroBIM with reference to the legal aspects of the implementation of this phase for
investment processing, in accordance with applicable law;
• Presentation of the survey results (see chapter 4.1).
The second part of the meeting was devoted to discussion with Stakeholders. They raised the following issues:
• Compliance of the nomenclature and definitions with the Public Procurement Law;
• Confirmation of the placement of the MacroBIM procedure in the public procurement procedure;
• Compliance, in principle that each investment using BIM should be preceded by consultations / dialogue
between the contracting authority and the contractor;
• The transfer of economic copyrights to the contracting authority should take place not earlier than after the
contractor has been remunerated for the project;
• It was confirmed that under the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, personal copyrights are inalienable;
• Discussion on the guidelines for LOD (LOG as defined in the "BIM Lexicon") and LOI;
• The necessity to prepare clauses for contracts according to FIDIC was reported. It was declared to include
the above-mentioned action in the recommendations. The need to develop document templates for the facility
use stage was reported. It was declared to include the above-mentioned action in the recommendations;
• The need to develop BIM templates for linear investments was reported. It was declared to include the above-
mentioned action in the recommendations;
• The role of the designer in the project and the change of approach to cooperation were discussed.
Conclusions from the meeting:
• The proposed form and system of working with BIM documents are clear and understandable, both for survey
respondents and meeting participants;
• BIM templates will be reviewed for nomenclature compliance with the Public Procurement Law and, if
necessary, corrected accordingly;
PwC 32
• The provisions related to copyright and their transfer to the contracting authority will be completed / detailed;
• The document will include recommendations regarding the need to develop, in the next steps of the BIM
implementation process in Poland, contracts according to FIDIC and BIM documents for the operation phase;
• The authors of the study will consider the possibility of introducing recommendations regarding the minimum
levels of LOD (LOG as defined in the "BIM Lexicon") and LOI for BIM documentation into BIM documents, in
order to standardize the requirements of contracting authorities towards contractors;
• Both substantive (technical) and soft training, changing the way of working within the PROJECT (soft issues)
are necessary
Due to the invaluable advantages of the LESSON LEARNT APPROACH 21 z it is recommended to use it regardless
of the type of entity for which the investment is carried out (public or private).
Therefore, it is recommended to complete the table below, at least at the end of each stage of the PROJECT
implementation. These tables should be completed by all members of the Core Group 22 , and the conclusions
should be discussed at a joint meeting to exchange experiences.
Execution of
No. Suggested questions MacroBIM Designing works
To put it simply, the lesson learnt approach is based on the analysis of completed tasks, drawing conclusions from them and their
implementation into subsequent tasks.
The Core Group is composed of representatives of the main participants in the investment process: the contracting authority, industry
designers and the contractor of construction works. It is a decision-making group, jointly responsible for the risks and rebates of the
process. See also: "BIM Lexicon".
PwC 33
Table 5. Lesson learnt – sheet proposal
Execution of
No. Suggested questions MacroBIM Designing works
CONCLUSIONS FROM PUBLIC INVESTMENTS SHOULD BE PUBLISHED on a dedicated internet platform 23, to facilitate
the exchange of experiences between industry representatives. It is also recommended to develop GOOD
PRACTICE handbooks, which will support the construction market in developing BIM documents and facilitate the
selection of the best solutions.
During further work on BIM Document Templates, it is recommended to prepare additional studies that will contain
EXAMPLES OF SUPPLEMENTS TO BIM DOCUMENTS , which would contain model provisions adapted to various types
of investments - both in terms of type (e.g. for linear and cubature construction) and the size of the implemented
PROJECT. Such a need was also reported by Project stakeholders during consultations.
Additional recommendations for industry representatives and the Steering Committee (responsible for the
efficient BIM implementation in Poland, in accordance with the assumptions contained in the "Roadmap for the
implementation of the BIM methodology in public procurement") are presented below in relation to the types of
studies recommended for preparation. The goal is to achieve full BIM integration in the processing of construction
Table 6. Comments and recommendations regarding supplements to the BIM document system
1 Standards
1.1 Complete and detailed naming The system, used independently of the PROJECT, will allow participants of
system for construction the construction process to find themselves faster in the documentation
investments received. It is recommended to develop it as a national annex to the PN-EN
ISO 19650-2 standard, like the British version of the standard (BS-EN ISO
1.2 Classification Classification of building elements is a necessary element of a coherent and
integrated system for structuring construction data throughout the entire life
cycle of an asset, from project programming (MacroBIM phases), through
It is recommended to use the BIM Platform for this purpose. The concept of a BIM Platform was described in the study “IT platform for
BIM – report with recommendations”.
PwC 34
Table 6. Comments and recommendations regarding supplements to the BIM document system
2.1 Model provisions of contracts, The development of model contractual provisions and agreements will be
joint venture contracts conducive to building good practices, as well as eliminating antagonistic
practices in terms of the division of competences and responsibilities. It will
also shorten the process of preparing the documentation of the proceedings.
It is not recommended to develop separate contracts for design work. This
action may be conducive to further consolidating the division of the
information provision process.
2.2 Model provisions for construction Currently, it is possible to proceed with the investment using the FIDIC
contracts based on FIDIC 25 contract conditions and BIM, but the model set of clauses, including BIM,
would avoid discrepancies and gaps in the provisions of the contract.
It will also ensure the proper handling of investments with the use of BIM,
respecting the principles of cooperation and shared responsibility
3.1 Model provisions regarding the Model conditions for participation in the procedure should be developed in
conditions for participation in the such a way as to ensure effective execution of projects with the use of BIM.
procurement procedure Such studies should not, however, release the contracting authorities from the
obligation to adjust the conditions of participation in the procedure to the
PROJECT implemented by the contracting authorities.
3.2 Model provisions concerning offer Model sets of bid evaluation criteria for BIM will help contracting authorities to
evaluation criteria other than price prepare documentation of the procedure, in particular in the context of the
or cost recommendations contained in the "Roadmap for the implementation of the
BIM methodology in public procurement" 26 related to the introduction of
mandatory non-price criteria for the use of BIM in public tenders
The development of the indicated documents will also allow to increase the
quality of PROJECTS, while reducing the risk related to unjustified increase in
offer prices. It does not release contracting authorities from the necessity to
analyze the needs of the PROJECT being implemented and the appropriate
selection of tender evaluation criteria.
3.3 Description of the roles of If it does not result from the model provisions of contracts and contracts, it is
participants in investment recommended to develop the minimum and suggested competences of
processes and their scope of individual BIM roles (or assign them to roles existing in Polish construction
responsibility practice).
Eng. geographic information system – an information system for collecting, processing and analyzing geographic data.
Fr. Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils – has developed unified procedures for the implementation of construction
Document developed under this Project, developed in order to outline the basis for the development of a detailed strategy for BIM
implementation in Poland
PwC 35
Table 6. Comments and recommendations regarding supplements to the BIM document system
4 Other
All documents that will be developed as part of the next steps of BIM implementation in Poland should be
COORDINATED (in accordance with the generally accepted implementation strategy) and MUTELY CONSISTENT in
order to create a fully-fledged organizational system for the processing of construction investments in Poland.
PwC 36
[1] Haahtela Group. Lean Construction Institute. Provider Number H561, Lean Design Forum P2SL/AIA/LCI 2016 Day One.
P2SLDF20161, 2016.
[2] PN-EN ISO 19650-1:2019 Organizacja i digitalizacja informacji o budynkach i budowlach, w tym modelowanie informacji o
budynku (BIM). Zarządzanie informacjami za pomocą modelowania informacji o budynku. Część 1: Koncepcje i zasady.
[3] PN-EN ISO 19650-1:2019 Organizacja i digitalizacja informacji o budynkach i budowlach, w tym modelowanie informacji o
budynku (BIM). Zarządzanie informacjami za pomocą modelowania informacji o budynku. Część 2: Realizacja projektu.
[4] C. Eastman, BIM Handbook - a guide to building information modeling, John Wiley & Sons, 2008, p. 116.
[5] Ustawa z dnia 11 września 2019 r. Prawo zamówień publicznych (Dz. U. z 2019 r. poz. 2019 ze zm.).
