X. October 22 2024 Agenda

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Esteban Bovo, Jr.

Council Members
Mayor B ryan C alvo
Jesus Tundidor M elinda de la V ega
President M onica Perez
L uis R odriguez
Jacqueline Garcia-Roves C arl Z ogby
Vice President

City Council Meeting Agenda

October 22, 2024
5:30 p.m.
Call to Order

Roll Call

Invocation given by Marbelys Fatjo, City Clerk

Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Council Member Calvo.

The following guidelines have been established by the City Council:

As a courtesy to others, please refrain from using cellular telephones or other similar electronic
devices in the Council Chamber.
A maximum of three (3) speakers in favor and three (3) speakers in opposition will be allowed to
address the Council on any one item. Each speaker's comments will be limited to three (3) minutes.
No signs or placards, in support of or in opposition to an item or speaker, shall be permitted within
the Council Chamber.
Any person, whether participating via the web platform, telephonic conferencing or physical
presence at City Hall, interested in making comments or posing questions on matters of public
concern or on any item on the agenda, may do so during the meeting.

Members of the public may address the City Council on any item pertaining to City business during
the Comments and Questions portion of the meeting. A member of the public is limited to one
appearance before the City Council and the speaker's comments will be limited to three (3)

The public can view public meetings on the City's YouTube page


A. Mayor Bovo proclaims October 8, 2024 Pastelito Day in Hialeah in recognition of Vicky Bakery.

B. Mayor Bovo presents a Certificate of Recognition to Marianela Ancheta, Miss Universe Cuba.

C. The City of Hialeah recognizes City employees for their years of service:
25 Years of Service:
1. Luis Suarez , Purchasing Division Director - Finance Management
2. Richard Quintero , Police Sergeant - Police Department
3. Fernando Deschapell , Park Manager - Parks & Community Engagement Department
4. Eddie Perez , Solid Waste Inspector - Public Works Department
5. Orlando Gonzalez , Underground Utility Locator -Public Works Department

30 Years of Service:
1. Luis Alvarez , Police Commander - Police Department
3. Miriam Del Valle , School Crossing Guard-Police Department




A. In accordance with Section 376.80 of the Florida Statutes, the City Council will hold two public
hearings on a resolution creating a new Florida brownfield area at the property located at 2400 West
Okeechobee Road, Hialeah, Florida 33010 (identified by Folio No. 04-3011-002-1051) as a Green
Resuse Area pursuant to Florida's Brownfields Revelopment Act. The first public hearing of the
proposed item is scheduled to be heard at the City Council Meeting of November 12, 2024, and second
and final public hearing will take place during the City Council Meeting of December 10, 2024.



All items listed with letter designations are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There
will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember, the Mayor or a resident so
requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered along with the
regular order of business.

A. Request permission to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on September 24, 2024.


B. Request permission to approve the minutes of the Second Budget Hearing held on September 26, 2024.


C. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Waste Connections of Florida, Inc., for collection
of household garbage, yard, and bulk waste, in a total expense amount not to exceed $9,500,000.00 for
fiscal year 2024-2025.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from the Garbage Collections Cost Account No.


D. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to GS Inima USA, for the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water
Treatment Plant operations, in a total cumulative expense amount not to exceed $4,500,000.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from the Contractual Services Account No.


E. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Miami-Dade County, for disposal of sewage under the
current uniform based fee for Miami-Dade County's volume customers, in a total cumulative expense
amount not to exceed $54,000,000.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from the Utility Sewage Disposal Account No.


F. RESO LU TI O N: Proposed resolution accepting a grant award from the Children's Trust in the amount
of $1,300,000.00, for the Creative Learning & Play (CL&P), STEP Ahead, and Young Leaders with
Character (YLC) aftercare and summer camp programs for one-year commencing on August 15, 2024
through August 14, 2025; approving and ratifying a grant agreement between the Children's Trust and
the City of Hialeah for aftercare and summer camp programs, a copy of which is attached hereafter and
incorporated herein as Exhibit "A"; and further authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute any
and all agreements and documents in furtherance thereof; and providing for an effective date.


G. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution accepting a grant award from the N ita M. Lowey Twenty-First (21st)
C entury C ommunity Learning C enters ("C C L C ") grant in the amount of $584,100.00, for one-year commencing on
A ugust 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025, to fund the Young Leaders with C haracter A fterschool and Summer
Programs operating out of three 21st C C L C sites within the C ity of H ialeah for students in grades 6 through 8; and
further authorizing the Mayor or his deisgnee to execute any and all agreements and documents in furtherance thereof;
and providing for an effective date.


H. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to utilize grant monies awarded
to the City of Hialeah Education and Community Services Division, as a participating agency, by the
Childrens Trust for the Step Ahead Afterschool program and to approve an increase in the amount of
$4,275.00 to Purchase Order #2024-703 for J&M Vera School Bus Service Inc for fiscal year 2024 to
assist the Education and Community Services Division in providing transportation services for
afterschool programming in a total cumulative amount not to exceed $38,025.00; and providing for an
effective date.

I. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract to Contract #670-22 by

BuyBoard (Texas Association of School Boards) and Galls, LLC for uniforms and accessories, and
authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to
issue a purchase order to Galls, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $160,000.00, for the purchase of
uniforms and related accessories and in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and
made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", and providing for an effective date.


J. RESO LU TI O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract off the University of California
Contract #2018.000207 for maintenance, repair, operations (MRO) supplies and related services; to
issue multiple purchase orders with vendor W.W. Grainger Inc. (VN: #249) to not exceed $175,000.00
from various sources of the user department, subject to the availability of funds and budgetary approval
at the time of need, for the purchase of maintenance, repair, operations (MRO) supplies and related
services in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit
A"; and authorizing the Mayor or designee to sign any related and customary purchasing documents to
effectuate this resolution, and providing for an effective date.

K. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback off of Region 4 Education Service
Center (ESC) Contract #R192001 for maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) supplies and
equipment and to issue multiple purchase orders with vendor Fastenal Company to not exceed
$115,000.00 from various sources of the user departments, subject to the availability of funds and
budgetary approval at the time of need, for the purchase of maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO)
supplies and equipment in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part
hereof as "Exhibit A"; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to sign any related and customary
purchasing documents to effectuate this resolution, and providing for an effective date.


