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Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) comprises a diverse group of clinical neurodegenerative syndromes characterized by progres-
sive changes in behavior, personality, executive function, language, and motor function. Approximately 20% of FTD cases
have a known genetic cause. The three most common genetic mutations causing FTD are discussed. Frontotemporal lobar
degeneration refers to the heterogeneous group of neuropathology underlying FTD clinical syndromes. While there are no
current disease-modifying treatments for FTD, management includes off-label pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacological
approaches to target symptoms. The utility of several different drug classes is discussed. Medications used in the treatment of
Alzheimer’s disease have no benefit in FTD and can worsen neuropsychiatric symptoms. Non-pharmacological approaches
to management include lifestyle modifications, speech-, occupational-, and physical therapy, peer and caregiver support,
and safety considerations. Recent developments in the understanding of the genetics, pathophysiology, neuropathology, and
neuroimmunology underlying FTD clinical syndromes have expanded possibilities for disease-modifying and symptom-
targeted treatments. Different pathogenetic mechanisms are targeted in several active clinical trials, opening up exciting
possibilities for breakthrough advances in treatment and management of FTD spectrum disorders.
1056 K. D. Neylan, B. L. Miller
with relative sparing of visuospatial abilities [4]. Pathology More than twenty genetic mutations have been discovered
is close to evenly divided between the tau or TAR DNA- to cause FTD spectrum disorders, but the three most com-
binding protein 43 (TDP-43) subtypes [5]. In approximately mon genetic mutations are discussed below.
5% of cases, abnormal aggregates of the fused-in-sarcoma
(FUS) protein are present. C9orf72 The most common cause of familial FTD and ALS
Semantic variant PPA presents with anomia and impaired is a genetic mutation with a hexanucleotide repeat expan-
single-word comprehension if the left temporal lobe is more sion GGGGCCin the non-coding region of the chromosome
severely damaged, and prominent emotional and behavioral 9 open reading frame 72 (C9orf72) gene. This mutation
dysfunction including irritability, loss of empathy, libido accounts for 13–26% of familial FTD cases [14, 15, 17–19].
changes, and inability to interpret social cues if right tem- It is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion which exhib-
poral lobe damage predominates [6]. Approximately 7% of its increased penetrance with age (near 100% by age 80) and
patients with left svPPA develop new artistic abilities early possible anticipation phenomenon (earlier age of onset and
in the course of their illness [7–9]. Most cases of svPPA greater severity in subsequent generations) [20]. The most
show underlying TDP-43 pathology, although Pick’s disease common clinical presentation of C9orf72 forms of FTD is
pathology and FTD-MND changes are also seen. bvFTD, ALS, and FTD-ALS. CBS, nfvPPA, and svPPA
Non-fluent variant PPA presents with effortful non-fluent occur less frequently. It commonly presents with psychiatric
speech, apraxia of speech, and agrammatism [6]. Other defi- symptoms including hallucinations, delusions, and obsessive
cits may emerge with disease progression, including execu- compulsive or psychotic features [15, 16]. Age of onset is
tive dysfunction and motor features similar to those seen 20–91, though typically between 50 and 64 [20]. Survival is
in PSP or CBS [10, 11]. In those patients, the underlying variable, ranging from 1 to 22 years with a worse prognosis in
pathology is often congruent with those clinical syndromes ALS patients (on average 1.8 years) [16, 20]. C9orf72 forms
showing PSP or corticobasal degeneration (see below). of FTD are most associated with TDP-43 type B pathology,
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is characterized though TDP-43 type A and type U, while less common, do
by axial dystonia and rigidity, bradykinesia, supranuclear occur. On neuroimaging, patients tend to exhibit mild and
gaze palsy, and falls [12]. Neuropsychiatric syndromes are symmetric dorsal frontal, temporal, parietal, cerebellar, and
common and patients with PSP pathology often present as dorsomedial thalamic atrophy [20]. The pathogenesis of
a bvFTD or nfvPPA syndrome. Nearly all people with this C9orf72 repeat expansion is not fully understood, but pro-
clinical phenotype show a 4R tauopathy consistent with PSP. posed mechanisms include toxic gain of function, alteration
Corticobasal syndrome (CBS) is a clinical entity charac- of RNA expression, and haploinsufficiency [21].
