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Unit 6 Let’s Eat

Theme Songs and Chants
Food and preferences Lesson 1: I Like Bananas (Track 14)
Lesson 3: The Question Song (Track 46)

Developmental Focus Lesson 6: Cassie Likes Cookies (Track 49)
Social Studies and Personal Development
In this unit, children learn to express their feelings Phonemic Awareness and Early Literacy
by talking about foods that they like and do not like. Children begin to develop the important early literacy
They also use polite language (please, thank you, and skill of phonemic awareness in this unit by listening
you’re welcome) to ask for food. for and reproducing the /k/ sound in words such

as cookie, cake, carrot, etc. Children also learn to
Scientific Knowledge and Exploration recognize symbols that represent emotions and use
Children explore the world around them by looking those symbols in sentences.
inside fruits and examining the seeds. They sprout
bean seeds and examine the growing roots and

Language and Literacy

Language Structures
I like (cookies). I don’t like (soup). Me, too! Do you like
(soup)? Two (bananas), please. Here you are. Look inside.
apple, banana, cake, candy, cookie, grape, milk,
orange, plum, soup, strawberry, seed, purple, white,
big, little
Receptive Language
Let’s eat. Lesson 5: Sprout some seeds

Course Materials
Student Book, pp. 34–39 Photo Cards: apple, banana, cake, candy, carrot, cat,
Activity Book, pp. 35–42 cookie, grape, milk, orange, plum, soup, strawberry
Early Letters, pp. 22–24 Teacher Website: Print and Play Pictures: apple,
banana, cake, candy, carrot, cat, cookie, crayon, grape,
Early Numbers, pp. 23–26
happy, milk, orange, plum, sad, soup, strawberry;
Big Book, pp. 13–14 Unit 6 Parent–Child Activity Sheet; Unit 6 “I Can …”
Vocabulary Stickers: Unit 6 Assessment; BLM 1
Concept Mats: Food, Colors and Shapes Discovery Disc: Unit 6 Games; Interactive Story;
Hat People Cut-Outs/Puppets: Sam, Cassie Songs; Parent–Child Activity Sheet
Interactive Classroom CD–ROM: Unit 6

T96 Unit 6 Overview

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Unit Planner
Course Materials Key Language Communication and Early Literacy Additional Content Areas

Lesson 1 I like (cookies). Learn a TPR song. Math: Sort foods you like;
SB, p. 34 apple, banana, Build print awareness: rebus patterns.
cookie sentences. Art: Make playdough fruit.
AB, p. 35
EN, p. 23 Find matching pictures.

Lesson 2 (Two) (bananas), “Read” shopping lists. Math: Count 1 to 3.
SB, p. 35 please. Here you State likes and dislikes. Social Studies: Act out a
are. Me, too! shopping role-play; use polite
AB, p. 36 Begin to read and write numerals 1–3.
orange, plum language.
EN, p. 25
Art: Mix playdough to make
Lesson 3
SB, p. 36
AB, pp. 37–38
EN, p. 26
Lesson 4
SB, p. 37
AB, pp. 39–40

Lesson 5
Do you like (soup)?
I don’t like (soup).
cake, candy, milk,

grape, strawberry,
purple, white

Look inside.
Learn a question song.
Express likes and dislikes.

Describe colors and patterns.

Build print awareness: picture

Math: Sort and classify.
Social Studies: Express

Math: “Read” and create

Health: Investigate food;
wash hands.
Science: Explore color-mixing.
Science: Explore fruit;
SB, p. 38 big, little, seed captions. compare seeds; sprout bean
Learn a chant. seeds.
BB, pp. 13–14
AB, p. 41
EL, p. 22
Lesson 6 Unit review Review and consolidate language and Math: Make patterns.
SB, p. 39 concepts. Art: Make bean pictures.

AB, p. 42 Build phonemic awareness.

EL, pp. 23–24 Build test-taking skills.

