Template JRIE
Template JRIE
Template JRIE
An abstract of maximum 250 words was requred for
any submitted manuscript. Abstract was written
using Garamond-11. It was written narratively
Received :
containing at least background of study, aims and
Revised :
scope of paper, method, and summary of result or
Accepted :
finding. It was written in 1 paragraph. Each
Keywords: first manuscripts should have 3 to 6 Keyword written
keyword, second under the abstract. The keywords should help
keyword, third audience search the relevant literature to their
keyword interest
The introduction is a little different from the short and
concise abstract. The reader needs to know the background to your
research and, most importantly, why your research is important in
this context. The purpose of the Introduction is to stimulate the
reader's interest and to provide pertinent background information
necessary to understand the rest of the paper. You must summarize
the problem to be addressed, give background on the subject,
discuss previous research on the topic, and explain exactly what the
paper will address, why, and how. Please explore in more words the
background of your paper and your current research position among
other research on related themes. You should discuss here as well
your research’s relations with those of other researchers; literature
review, especially on most relevant, newly academic works published
E-ISSN: 2685-3337
Copyright © 2019 Journal of Research in Islamic Education
in high reputation journals, is a must. Please try to answer at
question: why you believe that your research question is such an
important to answer, how you think your answer would be a
contribution to the existing scholarship on the subject and how the
novelty of your article give a contribution. Here you may discuss
every aspect of the issue. It is necessary to build argument and to
provide original data discussed and compared to research and works
of other scholars. In other words, the way to discuss an issue here is
by combining the data and the discussion. So, it is not recommended
to separate merely data description from the analysis on it. Every
quotation is written down in a specific way that can be identified as a
“quotation” different from your original text. Then desrcibe your
purpose of this research.
1. Begin the Introduction by providing a concise background
account of the problem studied.
2. State the objective of the investigation. Your research objective
is the most important part of the introduction.
3. Establish the significance of your work: Why was there a need
to conduct the study?
4. Introduce the reader to the pertinent literature. Do not give a
full history of the topic. Only quote previous work having a
direct bearing on the present problem. (State of the art,
relevant research to justify the novelty of the manuscript.)
5. State the gap analysis or novelty statement.
6. Clearly state your hypothesis, the variables investigated, and
concisely summarize the methods used.
7. Define any abbreviations or specialized/regional terms.
In the Method section, you explain clearly how you conducted
your research order to: (1) enable readers to evaluate the work
performed and (2) permit others to replicate your research. You must
describe exactly what you did: what and how experiments were run,
Baron, R. A. (1977). Human Aggression. Boston, MA: Springer US.
Pretest M xx xx
SD xx xx
Posttest M xx xx
SD xx xx
t1 xx xx
p1 xx (<0,05) xx (<0,05)