[6] Ustawa z dnia 27 sierpnia 2009 r. o finansach publicznych (Dz.U. z 2009 r. Nr 157, poz. 1240).
PwC 37
Digitalisation of the
construction planning
in Poland
Construction investment
management in BIM methodology –
BIM documents templates
August 2020
Table of contents
List of tables ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
List of drawings ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Notes....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
I. Overview of Employer’s Information Requirements Template ....................................................................... 5
I.A. Purpose of the Overview of the „Exchange Information Requirements Template” .................................. 5
I.B. Purpose of the „Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)”................................................................... 5
I.C. Content of the Overview of the „Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” ......................... 5
II. Overview of BIM Execution Plan Template .................................................................................................. 14
II.A. Purpose of the Overview of „BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” ..................................................... 14
II.B. Purpose of the „BIM Execution Plan (BEP)”.......................................................................................... 14
II.C. Content of the „BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” .......................................................................... 14
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
List of tables
Table 1. The content of the individual chapters of "Employer’s Information Requirements Template Overview",
the reference between them and with other client's documents ............................................................................ 7
List of drawings
Figure 1. Diagram of dependencies between requirements and related products................................................. 6
This document is a part of the studies prepared under the project "Digitization of the construction planning in
Poland" (hereinafter "Project"), implemented with the financial and substantive support of the European Union
under the European Commission program for supporting structural reforms (DG Reform). The Project Beneficiary
is the Ministry of Development.
PwC 2
• “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” – a template of the “Exchange Information
Requirements (EIR)” containing universal 1 provisions of that document;
• “Overview of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a document containing an overview of the
content presented in the “BIM Execution (BEP) Template” and guidelines for its completion;
• “BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a template of the “BIM Execution Plan (BEP)” containing
universal* provisions of that document;
• "Model production and delivery table. Template, overview, example” – the template of the "Model
production and delivery table" with an overview and an example
• "BIM Attachment to the Agreement” – template of the BIM attachment to construction works contracts
regulating selected issues related to the application of BIM.
The definitions contained in this document are to be understood as indicated in the "BIM Lexicon". Additionally:
• The project should be understood as a task entitled “Digitization of the construction planning in Poland”,
implemented with financial and technical support from the European Union as part of the European
Commission program in the field of supporting structural reforms, the Beneficiary of which is the Ministry of
• PROJECT should be understood as an investment project, in particular a Pilot Project (PP), for the
implementation of which BIM documents created as part of the Project will be used;
• REQUIREMENTS should be understood as a set of BIM Requirements developed for the PROJECT, in
particular those developed on the basis of the "Employer’s Information Requirements”;
• A TEAM should be understood as a team of people cooperating with each other in order to implement the
PROJECT, consisting of representatives of the contracting authority, the contractor and - if necessary - its
The term "universal" should be understood as meaning that these provisions should apply to most PROJECTS. Their use results from a
specific PROJECT and should always be analyzed by the user of the template.
PwC 3
Overview of
PwC 4
I. Overview of Employer’s Information
Requirements Template
I.A. Purpose of the Overview of the „Exchange Information
Requirements Template”
The purpose of the document is to facilitate the contracting authority to develop BIM requirements for a
PROJECT, in particular for Pilot Projects. The manual contains general remarks dealing with the issues of
individual chapters of the "Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template", indicating also some
solutions, which, however, should not be treated as a closed list
• Technical requirements - concerning the software used, data exchange formats, accuracy etc.;
• Organizational requirements - concerning the method of implementing the processes necessary for the
proper implementation of the investment, responsibility of team members, applicable norms, standards,
• Qualification Requirements - regarding PROJECT objectives and the associated minimum BIM
competencies and how to evaluate them.
When formulating the requirements in the above-mentioned scopes, the contracting authority indicates the
guidelines for the PROJECT implementation - its framework (boundary conditions), goals and the desired
methods of their implementation or the requirements for them.
Development of this document, since its provisions affect the implementation of the entire investment process,
is a complex and demanding task. Therefore, entities with less experience or knowledge (and those who do
not have the required competences in their resources) should consider using the assistance of external entities
specializing in advisory in this area (consultants) when implementing it.
It should be remembered that in order to be able to effectively use the PROJECT results, one should take care
of appropriately qualified personnel, whose task will be:
Indication of links between individual chapters of the "Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template"
should be treated as additional guidelines for the contracting authority - the content of the REQUIREMENTS
should always be considered as a whole in relation to the PROJECT, taking into account the details of the PIR
PwC 5
(which defines, among others, the types of data to be provided, implementation of this task and other individual
requirements of the contracting authority in relation to the PROJECT) and the OIR (which may affect the PIR
requirements), in accordance with the diagram below.
• Scenario No. 1 (solid line): PROJECT implementation without considering resource management issues:
• Scenario 2 (dashed line): resource management without considering the PROJECT implementation: OIR-
• Scenario No. 3 (dotted line): combined PROJECT delivery and resource management: OIR-AIR-EIR-PIM-
PwC 6
Table 1. The content of the individual chapters of "Employer’s Information Requirements Template Overview", the reference between them and with other client's documents
1.1 Summary of basic data about the Chapter 2.1 - the adopted procedure and the subject of the procedure may • Other documents of the procurement
PROJECT affect the need to separate additional stages during the implementation (e.g. the procedure 3
implementation of the procedure in the "design" and "build" formula requires at
least two procedures - for the selection of a designer and contractor).
Chapter 2.2.1 - the scope of the PROJECT (the subject of the contract) affects
the scope of the data required for delivery
Chapter 2.2.4 - the adopted formula for the PROJECT 2 implementation affects
the manner of cooperation between the TEAM members
Chapter 2.3 - the scope of responsibility to be distributed among the TEAM
members depends on the formula of its implementation
Chapter 2.6 - the way the PROJECT is organized affects the risks associated
with its implementation
Chapter 3.1.3 - the scope of the PROJECT may define the areas that should be
supported with additional tools
Chapter 3.3.1 - basic information on geolocation results from the location of the
1.2 Reference to the nomenclature The nomenclature used should be consistent throughout the document and • „BIM Lexicon”
used in the document, including list other documents of the procedure • Other documents of the procedure
of abbreviations used
1.3 PROJECT objectives specified by Chapter 1.4 - PROJECT objectives and associated BIM 4 applications may -
the contracting authority, indicate the scope of the norms, standards and regulations to be applied during
influencing the manner of project implementation
delivery and conditioning its course Chapter 2.2 - PROJECT objectives affect the scope of data required to provide
data and level of accuracy
Chapter 2.6 - PROJECT objectives may affect for the risks associated with their
The formula for the PROJECT implementation should be understood as the way of organizing the investment implementation process, e.g. "design", "design and build", "build".
The term "other documents of the procurement procedure" should be understood as the Specification of the terms of the contract (pol. SWZ), Description of the subject of the contract (pol. OPZ), the
contract and other attachments developed as part of the investment preparation.
Refer „BIM Lexicon” for the definition of the term.
