X-Ray Cavities in TNG-Cluster: AGN Phenomena in The Full Cosmological Context
X-Ray Cavities in TNG-Cluster: AGN Phenomena in The Full Cosmological Context
X-Ray Cavities in TNG-Cluster: AGN Phenomena in The Full Cosmological Context
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback from supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of galaxy clusters plays a key
role in determining the properties of the intracluster medium (ICM) and in regulating star formation, often manifesting through
prominent X-ray cavities embedded in the cluster’s hot atmosphere. Here we show that X-ray cavities arise naturally due to
AGN feedback in TNG-Cluster. This is a new suite of magnetohydrodynamic cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and
evolution, and hence of galaxy clusters, whereby cold dark matter, baryon dynamics, galactic astrophysics, and magnetic fields
are evolved together consistently. We construct mock Chandra X-ray observations of the central region of the 352 galaxy clusters
in the simulation at 𝑧 = 0 and inspect them for X-ray cavities as typically done in observations. We show that X-ray cavities
are common in TNG-Cluster, with ∼39 per cent of the simulated clusters featuring one or more X-ray cavities. Identified X-ray
cavities come in a variety of configurations, including single, pairs, and multiples. Some are still attached to SMBHs, while
others have buoyantly risen to larger distances. Their size ranges from a few to several tens of kpc. In terms of gas physical
properties, TNG-Cluster X-ray cavities are underdense compared to the surrounding halo and filled with hot gas (∼108 K); 25 per
cent of them are surrounded by an X-ray bright and compressed rim associated with a weak shock (Mach number ∼ 1.5). Clusters
exhibiting X-ray cavities are preferentially strong or weak cool-cores, are dynamically relaxed, and host SMBHs accreting at
low Eddington rates. We show that TNG-Cluster X-ray cavities originate from episodic, wind-like energy injections from central
AGN. Our results illustrate the existence and diversity of X-ray cavities simulated in state-of-the-art models within realistic
cosmological environments and show that these can form without necessarily invoking bipolar, collimated, or relativistic jets.
Key words: X-rays: galaxies: clusters, galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium, galaxies: active, methods: numerical,
2 https://www.tng-project.org/cluster/
3 Within 50 kpc of cluster cores, the median resolution of gas cells is 2.3 kpc 4 Throughout this work, by BCG we denote the most massive galaxy of the
(1st percentile: 1.2 kpc, 99th percentile: 2.9 kpc). Within the innermost 10 (friends-of-friends halo corresponding to each) cluster. The central SMBH of
kpc of the clusters, the median resolution is 1.7 kpc (1st percentile: 1.4 kpc, each cluster should be the most massive SMBH that is gravitationally bound
99th percentile: 2.0 kpc). to the BCG at 𝑧 = 0.
att rim att rim att rim att rim att rim att rim
att half att half att half rim att half att half att half rim
sym rim sym rim sym sym rim sym rim sym
3 3 4 3 3 4
larg rim larg rim larg rim larg rim larg rim larg rim
Figure 1. Gallery of TNG-Cluster BCGs with visible X-ray cavities at 𝑧 = 0. On the Left columns: we show Mock Chandra surface brightness images of the
simulated clusters; on the Right columns: X-ray maps processed with an unsharp mask filter to highlight X-ray-depleted regions. The black crosses denote
the position of the SMBH. White arrows point out the X-ray cavity locations. Letters at the bottom right are flags characterizing the cluster’s X-ray cavities:
att- attached to the SMBH, rim- presence of a bright rim, half - one X-ray cavity cut in half by a bright emission from the SMBH, sym- pair of axisymmetric
X-ray cavities, gen- several generations, 3 or 4- more than two identified X-ray cavities in the same cluster det- detached and rising in the ICM, larg- very
large surface-brightness depressions surrounding the SMBH. This gallery highlights the diversity of X-ray cavity types, morphologies, and evolutionary stages
produced in the TNG-Cluster BCGs.
MNRAS 000, 1–19 (2024)
X-ray cavities in TNG-Cluster 5
cell, a mock spectrum is generated based on its gas density, tem-
perature, and metallicity, assuming the simulation abundance ratios, 35
a single-temperature APEC model (Smith et al. 2001), and galactic TNG-Cluster Mean: 9.3 ± 3.1 kpc
absorption with a hydrogen column density of 4×1020 cm −2 . The z=0 235 detected cavities
# of X-ray cavities
spectra of all gas cells in the adopted core region are summed up
together. This produces a large initial random sample of (“intrinsic”) 20
photons for each cluster and each sight line, which is later used by
the SOXS instrument simulator to draw subsamples of photons to
create “observed” X-ray events.