SB = Student Book EN = Early Numbers

AB = Activity Book BB = Big Book
EL = Early Letters

Unit 6 Overview T97

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Learning Centers in a Box
Described below are four suggested Learning Centers. Choose as many as you feel appropriate. To introduce
each activity, spend time practicing it together as a class. Then, when children demonstrate sufficient
confidence and understanding, place the materials in an area of the classroom where children can work
independently. You may wish to make duplicate sets of certain Learning Centers so that the class, working in
small groups, can work simultaneously on one or two activities. Move around the classroom as children are
working; watch, listen, converse, and provide support as needed.

Math Center: Sorting Food I Like Math Center: Shopping Lists
(introduced in Lesson 1) (introduced in Lesson 2)
Learning Objectives: Children select pictures of Learning Objectives: Children practice counting and
foods they like and glue them on a paper plate: I like one-to-one correspondence as they collect food for a

(cookies). I like (cake). “shopping list.”

Materials: Food pictures from magazines, grocery Materials: Shopping lists (e.g. a piece of paper with
fliers, or Print and Play Pictures (make multiple copies a numeral—1, 2, or 3—plus 1, 2, or 3 pictures of a
for plural foods); glue; paper plates. given food); collection of food Print and Play Pictures,
Lesson 1: apple, banana, carrot, cookie magazine pictures, or plastic toy food to match with
the shopping lists.
Lesson 2: add orange, plum
Lesson 2: apple, banana, carrot, cookie, orange,
Lesson 3: add cake, candy, milk, soup
Lesson 4: add grape, strawberry
Lesson 3: add cake and candy
Conversation Starters: What’s this? Do you like
Lesson 4: add strawberry
(carrots)? Me, too!
Conversation Starters: What’s this? Let’s count. 1, 2 …

T98 Unit 6 Learning Centers

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Science Center: Seeds
(introduced in Lesson 5)

sort them according to type.

Learning Objectives: Children examine seeds and

Materials: Collection of edible seeds: dried peas,

beans, lentils, etc. for kids to sort; egg cartons or
other containers for sorting. You may want to provide
Early Literacy Center: Listen to
the Sound
(introduced in Lesson 6)
Learning Objectives: Children sort pictures that begin
with the same sound: /k/.
Materials: BLM 1: Cassie and Print and Play Pictures
(or images from other sources) to sort. Include
a magnifying glass for taking a closer look. pictures that begin with the /k/ sound: cake, candy,
Conversation Starters: Show me the green seeds. Is carrot, cat, cookie, crayon plus a few distracters, for
this a black seed? What color is this seed? Is this the example: milk, pencil, shirt.
same? Is this big or little? Conversation Starters: Cassie, cake. Is it the same?
Cassie, shirt. Is it the same? Once the pictures are
sorted, have children name all the pictures beginning
with /k/. Say: Cassie likes (cats). Do you like (cats)?
Me, too!

Feel free to continue using Learning Centers from
previous units if children are still enjoying them.
Each Learning Center is designed to be refreshed
and reused whenever you wish.

Unit 6 Learning Centers T99

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I .

I PL .
I .

Key Language: I like (cookies). apple, banana, cookie

34 Unit 6 Objectives: Place stickers and “read” sentences. Sing a song. Circle the matching cookie.
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Lesson 2
2 bananas, please.
Here you are.

Me, too!

I .

Key Language: (Two) (bananas), please. Here you are. Me, too! orange, plum
Objectives: Role-play a conversation. Practice counting to three. Unit 6 35
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Unit 6 Lesson 1 With the Book
Explore the Page
Have children point to and name each picture
Key Language: I like (cookies). apple, banana,
(bananas, apples, cookies). Then have them look for
each item in the Lesson 2 scene.
Review: I have (an apple). How many
(apples)? Is it the same? one, two, Develop Early Literacy Skills: Read Sentences
three, yes, no, please, thank you Have children point to the words and picture, and
Receptive Lang.: Let’s eat. “read” with you: I like (bananas). Have children place
Materials: real food: three apples, three the matching sticker on the picture.
bananas, cookies; Print and Play 14 Song: I Like Bananas
Pictures: apple, banana; Sam Cut-