PwC 7
Table 1. The content of the individual chapters of "Employer’s Information Requirements Template Overview", the reference between them and with other client's documents
Chapter 3.2.2 - objectives may define requirements in the scope of units used
in the PROJECT
Chapter 3.3.2 - PROJECT objectives may affect the required scope of
1.4 List of norms, standards and See note to: Chapter 1.3 • ISO 19650 series of standards
regulations, the application of Chapter 2.2.2 - if the necessity to use classification has been indicated, specify • Other standards indicated in the
which is required by the the norm or standard required to be applied REQUIREMENTS
contracting authority • Other standards of the contracting authority
(if available)
• Legal acts and standards regarding the
standard of development that can be
implemented using BIM 5
2.1 Division of the PROJECT into See note to: Chapter 1.1 • Other documents of the procedure, in
stages and phases particular the deadlines specified in the
Chapter 2.2.2 – for individual milestones, the required ranges of data that must
be provided by the contractor as part of the PROJECT implementation should
be indicated
Chapter 2.2.3 – The division into phases and stages defined for the PROJECT
is the starting point for the development of requirements for the data provided by
the contractor
2.2 Requirements for the PROJECT See note to: Chapter 1.3 • Acts and standards regarding the standard of
information standard and methods development that can be implemented using
Chapter 2.1 – the division into phases and stages defined for the PROJECT
and procedures for creating BIM
defines data dumps for which requirements should be defined in terms of the
information scope and accuracy of the information provided
2.2.1 The scope of information packages As for chapter 2.2 and additionally: • BIM 6 technical manual (if in the possession
required to develop and general of the contracting authority)
See note to: Chapter 1.1
guidelines for their creation and • Legal acts and norms related to the standard
In particular, the Construction Law Act, the Ordinance on the detailed scope and form of the construction design, the Ordinance on the technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location
Refer „BIM Lexicon” for the definition of the term
PwC 8
Table 1. The content of the individual chapters of "Employer’s Information Requirements Template Overview", the reference between them and with other client's documents
Chapter 3.1.2 – the division into information packages and their scope may • National standards 7
affect the requirements for the software
Chapter 3.2.1 – the division of the information model should take into account
the ranges of data provided in various formats
2.2.2 PROJECT information standard, As for chapter 2.2 and additionally: • Standard of nomenclature
including nomenclature, See: Chapter 1.4 • LOG / LOI standard or other describing the
classification and scope of required content of information models - if it is
Chapter 3.1.3 – the use of other tools may require additional data to be used to describe the REQUIREMENTS
information requirements
included to the information models that will be supported by them
Chapter 3.2.2 – accuracies affect the required scope of information
2.2.3 PROJECT providing data, As for chapter 2.2 and additionally: • The Contracting Authority may include a
including a schedule template of the master data delivery plan in
See note to: Chapter 2.1
the documentation
2.2.4 Requirements for the organization As for chapter 2.2 and additionally: -
of cooperation with the use of See note to: Chapter 1.1
Chapter 2.3 – the responsibility matrix should include tasks resulting from the
adopted way of organizing work in CDE
Chapter 2.4 – project delivery control procedures should be reflected in the
organization of work in CDE
Chapter 3.1.1 – the CDE specification affects the way in which cooperation is
2.3 Requirements for the allocation of See note to: Chapter 1.1 Other procedural documents, in particular:
responsibilities among the See note to: Chapter 2.2.4 • Requirements for the contractor's key
members of the TEAM personnel should result from the
Chapter 2.6 – appropriate allocation of responsibility may contribute to the
responsibilities assigned to them
mitigation or elimination of risks
• The contract contains the basic obligations of
the contractor and the contracting authority -
they should be included in the matrix
Currently (July 2020) there are no national standards.
Refer „BIM Lexicon” for the definition of the term
PwC 9
Table 1. The content of the individual chapters of "Employer’s Information Requirements Template Overview", the reference between them and with other client's documents
2.4 Requirements for the procedures See note to: Chapter 2.2.4 • If the contracting authority has templates of
to ensure the expected level of reports that are required to be delivered, they
Chapter 3.1.1 – the requirements for CDEs should be defined in such a way
quality should be made available
that implementation control procedures can be carried out
Chapter 3.1.2 – requirements for PROJECT implementation control procedures
may define software requirements
Chapter 3.1.3 – additional tools may support PROJECT implementation control
Chapter 3.3.2 – spatial coordination is a fundamental element of quality control
2.5 Safety requirements: digital, See note to: Chapter 1.1 • Other procedural requirements
physical and health and safety Chapter 2.6 – safety issues should be included in the risk register
Chapter 3.1.1 – security considerations should be included in the requirements
for CDEs
Chapter 3.1.2 – care should be taken to maintain appropriate security
procedures for the information generated
2.6 Requirements for risk management See note to: Chapter 1.3 • PROJECT risk register (if it is kept as a result
of the requirements of the description of the
See note to: Chapter 2.3
subject of the contract)
See note to: Chapter 2.5 • Contract provisions may generate additional
Chapter 2.7 – if raising competences may be conducive to minimizing the risk, it risks
is worth considering including this scope in the training requirements
Chapter 3.1 – the use of appropriate tools may help to reduce risks
2.7 Requirements for the training See note to: Chapter 2.6 -
provided as part of the PROJECT
2.8 Requirements for the BIM Plan The scope of the BEP should include the answer to all scopes for which the • „BIM Execution Plan Template”
contracting authority has defined the requirements and those resulting from the
adopted method of PROJECT implementation
3.1 Requirements for the software Chapter 2.4 – the tools used should support the PROJECT implementation Restrictions resulting from the Public
used in the PROJECT control procedures, but the procedures may also require the use of additional Procurement Law (if the Contracting Authority
PwC 10
Table 1. The content of the individual chapters of "Employer’s Information Requirements Template Overview", the reference between them and with other client's documents
Chapter 2.5 – regardless of the type of tools used, appropriate procedures is from the public sector) 9
related to data security should be applied
See note to: Chapter 2.6
Chapter 3.2 – the software used may have limitations / requirements for the
data supported
3.1.1 Requirements for CDE As indicated for chapter 3.1 and additionally: -
See note to: Chapter 2.2.4
3.1.2 Software requirements for model As indicated for chapter 3.1 and additionally: -
production, management, etc. See note to: Chapter 2.2.1
Chapter 3.3.2 – proper coordination may require the use of dedicated software
3.1.3 Requirements for other tools not As indicated for chapter 3.1 and additionally: -
directly related to the production of See note to: Chapter 1.1
information or its verification
Chapter 2.2.2 – the use of other tools may require that additional data to be
supported by the information models are included
Chapter 3.3.1 – the additional software used may need to bind the information
model to a global frame of reference
3.2.1 Requirements for the data formats As indicated for chapter 3.2 and additionally: -
provided See note to: Chapter 2.2.1
3.2.2 Requirements for units used in the As indicated for chapter 3.2 and additionally: • Legal acts and standards regarding the
PROJECT standard of documents that can be
See note to: Chapter 1.3
implemented using BIM methodology
See note to: Chapter 2.2.2
Act of September 11, 2019 - Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 2019, as amended) [2]
PwC 11
Table 1. The content of the individual chapters of "Employer’s Information Requirements Template Overview", the reference between them and with other client's documents
3.3 PROJECT coordination Chapter 2.4 – the coordination requirements affect the quality control -
requirements procedures
Chapter 3.1.2 – coordination may require the use of dedicated software
Chapter 3.1.3 – coordination requirements can affect the need for additional
3.3.1 Information of the Contracting As indicated for chapter 3.3 and additionally: -
Authority and requirements See note to: Chapter 1.1
regarding the coordinate systems
Chapter 3.3.2 – determining the coordinate systems is required for the proper
used for the PROJECT
coordination of the PROJECT
3.3.2 Requirements for spatial As indicated for chapter 3.3 and additionally: -
coordination of information models See note to: Chapter 1.3
See note to: Chapter 2.4
See note to: Chapter 3.3.1
PwC 12
of BIM
Plan Template
PwC 13
II. Overview of BIM Execution Plan Template
II.A. Purpose of the Overview of „BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template”
The document aims to facilitate, among others:
• The Contracting Authority to develop a template for a "BIM Execution Plan" that will be adapted to the
REQUIREMENTS developed on the basis of the "Exchange Information Requirements Template" and the
"Overview of the BIM Execution Plan Template”;
• The Contractor to develop the "BIM Execution Plan" by drawing attention to the provisions essential for the
implementation of the PROJECT using BIM;
• The Contracting Authority and the contractor to understand the scope of the BIM Execution Plan.
This document is intended for entities involved in the implementation of Pilot Projects, but also for representatives
of the construction sector implementing PROJECTS using BIM.
The overview of the "BIM Execution Plan Template" contains general notes dealing with the issues of individual
chapters of the "BIM Execution Plan Template", indicating also some solutions, which, however, should not be
treated as a closed list.