terized by progressive asymmetric cognitive syndrome with
executive loss, parkinsonism, myoclonus, apraxia, dysto- GRN Progranulin is a highly conserved protein that serves
nia, and sometimes in the later stages, alien limb syndrome as a growth factor and plays a role in the regulation of cell
[12]. Clinicopathologic studies have found that CBS is a growth and survival, inflammation, and microglial and lyso-
neuropathologically heterogenous syndrome with a range somal function in the central nervous system [22]. Progranu-
of underlying pathology including corticobasal degenera- lin is encoded by the progranulin gene (GRN) on chromo-
tion (CBD)—a 4R tauopathy within the FTLD spectrum—as some 17. Homozygous GRN mutations lead to absence of
well as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [12]. progranulin and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, a lysosomal
Finally, there is syndromic and genetic overlap with storage disorder characterized by young-onset neurodegener-
bvFTD and motor neuron disease or ALS, with FTD, MND, ation [22]. Heterozygous GRN mutations lead to progranulin
and FTD-MND (also commonly referred to as FTD-ALS) deficiency and constitute about 8% of genetic forms of FTD
[13]. Nearly all patients with FTD-MND show TDP-43 [15]. GRN mutations are inherited in an autosomal dominant
neuropathology. fashion with more variable penetrance (about 90% by age
75) than MAPT and C9orf72 [23]. Clinically, patients with
GRN most commonly present with a bvFTD phenotype, but
Genetics nfvPPA, CBS, svPPA, or an atypical parkinsonism pheno-
type all occur [24, 25]. Symptom onset tends to be in the
Approximately 20% of FTD cases are genetic and 40% of 50s–80s, with a mean of about 65 years [23]. Survival on
patients with FTD have a family history of dementia or neu- average is 3–12 years [23]. GRN mutations lead to accu-
ropsychiatric illness [14–16]. Of the FTLD spectrum dis- mulation of TDP-43 type A in the brain. On neuroimaging,
orders, FTD-ALS is the most heritable while svPPA is the patients commonly have asymmetric atrophy of the dorsal
least genetic. frontoparietal regions [15, 24].
New Approaches to the Treatment of Frontotemporal Dementia 1057
MAPT Tau is a multifunctional protein encoded by the FTLD‑Tau Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau can
microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) gene on chro- cause neurodegenerative diseases known as tauopathies,
mosome 17 that interacts with microtubules to stabilize the which include FTLD and AD [27]. Accumulation of hyper-
neuronal cytoskeleton and plays a role in axonal transport phosphorylated 3R tau filaments known as “Pick bodies”
[26]. Tau is predominantly expressed in six isoforms via is seen in 20% of FTLD cases [14, 16]. Clinical syndromes
alternative mRNA splicing [27]. In tauopathies, hyperphos- associated with 3R tauopathies include bvFTD, CBS,
phorylation of tau protein disrupts cell function, leading to nfvPPA, and svPPA. With classical Pick’s disease neuropa-
deposition of aggregates of neurotoxic hyperphosphorylated thology, neuroimaging may show “knife-edge” cortical atro-
tau [26]. Genetic mutations in MAPT lead to an imbalance phy (Fig. 1) [14, 33]. Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated
of 3R/4R tau isoforms and comprise 17–32% of cases of 4R tau inclusions is seen in CBD, PSP, globular glial tauopa-
bvFTD with a positive family history [15]. MAPT mutations thy, and argyrophilic grain disease, with a subset of those
are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion with a high with 4R tauopathies presenting with FTD clinical syndromes
degree of penetrance [28]. Clinical presentation is variable [12, 33]. For example, approximately 50% of the nfvPPA
and may span the range of FTD phenotypes: bvFTD, svPPA, patients seen at the University of California San Francisco
nfvPPA, CBS, PSP, or AD-like presentation [12]. Patients Memory and Aging Center show CBD neuropathology and
often have a psychiatric prodrome and psychotic features. 85% have an underlying tauopathy [34].
