Digital - P Uma Maheswararao
Digital - P Uma Maheswararao
Digital - P Uma Maheswararao
THIS FACILITY AGREEMENT (hereina�er referred to as "Facility Agreement") is executed at the place and on the date set out in Schedule I.
Arthan Finance Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 and registered with the Reserve Bank of India as a non-
banking financial company, has its registered office at 302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2 Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400059
(hereina�er referred to as "AFPL" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, mean and include successors and
assigns) of the ONE PART;
The person(s) specified as the Borrower and Co-Borrower(s) in Schedule I to this Facility Agreement (hereina�er collec�vely referred to as the
“Borrower”, which expression shall unless the context otherwise requires includes legal heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and permited
assigns) of the SECOND PART
a) AFPL is a non-banking finance company and is inter alia, engaged in the business of providing credit facili�es of various types to micro and
small enterprises.
b) The Borrower has requested the AFPL to grant the credit Facility (as defined hereina�er) to the Borrower, relying on the representa�ons,
warran�es, and covenants made by the Borrower herein, the Lender/AFPL agrees to grant the Facility to the Borrower, subject to the terms
and condi�ons of this Agreement and the other Facility Documents (as defined hereina�er).
NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY 7. “Borrower(s)” means each Person named as a Borrower in
AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS UNDER: Schedule I and includes any person named as Co-Borrower or
the Co-Applicant(s)
1. DEFINITIONS &INTERPRETTIONS 8. “Business Day” means a day on which Branch, or such other
1.1. DEFINITIONS office as may be no�fied by APFL is open for normal business
1. “Agreement” means this Facility Agreement and any transac�ons.
amendment made thereto from �me to �me by the Par�es 9. “Charges” shall mean and include all commissions,
hereto for the grant of facility read in conjunc�on with the commitment charges, Prepayment/foreclosure charges,
Sanc�on Leter. Processing Fees, upfront fees and other costs, expenses, and
2. “Addi�onal Security” means such addi�onal security as may fees (including legal fees, stamp du�es, periodic valua�on
be provided by the security provider in addi�on to the Security costs, inspec�on costs, and insurance expenses) incurred by
(as defined hereina�er) created under the respec�ve security AFPL and/ or its Affiliates, nominees and/ or agents, arising out
documents. of or in connec�on with the Facility including the charges set
3. “Assets” means all assets and proper�es of whatsoever nature out in Schedule I of this Facility Agreement.
both present and future, including but not limited to, 10. “Co-Borrower or Co-Applicant(s)” means the Person named as
investments, account receivables, trade receivables, book- such in Schedule I atached hereto.
debts, bills, commissions, cashflows, revenues including rights, 11. “Default Charges” means all costs, penal�es, fees, charges,
benefits, interests, and �tle thereto. fines, and expenses (including legal fees, stamp du�es,
4. “Authority” means and includes any (a) court, tribunal; (b) periodic valua�on costs, inspec�on costs, and other expenses)
government-owned body, department, commission, authority, arising out of or in connec�on with a default in payment of all
tribunal, agency, en�ty, statutory body, or central bank (c) or any part of the Facility Obliga�ons.
na�onal, suprana�onal, regional, central, state, city, municipal 12. “Default Interest Rate” means the rate at which APFL shall
or local government, governmental authority or poli�cal compute and apply Interest on all amounts not paid by the
subdivision thereof, having or purpor�ng to have jurisdic�on; Borrower(s)when due for payment (or reimbursement) by the
or (d) any agency or instrumentality of any of the authori�es Borrower(s)(s) to APFL, as stated in the Schedule/ Sanc�on
referred to in (a), (b) or (c) above, which exercises execu�ve, Leter or as may be amended from �me to �me by APFL in its
legisla�ve, judicial, regulatory, or administra�ve func�ons. sole discre�on.