• Verification of the correctness of the solutions proposed by the contractor in relation to the REQUIREMENTS;
• Assessment of the fulfillment of the PROJECT objectives specified by the contracting authority;
• Analysis of the impact of the REQUIREMENTS on the PROJECT implementation;
• Agree on the provisions, i.e. adjusting them to the capabilities and expectations of all TEAM members.
Joint development of the provisions of the "BIM Execution Plan" also fosters building an atmosphere of
understanding and mutual exchange of knowledge and experience, which favors the development of BIM in the
Entities with less experience or knowledge (and those who do not have resources with the required competences)
may use external entities specializing in advising in this area (consultants).
When developing the "BIM Execution Plan", it is not necessary to use the "BIM Execution Plan Template", unless
it results from the client's requirements. However, maintaining the indicated structure will allow the contracting
authority to more easily assess compliance with the REQUIREMENTS developed based on the "Exchange
Information Requirements Template" and “Overview of the Exchange Information Requirements Template". The
Contractor may also extend the "BIM Execution Plan" developed based on this template, if it results from the
needs of the PROJECT or the working methods used by the TEAM.
PwC 14
When developing a "BIM Execution Plan", read the notes in "Overview of the Exchange Information Requirements
Template" and treat both documents as a consistent source of information.
Any examples contained in this manual marked in orange should be treated as an illustration of how to complete
the template - not as recommendations for the use of the indicated methods, procedures or records.
PwC 15
[1] Information management according to BS EN ISO 19650. Guidance Part 1: Concepts, UK BIM Framework, 2019
[2] Kancelaria Sejmu, „Ustawa z dnia 11 września 2019 r. Prawo zamówień publicznych,” Warszawa, 2019
PwC 16
Digitalisation of the
construction planning
in Poland
Construction investment
management in BIM methodology –
BIM documents templates
August 2020
Table of contents
List of tables ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Notes....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Exchange Information Requirements Template ..................................................................................................... 5
1 General information ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 PROJECT description ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Objectives of the PROJECT ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Norms, standards and regulations binding for the PROJECT .................................................................. 7
2 Organizational requirements ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Phases and stages of investment implementation ................................................................................... 7
2.2 Information management .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1. Information creation method and procedure .................................................................................8
2.2.2. PROJECT information standard....................................................................................................8
2.2.3. Provision of data............................................................................................................................9
2.2.4. CDE – work rules ..........................................................................................................................9
2.3 Responsibilities of team members .......................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Execution control .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1. Quality assurance and control procedures .................................................................................10
2.4.2. Meetings ......................................................................................................................................11
2.4.3. Reporting .....................................................................................................................................12
2.5 Security ................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Risk management ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 Trainings ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.8 „BIM Execution Plan” .............................................................................................................................. 13
3 Technical requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Software .................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.1. CDE .............................................................................................................................................13
3.1.2. Model production and management tools ...................................................................................13
3.1.3. Other tools ...................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Data......................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1. Data formats ................................................................................................................................14
3.2.2. Units ............................................................................................................................................15
3.3 Coordination ............................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.1. Geolocation .................................................................................................................................15
3.3.2. Spatial coordination .....................................................................................................................16
PwC 2
List of tables
Table 1. PROJECT description .............................................................................................................................. 6
Table 2. Goals for the PROJECT and ways to achieve them ................................................................................ 7
Table 3. Norms, standards and regulations binding for the PROJECT .................................................................. 7
Table 4. General schedule of the PROJECT implementation ................................................................................ 7
Table 5. Standard for the delivery of information models ....................................................................................... 8
Table 6. Data provided in milestones ..................................................................................................................... 9
Table 7. Cyclical data delivery ................................................................................................................................ 9
Table 8. Roles and responsibilities of the PROJECT team members - requirements ......................................... 10
Table 9. Requirements for quality control procedures .......................................................................................... 11
Tabela 10. Requirements for collision verification ................................................................................................ 11
Table 11. Requirements for meetings .................................................................................................................. 11
Table 12. Reporting requirements ........................................................................................................................ 12
Table 13. Training requirements to be completed by the Contracting Authority .................................................. 13
Table 14. Requirements for the modeling software and the scope of its use ...................................................... 14
Table 15. Required data formats .......................................................................................................................... 15
Table 16. Required data formats .......................................................................................................................... 15
Table 17. Requirements for collision verification .................................................................................................. 16
PwC 3
This document is a part of the studies prepared under the project "Digitization of the construction planning in
Poland" (hereinafter "Project"), implemented with the financial and substantive support of the European Union
under the European Commission program for supporting structural reforms (DG Reform). The Project Beneficiary
is the Ministry of Development.
The following documents were prepared as part of the project deliverable:
• “Construction investment management in the BIM methodology – BIM document templates” – a
document describing the adopted assumptions and the most important information necessary for the
correct interpretation of the template provisions);
• „BIM Lexicon” – a glossary of BIM-related terms used in BIM document templates;
• “Overview of the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” – a document containing an
overview of the content presented in the “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” and
guidelines for completing it (this document);
• “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” – a template of the “Exchange Information
Requirements (EIR)” containing universal 1 provisions of that document; (PRESENT DOCUMENT);
• “Overview of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a document containing an overview of the
content presented in the “BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” and guidelines for its completion;
• “BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a template of the “BIM Execution Plan (BEP)” containing
universal1 provisions of that document;
• "Model production and delivery table. Template, overview, example” – the template of the "Model
production and delivery table" with an overview and an example;
• "BIM Attachment to the Agreement” – template of the BIM attachment to construction works contracts
regulating selected issues related to the application of BIM.
The definitions contained in this document are to be understood as indicated in the "BIM Lexicon". Additionally:
• The project should be understood as a task entitled “Digitization of the construction planning in Poland”,
implemented with financial support from the European Union as part of the European Commission program
in the field of supporting structural reforms, the Beneficiary of which is the Ministry of Development;
• PROJECT should be understood as an investment task, in particular a Pilot Project (PP), for the
implementation of which BIM documents created as part of the Project will be used;
• REQUIREMENTS should be understood as a set of Exchange Information Requirements developed for the
PROJECT, in particular those developed on the basis of the "Exchange Information Requirements
• A TEAM should be understood as a team of people cooperating with each other in order to implement the
PROJECT, consisting of representatives of the Contracting Authority, the Contractor and - if necessary - its
Whenever the terms " must", " should", " shall", or similar are used in a document, they shall be regarded as
identical and interpreted as an obligation of the Contractor.
Whenever the word "must be agreed" is used in the document, it means the need to obtain the approval of the
Contracting Authority about the implementation of the described requirement and place this information in the
BIM Execution Plan.
It is the Contracting Authority’s responsibility to adapt the template to the needs of its PROJECT. The
Contracting Authority is responsible for the content of the requirements contained in the document prepared
based on the template.
The term "universal" should be understood as meaning that these provisions should apply to most PROJECTS. Their use results from a
specific PROJECT and should always be analyzed by the user of the template.
PwC 4
PwC 5
1 General information
1.1 PROJECT description
Table 1. PROJECT description
4 Proceeding Limited tender / open tender / competition / other procedure specified in the PPL Act 2
7 Date of publication of For procedures financed from public funds, the date of publication of the notice should be
the notice specified, understood as the beginning of the time limits specified in the PPL Act. 2
8 Documentation of the The location of the procedure documentation should be indicated (link to the procedure page,
procedure information necessary to log in to the Contracting Authority's purchasing platform, etc.)
Act of September 11, 2019 - Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1843)
PwC 6
Table 2. Goals for the PROJECT and ways to achieve them
Way of
No. Target implementation Detailed requirements Condition for achieving the goal
[6] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
[8] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
2 Organizational requirements
2.1 Phases and stages of investment implementation
[9] As part of the PROJECT implementation, milestones are listed, which, along with the expected results, are
indicated in the table below.
No. Start date End date Milestone number The expected result
[10] Products delivered under each of the milestones are specified in the chapters 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.
[11] The Contractor is obliged to agree with the Contracting Authority a detailed plan - PROJECT schedule,
including the data delivery plan referred to in chapter 2.2.3 Provision of data.
[12] A mobilization phase is required before starting work on the PROJECT implementation.