Age of onset ranges from the 20s to 80s, with a mean around
49–50 [28]. Different mutations in MAPT can be associated FTLD‑FUS The fused-in-sarcoma (FUS) protein binds to
with either 3R or 4R tau pathology and vary as to their ages DNA and RNA and regulates expression of more than 100
at onset. On neuroimaging, patients with MAPT mutations proteins [35]. Cytoplasmic aggregations of FUS protein can
tend to have symmetric anterior temporal lobe and basal cause FTD or FTD-MND, typically with very early onset in
ganglia atrophy [15]. the third to fifth decades (20–40) [16]. Patients with FTLD-
FUS often have compulsive behavior, prominent psychotic
Rarer genetic causes of FTD include mutations in FUS, symptoms, and hyperorality [14].
TARDBP, VCP, and UBQLN2. For a more comprehensive
review, please refer to Deleon and Miller [29].
1058 K. D. Neylan, B. L. Miller
In FTD, there is no benefit for the pharmacotherapies found Pharmacotherapy Targeting Motor Symptoms
useful for Alzheimer’s disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors,
one of the primary classes of medications used in the treat- Patients with PSP and CBD show atypical parkinsonian symp-
ment of AD which include donepezil, rivastigmine, and toms, with predominant rigidity and infrequent tremor. Unlike
galantamine, have been studied in FTD and show no effect patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), patients with FTD-
on cognitive performance but can actually worsen neuropsy- related parkinsonism tend not to be responsive to dopamine
chiatric symptoms [15, 36]. One small study demonstrated replacement therapy including carbidopa-levodopa [46]. Still,
an improvement in patient behavior and caregiver reports some patients experience transient and usually mild motoric
of burden after donepezil was discontinued in patients with improvement, so physicians can consider a trial of dopamine
FTD who were previously given a diagnosis of AD [37]. replacement therapy in patients with functional impairments
Donepezil can worsen both gait and dysphagia in PSP [38]. due to tremor, bradykinesia, or rigidity [12, 41]. Side effects to
The NMDA receptor inhibitor memantine had no benefit monitor include nausea, hypotension, and psychosis.
on either cognition or behavior in FTD patients and was In patients with ALS, the FDA has approved riluzole,
associated with worsening of neuropsychiatric symptoms edaravone, and Relyvrio (combination of sodium phenylb-
in some patients [39, 40]. The NMDA-receptor antagonist utyrate and taurursodiol) as disease-modifying treatments
amantadine may improve gait and freezing in some patients [48, 49]. Riluzole was not found to affect rates of functional
with PSP but adverse events include visual hallucinations decline or survival in patients with PSP [50].
and delirium [41].
Pharmacotherapy Targeting Pseudobulbar Affect
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), characterized by sudden bouts of
The class of medications with the largest supportive body uncontrollable crying or laughter, is frequently seen in FTD-
of evidence in FTD is the SSRIs. Several clinical trials of MND and PSP [51]. Several medications can help reduce the
New Approaches to the Treatment of Frontotemporal Dementia 1059
severity and frequency of pseudobulbar affect. Dextromethorphan- decline with age and with improved outcomes in several
quinidine sulfate (brand name Nuedexta®) is the first FDA- neurodegenerative diseases including AD, PD, and vascu-
approved medication specifically targeting PBA [51]. Antide- lar dementia. A recent study found physical and cognitive
pressants including SSRIs and serotonin-norepinephrine reup- exercise to be inversely related to disease severity and rate
take inhibitors (SNRIs) are also used as off-label treatment for of annual clinical decline in familial FTD [59]. In addition
PBA and may additionally help with concurrent behavior and to improving cardiovascular health, aerobic exercise can
neuropsychiatric symptoms. Tricyclic antidepressants have also increase strength and balance and reduce falls [41].