5. “Authoriza�on” means and includes any authoriza�on, 13. “Differen�al Interest” means Interest at the rate indicated in
consent, approval, resolu�on, license, exemp�on, filing, the schedule I atached hereto on the disbursed loan amount
registra�on, and notariza�on. from the date of disbursement to the date of commencement
6. “Availability Period” means the availability period as of Installments.
men�oned in Schedule I, subject to any extension agreed to
by AFPL in wri�ng from �me to �me.
a) Breach by it of the Applicable Law or the Authoriza�ons; Without prejudice to the other rights of AFPL under this Facility
b) Poten�al Event of Default; Documents or Applicable Law, the Borrower hereby agrees to
c) Any change in Control of the Borrower or any change or indemnify and keep indemnified and hold harmless AFPL, AFPL's
altera�on in the capital structure of the Borrower or any Affiliates, nominees and agents, their officers, directors, and
scheme of amalgama�on or recons�tu�on or employees (each an Indemnified Party) from and against any losses,
implementa�on of a new scheme of expansion or the
claims, ac�ons, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses
Borrower taking up an allied line of business or
incurred including atorneys' and accountants' fees (collec�vely
manufacture or any change in the general nature of its
business; "Losses") incurred by the AFPL in rela�on to this facility, as result of
d) Any li�ga�on, arbitra�on, inves�ga�ve or administra�ve ac�on/inac�on/omission of the Borrower including as a result of third
proceeding which is current, pending, or threatened, party claims.
which has or could reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect;
e) Breach of any covenant, representa�on, or warranty or any In case the AFPL so requires, the Borrower agrees to procure a
covenant, representa�on, or warranty given by the
guarantor or guarantee executed by such person as required by the
Borrower in connec�on with the Facility has or will become
AFPL and in the form and manner to the sa�sfac�on of the AFPL.
incorrect or misleading (including by omission);
f) Breach by the Borrower with respect to obtaining, 19. EVENT OF DEFAULT
compliance with, and maintaining all material consents,
approvals, and authoriza�ons, and compliance with all If the Borrower shall fail to carry out and perform any of the
material regulatory and other requirements as specified by obliga�ons under this Agreement or commit a breach of any of the
any Authority, from �me to �me; terms hereof or of the Sanc�on Leter/Security Documents / Facility
Date: 08/10/2024
(i) Loan amount (amount disbursed/to be disbursed to the borrower) (in Rupees) 500000.0
(ii) Total interest charge during the entire tenor of the loan (in Rupees) 380560 Excluding BPI
(iv) Net disbursed amount ((i)-(iii)) (in Rupees) 470217 Excluding BPI
(v) Total amount to be paid by the borrower (sum of (i), (ii), and (iii)) (in Rupees) 910343 Excluding BPI
(vi) Annual Percentage Rate - Effective annualized interest rate (in percentage) 28.0
(xi) Rate of annualized penal charges in case of delayed payments (if any) 2% + GST on overdue EMI
Co-Borrower 2 Name:
Co-Borrower 2 Address:
Co-Borrower 3 Name:
Co-Borrower 3 Address:
Co-Borrower 4 Name:
Co-Borrower 4 Address:
Guarantor Address:
Facility/Loan details:
Sr.No. Particulars Details
i. Loan application date and no Date: 27/09/2024 Application No: 2V1R-8KK5-TWER
ii. Sanction letter date and no. Date: 28/09/2024 SL No: SL_2V1R-8KK5-TWER
iii. Facility name Term Loan
iv. Sanctioned amount 500000.0
v. Tranches As per approval
vi. Disbursement Loan amount 500000.0
vii. Availability period NA
viii. Purpose of sanction Business Expansion
ix. Disbursement date As per actuals
x. Interest Rate
a. Type Fixed
b. Interest Rate in % 25.0
c. Arthan Finance PLR (For Floating Rate
of Interest
d. Spread (For Floating Rate of Interest) NA
xii. Rest/Intervals NA
Repayment of Loan/Facility
1 Mode of Repayment Auto Debit/NACH
2 Term of Facility in months 60
Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2,
Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400059.