[13] Completion of the mobilization stage depends on the fulfillment of the following assumptions:
PwC 7
a. Conducting all training necessary for the proper implementation of the PROJECT. Their scope is
presented in section 2.7;
b. Tests of the ICT infrastructure were successful, ie it was confirmed that it meets the adopted
c. The Contractor's supply chain ability to achieve the PROJECT objectives was confirmed;
d. BIM Plan approved.
[14] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
[16] The technical documentation corresponding to the range of information models to be made as BIM models
has to be sourced directly from the model. It is allowed to supplement the documentation in the non-
modeled scope.
[17] The breakdown into information models is the main way to break down into information packets. The
Contracting Authority allows / does not allow the change of the indicated division by the Contractor as part
of the development of the "BIM Execution Plan”.
[18] The Contractor in the "BIM Execution Plan" should define responsibilities for the production and delivery
of each of the indicated information packages.
[19] The Contracting Authority requires spatial coordination of the information models developed as part of the
TASK, in accordance with the requirements set out in chapter 3.3 Coordination.
[20] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
PwC 8
b. The name of the classification (2), the rules for its application are specified in the Annex number,
reference to the content of the Exchange Information Requirements, etc.;
c. The name of the classification (n), the rules for its application are specified in the Annex number,
reference to the content of the Exchange Information Requirements, etc.
[26] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
… … ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
[28] The Contracting Authority requires cyclical provision of data indicated in Table 7. The indicated frequency
may / may not be the subject of arrangements between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor.
… …
[29] The Contractor shall, in consultation with the Contracting Authority, develop a data delivery plan to be
attached to the "BIM Execution Plan". The Contractor may / may not develop a data delivery plan in a form
other than that presented in the "BIM Execution Plan Template”.
[30] The Contracting Authority requires the development of a model production and delivery table as part of the
"BIM Execution Plan", containing at least information about the models created, their content and accuracy.
The Contractor may / may not provide this information in a form other than that presented in the "BIM
Execution Plan Template"”.
[31] The data provision plan will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis, e.g. periodically, at milestones,
on specified dates (if known at the time the requirements are communicated to the Contractor).
[32] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
PwC 9
c. Procedure [n].
[36] The diagrams of procedures specified in requirement [35] will be prepared by the Contractor / specified in
the appendix provided by the Contracting Authority.
[37] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
[40] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
PwC 10
Table 9. Requirements for quality control procedures
In the [Detailed requirements] and [Expected results] columns, the Contracting Authority should indicate the reference to
specific provisions, specifying the rules for carrying out the indicated procedure.
[45] As part of the PROJECT implementation, the Contractor will verify the clashes at least to the extent
presented in Table 10.
[Package 1] ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
[Package 2] ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
[Package 3] ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
[Package n] ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒
[46] The Contractor will indicate in the "BIM Plan" the tool that he will use to implement the collision verification
procedure and describe the manner of implementing this procedure.
[47] Quality control procedures should be carried out in two stages:
a. Prior to data delivery - internally in the Contractor's team;
b. In the Contracting Authority’s team - after providing the data verified by the Contractor.
[48] The Contractor is responsible for providing data that meet the quality levels agreed in the "BIM Execution
[49] The collision verification should be confirmed by the preparation of an appropriate report, the template of
which will be attached by the Contractor to the "BIM Plan”.
[50] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
2.4.2. Meetings
[51] The Contracting Authority requires the Contractor to organize the meetings indicated in Table 11.
Type of
No. Phase meeting Objective Frequency Form Participants
[52] The Contractor, as part of the "BIM Execution Plan" arrangements, may propose additional meetings.
[53] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
PwC 11
2.4.3. Reporting
[54] The Contracting Authority requires reporting in the scope indicated in Table 12.
No. Phase Type of study Required content Delivery frequency / times Draws up
[55] Binding, i.e. reports / protocols / notes approved by the TEAM should be placed in CDE.
[56] Approval of studies indicated in Table 12 should be performed according to the following procedure:
a. Approval procedure - step [1];
b. Approval procedure - step [2];
c. Approval procedure - step [n].
[57] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
2.5 Security
[58] The Contracting Authority requires the appointment of a person / within its team of a person responsible
for CDE security management.
[59] The PROJECT requires compliance with the information security policy developed by the Contracting
Authority / agreed with the Contracting Authority.
[60] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
2.7 Trainings
[63] The Contractor's task is to assign suitably qualified personnel to the PROJECT implementation. Any
training, if required, will be organized by the Contractor at his own expense, considering the PROJECT
implementation dates.
[64] The Contracting Authority / Contractor - depending on the scenario referred to in section 3.1.1, will organize
training in the use of CDE.
[65] The Contracting Authority requires the Contractor to conduct the following trainings:
a. Training [1];
b. Training [2];
PwC 12
c. Training [n].
[66] Detailed training requirements are presented below.
1 Subject
2 Entity responsible
3 Form
4 Duration
5 Number of participants
6 Technical facilities
7 Location
8 Date
The table should be repeated an appropriate number of times - depending on the number of training sessions.
[67] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
3 Technical requirements
3.1 Software
3.1.1. CDE
[74] As part of the PROJECT implementation, the CDE function will be a solution provided by the Contracting
Authority / Contractor.
[75] The Contracting Authority / Contractor / third party is responsible for data security in CDE - in accordance
with the CDE delivery scenario adopted for the PROJECT.
[76] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
PwC 13
Table 14. Requirements for the modeling software and the scope of its use
1 Contracting Authority should indicate the scope of information packages that it requires to be delivered in a specific
format. In order to define this requirement, reference may be made to the information presented in Table 15.
[78] As part of the PROJECT, the Contractor is obliged to use BIM software that meets the following
a. Requirement [1];
b. Requirement [2];
c. Requirement [n].
[79] The scope of the documentation of information packets to be developed as BIM models is indicated in
Table 5.
[80] It is not recommended to change the version or software during the PROJECT implementation. If such a
change is necessary, the procedure specified in the requirement should be followed [81].
[81] Performing the software update (version change, installation of plugins, overlays, etc.) requires the
following procedure:
a. Informing the TEAM members about the intention to update;
b. Obtaining approval for updating;
c. Backing up existing data;
d. Software update;
e. Data validation after updating;
f. Verification of the correctness of the other PROJECT procedures.
[82] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
3.2 Data
3.2.1. Data formats
[85] The Contracting Authority requires the data to be provided in the formats presented in Table 15.
PwC 14
Table 15. Required data formats
1 ☐ ☐ ☐
2 ☐ ☐ ☐
3 ☐ ☐ ☐
… ☐ ☐ ☐
[86] The Contractor may also provide data in formats other than those indicated in Table 15 after prior
agreement with Contracting Authority
[87] Information on the data formats used in the implementation of the PROJECT will be provided by the
Contractor in the "BIM Plan”.
[88] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
3.2.2. Units
[89] In the studies provided as part of the PROJECT implementation, the Contractor will use the units indicated
in Table 16.
[90] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
3.3 Coordination
3.3.1. Geolocation
[91] The Contractor is obliged to embed the information models in the GUW 3 created by:
a. Plane rectangular coordinate system, e.g. PL-2000, PL-1992, PL-UTM, PL-LAEA, PL-LCC / or geodetic
reference system, e.g. PL-ETRF2000, PL-ETRF89;
b. Altitude system to be completed by the Contracting Authority, e.g. PL-EVRF2007-NH.
[92] The coordinates and reference data for the UCS 4 agreed for the PROJECT, the Contractor will indicate in
the BIM Plan.
[93] Once agreed, the coordinate systems should not be changed during the PROJECT implementation.
[94] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
The concept was described in the "BIM Lexicon”.
The concept was described in the "BIM Lexicon”.
PwC 15
3.3.2. Spatial coordination
[95] The Contracting Authority requires providing spatially coordinated coordination models. By this it should
be understood that the principles indicated in chapter 2.4.1. have been met.
[96] The Contracting Authority requires verification of the conflict in the scope indicated in Table 17.
[Package 1] …
[Package 2] …
[Package 3] …
… … … … …
[97] Other requirements of the Contracting Authority in the scope of this chapter.