Play the CD and sing along. For each verse, have
Out/Puppet; Vocabulary Stickers; children point to the matching sticker, then rub their
red and yellow playdough tummies as they sing: Yummy, yum, yum, yum.
I like, like, like bananas. (repeat × 3)
Yummy, yum, yum, yum.
Circle Time
Verse 2: apples Verse 3: cookies
Introduce Key Language
Show the apples and bananas. (Keep the cookies

apples. Bananas. I have bananas.

Count together: 1, 2, 3 apples. 1, 2, 3 bananas.
Create and Read a Pattern
hidden.) Have children repeat: Look! Apples. I have

Hand each child an apple or banana Print and Play

Hold up the real apple and say: I have an apple. Have
children with apples hold up their cards and echo:
I have an apple. Repeat with bananas.
Identify Matching Pictures
Point to Cassie’s cookie and ask: What’s this? Point to
each cookie in the row, asking: Is it the same? Have
children circle the cookie that is the same.
Activity Book, p. 35: Complete the tree. Color the fruit.

Explore Some More

Make Playdough Fruit
Provide playdough for making apples, bananas, and
cookies. Demonstrate how to roll a small ball then
squish it into a circle cookie, using a cup or your hand.
Have four children stand up with their cards, arranged
in a row: apple, banana, apple, banana. Chant the
pattern with the class and ask: What’s next? Let a
volunteer with an apple join the row. Repeat.
Preview the Song
Say: I like bananas. Yum, yum, yum (rub your tummy).
Have children repeat your words and actions:

I like, like, like … bananas. (repeat × 2)

Yummy, yum, yum, yum.
Repeat with apples.
Slice the apples and bananas and offer them to the
kids: Do you want an apple or a banana? Have them Math Center: Sorting Food I Like
reply (Apple), please or No, thank you. Demonstrate how to use the Learning Center
Build on Key Language materials (p. T98). Review the food names. Paste
Act out a scene with the Sam Cut-Out/Puppet. pictures of two foods you like on a paper plate and
say: I like (rice). I like (bananas). Leave the plate in the
Sam: Teacher, teacher. Look, look!
Learning Center as a model.
Teacher: What Sam? What is it? (Sam leads you to
cookies.) Early Numbers, pp. 23–24: Cut out the pictures and
Teacher: Cookies! I like cookies. (Have kids repeat.) paste them in the correct order.
Offer cookies to kids. Then say: Let’s eat!

T102 Unit 6
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Unit 6 Lesson 2 Shoppers: Two plums, please.
Shopkeepers (handing them the food): Here you are.
Shoppers: Thank you!
Key Language: (Two) (bananas), please. Here you Shopkeepers: You’re welcome.
are. Me, too! orange, plum
Review: I like (oranges). How many (apples)? Teacher-to-Teacher
You’re welcome. apple, banana, Having two children play a role together in a role-
carrot, cookie, one, two, three, play helps kids with various skill levels participate
please, thank you happily. Shy kids, or kids with less advanced
Materials: pencils, glue sticks, pictures, language, can join in with a classmate or point to
books, and crayons (enough of the object as the classmate says the words.
each for half the class); plastic play

food; Photo Cards and Print and
Play Pictures: apple, banana, carrot,
With the Book
cookie, orange, plum; real plums Explore the Photo
and oranges (optional); red and Have children name the items they know in the photo.
yellow playdough Count each type of fruit together. Talk about the colors:
Point to a (banana). What color is it?

Circle Time

Warm Up Chant: Look at Me! 1, 2, 3!

Song: A Pencil, Please PL

Play the actions game (Unit 4, Lesson 3). Then let
kids take turns leading the action.

