Business Taxation Reviewer
Business Taxation Reviewer
Business Taxation Reviewer
Hannah Joy A. Borja, CPA There are three (3) major business taxes in the
BS Accty – 3 Philippines namely:
1. Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Business Taxes
• imposed upon onerous transfers such 2. Other percentage taxes (OPT) or simply
as sale, barter, exchange and Percentage Tax
importation. It is called as such because
3. Excise taxes
without a business pursued in the
Philippines (except importation) by the As a rule, all sale of goods or services made in
taxpayer, business taxes cannot be the normal course of trade or business are
applied. subject to VAT unless exempt under the law.
• are in addition to income and other Nonetheless, if the sale is exempt from VAT, it
taxes paid, unless specifically may be subject to Other Percentage Tax.
Consequently, transactions subjected to VAT
• based on gross sales or receipts.
should no longer be subjected to Percentage
Hence, irrespective of the results of
Tax. However, such is not the case with respect
business operations, taxpayers engaged
to excise taxes. A transaction subjected to
in trade are still liable to pay for
either VAT or Percentage Tax may still be
business taxes
subjected to Excise Tax.
• either VAT or percentage tax, plus
excise tax, if applicable
Types of Transfer
1. Gratuitous Transfer (transfer without
consideration) – not subject to business
tax but subject to transfer taxes (estate
or donor’s tax)
2. Onerous Transfer (transfer with
a. In the ordinary course of trade or
business including incidental transactions: A transaction subjected to value added tax must
Subject to (unless exempt under the law) no longer be subjected to percentage tax.
Nonetheless, a business entity or taxpayer may
- business tax; and be engaged in transactions that are subject to
- income tax VAT, Exempt from Vat and subject to
Percentage tax (mixed transactions) at the
b. Not in the ordinary course of trade same time.
or\business – not subject to business tax but
may be subject to income tax. Therefore, a taxpayer may be subjected to
value added tax and at the same time,
Guide: percentage tax including excise tax, if
If the asset sold is an ordinary asset, it is
generally subject to VAT unless exempt under Value Added Tax
the law. Mindanao II’s business is to convert
the steam supplied to it by the PNOC into • VAT is a tax on the value added by
electricity and to deliver the electricity to NPC. every seller to the purchase price or cost
In the course of its business, Mindanao II in the sale or lease of goods, property
bought and eventually sold a Nissan Patrol. or services in the ordinary course of
Prior the sale, the Nissan Patrol was part of trade or business as well as on
Mindanao II’s property, plant and equipment. importation of goods into the
Therefore, the sale of Nissan Patrol is an Philippines, whether for personal or
incidental transaction made in the course of business use.
Mindanao II’s business which should be liable • It is a tax on consumption levied on the
for VAT sale, barter, exchange or lease of goods
or properties and services in the
Philippines and on importation of goods
into the Philippines levied at each stage
of production and distribution process.
• “Cross border doctrine” means that no
VAT shall be imposed to form part of the
cost of goods destined for consumption SALE OF SERVICES
outside the territorial border of the
Philippines taxing authority. • Sale of services means performance of
all kind of services in the Philippines for
Kinds of VAT others for a fee, remuneration or
consideration, whether in kind or in
1. VAT on sale of goods or properties
2. VAT on importation of goods • VAT on sale of services is a tax on
payments for services rendered in the
3. VAT on sale of services and use or lease exercise of profession or calling.
of properties
• It is an indirect tax and thus, may be
Persons Liable passed on to the client or customer.
• It is a tax on services and, as such, it
accrues at the time the service fee is
collected (regardless of timing of
• Such payments may be collected in
advance or after the services is
Nonresident citizens coming to resettle in 12. Tax on sale, barter or exchange of share of
the Philippines. Provided, that such goods stock listed and traded through the local stock
are exempt from customs duties under the exchange (Sec. 127
Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines F. SERVICES BY
D. Importation of professional instruments “Agricultural contract growers” and
and implements, tools of trade, occupation
or employment, wearing apparel, domestic Milling for others of:
animals, and personal and household
Palay into rice
effects belonging to persons coming to settle in
the Philippines or Filipinos or their families and Corn into grits; and
descendants who are not residents or citizens
of other countries, such parties herein referred Sugar cane into raw sugar
to as overseas Filipinos, in quantities and of the G. Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary
class suitable to the profession, rank or position services except those rendered by
of the persons importing said items, for their professionals
own use and not for barter or sale,
accompanying such persons, or arriving within • Laboratory services are exempted. If the
a reasonable time. hospital or clinic operates a pharmacy or
drugstore, the sale of drugs and
• Provided, that the Bureau of Customs medicines are subject to VAT.