PwC 16
Digitalisation of the
construction planning
in Poland
Construction investment
management in BIM methodology –
BIM document templates
August 2020
Table of contents
List of tables .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
List of figures ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Notes..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Template for the BIM Execution Plan ................................................................................................................... 5
1 General information....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 PROJECT description ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Objectives of the PROJECT .................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Norms, standards and regulations binding for the PROJECT .............................................................. 7
2 Implementation of organisational requirements ............................................................................................ 7
2.1 Phases and stages of project implementation ...................................................................................... 7
2.2 Information management ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Responsibilities of team members ...................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Implementation control ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.5 Security................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.6 Risk management ............................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 Trainings .............................................................................................................................................. 12
3 Implementation of technical requirements .................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Software .............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Coordination ........................................................................................................................................ 14
PwC 2
List of tables
Table 1. Basic information about the project ........................................................................................................ 6
Table 2. Goals for the PROJECT and ways to achieve them .............................................................................. 6
Table 3. Implementation of the PROJECT goal no. 1 .......................................................................................... 7
Table 4. Norms, standards and regulations adopted for use within the PROJECT ............................................. 7
Table 5. General schedule of the PROJECT implementation .............................................................................. 7
Table 6. Data provided in milestones ................................................................................................................. 10
Table 7. Cyclical data delivery ............................................................................................................................ 10
Table 8. The PROJECT implementation TEAM ................................................................................................. 11
Table 9. Roles and responsibilities of the PROJECT team members ................................................................ 11
Table 10. PROJECT risk register ....................................................................................................................... 12
Table 11. Information on trainings carried out as part of the mobilization stage ................................................ 12
Table 12. Software used within the PROJECT................................................................................................... 13
Table 13. Data formats used in the PROJECT .................................................................................................. 13
Table 14. Data formats used in the PROJECT .................................................................................................. 14
Table 15. PROJECT coordinate systems ........................................................................................................... 14
Table 16. Collision verification - scope ............................................................................................................... 14
Table 17. Collision marking matrix ..................................................................................................................... 15
Table 18. Collision verification - an exemplary procedure.................................................................................. 15
List of figures
Figure 1. The division into information packages used in the PROJECT. .......................................................... 8
PwC 3
This document is a part of the studies prepared under the project "Digitization of the construction planning in
Poland" (hereinafter "Project"), implemented with the financial and substantive support of the European Union
under the European Commission program for supporting structural reforms (DG Reform). The Project Beneficiary
is the Ministry of Development.
The following documents were prepared as part of the project deliverable:
• “Management of the construction investment in the BIM methodology – BIM document templates” –
a document describing the adopted assumptions and the most important information necessary for the
correct interpretation of the template provisions);
• „BIM Lexicon” – a glossary of BIM-related terms used in BIM document templates;
• “Overview of the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” – a document containing an
overview of the content presented in the “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” and
guidelines for completing it;
• “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” – a template of the “Exchange Information
Requirements (EIR)” containing universal 1 provisions of that document;
• “Overview of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a document containing an overview of the
content presented in the “BIM Execution (BEP) Template” and guidelines for its completion;
• “BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a template of the “BIM Execution Plan (BEP)” containing
universal1 provisions of that document; (PRESENT DOCUMENT);
• "Model production and delivery table. Template, overview, example” – the template of the "Model
production and delivery table" with an overview and an example
• "BIM Attachment to the Agreement” – template of the BIM attachment to construction works contracts
regulating selected issues related to the application of BIM.
The definitions contained in this document are to be understood as indicated in the "BIM Lexicon". Additionally:
• The project should be understood as a task entitled “Digitization of the construction planning in Poland”,
implemented with financial and technical support from the European Union as part of the European
Commission program in the field of supporting structural reforms, the Beneficiary of which is the Ministry of
• PROJECT should be understood as an investment task, in particular a Pilot Project (PP), for the
implementation of which BIM documents created as part of the Project will be used;
• REQUIREMENTS should be understood as a set of BIM Requirements developed for the PROJECT, in
particular those developed on the basis of the "BIM Requirements Template”;
• A TEAM should be understood as a team of people cooperating with each other in order to implement the
PROJECT, consisting of representatives of the contracting authority, the contractor and - if necessary - its
The term "universal" should be understood as meaning that these provisions should apply to most PROJECTS. Their use results from a
specific PROJECT and should always be analyzed by the user of the template.
PwC 4
PwC 5
1 General information
1.1 PROJECT description
Table 1. Basic information about the project
4 Procedure Procedure
… …
[1] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
No. Goal Way of implementation Detailed description Condition for achieving the goal
PwC 6
[5] Details on how to achieve the individual BIM objectives of the PROJECT are provided below.
The above table should be repeated several times appropriate for the PROJECT.
[6] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
Table 4. Norms, standards and regulations adopted for use within the PROJECT
[8] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
2 Implementation of organisational
2.1 Phases and stages of project implementation
[9] As part of the PROJECT implementation, milestones are listed, which, along with the expected results, are
indicated in the table below.
No. Stage Start date End date Milestone number The expected result
[10] Products delivered under each milestone are defined in Chapter 2.2.3.
[11] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
PwC 7
2.2 Information management
2.2.1 Information production method and procedure
Federation strategy
[12] The division into information packages used in the PROJECT is shown in Figure 1.
[17] All information models will be provided under the PROJECT implementation:
Maintain a consistent starting point (coordinates are specified in the chapter 3.3.1 Geolocation);
Oriented towards north.
[18] BIM models developed as part of the PROJECT will:
Keep a consistent structure with regard to the story of the object, and each component will be
assigned to one story (in case the component will include more than one - to the lowest, on which it
Maintain the agreed level of accuracy for the relevant phase and information package, both in terms
of geometry and information content.
[19] BIM model components that have different properties specified in the requirements will be separate
[20] The components of the BIM models will be correctly classified.
[21] Each component of the model will have properties resulting from the requirements specified in this
PwC 8
[22] BIM and 3D model objects will have a correct (in terms of geometric requirements) three-dimensional
[23] The elements of the model will be named in accordance with the established convention indicated in the
Annex no. reference to the Annex to the BIM Execution Plan.
The general principles of modeling are described, inter alia, in the study "Guideline for the implementation of
BIM Execution Plans (BEP) and Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) on European level based on EN
ISO 19650-1 and -2" published by the British Standard Institution in 2020. It is recommended to use them
adequately to the PROJECT requirements.
[24] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
[25] The convention of notations used in the PROJECT implementation is presented in Annex No. a reference
to the appropriate annex to the BIM Execution Plan.
[26] Where a need for an extension, amendment or revision of a convention has been identified, the following
procedure will apply:
Inform the person indicated in Table 9 about the need to make a correction in the applicable
designation convention;
Development of a correction proposal in the adopted convention;
Analysis of changes resulting from the introduced adjustments;
Presenting to all TEAM members a proposed correction in the adopted convention;
Agree on corrections;
Approval of the corrections, changes or additions;
Publish a revision of the BIM Execution Plan to CDE and notify every one of the changes.
[27] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
[28] Agreed provisions of the BIM Execution Plan within the scope of this chapter.
[29] The levels of accuracy of individual elements of the models implemented as part of the PROJECT are
indicated in the model production and delivery table, which is attached as Annex number to the BIM
Execution Plan.
[30] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
PwC 9
2.2.3 Data provision
1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
… … ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
… …
[31] The data provision plan will be reviewed and updated with frequency, e.g. periodically, milestones,
deadlines etc. - depending on the arrangements.
[32] The model production and delivery table constitute Annex no. reference to the Annex to the BIM
Execution Plan.
[33] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
PwC 10
Table 8. The PROJECT implementation TEAM
Used markings:
[…] – …;
[…] – …;
[…] – ….
[41] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
2.5 Security
2.5.1 Digital security
[45] The person performing the CDE security management function is indicated in Table 9.
[46] The security policies adopted for the PROJECT were attached to the BIM Execution Plan (attachment
number) / included in CDE.
