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THIS FACILITY AGREEMENT (hereina�er referred to as "Facility Agreement") is executed at the place and on the date set out in Schedule I.


Arthan Finance Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 and registered with the Reserve Bank of India as a non-
banking financial company, has its registered office at 302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2 Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400059
(hereina�er referred to as "AFPL" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, mean and include successors and
assigns) of the ONE PART;


The person(s) specified as the Borrower and Co-Borrower(s) in Schedule I to this Facility Agreement (hereina�er collec�vely referred to as the
“Borrower”, which expression shall unless the context otherwise requires includes legal heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and permited
assigns) of the SECOND PART


a) AFPL is a non-banking finance company and is inter alia, engaged in the business of providing credit facili�es of various types to micro and
small enterprises.
b) The Borrower has requested the AFPL to grant the credit Facility (as defined hereina�er) to the Borrower, relying on the representa�ons,
warran�es, and covenants made by the Borrower herein, the Lender/AFPL agrees to grant the Facility to the Borrower, subject to the terms
and condi�ons of this Agreement and the other Facility Documents (as defined hereina�er).

NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY 7. “Borrower(s)” means each Person named as a Borrower in
AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS UNDER: Schedule I and includes any person named as Co-Borrower or
the Co-Applicant(s)
1. DEFINITIONS &INTERPRETTIONS 8. “Business Day” means a day on which Branch, or such other
1.1. DEFINITIONS office as may be no�fied by APFL is open for normal business
1. “Agreement” means this Facility Agreement and any transac�ons.
amendment made thereto from �me to �me by the Par�es 9. “Charges” shall mean and include all commissions,
hereto for the grant of facility read in conjunc�on with the commitment charges, Prepayment/foreclosure charges,
Sanc�on Leter. Processing Fees, upfront fees and other costs, expenses, and
2. “Addi�onal Security” means such addi�onal security as may fees (including legal fees, stamp du�es, periodic valua�on
be provided by the security provider in addi�on to the Security costs, inspec�on costs, and insurance expenses) incurred by
(as defined hereina�er) created under the respec�ve security AFPL and/ or its Affiliates, nominees and/ or agents, arising out
documents. of or in connec�on with the Facility including the charges set
3. “Assets” means all assets and proper�es of whatsoever nature out in Schedule I of this Facility Agreement.
both present and future, including but not limited to, 10. “Co-Borrower or Co-Applicant(s)” means the Person named as
investments, account receivables, trade receivables, book- such in Schedule I atached hereto.
debts, bills, commissions, cashflows, revenues including rights, 11. “Default Charges” means all costs, penal�es, fees, charges,
benefits, interests, and �tle thereto. fines, and expenses (including legal fees, stamp du�es,
4. “Authority” means and includes any (a) court, tribunal; (b) periodic valua�on costs, inspec�on costs, and other expenses)
government-owned body, department, commission, authority, arising out of or in connec�on with a default in payment of all
tribunal, agency, en�ty, statutory body, or central bank (c) or any part of the Facility Obliga�ons.
na�onal, suprana�onal, regional, central, state, city, municipal 12. “Default Interest Rate” means the rate at which APFL shall
or local government, governmental authority or poli�cal compute and apply Interest on all amounts not paid by the
subdivision thereof, having or purpor�ng to have jurisdic�on; Borrower(s)when due for payment (or reimbursement) by the
or (d) any agency or instrumentality of any of the authori�es Borrower(s)(s) to APFL, as stated in the Schedule/ Sanc�on
referred to in (a), (b) or (c) above, which exercises execu�ve, Leter or as may be amended from �me to �me by APFL in its
legisla�ve, judicial, regulatory, or administra�ve func�ons. sole discre�on.
5. “Authoriza�on” means and includes any authoriza�on, 13. “Differen�al Interest” means Interest at the rate indicated in
consent, approval, resolu�on, license, exemp�on, filing, the schedule I atached hereto on the disbursed loan amount
registra�on, and notariza�on. from the date of disbursement to the date of commencement
6. “Availability Period” means the availability period as of Installments.
men�oned in Schedule I, subject to any extension agreed to
by AFPL in wri�ng from �me to �me.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
14. “Disbursement Request Form” means the request leter which for or in respect of monies borrowed, contracted, or raised
is required to be submited to AFPL by the Borrower for (whether or not for cash considera�on) or liabili�es contracted
disbursement of the Facility Amount. by whatever means (including under any kind of guarantees,
15. “Drawdown” shall mean a disbursement of the Facility indemni�es, acceptances, credits, deposits, hire-purchase and
Amount, by the terms and condi�ons of this Facility leasing).
Agreement. 23. “Guarantee” means the guarantee to be procured by the
16. “Due Dates” means the due dates for repayment of the Facility Borrower from the Guarantor as provided in Schedule I under
Obliga�ons as men�oned in Schedule I and/or in the which each of the Guarantors shall be jointly and severally
repayment schedule provided by AFPL to the Borrower(s). liable for the Facility Obliga�ons of the Borrower under the
17. “Electronic Clearing System” hereina�er referred to as “ECS” Facility Documents.
shall be deemed to include the transfer of funds electronically, 24. “Guarantor” means those persons stated as guarantor(s) in
either through a message for transfer of funds sent Schedule I who shall be jointly and severally liable for the
electronically or through an image of the instrument of Facility Obliga�ons of the Borrower under the Facility
transfer of funds sent electronically or through an electronic Documents.
file containing the details of funds transfer sent by electronic 25. “Incapacity” means about a person, death, bankruptcy,
media or payment through an electronic cheque or where unsoundness of mind, re�rement, insolvency, liquida�on,
funds are transferred through various types of plas�c cards or dissolu�on, winding up, administra�on, receivership,
direct debit or through Na�onal Automated Clearing House amalgama�on, reconstruc�on, or other incapaci�es of that
(NACH) or such other debit clearing service no�fied by Reserve person whatsoever (and, in case if a partnership includes
Bank of India, par�cipa�on in which has been consented to in termina�on and/or change in the composi�on of partners).
wri�ng by the borrower for facilita�ng payment of installments 26. “Interest Rate” means the rate of interest applicable on the
18. “Encumbrance” includes (a) any mortgage, charge (whether Facility as s�pulated in Schedule I or as subsequently
fixed or floa�ng), pledge, lien, hypotheca�on, assignment, communicated by AFPL to the Borrower.
equitable interest, deed of trust, Security Interest, condi�onal 27. “Loan Applica�on or Applica�on Form” means the credit
sales contract, �tle reten�on, preferen�al right, op�on facility applica�on form submited by the Borrower(s) to AFPL
(including call commitment), trust arrangement, right of set- for applying and/or availing loan, together with the preliminary
off, counterclaim, banker's lien, or other encumbrance of any credit facility applica�on form or documents of similar nature
kind securing or conferring any privilege/ priority; (b) and all other informa�on, par�culars, clarifica�ons, and
restric�on or limita�on of any nature whatsoever, including declara�ons, if any furnished by the Borrower(s) or any other
any vo�ng agreement, interest, op�on, right of first offer, person from �me to �me in connec�on with the loan.
receipt of income, or exercise of any other atribute of 28. “Material Adverse Effect” means the effect or consequence of
ownership; or (c) any adverse claim as to �tle, possession or an event or circumstance which in the opinion of AFPL, has
use; (d) any designa�on of loss payees or beneficiaries or any caused as of any date of determina�on, a material and adverse
similar arrangement under or concerning any insurance policy; effect on (a) the business prospects, Assets, opera�ons, or the
or (e) any preference of one creditor over another; (f) any condi�on (financial or otherwise) of the Borrower; (b) the
other Security Interest of any kind whatsoever, or any ability of the Borrower to comply with its obliga�ons under the
agreement, whether condi�onal or otherwise, to create any of Facility Documents; (c) the validity, legality, enforceability or
the same. “Encumber” shall have the corresponding meanings. the effec�veness of the Facility Documents; (d) validity,
19. “Equated Monthly Instalment” or “EMI” means and includes legality, enforceability, effec�veness, or ranking of any Security
the amount of payment set out in Schedule I of this Facility granted or purported to be granted in favor of AFPL under any
Agreement to be made monthly by the Borrower to AFPL on of, the Facility Documents; or (e) the rights or remedies of AFPL
the Due Date in respect of the Facility comprising of principal under any of the Facility Documents (including the value of any
and Interest rounded off to the next rupee. Security).
20. “Facility Amount” means the sanc�oned amount of the 29. “Na�onal Automated Clearing House (NACH)” shall mean the
Facility as specified in Schedule I or such other revised amount Automated Clearing House system introduced by the Na�onal
as subsequently communicated by AFPL to the Borrower(s). Payments Corpora�on of India (NPCI) for electronic fund
21. “Facility Obliga�ons” shall mean the aggregate of all amounts transfer within India.
due and payable by the Borrower from �me to �me to AFPL in 30. “PEMI” shall have the meaning as ascribed to the term in
connec�on with the Facility Amount including but not limited Schedule I.
to the principal, Interest due thereon, and all other Charges, 31. “Penal Interest” means an addi�onal interest payable by the
obliga�ons, and liabili�es of the Borrower of whatsoever Borrower to AFPL as a penalty in case of delay in payment of
nature or under the terms of the Facility Documents and the Equated Monthly Installments or repayment due as the case
Security Document including but not limited to Charges, cost, may be, at the rate as men�oned in the Schedule of this
fees and expenses of whatsoever nature incurred to APFL for Facility Agreement
enforcement and preserva�on of the Security. 32. “Person” means any natural person, body corporate,
22. “Financial Indebtedness” shall mean and include but not be organiza�on, associa�on, partnership, limited liability
limited to the indebtedness of whatsoever nature at any �me partnership (LLP), proprietorship, HUF, trust, union, society,

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA

Signed by: Pentakota
eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
government, or any agency or poli�cal subdivision thereof or omission, claims, breach, or default, shall be final and binding
any other en�ty that may be treated as a person under on the Par�es.
Applicable Law. 5. If there is more than one Borrower men�oned in Schedule I
33. “Post Dated Cheques (PDCs)” hereina�er referred to as have hereunder writen, wherever the context so requires, the
PDC/PDCs means the cheques issued by the borrower in favor word "Borrower" shall be construed as "Borrower(s)".
of the lender for repayment of the loan along with accrued 6. The “Sanc�on Leter” shall be read in conjunc�on with the
interest. provisions of this Facility Agreement and shall form an integral
34. “Sanc�on Let er” means the sanc�on leter se�ng out the part of this Facility Agreement. To the extent of any
terms for the sanc�on of the Facility issued by AFPL to the inconsistency or repugnancy, the contents of the Facility
Borrower on the date as set out in Schedule I and includes all Agreement shall prevail for all intents and purposes.
or any modifica�ons thereto.
35. “Secured Assets” shall mean the Assets over which Security 2. THE FACILITY
Interest is created by the Borrower or the Security Provider, as
more par�cularly provided in Schedule I. 2.1. Subject to the terms of this Facility Agreement, AFPL agrees,
36. “Security” means the Security Interest to be created by the based on the Borrower’s request and relying on the
Borrower or Security Provider in favor of AFPL as (a) detailed representa�ons and warran�es, covenants, and undertakings
out in Schedule I and the Facility Documents, and (b) as contained and in considera�on of the applica�on form of the
provided under Clause 12.
Facility and Facility Documents executed or tendered by the
37. “Security Documents” means any documents executed about
Borrower in rela�on to the Facility, to lend and extend to the
any Security pursuant underly Agreement.
38. “Security Interest” means right, �tle, and interest of any kind Borrower during the Availability Period, and the Borrower
over the Secured Assets and includes any mortgage, lien, agrees to borrow from AFPL, the Facility up to the Facility
hypotheca�on, charge (fixed or floa�ng), pledge, assignment, Amount for the Purpose of Sanc�on in accordance with the
security interest, or interest like security, deed of trust or other terms and condi�ons set out in this Facility Agreement and
encumbrance of any kind, or any other type of preferen�al Facility Documents.
arrangement, including without limita�on, any agreement to 2.2. The Borrower uncondi�onally agrees, undertakes, and
give the same effect as any of the foregoing, any condi�onal acknowledges that AFPL has an uncondi�onal right to cancel
sale and any designa�on of loss payees or beneficiaries or any the undrawn commitments under the Facility Agreement at any
similar arrangement under any insurance policies. �me during the currency of the Facility Agreement and that
39. “Standing Instruc�ons (SI)” means writen instruc�ons given AFPL shall endeavor to provide a prior in�ma�on of the same to
by the Borrower to the AFPL to debit the account of the
the Borrower.
Borrower maintained in a bank acceptable/approved by the
2.3. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, AFPL shall be
AFPL for the amount of the installment, more par�cularly set
en�tled to adjust any advance installment and/or security
out in Schedule I
deposit/ ini�al payment made by the Borrower towards any
1.2. INTERPRETATION outstanding dues in such manner and at such �me as AFPL may
determine in its sole discre�on.
In this Facility Agreement, unless the context otherwise
1. The terms referred to in this Facility Agreement shall, unless
defined otherwise or inconsistent with the context or meaning 3.1. During the Availability Period, the Borrower may Drawdown the
thereof, bear the meaning ascribed to them under the Facility Amount either in a single tranche or in mul�ple
Applicable Law including the rules, regula�ons, no�fica�on, tranches, as set forth under Schedule I.
circulars/guidelines framed there under(h) Words deno�ng the 3.2. Subject to the sa�sfac�on of the condi�ons in Clause 14 and
singular shall include the plural and vice-versa. Clause 15, the Borrower may request disbursement of any
2. The words “include” and "including" are to be construed undrawn por�on of the Facility Amount by delivering a duly
without limita�on. completed and executed Disbursement Request Form to AFPL,
3. Any reference to 'days' means calendar days and any reference provided that the first disbursement shall also be subject to
to month is English calendar month, subject to the sa�sfac�on of the condi�ons. Any such disbursement request
requirement specified under the Agreement made by the Borrower shall be irrevocable and shall commit the
4. The decision of AFPL, concerning (i) the materiality of any
Borrower to borrow in accordance with such no�ce. In the
ac�on or inac�on under the Facility Documents, (ii) whether
event the Borrower seeks to cancel a disbursement a�er the
any ac�on or inac�on is in the ordinary course of business, or
acceptance of a Disbursement Request Form by AFPL, the
(iii) the reasonableness, correctness or propriety of any mater,
including any event, occurrence, circumstance, change, fact, Borrower shall be liable to pay such Charges as may be
informa�on, document, authoriza�on, proceeding, act, s�pulated by AFPL in connec�on with such cancella�on.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA

Signed by: Pentakota
eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
3.3. AFPL may, in its sole discre�on, upon receipt of a duly
completed and executed Disbursement Request Form, and 6.1. The Borrower shall repay the Facility, to AFPL, in the manner
subject to sa�sfac�on of the relevant condi�ons as determined specified in Schedule I on the Due Dates including by way of
by AFPL, make available the amount men�oned in the Equated Monthly Instalments or any other repayment period as
Disbursement Request Form through a Demand Dra� crossed agreed between the Borrower and AFPL. The first payment
as “A/c Payee only” or Account Payee crossed cheque(s) or by installment for AFPL shall be due on the Due Date. All
Na�onal Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) or Real Time Gross subsequent payment installments shall be due on the
Setlement (RTGS) in the name of the Borrower/ Bank Account successive Due Dates. No no�ce, reminder, or in�ma�on
of the Borrower. regarding the Borrower's obliga�on and responsibility to ensure
3.4. If in connec�on with any Drawdown, AFPL determines that any prompt and regular payment of Facility Obliga�ons and all other
relevant condi�on under Agreement has not been sa�sfied, amounts due and payable by the Borrower to AFPL on the
AFPL shall no�fy the Borrower that the Drawdown cannot be respec�ve Due Dates shall be given by AFPL. The Borrower
made. agrees that �mely repayment is the essence of this Facility
3.5. AFPL may at its sole and absolute discre�on and may with or Agreement.
without any prior in�ma�on to the Borrower enhance or reduce 6.2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Facility Documents,
or modify the Facility and the same shall be binding upon the the Facility Obliga�ons or part thereof, shall become due and
Borrower. However, upon receipt of a formal writen request in payable on the Due Dates, or earlier at AFPL's op�on. If a Due
the format and manner, as may be specified by AFPL, from the Date or any date on which any other payment under this Facility
Borrower for an ad-hoc increase in the Facility Amount, AFPL is due, is not a Business Day, then such payment date shall
may at its sole and absolute discre�on increase the limits on a automa�cally be the subsequent Business Day.
specific occasion or for such period of �me as AFPL may deem 6.3. The last payment instalment together with all other amounts
fit. Any ad-hoc increase in the Facility Amount does not assure due and outstanding under this Facility Agreement shall be paid
the Borrower of the enhanced limit and upon the expiry of the in full on the last Business Day of the Term or on such date
agreed period or the occasion, the ad-hoc Facility Amount shall specified in Schedule I or any repayment schedule issued by
lapse. AFPL to the Borrower.
6.4. The Borrower shall not be permited under any circumstances
4. TERM to withhold/ delay the payment of any Facility Obliga�ons. All
payments made by the Borrower shall be made without
4.1. The term of the Facility shall be such period as provided in deduc�on, set-off, or counterclaim.
Schedule I or such other period subsequently communicated by 6.5. The Borrower shall make payment of any Charges levied on the
AFPL to the Borrower (“Term”). Facility within 7 (seven) days of receipt of an invoice or
communica�on from AFPL.
5. INTEREST 6.6. No no�ce, reminder, or in�ma�on will be given to the Borrower
regarding repayment of the Facility Obliga�ons on each Due
5.1. The Loan shall carry interest at the rate specified in schedule I, Date. It shall en�rely be the Borrower's responsibility to ensure
with monthly or other rests as may be decided by the borrower prompt and �mely payment to AFPL. Any delay or default in
and agreed by the AFPL on the outstanding balance in payment of any installment(s) shall make the Borrower liable to
consonance with AFPL policy with changes in the periodicity of pay to AFPL, Default Interest (for the period of such default) as
rest, if any communicated to the Borrower by AFPL from �me specified in the schedule I/or as per the schedule of charges
to �me. no�fied �me to �me by AFPL and shall also cons�tute an Event
5.2. AFPL in its sole discre�on, be en�tled, at any �me, with of Default as set out in Clause 20.
writen/electronic/digital mode give no�ce to the Borrower, to 6.7. The Borrower shall make payment/repayment towards the
revise upwards or downwards the rate of interest having regard Facility Obliga�ons in the account(s) communicated by AFPL,
to applicable policy, regula�ons, condi�ons in the market, and through online payment, electronic transfer, cheque/bank
availability of funds. Borrower shall pay Interest along with the dra�/demand dra� or link Bank accounts or any other payment
principal in accordance with the repayment schedule or as set op�on facility provided �me to �me by AFPL.
out in Schedule I on each of the Due Dates. 6.8. The Borrower acknowledges that any sums, Interest, and
5.3. Any ques�on or dispute about the Outstanding Dues or manner default amounts including but not limited to the Default
of computa�on of interest or any other charges under the Interest and Default Charges under this Facility Agreement are
Facility Documents will not enable the Borrower to withhold reasonable and represent a genuine pre-es�mate of the loss in
payment of any installments/ or any Outstanding Dues. the event of non-payment by the Borrower and/or non-
compliance with the terms of the Facility Documents. Further,
6. PAYMENT the Borrower waives any defense available under usury or other

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Applicable Laws rela�ng to the charging of Interest and shall not charges, applicable from �me to �me and in accordance with
dispute the charging of Interest at any point in �me. statutory guidelines. There shall be no pre-payment or
6.9. No cash payment to or payment in the name of any direct foreclosure charge if all the Borrowers are natural persons
marke�ng agent, or direct selling agent appointed by AFPL shall (individual borrowers), and the Interest Rate for the Facility is
be made and if any such payment is made, AFPL shall not be levied on a floa�ng basis.
responsible to take due account of the same. 8.3. The latest update on the charges and rate of interest are hosted
6.10. The AFPL is not liable for any delay installment payment, caused on the official website of the AFPL htps://
due to any interrup�on/disrup�on in online payment or access
to payment service site/applica�on. 9. CANCELLATION OF A FACILITY
6.11. The Borrower's liability hereunder shall not be affected,
terminated, or prejudiced by the death, insolvency, or any 9.1. AFPL can, at its sole discre�on and without assigning any reason
Incapacity of the Borrower, but such liability shall con�nue in whatsoever, cancel the Facility and call upon the Borrower to
full force and effect and shall be binding on the Borrower's pay the Facility Obliga�ons.
successors, heirs, etc. as provided in the �tle and as the case 9.2. If, at any �me, by reason of the introduc�on of, or any change
may be. in any Applicable Law it is or has or shall become unlawful for
6.12. All taxes, charges including stamp duty charges, service charges, AFPL to perform any of its obliga�ons as contemplated by this
and legal charges as applicable under the Facility Documents Facility Agreement or to fund the Facility or any un-disbursed
shall be borne by the Borrower. por�on thereof then the Facility will be immediately canceled
6.13. The Borrower’s obliga�ons hereunder will remain in full force and the part of the Facility disbursed including Facility
and shall not be affected, impaired, diminished, or ex�nguished Obliga�on shall be repaid by the Borrower on or prior to the
by any act, omission, default, mater, or thing except the full, date specified by AFPL in the no�ce delivered by AFPL to the
prompt, and complete performance of all the terms, Borrower in this regard. Further, no refund will be made of any
undertakings, and condi�ons of this Facility Agreement, amounts paid by the Borrower or any part thereof to AFPL vide
including the due and punctual payment of all the Facility any charges, fees, premium provided thereof in the Sanc�on
Obliga�ons that may become due to AFPL under this Facility Leter, Interest, and any other amount whatsoever.
Agreement. 9.3. Any ac�on/omission on the part of the Borrower under this
Facility Agreement, which cons�tutes an Event of Default under
7. DEFAULT INTEREST AND DEFAULT CHARGES the Facility Agreement, shall consequently, en�tle AFPL to
terminate/cancel the Facility. In such a case, without prejudice
7.1. If the Borrower defaults in payment of any installments of the to any other rights, AFPL may, with or without no�ce, terminate
Facility Obliga�ons, then the Borrower shall be liable to pay this Facility Agreement and/or enforce any Security under the
AFPL, Default Interest, and Default Charges on the overdue Facility Documents to recover the Facility Obliga�ons from the
amount, as men�oned in Schedule I. Borrower.
7.2. The obliga�on of the Borrower to pay Default Interest and 9.4. The in�ma�on of, or service of, cancella�on by AFPL to the
Default Charges on the Facility Obliga�ons shall con�nue un�l Borrower is final, non-nego�able, and binding on the Borrower.
the en�re outstanding Facility Obliga�ons to AFPL have been Any cancella�on will not affect the validity of this Facility
paid in full. Agreement or any other Facility Documents or discharge the
7.3. The levy of Default Interest shall not prevent AFPL from liability of Borrower to pay the Facility Obliga�ons to AFPL.
declaring an Event of Default during the con�nuance of
delay/default in payment by the Borrower and shall not 10. RENEWAL AND MODIFICATION OF FACILITY
prejudice the exercise of any rights and remedies available to
AFPL upon the occurrence of an Event of Default. 10.1. At the Borrower's request (in the form prescribed by AFPL),
AFPL may, at its sole discre�on, modify the terms of the Facility,
8. PREPAYMENT enhance the Facility Amount, renew or extend the Facility for
an addi�onal term, or revise, vary or postpone the payment
8.1. The Borrower shall not prepay/foreclose any por�on of the schedule, set out in Schedule I, on such terms and condi�ons as
outstanding facility amount either in part or full during the Lock- may be decided by AFPL, by way of a renewal or extension leter
in period (“Lock-in Period”) as set out in Schedule I of this and/or other documents as may be required by AFPL including
agreement. supplemental sanc�on leters. ("Supplemental Documents").
8.2. The Borrower may exercise to prepay the loan amount post- 10.2. Upon such renewal or extension or modifica�on or
Lock-in period either partly or fully during the con�nuity of the enhancement by AFPL, all the exis�ng Facility Documents
Loan/ Facility and prepayment shall be made and accepted as ("Exis�ng Facility Documents") shall remain valid and shall
per Lender's policy and rules, including as to the prepayment con�nue to be binding upon the Borrower with the