More specifically, mock Chandra ACIS event files are produced 5
by projecting the photons onto a detector plane, and convolving them
with an instrument model for the ACIS-I detector – we use instrumen- 1 8 16 22
tal responses files of Cycle 19, and with the (on-axis) point-spread Cavity mean radius [kpc]
function of ACIS. We limit the energy band of 0.5–7.0 keV to match
Figure 2. Distribution of TNG-Cluster X-ray cavity sizes (i.e. mean radius;
the ACIS broad energy band. To mimic as closely as possible real ob- average of the semi-major and semi-minor axes in kpc) at 𝑧 = 0.Their sizes
servational data, we also include X-ray emission of satellite galaxies range from a few kpc to a few tens of kpc with a mean of 9.3 ± 3.1 kpc (i.e.
belonging to the same halo in the image, as well as instrumental and ±1-𝜎 assuming a Gaussian distribution). For comparison, we also display
cosmic X-ray backgrounds and the galactic Milky Way foreground. data from X-ray cavities observed in the Perseus cluster (Fabian et al. 2002,
The mock X-ray observations are created for each simulated clus- 2000).
ter in a random orientation (the z-axis of the TNG-Cluster box). As
a sufficient number of X-ray photons is required to identify X-ray
cavities, we chose an exposure time of 200 kilo-seconds (ks) for our observers who do not typically use automated methods for detecting
images. This integration time makes it possible to visualize fine fea- and measuring X-ray cavity sizes (although pioneering efforts have
tures in cluster cores and aligns with the typical total exposure time been made recently in this direction with Plšek et al. 2024). Due to
of well-studied clusters harboring X-ray cavities by Chandra (e.g., the simplifying assumptions of ellipsoidal shape and symmetry, as
NGC 4636, Baldi et al. 2009). All clusters are positioned at a fixed well as projection effects i.e. X-ray cavity orientation, errors on X-ray
angular distance of 200 Mpc from ACIS-I, resulting in a resolution cavity sizes are large: we assume an uncertainty of the order of 20
of ∼0.5 kpc with the instrument specifications. per cent (e.g., Hlavacek-Larrondo et al. 2015).
37 kpc
We also explore the correlation between the 2D projected area of
21 kpc X-ray cavities and distance to the SMBH. Our cluster mock images
are generated with random orientations, therefore we do not measure
Detached cavities the physical but the projected quantities, as in real observations. We
0.7x + 3.2, rp~0.42 TNG-Cluster z=0 318 kpc2
280 kpc2
approximate the X-ray cavity center as the ellipse center and mea-
Attached cavities
1.0x + 2.6, rp~0.26 sure its projected distance from the SMBH. Our analysis, shown in
Projected Area [kpc2]
Figure 4. Maps of the thermodynamic and kinematic properties of the gas within an example TNG-Cluster system (Halo 16921354; maps side length: 200
kpc, depth: 20 kpc). Two X-ray cavities are visible: the first is attached to the central SMBH and exhibits a bright rim, while the second is detached and rising
in the ICM. These X-ray cavities appear as under-dense and under-X-ray luminous regions filled with hot gas. Additionally, the attached X-ray cavity has an
over-pressurized edge and a weak shock front with a Mach number of ∼ 1.3 (mass-weighted average Mach number along the line of sight, according to the shock
finder: here the averages are obtained by only considering gas cells with shock Mach number larger than 0.9), while the detached X-ray cavity does not display
such a feature. This panel illustrates the varying thermodynamic states of the gas within and surrounding the X-ray cavities. It highlights the typical properties
of the X-ray cavity population identified in the TNG-Cluster simulation.
cavities (9 per cent of the whole X-ray cavity sample), with Mach 70 percent of clusters with three or four X-ray cavities are SCCs.
numbers varying between 1.2 and 2.1 (10th-90th percentiles). Edges Beyond these categories, we find a clear correlation among central
seem to have similar temperatures than the gas inside the X-ray cavity. cooling time, X-ray luminosity (𝐿 X500c ) in the core, and number of
X-ray cavities per cluster (bottom middle panel of Figure 5): both at
■ Conversely, X-ray cavities lacking bright edges or detached fixed X-ray luminosity in the core and for higher luminosities, multi-
from the central SMBH are not associated with shocks. ple X-ray cavities are more frequent in systems with shorter cooling
■ The ICM surrounding X-ray cavities frequently exhibits spheri- Cluster relaxedness. Observational studies also suggest that X-ray
cal ripples and pressure waves. In most cases, they are not associated cavities are more frequently associated with relaxed rather than un-
with strong shocks, but sometimes with weak shocks. relaxed clusters (Olivares et al. 2023), whereby the dynamical state
of the observed clusters (i.e. whether the system is dynamically re-
laxed or has recently undergone a merger or interaction with another
3.4 Demographics cluster) is quantified by the offset between the peak of the X-ray
emission (indicating the center of mass of the hot gas) and the center
As mentioned above, X-ray cavities are a common phenomenon in of the gravitational potential well. It is not clear whether this relation
TNG-Cluster: here we expand on the frequency and the properties is the result of causal physical connections between relaxedness and
of the simulated clusters hosting X-ray cavities. As shown in the two formation or survivability of X-ray cavities, or whether it is a mani-
top panels of Figure 5, according to our visual identification and out festation of an underlying observed correlation between cluster cool
of the 352 analyzed clusters, 136 (39 per cent) of 𝑧 = 0 TNG-Cluster coreness and relaxedness. Nevertheless, this link appears to be in
systems have at least one visible X-ray cavity. In fact, we find a range place also in TNG-Cluster. In particular, we estimate the relaxedness
of simulated clusters containing a variable number of X-ray cavities, offset for each of the 352 clusters by comparing the position of the X-
from one to four, with the occurrence decreasing as the number of X- ray peak with the location of the SMBH of the BCG, by employing a
ray cavities increases (left panel). More precisely, our study reveals ’shrinking circle’ algorithm to identify the X-ray peak and with larger
that 52 per cent of the clusters with X-ray cavities have only one offsets denoting less relaxed clusters. The bottom right-hand panel
identified X-ray cavity, while 29 per cent of the sample have pairs of Figure 5 shows, firstly, that there is a negative correlation between
(pie chart). central cooling time and relaxedness in TNG-Cluster systems, i.e.
