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© 2023 IJRTI | Volume 8, Issue 4 | ISSN: 2456-3315

A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Tata

Nexon Ev
1Mrs B.Poornima, 2Mr M.Ramamoorthi
Assistant Professor, Department of Banking &Insurance, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore.
III B.com B&I, Department of Banking &Insurance, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore.

ABSTRACT: This is a study on customer satisfaction towards Tata Nexon EV. The introduction provides an overview of
the transportation industry, its evolution and impact on the environment. The statement of problem highlights the negative
effects of conventional engines on the environment and the need for eco-friendly alternatives. The objective of the study
includes analyzing customer attitudes towards sales and service of electric vehicle companies, identifying factors that
influence customer satisfaction towards Nexon EV cars, and analyzing customer needs based on primary data. The scope
of the study focuses on the two-wheeler segment of the Indian automobile sector, which contributes more than 7 percent to
the GDP of the country, with the electric cars having a market share of over 75 percent. The study aims to understand the
customer perception and attitude towards electric cars and factors that influence customer satisfaction towards Tata Nexon

Keywords: Tata Nexon EV, Conventional engines, GDP, Electric cars.


Travelling has come long way from the days of the walking to various forms of modern transportation of the globalised
world. The people use to travel by walking in the ancient times. Those were the days when people use to travel with the help of
natural resources and without affecting the nature. The pace of time has totally transverse mode of transports in the world. The
evolution of the transportation has made giant leaps to the current stature. The travelling time of the ancient times has been reduced
drastically with the innovation of the science. The journey of the development of the transports has drastically decreased the travel
time. The scientific inventions in the field of transport are still evolving. The days of animal transportation for travelling are
completely extinct in the modern world. The high-power cars, bullet trains and air transport has made the transport sector as one of
the prime sector that indulges in the manufacturing. The manufacturing base of the transport sector has high use of research and
development in enhancing the performance of the vehicle. There are large number of vehicles and brands that has been used in the
country for the transportation.
The usage of the engine in the vehicles has been largely developed with the help of the research and development wing
based on the feedback and intention of the consumers of the market. The steam engine stood the primary in the beginning rather
evolved and has come to the usage of electric engine in the polluted world. The classical evolution of the engines has put forward
lot of environmental problems in the society. This environmental friendliness has been the need of the hour in the 21st century. The
flow of the vehicles at the world level has been constantly and geometrically incre ability to absorb the emitted pollutants. The
research is looking forward to evaluate the potential degrading effects of the petrol and diesel engine of the environment. The mode
of transport has also been changing the preferences towards the electric engines.
The growth of the electric engines can be traced back to the 17th century. The strong foundation and need for the electric
engine is not realized in that century. The globalised and modern world is realizing the importance of the electric engines in all
ways of the life to minimize the effect of other modes of transport to the environmental degradation. The consumers preferences
and attitudes is deviating to a certain extent towards the usage of the electric engines. These preferences of the consumers will be
added advantage to the manufacturers who are willing to adapt to the change. The probable flexible manufacturer can become the
market mover of the automobile segment in the future.
The electric engines have been used in all modes of transports now-a-days. The much-needed segment is the passenger
segment of the automobile sector. The two-wheeler of the modern world has the sounds to attract the consumers but at the cost of
degrading the environment. There are lot of research and development that is going on to create the sports and ultra-modern bikes
to attract the most potential younger generation of the society. The societal changes will have strong bikes might affect the survival
of the environment. The number of the vehicles on the roads has s been the prime motives behind such drastic increase in the number
of electric car’s s in the country.
The developing economy of India is having a large fleet of passenger vehicles. The passenger vehicle segment is seeing
lot of new vehicles riding down the streets each and every month. The problem of using the conventional engines is causing
considerable damage to the environment. The regulating authorities are having lot of problems with the emissions created by the
conventional engines. The consumers choose preferably the conventional bikes to that of the innovative eco-friendly bikes. The
consumers perception towards the conventional system of passenger vehicles has vital role in the transitional phase to eco-friendly
bikes. The emissions caused by the conventional bikes are making the government and consumers think towards the alternatives.
But the comfort and economy of the bikes using conventional engines is being the hurdle in the change of the consumers preference.
The electric Bike has been the innovation of the 21st century to mitigate the environmental problems of the society. The evolution