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
modifica�ons or amendments as made to them by way of the may be required by AFPL. Notwithstanding the above, in the
Supplemental Documents. All Supplemental Documents shall event the Security furnished by the Borrower is subsequently
form an integral part of this Facility Agreement and other found to be of inferior value to that as declared by the Borrower
Exis�ng Facility Documents. In case of any inconsistency in the loan applica�on form, the Facility may be recalled and
between the Exis�ng Facility Documents and any of the repayment of the Facility Obliga�ons may be accelerated by
Supplemental Documents, the provisions of Supplemental AFPL with immediate effect.
Documents shall prevail to the extent of inconsistency or 11.8. Nothing contained herein shall prejudice any rights or remedies
repugnancy in rela�on to the maters sought to be amended, of AFPL in respect of any present or future Security, Facility
revised, or varied therein. Obliga�ons, or decree for any indebtedness or liability of the
Borrower to AFPL.
11.1. AFPL Shall require Security to be provided to secure the Facility,
as determined by AFPL. The Borrower hereby agrees to create AFPL in rela�on to the Facility.
and perfect or cause the Security Provider to create, perfect, 12.1. Shall have the sole right at any �me during the Tenure of this
and provide such Security by way of pledge, lien, hypotheca�on, Facility Agreement to revise / or reschedule the repayment
mortgage, and/or in any other manner as may be required by terms for the Facility Obliga�ons/amount of installment(s)
AFPL. repayment of the Facility of any nature and as decided by AFPL
11.2. The Borrower shall duly create and perfect Security Interest or of any other amounts outstanding there under and the
and/or cause the Security Provider to duly create and perfect Borrower Hall make all future repayments to AFPL as per the
Security Interest (if applicable) in favor of AFPL as set forth revised schedule as no�fied by AFPL.
under Schedule I for securing the repayment and discharge of 12.2. Shall have the sole right to amend any of the terms and
the Facility Obliga�ons, to the sa�sfac�on of AFPL. Such condi�ons of the Facility Agreement including but not limited to
Security Interest shall con�nue and subsist un�l repayment and revision of Interest Rate (including the Default Interest Rate),
discharge of the Facility Obliga�ons in full. Any release of the periodicity of compounding Interest, method of effec�ng credit
Security shall require the prior writen consent of AFPL. of the repayments without assigning any reason or without
11.3. The Borrower shall execute and/or cause the Security Provider no�fying the Borrower and the Borrower agrees that such
to execute (if applicable) any bonds, promissory notes, power revision shall become applicable from the date of such revision
of atorney(s), and undertakings as may be required by AFPL to in the records of AFPL and the Borrower shall be bound by the
secure the Facility. same.
11.4. The Borrower shall procure the Guarantees as set forth in 12.3. Shall have the sole right to require the Borrower to ensure the
Schedule I for securing the discharge of the Facility Obliga�ons, Security created herein at the Borrower's cost and maintain
to the sa�sfac�on of AFPL. Such Guarantees shall con�nue and such insurance throughout the con�nuance of the Security.
subsist un�l the repayment and discharge of the Facility 12.4. Receive as an assignee, any insurance payment payable to the
Obliga�ons in full. Any release of the Guarantees shall require Borrower in connec�on with the Security and adjust it towards
the prior writen consent of AFPL. payment of the Facility Obliga�ons.
11.5. The Borrower shall and/or ensure that the Security Provider (if 12.5. Have the right to store financial, iden�ty, and other
applicable) files all forms and make all filings as may be required data/informa�on of the Borrower in connec�on with the
under Applicable Law with the applicable Registrar of Facility Obliga�ons.
Companies, in respect of the crea�on of Security as above 12.6. Be en�tled at its absolute discre�on and in the manner, it
within 30(thirty) days from the date of crea�on of Security. deems fit to disclose/publish any informa�on about the
11.6. The Borrower agrees and undertakes that the Security created Borrower, the Facility. rela�onship with AFPL and/ or any
under this Facility Agreement or the Security Document or any default commited by the Borrower in repayment of Facility
other Facility Documents and the liability of the Borrower shall Obliga�ons (whether such informa�on is provided by the
not be affected, impaired, or discharged by the winding up Borrower or obtained by AFPL itself and whether in form or
(voluntary or otherwise) or Incapacity or ini�a�on of insolvency repayment conduct, ra�ng or defaults) to its holding company,
proceedings under Applicable Law or by any merger or other branch offices, Affiliates, RBI, banks, other financial
amalgama�on, reconstruc�on, the takeover of the ins�tu�ons, Credit Informa�on Companies/ Agencies or any
management, dissolu�on (as the case may be) of the Borrower other agency or company as no�fied by Reserve Bank of India
or Security Provider, as the case may be. (RBI), its auditors, any refinancing agency or any third par�es
11.7. In the event of the Security furnished by the Borrower or the including ra�ng agencies as AFPL may, in its sole and exclusive
Security Provider is found to be insufficient/incorrect in value, discre�on, deem fit and proper. AFPL shall also be en�tled to
the Borrower shall be directed to furnish addi�onal Security as

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
seek and receive any informa�on as it deems fit in connec�on 15.3. The Borrower has taken all necessary ac�ons and obtained all
with the Facility and/ or the Borrower from any third party; necessary permissions, consents, approvals, etc. as required
12.7. Shall have the right to inspect books of accounts and other under Law for entering into and for the performance of its
records maintained by the Borrower and the Borrower shall not obliga�ons under this Agreement and for availing the Facility.
raise any objec�on for such inspec�ons of books of accounts 15.4. That the Borrower shall provide all informa�on, including but
and records; and not limited to informa�on regarding other credit facili�es
12.8. Shall have the right to obtain refinance against the Facility as it enjoyed by the Borrower, as and when required by the Bank all
may consider appropriate. acts, condi�ons, and things required to be done, fulfilled, or
12.9. In any legal proceedings or ac�ons arising from or in connec�on performed, and all Authoriza�ons required or essen�al for the
with this Facility Agreement, the entries made by AFPL in the execu�on and delivery of the Facility Documents or for the
accounts with their usual prac�ce shall in the absence of performance of the Borrower obliga�ons in terms of and under
manifest error be conclusive evidence of the existence and the Facility Documents and for the carrying on of its business
amount of the obliga�ons of the Borrower as therein recorded. and opera�ons have been done, fulfilled, obtained, effected
Any cer�fica�on or determina�on by AFPL of a rate or amount and performed and are in full force and effect and no such
under the Facility Documents is in the absence of manifest Authoriza�on has been, or is threatened to be, revoked or
error, conclusive evidence of the maters to which it relates. canceled;
15.5. That all documents/purchase invoices submited by the
13. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO DISBURSEMENT Borrower to AFPL in rela�on to the purchase of the Secured
Asset represent genuine sale transac�ons and accordingly,
The following shall be condi�ons precedent for any disbursal of the loan
there is no suppression of facts/concealment of price in rela�on
or any tranche thereof;
to the Secured Asset and no material change has taken place
13.1. All Security Interest required to be created has been duly which would affect the Secured Asset;
created and perfected to AFPL's sa�sfac�on. 15.6. That the underlying transac�on between the Borrower and
13.2. All the Guarantees if required have been duly provided to AFPL's Security Provider is on an arms' length basis and that the
sa�sfac�on. purchase order(s) represen�ng the Secured Assets are not
13.3. AFPL has been provided with requisite Authoriza�ons of the subjected to any viola�on of Applicable Law including transfer
Guarantor for (i) providing the guarantee pursuant to the pricing norms and also not subject to any Encumbrance, charge,
Facility Documents, and (ii) execu�ng a deed of guarantee. liens, set off or counter-claim. In any event, if it is found to be
13.4. No event of default or cross-default or material advance. otherwise or contrary to the aforemen�oned, the Borrower
13.5. No extraordinary or other circumstances shall have occurred shall indemnify AFPL against all costs, claims, losses, expenses,
which shall make it improbable for the borrower to fulfill his/its or damages that AFPL may suffer as a consequence thereof. This
obliga�on under this agreement. indemnity would be without prejudice to the right of AFPL to
13.6. The Borrower shall have executed and delivered all the recall the total amount whether due or not under the Facility,
documents as required by AFPL to disburse the facility along with Charges including legal fees;
13.7. The Borrower Hall has disclosed to AFPL any ac�on, suit 15.7. The Facility Documents cons�tute its legal, valid and binding
proceedings, winding up/insolvency proceedings or obliga�ons and are enforceable in accordance with their
inves�ga�ons pending ini�ated against the Borrower. respec�ve terms;
15.8. It/its promoters/ directors/ officers are not in default or have
14. CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT been included in any list of defaulters and have not commited
a breach of any agreement (i) with any Person who has provided
The disbursement under the Facility shall be subject to the Borrower guarantee(s) or other credit facili�es to the Borrower or (ii)
having been provided to AFPL's sa�sfac�on with necessary whereby the Borrower has guaranteed any obliga�ons; or (iii)
documents evidencing perfec�on of Security Interest in favor of Its exis�ng credit facili�es have not been declared special
AFPL and registra�on of charge created within 30 days. men�on account-2 as per the relevant guidelines of the RBI;
15.9. The informa�on furnished by the Borrower to AFPL in
connec�on with or for obtaining the Facility including
informa�on and details about the Security is true, complete,
15.1. The Borrower hereby represents and warrants to AFPL on a
and accurate in all respects and is not misleading in any respect;
con�nuing basis that, each of the following shall be true and
15.10. The Security Interest created or to be created in favor of AFPL
correct in every respect, on the execu�on date for each Facility
pursuant to the Facility Documents are valid and subsis�ng in
Document and on each Disbursement Date:
full force and effect;
15.2. The Borrower is legally competent to contract/ lawfully
15.11. The Guarantees provided pursuant to the Facility Documents
cons�tuted and exis�ng with good standing and opera�ng in
are valid and subsist in full force and effect;
keeping with the Laws of India

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
15.12. There are no legal, administra�ve, arbitra�on, media�on, The Borrower covenants and undertakes that �ll the Facility
concilia�on, or other proceedings, claims, ac�ons, or Obliga�ons are outstanding, it shall:
governmental inves�ga�ons of any nature pending and/ or
threatened against the Borrower and/or its promoters or a) U�lize the Facility only for the purpose of Sanc�on
maintaining insurance policies with financially sound and
directors or officers or Assets or no claims presently exis�ng or
reputable insurers, that cover such risks and contain such
an�cipated including arising out of the provident fund or labor
policy limits and types of coverage, as are adequate to fully
dues, Tax, royal�es, license fees, lease rentals, interests, costs, insure against risks to which the Borrower, its employees,
damages, claims, penal�es, etc. (whether present, future or business, and its Secured Assets would reasonably be
con�ngent) which would if adversely determined, individually expected to be exposed to, in the opera�on of the business
or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect; as currently conducted in accordance with standard
15.13. No ac�ons, proceedings, or steps (voluntary or otherwise) have industry prac�ces;
been taken with respect to winding up, reorganiza�on, b) Deliver at AFPL's request financial statements, opera�on
compromise, arrangement, the appointment of a liquidator or informa�on, and any other informa�on at your own
receiver, enforcement of any security, or any other analogous expense.
proceedings in respect of the Borrower or any of its Assets; c) Allow AFPL's representa�ves free access, at all �mes, to
15.14. It is the sole legal and beneficial owner and holds good, clear, inspect the Secured Asset or to take possession of the
and marketable �tle over the Securi�es which are to be same;
d) Pay and be liable to AFPL for payments of any cost of
Encumbered in favor of AFPL under the Facility Documents.
repairs and replacements which AFPL may incur in respect
These Securi�es are free from all Encumbrances except those
of the Secured Asset in case the same is to be
created pursuant, to, or permited by the Facility Documents; detained/possessed consequent upon any default in
15.15. It has been explained all Charges in rela�on to the Facility making the repayments by the Borrower. This right of the
including Default Interest, Default Charges, Interest Rate, costs, Borrower shall be without prejudice to its right to
charges, commitment charges, Processing Fees, expenses, and terminate the Agreement in default of any payment due
other amounts of money which are payable to AFPL under the under this Facility Agreement;
Facility Documents; e) Inform AFPL of any damage, loss, or destruc�on of the
15.16. Each of the Borrowers shall be jointly and severally liable to pay Secured Assets, within 48 (forty-eight) hours of such loss,
the Facility Obliga�ons and to comply with the terms and damage, and destruc�on;
condi�ons of the Facility Documents; f) Encumber or cause the Encumbrance of the Secured
15.17. Neither the Borrower nor any of its directors (if a corporate Assets by the Security Provider in favor of AFPL in the
manner set forth in Schedule I, to AFPL's sa�sfac�on; and
en�ty) are on the RBI's defaulter/cau�on list;
g) Take all necessary steps to ensure that any Assets acquired
15.18. There has been no material adverse change in the business or
from the proceeds of the Facility are free from all
the financial condi�on of the Borrower since the date on which
Encumbrances save and except for the Encumbrance in
the last audited accounts of the Borrower were drawn up, and favor of AFPL.
there are no undisclosed contracts or liabili�es other than those
disclosed in the financial statements. 16.2. Nega�ve Covenants:
15.19. All representa�ons and warran�es of the Borrower contained a) The Borrower covenants and undertakes that un�l the
herein shall survive the execu�on, delivery, and/or termina�on Facility Obliga�on is outstanding, it shall not without the
of this Facility Agreement and un�l the Facility Obliga�ons shall prior writen consent of AFPL:
be repaid in full. b) Create any Encumbrance over or permit the Security
15.20. Notwithstanding the execu�on of this Facility Agreement, the Provider to create Encumbrance, or otherwise howsoever
Borrower hereby agrees to comply with the terms and part with, the possession of the Securi�es, or any part
condi�ons and s�pula�ons that are required by AFPL for the thereof; do or allow anything to be done which may
aforesaid Facility including any addi�onal/amended rules and deteriorate the value of the Securi�es; or execute any
document, such as Power of Atorney, or any other similar
regula�ons of AFPL for extending or renewing the Facility.
or other deeds, in favor of any Person to deal with the
The Borrower will be deemed to have renewed each of these Security given as or to be given as Security for securing the
representa�ons and warran�es every �me it extends, renews, or Facility Obliga�on.
modifies the Facility extended under this Facility Agreement. c) Effect any material change in the management of its
business or make any substan�al altera�on to the nature
d) Engage in any business or ac�vi�es either alone or in a
16.1. Posi�ve Covenants partnership or joint venture, other than those disclosed to