L. RESO LU TI O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback off of Prince William County Public
School Contract #R-TC-17006 for an online marketplace for the purchase of products and services; to
issue multiple purchase orders with vendor Amazon.com Services, LLC., to not exceed $285,000.00
from various sources of the user departments, subject to the availability of funds and budgetary approval
at the time of need, for an online marketplace for the purchase of products and services in substantial
conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and authorizing
the Mayor or designee to sign any related and customary purchasing documents to effectuate this
resolution; and providing for an effective date.

M. RESO LU TI O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback off of Maricopa County Contract #16154
for maintenance, repair, operating supplies, industrial supplies, and related products and services; to
issue multiple purchase orders with vendor Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. to not exceed $400,000.00 from
various sources of the user departments, subject to the availability of funds and budgetary approval at
the time of need, for the purchase of maintenance, repair, operating supplies, industrial supplies, and
related products and services in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a
part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and authorizing the Mayor or designee to sign any related and customary
purchasing documents to effectuate this resolution; and providing for an effective date.

N. RESO LU TI O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback off of City of Tamarac Contract #19-12R
for office supplies, products and related services; to issue multiple purchase orders with vendor ODP
Business Solutions, LLC. to not exceed $175,000.00 from various sources of the user department,
subject to the availability of funds and budgetary approval at the time of need, for an online marketplace
for office supplies, products and related services in substantial conformity with the agreement attached
hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to sign any
related and customary purchasing documents to effectuate this resolution, and providing for an effective


O. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution ratifying and approving the Memorandum of Understanding

between the Hialeah Association of Fire Fighters, I.A.F.F., Local 1102 and the City of Hialeah, Florida
regarding pension reopener, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 1; and providing for an effective

P. RESO LU TI O N : Proposed resolution amending Resolution #2022-070 (June 8, 2022) to change

appointees of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for the City of Hialeah; and providing for an
effective date.

Q. RESO LU TI O N : Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, for the purchase of seven (7)
vehicles: four (4) 2024 Ford F-150's, two (2) 2024 Ford Explorer's and one (1) 2024 Ford Expedition;
approving the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $345,645.0, and providing for an effective date.

R. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue and execute a purchase order to Waste Connections of
Florida, Inc. for the purchase of disposal of solid waste collection; approving the expenditure in an
amount not to exceed $6,650,000.00; and providing for an effective date.


S. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City to issue a purchase order to
Miami Lakes AM, LLC., doing business as Miami Lakes Automall for the service, maintenance, repair,
purchase of AC Delco Equipment and OEM Chevrolet Equipment for all city vehicles anticipated for
the 2024-2025 fiscal year; approving the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00; and
providing an effective date.


T. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback of the contract between the City of

Miami Beach and Xylem Water Solutions U.S.A., Inc., authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Xylem Water
Solutions U.S.A., Inc, in the amount not to exceed $500,000.00, for the purchase of pumps and pump
repairs and in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as
"Exhibit A"; and providing for an effective date.


U. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to ratify the increase of a
purchase order to Gemaire Distributors LLC, for HVAC equipment, supplies and repairs, approving the
expenditures in a total cumulative amount not to exceed $157,903.75; and providing for an effective

V. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution accepting the RFQ Response for Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) 2021-2022-9500-00-001 for engineering and architectural services including City funded and
ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funded projects; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to SRS Engineering, Inc.
in an amount not to exceed $234,052.45, for the design services of roadway and drainage improvements
between East 10th and 12th Avenue from 49th to 52nd Street, and in substantial conformity with the
attached RFQ 2021-2022-9500-00-001, attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", and
authorizing the Mayor or designee to sign any related and customary purchasing documents to
effectuate this resolution; and providing for an effective date.

W. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution accepting the RFQ Response for Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) 2021-2022-9500-00-001 for engineering and architectural services including City funded and
ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funded projects; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to The Corradino Group,
Inc., in an amount not to exceed $99,180.00, for the design update services of roadway and drainage
improvements between East 8th and 10th Avenue from 5th to 9th Street, and in substantial conformity
with the attached RFQ 2021-2022-9500-00-001, attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A",
and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to sign any related and customary purchasing documents to
effectuate this resolution; and providing for an effective date.


X. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution accepting the RFQ Response for Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) 2021-2022-9500-00-001 for engineering and architectural services including City funded and
ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funded projects; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to The Corradino Group,
Inc. in an amount not to exceed $119,270.00, for the design services of roadway and drainage
improvements along West 25th Court from 56th to 60th Street, and in substantial conformity with the
attached RFQ 2021-2022-9500-00-001, attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", and
authorizing the Mayor or designee to sign any related and customary purchasing documents to
effectuate this resolution; and providing for an effective date.

Y. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution providing for an exception to bid in the form of a sole source;
and authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City,
to enter into an agreement with Symbiont Service Corporation for the purchase and installation of a
geothermal pool/spa heater at Milander Aquatic; approving the expenditure in an amount not to exceed a
total of $429,337.70, which is inclusive of a 10% contingency, and providing for an effective date.

Z. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue two purchase orders to Diversifire Systems, Inc. in the
amounts of $25,245.00 and $70,000.00 respectively for a total cumulative amount not to exceed
$95,245.00, for the purchase of the fire alarm monitoring, maintenance, annual inspection and
emergency fire alarm repairs at all City facilities and in substantial conformity with RFP 2022-23-3230-
36-051, and authorizing the Mayor or designee to issue the two referenced purchase orders and to sign
any related and customary purchasing documents to effectuate this resolution; and providing for an
effective date.


AA. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract between the City of Boynton
Beach and Core & Main LP., authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting
witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Core & Main LP., in the amount not to exceed
$300,000.00, for the purchase of pipe and materials and in substantial conformity with the agreement
attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and providing for an effective date.


BB. RESO LU TI O N: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract by the City of Miami Beach and
Custom Controls Technology authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting
witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Custom Controls Technology Inc. in an
amount not to exceed $200,000.00, for the installation and retrofitting of panels and variable frequency
drives needed to pump water and sewage throughout the City and in substantial conformity with the
agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A".


CC. RESO LU TI O N: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract by the City of St. Petersburg and
Inliner Solutions LLC., authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness,
on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Inliner Solutions LLC, in the amount not to exceed
$1,000,000.00, for the purchase of the cleaning of sewer interceptors; and in substantial conformity with
the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and providing for an effective


DD. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract by Boca Raton and Enviro
Waste Service Group, authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on
behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Enviro Waste Service Group, Inc., in an amount not to
exceed $2,400,000.00 for the purchase of sanitary sewer rehabilitation work, and in substantial
conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and providing for
an effective date.


