Case Sample - Ernst and Young
Case Sample - Ernst and Young
Case Sample - Ernst and Young
in association with
1. The deadline for the submission of the solution for the case is 11:59 P.M.,
9th April 2023. Any submissions thereafter will not be entertained.
2. The solution for the case study needs to be submitted in a single PDF.
There is a slide limit of 8 slides excluding cover page and appendix slides.
The case submissions will be judged on the following:
Key challenges addressed
Case Study: Building business resiliency and risk mitigation strategies of
a retail company
Right Fit is a retail company that has been operating for the last 10 years in
India. The company has a reputation for providing high-quality winter
products at affordable prices. The company has been sourcing high-
quality wool (Gushka Wool) from an eastern European country for several
years. The raw material is used to manufacture winter products such as
hats, gloves, and scarves, which are popular with customers across
Northern India, who have a special preference for the Guskha wool
products. The company has built a strong relationship with its
international suppliers and has always relied on them heavily to provide
high-quality materials at competitive prices. The Eastern European region
accounted for almost 70% of its raw material providers.