Cluster cool-core state. Observations suggest that cool-core clus- more relaxed clusters tend to have somewhat shorter central cool-
ters – i.e. clusters with short central cooling times –are more likely ing times, although with a large scatter. Finally, TNG-Cluster halos
to host X-ray cavities. Lehle et al. (2024) demonstrated that TNG- with more than two X-ray cavities tend to exhibit smaller (<50 kpc)
Cluster naturally returns a diverse population of cluster cores, from offsets. More importantly, according to TNG-Cluster, also at fixed
strong cool cores (SCCs, with a central cooling time of the gas within cooling time, e.g. in the WCC regime, shorter cooling times seem
0.012×r500c below 1 Gyr), to weak cool-cores (WCCs, with central to be associated with larger X-ray cavity multiplicities, suggesting a
cooling time between 7.7 and 1 Gyr), and non-cool-cores (NCCs), connection between X-ray cavity abundance and cluster dynamical
and with relative fractions at 𝑧 = 0 in broad agreement with observa- state.
tions. Now, according to our analysis, also in TNG-Cluster there is a
clear trend between the presence of X-ray cavities and the cool-core
nature of the host cluster, as shown in the lower-left histogram of
Figure 5. Clusters with identified X-ray cavities are either SCCs or
WCCs, and an increasing fraction of SCCs host an increasing num-
ber of X-ray cavities in the same cluster. The vast majority of NCCs So far we have shown that, in the TNG-Cluster cosmological simu-
in TNG-Cluster do not host identifiable X-ray cavities, while over lation, X-ray cavities are a common manifestation of the underlying
0 cavity
TNG-Cluster, z=0 1 cavity
352 clusters 2 cavities TNG-Cluster, 105 clusters with X-ray cavities
233 X-ray cavities in total
3 cavities
4 cavities
216 3 cavities
# of clusters
4 cavities
14.7% 2 cavities
4.4% 28.7%
71 52.2%
20 6 1 cavity
61% 20% 11% 6% 2%
0 1 2 3 4
# of X-ray cavities per cluster
TNG-Cluster, z=0, 352 clusters
TNG-Cluster, z=0, 352 clusters TNG-Cluster, z=0, 352 clusters
Strong Cool Core <1Gyr
Weak Cool Core 83% NCC NCC
Non Cool Core >7.7Gyr
101 7.7 Gyr 101 7.7 Gyr
Percentage of clusters
100 1 Gyr 100 1 Gyr
31% 30%
25% 0 cavity
1 cavity 0 cavity
17% 2 cavities 1 cavity
11% 3 cavities
2 cavities
10 1 10 1 3 cavities
1% 0% 0% 0% 4 cavities 4 cavities
0 1 2 3 4 1043 1044 1045 100 101 102 103
Number of X-ray cavities Lx500c [erg/s] X-ray offset from SMBH [kpc]
Figure 5. Demographics of clusters with and without identified X-ray cavities in the TNG-Cluster simulation at 𝑧 = 0. Top left: Percentage of clusters with
identified X-ray cavities. Top right: Among clusters with identified X-ray cavities, percentage of clusters having one, two, three, or four X-ray cavities. Bottom
Left: Percentage distribution of cool-core (CC), weak cool-core (WCC), and non-cool-core (NCC) clusters for each category of clusters with or without identified
X-ray cavities. The plot shows, for clusters with two X-ray cavities (x-label "2"), that 54 per cent of the TNG-Cluster halos hosting two X-ray cavities are SCCs
and 46 per cent WCCs. Bottom middle: Central cooling time vs. X-ray luminosity within 𝑟500c for each halo, color-coded by the number of identified X-ray
cavities. Bottom Right: Central cooling time vs. the distance between the SMBH and the X-ray luminosity peak, i.e. a measure of un/relaxedness, color-coded by
the number of identified X-ray cavities. In TNG-Cluster, ∼ 39 per cent of clusters exhibit at least one X-ray cavity. Clusters with identified X-ray cavities tend to
have shorter central cooling times and higher X-ray luminosities, and to be more relaxed (smaller X-ray peak offset).
galaxy and cluster formation model. In fact, they are also an emer- 4.1 Insights from the TNG300 cluster subbox
gent feature, as no specific TNG model choices or parameters were
designed with the explicit intent of reproducing X-ray cavities in the
One way to connect AGN feedback to the creation of an X-ray cavity
ICM of simulated clusters (see Pillepich et al. 2018a, for all details
is to study the behavior of the gas in the vicinity of the SMBH during
on the design of the TNG model). However, we have not yet ex-
the X-ray cavity formation period. For this purpose, we use data
plored how these structures are created. In the following, we show
from the TNG300 simulation (Pillepich et al. 2018b; Nelson et al.