Place pencils, glue sticks, pictures, books, and

crayons on a table (enough of each for half the class).
Play the CD and act out the story (Unit 3, Lesson 4).
Introduce Key Vocabulary
Use Photo Cards and/or plastic play food to teach and
14 Song: I Like Plums
Play the song I Like Bananas and add the following
verses. Have children sing along.
Verse 4: plums Verse 5: carrots Verse 6: oranges
Role-play a Conversation
Have children fill in the last word as you read Sam’s
speech bubble: I like … oranges. Have the children
role-play the characters Sam and Mom in two groups.
Have children take turns picking up the Print and Play
Pictures of a favorite food and saying: I like (bananas).
Children who agree should stand up and say: Me, too!
review apple, banana, orange, plum, carrot, cookie. If Activity Book, p. 36: Make the two boxes look the
possible, let kids taste real plums and oranges. same by drawing the fruit. Color the apples red.
Play a Memory Game
Display a row of four Photo Cards. Point and chant the Explore Some More
words several times. Have children close their eyes as Play a Shopping Game
you remove one card and hide the picture against your Give shopping lists to pairs. Have kids take turns
chest. Have children open their eyes. Tap the back of picking a Photo Card and checking to see if it

the card you are holding and ask: What’s this? matches their shopping list.
Math Center: Shopping Lists 37 Song: Mix It Together
Display the Learning Center materials (p. T98). Put Distribute small lumps of yellow and red playdough.
plastic play food and/or Print and Play Pictures on a Sing the song as children mix the colors together.
table: three of each item. Introduce the “shopping Have children use the orange playdough to make
lists.” Ask: How many (bananas)? Count the pictures carrots and oranges.
together and say: One, two. (Two) (bananas). Early Numbers, p. 25: Count the fruit. Write the number.
Choose four kids to be your first shopkeepers and Discovery Disc: Send home the I Like Plums Parent–
shoppers. Hold up a shopping list for the class to Child Activity Sheet for children and parents to enjoy
“read” together, then hand it to your “shoppers.” together.
Prompt kids as needed as they act out the role-play:

Unit 6 T103
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Lesson 3

Do You Like Soup?


I like soup!

Key Language: Do you like (soup)? I don’t like (soup). cake, candy, milk, soup
36 Unit 6 Objectives: Talk about likes and dislikes. Record information on a chart. Sing a song.
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Unit 6 Lesson 3 Have all the kids who said Yes stand up with their
cards and say: I like (soup).
Have all the kids who said No stand up with their
Key Language: Do you like (soup)? I don’t like cards and say: I don’t like (soup). Have the groups
(soup). cake, candy, milk, soup take turns chanting to each other.
Review: I like (milk). banana, carrot, cookie,
orange, yes, no, thank you, cat
Materials: Print and Play Pictures: happy,
With the Book
orange (multiple copies), sad, Photo Explore the Page
Cards: cake, candy, carrot, cat, Have kids name each food shown on the page. Hand
cookie, milk, soup; Sam and Cassie each child a bookmark and happy and sad Print and
Cut-Outs/Puppets; bookmark for Play Pictures.

each child 46 Song: The Question Song
Play the CD. Hold up the Photo Card as you hear
each food item and have kids display an answer card
Circle Time (happy = yes; sad = no).
14 Warm Up Song: I Like Plums Have Yes kids stand up (Group A). Have the rest of the
Play the song and have children sing along. class join you in singing the question. Then have the
Introduce Key Language
Draw a happy face on the board. Draw a sad face

Teacher: Sam, do you like oranges?