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
e) Create, assume, or incur any Financial Indebtedness, g) The Borrower ceases, or a threat to cease, to carry on all
unless otherwise provided in the Sanc�on Leter; or a substan�al part of the Borrower(s)'s present business
f) Prepay any financial indebtedness other than the Facility or loss of its licenses or Authoriza�ons necessary to carry
unless otherwise provided in the Sanc�on Leter; on its business or perform its obliga�ons;
g) Undertake or permit any merger, de-merger, consolida�on, h) Occurrence or apprehension of occurrence of one or
amalgama�on, compromise, reconstruc�on, more events, condi�ons, or circumstances whether
reorganiza�on, rearrangement, substan�al change of related or not, (including any change in Applicable Law)
shareholders, scheme of the arrangement, or compromise which could have a Material Adverse Effect;
with its creditors or shareholders or any other similar i) Any event or circumstance which cons�tutes a default
arrangement; under any other agreement binding upon the Borrower;
h) Enter into any arrangement for payment of fees, j) Any ac�on, proceedings, or steps (voluntary or otherwise)
commissions, or other sums to any Person other than in that have been taken with respect to winding up, re-
the ordinary course of business; organiza�on, compromise, arrangement, the
i) Guarantee any obliga�on, unless otherwise provided in the appointment of a liquidator or receiver, enforcement of
Sanc�on Leter; any security, or any other analogous proceedings in
j) Do or omit to do anything which may lead to a material respect of the Borrower or any of its Assets;
change in the Borrower including change in name, change k) Its inability to pay its debts;
in address (residen�al or official or work) admission of new l) If any Authority compulsorily acquires, expropriates, or
partners, or change in membership/ cons�tu�on seizes any part of the business or Assets of the Borrower;
document, as applicable; m) Any material act of fraud, embezzlement, misstatement,
k) Permit any Change in Control of the Borrower or altera�on misappropria�on, or siphoning off, of the funds or
in the capital structure of the Borrower; revenues of the Borrower or any other act having a similar
l) Sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, let or effect alleged to have been commited by the Borrower
otherwise deal with, or part with the possession of the or any promoter/ director/ officer/ employee of the
Secured Asset or create any interest of any third party in Borrower;
the same, or in this Facility Agreement, or atempt to do n) Any loss or damage which may be suffered by it due to
so, or create or allow to be created any third-party Security any act of God, such as earthquake, flood, tempest, or
Interest upon the said Secured Assets; typhoon, etc. against which it may not have adequate
insurance; and
16.3. Informa�on Covenants o) Promptly, upon any change in authorized signatory of the
Borrower, along with specimen signatures of any new
The Borrower covenants and undertakes that �ll the Facility authorized signatories.
Obliga�ons are outstanding, it shall inform AFPL immediately
of the occurrence of any of the following events: 17. INDEMNITY

a) Breach by it of the Applicable Law or the Authoriza�ons; Without prejudice to the other rights of AFPL under this Facility
b) Poten�al Event of Default; Documents or Applicable Law, the Borrower hereby agrees to
c) Any change in Control of the Borrower or any change or indemnify and keep indemnified and hold harmless AFPL, AFPL's
altera�on in the capital structure of the Borrower or any Affiliates, nominees and agents, their officers, directors, and
scheme of amalgama�on or recons�tu�on or employees (each an Indemnified Party) from and against any losses,
implementa�on of a new scheme of expansion or the
claims, ac�ons, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses
Borrower taking up an allied line of business or
incurred including atorneys' and accountants' fees (collec�vely
manufacture or any change in the general nature of its
business; "Losses") incurred by the AFPL in rela�on to this facility, as result of
d) Any li�ga�on, arbitra�on, inves�ga�ve or administra�ve ac�on/inac�on/omission of the Borrower including as a result of third
proceeding which is current, pending, or threatened, party claims.
which has or could reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect;
e) Breach of any covenant, representa�on, or warranty or any In case the AFPL so requires, the Borrower agrees to procure a
covenant, representa�on, or warranty given by the
guarantor or guarantee executed by such person as required by the
Borrower in connec�on with the Facility has or will become
AFPL and in the form and manner to the sa�sfac�on of the AFPL.
incorrect or misleading (including by omission);
f) Breach by the Borrower with respect to obtaining, 19. EVENT OF DEFAULT
compliance with, and maintaining all material consents,
approvals, and authoriza�ons, and compliance with all If the Borrower shall fail to carry out and perform any of the
material regulatory and other requirements as specified by obliga�ons under this Agreement or commit a breach of any of the
any Authority, from �me to �me; terms hereof or of the Sanc�on Leter/Security Documents / Facility

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Documents/Supplement document/ or any document or leter which 19.10. If the liabili�es of the Borrower exceed its Assets;
forms the basis of this Facility Agreement, On the ques�on whether 19.11. Any ac�on or event which triggers the ini�a�on of
any of the events, maters or circumstances men�oned above have or moratorium of any nature, whether by statutory opera�on or
has occurred, the opinion of AFPL shall be final, conclusive and otherwise under any Applicable Law, in rela�on to any of the
binding on the Borrower. Any one or more of the following events any Borrower or any of their assets;
of which shall inter alia cons�tute an Event(s) of Default: 19.12. If the Borrower or the Security Provider fails to create Security
as required by AFPL;
19.1. If repayment of any Facility Obliga�ons remains overdue for a 19.13. If the Security of the Facility becomes infructuous or is
period of 7 (seven) days; challenged by any Person;
19.2. If the Borrower or the Security Provider commits a default of 19.14. If the Borrower or the Security Provider acts fraudulently or
any terms and condi�ons of this Facility Agreement or any dishonestly;
other credit facility granted by AFPL or AFPL's Affiliates and 19.15. If the Borrower fails to deliver NACH mandates/electronic
such default is not cured within 2 (two) days of receipt of transfer/standing instruc�ons/post-dated cheques in
no�ce from AFPL or AFPL's Affiliates; accordance with the terms of the Facility Documents or as and
19.3. One or more events, condi�ons, or circumstances have when demanded by AFPL;
occurred which in the opinion of AFPL has a Material Adverse 19.16. If the Borrower dies and the legal heirs, successors, and
Effect, and such an event, condi�on, or circumstance is not assigns of the Borrower do not or otherwise for any reason
cured for a period of 15 (fi�een) days; whatsoever fail to execute a supplementary agreement, in the
19.4. Failure by the Borrower or the Security Provider to comply format acceptable to AFPL, within the �me as may be
with or perform any obliga�on, undertaking, term, covenant, s�pulated by AFPL in its sole discre�on, agreeing to subs�tute
or condi�on contained in the Facility Documents; themselves in place of the deceased Borrower(s);
19.5. If any winding-up/ liquida�on/insolvency/ bankruptcy 19.17. If the Borrower or the Security Provider is convicted under any
proceedings are commenced by or against the Borrower or a Applicable Law; or
Security Provider or the Borrower or a Security Provider 19.18. If the Borrower or the Security Provider fails to furnish, any
become subject to proceedings under Sec�on 7, Sec�on 9, informa�on/documents, as required by AFPL.
Sec�on 10 or Sec�on 59 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy 19.19. Any default by the Borrower or its/their promoters/
Code, 2016 or any applica�on or pe��on is filed by any party affiliates/ agents/ associates/ group companies/ Directors
under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 against the (independent or execu�ve)/subsidiaries/assigns, under this or
Borrower or a Service Provider; any other agreement or other wri�ng between the Borrower
19.6. Any representa�on, warranty, declara�on, informa�on, or (including its/ their promoters/ affiliates/
statement confirmed or made or deemed to be made, by the agents/associates/group companies/Directors (independent
Borrower or a Security Provider in connec�on with any Facility or execu�ve) /subsidiaries/assigns) and AFPL or its
Document (including in connec�on with any Drawdown/ promoters/affiliates/subsidiaries, assigns or any group
u�liza�on) or in any no�ce, cer�ficate, or statement referred company, or under any other agreement or wri�ng of
to herein or delivered hereunder is false, inaccurate or Indebtedness of the Borrower or its/their
misleading in any respect when made or deemed to be made promoters/affiliates/agents/associates/group companies/
and such default is not cured within a period of 15 (fi�een) Directors (independent or execu�ve)/ subsidiaries/assigns,
days from the Borrower becoming aware of the aforesaid or not being paid when due or any creditor of the Borrower(s)(s)
the Borrower providing a no�ce to AFPL in this regard, or their promoters/ affiliates/ agents/ associates/group
whichever is earlier; there exists any circumstance which in companies/ Directors (Independent or
the opinion of AFPL jeopardizes or is likely to jeopardize the execu�ve)/subsidiaries/assigns becoming en�tled to declare
Security or the Guarantee or the Security depreciates in value any Indebtedness due and payable prior to the date on which
to such an extent that in the opinion of AFPL addi�onal it would otherwise have become due or any guarantee or
Security is required to be provided and the Borrower or the indemnity or collateral given or any other agreement entered
Security Provider fails to provide such addi�onal Security; into by the Borrower or their promoters/ affiliates/ agents/
19.7. Default by the Borrower in payment of amounts due to any associates/ group companies/ Directors (independent or
other lender(s), whether individually or in the aggregate, of execu�ve)/ subsidiaries /assigns not being honored when due
an amount no less than INR 25,000 (Indian Rupees Twenty- and called upon;
Five Thousand only); 19.20. A Default under one facility by the Borrower shall be
19.8. If the Borrower or the Security Provider ceases or threatens tantamount to default under all facili�es availed by the
to cease or carry on its business or profession or employment; Borrower and shall consequently result in
19.9. If the Borrower or the Security Provider suffers from cancella�on/termina�on of this Facility Agreement.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
19.21. Without prejudice to the rights available to AFPL under disclosed by AFPL to such service providers/third par�es. The
Applicable Law or under the provisions of Clauses on the Borrower hereby gives its consent to the disclosure by AFPL
occurrence of an Event of Default, AFPL shall be en�tled to to such service provider/third par�es confiden�al informa�on
exercise any or all of the following rights (whether rela�ng to the Borrower and disclaims any liability that may
simultaneously or otherwise), at its sole discre�on: arise by such disclosure by AFPL.
a) Accelerate and declare the Facility Obliga�ons
immediately due and payable; 21. REPOSSESSION OF SECURED ASSETS
b) Declare all undrawn amounts of the Facility as canceled
forthwith; 21.1. AFPL shall have the right to take possession of the Secured
c) Instruct any Person, who is liable to make any payment Asset from the Borrower for repayment of the Facility
to the Borrower, to make such payment directly to Obliga�ons and do such other acts as are specified in the
AFPL; Security Documents.
d) Enforce AFPL's rights under the Facility Documents,
21.2. AFPL may, in case of the Borrower's failure to voluntarily
including with respect to the Security Interest;
handover the possession of the Secured Assets in the manner
e) Invoke the Guarantee; or
f) S�pulate such other condi�ons or terms in rela�on to set forth in this Facility Agreement and the Security
the Facility Documents as AFPL considers necessary. Documents, approach any Authority for an order enabling it
g) AFPL may, at the risk and cost of the Borrower, engage to take possession of the Secured Asset by suitable ways
one or more Person(s) to collect the Borrower's either by way of:
outstanding and /or to enforce any security and may a) Appoin�ng a commissioner or receiver.
furnish to such Person the right and authority to b) By requiring the Borrower or the Security Provider to
perform and execute all acts, deeds, maters, and personally surrender the Secured Asset in favor of AFPL;
things connected therewith or incidental thereto as c) By compelling the Borrower to hand over possession
AFPL thinks fit. through the Authori�es.
h) AFPL may terminate this Agreement and the Facility d) Prior to the sale/auc�on of the Secured Asset, AFPL may
and/or call upon the Borrower to pay all the dues in
at its sole discre�on provide an opportunity to the
respect of the Facility.
Borrower to repay the Facility Obliga�ons.
i) All expenses incurred by AFPL, whether before or a�er
e) On taking possession of the Secured Asset as per the
an Event(s) of Default, which has occurred including in
connec�on with (i) Preserva�on and/or protec�on of, procedure men�oned above and in the Security
or enforcement ac�on against the Borrower's assets or Documents, it is discovered by AFPL that the Secured
the assets comprised within the security, if any, for the Assets are not maintained in the form as required by
Facility whether then or therea�er exis�ng and (ii) AFPL (except for wear and tear in the ordinary course),
Collec�on of amounts due shall be payable by the AFPL shall be at liberty to cause such repairs to be done
Borrower without any demur/protest/dispute. to the said Secured Asset as may be necessary to restore
it to proper order and condi�on, and the Borrower shall
20. DISCLOSURE be liable to pay AFPL the cost of such repairs.
Notwithstanding the repossession of the Secured Asset,
20.1. The Borrower agrees that AFPL may at its sole discre�on AFPL shall be en�tled to recover from the Borrower all
disclose and furnish informa�on regarding the Facility or the Charges up to the date of possession of the Secured
Borrower(s), its Guarantors, and their respec�ve directors, Asset and expenses incurred by AFPL and/or its
partners, shareholders, and promoters including accounts, representa�ves in obtaining possession of the Secured
business, or transac�ons of the Borrower with AFPL (including Asset. Without prejudice to this right, AFPL shall have
personal data/sensi�ve personal data) ("Customer the absolute right to dispose of the Secured Asset a�er
Informa�on") to any such person, including public at large, as possession, by sale or on hire, at any price or terms as it
it may deem fit, including but not limited to RBI, Credit may think fit without any no�ce or obliga�on to the
informa�on company, or any other agency, authority in their Borrower.
absolute discre�on may deem fit.
20.2. AFPL shall be en�tled to exercise this right of disclosure 22. INSURANCE
without being required to issue any further no�ce in this
respect to the Borrower. The Borrower hereby specifically 22.1. The Borrower shall insure the Secured Assets against any loss
waives the privilege of privacy, privity, and defama�on. or damage by the�, fire, lightning, earthquake, explosion, riot,
20.3. The Borrower acknowledges that certain services may be strike, civil commo�on, storm, tempest, flood, war risk, any
outsourced by AFPL to various service providers/third par�es other natural calamity, and such other risks as may be
and in pursuance of which Borrower informa�on may be determined by AFPL with an insurance company approved by