PwC 11
[47] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
No. Risk Impact on the PROJECT implementation1 Propability of occurence2 Risk mitigation methods
1 High/medium/low
2 High/medium/low
[49] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
2.7 Trainings
2.7.1 Scope of training
[50] As part of the mobilization phase, the trainings indicated in the table below will be implemented.
Table 11. Information on trainings carried out as part of the mobilization stage
[51] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
PwC 12
3.1.2 Tools used for model production and management
[55] Performing the software update (version change, installation of add-ons or patches, etc.) will be performed
using the following procedure:
Obtain the consent of the person indicated in Table 9;
Back up existing data;
Verify the correctness of data after updating.
[56] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
3.2 Data
3.2.1 Data formats
1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
3 ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐
… ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
[58] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
PwC 13
3.2.2 Units
[59] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
3.3 Coordination
3.3.1 Geolocation
[60] Global coordinate system data was determined using the:
Plane rectangular coordinate system, e.g. PL-2000, PL-1992, PL-UTM, PL-LAEA, PL-LCC / or
geodetic reference system, e.g. PL-ETRF2000, PL -ETRF89;
Altitude system designation of the altitude system.
Table 15. PROJECT coordinate systems
Reference system
1 Longitude
2 Latitude
3 Altitude
4 North direction
[61] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
PwC 14
Table 17. Collision marking matrix
[Range 1]
[Range 2]
[Range n]
[65] As part of the PROJECT, the following procedure was adopted with regard to the detected collisions:
Verified ranges
[66] Other agreed BIM Execution Plan provisions within the scope of this chapter.
PwC 15
Digititalisation of the
construction planning
in Poland
Construction investment management in
BIM methodology – BIM document
August 2020
This document is a part of the studies prepared under the project "Digitization of the construction planning in Poland" (hereinafter
"Project"), implemented with the financial and technical support of the European Union under the European Commission program for
supporting structural reforms (DG Reform). The Project Beneficiary is the Ministry of Development.
The following documents were prepared as part of the project deliverable:
• “Management of the construction investment in the BIM methodology – BIM document templates ” – a document describing the
adopted assumptions and the most important information necessary for the correct interpretation of the template provisions);
• “BIM Lexicon” – a glossary of BIM-related terms used in BIM document templates;
• “Overview of the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” – a document containing an overview of the content
presented in the “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” and guidelines for completing it;
• “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template” – a template of the “Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)” containing
universal* provisions of that document;
• “Overview of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a document containing an overview of the content presented in the “BIM
Execution (BEP) Template” and guidelines for its completion;
• “BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template” – a template of the “BIM Execution Plan (BEP)” containing universal* provisions of that
• "Model production and delivery table. Template, overview, example” – the template of the "Model production and delivery table" with
an overview and an example (PRESENT DOCUMENT)
• "BIM Attachment to the Agreement” – template of the BIM attachment to construction works contracts regulating selected issues
related to the application of BIM.
This study consists of the following sheets::
INFO - this sheet, containing information about the Project and other BIM documents developed as part of its implementation,
MPDT. Template - containing a model production and delivery table template,
MPDT. Example - containing a fragment of the exemplary model production and delivery table,
MPDT. Overview - containing information on how to complete the model production and delivery table.
*The term "universal" should be understood as meaning that the proposed provisions should apply to most PROJECTS. Their use depends
on the specific PROJECT and should always be analyzed by the template user.
1. www.thenbs.com/knowledge/what-is-uniclass-2015 [access: July 2020]
2. Saleeb N., Marzouk M., Atteya U, A comparative suitability study between classification systems for BIM in heritage , International
journal of sustainable development and planning, WIT Press, Canada, 2018
PwC 2
Data drop
Information package Classifiaction Date Date Date
Code Name Table Group Subgroup Section Object [YYMMDD] [YYMMDD] [YYMMDD]
LOG - as indicated in [BIM Lexicon]
LOI - as indicated in [BIM Lexicon]
RES - entity responsible for delivering a scope of works (designations according to the standard of communication)
PwC 3
Data drop
Information package Classification Date Date Date
Code Name Table Group Subgroup Section Object [YYMMDD] [YYMMDD] [YYMMDD]
ARC Architecture 210716
Wall Ss 25 13 50 51 4 2 AR
Wooden window Pr 30 59 98 96 3 3 AR
Aluminium window Pr 30 59 98 2 3 3 AR
ARM Small architecture 210716
Scope of the model Bench Pr 40 50 12 07 2 1 AR
production and delivery Trash can Pr 40 50 7 75 2 2 IS
task table
Low voltage
IEN electrical 210716
Lighting fixture Pr 70 70 48 62 2 2 IE
Cable ladder Pr 65 70 11 14 1 2 IE
LOG - as indicated in [BIM Lexicon]
LOI - as indicated in [BIM Lexicon]
RES - entity responsible for delivering a scope of works (designations according to the standard of communication)
PwC 4
1 [A] Information package description code. The codes may be Nomenclature standard for a PROJECT (PROJECT
the same information standard)
2 [B] Code name (this column is not mandatory, but may be Nomenclature standard for a PROJECT (PROJECT
useful if the coding convention is not persisted in the information standard)
3 [C] Types of components of an information package - their 1.Scope of the PROJECT (description of the subject of the
scope depends on the PROJECT (e.g. it results from its contract)
scope) 2. REQUIREMENTS for the content of the information
4 [D] – [H] Components of the classification code for an element, Classification requirements: subsection 2.2.2. of the
according to the adopted scheme * REQUIREMENTS
5 [I], [M], [Q] … Indication of the level of geometric accuracy of the element 1. Subchapter 2.2 REQUIREMENTS (PROJECT
to be used in the design phase for the development of a information standard and the method and procedure for
building permit design information creation)
2. PROJECT objectives
3. Phases and stages of project implementation
6 [J], [N], [R] … Indication of the level of non-geometric accuracy of the 1. Subchapter 2.2 REQUIREMENTS (PROJECT
element to be used in the design phase for the information standard and the method and procedure for
development of a building permit design creating information)
2. PROJECT objectives
3. Phases and stages of project implementation
7 [K], [O], [S] … The entity responsible for providing an information model. 1. Responsibilities of the TEAM members
Designation (code) in accordance with the PROJECT 2. Standard of nomenclature for a PROJECT (PROJECT
naming code information standard)
3. Phases and stages of project implementation
8 [L], [P], [T] … Date of delivery of the of the information model Phases and stages of project implementation
* In the above example, the markings in accordance with the Uniclass 2015 (British) classification are indicated. Different classifications may
include different field names, as well as accuracy and associations. The Uniclass classification consists of:
- 12 tables:
Ac - activities - defines activities related to the design, construction, use or management of a building complex, facility or space
Co - complexes - describes the project in general terms, e.g. university campus with lecture, administrative, sports buildings, dormitories
EF - elements / functions - describes the main elements of the object (e.g. floors, walls, foundations) or the functions they fulfill (e.g. transport)
En - instances / entities / units - describes separate objects within the complexes, e.g. a lecture building
FI - form of information - describes the type of study, e.g. 3D model, photo, list
PM - project management - describes the elements / activities related to facility management in its life cycle
Pr - products - describes the elements of objects
Ro - role - describes the entities involved in the implementation of the investment
SL - spaces / locations - describes the purpose of a space in the facility, e.g. kitchen, toilet, office space, library
Ss - systems - describes groups of products, e.g. roof system, services
TE - tools and equipment - describes items of equipment, e.g. ladders, water heater
Zz - describes elements of 2D drawings, e.g. drawing frame, dimension, line
- Groups
- Subgroups describe individual elements / objects / roles / functions etc. at an increasingly higher level of detail, while maintaining inheritance
- Sections
- Object
The relationships between individual tables are presented in the graphic below [2].
Complexes (Co)
PwC 5
Digitalisation of the
construction planning
in Poland
Construction investment
management in BIM methodology –
BIM document templates
August 2020
Table of contents
Notes....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
BIM Attachment to the Agreement ......................................................................................................................... 4
1 General provisions .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Rights and obligations of the parties ............................................................................................................... 5
3 Copyrights ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
4 Licenses .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5 Data bases ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
PwC 2
This document is a part of the studies prepared under the project "Digitization of the construction planning in
Poland" (hereinafter "Project"), implemented with the financial and substantive support of the European Union
under the European Commission program for supporting structural reforms (DG Reform). The Project Beneficiary
is the Ministry of Development.