Sam: Yes. I like oranges.
some distance away. Display the orange Print and Play
Pictures and talk with Cut-Outs/Puppets, Sam and

Place Sam by the happy face sign. Have kids repeat:

I like oranges.
Teacher: Cassie, do you like oranges?
No kids stand up (Group B).
Do you like soup? A: Yes, yes. (repeat)
Do you like soup? A: Yes, thank you. I like soup.
Do you like milk? B: No, no. (repeat)
Do you like milk? B: No, I don’t. I don’t like milk.
Verse 3: cake; yes Verse 4: candy; no
When both parts of a song verse have been sung,
help children place their bookmark under the row and
circle the answer of their choice.
Draw children’s attention to the picture of Sam. Read
Cassie: No. I don’t like oranges. Sam’s speech bubble. Have children pose like Sam
Place Cassie by the sad face sign. Have kids shake and repeat the speech bubble.
their heads and repeat: I don’t like oranges. Activity Book, p. 37: Draw a line from each child to the
food they like.
Preview the Song
Ask each child: Do you like oranges? Yes or no? Have Activity Book, p. 38: Find and circle the hidden foods
the child answer and stand near the happy or sad in the picture.
face. When all children are sorted (Group A = I like
Explore Some More

oranges; Group B = I don’t like oranges), teach the

words to the song as a chant: Guess Your Classmates’ Favorite Foods
Do you like oranges? A: Yes, yes. (repeat) Have children draw a picture of their favorite food.
Do you like oranges? A: Yes, thank you. Have a child come to the front and hold their picture
I like oranges. so the rest of the class can’t see it. Have the class
Do you like oranges? B: No, no. (repeat) ask questions to guess the child’s favorite food, e.g:
Do you like oranges? B: No, thank you. Do you like (soup)? (No.) Do you like (candy)? (Yes.)
I don’t like oranges. Early Numbers, p. 26: Connect the dots and color the
carrot to complete the picture.
Introduce More Vocabulary
Use Photo Cards to introduce soup, milk, cake, candy.
Pass out happy and sad Print and Play Pictures. Hold
up a Photo Card and ask the class: Do you like (soup)?
Let kids hold up a card and say Yes or No.

Unit 6 T105
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Unit 6 Lesson 4 With the Book
Explore the Page
Have children name the four fruits in the You need
Key Language: grape, strawberry, purple, white
pictures and find each in the photo scene.
Review: crayon, paper, banana, orange,
plum, red Point to the fruit on the first girl’s kabob stick and say
Materials: Colors and Shapes Concept Mat; the pattern together, first as fruits, then as colors:
Sam and Cassie Cut-Outs/Puppets; banana, grape, banana, grape, banana; white, purple,
four bowls; fresh bananas, white, purple, white.
oranges, strawberries, grapes; Repeat with the other girl’s kabob: orange, strawberry,
a paper plate and skinny coffee orange, strawberry, orange; orange, red, orange, red,
stirrer per child; tray; Photo Cards orange.

and Print and Play Pictures (colored
red and purple): grape, strawberry;
Hands-On Discovery: Try It Out!
Prepare four bowls with bananas, oranges,
purple paper, purple crayon; red
strawberries, and grapes. Have children wash their
and blue paint and playdough;
hands. (You could sing the Wash Your Hands song.)
resealable plastic bags; Food
Give each child a paper plate.
Concept Mat

Circle Time
35 36
Warm Up Songs: Look for Red and Look for a

Play the CD. Have children use the Colors and Shapes
Concept Mat as they sing and play.
Teach the word white by pointing to the white shapes
at the end of each row. Give TPR directions: (Boys),
put your finger on the white (circle).
Sing a new verse of the song together:
Carry the bowls on a tray. Let each child choose
the fruits he or she would like. Give each child a
coffee stirrer or other thin stick. Show children how to
carefully push the fruit onto the stick.

Some children will be more interested in eating
the fruit than assembling a pattern on the stick.
That’s fine!

Activity Book, p. 39: Cut and glue fruit on a kabob stick.