I/ We undersigned(s) refer to the Facility Agreement dated 08/10/2024 executed by us. I/ We hereby request you disburse the sanctioned
amount by a Demand Dra�/ Cheque/ Electronic/Digital transfer as per the below details:
*I/We as borrowers of the Term Loan Facility hereby request the Lender to deduct the Processing Fee/Other Charges (Inclusive of
Taxes/RCU/Legal & Tech/ Cersai & other Fee/BPI/etc.) from the above total disbursement amount and I/we do not have any objection regarding
the same.
We request you to transfer the balance amount after all deductions as per the charge’s deduction letter to the above-mentioned banking details
Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2,
Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400059.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully.
may specify from �me to �me in accordance with the Facility Agreement dated 08/10/2024 entered into between me/us and AFPL for value
received. Presentment for payment, no�ng, and protest of the note are hereby uncondi�onally and irrevocably waived.
Arthan Finance Private Ltd.
302, 3rd floor, Building No. 2,
Star Hub, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai 400059.
Dear Sir,
l/We _________________________________________________________________________ as Individual, having business/residence address at
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __
and hereby enclose my Demand Promissory Note for INR ______________________
500000.0 /- Indian Rupees only, payable on demand which was given to Arthan
Finance Private Limited (AFPL) as security for the due repayment of the Facility Obliga�ons in respect of the Facility as granted by AFPL to me/us vide
Sanc�on Leter dated_____________
28/09/2024 earing Reference No. SL_2V1R-8KK5-TWER 08/10/2024 hereina�er referred to
and Facility Agreement dated______________
as the "Facility", notwithstanding the fact that the Facility may from �me to �me be reduced or ex�nguished, the inten�on being that the security
including the Demand Promissory Note shall be a con�nuing at all �mes for the due repayment of Facility Obliga�ons obtained by me and payable to AFPL
Subject: - Authoriza�on for upfront deduc�on of charges from the facility amount
Dear Sir/Madam,
We thank you for sanc�oning a facility of Rs. 500000.0 /- vide Sanc�on Ref No. SL_2V1R-8KK5-TWER
I/We hereby authorized AFPL to deduct Rs. 29783 /- Rupees against charges details men�oned below
10 Advance EMI 0
I am fully aware of the above charges and we’ve no objec�on to deduc�ng the above total amount from our facility amount.
*Note – BPI amount differs basis the disbursement date and first EMI date, hence total deduc�on amount may vary.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully.
Cheque details
Cheque Number Ranging Purpose
Sr No. No. of Cheque Bank & Branch & Account No. (EMI/PEMI/SPDC)
From To
1 150639 150640 2 FEDERAL BANK Borrower SPDC
3 Co Borrower SPDC
4 Guarantor SPDC
I declare that, I have not given any cheques other than the ones mentioned above and all cheques are drawn in favour of "Arthan Finance
crossed "Account Payee Only".
Received By
I / We hereby declare and confirm that as I / We am/are ** illiterate / not literate in English / blind/disabled and I / We cannot read/sign all the
terms and condi�ons of the aforesaid Agreement and the Facility Document(s) as s�pulated by the Lender, and the declara�ons and confirma�ons
of this leter have also been read and explained to me/us in Telugu Vemula Raja Varahalababu
by Mr. ___________ ___________________
an employee of the Lender and I / we have executed the Agreement and the Loan Document(s) a�er having fully understood all the terms and
condi�ons men�oned therein
I/ We hereby further declare and confirm that all the terms and condi�ons of sanc�on of the said Facility of Rs. 500000.0 /- and the Agreement
and Facility Document(s) and all other documents s�pulated by the Lender shall be binding on me / us un�l the clearance of the liabili�es under
said Facility. That the Agreement and the Facility Document(s) have been read out and explained to me in the language known to me.
Note - Charges stated herein are exclusive of G.S.T., Other government taxes and levies as applicable from time to time.
All Charges stated above are subject to change at the discretion of ARTHAN FINANCE Private Limited.
Updated / Amended SoC will be available at (may be change as per company polices and as and
when required).