One should bear in mind that the purpose for issuing the clauses is not the intervention in the manner of placing
the legal relations between the parties taking part in the delivery of the of the investment with the use of BIM, but
paying attention of the parties to the key legal aspects, which should be taken into account, joining the PROJECT.
The text written in orange font constitutes additional information which should not be included to the Agreement
with the text of the attachment.
The term "universal" should be understood as meaning that these provisions should apply to most PROJECTS. Their use results from a
specific PROJECT and should always be analyzed by the user of the template.
PwC 3
Attachment to
the Agreement
PwC 4
1 General provisions
[1] This BIM attachment constitutes and integral part of the Agreement.
[2] In case of any differences or non-conformities in text of the provisions of the Agreement and the BIM
attachment to the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement are binding.
[3] Unless the Agreement states otherwise, for interpretation, the provisions placed on the list below have
BIM Attachment to the Agreement;
Other attachments to the Agreement.
[4] Unless the Agreement states otherwise, in the BIM Attachment to the Agreement, one should understand
the definitions as provided:
[6] Information models constitute integral part of the project documentation and their transferring is conditions
by making the final handover.
[8] The parties undertake to apply all provisions contained in the agreed BIM Execution Plan.
[9] The Contractor undertakes to assign appropriately qualified personnel for the performance of the Agreement
and to exercise due diligence in meeting the Exchange Information Requirements.
[10] The Contractor states that he will perform the subject of the order with due diligence and in accordance with
the Exchange Information Requirements.
PwC 5
[11] The entity making available CDE, defined in the specification of the conditions of the order:
bears liability for assuring availability and safety of data and information available and processed
in CDE, in particular the protection against loss, damage or deformation of data in CDE and against
access of unauthorized persons;
undertakes to grant the access to CDE for all persons indicated in the terms of reference or in BIM
Execution Plan, with reservation adequate for the function held, agreed level of rights for the duration
of the Agreement.
[12] The Parties do not bear liability for any non-conformity of digital data delivered in accordance with the
specification of terms of reference and the provisions of the BIM Execution Plan and caused after delivery
of the data to CDE.
[13] In case of justified doubt of the Contracting Authority towards correctness of performing the order, in
particular the case of stating the non-conformity of data presented in the technical documentation and in the
BIM model corresponding thereto, he may demand to have the evidence presented confirming correctness
of the contract execution and if the evidence turns out insufficient – take steps defined in the Agreement.
[14] The Contractor not less frequently than in milestones defined in the terms of reference shall make the review
of the BIM Execution Plan and – in case of stating such necessity – made proper updates in Agreement with
the Contracting Authority. The introduced updates may not change the subject of the Agreement.
[15] Unless the Agreement states otherwise, the updating of the provisions of the BIM Execution Plan in the
scope of: [scopes are of exemplary nature – the Contracting Authority should adjust them to the needs of
the project realized]
PwC 6
3 Copyrights
[16] Information models and all documents developed on their basis constitute the works within the meaning of
the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyrights and derivative rights and shall be subject to the provisions of the
[17] The Contractor states that he possesses property rights not encumbered with the rights of third persons and
free from defects to the works used during the execution of the Agreement or obtains them until transfer of
these works to the Contracting Authority.
[18] The Contractor upon obtaining the whole or part of the remuneration [to be specified in the main Agreement]
within the frames of the realization of the Agreement shall transfer onto the Contracting Authority without
limitations as to the time and territory and number of copies:
Record the work in any media, including digital e.g. CD, DVD, pen drive, hard disc;
Multiply the work with any technique, including digital with the use of any media;
Introduce the work into the computer memory and computer networks, multimedia and communication,
including to the Internet;
Make the work available to other entities cooperating with the Contracting Authority in the scope of
managing the assets erected or installed based on the work;
Using the work for one’s own purposes or third persons and making the work available to other entities
cooperating with the Contracting Authority, especially in the use, reconstruction, extension,
refurbishment or disassembly of the assets erected or installed based on the work;
Publicly make available, record, or present including in promotional, information and advertising
materials, also via Internet.
[21] The Contracting Authority at the same time with acquiring the property copyrights to the works acquires the
property to all copies, on which they were maintained.
PwC 7
[22] The Contracting Authority is entitled to, and the Contractor expresses the consent for transferring property
copyrights acquired by the Contracting Authority onto third persons.
[23] The authorisation covering the performance of personal copyrights of the Contractor and the obligation of
not performing personal copyrights granted both to the Contracting Authority and other entities using the
work of the Contractor with the consent of the Contracting Authority.
4 Licenses
[24] In case of the work covered with the license the Contractor upon obtaining the whole or part of remuneration
[to be specified in the main Agreement] within the execution of the Agreement provides the Contracting
Authority with the non-exclusive license for using the work, with the right to grant the sub-license in the
following fields of exploitation: [fields of exploitation are of exemplary nature – the Contracting Authority
should adjust them to the needs of the project]
Maintain the work in any media, including digital e.g. CD, DVD, pen drive, hard disc;
Multiply the work with any technique, including digital with the use of any media;
Introduce the work into the computer memory and computer networks, multimedia and communication,
including to the Internet
Introduce corrections or modifications covered with the license necessary for the proper usage,
erecting, extending, repairing or disassembly of the assets erected on the basis of the work.
The provision above should be specified or re-edited by the Contracting Authority depending on the
remuneration formula established in the Agreement.
[25] The Contracting Authority declares that it has a license to use the works that will be made available to the
Contractor in order to perform the contract.
[26] The Contracting Authority upon transferring to the Contractor the work covered with license shall provide
the Contractor with the non-exclusive license for using the works made available by the Contracting Authority
for the execution of the subject of the Agreement in the following fields of exploitation: [fields of exploitation
are of exemplary nature – the Contracting Authority should adjust them to the needs of the project]
Maintain the work in any media, including digital e.g. CD, DVD, pen drive, hard disc,
Multiply the work with any technique, including digital with the use of any media;
Introduce the work into the computer memory and computer networks, multimedia and communication,
including to the Internet
Introduce necessary corrections or modifications for the proper execution of the work covered with
[27] The Contracting Authority grants to the Contractor the right to grant the sub-licenses to his subcontractors
in the fields of exploitation defined in [26].
PwC 8
5 Data bases
[28] The Contractor within the remuneration shall provide the Contracting Authority with the consent for collection
and secondary usage of the data bases developed as part of the Agreement, in particular for introducing
significant changes to the data bases, as to the quality or quantity including its completion, change or
removal its part, excluding public display.
[29] The Contractor within the remuneration shall provide the Contracting Authority with the consent for making
available the data bases developed as part of the Agreement to third parties cooperating with the Contracting
Authority in the scope of usage, reconstruction, extension, refurbishment or disassembly of the assets
erected or installed on the basis of the data bases and grants them the consent for introducing significant
changes in the data bases as to the quality and quantity including supplementing it, change or removal of
its part, excluding its public display.
[30] The Contractor is not responsible for changes to the content of the database provided under the Agreement,
introduced by third parties to whom the Contracting Authority has granted consent for the re-use of the
database developed under the Agreement.
PwC 9
[1] Building Information Modelling (BIM) Protocol Second Edition. Standard Protocol For Use In Projects Using Building
Information Models, Construction Industry Council, 2018.
[2] Act of 4 February 1994 on copyrights and derivative rights, (J. of L. 1994 No 24 it. 83).
[3] A. Croft, M. Winfield i S. Lewis, Information protocol to support BS EN ISO 19650-2 the delivery phase of assets, UK BIM
Framework, Construction Industry Council, 2020.
PwC 10
© 2020 PwC Advisory spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k. All rights reserved. In the document "PwC" refers to PwC Advisory
spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k. firmy included in the composition of the network PricewaterhouseCoopers International
Limited, each being a separate and indepenent legal entity.