Section Review 15 Answers

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Section Review 15-1

1. Beagle
2. theory of evolution
3. varied
4. Darwin’s curiosity might have led him to make many
observations and ask questions about the natural world. His
analytical nature may have helped Darwin to record and
organize his observations, allowing him to recognize
patterns and trends.
5. The vice-governor of the Galápagos Islands told Darwin
that the shell shape of a tortoise could be used to identify the
island it inhabited.
6. Because the Isabela Island tortoise has such a short neck,
it would require a habitat where food is easy to reach.
7. Because of its long neck, the Hood Island tortoise would
most easily obtain food that is hard to reach.
8. Because birds use their beaks to eat or capture food,
differently shaped beaks would mean that the birds lived on
different diets.

Section Review 15-2

1. a
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. Darwin asked, If Earth could change over long periods of
time, then could life change as well? He also realized that if
life could change as he was suggesting, then it would take
many, many years to occur.
9. Lamarck’s idea that species are adapted to their
environment is true. Lamarck’s idea that acquired
characteristics are inheritable is false.
10. Darwin realized that plants and animals often produce
thousands or millions of seeds or eggs, yet most potential
offspring die. He asked what factors determine which
offspring die and which survive and reproduce.

Section Review 15-3

1. Darwin stated that nature provides the variation among
organisms, and humans select and breed for the variations
they find useful or appealing.
2. Over time, natural selection results in a change in the
inherited characteristics of a population, increasing the
3.–6. (in any order) the fossil record, geographic distribution
of living species, homologous body structures, and
similarities in early development of animals
7. The higher an animal’s level of fitness in its particular
environment, the better its chances for survival and
8. The forelimbs have the same kinds of bones in
approximately the same positions.
9. The bones are noticeably similar in structure and
arrangement. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that they
derived from a common ancestral form.

Chapter 15 Vocabulary Review

1. a
2. c
3. b
4. i
5. g
6. j
7. d
8. e
9. f
10. h
11. A theory is a well-supported, testable, explanation of phenomena that
have occurred in the natural world.
12. Artificial selection occurs when humans select naturally occurring
variations that they found useful.
13. “Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that implies that those organisms
best adapted to their environments will live the longest and have the most
reproductive success.
14. Descent with modification means that each living species has
descended, with changes, from other species over time.
15. a
16. d
17. b
18. c
19. a
20. a
21. To Darwin, fossils provided a detailed record of the evolution of
different life forms over Earth’s long history.
22. High birth rates lead to potentially large populations that require more
resources than are available to meet their needs.
23. Successful adaptations enable organisms to become better suited to
their environment and thus better able to survive and reproduce.
24. Descent with modification implies that today’s different species have
had common ancestors in the distant past.

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