that within the TNG model, X-ray cavities resembling those observed
2018, 2019a; Springel et al. 2018; Marinacci et al. 2018; Naiman
in actual clusters are formed by kinetic, wind-like energy injections,
et al. 2018), in particular its subboxes, which are spatial cutouts of
driven by the SMBHs at the center of clusters.
fixed comoving size within the main simulation box and whose data
have been stored with high temporal resolution between each subbox
snapshots: every ≲10 Myr, compared to ∼150 Myr between the
t=-3668Myr 30 kpc t=-3657Myr 30 kpc t=-3646Myr 30 kpc t=-3635Myr 30 kpc t=-3624Myr 30 kpc t=-3614Myr 30 kpc
t=-3668Myr 30 kpc t=-3657Myr 30 kpc t=-3646Myr 30 kpc t=-3635Myr 30 kpc t=-3624Myr 30 kpc t=-3614Myr 30 kpc
injection [log(1042)erg/s]
SMBH accretion rate
[10 2 M /yr]
3680 3660 3640 3620 3600
Cosmic Time from 13.3 Gyr [Myrs]
Figure 6. Time evolution of selected quantities from the TNG300 most massive cluster, for which high temporal cadence output is available. The top two rows
show six X-ray emission maps of the central region of the cluster, across 55 Myr, featuring two X-ray cavity events occurring in the second and last frame:
mock Chandra surface brightness maps and the same maps processed with an unsharp mask filter to highlight X-ray-depleted regions, respectively. From top to
bottom, the lower three panels quantify the time evolution of: i) energy injected in kinetic mode by the SMBH between two successive snapshots, i.e. across time
spans of about 10 Myrs; ii) maximum radial outflow velocities (95th percentile) of the gas at different distances from the SMBH; and iii) SMBH accretion rate.
In all panels, the two dotted vertical lines indicate the frames just before the first and second X-ray cavities appear. The two events are characterized by a 1042−43
erg s −1 kinetic energy release and high-velocity gas outflows, as well as concomitant decreases in the SMBH accretion rate. See continuation in Figure 7.
main snapshots. Snapshots at such high time-cadence were not saved (depth of 40 kpc) of the gas centered on the position of the SMBH.
for TNG-Cluster, therefore we specifically focus on the TNG300- We also show the corresponding unsharp-masked maps that enhance
Subbox-0, which is centered on the most massive cluster of TNG300 the contrast and allow for better visualization. The first panel displays
(friends-of-friends ID 0), with a mass of 2×1015 M ⊙ at 𝑧 = 0. Given the immediate previous snapshot prior to the first X-ray cavity’s ap-
that both simulations employ the same TNG galaxy formation and pearance. The lower panels of Figure 6 present the temporal evolution
feedback model, and that this halo mass falls within the range of TNG- of selected physical quantities from the simulation, where the x-axis
Cluster halos (𝑀500c = 1014.0 − 1015.3 M ⊙ ),it is a representative represents cosmic time in millions of years from 13.3 billion years
cluster for our investigation into the physical origin and temporal after the Big Bang, with time progressing from left to right. In partic-
evolution of X-ray cavities. ular, we show the evolution of: i) the SMBH kinetic energy injection
between snapshots5 , ii) the outflow velocity, measured as the high-
In Figure 6, we depict two distinct X-ray cavity events formed
in this cluster, in a panel of six subbox-snapshots covering a time
range of about 55 Myr. We visualize the emergence and progression
of these X-ray cavities within 250 by 250 kpc X-ray emission maps 5 As we have not recorded the energy of the individual SMBH feedback
Outflow vout, 95
SMBH accretion rate
[10 2 M /yr]
Figure 7. Time evolution of the same selected quantities as in the previous Figure 6, spanning 1.5 Gyr starting from 𝑧 ∼ 0.24. Dotted vertical lines indicate
the times when an X-ray cavity is visually identified in the X-ray and UM maps. These X-ray cavities are consistently linked to SMBH energetic outbursts and
high-velocity gas outflows. Simultaneously, the SMBH accretion rate decreases in reaction to gas depletion in the SMBH vicinity. These results show the direct
connection between the formation of X-ray cavities and SMBH kinetic feedback mode in TNG.
end (95th percentile) of the mass-weighted velocity distribution, for synchronized increase, notably lower (∼ 1038 erg s −1 ), in the ther-
the gas cells situated respectively within 5 kpc or 20 kpc from the mal energy of the gas cells near the SMBH (within d<5kpc, but not
SMBH, and iii) the SMBH instantaneous accretion rate. Additionally, shown in the plots), suggesting a partial conversion of kinetic energy
Figure 7 shows the evolution of these quantities over a much longer to thermal energy.
