74628bos60479 FND cp11 U1
74628bos60479 FND cp11 U1
74628bos60479 FND cp11 U1
Subsidiary Foreign
Company company
Holding Private
Company company
limited Tyes of Public
by Companies Company
Compnay Listed
of Profit
and Loss
Notes to
The never-ending human desire to grow and grow further has given rise to the expansion of
business activities, which in turn has necessitated the need to increase the scale of operations
so as to provide goods and services to the ever-increasing needs of the growing population
of consumers. Large amount of money, modern technology, large human contribution etc. is
required for it, which is not possible to arrange under partnership or proprietorship. To
overcome this difficulty, the concept of ‘Company’ or ‘Corporation’ came into existence.
While the invention of steam power ignited the human imagination to build big machines for
the mass production of goods, the need to separate the management from ownership gave
birth to a form of organisation today known as ‘company’.
Company form of organisation is one of the ingenious creations of human mind, which has
enabled the business to carry on its wealth creation activities through optimum utilisation of
resources. In course of time, a company structure has become an important institutional form
for business enterprise, which has carved out a key place for itself in the field of business
operations as well as in the wealth-generating functions of society.
In the same manner, Lord Justice Hanay has defined a company as “an artificial person created
by law with a perpetual succession and a common seal”.
A common thread running through the various definitions of ‘company’ is that it is an
association of persons created by law as a separate body for a special purpose. At the same
time, definitions have laid down certain characteristics of a corporate organisation, which
make it out as a separate and unique organisation which enables the people to contribute
their wealth to the capital of the company by subscribing to its shares and appointing elected
representatives to carry out the business.
7. Not a citizen: A company is not a citizen in the same sense as a natural person is,
though it is created by the process of law. It has a legal existence but does not enjoy
the citizenship rights and duties as are enjoyed by the natural citizens.
8. Transferability of Shares: The capital is contributed by the shareholders through the
subscription of shares. Such shares are transferable by its members except in case of a
private limited company, which may have certain restrictions on such transferability.
9. Maintenance of Books: A limited company is required by law to keep a prescribed set
of account books and any failure in this regard attracts penalties.
10. Periodic Audit: A company has to get its accounts periodically audited through the
chartered accountants appointed for the purpose by the shareholders on the
recommendation of board of directors.
11. Right of Access to Information: The right of the shareholders of a company to inspect
its books of account, with the exception of books open for inspection under the
Statute, is governed by the Articles of Association. The shareholders have a right to
seek information from the directors by participating in the meetings of the company
and through the periodic reports.
(a) Has a place of business in India whether by itself or through an agent physically or
through electronic mode; and
ii. Except in case of One Person Company limits the number of its members to two
Provided that where two or more persons hold one or more shares in a company
jointly, they shall, for the purposes of this sub-clause, be treated as a single member:
Provided further that—
(A) Persons who are in the employment of the company; and
(B) persons who, having been formerly in the employment of the company, were
members of the company while in that employment and have continued to be
members after the employment ceased,
shall not be included in the number of members; and
(iii) Prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any securities of the company.
Shares of a Private Company are not listed on Stock Exchange.
4. Public Company
Section 2(71) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines Public Company as a company which—
(a) is not a private company; and
capital requirements will now apply for incorporating private as well as public companies in
the members may respectively undertake to contribute to the assets of the company in the
event of its being wound up.
11. Holding Company
According to Section 2 (46) of the Companies Act, 2103, “Holding company”, in relation to
one or more other companies, means a company of which such companies are subsidiary
12. Subsidiary Company
Section 2(87) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines “subsidiary company” as a company in which
the holding company:
(i) Controls the composition of the Board of Directors; or
(ii) Exercises or controls more than one-half of the total share capital either at its own or
with one or more of its subsidiary companies.
A company shall be deemed to be a subsidiary company of the holding company even if there
is indirect control through the subsidiary company (ies). The control over the composition of
a subsidiary company’s Board of Directors means exercise of some power to appoint or
remove all or a majority of the directors of the subsidiary company.
Financial Statements as per Section 2(40) of the Companies Act, 2013, inter-alia include -
i. A balance sheet as at the end of the financial year;
ii. A profit and loss account, or in the case of a company carrying on any activity not for
profit, an income and expenditure account for the financial year;
iii. cash flow statement for the financial year;
Provided that the financial statement, with respect to One Person Company, small
company and dormant company, may not include the cash flow statement.
