Chemistry: (Four Diff Ways of Molecule Can Be Presented:)

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REPORTER: Steph&lean
Organic Compound- are chemical structures that
contain carbon atoms bonded to other element
like Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen.

[four diff ways of molecule can be presented:] Figure7.1 filing the diagram for energy sublevels.
-molecular formula
The order of sublevel filing is arranged according to
increasing energy/ Electrons first fill the 1s sublevel
-structural formula
followed by 2s,2p,3s,3p,4s,3d,5s,4d,5p and 6s.

Electronic configuration is the orderly distribution of

electron among the orbital of an atom.
-condensed structure
Electronic configuration of atoms are determined by
distributing the electrons among levels, sublevels,
-skeletal formula and orbital based on a set of stated principles.

Knowing the relative energies of the orbital makes

the determination of electronic configurations easier.
Hydrocarbons - Compounds containing only Figure7.2 shows the relative energies of the various
carbon and hydrogen. energy levels,sublevels ,and orbital.
Alkanes- hydrocarbons with only single bonds
between carbon atoms.
Alkenes- hydrocarbons with double bonds
between carbon atoms.
Alkynes- hydrocarbons with triple bonds between
carbon atoms. Figure 7.2 orbital energy diagram
Aromatic compound- compounds containing a
Figure 7.2 shows the arrangement of the atomic
benzene ring ( six carbon atoms in a ring with
orbital in the order of increasing energy. Each box in
alternating double bond).
the diagram represents an orbital. In each energy
level, the s-orbital always has the lowest energy,
followed by the p,d and f. energies of the different
levels begin to overlap above the 3p. as you might
have noticed, the 4s has lower energy than 3d.

When electrons occupy available orbital with the

lowest energy, they are said to be in the “ground

FUNCTIONAL GROUP – Groups of atom that give Ground state is the lowest, most stable
organic compound a specific properties. energy, state of atom.

Electrons normally exist in the ground state.

Applying the three(3) principles, the location of the
electrons can easily be predicted.

The Aufbau Principle

In filling up orbital, the Aufbau principle is observed.
The Aufbau principle states that electrons are added
one at a time to the lowest energy orbital available
until all the electrons of the atom are accounted for.
If you can recall, the number of electrons in a neutral
atom equals the atomic number of the element. For
ELECTRONIC FIGURE sodium, with an atomic number of 11, its ground
state configuration must account for 11 electrons. second electron spins clockwise (by convention,
Figure 7.3 shows the displacement of the 11 the first electron is shown as an arrow
electrons of sodium in the proper atomic orbital 3. Electrons are said to be paired, if two electrons
with opposite spins occupy an orbital (a);
unpaired, if a single electron is present in the
orbital (b).

Figure 7.3 Ground state configuration of sodium (An atomic

orbital usually represented by a circle (0) but to save on Spin is a quantum property of electrons. Two
space, a horizontal diagram is used)
possibilities for electron spin are shown with their
associated magnetic fields. The two electrons
Beyond the second energy level, the filling up of with opposing spins have magnetic fields that
orbital does not follow a simple patter due to the cancel, thus resulting in zero net magnetic field
overlapping of energies as shown in Figure 7.3. for the electron pair.
Where the 4s orbital is filled first before the 3d
orbital. Figure 7.4 shows the mnemonic device used
as a guide in the filling of orbital.

Figure7.5: Electron spin with their associated magnetic fields.

Hund's Rule
Hund's Rule that "when electrons occupy orbital
of equal energy, one electron enters each orbit
until all the orbital contains one electron with
(The order is as follows: parallel spins ↑↑↑.
1s,2s,2p,3s,3p,4s,3d,4p,5s,4d,5p,6s,4f,5d,6p,7s,5f,6d, Second electrons then add to each orbital pairing
7p) the spins of the first electrons↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓.

To llustrate , carbon with an atomic number of 6 will

account for 6 electrons. The order if filling the orbital
will be;

The orbital notation for carbon will be:

2 2 1 1 0 Some elements do not follow the regular pattern of
1 s 2 s 2 px 2 py 2 px filling the orbital due to the stability factor: Filled
Or simply, 1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p2 energy sublevels are more stable than partially-filled
energy sublevels. Half-filled orbital though are more
Pauli Exclusion Principle
stable than other configurations.
Pauli exclusion principle states that "no two
electrons can occupy the same quantum
state simultaneously in an atom"
This simply means that "no two electrons in the Table 7.2 shows the first four energy levels, the
same atom can share all four quantum numbers" number of orbitals and maximun number of
electrons in each energy level.
According to this principle:
1. An orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons:

2. The 2 electrons can occupy the same orbital if

they spin in opposite directions - the first electron Table 7.2 Energy levels, sublevels and number of electrons.
spins in counterclockwise direction, while the * n- represents the energy level
** The whole number integer for a particular energy
level also represents the kinds o orbital present in

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