time period of 1.5 Gyr, to highlight the systematic behaviors associ- The second lower panel of Figure 6 shows that the gas is acceler-
ated with the formation of X-ray cavities. By inspecting these time ated and ejected in an episodic manner, achieving outflow velocities
series, we can clearly see temporal correlations among large energy of up to several thousands of km s −1 . After reaching these peak out-
injections from the central SMBH, the development of fast outflows flow speeds, the outflow velocities gradually decrease over time. The
(up to 1000 − 10000 km s −1 ), and the emergence of X-ray cavities in gas at larger distances (from 5 and 20 kpc from the SMBH, for the
the surrounding ICM. We analyze such connection in greater detail grey and black curves respectively) exhibits a similar modulation in
in the next section 4.2 velocity over time. The first X-ray cavity is linked to synchronized
outflow peaks occurring within both 5 kpc and 20 kpc, albeit with a
lower maximum value. The second X-ray cavity, formed by a lower-
4.2 X-ray cavities carved by distinct SMBH injection events energy kick, exhibits visibly delayed velocity peaks for the gas at
The sequence of images in the upper portions of Figure 6 shows the progressively larger distances. These patterns illustrate the tendency
formation and development of two individual X-ray cavities corre- of outflows to decelerate as they travel farther from the SMBH and
sponding to two instances of kinetic energy released by the central through the surrounding BCG gas (if any) and the ICM. Finally, the
SMBH (Δ𝐸 kin ). A significant increase in Δ𝐸 kin at the time of X-ray bottom panel of Figure 6 shows that X-ray cavity formation is asso-
cavity formation is manifest: during the first X-ray cavity event, the ciated with a decrease in the mass accretion rate of the SMBH. The
kinetic energy release is ∼ 3×1043 erg s −1 (between -3668 and -3657 gas expelled immediately after the birth of an X-ray cavity lowers the
Myr, i.e. between 3668 and 3657 million years ago), while during density near the SMBH, decreasing the amount of material available
the second X-ray cavity event (starting at -3624 Myr), such injection for the SMBH to accrete. Therefore 𝑀¤ is temporarily reduced as gas
is an order of magnitude lower, 3 × 1042 erg s −1 . Alongside these is expelled from the innermost region of the cluster.
large kinetic energy releases, there are smaller ones at most times, The time evolution of Figure 7 of SMBH kinetic injections, outflow
which however are below the ∼ 1041 erg s −1 level. Additionally, in velocities, and SMBH accretion rates on a longer timeline further
correspondence to each large kinetic energy injection, there is also a supports the findings from above: the emergence of X-ray cavities
systematically aligns with an SMBH kinetic energy release, syn-
chronized with an outflow velocity peak and a dip in the SMBH
injections in the simulation output, here we estimate it by measuring the total mass accretion rate. These results demonstrate the direct connection
kinetic energy gained by the gas cells within a small fixed distance from the between the formation of X-ray cavities and the unidirectional mo-
center (5 kpc) since the previous snapshot, i.e. over the previous 10 Myrs. mentum kicks given by the SMBH in kinetic feedback mode within
5 TNG-Cluster
1.1 10 3
10 4
3 1
10 5
0 cavity
2 0.9 1 cavity
10 6 2 cavities
3 cavities
4 cavities
1 1014 10 7
109 1010 1011
Cluster mass at z = 0 M500 [M ] SMBH mass (M )
Figure 8. X-ray cavities as a manifestation of kinetic energy injections from low Eddington ratios SMBHs according to TNG-Cluster. Left Panel: Feedback
state of the 352 clusters at 𝑧 = 0. The redshift of the first kinetic injection indicates the approximate moment of transition from thermal feedback mode to
kinetic mode (curve: median color-coded with the average SMBH mass at the time of transition, grey shaded region: 1-𝜎 range of the distribution). All central
SMBHs in TNG-Cluster operate in kinetic, low-accretion feedback mode at 𝑧 = 0 and since at least 𝑧 ≃ 1, with the onset occurring around a SMBH mass of ∼
108 M ⊙ . SMBHs in more massive clusters today (𝑧 = 0) tend to switch to kinetic mode at higher redshifts. Right Panel: Fraction of the instantaneous accretion
rate relative to the Eddington accretion rate, color-coded with the number of X-ray cavities per cluster. The dashed grey line shows the accretion-mass threshold
below which, within the TNG model, SMBHs are in kinetic feedback mode. For visual clarity, data points outside the axis range are displayed at the limits,
five SMBHs that fall below these limits overlap in the lower-left corner. Clusters with more massive SMBHs, which accrete at higher rates within the kinetic
feedback mode, tend to produce more frequent feedback events, creating multiple co-existing X-ray cavities.
the TNG model, at least according to one of the clusters simulated energy, reaching between 1042−45 erg s −1 , and with the emergence of
therein. We inspect (but we do not show) the X-ray maps along the outflows with velocities between 1,000 and 10,000 km s −1 (Figure 7).
evolution of this massive cluster across an even longer period of time, ■ The gas expelled immediately after the birth of an X-ray cavity
namely 5.5 Gyr (from 𝑧 = 0.55 to 𝑧 = 0). We choose this range to lowers the density near the SMBH, which reduces the mass accretion
focus on the last billions of years, close to the current epoch, when the rate onto the SMBH.
cluster is in a similar state with mass > 1014 M ⊙ . Over this period we
Below we argue that this phenomenology, and the causal con-
identify 23 X-ray cavities by visually inspecting the central 250×250
nection between X-ray cavities and mechanical wind-like feedback,
kpc region of the halo, giving a mean frequency of one every 240
applies throughout our population of simulated clusters.