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
AFPL. The Borrower shall ensure that such insurance obtained en�tle AFPL to terminate/cancel this Facility. In such a case,
for the Secured Assets has been endorsed/ assigned to AFPL without prejudice to any other rights, AFPL may, with or
to the sa�sfac�on of AFPL such that AFPL will be en�tled to without no�ce, terminate this Facility Agreement and/or
claim under the policies. enforce any Security for the repayment of Facility Obliga�ons
22.2. The Borrower shall maintain such insurance throughout the and/or forthwith demand/ recall the Facility Obliga�ons by
con�nuance of the Security and deliver to AFPL copies of the the Borrower. However, if all the liabili�es and obliga�ons
renewal receipts and shall duly and punctually pay all premia incurred to the Borrower prior to the termina�on of this
and shall not do or suffer to be done or omit to do or be done Agreement or Facility by AFPL and were not sa�sfied by the
any act which may invalidate or avoid such insurance. Borrower then such liabili�es and obliga�ons of the Borrower
22.3. In case of loss, the amount of the claim will be first applied shall survive even a�er the termina�on of the Facility
towards the recovery of the Facility Obliga�ons, and the Agreement or the Facility by APFL.
excess, if any, shall be paid to the Borrower. The Borrower
shall be liable to pay the shor�all, if any forthwith. The 25.2. The Borrower shall not have the right to terminate this Facility
Borrower agrees that the Borrower shall be bound by any Agreement in any situa�on except with the writen consent of
setlements that AFPL may make with the insurance company AFPL to the effect that the en�re Facility Obliga�ons due to
regarding any claim and that their discharge to the insurance AFPL under this Facility Agreement have been paid in full.
company will be final and binding on him and AFPL will in
nowhere, be answerable to the Borrower in respect of the 25.3. Provided further that notwithstanding anything to the
said setlement. contrary contained in this Agreement, AFPL may at its sole
and absolute discre�on at any �me, terminate, cancel or
23. INSPECTION AND REMOVAL withdraw the Facility or any part thereof (even if no
disbursement is made) without any liability and without any
23.1. The Borrower hereby grants AFPL and/or shall cause the obliga�ons to give any reason whatsoever, whereupon all
Security Provider to grant an irrevocable license to enter upon principal monies, interest thereon and all other costs,
any premises for the purpose of inspec�ng, securing, or charges, expenses and other monies outstanding (if any) shall
repossessing the Secured Assets, any documents rela�ng to become due and payable to AFPL by the Borrower forthwith
the Secured Assets or any other Asset in which AFPL upon demand from AFPL.
possesses a Security Interest and the Borrower hereby agrees
and undertakes to give such right of inspec�on and 26. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION
possession to AFPL forthwith on demand (whether or not an
This Facility Agreement, Facility Documents, the security, and other
Event of Default has occurred).
documenta�on pursuant hereto and all obliga�ons arising out of or in
connec�on with them, shall be governed by the laws of India and
courts in the City of Mumbai. This shall not restrict AFPL to take
proceedings in any other court or forum or tribunal of competent
24.1. The Borrower shall maintain and keep up to date all books and
jurisdic�on or proceed against the Borrower under any law or
records required under Applicable Law and all relevant
accoun�ng records in which Borrower relates to its
commercial or trade or sale transac�ons. The Borrower 27. ARBITRATION AND OTHER DISPUTE RESOLUTIONS
authorizes AFPL or its authorized agents, to enter upon its MECHANISM
premises to inspect, verify, take copies of, or remove any of
the accoun�ng records or other documents rela�ng to the 27.1. Any dispute in connec�on with the interpreta�on,
Borrower's business or computer data on which accoun�ng performance, or termina�on of this Agreement and/ or the
records are recorded. other Facility Documents, or otherwise in connec�on with
this Agreement/ Facility ("Dispute") shall be referred to
25. TERMINATION arbitra�on under the Arbitra�on and Concilia�on Act, 1996,
as may be amended from �me to �me, or any re-enactment
25.1. The Borrower agreed and acknowledges that any thereof.
ac�on/omission on the part of the Borrower under this 27.2. The proceeding shall be condof a sole arbitrator to be
Facility Agreement, which cons�tutes a breach of any appointed mutually or as per any other applicable laws as may
provisions of this Facility Agreement including but not limited be no�fied/ amended by the virtue of which the Lender/AFPL
to the Occurrence of Event of Default(s) or breach of any of shall have the right to enforce this Agreement and other
the provisions of the Facility Document or it is found that the Facility Documents.
Borrower has/have made any misrepresenta�on to AFPL shall

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
27.3. The arbitra�on proceedings shall be conducted at Mumbai or 31. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE
any other loca�on as the Lender/AFPL may elect, in the
English language. The Par�es agree that damages may not be an adequate remedy and
27.4. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Par�es, the Par�es shall be en�tled to an injunc�on, restraining order, right
and enforceable in accordance with its terms. The arbitrators for recovery, specific performance, or such other equitable relief to
shall state reasons for their findings in wri�ng. The Par�es restrain the other Party from commi�ng any viola�on or enforcing
agree to be bound thereby and to act accordingly. the performance of the covenants, warran�es or obliga�ons
contained in this Facility Agreement.

28.1. No forbearance, indulgence, or relaxa�on by AFPL at any �me

32.1. AFPL may assign, transfer or novate any of its rights and
to require the performance of any provision of this Facility
obliga�ons under the Facility Documents to any Person and
Agreement shall in any way affect, diminish or prejudice the
such Person may enforce the obliga�ons of the Borrower
right of AFPL to require the performance of the same
under this Facility Agreement as if it had been named as 'AFPL
provision and any waiver or acquiescence by AFPL of any
in the Facility Documents. Notwithstanding any such
breach of any provision of this Facility Agreement shall not be
assignment or transfer, the Borrower shall, unless otherwise
construed as a waiver or acquiescence of any con�nuing or
no�fied by AFPL, con�nue to make all payments towards the
succeeding breach of such provisions. The rights of AFPL
Facility Obliga�ons to AFPL.
under this Facility Agreement may be waived only in wri�ng
32.2. The Borrower shall not be en�tled to assign or transfer its
and specifically. Delay in exercising or non-exercise of any
rights or obliga�ons under the Facility Documents without the
such right is not a waiver of that right.
prior writen consent of AFPL.



29.1. The Borrower irrevocably undertakes to pay forthwith on

33.1. Any no�ce, demand, request, or other communica�on to be
demand to AFPL all Taxes, costs, expenses, du�es including
given or made by a Party to the other shall be in wri�ng unless
stamp duty, Charges including CERSAI charges, etc. and any
otherwise stated. Such no�ce, demand, request, or other
other charges whatsoever men�oned in the Facility
communica�on shall be deemed to have been duly given or
made when it shall be sent by any of the following means: (a)
29.2. The Borrower acknowledges that the processing fee as
delivered personally, (b) sent by facsimile transmission, or (c)
men�oned in Schedule I shall be payable by the Borrower.
sent by registered post with acknowledgment due/speed
29.3. Any and all stamp du�es, legisla�on fees or other taxes/
post/courier (if for inland delivery) or interna�onal courier (if
levies, in respect of the Facility and/or in respect of the
for overseas delivery) sent by e-mail or any other
documents evidencing/ concerning the Facility and/or any
digital/electronic mode to a Party as specified in Schedule I of
penal�es that may be imposed, shall be borne and paid by the
this Facility Agreement.
Borrower alone. In the event the Borrower fails to make such
33.2. Any no�ce or communica�on given by the Borrower under or
payment, AFPL may at its sole and absolute discre�on make
in connec�on with any Facility Documents must be in English
such payments, in which event all such amounts paid by AFPL
language or if not in English language, it must be accompanied
will form part of the Facility Obliga�ons,
by a cer�fied English transla�on prepared by a translator
29.4. The Borrower shall bear, pay and reimburse to AFPL all costs,
iden�fied as an approved translator for the High Court of any
Charges, or expenses which AFPL shall cer�fy as having
State in India or another translator reasonably acceptable to
sustained or incurred by it as a consequence of the
AFPL, which transla�on shall be governing version between
occurrence of an Event of Default including all costs, charges,
the Borrower and AFPL.
and expenses of the legal advisors/atorneys of AFPL.
29.5. AFPL may at any �me and from �me to �me without prior
no�ce to the Borrower, add to, withdraw, or otherwise vary
the fees and charges payable in connec�on with the Facility.
34.1. Each provision of this Facility Agreement is severable. If any
provision of this Facility Agreement (or part of a provision) is
found by any court of competent jurisdic�on to be invalid,
AFPL reserves the right to alter, amend or revise any of these terms unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall remain in
and condi�ons and may no�fy the Borrower of any changes to terms force. If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision would
and condi�ons in any manner it considers appropriate. be valid, enforceable, or legal if some part of it were deleted
or modified, the provision shall apply with whatever

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
modifica�on is necessary to give effect to the commercial 38.2. In considera�on of AFPL permi�ng the same, the Borrower
inten�on of the Par�es. hereby irrevocably, confirms and undertakes to AFPL as
35. AFPL'S REMEDY 38.3. The AFPL shall be en�tled (without being bound to do so) to
rely upon the communica�ons provided through
35.1. Without prejudice to the aforesaid clause, AFPL's remedies electronic/digital Media (and believe the same to be
under this Facility Agreement or otherwise under Applicable genuine), for their requirements. In case of any ques�on as to
Law including termina�on of this Facility Agreement shall be whatever the communica�ons provided or received, the
several and cumula�ve and not in the alterna�ve. record of the electronic/digital media received by AFPL shall
35.2. The Borrower expressly agrees that nothing herein contained be treated as final, conclusive, and binding.
shall operate to prejudice the rights and remedies of AFPL in 38.4. The Borrower has ensured and shall ensure that the
respect of any other obliga�ons of the Borrower to AFPL or communica�ons provided through electronic/digital Media to
prejudice or affect any general or par�cular lien to which AFPL AFPL are provided by the Borrower and agrees and confirms
is en�tled to or operate to prejudice AFPL's right to remedies that AFPL shall not be responsible for conduc�ng any
in respect of any present or future Security(ies) or obliga�on verifica�on whatsoever in this regard.
given to AFPL by any other person for any indebtedness or 38.5. The Borrower confirms that AFPL shall not be bound to act in
liability of the Borrower. accordance with the whole or any part of the communica�ons
as it may appear in the Communica�ons so conveyed and the
36. FURTHER ASSURANCES same shall be at the sole risk of the Borrower.
38.6. AFPL shall not be liable for the consequences of any act or any
The Borrower shall execute and/or procure execu�on from such other refusal or omission to act or deferment of any ac�on by the
Persons as may be necessary, in favour of AFPL or any nominee of lender on the basis of the communica�ons through electronic
AFPL, any further/addi�onal/fresh deeds/documents, etc. wherever media.
required by AFPL to do so in respect of the Facility and the Security as 38.7. AFPL shall not be required to await receipt of the
men�oned herein. confirma�ons in wri�ng before taking any ac�on in
37. COUNTERPARTS connec�on with the communica�ons provided through any
electronic/digital media and the non-delivery and non-
This Facility Agreement may be executed in any number of conformity of such communica�ons in wri�ng shall not in any
counterparts, each of which taken together shall cons�tute one and manner prejudice the lender’s rights under this agreement or
the same instrument. otherwise.
38.8. AFPL may at any �me whatsoever without assigning any
38. ELECTRONIC MEDIA/DIGITAL MEDIA reason withdraw or modify or add the facility/ies provided to
the Borrower in rela�on to the communica�ons through
38.1. The Borrower hereby confirms, acknowledges, and agrees electronic/digital Media.
that the online or digital acceptance of this Facility Agreement 38.9. The Borrower is aware and confirms that the lender is
including any addendums, statements, terms, and condi�ons agreeing to act on any communica�ons provided through
hereto through the website, internet, digital media Electronic Media or the digital media
applica�ons, or web-based means results in a binding 38.10. The Borrower is aware and confirms that AFPL is agreeing to
contract between the par�es. The Borrower is aware that act on any communica�ons provided through
transmission of this Agreement, addendums to this electronic/digital media only by reason of, and relying upon
agreement, terms and condi�ons, instruc�ons, acceptance, the undertaking and indemni�es contained in Clause 17.
and communica�ons (“Communica�ons”) through
electronic/digital means such as e-mail, facsimile, SMS text 39. GENERAL CLAUSES
messaging, websites, mobile applica�ons (such as WhatsApp
or applica�ons of similar nature), online acceptance, etc. The Borrower agrees/confirms as follows:
(“Electronic/digital Media”) involves a number of risks
39.1. That the Borrower accepts the rates of Interest, Default
including fraudulent altera�ons and incorrect transmissions
Interest and its calcula�on method, other fees, Charges, and
and absence of confiden�ality. However, the Borrower is
all other amounts payable as per the terms of this Facility
desirous of receiving communica�ons from and providing
Agreement as reasonable and the Borrower have understood
communica�ons to AFPL through electronic/digital media for
the meaning of each term and financial implica�ons, amounts
various maters under this Agreement including in rela�on to
payable and liabili�es and obliga�ons created under this
the Facility/Loan and the opera�on thereof.
Facility Agreement. That the Borrower has read and
understood this Facility Agreement and, in the event, that the