We are pleased to inform you that we have considered the request made by you and have accordingly sanc�oned a Credit Facility subject to
condi�ons and special condi�ons if any, men�oned herein below.
I. Name of Co-Borrower 2
II. Name of Co-Borrower 3
III. Name of Co-Borrower 4
3 Name of Guarantor
4 Sanctioned Amount 500000.0
24 Other Security
Authorized Signatory
Name : Sudhakar________________________________________
I/We accept the above terms and condi�ons (All applicant. Co-applicant and Guarantor to sign below)
To ensure customers are aware of the due date of the repayment as well as the classifica�on of the loan account in the event of non-payment of over
dues, some of the most important terms and condi�ons of the loan are being elaborated as under:
The amount, if it is not paid on or before the due date or at the due date as per the sanc�on leter, shall render the Borrower liable to pay
delayed payment charges as men�oned in the schedule of charges and the Borrower’s account shall be classified as Special Men�on Account
(SMA) or Non-Performing Asset (NPA) immediately on default as below:
Loans other than revolving facilities Loans in the nature of revolving facilities like cash credit/overdraft
SMA Sub- Basis for classification – Principal or SMA Sub- Basis for classification – Outstanding balance remains
categories interest payment or any other amount categories continuously in excess of the sanctioned limit or drawing
wholly or partly overdue power, whichever is lower, for a period of:
The SMA accounts are special-men�oned accounts as per RBI guidelines signifying stress in the borrower’s repayment behavior and are required
to be reported to RBI.
Once the loan is classified as an NPA, it shall remain so un�l the en�re overdue amount has been paid. The account will be upgraded to a
standard asset on payment of the en�re overdue amount i.e. there should be 0 (zero) outstanding in the account.
All payments received by the company before it runs the day-end process will be recognized for the above purpose.
General Terms
1. The sanction of the above-mentioned facility and all the terms and conditions mentioned in this sanction letter are subject to the
execution of a facility agreement and other documents in writing (“Facility Documents”) as Arthan Finance Private Limited (AFPL) may
specify in the prescribed formats.
2. The Sanction letter intends to summarize certain basic terms of the facility and the facility documents and does not reflect an agreement
between the AFPL and the borrower in relation to the facility.
3. The facility documents shall contain additional terms and conditions which have not been set out in this sanction letter and the facility
documents shall be read together with the terms and conditions specified in this Sanction letter.
4. All the charges including legal, incidental expenses, valuation, inspection, legal search, CERSAI, ROC charges, insurance expenses, stamp
duty, Taxes, and out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the proposed facility shall be borne by the borrower. AFPL reserves the right
to file ROC charges with MCA, if not done within 30 days from the date of the loan facility.
5. Notwithstanding anything contained in this sanction letter or otherwise, the sanction of the facility mentioned overleaf is at the sole
discretion of AFPL and the terms and conditions in relation to the facility are subject to modification and /or cancellation and/or
repayment to AFPL, at the sole discretion of AFPL, on demand without assigning any reasons for the same.
6. The sanction of the facility is subject to the borrower having provided all such information and documents to AFPL as set may be required
by AFPL from time to time or as may be required under the Facility Documents.
7. This Sanction letter shall stand revoked/cancelled and shall be rendered absolutely null and void if:
a) There is any material change in the purpose(s) for which the facility has been sanctioned.
b) In the sole judgment of AFPL, any material facts have been concealed and/or become subsequently known.
c) Any statement, declaration, undertaking, or disclosure made by, or on behalf of the borrower in the application or otherwise is incorrect,
inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading.
d) There is a default or a breach of the terms and conditions of this Sanction letter, the facility documents, or any other loan/ Facility offered
by AFPL or its group company to the borrower or any of the Co-borrower / guarantors.
e) The legal/technical / valuation report is not satisfactory to AFPL.
f) Failure to create or perfect the security in accordance with the terms of the Sanction letter or the Facility documents.
g) If there is any winding up or insolvency proceeding against the borrower.
h) Relevant documents are not executed by the Borrower as per AFPL’s policy and format
8. AFPL reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without assigning any reason and with such notice as AFPL may deem reasonable to the
Borrower, to modify, vary, delete, or add to the terms and conditions, or to terminate the said facility and Facility documents, at any time,
and to recall any or all of the amounts due under the said facilities. All amount due in respect of the said facility shall become payable
forthwith on such demand.
