CG Cloud Advanced Data Model
CG Cloud Advanced Data Model
CG Cloud Advanced Data Model
Data Model
Conceptual View
Forward-Looking Statements
This presentation contains forward-looking statements about, among other things, trend analyses and future events, future financial performance, anticipated growth,
industry prospects, environmental, social and governance goals, and the anticipated benefits of acquired companies. The achievement or success of the matters covered
by such forward-looking statements involves risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any such risks or uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions prove incorrect,
Salesforce’s results could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties referred to above include
those factors discussed in Salesforce’s reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to: the impact of, and
actions we may take in response to, the COVID-19 pandemic, related public health measures and resulting economic downturn and market volatility; our ability to
maintain security levels and service performance meeting the expectations of our customers, and the resources and costs required to avoid unanticipated downtime and
prevent, detect and remediate performance degradation and security breaches; the expenses associated with our data centers and third-party infrastructure providers; our
ability to secure additional data center capacity; our reliance on third-party hardware, software and platform providers; the effect of evolving domestic and foreign
government regulations, including those related to the provision of services on the Internet, those related to accessing the Internet, and those addressing data privacy,
cross-border data transfers and import and export controls; current and potential litigation involving us or our industry, including litigation involving acquired entities such
as Tableau Software, Inc. and Slack Technologies, Inc., and the resolution or settlement thereof; regulatory developments and regulatory investigations involving us or
affecting our industry; our ability to successfully introduce new services and product features, including any efforts to expand our services; the success of our strategy of
acquiring or making investments in complementary businesses, joint ventures, services, technologies and intellectual property rights; our ability to complete, on a timely
basis or at all, announced transactions; our ability to realize the benefits from acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures and investments, including our July 2021
acquisition of Slack Technologies, Inc., and successfully integrate acquired businesses and technologies; our ability to compete in the markets in which we participate; the
success of our business strategy and our plan to build our business, including our strategy to be a leading provider of enterprise cloud computing applications and
platforms; our ability to execute our business plans; our ability to continue to grow unearned revenue and remaining performance obligation; the pace of change and
innovation in enterprise cloud computing services; the seasonal nature of our sales cycles; our ability to limit customer attrition and costs related to those efforts; the
success of our international expansion strategy; the demands on our personnel and infrastructure resulting from significant growth in our customer base and operations,
including as a result of acquisitions; our ability to preserve our workplace culture, including as a result of our decisions regarding our current and future office
environments or work-from-home policies; our dependency on the development and maintenance of the infrastructure of the Internet; our real estate and office facilities
strategy and related costs and uncertainties; fluctuations in, and our ability to predict, our operating results and cash flows; the variability in our results arising from the
accounting for term license revenue products; the performance and fair value of our investments in complementary businesses through our strategic investment portfolio;
the impact of future gains or losses from our strategic investment portfolio, including gains or losses from overall market conditions that may affect the publicly traded
companies within our strategic investment portfolio; our ability to protect our intellectual property rights; our ability to develop our brands; the impact of foreign currency
exchange rate and interest rate fluctuations on our results; the valuation of our deferred tax assets and the release of related valuation allowances; the potential availability
of additional tax assets in the future; the impact of new accounting pronouncements and tax laws; uncertainties affecting our ability to estimate our tax rate; uncertainties
regarding our tax obligations in connection with potential jurisdictional transfers of intellectual property, including the tax rate, the timing of the transfer and the value of
such transferred intellectual property; uncertainties regarding the effect of general economic and market conditions; the impact of geopolitical events; uncertainties
regarding the impact of expensing stock options and other equity awards; the sufficiency of our capital resources; our ability to comply with our debt covenants and lease
obligations; and the impact of climate change, natural disasters and actual or threatened public health emergencies, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
CG Cloud Enhanced Data Model (Conceptual View)
Harmonized Areas Side-by-Side Objects Net new Objects
Product Master Advanced Promotion Promotional Rewards
Promo & Promotion Promotion
Product Product Product Unit Adv. Tactic Promotion Promotion Promotion
Product 2 Tactic Tactic Reward Reward
Template Hierarchy of Measure Promotion Product Hurdle Reward Expression
Template Group Product
OrgUnit User*
Attachments /
*Core Platform Object
Conceptual Data Model: Org Unit
Org Unit – Holds the detail of
manufacturer’s organization structure such
as territories organized by different types (e.
Flatten Org Unit Org Unit g. Sales, Merchandizing, Service)
Hierarchy Hierarchy
Org Unit Hierarchy – Time dependent
territory structure holding the detail of the
relationship between two org units. based
on flexible levels
Org Unit Customer Org Unit – Time dependent
Org Unit assignment of customer to Org Units
Sales Org
Org Unit User – time dependent
assignment of users to org units
Account* Org Unit User Customer Manager – Time dependent
relation by management type (e. g. sales,
merchandizing, service) specific user
assignments to accounts
Flatten Org Unit Hierarchy – Flat hierarchy
Customer of the dynamic hierarchy holding node org
User* unit hierarchy information. Created &
updated via batch process
Sales Org – Data segregation by market
Customer Set Customer Activity Pricing Condition - Consolidated object with all kind of
pricing conditions used by penny perfect pricing.
Customer Set Customer Set
Activity - List of questions/surveys to be answered
during visit
Product Parts /
Product Template – Product templates are templates
Product BoM that can be used to create different products but similar
type of attributes
Product Hierarchy – The product hierarchy is made up
Unit of Measure
of products group and product at lowest level of
Hierarchy Product2* hierarchy.
Unit of Measure – Logistical unit of product
Conditions – product prices for Order value calculation
Warehouse Attachments / Product Manager– Promotion planner must be an
Products Files* active product manager with read/write access for at
least one product category
Product Product Parts / BOM (Bill of Material) - Product bundle
Warehouse Products – Relationship between
warehouse and product
Activity Activity
Activity Account*
Template Customer
Data Type - Specifies the answer format Activity - List of questions/surveys to be answered during visit
Job Template - Specifies type of activity Visit Template - Specifies the type of visit
Job Definition Template - Specifies question/survey question Field Sales Activity - Bundle of activities
Template Question - Question assigned to activity template Activity Product - Products assigned to activity
Activity Template - Pre-configured list of job definition template Activity Customer - Customers assigned to activity
Promotion - Reference to advanced promotion Activity Customer Set - Customer Sets assigned to activity
POS Template - Specifies the POS Type Product - Product master data
Question - Question to be answered during visit Customer - Account master data
Customer Set - Collection of customers
*Core Platform Object
Conceptual Data Model - Activity Execution
Activity - List of questions/surveys to be
answered during visit
Customer - Customer master data
Visit - Represents the store visit made
Data Type by the Sales Representative
Activity Question Option User - Represents the Sales Rep who
visits the store
Question - Question assigned to the
Account* activity to be answered during visit
Job List Visit Job Job List - List of jobs generated from
Visit* non-standard/event based activities
Product2* Job Definition Template - Specifies
question/survey question
Job Definition Visit Job - Contains responses of
User* Template questions/survey questions captured
Promotion during visit execution
Data Type Option -Option of the toggle
type question/survey question
POS - Represents Points of
Sales/Secondary Placements
Product2 - Product master data
Promotion - Reference to advanced
*Core Platform Object
Advanced Order &
Conceptual Data Model: Order
Order Templates – Manage different
Account* type of orders such as standard,
Sales Org indirect or return orders
Assortment* Item Type – Manage line item types
User* within an order e. g. standard
Order Template quantities or free item
Order Header – Header details such as
Visit* reference to a visit, customer and
Item Type wholesaler, order & delivery date
Historical Order
Order Items – Ordered products with
Wholesaler quantities and references to unit of
measure, promotion, pricing
Order Header Order Items
Wholesaler – Account with the broker
Signature role
Product Assortment – Product
Unit of Measure Product2* assortment from type ‘Listing’ or ‘Sales
Pricing Info Assortment’
Substitution Attachments /
Line Items
Inventory TA Inventory Control
Inventory Document
User* Payment
Inventories – can be defined for product stock, customer quota or to track cash flow. The inventory can be assigned to Tour,
Vehicle, Users, Accounts or combinations of these.
Inventory Transactions TA – are created and stored for every trigger which change the Inventory, e.g. give products away,
Account* collect money. The Inventory TA allows to track the accurate inventory for distributed and offline shared inventories.
Order Item and Order Item Inventory – define if a certain Item Type is relevant for changing an inventory, how (increase/
decrease) and which inventory, e.g. distinguish between returns which can be sold again and which need to be captures as
blocked stock.
System Period Inventory Control Document – defines the purpose if the document and the used Item Templates to support different use
cases, e.g. Pre-Order, Van Sales, Delivery, Check-out, Check-in, Truck Audit, Truck Transfer.
POS cgcloud__POS__c
User User
Tactic cgcloud__Tactic__c
Listing Modules cgcloud__Listing_Module__c
Inventory Control
Inventory cgcloud__Inventory__c
Tour cgcloud__Tour__c
Vehicle cgcloud__Vehicle__c
Data Model API References - Advanced Activities
Object API Name Object API Name
Product Product2
Template Question cgcloud__Job_DL_Template_Def_Template__c
Customer Account
Activity Template cgcloud__Job_Definition_List_Template__c
POS cgcloud__POS__c
Activity cgcloud__Job_Definition_List__c
Visit Visit
Field Sales Activity cgcloud__Field_Sales_Activity__c
Data Model API References - Customer Sets & Segmentation
Object API Name
Customer Account
Promotion cgcloud__Promotion__c
Activity cgcloud__Job_Definition_List__c