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Borrower is illiterate and/or cannot read the English language,
the terms and condi�ons of this Facility Agreement have been The Borrower hereby confirms and acknowledges that the
read over, translated, and explained in detail in the vernacular Borrower has read, understood, agrees, and accepts all the above
language to the Borrower. terms and condi�ons men�oned in this Facility Agreement.
39.2. The Sanc�on Leter, Schedules hereto, and any amendments
thereof shall be deemed to be part of this Facility Agreement
as if the provisions thereof were set out herein in the

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST

Date: 08/10/2024

Name of the Regulated entity: Arthan Finance Pvt Ltd.


Sr.No. Particulars Details

(i) Loan amount (amount disbursed/to be disbursed to the borrower) (in Rupees) 500000.0

(ii) Total interest charge during the entire tenor of the loan (in Rupees) 380560 Excluding BPI

(iii) Other up-front charges, if any (in Rupees) 29783

(a) Processing fees, if any (in Rupees) 14750.0

(b) Insurance charges, if any (in Rupees) 12555

(c) Others (if any) (in Rupees) (details to be provided) 2478

(iv) Net disbursed amount ((i)-(iii)) (in Rupees) 470217 Excluding BPI

(v) Total amount to be paid by the borrower (sum of (i), (ii), and (iii)) (in Rupees) 910343 Excluding BPI

(vi) Annual Percentage Rate - Effective annualized interest rate (in percentage) 28.0

(vii) The tenor of the Loan (in months) 60

(viii) Repayment frequency by the borrower Monthly

(ix) Number of installments of repayment 60

(x) Amount of each installment of repayment (in Rupees) 14676

Details about Contingent Charges

(xi) Rate of annualized penal charges in case of delayed payments (if any) 2% + GST on overdue EMI

(xii) Rate of annualized other penal charges (if any); NA

Other disclosures
Cooling off/look-up period during which borrower shall not be
(xiii) 3 Days
charged any penalty on prepayment of the loan

Details of LSP acting as recovery agent and authorized to

(xiv) NA
approach the borrower
Name, designation, address, and phone number of nodal grievance redressal
(xv) Rupesh Kalokhe
officer designated specifically to deal with FinTech/ digital lending-related No. +91 8007339339
complaints/ issues Arthan Finance Pvt ltd
Andheri East Mumbai 59

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST

Date of Agreement 08/10/2024

Place of Agreement Anakapalli
Arthan Finance Private LimitedH.NO : 3-61/1,3rd Street saradanagar,Kothuru,Anakapalli (m) Anakapalli
Branch Address of AFPL District .AP -531001

Details of the Borrower(s)s:

Loan applicant type: Secure


H No 0-0,Chuchukonda,Near Saibaba Temple Chuchukonda Post,Yellamanchili Visakhapatnam
Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 531055

PAN & Aadhaar: PAN: DBEPP9168N Aadhaar: XXXXXXXX7223

Contact No/WhatsApp No.: 7036196172 Email id: [email protected]
Details of the Co-Borrower(s)/Co- applicant(s):
Co-Borrower 1 Name: Pentakota Nagalakshmi
H No 0-0,Chuchukonda,Near Saibaba Temple Chuchukonda Post,Yellamanchili Visakhapatnam
Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 531055
Co-Borrower 1 Address:

Co-Borrower 1 PAN & Aadhaar: PAN: Aadhaar: XXXXXXXX2151

Co-Borrower 1 Contact No 6302076272 Email id: [email protected]

Co-Borrower 2 Name:

Co-Borrower 2 Address:

Co-Borrower 2 PAN & Aadhaar: PAN: Aadhaar:

Co-Borrower 2 Contact No Email id:

Co-Borrower 3 Name:

Co-Borrower 3 Address:

Co-Borrower 3 PAN & Aadhaar: PAN: Aadhaar:

Co-Borrower 3 Contact No Email id:

Co-Borrower 4 Name:

Co-Borrower 4 Address:

Co-Borrower 4 PAN & Aadhaar: PAN: Aadhaar:

Co-Borrower 4 Contact No Email id:

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Details of the Guarantor(s):
Guarantor Name:

Guarantor Address:

Guarantor PAN & Aadhaar: PAN: Aadhaar:

Guarantor Contact No.: Email id:

Facility/Loan details:
Sr.No. Particulars Details
i. Loan application date and no Date: 27/09/2024 Application No: 2V1R-8KK5-TWER
ii. Sanction letter date and no. Date: 28/09/2024 SL No: SL_2V1R-8KK5-TWER
iii. Facility name Term Loan
iv. Sanctioned amount 500000.0
v. Tranches As per approval
vi. Disbursement Loan amount 500000.0
vii. Availability period NA
viii. Purpose of sanction Business Expansion
ix. Disbursement date As per actuals
x. Interest Rate
a. Type Fixed
b. Interest Rate in % 25.0
c. Arthan Finance PLR (For Floating Rate
of Interest
d. Spread (For Floating Rate of Interest) NA
xii. Rest/Intervals NA

xii. Default Charges 2% + GST on overdue EMI amount

xiii. Amount of PEMI As per repayment schedule

Repayment of Loan/Facility
1 Mode of Repayment Auto Debit/NACH
2 Term of Facility in months 60

3 Nature of Rollover Not Applicable

Number of Installments/EMIs / periodic repayment as decided by Arthan 60
Amount of Each Installments /EMI / or periodic amount of repayment as decided 14676
Pre EMI amount/BPI Applicable if disbursed after 20th of the
7 Due Dates 4th of Every Month
8 Date of commencement of installment As per repayment schedule
Security Interest
Sy No: 64, Assesment No 58, Dr No: 1-58, Chuchukonda, Munagapaka Mandal, Anakapalli
1 Primary Security address Dist - 531055. AP.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
2 Other Security

3 Pari Passu Security if any NA

Details of the Security being offered.
Sy No: 64, Assesment No 58, Dr No: 1-58, Chuchukonda, Munagapaka Mandal,
Address of the Property being offered as Anakapalli Dist - 531055. AP.
security, as per title deed(s):

List of title deeds/documents in relation to the Refer LOD Document

Property to be submitted
As per legal and vetting. Refer LOD Document
Details of guarantees (in case of Guarantees): NA
Details of other security being offered: NA

Charges/Fees (Please specify including/Excluding taxes)

Application Fees Rs. 1500 + (GST)
Processing Fee in % 2.5% + (GST)
During the term of the facility As per the schedule of charges please refer our website:
Default Charges 2% + GST on overdue EMI amount
Rs.750/- for loans up to 10 lakhs
Cheque Bounce Charges
Rs.1000/- for loans more than 10 lakhs
Cheque Swap Charges Rs.500 + (GST)
Collateral Swap Charges Rs.7500 + (GST) – Per Property
Retrieval of Documents (Loan Documents/Any Rs.3000 + (GST) – Per Property (For pre-closure loans only)
Other Loan Docs)
Prepayment/Foreclosure Charges As per the schedule of charges please refer to our website:
Loan Reschedule Charges As per the schedule of charges
Legal, Repossession & Incidental Charges As per the schedule of charges
ROC Lien updating Charges (wherever applicable) Rs.3000 + (GST)
CERSAI Charges Rs. 100/- per loan + (GST)
Arbitration Charges Rs. 10000/-
Loan Cancellation Interest applicable from the date of disbursal to the date of cancellation
Repossession and storage charges of assets As per the schedule of charges please refer to our website:


Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST

Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2,
Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400059.

Subject: (Credit / Loan Disbursement Request)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I/ We undersigned(s) refer to the Facility Agreement dated 08/10/2024 executed by us. I/ We hereby request you disburse the sanctioned
amount by a Demand Dra�/ Cheque/ Electronic/Digital transfer as per the below details:

Account Name Account No. Bank Name IFSC Code Amount

PENTAKOTA UMA MAHESWARA 13530100121863 FEDERAL BANK FDRL0001353 500000.0

Disbursement Amount in Words Five Lakh 500000.0

*I/We as borrowers of the Term Loan Facility hereby request the Lender to deduct the Processing Fee/Other Charges (Inclusive of
Taxes/RCU/Legal & Tech/ Cersai & other Fee/BPI/etc.) from the above total disbursement amount and I/we do not have any objection regarding
the same.
We request you to transfer the balance amount after all deductions as per the charge’s deduction letter to the above-mentioned banking details

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST

Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2,
Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400059.

Subject: (End Use Declara�on)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We thank you for sanc�oning the Facility Amount of Rs: 500000.0 /-

Sanc�on Leter Ref No. SL_2V1R-8KK5-TWER
Business Expansion
We hereby cer�fy that the amount disbursed under the said Facility shall be used for ________________________________

Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully.



Co-Borrower 1: Pentakota Nagalakshmi
Co-Borrower 2:
Co-Borrower 3:
Co-Borrower 4:

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST


ON DEMAND, I/We PENTAKOTA UMAMAHESWARARAO as Individuals having business/residence at

and hereby uncondi�onally and irrevocably (jointly and severally) promise to pay to Arthan Finance Private Limited, a company incorporated under the
provisions of Companies Act, 2013, a non-banking financial company registered under the Reserve Bank of India and having its registered office
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2 Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400059 ("AFPL") or order the sum of INR _ 500000.0 /-

(Indian Rupees Five Lakh only) together with

interest there on at the rate _____
25.0 per annum (Fixed) or such other rates which AFPL may specify, together with such other charges which AFPL

may specify from �me to �me in accordance with the Facility Agreement dated 08/10/2024 entered into between me/us and AFPL for value
received. Presentment for payment, no�ng, and protest of the note are hereby uncondi�onally and irrevocably waived.


Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2,
Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400059.

Dear Sir,
l/We _________________________________________________________________________ as Individual, having business/residence address at
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
and hereby enclose my Demand Promissory Note for INR ______________________
500000.0 /- Indian Rupees only, payable on demand which was given to Arthan

Finance Private Limited (AFPL) as security for the due repayment of the Facility Obliga�ons in respect of the Facility as granted by AFPL to me/us vide
Sanc�on Leter dated_____________
28/09/2024 earing Reference No. SL_2V1R-8KK5-TWER 08/10/2024 hereina�er referred to
and Facility Agreement dated______________
as the "Facility", notwithstanding the fact that the Facility may from �me to �me be reduced or ex�nguished, the inten�on being that the security
including the Demand Promissory Note shall be a con�nuing at all �mes for the due repayment of Facility Obliga�ons obtained by me and payable to AFPL

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2,
Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400059.

Subject: - Authoriza�on for upfront deduc�on of charges from the facility amount
Dear Sir/Madam,

We thank you for sanc�oning a facility of Rs. 500000.0 /- vide Sanc�on Ref No. SL_2V1R-8KK5-TWER

I/We hereby authorized AFPL to deduct Rs. 29783 /- Rupees against charges details men�oned below

Sr. No. Particular Amount

1 Insurance Premium incl GST 12555

2 Processing fees incl GST 14750.0

3 CERSAI incl GST 118

4 RCU incl GST 1180

5 Document handling charges incl GST 1180

6 Legal handling charges incl GST 0

7 Facility agreement stamp papers NA

8 Login fees incl GST 0

9 Broken period interest As per actuals

10 Advance EMI 0

11 Digital documentation charges 0

12 Other Charges 0.0

Total Amount 29783

I am fully aware of the above charges and we’ve no objec�on to deduc�ng the above total amount from our facility amount.
*Note – BPI amount differs basis the disbursement date and first EMI date, hence total deduc�on amount may vary.

Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Important Instruction:
• Cheque should be crossed as "Account Payee Only"
• The cheque should be drawn in favor of "Arthan Finance Private Ltd." only
• AFPL does not take responsibility for cheques left blank or drawn in favor of any name other than Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
• Please ensure that amount in words and figures are the same without any correction/alteration
• EMI cheques to be dated as per the due dates
Customer details

Cheque details
Cheque Number Ranging Purpose
Sr No. No. of Cheque Bank & Branch & Account No. (EMI/PEMI/SPDC)
From To
1 150639 150640 2 FEDERAL BANK Borrower SPDC

2 150636 150638 3 13530100121863 Borrower EMI

3 Co Borrower SPDC

4 Guarantor SPDC
I declare that, I have not given any cheques other than the ones mentioned above and all cheques are drawn in favour of "Arthan Finance
crossed "Account Payee Only".

Received By

Sales representative's name: Vemula Raja Varahalababu

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST

Purpose of loan: Business Expansion Loan of Rs. 500000.0 ROI in %: _____ 60

25.0 Tenor in months: _______

I / We hereby declare and confirm that as I / We am/are ** illiterate / not literate in English / blind/disabled and I / We cannot read/sign all the
terms and condi�ons of the aforesaid Agreement and the Facility Document(s) as s�pulated by the Lender, and the declara�ons and confirma�ons
of this leter have also been read and explained to me/us in Telugu Vemula Raja Varahalababu
by Mr. ___________ ___________________
an employee of the Lender and I / we have executed the Agreement and the Loan Document(s) a�er having fully understood all the terms and
condi�ons men�oned therein

I/ We hereby further declare and confirm that all the terms and condi�ons of sanc�on of the said Facility of Rs. 500000.0 /- and the Agreement
and Facility Document(s) and all other documents s�pulated by the Lender shall be binding on me / us un�l the clearance of the liabili�es under
said Facility. That the Agreement and the Facility Document(s) have been read out and explained to me in the language known to me.


I/We refer to the Facility Agreement dated 08/10/2024

___ vide which I/we have been sanc�oned/granted the subject loan/Facility by AFPL as per
the terms and condi�ons of the said Facility Agreement. I declare that I/we will not take undue benefit of discrepancies in the aforesaid document.
I/We hereby declare that below men�oned Name/DOB as per declared documents are same.

Particulars Name DOB

Borrower Details as per PAN PENTAKOTA UMAMAHESWARARAO 01-01-1973

Borrower Details as per Aadhaar Pentakcta Uma Maheswara Rao 01-01-1973

Borrower Details as per Other Document

Co Borrower 1 Details as per PAN Pentakota Nagalakshmi 01-01-1979

Co Borrower 1 Details as per Aadhaar Pentakota Nagalakshmi 01-01-1079

Co Borrower 1 Details as per Other Document

Co Borrower 2 Details as per PAN

Co Borrower 2 Details as per Aadhaar

Co Borrower 2 Details as per Other Document

Co Borrower 3 Details as per PAN

Co Borrower 3 Details as per Aadhaar

Co Borrower 3 Details as per Other Document

Co Borrower 4 Details as per PAN

Co Borrower 4 Details as per Aadhaar

Co Borrower 4 Details as per Other Document

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Schedule of Charges_w.e.f April 1, 2024

Secured and Balance Transfer (BT) Loans

Type of Transactions Charges

Application fee – Non-refundable ₹1770/- (Inclusive of taxes)

Stamp Duty Charges & MOE Charges On Actuals

Processing fees (In case BT — PF to be collected by way 2.50% of loan amount
of DD/NEFT/IMPS/UPI upfront)
CERSAI charge creation ₹ 100/- per loan
Document handling charges ₹ 1000/- per loan (to be check)
Legal search (for 13 years) and valuation charges ₹ 3000/- or Actuals for Odisha state
₹ 3500/- or Actuals for Maharashtra state
₹ 3000/- or Actuals for Andhra Pradesh state
Legal Handling Charges (only in Balance Transfer) ₹ 3000/-
Subsequent Valuation Charges (in case applicable) ₹ 2000/-
Document verification Charges (RCU) ₹ 1000/-
ROC Lien updating Charges (wherever applicable) ₹ 3,000/-
Statement of account ₹ 200/-
Loan Rebooking charges ₹ 2500/-
PDC/ ECS/ NACH Dishonour Charges (GST Not applicable) ₹ 750/- per instance
Field Visit Charges for follow up, collection of ₹ 350/- per visit
documents, overdue collection etc.
Cash collection and handling charges ₹ 350/- per instance
Recovery (Legal / Possession and Incidental Charges) On Actuals
Repayment Swapping charges (ECS/PDC/NACH) ₹ 500/-
List of Documents Charges (LOD charges) ₹ 1000/- per instance

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Type of Transactions Charges
Collateral swap charges ₹ 7500/- per property
Loan rescheduling Charges 2% on outstanding loan amount
Any other legal opinion / charges As Per Actual
Legal Charges ₹ 25,000/-
Pre-payment/Foreclosure is not allowed in first 12 Months EMI from the date of last disbursal
Pre-closure Letter/ Closure Letter/ Foreclosure Letter / ₹ 500/- per instance will be charged for each subsequent
Amortization Letter/ Any other type of Letter request.
Part payment charges 4% of amount paid
Default/Penal charges for delayed payment 2% + GST on overdue EMI amount
Loan EMI reschedule charges due to part payment ₹ 1000/-
Foreclosure charges 6% of principal outstanding
Duplicate NDC / NOC / No link letter / Any other documents ₹ 500/- per instance
Customer Notices for repayment (All types of notices) ₹ 750/- per instance
Arbitration charges ₹ 25,000/-
Type of Transaction Time Frame
NOC/No Dues of the loans 7 Working Days after receipt of closure/foreclosure/loan
outstanding with all dues and charges as per AFPL of the
particular loan account(s)
Original documents retrieval after realization of closure payment 21 Working Days from date of issuance of No dues certificate.
and any other documents to customer
The Standard TAT for Issuing SOA/Foreclosure/List of 15 Working Days from the date of request
Documents (LOD) to customers

Note - Charges stated herein are exclusive of G.S.T., Other government taxes and levies as applicable from time to time.
All Charges stated above are subject to change at the discretion of ARTHAN FINANCE Private Limited.
Updated / Amended SoC will be available at (may be change as per company polices and as and
when required).

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST

Branch Name Anakapalli Date: 28/09/2024



H No 0-0,Chuchukonda,Near Saibaba Temple Chuchukonda Post,Yellamanchili Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Andhra
Communication Address: Pradesh 531055

Mobile no: 7036196172

Email ID: [email protected]

We are pleased to inform you that we have considered the request made by you and have accordingly sanc�oned a Credit Facility subject to
condi�ons and special condi�ons if any, men�oned herein below.

1 Nature of Facilities Term Loan (Secured)

2 Name of Co-Borrower 1 Pentakota Nagalakshmi

I. Name of Co-Borrower 2
II. Name of Co-Borrower 3
III. Name of Co-Borrower 4
3 Name of Guarantor
4 Sanctioned Amount 500000.0

5 Validity of Sanction letter 30 Days

6 Availability period of Draw Down 90 Days
7 Purpose of loan Business Expansion

8 Interest Type Fixed

9 Interest rate (%) 25.0

10 Processing Fees (%) 2.5 % + 18% GST on PF

11 Tenure (In months) 60

12 Moratorium (In months) NIL

13 Insurance Premium 12555

15 Repayment mode NACH/CHQ

16 EMI frequency Monthly
17 EMI cycle Or Instalment cycle 4th of Every month
18 EMI amount 14676


Repayment account & Bank Bank Name : FEDERAL BANK

Name A/C No : 13530100121863
IFSC : FDRL0001353
20 Part Payment charges 4% of principle outstanding and foreclosure charge 6% of principle outstanding

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
21 Default Charges 2% + GST on overdue EMI amount
22 Type of Collateral Residential
Sy No: 64, Assesment No 58, Dr No: 1-58, Chuchukonda, Munagapaka Mandal, Anakapalli
23 Primary Security Dist - 531055. AP.

24 Other Security

25 Legal documents As per applicable

26 Credit conditions Refer to Annexure V
27 The benefit of the moratorium will not be eligible.
Disbursement shall be subject to clearance of title search report and positive legal opinion
Standard BT process to be followed for taking over of existing loan in case of Balance
List of Documents (LOD) and foreclosure letter required before disbursement in case of
Standard Conditions Balance Transfer (if applicable)
Subject to positive CPV, RCU report, CERSAI check.
Proposer self-attestation required on provided documents.
Execution of all the documents in the format as specified by the AFPL.
Collateral offered to be insured and Arthan Finance Pvt. Ltd. (AFPL) reserve right to
deduct Insurance premium from loan amount.
28 All the assets of the borrower provided as security to AFPL to be covered under
comprehensive insurance with exclusive hypothecation lien mark on the policy note covering
the entire value of the assets funded including transit insurance policy with Hypothecation
Insurance (wherever applicable) as AFPL.
A certified true copy of the insurance policy to be given to AFPL

For Arthan Finance Private Limited

Authorized Signatory
Name : Sudhakar________________________________________

Designa�on : Branch Credit Manager


I/We accept the above terms and condi�ons (All applicant. Co-applicant and Guarantor to sign below)

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
RBI Guideline - Pruden�al Norms on Income Recogni�on, Asset Classifica�on and Provisioning dated 12th Nov 2021 and 15th Feb 2022

To ensure customers are aware of the due date of the repayment as well as the classifica�on of the loan account in the event of non-payment of over
dues, some of the most important terms and condi�ons of the loan are being elaborated as under:

 The amount, if it is not paid on or before the due date or at the due date as per the sanc�on leter, shall render the Borrower liable to pay
delayed payment charges as men�oned in the schedule of charges and the Borrower’s account shall be classified as Special Men�on Account
(SMA) or Non-Performing Asset (NPA) immediately on default as below:

Loans other than revolving facilities Loans in the nature of revolving facilities like cash credit/overdraft
SMA Sub- Basis for classification – Principal or SMA Sub- Basis for classification – Outstanding balance remains
categories interest payment or any other amount categories continuously in excess of the sanctioned limit or drawing
wholly or partly overdue power, whichever is lower, for a period of:

SMA -0 Upto 30 days - -

SMA-1 More than 30 days and upto 60 days SMA-1 More than 30 days and upto 60 days
SMA-2 More than 60 days and upto 90 days SMA-2 More than 60 days and upto 90 days
NPA More than 90 days NPA More than 90 days

 Illustra�on:

Due date Particular Overdue days Classification date Classification

March 31, 2021 Amount due not paid in full Upto 30 days March 31, 2021 SMA -0
Amount still continues to remain overdue More than 30 days and up to 60 days April 30, 2021 SMA -1
Amount still continues to remain overdue More than 60 days and up to 90 days May 30, 2021 SMA -2
Amount still continues to remain overdue More than 90 days June 29, 2021 NPA

 The SMA accounts are special-men�oned accounts as per RBI guidelines signifying stress in the borrower’s repayment behavior and are required
to be reported to RBI.
 Once the loan is classified as an NPA, it shall remain so un�l the en�re overdue amount has been paid. The account will be upgraded to a
standard asset on payment of the en�re overdue amount i.e. there should be 0 (zero) outstanding in the account.
 All payments received by the company before it runs the day-end process will be recognized for the above purpose.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Annexure V: Credit Conditions
01) Applicant last 03 months Bank Statement Required before Final u0026 Applicant Live Photo Required Before Final
Applicant last 03 months Bank Statement Required before Final u0026 Applicant Live Photo Required Before Disbursement