Myr. The intervals between consecutive SMBH energy injections (or
at least those we can capture given the temporal spacing between the
subbox-snapshots) range from 40 to 300 Myr. Even if these statistics 4.3 Link between X-ray cavities and SMBH activity across
reflect the evolution of one single object from TNG300, and cannot populations of TNG-Cluster halos
be a priori generalized, they do suggest that not every kinetic energy
injection from the SMBH results in a visible X-ray cavity, as we only Focusing again on the whole sample of 352 clusters at 𝑧 = 0 from
capture 23 of them among 35 injection events. We believe that differ- the TNG-Cluster suite, we see in Figure 8 that all their SMBHs are
ent scenarios for the emergence, properties, and evolution of X-ray operating in a kinetic, low-accretion feedback mode at 𝑧 = 0. In fact,
cavities, within the same cluster and across different clusters, may within the TNG model, the SMBHs of very massive systems like
depend not only on the amount of injected feedback energy but also those of TNG-Cluster have been at very low Eddington ratios for
on the dynamic state of the gas in the core region, as the maps visually billions of years and have hence imparted kinetic rather than thermal
suggest. In a nutshell, the evidence linking the formation of X-ray feedback into the surrounding. The redshift of their first kinetic in-
cavities to the AGN mechanical feedback model in IllustrisTNG can jection, which approximately albeit not exactly marks the transition
be summarized as follows: from the thermal feedback mode to the kinetic mode, ranges between
5 and 2, with the transition occurring earlier on for more massive
clusters (left panel of Figure 8). We have checked and confirmed that
■ At the center of the TNG300 most massive cluster we identify the SMBHs of the 𝑧 = 0 BCGs have been exclusively in kinetic mode
numerous X-ray cavities over time, starting from 𝑧 ∼1-2 when the since at least 𝑧 = 1 (with rare exceptions): the TNG-Cluster X-ray
cluster has already switched to the kinetic feedback mode –the SMBH cavities at 𝑧 = 0 studied and presented in this paper are therefore phe-
of this system has not exercised thermal mode feedback since 𝑧 = 3.5. nomena that emerge in the presence of kinetic unidirectional energy
■ The formation of X-ray cavities along the life of this simulated injections from the SMBHs.
cluster is systematically associated with an SMBH release of kinetic In the right panel of Figure 8 we inspect the ratio of the SMBH
Figure 9. Connections between X-ray cavity area, distance to the SMBH, and various properties of its central SMBH. From right to left: points are color-coded
with SMBH mass, SMBH instantaneous accretion rate, 𝐸kin,z=0 amount of kinetic energy injection from the central SMBH at 𝑧 = 0. Weak or no correlations
can be seen, even though, in TNG-Cluster, X-ray cavities are produced by injections of kinetic energy from SMBHs. This lack of clear correlation highlights
that the properties of these structures result not only from SMBH activity but also from a complex interplay with the ICM.
mass accretion rate to the Eddington rate ( 𝑀¤ SMBH / 𝑀¤ Edd , where rent properties of SMBHs might not be as informative after all, or
𝑀¤ Edd = 𝐿𝜖Edd
with 𝜖𝑟 = 0.1 the radiative efficiency parameter) plot- any straightforward interpretation should be put forward with cau-
ted against the mass of the BCG’s SMBH of each cluster. The markers tion. In the TNG model, not only the most massive BCGs but also
are color-coded based on the number of X-ray cavities identified in massive galaxies in lower-mass clusters and groups experience me-
these clusters, ranging from zero to four. The mass accretion rate chanical feedback from their SMBH, which serves as the dominant
depicted in the figure is instantaneous, capturing the state of SMBHs and effective energy source within these galaxies (Weinberger et al.
at a snapshot in time, despite some X-ray cavities might have been 2017a, 2018). This feedback is, in fact, responsible for quenching
inflated tens or even hundreds of Myr earlier. All clusters at 𝑧 = 0 are star formation (e.g. Nelson et al. 2018; Terrazas et al. 2020; Zinger
undergoing kinetic feedback mode and typically host SMBHs that et al. 2020; Davies et al. 2021) in the vast majority of these galaxies,
accrete at low rates (10 −6 to 10 −2 of the Eddington accretion rate), including those in TNG-Cluster (Nelson et al. 2024). In terms of
with more massive SMBHs exhibiting higher accretion rates. The feedback energy injections, this overall picture leaves no other plau-
figure reveals a trend whereby clusters with more numerous simulta- sible explanation than SMBH kinetic feedback for the emergence of
neous X-ray cavities show higher accretion rates and SMBH masses. the X-ray cavities revealed in this paper. Overall, these results are
These findings suggest that SMBHs accreting at higher rates(while in agreement with the study of Pillepich et al. (2021) on eROSITA-
remaining within the low-luminosity i.e. kinetic feedback regime), like bubbles in TNG50 Milky Way-like galaxies, which suggests that
and therefore growing faster, may generate more frequent successive these features result for at least the vast majority of the systems, from
feedback events carving multiple X-ray cavities. kinetic energy injections from SMBHs at the center of galaxies. The
X-ray cavities in the ICM of TNG clusters are formed by similar pro-
In Figure 9, we further explore how SMBH mass, accretion rate,
cesses, i.e. by intermittent, unidirectional, powerful energy outbursts
and amount of kinetic energy injected at the current 𝑧 = 0 snapshot
from the central SMBH. The synchronization between the energy
𝐸 kin,z=0 may correlate with the size and distance of the X-ray cavities
released from the SMBHs into the gas and the peaks of high-velocity
of TNG-Cluster. However, there does not seem to be a clear correla-
outflows seen in the previous Sections highlights the episodic nature
tion between the properties of SMBHs and those of the X-ray cavities.
