Mam Tin:
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges across the globe.More than just
a health crisis, it has resulted in an educational crisis. In a few years, the spirit ofvolunteerism
reached an unexpected peak which led the program to the communities throughBrigada Eskwela.
Sir Arjay:
The practice of this program is essential to the school community as it saves and provides
resources on the part of the school to prepare students for future success.Good morning to each
and every one! I am Arjay Ian S. Noval
Mam Tin:
And I am Maria Kristina B. Quiap, and welcome to…
The Division
Mam Tin:
That’s right sir and today signifies the years of hard work and take onchallenges life may bring
with wisdom and resilience.At this juncture, to give us words of welcome, let’s hear our Public
Schools DistrictSupervisor of Maria Aurora East, Mr. Domingo R. Uera.-Thank you
so much Sir. And now to warm our hearts with hopeful words of inspiration,let us
give a big hand for the pillar of Schools Division of Aurora, our School DivisionSuperintendent,
Dr. Catalina P. Paez CESO V.
Sir Arjay:
Thank you so much, Ma’am for that
inspiring message.At this very moment, let’s do the groove; stretch our muscles and a bit of
dance move.Put your hands together with Zumba Dos for their intermission number!
Sir Arjay:
Thank you, Zumba Dos for that energetic performance!
You know partner, in zumba dancing, “coordination” is very important. You need tomove as one
in order to have an outstanding performance for the audience.Same goes with DepEd’s Brigada
Eskwela Program.Without unity and cooperation, attaining our goal will not be possible. That’s
why it isimportant for us to act as “one” to strengthen the relationship of DepEd
and stakeholdersin providing quality education for our learners.
Mam Tin:
That’s so true sir Arjay!And as a matter of fact, for every program of the Department of
Education, one cannotdeny the utmost support from our National and Local Government Units.
They proved tous the true meaning of “dedication and commitment”.At this very moment, we
will hear messages of support for the 2022 Brigada Eskwelafrom Private and Local Government
Unit leaders starting off with the Municipal Mayorof Maria Aurora, Hon. Ariel S. Bitong.
Sir Arjay:
Thank you Mayor Ariel for your unending support. Now to
introduce our keynote speaker for this momentous event, let’s give it up forMaria Aurora Central
School principal, Mrs. Gliceria C. Geneta.
Mam Tin:
Thank you Governor Christian Noveras
We are fortunate today that we are joined with the provincial officials of the province of Aurora
as he shares his supportiveheart to us. Let’s give him another round of applause.
Sir Arjay:
The Department of Education offers program that provides the necessaryeducational
interventions for students with certain exceptionalities.-The idea of multiple
intelligences leads to new ways of thinking about students who havespecial gifts and
talents.-At this very moment, we will witness a special number from unexceptional
talent fromMACS SPED Class.With a warm round of applause, lend your ears to Jerielyn S.
Mam Tin:
That definitely deserves a big hand!Truly, gifted children are exceptional children, each with
their own innate capacity toexcel… We just need to guide and continue to support their
gifts.Once again, thank you Jerielyn!On the other hand, we are truly blessed that in the province
of Aurora, support doesn’t just come alone from the Government. It had proven that working
together makes thework more meaningful.
May we here a response to Call of Action from the Local Officials starting with theMunicipal
vice Mayor of Maria Aurora, Hon. Amado M. Geneta!
Sir Arjay:
Thank you so much Vice Mayor Geneta.Another message will be heard from another supportive
official from the LGUCommittee on Education, Hon. Rhiza G. Silvestre.Let’s give her a warm
round of applause!Thank you so much Ma’am!This Brigada Eskwela will never be a success
without our partners from the Philippine National Police especially in terms of man power and
security.To respond to the call of action, let’s hear it from
Police Lieutenant Alex A. Lobres
,OIC Chief-PNP Maria Aurora
Mam Tin:
Thank you, sir! We truly appreciate your unending support to our programs.-Brigada
Eskwela forces us to evaluate willingness of the members of the community toserve
when we they called for.-Through the initiative of the school heads, stake holders from
religious sector and private partners are given the opportunity to contribute resources and be
a part of the solution.- T o d a y , w e w i l l h e a r a n o t h e r m e s s a g e a s r e s p o n s e t o t h e
c a l l o f a c t i o n f r o m a representative of religious sector; let’s give a hand for Pastor Daisy
S. Gonzales, Pastorof United Methodist Church.
Sir Arjay:
Once again, thank you Pastor. At this very moment, we will hear message ofsupport from the
PTA President of Maria Aurora Central School, Mrs. Maribelle D.Avellaneda.- T h a n k y o u ,
our beloved stakeholders for your untiring support and commitment.
Mam Tin:
To break the monotomy of the program, ladies and gentlemen cheer up for theZumbasters, as
they will render their intermission number!
Mam Tin:
Thank you once again, Zumbasters! I really love their smiles partner, as they perform! We are
well-known for our ability to smilethrough our troubles and to find something to laugh about
even in trying times... Even on theoutbreak of pandemic, Filipinos still find a reason to smile,
to be happy and stay positive nomatter the circumstances.-We have come to one of the most
significant parts of this event; the signing of 2022Brigada Eskwela Commitment Wall.
May we invite our Education partners:-
Gov. Christian M. Noveras
Daisy S. Gonzales-
MACS GPTA President Representative
: Mrs. Maribelle D. Avellaneda-
Bureau of Fire Protection Representative
MDRRM RepresentativePSDS of Baler:
Mam Marietta Alviar
Ma.Aurora East:
Sir Domingo R. Uera
Maria Aurora West:
Dr. Edelwinda Montero
San Luis District:
Sir Ernesto Dela Torre
Dipaculao South District:
Dr. Vivian Carpio
Dipaculao North:
Dr. Teresita Gonzales
Dinalungan District:
Mam Jocabeth Amatorio
Mam Karen Garcia
Dilasag District:
Dr. Asuncion Bitong
Dingalan District:
Sir. Raymundo David Jr.- I n v i t e d D i s t r i c t E d u c a t i o n P a r t n e r s & o u r G u e s t
Officials to do the honor…
Sir Arjay:
Thank you dear stakeholders!-Thank you for creating a safe learning environment
for the learners, teaching andnonteaching personnel, and community for the achievement of
quality basic education!-As we are about to close our program, to give us the Closing
Remarks and message ofgratitude, here is the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Dr.
Danilo M. Jacoba!- T h a n k y o u s o m u c h s i r !
EXTRO:Mam Tin:
Thank you for gracing the ocassion. Your presence is much appreciated!Brigada Eskwela allows
us to understand that “if we are willing, we can become a part ofthe change we want to see- THE
Sir Arjay:
That’s right Mam. Because “team work, makes the dream work. Once again, Iam Arjay Ian S.
Mam Tin:
And I am Maria Kristina B. Quiap.
Brigada Eskwela: Tugon sa Hamon ng Ligtas na Balik-
Aral _____________________________________________________________________
To capture the precious memory of this event, we will proceed to the Photo Opportunityto be led
by the SDO Aurora Key Officials, Guests Officials and Education partners.