EE. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract by Miami-Dade County and

National Water Main Cleaning Company, authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order(s) to National Water Main Cleaning
Compay in the amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00, for the purchase of manhole rehabilitation, and in
substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", until
May 1, 2025, unless extended; and providing for an effective date.

FF. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract by the City of Jacksonville

Beach, Florida and Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. authorizing the Mayor or his designee
and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Advanced
Environmental Laboratories, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $115,000.00, for water sampling and in
substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", until
September 30, 2025.


GG. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract to Contract No. IFB 22-0161
between the City of Orlando, a Florida municipal corporation, and Advanced Pace Technologies, LLC
doing business as Advanced Plumbing Technology; authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City
Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Advanced Pace
Technologies LLC doing business as Advanced Plumbing Technology in the amount not to exceed
$2,000,000.00, for the purchase of manhole restoration, pipeline cleaning and CCTV inspections; in
substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and
providing for an effective date.


HH. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Waste Connections of Florida, for the disposal of
construction debris city-wide, in a total cumulative expense amount not to exceed $50,000.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from the Utility Waste Disposal Account


II. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Coastal Waste and Recycling of Florida, for the
processing and collection of recyclable materials, in a total cumulative expense amount not to exceed

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from Recycling Collection Costs Account


JJ. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Opex, for the maintenance of payment processing
machines, in a total cumulative expense amount not to exceed $26,360.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from the Repair & Maintenance Equipment Account No.


KK. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Costal Waste & Recycling of Florida, for the collection
of recyclables for citywide residential accounts, in a total cumulative expense amount not to
exceed $675,000.00, which includes a $50,000.00 contingency in accordance with City Ordinance No.
The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from the Processing Recyclables Account No.


Request permission to issue a purchase order to Tropical Windows Manufacturing, Inc., for the
purchase and installation of new impact windows and doors at Bucky Dent Gymnasium, in a total
expense amount not to exceed $50,270.00. This project was awarded during the City Council meeting
of June 25, 2024 to Century Windows & Doors, but the vendor has been non-responsive. Tropical
Windows Manufacturing, Inc., is the vendor providing the second lowest quote of three (3) quotes
received for this project.
The funding for this expenditure is to drawn against the General Fund -- Parks & Recreation Capital
Outlay - Buildings Account No. 001.3130.572.620.

MM. Request permission to increase Purchase Order # 2024-1099, issued to All Uniform Wear, to cover the
cost of uniforms for newly promoted personnel within the Fire Department and the new Fire Academy
class recruits, by an additional amount of $2,500.00, for a new total cumulative amount not to exceed
The funding for the expenditure is to be drawn from the Uniform & Clothing Allowance Account No.


NN. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to R&C Management, Inc, for the printing of utility bills
and envelopes for the Department of Public Works, in a total cumulative expense amount not to
exceed $118,800.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from the Printing and Binding Account No.

OO. RESOLUTION: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Pat's
Pump & Blower, LLC for the purchase of OEM Aqua Tech Sewer Cleaner parts, pumps, and accessories
in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00; for anticipated repairs during the 2024-2025 fiscal year; and
providing for an effective date.


PP. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract between Miami-Dade County

and Balado National Tires, Inc., for the purchase of tires for city vehicles and equipment; and
authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to
issue a purchase order in the amount not to exceed $75,000.00 for the purchase of tires for City vehicles
and equipment and in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part here of
as "Exhibit A"; and providing for an effective date.


QQ. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; approving an agreement between
the City of Hialeah and Mowrey Elevator Company of Florida, Inc., to provide elevator maintenance
services to several facilities throughout the City of Hialeah, for a term of one year, in an amount not to
exceed $105,000.00; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee, and the City Clerk, as attesting witness,
on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement between the City of Hialeah; and providing for an
effective date.

RR. RESO LU TI O N: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract to Contract #EVN0000469 by

Miami-Dade County, Florida with National Auto Parts Warehouse, LLC., and authorizing the Mayor or
his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to
National Auto Parts Warehouse, LLC., in the amount not to exceed $125,000.00 for the purchase of
original equipment manufacturer and aftermarket parts for all City vehicles and in substantial
conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", and providing for
an effective date.


SS. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Bomnin Chevrolet Dadeland, for the dealing and
distributing of Chevrolet OEM parts and accessories for City fleet vehicles, in a total cumulative
expense amount not to exceed $50,000.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from Account No. 001.3220.591.341.

TT. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to TMCAA, Inc (Alligator Alley Harley Davidson), for
the dealing and distributing of Harley Davidson Parts and Services for city police units, in a total
cumulative expense amount not to exceed $50,000.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from Account No. 001.3220.591.341.


UU. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract by the City of Jacksonville,

Florida and Ferguson Enterprises, LLC authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Ferguson Enterprises doing business
as Pollard Water; in the amount not to exceed $300,000.00, for the purchase of pipe and materials and in
substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and
providing for an effective date.

VV. Request permission to piggyback off Lake County Contract-22-730k and issue a Purchase Order to Ten-
8-Fire, for the purchase of parts and accessories for fire and rescue apparatus, in a total cumulative
expense amount not to exceed $35,000.00.
The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from Account No. 001.0000.141.120.


WW. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Tranny Tech, for the repair and rebuilding of
transmissions for all city apparatus, in a total cumulative expense amount not to exceed $50,000.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn from Account No. 001.3220.591.341.
XX. RESOLUTION: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract by the City of Albany, Georgia
and Inframark, LLC authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on
behalf of the City, to issue two purchase orders to Inframark in an amount not to exceed $2,681,524.00
for the purchase of lift station services and in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto
and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A".

YY. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution authorizing the use of State Housing Initiatives Partnership
(SHIP) Program funds under the City's Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) to increase funding to
Juan and Karla Balbastro in order to fully fund the ship-funded rehabilitation of their home by
$50,000.00, bringing the total award to $386,923.00; authorizing the Mayor or his designee, and the City
Clerk, as attesting witness, to execute any and all purchase orders and agreements in furtherance of the
project on behalf of the City and authorizing a supplemental appropriation pursuant to Hialeah,
Florida Charter Section 3.08(e)(1) in aforementioned amounts to the State Housing Initiatives
Partnership (SHIP) program, and providing for an effective date.


ZZ. Request permission to issue a purchase order to Palmetto Freightliner Inc, for both goods and services
related to Freightliner service and repair, as well as for OEM Freightliner parts and accessories, in a total
cumulative expense amount not to exceed $50,000.00, of which $25,000.00 will be allocated for service
and repair and $25,000.00 for parts and accessories.

The funding for $25,000.00 of this expenditure for repair and service will be drawn against Account No.
001.3220.591.341 and $25,000.000 of this expenditure for parts and accessories will be drawn against
Account No. 001.0000.141.120.


AAA. Request permission to issue a purchase order to Hector Turf Inc., for goods and services related to Toro
Lawn Equipment part and accessories, for parts, accessories as well as the repair and maintenance of
Toro reel mowers and Toro utility vehicles, in a total cumulative expense amount not to
exceed $50,000.00, of which $25,000.00 will be allocated for parts and accessories and $25,000.00 will
be allocated for repair and maintenance services.

$25,000.00 of the funding for parts and accessories will be drawn against Account No.
001.0000.141.120 and $25,000.00 for repair and maintenance services will be drawn against Account
No. 001.3220.591.341.


BBB. Request permission to increase Purchase Order # 2024-1443, issued to Best Garage Doors, for any
emergency repairs for the remaining fiscal year 2023-2024 required to keep all overhead doors at all 8
fire stations operational, by an additional amount of $5,000.00, for a new total cumulative expense
amount not to exceed $30,000.00.

The funding for the expenditure is to be drawn against Account No. 109.2000.522.461.

CCC. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to increase a purchase order for
Acarssa Supply Inc., for HVAC equipment, supplies, and repairs, approving the expenditure in an
amount not to exceed $132,891.60; and providing for an effective date.
DDD. Request permission to piggyback off of competitive bid contract Region 4 Education Service Center
(ESC) - Contract #R201101, and issue a purchase order to BSN Sports, LLC, for the purchase of the
City's athletic and physical education supplies and team uniforms, in a total cumulative expense amount
not to exceed $50,000.00 to be used by various City departments.

EEE. Request permission to piggyback off of competitive bid contract Region 4 Education Service Center
(ESC) - Contract #R200601, and issue a purchase order to Sunbelt Rentals Inc., to rent specialty
equipment and toolS, in a total cumulative expense amount not to exceed $35,000.00 to be used by
various City departments.


FFF. Request permission to increase Purchase Order # 2024-558, issued to Tranny Tech, Inc, for the repair
and rebuild of transmissions, by an additional amount of $25,000.00, for a new total cumulative amount
not to exceed $50,000.00.

The funding for the expenditure is to be drawn against the Contractual Services Account No.


GGG. Request permission to piggyback off the Omnia Partner -- IT Solutions Contract #R220804, and issue a
purchase order to m Software House International (SHI) for fiscal year 2024-2025, for the purchase of
Adobe licensing, through the Large Government Agency Program, in a total cumulative expense amount
not to exceed $60,000.00.

HHH. Request permission to issue a special event permit to Santa Barbara Catholic Church, located at 6801
West 30 th Avenue, Hialeah, Florida 33018, to host a church carnival with rides, concessions, sales, and
bingo, expecting approximately 1,000 attendees, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 31,
2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., Friday, November 1, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., Saturday,
November 2, 2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., and Sunday, November 3, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to
11:00 p.m., in accordance with the requirements of the Hialeah Fire Department, the Hialeah Police
Department and Risk Management Department.

III. Request permission to issue a Purchase Order to Palmetto Ford of Miami., for goods and services related
to the repair and maintenance of all city apparatus, as well as for the purchase of OEM Ford and Motor
Craft parts and accessories, in a total expense amount not to exceed $50,000.00, of which $25,00.00 will
be llocated for repair and maintenance services and $25,000.00 will be allocated for parts and

$25,000.00 of the funding for this expenditure is to be drawn against Account No. 001.3220.591.341 for
repairs and services and $25,000.00 of the funding for this expenditure is to be drawn against Account
No. 001.0000.141.120 for parts and accessories.

JJJ. Request permission to utilize competitive bid contract State of Minnesota Contract # 062320-URI for
Equipment and Tool Rental Services, and issue a purchase order to United Rentals, Inc., for specialty
equipment and the rental of tools, in a total expense amount not to exceed $45,000.00 to be used by
various City departments.


KKK. Request permission to piggyback off a competitively bid contract, "Lake County - Contract #22-730G
for Fire Equipment, Supplies, and Services,", and issue a purchase order to Municipal Emergency
Services, Inc., for the purchase of fire equipment, supplies, and services, in a total cumulative expense
amount not to exceed $55,000.00.


LLL. Request permission to issue a purchase to The Sherwin-Williams Company, for the purchase of paint
and related supplies to be used by various departments, in a total expense amount not to exceed


MMM. RESO LU TI O N : Proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk, as attesting witness,
on behalf of the City of Hialeah, to enter into an Interlocal Agreement, attached hereto as "Exhibit A",
with the City of West Miami, to promote and honor social, cultural, and artistic pieces, and their artists
by showcasing and exchanging such pieces, traditions, and ideas; providing for an effective date.


NNN. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract of the City Of Miami-Dade

County Contract #ENV000I442, with an open purchase order with Sunshine Gasoline Distributors Inc.
for the purchase of gas and diesel fuel for all city vehicles and equipment; and additionally, authorizing
the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a
purchase order To Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $2,380,000.00, for a
term from October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025, and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute
all necessary documents in furtherance thereof, and proving for an effective date.


OOO. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City to open a purchase order with
Tropic Oil for the acquisition of oil and lubricants necessary for the maintenance and optimal
functioning of all city apparatus. in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, for a term from October 1,
2024, to September 30, 2025, and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary
documents in furtherance thereof, and providing for an effective date.


PPP. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City to issue a purchase order to Jorge
Leon Car Wash, Inc. to provide wash and detail services for the city's fleet of vehicles, in an amount not
to exceed $70,000.00; and providing for an effective date.


QQQ. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution approving the renewal of a Right-of-Way Turf And Landscape
Maintenance Agreement for Sector 1 (primary and secondary agreements) within the corporate limits of
the City of Hialeah, for a term of one year, commencing on October 1, 2024, and ending on September
30, 2025, in amounts as specified herein with VisualScape, Inc. and Super Landscape & Maintenance,
Inc.; authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to execute the
contract renewal and all other customary and necessary documents to carry out this resolution; and
providing for an effective date.


RRR. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving the renewal of a Right-of-Way Turf and Landscape
Maintenance Agreement for Sector 2 within the corporate limits of the City of Hialeah, for a term of one
year, commencing on October 1, 2024, and ending on September 30, 2025, in amounts as specified
herein with VisualScape, Inc. and Super Landscape & Maintenance, Inc.; authorizing the Mayor and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to execute the contract renewal and all other
customary and necessary documents to carry out this resolution; and providing for an effective date.
SSS. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving the renewal of a Right-of-Way Turf and Landscape
Maintenance Agreement for Sector 3 within the corporate limits of the City of Hialeah, for a term of one
year, commencing on October 1, 2024, and ending on September 30, 2025, in amounts as specified
herein with Super Landscape & Maintenance, Inc. and VisualScape, Inc.; authorizing the Mayor and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to execute the contract renewal and all other
customary and necessary documents to carry out this resolution; and providing for an effective date.


TTT. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving the renewal of a Right-of-Way Turf and Landscape
Maintenance Agreement for Sector 4 within the corporate limits of the City of Hialeah, for a term of one
year, commencing on October 1, 2024, and ending on September 30, 2025, in amounts as specified
herein with Super Landscape & Maintenance, Inc. and VisualScape, Inc.; authorizing the Mayor and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to execute the contract renewal and all other
customary and necessary documents to carry out this resolution; and providing for an effective date.


UUU. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving the renewal of a Right-of-Way Turf and Landscape
Maintenance Agreement for Sector 5 within the corporate limits of the City of Hialeah, for a term of one
year, commencing on October 1, 2024, and ending on September 30, 2025, in amounts as specified
herein with Super Landscape & Maintenance, Inc. and VisualScape, Inc.; authorizing the Mayor and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to execute the contract renewal and all other
customary and necessary documents to carry out this resolution; and providing for an effective date.


VVV. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving the renewal of a Right-of-Way Turf and Landscape
Maintenance Agreement for Sector 6 within the corporate limits of the City of Hialeah, for a term of one
year, commencing on October 1, 2024, and ending on September 30, 2025, in amounts as specified
herein with VisualScape, Inc. and Super Landscape & Maintenance, Inc.; authorizing the Mayor and the
City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to execute the contract renewal and all other
customary and necessary documents to carry out this resolution; and providing for an effective date.


WWW. RESO LU TI O N: Proposed resolution accepting the invitation for bids response for Invitation for Bid
(IFB) 2023-24-047 for the Elevator Modernization - City Hall; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to Pro
Elevator, Inc., (the vendor) in an amount not to exceed $374,000.00, which includes a 10% contingency,
for the elevator modernization at city hall, and in substantial conformity with the attached IFB 2023-24-
047, attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A", and authorizing the Mayor or designee to
sign any related and customary purchasing documents to effectuate this resolution; and providing for an
effective date.


XXX. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, in accordance with the terms of Resolution No. 2024-166 to
increase the purchase order 2024-543 to Bound Tree Medical, LLC in the amount of $103,656.79 not to
exceed $123,656.79 for the purchase of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, and in substantial
conformity with the attached RFP 2023- 242000-36-012, attached hereto and made a part hereof as
"Exhibit A", and providing for an effective date.

YYY. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, in accordance with the terms of Resolution No. 2024-166 to
increase purchase order 2024-545 to Quamed, Inc in the amount of $55,674.33 not to exceed
$80,674.33, for the purchase of medical supplies, in substantial conformity with the attached RFP 2024-
24200-36-012, attached hereto and made part of hereof as "Exhibit A", and providing for an effective

ZZZ. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue and execute a purchase order to TPH Holdings Florida,
LLC, DBA The Parts House ("TPH"), for the purchase of OEM and aftermarket parts and accessories
for city vehicles; approving the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $85,000.00; and providing an
effective date.


AAAA. RESO LU TI O N: Proposed resolution approving a piggyback contract off of Miami-Dade County with
K.V.P. Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Expert Diesel, for Cummins engine service, repairs, and OEM and OE
parts and supplies; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on
behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order in the amount not to exceed $225,000.00 for Cummins
engine service, repairs, and OEM and OE parts and supplies; and in substantial conformity with the
agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and providing for an effective date.


BBBB. RESOLUTION: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue and execute a purchase
order to East Penn Manufacturing Co. for the purchase of batteries for all city fleet vehicles, heavy
equipment, and fire emergency vehicles; approving the expenditure in an amount not to exceed
$100,000.00; and providing for an effective date.


CCCC. Request permission to ratify the issuance of Purchase Order No. 2024-2805 issued to Foster & Foster
Consulting Actuaries, Inc., for the payment pending invoices for financial consulting services for the
cost implications of different scenarios related to proposed benefit changes for city employees, in a total
amount of $12,500.00.

The funding for this expenditure is to be withdrawn against the General Fund - Professional Services
Account No. 001.8500.519.310 for fiscaly year 2023-2024.


DDDD. Request permission to ratify the issuance of Purchase Order No. 2024-550, issued to Henry Schein, Inc.,
for the purchase of medical supplies, in the amount of $40,668.88 and further request permission to
increase the purchase order by an additional amount of $20,000.00, to cover the cost of pending
invoices, for a new total cumulative expense amount not to exceed $60,668.88. On June 11, 2024, the
City Council approved Consent Item P awarding Invitation for Bid (IFB) No. 2023-24-2000-36-012 to
the vendor for purchase of medical supplies.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn against the General Fund - Operating Supplies -
Medical Account No. 001.2000.522.521 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.


EEEE. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution approving a piggyback off of Miami-Dade County Contract

#EVN0000469 with Rechtien International Trucks, Inc. for both goods and services related to the repair
and maintenance of the City fleet and fire apparatuses as well as for purchasing OEM international truck
parts and accessories; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness,
on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order in the amount not to exceed $150,000.00, and in
substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and
providing for an effective date.

FFFF. Request permission to increase Purchase Order No. 2024-1839 issued to Tyler Technologies, Inc., to
cover the cost of outstanding invoices for permitting and land management software, annual users,
maintenance and support fees, by an additional amount of $45,619.77, for a new total cumulative
expense amount not to exceed $314,806.26.

The funding for this expenditure is to be drawn against the Building Division Fund - Contractual
Services Account No. 141.4300.515340 for fiscal year 2023-2024.

GGGG. R E S O L U T I O N: Proposed resolution approving the renewal of a Turf and Landscape Maintenance
Department-Funded Agreement with the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, for the
maintenance of turf and landscape on designated state roads within the corporate limits of the City of
Hialeah, for a term of one year, commencing on March 7, 2025, and ending on March 6, 2026, in an
amount not to exceed $142,872.00; authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on
behalf of the City, to execute the contract renewal and all other customary and necessary documents to
carry out this resolution; and providing for an effective date.


HHHH. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue and execute a purchase
order with Florida Transportation Systems, Inc. for the purchase of OEM El Dorado Bus Parts for city
transit buses; approving the expenditure in an amount not to exceed $125,000.00; and providing for an
effective date.


IIII. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City to issue and execute a purchase
order to Matheny Motor Truck Company, incorporated d/b/a Matheny Fire & Emergency for the
purchase of OEM fire and rescue truck parts and accessories; approving the expenditure in an amount
not to exceed $100,000.00 for a term of one (1) calendar year commencing October 1, 2024 and ending
September 30, 2025; and providing for an effective date.


JJJJ. RESOLUTION: Proposed resolution approving the selection of Canono Investment, LLC. ("vendor")
for the renovation of the Bucky Dent Aquatic Center Activity Pool in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and specifications contained in invitation for Bid (IFB) #2023-24-052, attached hereto and
made a part hereof as "Exhibit A"; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee and the City Clerk, as
attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to issue a purchase order to the referenced vendor in an amount
not to exceed $435,671.63, which includes a 10% contingency, for the renovation of the Bucky Dent
Aquatic Center Activity Pool; and authorizing the Mayor or designee to sign any related and customary
purchasing documents to effectuate this resolution, and providing for an effective date.


KKKK. R ESO LU T I O N: Proposed resolution waiving competitive bidding; and authorizing the Mayor or his
designee and the City Clerk, as attesting witness, on behalf of the City, to enter into an three (3) year
agreement with Miami Christmas Lights for holiday lighting displays throughout the City approving the
expenditure in an amount not to exceed the budgeted funds allocated per year plus a 20 percent
contingency fee, and providing for an effective date.


LLLL. Request from Jason R. Wells, on behalf of Lowe's Home Improvement, for a permit for the sale of
Christmas trees, and permission to erect a temporary 30 feet X 40 feet canopy on Sunday, November 3,
2024 and take down on Monday, December 23, 2024, with sales commencing on Sunday, November 17,
2024, and ending on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at the Lowe's Home Improvement Store located at
1650 West 37 Street, Hialeah, Florida, subject to compliance with the requirements of the Hialeah Fire
Department and the Risk Management Department.

MMMM. RESO LU TI O N: Proposed resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County
relating to the publication of legal advertisements and public notices on Miami-Dade County's publicly
accessible website; providing for authorization; and providing for an effective date.




12, 2024.
O RD I N A N CE : Second reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance amending the Hialeah Code
of Ordinances Chapter 78, entitled "Solid Waste", amending § 78-160 "Applications for Non-Exclusive
Franchises" and § 78-162 "Waste Services Permit" providing for new insurance requirements and bonds
and alternate security amounts and creating a new subsection delineating an application process that
includes mandatory administrative costs for a new and renewal application; repealing all ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for penalties for violation hereof; providing for a
severability clause; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for an effective date.


On September 24, 2024, the Administration postponed the item until the next City Council meeting
on October 8, 2024.
On September 10, 2024, the Administration postponed the item until the next City Council meeting
on September 24, 2024.
On August 27, 2024, the City Council approved the proposed ordinance on first reading. Second
reading and public hearing is scheduled for September 10, 2024.

B. O RD I N A N CE : Second reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance approving the closure and
vacation of the public alley and the release and abandonment of the easement reservation traversing land
running on the east side of the City of Hialeah from East 9 Avenue to East 10 Avenue between East 26
Street and East 27 Street in Hialeah, Florida as depicted and legally described in Exhibit "A"; repealing
all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing penalties for violations hereof;
providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective date.
On September 24, 2024, the City Council approved the item on first reading. Second reading and
public hearing is scheduled for October 8, 2024.

C. O RD I N A N CE : Second reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance repealing and rescinding
Hialeah Ordinance No. 2023-007 (attached hereto as Exhibit "A") (January 24, 2023) granting a Special
Use Permit and Variance to allow the expansion of the Neighborhood Business District and allow only
residential units where mixed-use is required; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith; providing penalties for violation hereof; providing for a severability clause; and providing for
an effective date.
On September 24, 2024, the City Council approved the item on first reading. Second reading and
public hearing is scheduled for October 8, 2024.

D. O RD I N A N CE : First reading of proposed ordinance amending the Hialeah Code of Ordinances

Chapter 98, entitled "Zoning", Article V. "Zoning District Regulations', Division 33. "NBD
Neighborhood Business District"; amending §98-1627. "Purpose", §98-1628 "Definitions", §98-1629
"Geographic Area and Exclusion", §98-1630.1 "Permitted Uses, Limitations and Prohibited Commercial
Uses", §98-1630.2 "Building Uses", §98-1630.3 "Development Standards", §98-1630.6 "Building
Design Concept Requirements", §98-1630.7 "Design and Development Standards", and §98-1630.8
"Limited Expansion on NBD Overlay District regulations subject to Special Use Permit"; retitling and
amending §98-1630.4 "Height Incentives", §98-1630.9 "Site Plan Review, Demolition and Construction
Schedule", and removing §98-1630.5 "Density Incentives"; to revise the permitted uses, clarify the
development standards and to improve the zoning regulations; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for penalties for violation hereof; providing for a severability
clause; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for an effective date.


On September 24, 2024, the Administration postponed the item until the City Council meeting
of October 8, 2024.
On September 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval.

E. O R D I N A N C E: First reading of proposed ordinance amending Chapter 70 entitled "Retirement and

Pension", Article IV. Employees General Retirement System, Division 5 entitled "Benefits";
implementing the changes to the Retirement System contained in the Memorandum of Understanding
between the City and IAFF, Local 1102 for firefighter members, in particular revising § 70-238 entitled
"Service Retirement Allowance" repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for penalties
hereof; providing for inclusion in the code; providing for an interpertation and savings clause; providing
for a severability clause and providing for an effective date.


F. O R D I N A N C E : First reading of proposed ordinance amending the Hialeah Code of Ordinances

Chapter 98, entitled "Zoning", Article VI. "Supplementary District Regulations", Division 10 "Parking",
amending §98-2189 "Minimum Required Off-Street Parking Spaces", Section Number 16, "NBD
Neighborhood Business Distrcit", to revise the permitted parking uses, clarify the residential and
commercial use standards, and to improve the zoning regulations; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for penalties for violation hereof; providing for a severability
clause; providing for inclusion in the Code; and providing for an effective date.


G. R E S O L U T I O N : Proposed resolution of the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Hialeah
expressing its intent to approve and adopt Text Amendments to the Future Land Use Element of the City
of Hialeah, Florida, Comprehensive Plan; and providing for an effective date.