Activity Book, p. 40: Circle a happy or a sad face.
White, white. Look for white … etc.
Explore Some More
Create and Read Patterns Investigate Mixing Colors
Use Photo Cards to introduce strawberry and grape. Let children mix blue and red paint in resealable
Clap your hands for the syllables in strawberry. Slap plastic bags (see Unit 4, Lesson 4). Sing a new verse
your thighs for the one syllable in grape. Chant: to the Mix It Together song using blue and red.
Straw-ber-ry, grape; straw-ber-ry, grape, etc. Make blue and red playdough and let children
blend the colors. Encourage them to make purple

Make a strawberry-grape-strawberry-grape pattern with

Print and Play Pictures on the board. Leave it in place. plums (big) and purple grapes (little) then place the
playdough fruit in a pattern.
Food Concept Mat: Grocery Shopping
Place food Photo Cards near the Food Concept Mat.
Let children take turns choosing a Photo Card, then
finding that food in the “store.” They can send Sam or
Teach purple as you hold up purple paper and a purple
Cassie down the aisle to “fetch” the item.
Return to the Print and Play Pictures strawberry-grape
pattern and say the pattern as colors: red, purple,
red, purple.

T106 Unit 6
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Lesson 4

You need


Key Language: grape, strawberry, purple, white

Objectives: Math exploration. Make a fresh fruit kabob. Create a pattern. Unit 6 37
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Lesson 5

Look Inside

y e l l ow
PL ora ng e red

Find the .
Key Language: Look inside. big, little, seed
38 Unit 6 Objectives: Enjoy a non-fiction story. Learn a chant.
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Unit 6 Lesson 5 Big Book: Explore the Story
Point to each picture on p. 14 and ask: What’s this?
What color is it? Turn back to p. 13 and look at the
Key Language: Look inside. big, little, seed color of the outside of the fruit. Ask: Is it the same?
Review: What color is it / this? Is it the Point to the seeds and read the caption. Have
same? black, green, orange, purple, children repeat. Give directions, such as: Point to the
red, white, yellow, apple, banana, apple. Point to the seeds. Point to one big seed.
bean, orange, plum 47 Student Book: Listen and Point
Materials: Photo Cards: apple, banana,
Hold up a book and read the title and sentence: Look
cake, candy, milk, orange, plum,
inside. Help children explore the page: Point to the
soup; fresh beans (several types,
(apple). Point to the seeds.
if possible); fresh fruit; dried

beans soaked overnight (regular, Play the CD as children point to the pictures in
edible beans from a food store); their books. Play it again, pausing for kids to repeat
damp cotton balls or paper towel; each line.
resealable plastic bags Yellow bananas.
Red apples.
Purple plums.
Circle Time
46 Warm Up: The Question Song

Introduce Key Vocabulary PL

Play the CD. Hold up the Photo Card for each verse.
Have children stand up as they answer: Yes, yes or
No, no.

Chant the words little and big as you do various little and
big movements. Have children join you. For example, curl
up small then stretch up tall or make a little circle with
your fingers, then a big circle with your arms.
Explore Beans and Seeds
Orange oranges.
Look inside. Find the seeds.
Look at the apple. Black seeds.
Look at the orange. White seeds.
Look at the plum. One big seed.
Look at the banana. Little seeds.
Activity Book, p. 41: Match the fruit, inside and out.

Explore Some More

Investigate Real Fruit and Seeds
Cut open some fruit in your classroom and look at the
Bring in fresh shelled beans, at least one for each seeds. Talk about the colors. Look for the seeds on a
child. If possible, include several types of beans. Hold strawberry (they’re little, yellow, and on the outside).
up a bean and ask: What color is this? (Green.) Say:
Sprout Some Seeds
Look inside. Let children open the pods to discover the
Soak some dry beans overnight—any bean used for
seeds. Practice the word seed. Ask: What color is your
cooking or sprouting works well, e.g. pinto, kidney,
seed? You may want to collect the seeds to use in the
or mung beans. Let each child put three beans and
Science Center.
a damp cotton ball or paper towel in a resealable

plastic bag. Write the child’s name on the bag.