of the TNG SMBH feedback and its significant impact on the sur-
It is important here to note the temporal disparity: some distant X-ray
rounding gas dynamics. Whereas the formation of X-ray cavities is
cavities might have formed several tens of Myr before the recording
triggered by gas outflows in turn due to SMBH kinetic kicks, their
of the SMBH’s accretion state or 𝐸 kin,z=0 . Furthermore, the variabil-
evolution in time is likely influenced by a combination of factors,
ity in timing between subsequent kinetic energy injections can range
including SMBH activity and the turbulent, complex physical state
from 0.7 Myr up to a few hundred Myr for the same SMBH. This
of the ICM at the cluster centers (Ayromlou et al. 2023). Because of
temporal variability and disparity add another layer of complexity
this richness of phenomenology, it may actually be very hard to pin
when trying to correlate the characteristics of X-ray cavities (which
down, e.g. in observations, a causal link between SMBHs and X-ray
are expected to be influenced by these energy injections) with the
current activity and mass of the SMBH. Additionally, the area and
ascent velocities of the X-ray cavities are probably influenced by a
complex interplay of ICM density, pressure, and motions, on top of
the SMBH activity. The lack of correlation and interpretability of
Figure 9 underscores the complexity of these connections, even in
the case of the simulations where the causal physical link is clear(er). How do the overall occurrence and properties of TNG-Cluster X-ray
Connecting the observed characteristics of X-ray cavities to the cur- cavities compare to those found in observations? If SMBH feedback
Frequency i.e. detection rate. In the TNG-Cluster simulation, 39 Shapes and sizes. In TNG-Cluster, we identify X-ray cavities at
per cent (136/352) of the BCGs exhibit X-ray cavities, which is various evolutionary stages, from inflating to rising bubbles, using
comparable to the 52 percent (69/133) reported by the observational visual inspection and flagging to distinguish their configurations and
study of Shin et al. (2016) and 43 percent (15/35) by Panagou- morphologies. Although real X-ray cavities are often approximated as
lia et al. (2014), both in systematic searches across cool-core and ellipsoids, studies such as Rafferty et al. (2006); Hlavacek-Larrondo
non-cool-core clusters. However, this frequency is lower than that et al. (2012) reveal that observed X-ray cavities have more complex
of other studies which have reported higher detection rates (e.g., structures than simple ellipses. They tend to be elongated either
Dunn & Fabian 2006; Rafferty et al. 2006; Bırzan et al. 2013), al- along the jet direction or in the perpendicular direction, a behavior
though those studies are often biased toward the brightest sources in supported by idealized hydrodynamical simulations of mechanical
the sky. It should be noted that the detection rate in our systematic AGN feedback (Brueggen & Scannapieco 2009; Mendygral et al.
study of each TNG-Cluster system could be influenced by several 2012a; Guo 2015). TNG-Cluster X-ray cavities are more regular and
factors, including many that are unrelated to the TNG SMBH feed- spherical when small and attached to the central SMBH. Larger,
back prescription. Unlike most observational studies, which typically more distant X-ray cavities are often deformed in arc-like shapes or
have exposure times of 30-50 ks, our study benefits, by design and elongated toward the SMBH. The flagged "larg" X-ray cavities at the
construction, from longer exposure times of 200 ks. This extended bottom of Fig. 1, surrounding the SMBH, are likely being inflated
duration, coupled with the placement of clusters at a consistent an- along our line of sight, suggesting that the energy injection is directed
gular distance of 200 Mpc from the detector, enhances our ability to towards us. Some of them exhibit jellyfish-like shapes, like the rising
identify X-ray cavities. The longer exposure reduces the likelihood X-ray cavity in TNG-Cluster ID 16921354 of Figure 4, analogous to
of missing X-ray cavities that might be overlooked in shorter expo- observed mushroom-shaped X-ray cavities such as in M87 (Churazov
sures and mitigates redshift-angular resolution effects. Furthermore, et al. 2001). This variety suggests that the dynamics and evolution of
during the detection process on our mock Chandra images, it was X-ray cavities in the TNG-Cluster simulation share similarities with
sometimes challenging to differentiate between X-ray cavities and observational findings, where X-ray cavity shapes are influenced
other X-ray surface brightness depressions caused by gas sloshing. by the feedback processes as well as by their interaction with the
This effect could affect the number of detected X-ray cavities, though surrounding ICM (see also Section 5.2).
this issue also arises in real observations. When exploring the sizes of X-ray cavities in TNG-Cluster, we
find that the distribution of mean radii spans from a few kiloparsecs
Pairs. In TNG-Cluster we identify halos hosting one, two, three, to a few tens of kiloparsecs, which also aligns with the size ranges
and up to four simultaneous X-ray cavities, although the occurrence reported in observational studies (e.g., Panagoulia et al. 2014). Our
of larger numbers becomes increasingly rare. In observations, X-ray analysis of the connection between the projected distance from the
cavities in clusters are also detected either alone (e.g., Abell 1795, central SMBH and the X-ray cavity area, as shown in Figure 3,
Walker et al. 2014), in pairs (e.g., Abell 2597, McNamara et al. 2001), reveals a positive linear correlation. This indicates that as the distance
or in larger numbers such as in Hydra A, (Wise et al. 2007) and M87 from the SMBH increases, the area of X-ray cavities tends to grow.