Requisites of Financial Statements
It shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the
financial year.
Provisions Applicable
(1) Specific Act is Applicable
For instance, any
Balance Sheet as per Form set out in Part I of Schedule III and Statement of Profit and
Loss as per Part II of Schedule III.
Compliance with Accounting Standards
As per Section 129 of the Companies Act, it is mandatory to comply with accounting standards
notified by the Central Government from time to time.
Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013
As per Section 129 of the Companies Act, 2013, Financial statements shall give a true and fair
view of the state of affairs of the company or companies and comply with the accounting
standards notified under Section133 and shall be in the form or forms as may be provided for
different class or classes of companies in Division I of Schedule III under the Act.
Name of the Company…………………….
Balance Sheet as at………………………
(` in…………)
1. Non-current assets
a. i. Property, Plant and Equipment xxx xxx
ii. Intangible assets (H) xxx xxx
iii. Capital Work-in-progress xxx xxx
iv. Intangible assets under development xxx xxx
b. Non-current investments (I) xxx xxx
c. Deferred tax assets (Net) xxx xxx
d. Long-term loans and advances (J) xxx xxx
e. Other non-current assets xxx xxx
2. Current assets
a. Current investments (K) xxx xxx
b. Inventories (L) xxx xxx
c. Trade receivables xxx xxx
d. Cash and cash equivalents (M) xxx xxx
e. Short-term loans and advances xxx xxx
f. Other current assets xxx xxx
Total xxx xxx
v. Revaluation reserve
vi. Surplus; the balance as per profit and loss statement
vii. Other reserves (specify the nature and purpose)
Long term borrowings can be classified under the following sub-heads:
i. Bonds/Debentures
ii. Term loans
v. Publishing titles
vi. Copyrights, patents and other intellectual property rights, services and operating
It can be classified as follows:
i. Investments in equity instruments
1. ‘Company’ is termed as an entity which is formed and incorporated under the
Companies Act, 2013 or an existing company formed and registered under any of the
previous company laws.
2. Salient features of a company include: Incorporated Association; Separate Legal Entity;
Perpetual Existence; Common Seal; Limited Liability; Distinction between Ownership
and Management; Not a citizen; Transferability of Shares; Maintenance of Books;
Periodic Audit; Right of Access to Information.
5. Under Schedule III of the Companies Act, assets and liabilities are to be disclosed based
6. Schedule III of the Companies Act prescribes the format and content of
(c) Schedule I.
(a) Inventories.
11. Earnings per share (EPS) is to be disclosed in which of the following section of the
financial statements
Theory Questions
1. Explain salient features of a company in brief.
2. Write short note on:
(i) Foreign company.
(ii) Small company.
(iii) Company limited by guarantee.
True and False
1. False: Listed companies are those which are listed on the stock exchange. Shares of
listed companies are open to general public. Every listed company is a public company
but every public company is not a listed company.
2. True: Only the shares of public company are listed on stock exchange. Every listed
company is a public company.
6. True: Liability of shareholders is limited to the extent of the unpaid share capital. So,
if shares are fully paid-up, he is subject to no further liability.
7. False: Shares of public company are freely transferable. Transferability of shares is
restricted in a private limited company.
8. True: Financial statements give a true & fair view of the state of affairs of the company.
Financial statements include profit and loss account, balance sheet, etc.
Theoretical Question
1. Refer para 1.3 of this unit for salient features of a company.
2. (i) Foreign Company
According to Section 2 (42) of the Companies Act, 2103, “Foreign company”
means any company or body corporate incorporated outside India which –
(a) Has a place of business in India whether by itself or through an agent
physically or through electronic mode; and
(b) Conducts any business activity in India in any other manner.
(ii) Small Company
Section 2(85) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines “Small company” means a
company, other than a public company.
(i) paid-up share capital of which does not exceed four crores rupees or
such higher amount as may be prescribed which shall not be more than
ten crore rupees; or
(ii) turnover of which as per its last profit and loss account for the
immediately preceding financial year does not exceed forty crores
rupees or such higher amount as may be prescribed which shall not be
more than hundred crore rupees.
Provided that nothing in this clause should apply to: