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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends. Thank you for the time
and opportunity that have been given to me this morning to talk about honesty. First of all,
I would like to thank God who gives us bless so that we get together here in a good health.

Ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends, honesty is a very important thing in
life. Honesty is a very good attitude that we must apply in everyday life. Honesty can be
interpreted as sincerity, not lie, straight heart, trustworthy words and not cheating. Honesty
is part of the positive nature of human beings. Honesty is part of the self-esteem that must
be maintained because of high value. Honesty is an inherent trait in a person and is an
important thing to do in everyday life.

If we are dishonest, then we must strive to build the character education so that we do not
continue to lie. Schools should be an example to apply honesty. But it seems there are still
many students who are not honest in school for example by cheating. The “cheat” culture
is increasingly and become the daily habit of the students in Indonesia. Yet cheating is a
bad habit because they have acted dishonestly. At the time of the test there are some
students who glanced at his friend’s answer, some even asked his friend when the teacher
is careless. The factor that causes the culture of cheating is still ongoing until now, maybe
because they have not studied before or because they have not understood the material in
the test. But it is only done by some children who are not aware of the importance of
honesty. Imagine what would happen to our country Indonesia if the successors are the
master cheaters of corrupt candidates? Surely our country is getting worse and its fate is
getting bleaker. We should tell ourselves that honesty is better than everything.

Besides cheating, there are many things that can be said as dishonesty such as lying.
Lying is to say something that there is no fact or basic reality. Lying can happen because
of the influence of compulsion. Lying that is done once or twice will lead to continuous lies,
for example we lie once about a matter, we can lie again to cover up the lies we did
before. In addition to lying, we as learners may often cheat, such as stealing. Stealing is
taking someone else’s property secretly and not acknowledging it. There are many more
examples of dishonesty around us.

Therefore, we must keep the honest attitude within ourselves. We must also be proactive
if we see any dishonest events around us. Being honest will lead us to better things. When
in everyday life behave dishonestly, then we will lose the trust of the people closest to us.
That is a bad thing, because if we do not have friends anymore, our lives will be really
hard. Besides honesty will also help us become a better person. Once again, telling the
truth is the ultimate key to a happy life.

Ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends, this is the end of my speech about
honesty. I hope we all can be honest wherever we are. Finally, I do apologize if there are
any mistakes. Thank you so much for the attention.


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