9. AFPL adopts an interest rate/pricing methodology based on various risks associated with the type of facility, cost of funds, tenor of loan,
type & value of Security, facility amount, etc. Further, AFPL periodically reviews the rate of interest and product features offered by it
with those offered by its competitors. For a borrower, credit information, internal rating along with other factors like the borrower’s
source of income, professional experience, etc. Accordingly, the applicable rate of interest may be different for categories of borrowers
and may differ from one facility to other facilities.
10. The borrower hereby accepts that there may be a time lag between the disbursement of the facility and the payment being received by
them. The borrower further agrees and undertakes that they will pay the interest and charges as set out in the facility documents on the
Business Details
Business Name UMA DAIRY FORM
Security Details
Sy No: 64, Assesment No 58, Dr No: 1-58, Chuchukonda, Munagapaka Mandal, Anakapalli Dist - 531055.
Property Address
I/We hereby declare that all the particulars and information furnished in the application form/or captured in the digital application form are
true, correct, complete, and up-to-date in all respects. I/We have not withheld any information. I/We confirm that I/we had no insolvency
proceedings initiated against me/us, nor have I ever been adjudicated insolvent and further confirm that I/We have read and understood the
That the application fee, processing fees, and other charges are non-refundable and my/our application being rejected by AFPL for any reason
whatsoever or the same being withdrawn by me, I/We shall not be entitled to the refund I/We are aware of the rate of Interest charged by
Arthan Finance Private Limited (AFPL).
I/We understand that AFPL reserves the right to retain the photographs and documents submitted with this application will not be returned
back to me/us in any conditions. The sourcing channel has not collected any cash or cheque from me/us. I/We confirm that the funds shall be
used for the stated purpose and will not be used for speculative and antisocial
I/We also authorize AFPL or its agent to make references and inquiries related to the information in this application which AFPL considers
necessary. I/We also authorize AFPL to disclose the given information and data herein to any external agency, Government Authorities, Bank,
FI'’s, central KYC Registry, Credit Bureau, etc. for the purpose of verification and appraisal of the loan AFPL. I/We should not hold AFPL liable
for the use of this information.
I/We undertake to inform AFPL regarding any change in my residence/employment/occupation/transfer and to provide any other information
that AFPL may require. I/We further agree that my Loan shall be governed by the rules of AFPL which may be in enforce from time to time.
AFPL reserves the right to reject any application without providing any reason. I/We undertake to bear processing, service, documentation
charges, and any other charges as stipulated by AFPL from time to time.
I/We agree, note and understand that AFPL shall be entitled at its sole discretion to call back, the entire Loan/advance whether due and payable
or not at any time, without assigning any reason enforcing its rights, remedies, and securities. AFPL employees, agents and their associates
may contact me/us via phone, email with information or through other communication modes on new products or services for top-up loans
or for selling third-party products for EMI / other payment reminders and assist me using any of AFPL new offerings or offerings from the
business partners irrespective of the outcome of this application.
I/We confirm that laws in relation to the unsolicited communication referred to in the “National Do Not Call Registry” (the NDNC Registry) as
laid down by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Ltd will not be applicable for such communication/calls/SMS received from AFPL, its
employees, agents and/or associates. I/We understand that the tenure/repayment/interest/other terms and conditions of the loan are subject
to changes as a consequence to any changes in the money market conditions or on account of any other statutory or regulatory requirements
or at the AFPL discretion.
I/We have carefully read and understood or I/We have had explained in English or the ((Language)) (regional) language understood by me /us,
the terms and conditions of availing finance/ loan or credit facility from AFPL. I/We have no objection to give the documents required as per
KYC guidelines issued by RBI.