shown efficacy in treating PBA but should be used with cau- Other lifestyle modifications that are associated with bet-
tion in patients with FTD spectrum disorders given significant ter outcomes in dementia include eating a balanced diet and
anticholinergic side effects. limiting alcohol intake although studies of FTD populations
are lacking. Dietary changes may pose a challenge to some
Antiepileptic Medications patients with FTD as changes in appetite and physical activ-
ity are often major features of the disease. Therefore, it may
There is limited evidence suggesting a role for antiepileptic or may not be a realistic goal for an individual patient.
medications in FTD. Mood stabilizers such as carbamaz-
epine and valproic acid have been used in the management Speech Therapy
of mania in bipolar disorder, which has symptomatic over-
lap with bvFTD including impulsivity and irritability [46]. Speech therapy can be effective in patients with PPA or
There are limited studies suggesting the utility of mood sta- other FTLD spectrum disorders who have apraxia of speech,
bilizers in FTD, and there are only a few case reports that dysarthria, or hypophonia [60]. It is particularly effective
document improved behavior and agitation [52–54]. There if the speech therapist is trained in neurodegenerative apha-
have been case reports of the use of topiramate in reduc- sias. Sessions may be conducted effectively in person or
ing hyperorality in FTD patients [55, 56]. As antiepileptic via telehealth [61]. Speech therapy in PPA may include ele-
medications have significant side effects including gastro- ments of script training, the development of strategies for
intestinal upset, electrolyte imbalance, kidney stones, and improving communication, training on non-verbal commu-
possible adverse drug reactions, the risks and benefits must nication, and the use of augmentative or alternate modes of
be carefully considered. Currently, there is not enough qual- communication (AAC) including communication books or
ity evidence to recommend the use of antiepileptic medica- assistive technology. Patients with svPPA can often learn
tions in FTD. approximately 25 words that they need for day-to-day com-
munication. Speech therapists can also provide resources for
Medications to Avoid in FTD cognitive rehabilitation including organization strategies for
executive dysfunction [62]. Patients with dysphagia should
In general, patients should avoid or use with caution medica- undergo a swallowing evaluation.
tions with strong cognitive side effects, including benzodi-
azepines, antihistamines, and tricyclic antidepressants [41]. Physical and Occupational Therapy
Activating medications such as methylphenidate and dexa-
mphetamine have mixed reports in the literature but should Many patients with motor symptoms may benefit from
be used with great caution, if at all [57]. Adverse effects physical therapy to work on strength, gait, range of motion,
such as increased behavioral disturbances and hallucinations and balance training [63]. Occupational therapists can assess
have been noted in patients with PD taking dexamphetamine patients’ cognitive and physical status and provide strate-
[46]. There have been small studies in FTD patients demon- gies and interventions to maximize function—for example,
strating improved apathy and disinhibition, though no large the use of step-by-step “activity templates” or visual aids
placebo-controlled studies have been performed [58]. Dopa- for patients with apraxia or executive dysfunction. Occupa-
mine agonists and the NMDA-receptor antagonist amanta- tional therapy can also perform home safety evaluations to
dine do not improve symptoms in PSP [41]. prevent falls and provide assistive devices for activities of
daily living [41].
Non‑pharmacological Approaches to the Treatment
of FTD Peer Support Groups
1060 K. D. Neylan, B. L. Miller
patients may find use in support groups designed for patients to the point of choking, attempt to consume non-food items,
with younger onset dementia or PPA [65]. Research on the or risk burning their mouth on hot food given disrupted pain
impact of support groups in bvFTD is limited, but patients responses.
with PPA have reported improved quality of life, confidence, Another safety consideration is the removal of firearms
hope, and practical coping strategies from peer support and from the home.
education programs [66].