IJRTI2304252 International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (www.ijrti.org) 1533
© 2023 IJRTI | Volume 8, Issue 4 | ISSN: 2456-3315

of the Electric Bike has proved to be a great challenge for the conventional engines in the automobiles segment. The perception of
the consumers plays a vital role in the development of the Electric Bike in the Indian economy. The perception acts as the mediation
of the consumer preferences towards the product. The Electric Bike on that note has to oblige the consumers with reasonable price,
comfort and other consumer friendly features. The perception of the consumers might change with the above features of the Electric
Bike. The problems of adapting to new standards, the cost involved in it and transition to new technology will take time based on
the consumers perception towards the Electric Bike which will be focus of the study.
• To know about the attitude of customers towards sales and service of the electric vehicle companies.
• To analyze about the customer expectations and service rendered by the electric vehicle companies
• To know about the level of brand awareness of the electric vehicle companies.
• To identify the factors that influence consumer Satisfaction towards products in Nexon EV cars.
• To analyze the need of the customers based on primary data.
The two-wheeler segment of the Indian automobile sector acts as the major contributor towards the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) of the country. The automobile industry has the contribution of more than 7 percent of the GDP. The electric cars
are the backbone of the automobile industry in India. The electric car’s segment has the market share of more than 75 percent. The
automobiles sector is constantly depending on the conventional sources of transportation. The need for alternative sources of
transportation has arisen due to the pollutants arising from the conventional engines. There is a structural change that has been
introduced to overcome the environmental problems. The two-wheeler segment is going through transitional phase in our country.
The two-wheelers segment of the automobiles sector is having the necessity to re-model themselves to exist in the economy. The
companies that adapt to the changes will be having the marker-mover advantage when it comes to the Electric Bike. The Electric
Bike are having lot of features that has to be disseminated to the consumers to make this transitional phase successful. The perception
of Electric Bike has to be assessed to know the minds of the consumers. The Electric Bike have to be made popular to solve the
problem of environmental degradation. The Electric Bike on that note has to be consumer friendly. The assessment on this note will
enable to predict the future of the Electric Bike in our country. The perception of the consumer becomes the prime importance for
the growth of the Electric Bike. The Electric Bike have to meet the perception of the consumers in the selection over the conventional
bikes. The study assumes significance on that note that the perception of the Electric Bike has to be assessed to know the validation
in the automobile market. The consumer preferences will be the main factor in the future of Electric Bike.
The main scope of the study is that it will be useful for the electric vehicle companies to know about the customers and to
rectify the errors to develop the quality of service in future period of time.
Types of research
Descriptive research- My exploratory research conducted brought out a host of factors which affect the customer buying attitude.
These factors were then filtered to form a set of the most important alternatives, which might affect a consumer’s and a retailer’s
decision regarding the purchase of vehicle and which brand they prefer. The purpose was to find an accurate snapshot of the market
environment of automobiles.
Data collection procedure used in research: Questionnaire
Field work
Field work is a general descriptive term for the collection of raw data direct from the consumers, as opposed to secondary research.
It plays an important role in collecting the data.
Sample size
My sample size was 50. In my research, I had to take the feedback from the existing customers of Nexon EV cars showroom
to know about their satisfaction level and the areas in which the electric vehicle companies was lagging.
Data collection techniques
Primary data
• Pilot Study
• Questionnaire
Secondary data
It refers to the already existing data. I collected them by following methods –
• Internet
• Journals
Data Interpretation Tools
Following software’s has been used during analysis and compiling of data.
• Percentage analysis
• Chi square
• Descriptive statistics
• The study is limited to Coimbatore city.
• The sample size is limited to 50 and that may be a bias of the study.
• The study period is around 3 months and a deep analysis about the research cannot be made.
• Respondent may fail to express their opinions and beliefs.