Administration of Oath to all applicants and anyone who will be speaking before the City
Council on any Zoning, Land Use or Final Decision Item.
Attention Applicants:
a. Items approved by the City Council are subject to the Mayor's approval or veto. The Mayor may
withhold his signature or veto the item. If the Mayor's signature is withheld, the item is not
effective until the next regularly scheduled meeting. If the Mayor vetoes the item, the item is
rejected unless the Council overrides the veto at the next regular meeting.

A. O RD I N A N CE: Second reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance granting a Variance Permit to
allow 238 parking spaces, where 243 parking spaces are required; and 10.03% pervious area, where 18% is the
minimum pervious area required; in contrast to Hialeah Code of Ordinances § 98-2189 (3) and Paragraph E of
the City of Hialeah Landscape Manual dated December 13, 2022 entitled Tree and Lawn Requirements by
Zoning Classification. Property is located at 1900 West 60th Street, Hialeah, zoned C-2 (Liberal
Retail Commercial District) and legally described herein ; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith; providing penalties for violation hereof; providing for a severability clause;
and providing for an effective date.
On September 24, 2024, the City Council approved the item on first reading. Second reading and public
hearing is scheduled for October 8, 2024.
On September 10, 2024, the item was postponed until the City Council Meeting of September 24, 2024.
On August 27, 2024, the City Council tabled the item until the City Council Meeting of September 10,
2024 due to the applicant not being present.
On June 26, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval subject to the condition that
the applicant provide paving and drainage plans, and a landscape re-certification during the building
permit process.
Planner's Recommendation: Approval with conditions.
Property Owner: Arik Bouskila, 2890 Northeast 207th Street, Suite 808, Aventura, Florida 33180.

B. O RD I N A N CE: Second reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance rezoning property from R-1 (One-
Family District) to R-3-1 (Multiple-Family District); granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a K-1 Grade
School with a maximum capacity of 19 students; granting a Variance Permit to allow an interior west side
setback of 4.97 feet, where 10 feet are required; a Variance Permit to allow an interior east side setback of 4
feet, 6 inches, where 10 feet are required; a Variance Permit to allow a rear setback of 15.39 feet, where 20 feet
are required; and a Variance Permit to allow 4 parking spaces, where 13 parking spaces are required; in contrast
to Hialeah Code of Ordinances §§ 98-590, 98-591 and 98-2189(9); property located at 441 West 11 Street
and 445 West 11 Street, Hialeah, zoned R-1 (One-Family District) and legally described herein;
repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing penalties for violation hereof;
providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective date.
On September 24, 2024, the City Council approved the item on first reading. Second reading and public
hearing is scheduled for October 8, 2024.
Registered Lobbyist: Ceasar Mestre, Esq., 8105 Northwest 155th Street, Miami Lakes, Florida, on behalf
of Little Angel Academy, Inc.
On September 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval subject to the following
1. Keep the designated off-street (inside the property lines) parking areas operational as parking at
all times during daycare/school operation hours.
2. Do not use the off-street (inside the property lines) parking area as a playground.
3. On-street parking (outside the property) adjacent to the sidewalks shall be stripped as parallel
parking with the required Streets Department permits in order to avoid parking on top of the
existing sidewalks.
4. Have school staff available during drop-off and pick-up hours to directly supervise on-street
parking (outside the property) by parents and teachers to make sure that the existing sidewalk
remains clear and no cars park encroaching on the sidewalk
5. Provide Unity of Title for 441 and 445 West 11th Street.
6. Restrict school to K and 1 Grade with a maximum total of 19 students.
7. Rezoning of 445 West 11 Avenue shall be limited to the most restrictive R-3 classification, named
Planner's Recommendation: Approval with parking variance, Conditional Use Permit (CUP), variances
and rezoning to R-3-1 subject to the seven conditions outlined above.
Property Owners: Little Angel Academy Inc., 421 West 11 Street, Hialeah, Florida 33010 and Odalys
Fernandez, 16201 Northwest 77 Place, Miami, Florida 33016

C. O RD I N A N CE: Second reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit
(CUP) pursuant to Hialeah Code of Ordinances § 98-181 to allow a kindergarten class with a maximum
capacity of 23 students in conjunction with a 73 children daycare; property located at 1575 West 42
Street, Units 4203, 4205, 4231, and 4235, Hialeah, zoned C-2 (Liberal Retail Commercial
District) and legally described herein ; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith;
providing penalties for violation hereof; providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective
On September 24, 2024, the City Council approved the item on first reading. Second reading and public
hearing is scheduled for October 8, 2024.
Registered Lobbyist: Ceasar Mestre, Esq., 8105 Northwest 155th Street, Miami Lakes, Florida, on behalf
of My Happy House Daycare, Corp.
On September 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval.
Planner's Recommendation: Approval.
Property Owners: My Happy House Daycare Corp., Angela Suarez, and Inversions Caribe LLC, 4235
West 16 Avenue, Unit 102, Hialeah, Florida 33012.

D. O RD I N A N CE: First reading of proposed ordinance rezoning property from R-1 (One-Family District) to R-
3-5 (Multiple-Family District); granting a variance permit to allow a front setback of 10 feet, where 25 feet is
the minimum required; allowing an interior east and west side setback of 5 feet, where 10 feet is the minimum
required; allow a rear setback of 5 feet, where 20 feet is the minimum required; and allow 27 percent pervious
area, where 30 is the minimum required; in contrast to Hialeah Code of Ordinances §§ 98-589, 98-590, 98-591
and the Hialeah Landscape Manual, dated December 13, 2022, Section "E", entitled "Tree and Lawn
Requirements by Zoning Classification"; property located at 533 East 22 Street, zoned R-1 (One-Family
District) and legally described herein; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith;
providing penalties for violation hereof; providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective
On September 25, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval.
Planner's Recommendation: Approval.
Property Owner: 533 East 22 St LLC (Alex Arniella, Manager)