With the Book The beans should sprout in four to five days. Have
Big Book: Do a Picture Walk children observe and draw pictures.
Read the title on p. 13: Look Inside. Point to each
Science Center: Seeds
picture and, with the children, “read” the caption.
Demonstrate how to use the Learning Center
Chant: Red, Red Apples materials (p. T99).
Point to the picture in the Big Book and teach the Early Letters, p. 22: Make fingerprints along each line
following chant: to follow the story of the seed.
Red, red apples. (Red, red apples.)
Orange oranges. (Orange oranges.)
Yellow bananas. (Yellow bananas.)
Purple plums. (Purple plums.)
Read Cassie’s speech bubble and have kids repeat:
Look inside! Turn the page.

Unit 6 T109
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Unit 6 Lesson 6 48 Assessment: Listen and Circle
Make sure all children are looking at row 1. It is helpful
Key Language: Unit review to have children place their bookmark under the row.
Materials: Photo Cards from the unit; Read the script below or play the CD. Repeat each item
shopping lists from the Math one or two times. Have children draw a circle around
Learning Center; Print and Play the correct item. Have children move their bookmark
Pictures: cake, candy, carrot, under row 2 and repeat the steps. Repeat for row 3.
cat, cookie; orange and purple 1. I like cookies.
playdough; pieces of candy; 2. I don’t like soup.
bookmark for each child (optional); 3. A purple plum.
Teacher Hat; glue; dried beans;

49 Phonemic Awareness Chant: Cassie Likes Cookies
Unit 6 Vocabulary Stickers
Say: Point to Cassie. Have children join you in naming
the items in the picture, emphasizing the initial /k/
sound: Cassie, cookies, cake, carrots.
Circle Time
Have children point to the pictures as they listen to
Sing Your Favorite Songs
the chant on the CD and then join in:
Sing I Like Bananas and The Question Song, (Tracks
14 and 46), and other favorite songs/chants.
Review Key Language

that food should stand up and say: Me, too!

Role-Play Grocery Shopping PL
Have a child hold up a food Photo Card of his or her
choice and say: I like (cake). All other children who like

Use the shopping lists from the Math Learning Center

and do shopping role-plays using food and food
Develop Math Skills: Make Patterns
Cassie likes cookies.
Cassie likes cake.
Cassie likes carrots, too!
Praise the children’s efforts.
Activity Book, p. 42: Draw a line from Cassie to each
picture that begins with a /k/ sound.

Explore Some More

Early Literacy Center: Listen to the Sound
Demonstrate how to use the Learning Center
Materials (p. T99).
Have kids make pattern rows with food Print and Play
Pictures, little and big pieces of candy, and circles of Develop Art Skills: Bean Pictures
orange and purple playdough. Let kids use glue and the dried beans from the
Science Center to make pictures, or write each child’s
Play a Memory Game name and let kids glue beans on top of the letters.
Make two copies of each of the following Print and
Play Pictures (or other pictures): candy, cookie, carrot, Teacher Hat and Vocabulary Stickers
cake, cat. Place all pictures face down on the table Have children name the Unit 1–5 stickers on the
top and have a child turn two cards over at a time to Teacher Hat. Display the Unit 6 stickers (apple,

try and find a pair. As each child turns over a card, banana, cookie). Have a child choose a sticker, name
have them say the word, noticing that all cards start it, and place it on the Teacher Hat. Repeat with two
with the /k/ sound. other volunteers.
“I Can …” Assessment
With the Book Observe and assess each learner. When the child
Explore the Page successfully completes a task, place a star after
Ask: What’s this? as you point to each object on that item. Send the sheet home when all of the
the page and encourage children to name it. Say competencies have been met.
the name yourself and have the class repeat after Early Letters, pp. 23–24: Draw the plates. Cut out and
you. Invite children to wear the Teacher Hat and fold to make a take-home book.
play teacher as they name a picture on the page for
classmates to point to.

T110 Unit 6
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Lesson 6

Unit Review


Key Language: Unit review

Objectives: Review Unit 6 language and concepts. Listen for the initial /k/ sound. Unit 6 39
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