Caregivers of patients with FTD demonstrate high rates of Frontotemporal dementia encompasses a wide spectrum of
burden and distress [67]. Efforts to improve caregiver sup- diverse clinical presentations and underlying pathology, pos-
port, education, coping skills, and strategies for redirecting ing a challenge to therapeutic development. Recent advance-
or minimizing unwanted behaviors have all shown success ments in the understanding of the genetics, pathophysiology,
in reducing caregiver stress [68]. Organizations such as the neuropathology, and neuroimmunology of the frontotempo-
Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration and CurePSP ral dementia spectrum of disorders have expanded possibili-
offer information-rich resources and peer support groups for ties for disease-modifying and symptom-targeted precision
caregivers and families. Caregivers may benefit from respite medicine treatments.
care, short-term caregiving services, or enrolling patients in
longer-duration day care programs. Pharmacotherapy and Gene Therapy Approaches
The American Academy of Neurology recommends early The autosomal dominant forms of FTD represent an area
integration of palliative care in patients with progressive of blossoming research in drug development utilizing gene
neurodegenerative disease including ALS and FTD spec- therapy techniques and the use of antisense oligonucleotides
trum disorders, with particular attention paid to eliciting (ASOs) or other small molecules. One advantage of study-
patient preferences before disease progression precludes ing genetic populations is that early intervention is possible.
capacity and effective communication [69]. Referral to pal- Similarly, the therapies are known to be directed towards the
liative care demonstrates improved quality of life in PSP specific cause for FTD.
and ALS [41, 70]. Therefore, planning ahead with advanced Several studies have targeted progranulin replacement in
care directives and assigning a designated power of attor- patients with GRN mutations. Prior trials using nimodipine
ney are recommended early in the disease course whenever and histone deacetylase inhibitors did not successfully raise
possible [41]. Patients with motor neuron disease should progranulin concentrations [72, 73]. Newer techniques in
be connected with ALS centers for multidisciplinary care. development for GRN mutations include the use of adeno-
As FTD commonly affects patients of working age, many associated viral vector therapies (active trials include
families undergo significant financial stress. Patients may NCT04747431 and NCT04408625), recombinant progranu-
qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Patients are lin protein replacement, antibody delivery of progranulin to
at increased risk for financial victimization or exorbitant the brain (active trials include NCT05262023), and the use of
spending. Laws regarding reporting of dementia diagno- monoclonal antibodies targeting sortilin, a protein involved in
sis to the Department of Motor Vehicles differ by state, progranulin degradation, to investigate the effect of increased
but patients with frontotemporal dementia have difficulty progranulin concentration on patients with GRN mutations
driving safely. They should, at the very least, have regular (active trials include NCT03987295 and NCT04374136) [21,
driving assessment. Deficits in executive function, impulse 74–77]. Several different candidate ASOs have been devel-
control, and judgment, as well as motor and gaze abnormali- oped to try to suppress the aberrant RNA transcript expan-
ties in FTD spectrum disorders, can all impair safety while sion seen in C9orf72 mutation carriers with active trials for
driving. ALS and FTD patients (NCT04931862) [21].
Patients with FTD may require supervision given
impaired judgment, a lack of typical responses to pain stim-
uli, and risk of inadvertent self-harm related to compulsive Tau‑Targeted Approaches
behaviors [71]. For example, patients may have repetitive
pacing or roaming behavior to the point of developing blis- Clinical trials targeting tau protein have utilized different
ters. Patients may need to be monitored while eating to mini- strategies to reduce accumulation of hyperphosphorylated
mize choking, as they may eat quickly, overfill their mouths tau, including using gene therapy techniques to alter MAPT
New Approaches to the Treatment of Frontotemporal Dementia 1061
1062 K. D. Neylan, B. L. Miller
myeloperoxidase, with the aim of reducing oxidative stress Required Author Forms Disclosure forms provided by the authors are
and pathologic activation of microglia leading to cell death available with the online version of this article.
(NCT05184569). Verdiperstat has previously been stud- Funding This study was supported by NIH/NIA P30AG062422 and
ied in multiple system atrophy and ALS and demonstrated P01AG019724 (BM) and the Rainwater Charitable Foundation.
safety but not efficacy on measures of disease progression
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