E. O RD I N A N CE: First reading of proposed ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) pursuant to
Hialeah Code of Ordinances § 98-181 to allow a kindergarten class with a maximum capacity of 22 students in
conjunction with an 81 children daycare; property located at 5378 West 16 Avenue, Unit 5356,
Hialeah, zoned C-2 (Liberal Retail Commercial District) and legally described herein; repealing all
ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing penalties for violation hereof; providing for a
severability clause; and providing an effective date.
Registered Lobbyist: Ceasar Mestre, Esq., 8105 Northwest 155th Street, Miami Lakes, Florida, on behalf
of Jinny's Learning Center Corp.
Planner's Recommendation: Approval of the Conditional Use Permit with conditions.
On September 25, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval with the following
(1) Restrict the maximum capacity to 81 daycare children and 22 school children in kindergarden.
(2) Submit building permits for a Change of Use according to the plans submitted and no later than 3
months from approval.
(3) Enter into a Declaration of Restrictions prior to the second reading of the ordinance.
Property Owners: Jenny's Learning Center Corp, Yucaime Hernandez 5356 W 16 Ave, Hialeah, Florida,
Nima Plaza, 2087 W 76 St, Hialeah, Florida 33016, and Nilo Ventura, 2087 W 76 St, Hialeah, Florida

F. O RD I N A N CE: First reading of proposed ordinance approving a Final Plat of Flightway North; accepting all
dedication of avenues, streets, roads or other public ways, together with all existing and future planting of trees,
shrubberry and fire hydrants; property legally described more particularly in "Exhibit A"; repealing all
ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing penalties for violation hereof; providing for a
severability clause; and providing for an effective date.
On September 25, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval.
Planner's Recommendation: Approval.
Property Owners: FW 14 I, LLC, FW 14 II, LLC, FW 14 III, LLC, FW 14 IV, LLC, F14 Warehouse 6-7 LLC,
Doral Time Investments Corp, That Rohe II, LLC, Egas Investments, LLC, Think Big Holding, LLC, Deng
Enterprises, LLC, Due Fratelli Investments, LLC, Wind & Wind Investments, LLC, Antares International
Investments, LLC, Black River 14, LLC, Investment FLW 14, LLC, Bill Marquis LLC, Arpegus, LLC, San
Giuliano 14, LLC.
G. O RD I N A N CE: First reading of proposed ordinance rezoning property from R-1 (One-Family District) to R-2
(One and Two-Family District); granting a variance permit to re-plat the property into two substandard lots and
to allow the construction of a duplex on each substandard lot, having a frontage of approximately 65 feet and
50.5 feet and a total lot area of approximately 5,200 square feet and 4,040 square feet, where frontage of 75 feet
and a total lot area of 7,500 square feet are required; granting a variance permit to allow the following setback
adjustments for the northern lot: allowing a front setback of 10 feet, where 25 feet are required; allowing an
interior south side setback of 5 feet, where 7.5 feet are required; allowing a rear setback of 5 feet, where 25 feet
are required; and allowing 46 percent pervious area, where 30% percent is the minimum required; granting a
variance permit to allow the following setback adjustments for the southern lot: allowing a front setback of 10
feet, where 25 feet is required, allowing a street side setback of 10 feet, where 15 feet are required; allowing a
rear setback of 5 feet, where 7.5 feet are required; allowing an interior north side setback of 5 feet and 1 inch,
where 25 feet are required; allowing 59 percent lot coverage, where 30% is the maximum allowed; and allowing
22 percent pervious area, where 30% is the minimum required, all in contrast to Hialeah Code of Ordinances §§
and the Hialeah Landscape Manual, dated December 13, 2022, Section "E" entitled "Tree and Law
Requirements by Zoning Classification". Property located at 501 East 8 Street, Hialeah, zoned R-1 (One-
Family District) and legally described herein. Repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith; providing penalties for violation hereof; providing for a severability clause; and providing for an
effective date.
On September 25, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval subject to the following
(1) The project must have a gate at each vehicular access and have a solid wall at the western and
northern property lines.
(2) The project is to submit a landscaping plan and tree removal permit, if any trees are removed.
(3) The project shall be developed in accordance to the conceptual plans developed by Architecture
Associates, Inc, signed and sealed by Ruben Travieso dated August 23, 2024.
(4) Final replat must be completed prior to the issuing of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Planner's Recommendation: Approval of the rezoning and variances with conditions
Property Owner: Gino Dominico, 460 NW 28th St Miami, Florida, 33137
H. O RD I N A N CE: First reading of proposed ordinance rezoning property from RO (Residential Office District)
to OPS (Offices and Professional Services District), granting a variance permit to allow 16 parking spaces
where 29 parking spaces are required; allowing a front setback of 13 feet, where 20 feet are required; allowing
a rear setback of 8.11 feet, where 15 feet are required; allowing the existing front and corner side landscape
buffer between the off-street parking and right-of-way of 1 foot and 8 inches, where a 7-foot landscape buffer
is required; and allowing 10.4 percent pervious area, where 30 percent is the minimum required, in contrast to
Hialeah Code of Ordinances §§ 98-2189 (4), 98-1026 (1), 98-1026 (2), the Hialeah Landscape Manual, dated
December 13, 2022, Section "D" entitled "Shrubs, Vines, Ground Covers, Mulch, Buffers, Plant Quality, Storm
Water Retention + Detention Areas, Native Species and Landscape Mitigation", and Section "E", entitled "Tree
and Lawn Requirement by Zoning Classification"; p roperty located at 3499 West 4 Avenue, Hialeah,
zoned RO (Residential Office District) and legally described herein; repealing all ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing penalties for violation hereof; providing a severability clause;
and providing for an effective date.
Registered Lobbyist: Ceasar Mestre, Esq., 8105 Northwest 155th Street, Miami Lakes, Florida, on behalf
of Elsa LLC.
On September 25, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval with the condition that
the existing wall sign on the property be modified to remove the word Clinic.
Planner's Recommendation: Approved of the rezoning and for the variances with the condition.
Property Owners: Elsa LLC, Cristina Sori, Jorge Luis Sosa, 3499 W 4th Ave, Hialeah, Florida, 33012.


A. RESOLUTION : Proposed resolution approving the final decision of the Planning and Zoning
Board, Decision No. 2024-08 , allowing a rear setback of 7.1 feet, where 7.5 feet are required, and allowing a
street side setback of 7.70 feet, where 15 feet are required for a 365 square feet accessory building to be
legalized; property located at 10 West 63 Street, Hialeah, zoned R-1 (One-Family District); and
providing for an effective date.
On September 11, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this item with the
following conditions:
1. Property shall provide pervious area at a minimum of thirty percent.
2. No second access and curb-cut will be built along Palm Avenue.
3. The accessory building will only be utilized for personal use.
4. No bathroom or kitchen will be included within the accessory structure.
5. No business will be conducted at and from the accessory building.
6. Noise levels within the accessory structure shall be maintained at a level to not exceed 75
Planner's Recommendation: Approve with conditions.
Property Owner: Manuel Rodriguez.

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