General Terms
1. The sanction of the above-mentioned facility and all the terms and conditions mentioned in this sanction letter are subject to the
execution of a facility agreement and other documents in writing (“Facility Documents”) as Arthan Finance Private Limited (AFPL) may
specify in the prescribed formats.
2. The Sanction letter intends to summarize certain basic terms of the facility and the facility documents and does not reflect an agreement
between the AFPL and the borrower in relation to the facility.
3. The facility documents shall contain additional terms and conditions which have not been set out in this sanction letter and the facility
documents shall be read together with the terms and conditions specified in this Sanction letter.
4. All the charges including legal, incidental expenses, valuation, inspection, legal search, CERSAI, ROC charges, insurance expenses, stamp
duty, Taxes, and out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the proposed facility shall be borne by the borrower. AFPL reserves the right
to file ROC charges with MCA, if not done within 30 days from the date of the loan facility.
5. Notwithstanding anything contained in this sanction letter or otherwise, the sanction of the facility mentioned overleaf is at the sole
discretion of AFPL and the terms and conditions in relation to the facility are subject to modification and /or cancellation and/or
repayment to AFPL, at the sole discretion of AFPL, on demand without assigning any reasons for the same.
6. The sanction of the facility is subject to the borrower having provided all such information and documents to AFPL as set may be required
by AFPL from time to time or as may be required under the Facility Documents.
7. This Sanction letter shall stand revoked/cancelled and shall be rendered absolutely null and void if:
a) There is any material change in the purpose(s) for which the facility has been sanctioned.
b) In the sole judgment of AFPL, any material facts have been concealed and/or become subsequently known.
c) Any statement, declaration, undertaking, or disclosure made by, or on behalf of the borrower in the application or otherwise is incorrect,
inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading.
d) There is a default or a breach of the terms and conditions of this Sanction letter, the facility documents, or any other loan/ Facility offered
by AFPL or its group company to the borrower or any of the Co-borrower / guarantors.
e) The legal/technical / valuation report is not satisfactory to AFPL.
f) Failure to create or perfect the security in accordance with the terms of the Sanction letter or the Facility documents.
g) If there is any winding up or insolvency proceeding against the borrower.
h) Relevant documents are not executed by the Borrower as per AFPL’s policy and format
8. AFPL reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without assigning any reason and with such notice as AFPL may deem reasonable to the
Borrower, to modify, vary, delete, or add to the terms and conditions, or to terminate the said facility and Facility documents, at any time,
and to recall any or all of the amounts due under the said facilities. All amount due in respect of the said facility shall become payable
forthwith on such demand.
9. AFPL adopts an interest rate/pricing methodology based on various risks associated with the type of facility, cost of funds, tenor of loan,
type & value of Security, facility amount, etc. Further, AFPL periodically reviews the rate of interest and product features offered by it
with those offered by its competitors. For a borrower, credit information, internal rating along with other factors like the borrower’s
source of income, professional experience, etc. Accordingly, the applicable rate of interest may be different for categories of borrowers
and may differ from one facility to other facilities.
10. The borrower hereby accepts that there may be a time lag between the disbursement of the facility and the payment being received by
them. The borrower further agrees and undertakes that they will pay the interest and charges as set out in the facility documents on the

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
disbursed facility amount for such period and he will not claim for any type of refund.
11. If applicable, the borrower shall create and perfect security interest as may be required by AFPL from time to time and shall immediately
intimate AFPL in the event of any change, damage or deterioration of such security. AFPL reserves the right to call for alternate or
additional security anytime during the tenure of the facility. The opinion of AFPL on the fitness/Acceptability of any property as security
shall be final, conclusive, and binding on the borrower. The borrower shall, if required by AFPL, obtain and maintain such insurance for
the Secured assets (At its cost and expenses) required to be secured under the facility documents.
12. The borrower shall not undertake, assign, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of any of the fixed assets charged with AFPL.
13. The borrower shall not create any further charge, lien, or encumbrance on the assets/properties funded by AFPL / charge created by us
without our written approval.
14. The borrower undertakes that in case insurance of secured assets is not done by the borrower before the due date, APFL shall be at liberty
to do the same at the borrower’s cost, risk and expenses.
15. If the facility is foreclosed in full within 1 year from the date of the last part payment, full foreclosure charges will be levied not only on
the amount outstanding at the time of foreclosure but also for the amount which is paid as part payment.
16. AFPL shall not charge foreclosure charges/part payment penalties on all floating rate term loans sanctioned to the individual borrower.
17. The borrower further agrees and undertakes that the full and final foreclosure/termination statement/letter will take at least 15 working
days from the date of receipt of the request.
18. The security documents will be returned back to the borrower / authorized representative in 25 working days from the date of receipt of
the full and final termination/foreclosure amount.
19. The property is in the possession of the borrower. No third-party interest, including license/tenancy rights, has been created or will be
created without our prior written permission.
20. The property is free from any court/municipal proceedings / all disputes, charges, taxes litigation, and attachment anywhere in India.
21. AFPL reserves the right to deny any facility foreclosure/termination request received during the lock-in-period (as defined under the
Facility documents) or in case AFPL allows foreclosure/termination of loan during the lock-in-period, AFPL reserves the right to charge
interest on the facility for the period up to the completion of the lock-in- period.
22. AFPL reserves the right to deny any facility foreclosure/termination request received during the lock-in-period (as defined under the
Facility documents) or in case AFPL allows foreclosure/termination of loan during the lock-in-period, AFPL reserves the right to charge
interest on the facility for the period up to the completion of the lock-in- period
23. AFPL may in its sole discretion on such terms as pre-payment charges etc. as it may prescribe, permit, pre-payment/Acceleration in the
payment of EMIs at the request of the borrower, provided that AFPL may, in permitting such pre-payment, also specify from time to time,
the minimum amount of prepayment/ amounts payable on account of acceleration of EMI. In the event of AFPL permits any
prepayment/acceleration, the repayment schedule for the facility shall be amended/altered by AFPL for giving effect to such
prepayment/acceleration, and such amended/altered repayment schedules shall be binding upon the Borrower. In case any amount is
prepaid by the borrower, the same shall be adjusted first towards, incidental charges, additional / default interest, Pre-EMI interest,
outstanding EMIs, EMI of the current month, and balance towards the principal dues.
24. All the facilities sanctioned to the borrower shall be subject to AFPL’s rules as well as the directive issued by the Reserve Bank of India,
from time to time.
25. APFL may at its sole discretion disclose information regarding the facility, facility documents, or the borrower, its guarantors, etc. to any
person including government authority, RBI, CIBIL, other Bureaus, or any third party, etc.
26. TDS deduction – Gross Interest would be paid on the facility of AFPL. Borrower shall provide a TDS certificate on a quarterly basis to AFPL
and only upon receipt of such TDS certificate shall APFL be required to refund any TDS amounts to the borrower within 3 business days.
In the event the borrower is paying the net amount, an undertaking to the effect that the borrower will provide a TDS certificate to AFPL
on a quarterly basis, shall be provided by the borrower. However, in the event of a TDS certificate not being provided within the agreed
time frame of 3 months, AFPL reserves the right to debit the amount to the borrower’s facility account and the same shall stand as
outstanding and recoverable along with default interest (wherever applicable?)
27. Notwithstanding the issuance of this sanction letter and the acceptance thereof, AFPL may decide to not disburse the facility, repudiate
and rescind this sanction letter unilaterally without assigning any reasons.
28. This sanction letter is confidential and the property/assets of AFPL and neither this document nor the contents hereof shall be
communicated to or used with the AFPL’s prior written approval.
29. The borrower permits AFPL to generate CIBIL, other agencies, or credit information companies as notified or authorized by RBI, and do
other due diligence of the borrower from time to time during the tenure of the loan.
30. The sanction letter shall be governed by the law of India and the borrower and AFPL shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts
in Mumbai. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the borrower acknowledges and agrees that AFPL may, however, in its absolute discretion
commence any legal action or proceedings arising out of this Sanction letter and facility
31. Lock Up/Cooling Off Period: The Borrower may opt to close this facility within 1 day in case the tenure of the facility is less than 7 days
and within 3 days if tenure is 8 days or more without paying the principal and the proportionate APR without any pre-payment penalty if
any, applicable as mentioned in the Sanction Letter or Schedule of Charges. The cooling off/look-up period: is the period during which the
Borrower has the option not to continue with the facility and cancel the facility.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Loan Application Form

Loan Application Type Secure

Purpose of Loan Business Expansion Branch Name Anakapalli

Fresh/Existing Branch Channel Application No 2V1R-8KK5-TWER

Loan Amount Requested 500000 Application Date 27/09/2024

Guarantor Offered No Tenure (In Months) 60

Business Details
Business Name UMA DAIRY FORM

Date of Incorporation 2015-01-01

Constitution Individual Business Type Manufacturing

Approx. Annual Turnover 1872000 PAN No.

Industry Segment Agri_food_and_Beverages Udyam No UDYAM-AP-15-0019952

Industry Sub-Segment Dairy Business

Business Address as per business STREET,anakapalli,ANAKAPALLI,ANDHRA PRADESH,531055

Borrower Personal Details Date of Birth 01-01-1973


Gender Male Nationality Indian

Education Level Others Marital Status Married

Religion Hindu Mobile Number 7036196172

H No 0-0,Chuchukonda,Near Saibaba Temple Chuchukonda Post,Yellamanchili Visakhapatnam
Current Address as per Geo Tagging Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 531055

H No 0-0,Chuchukonda,Near Saibaba Temple Chuchukonda Post,Yellamanchili null Visakhapatnam

Permanent Address Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 531055

Proof of Identity DBEPP9168N Proof of address XXXXXXXX7223

Co-Borrower 1 Personal Details Date of Birth 01-01-1979

Full Name Pentakota Nagalakshmi

Relationship with Borrower Spouse Mobile Number 6302076272
Proof of Identity Proof of address XXXXXXXX2151

Co-Borrower 2 Personal Details Date of Birth

Full Name
Relationship with Borrower Mobile Number

Proof of Identity Proof of address

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Co-Borrower 3 Personal Details Date of Birth
Full Name
Relationship with Borrower Mobile Number
Proof of Identity Proof of address
Co-Borrower 4 Personal Details Date of Birth
Full Name
Relationship with Borrower Mobile Number
Proof of Identity Proof of address
Guarantor Personal Details Date of Birth
Full Name
Relationship with Borrower Mobile Number
Proof of Identity Proof of address

Borrower Co Borrower 1 Co Borrower 2 Co Borrower 3

Co Borrower 4 Guarantor Any Other Any Other

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST
Office Use Only Documents received

Service Provider/Partner Name and Employee Code 0603

Code details Employee Name Vemula Raja Varahalababu

Security Details
Sy No: 64, Assesment No 58, Dr No: 1-58, Chuchukonda, Munagapaka Mandal, Anakapalli Dist - 531055.
Property Address

Name Of Property Owner NAGALAKSHMI


I/We hereby declare that all the particulars and information furnished in the application form/or captured in the digital application form are
true, correct, complete, and up-to-date in all respects. I/We have not withheld any information. I/We confirm that I/we had no insolvency
proceedings initiated against me/us, nor have I ever been adjudicated insolvent and further confirm that I/We have read and understood the
That the application fee, processing fees, and other charges are non-refundable and my/our application being rejected by AFPL for any reason
whatsoever or the same being withdrawn by me, I/We shall not be entitled to the refund I/We are aware of the rate of Interest charged by
Arthan Finance Private Limited (AFPL).
I/We understand that AFPL reserves the right to retain the photographs and documents submitted with this application will not be returned
back to me/us in any conditions. The sourcing channel has not collected any cash or cheque from me/us. I/We confirm that the funds shall be
used for the stated purpose and will not be used for speculative and antisocial
I/We also authorize AFPL or its agent to make references and inquiries related to the information in this application which AFPL considers
necessary. I/We also authorize AFPL to disclose the given information and data herein to any external agency, Government Authorities, Bank,
FI'’s, central KYC Registry, Credit Bureau, etc. for the purpose of verification and appraisal of the loan AFPL. I/We should not hold AFPL liable
for the use of this information.
I/We undertake to inform AFPL regarding any change in my residence/employment/occupation/transfer and to provide any other information
that AFPL may require. I/We further agree that my Loan shall be governed by the rules of AFPL which may be in enforce from time to time.
AFPL reserves the right to reject any application without providing any reason. I/We undertake to bear processing, service, documentation
charges, and any other charges as stipulated by AFPL from time to time.
I/We agree, note and understand that AFPL shall be entitled at its sole discretion to call back, the entire Loan/advance whether due and payable
or not at any time, without assigning any reason enforcing its rights, remedies, and securities. AFPL employees, agents and their associates
may contact me/us via phone, email with information or through other communication modes on new products or services for top-up loans
or for selling third-party products for EMI / other payment reminders and assist me using any of AFPL new offerings or offerings from the
business partners irrespective of the outcome of this application.
I/We confirm that laws in relation to the unsolicited communication referred to in the “National Do Not Call Registry” (the NDNC Registry) as
laid down by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Ltd will not be applicable for such communication/calls/SMS received from AFPL, its
employees, agents and/or associates. I/We understand that the tenure/repayment/interest/other terms and conditions of the loan are subject
to changes as a consequence to any changes in the money market conditions or on account of any other statutory or regulatory requirements
or at the AFPL discretion.
I/We have carefully read and understood or I/We have had explained in English or the ((Language)) (regional) language understood by me /us,
the terms and conditions of availing finance/ loan or credit facility from AFPL. I/We have no objection to give the documents required as per
KYC guidelines issued by RBI.

Borrower Co-Borrower(s) Guarantor (s) Arthan Finance PVT. LTD.

CB-1 CB-2 CB-3 CB-4

Signed by: PENTAKOTA Signed by: Pentakota

eSigned using Aadhaar ( eSigned using Aadhaar
Date: 2024-10-08 11:41:50 IST (
Date: 2024-10-08 11:34:21 IST

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