may, upon the production of satisfactory • Hospital bills constitute medical
evidence that such persons are actually services.
coming to settle in the Philippine and • The sale made by the drugstore to the
that the goods are brought from their in-patients which are included in the
former place of abode, exempt such
hospital bills are part of medical bills Concessionaires under the Petroleum Act of
exempt from VAT. 1949)
• Sales of the drug store to the outpatients
Examples (special laws):
are taxable because they are not part of
medical services of the hospital. PD 1869 - PAGCOR Charter
• Medical practitioners, under the
aforementioned regulation, shall likewise RA 9367 - Biofuels Act
include medical technologies, RA 10072 - Philippine Red Cross
allied health workers and other medical
practitioners who are not under an RA 9994 - Expanded Senior Citizens Act of
employer-employee relationship with the 2010
hospital, clinic or HMO and other similar RA 10754 - Magna Carta for PWDs
L. “Sales by agricultural cooperatives duly
Pursuant to RR 16-2005, services of
registered with the Cooperative
Professional Practitioners are subject to VAT if Development Authority to their members as
annual gross professional fees exceed
well as sale of their produce, whether in its
P3,000,000. Otherwise, such professional fees
original state or processes form, to non-
are subject to Percentage Tax under Section. members, their importation of direct farm
116 of the Tax Code, as amended. Professional
inputs, machineries and equipment,
Practitioners include, among others, the
including spare parts thereof, to be used
directly and exclusively in the production
• Medical practitioners and/or processing of their product.
• CPAs
• Insurance Agents (Life and Non-life)
• Other professional Practitioners required
to pass the government examination.
H. “Educational services rendered by private
educational institutions, duly accredited by
DepEd, CHED, TESDA and those rendered
by government educational institutions. It is to be reiterated however, that sale or
importation of agricultural food products in their
“Educational services” original state is EXEMPT from VAT irrespective
of the seller and buyer thereof
• refer to academic, technical or
vocational education provided by private M. “Gross receipts from “lending activities”
educational institutions duly accredited by credit or multi-purpose cooperatives duly
by the DepEd, the CHED, and TESDA registered with the Cooperative
and those rendered by government Development Authority”
educational institutions and it does not • Exemption is not only limited to the
include seminars, in service training, gross receipts on loans extended to its
review classes and other similar members but also to other persons who
services rendered by persons who are are not members.
not accredited by the DepEd, the CHED
and/or TESDA
I. “Services rendered by individuals
pursuant to an employer-employee
J. “Services rendered by Regional or Area
Headquarters (RHQs) established in the N. “Sales by non-agricultural, non-electric
Philippines by multinational corporations and non-credit cooperatives duly registered
which act as supervisory, communications with the Cooperative Development Authority,
and coordinating centers for their affiliates, provided, that the share capital contribution
subsidiaries or branches in the Area-Pacific of each member does not exceed fifteen
Region and do not earn or derive income thousand pesos (P15,000) and regardless of
from the Philippines. the aggregate capital and net surplus ratably
K. “Transactions which are exempt under distributed among the members”.
international agreements to which the
Philippines is a signatory or under special
laws, EXCEPT those under Presidential
Decree No. 529 (Petroleum Exploration
• Importation by non-agricultural, non- interest payments, and as such other
electric and non-credit cooperatives of benefits in accordance with the
machineries and equipment including provisions of Republic Act 7279,
spare parts thereof, to be used by them otherwise known as the “Urban
are subject to VAT. Development and Housing Act of 1992”
and RA No. 7835 and RA No. 8763.