(Shin et al. 2016) with six X-ray cavities each. One notable difference While our findings suggest a moderate correlation (r 𝑝 <0.5), several
between the TNG-Cluster findings and observational studies lies in observational studies, including those by Shin et al. (2016), Bîrzan
the frequency and spatial configuration of X-ray cavity pairs. Our et al. (2004), and Diehl et al. (2008), have reported a stronger positive
analysis reveals that 52 per cent of simulated clusters with X-ray correlation between X-ray cavity area (or size) and distance.
cavities host only one identified X-ray cavity, while 29 per of our
TNG-Cluster sample exhibit pairs (cf pie chart in Figure 5). This Thermodynamics of the gas. Figure 4 showcases the typical
distribution suggests that single X-ray cavities are more prevalent in gaseous properties within and around identified X-ray cavities.
TNG-Cluster compared to clusters with two or more. In contrast, Shin Throughout the TNG-Cluster sample, we identify recurring patterns,
et al. (2016) found 55 per cent of X-ray cavity pairs and 26 per cent including their manifestation as lower-emitting X-ray regions filled
of single cluster, Bîrzan et al. (2004) detected pairs in 83 per cent of with hot gas (107.8−8.1 K) and lower density. As quoted above, about
their sample, and Dong et al. (2010b) found 50 per cent. Moreover, 25 per cent of the X-ray cavities in TNG-Cluster exhibit bright and
according to these studies, X-ray cavity pairs in observations are overpressurized dense edges, coinciding with weak shocks, while X-
typically symmetrically positioned relative to the AGN center, as they ray cavities lacking bright edges or detached from the central SMBH
usually are associated with detected bipolar AGN jets. In our TNG- show no evidence of shocks. It is important to note that these consid-
Cluster sample, only 13 pairs of X-ray cavities (11 per cent) exhibit erations are based on maps such as the one presented in Fig. 4, which
t=-3060Myr 50 kpc t=-3048Myr 50 kpc t=-3037Myr 50 kpc t=-3026Myr 50 kpc t=-3014Myr 50 kpc t=-3003Myr 50 kpc
t=-2992Myr 50 kpc t=-2981Myr 50 kpc t=-2969Myr 50 kpc t=-2958Myr 50 kpc t=-2947Myr 50 kpc t=-2935Myr 50 kpc
t=-2924Myr 50 kpc t=-2913Myr 50 kpc t=-2901Myr 50 kpc t=-2890Myr 50 kpc t=-2879Myr 50 kpc t=-2867Myr 50 kpc
t=-2856Myr 50 kpc t=-2844Myr 50 kpc t=-2833Myr 50 kpc t=-2822Myr 50 kpc t=-2810Myr 50 kpc t=-2799Myr 50 kpc
Cavity Distance from SMBH [kpc]
100 1.25
Cavity Area [kpc2]
60 300 0.75
40 0.50
150 0.25
20 0.00
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Time from Cavity Birth [Myr] Time from Cavity Birth [Myr] Time from Cavity Birth [Myr]
Figure 10. Example of an X-ray cavity life cycle in the most massive halo of TNG300: from birth till disruption by another injection event. The time difference
between each snapshot is ∼10 Myr. Bottom left: Projected distance from the SMBH. Bottom middle: Evolution of the projected area. Bottom right: Mean velocity
in each frame. We can witness the birth of one X-ray cavity at -3060 Myr from today, the X-ray cavity detaches progressively from the SMBH and rises radially
behind the pressure wave of the first kinetic injection. At t= -2879 Myr, a second energy injection gives rise to another X-ray cavity, while the first one is
disrupted by the associated front at t= -2822 Myr. This scenario is typical in a calm ICM.
• Calm ICM: In periods where the ICM seems visually undis- Myr, or may not inflate at all following an energy injection. While
turbed, X-ray cavities have the time to rise radially. We can observe this specific scenario is not visible in Figure 10, we do witness it
them for several tens of Myr (>50 Myr up to a few hundreds of Myr) occurring at other times within the cluster.
after their inflation. As these X-ray cavities rise, they seem to fade • Sequential X-ray cavity Inflation in the Similar Direction:
away gradually. SMBH kinetic injection generally generates visible ripple structures
• Disturbed ICM with Sloshing: During periods of sloshing, in the cluster gas. Sequential energy injections can lead to interactions
where spiral patterns are present in the ICM, X-ray cavities tend to between these waves, further affecting the visibility and longevity of
follow these spiral paths and fade quickly. X-ray cavities.
• Minor Mergers or Strong ICM Disturbances: During minor These findings are consistent with observational studies, such as
mergers or significant disturbances in the ICM, X-ray cavities are Bogdán et al. (2014); Ubertosi et al. (2021a); Fabian et al. (2022),
often erased shortly after their formation, typically within 10-30 who suggest that interactions with cold fronts from sloshing motions
This paper has been typeset from a TEX/LATEX file prepared by the author.