IJRTI2304252 International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (www.ijrti.org) 1534
© 2023 IJRTI | Volume 8, Issue 4 | ISSN: 2456-3315

Table 1: Demographic variables

Demographic variables Particulars Frequency Percentage
Male 35 70
Gender Female 15 30
Total 50 100
Below 18 2 3.1
18-25 18 36.2
Age 26-35 16 31.5
Above 35 15 29.2
Total 50 100
Below 10th or illiterate 2 3.1
10th 1 2.3
Educational qualification Higher secondary 25 50.8
UG 17 33.8
PG 5 10
Semi rural 4 7.7
Rural 17 34.6
Place of living Urban 25 50
Semi urban 4 7.7
Total 50 100
5000-10000/month 7 14.6
10000-20000/ month 25 49.2
Occupational income
Above 20000/month 18 36.2
Total 50 100
Employee 3 6.9
Business or professional 41 81.5
Occupation NRI 3 6.2
Others 3 5.4
Total 50 100
The above table presents the demographic characteristics of a sample of 50 individuals. The table includes four
demographic variables: gender, age, educational qualification, place of living, occupational income, and occupation.
Out of the total sample, 35 individuals (70%) were male, and 15 individuals (30%) were female.
The age distribution of the sample shows that 2 individuals (3.1%) were below 18 years old, 18 individuals (36.2%) were
between 18-25 years old, 16 individuals (31.5%) were between 26-35 years old, and 15 individuals (29.2%) were above 35 years
Educational Qualification:
The educational qualification distribution of the sample shows that 2 individuals (3.1%) had below a 10th grade or were
illiterate, 1 individual (2.3%) had completed 10th grade, 25 individuals (50.8%) had completed higher secondary education, 17
individuals (33.8%) had completed undergraduate education, and 5 individuals (10%) had completed postgraduate education.
Place of Living:
The place of living distribution of the sample shows that 4 individuals (7.7%) lived in semi-rural areas, 17 individuals
(34.6%) lived in rural areas, 25 individuals (50%) lived in urban areas, and 4 individuals (7.7%) lived in semi-urban areas.
Occupational Income:
The occupational income distribution of the sample shows that 7 individuals (14.6%) earned between 5000-10000/month,
25 individuals (49.2%) earned between 10000-20000/month, and 18 individuals (36.2%) earned above 20000/month.
The occupation distribution of the sample shows that 3 individuals (6.9%) were employees, 41 individuals (81.5%) were
business professionals, 3 individuals (6.2%) were NRIs (non-resident Indians), and 3 individuals (5.4%) had other occupations.
In conclusion, the above table provides insights into the demographic characteristics of a sample of 50 individuals. It
indicates that the sample consists of more males than females, individuals from diverse age groups and educational backgrounds,

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© 2023 IJRTI | Volume 8, Issue 4 | ISSN: 2456-3315

living in various areas, and earning different levels of occupational income. Additionally, a majority of the sample worked as
business professionals.
Table 2: Gender * Satisfaction towards usage of the car
H0: There is no significant relationship between gender and satisfaction towards usage of the car
Satisfaction towards usage of the car Total
satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
Gender Male 4 11 10 6 4 35
Female 0 6 2 4 2 15
Total 4 45 17 7 3 0

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 8.978a 4 .062
The above table shows about the comparison between gender and satisfaction towards usage of the car where the level is
significance is at 0.062 which shows that there is no significance relationship between gender and satisfaction towards usage of the
Table 3: Comparison between age and perception towards Nexon EV cars’ customer service
H0: Comparison between age and Perception towards Nexon EV cars’ customer service
Perception towards Nexon EV cars’ customer service
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups .934 3 .311 .343 .794
Within Groups 114.297 126 .907
Total 115.231 129
Table 4: Multiple Comparisons for age and Perception towards Nexon EV cars’ customer service
Multiple Comparisons
Perception towards Nexon EV cars’ customer service LSD
Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) Age (J) Age (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Below 18 18-25 -.271 .496 .585 -1.25 .71
26-35 -.421 .499 .401 -1.41 .57
Above 35 -.329 .501 .012 -1.32 .66
18-25 Below 18 .271 .496 .585 -.71 1.25
26-35 -.149 .204 .464 -.55 .25
Above 35 -.058 .208 .782 -.47 .35
26-35 Below 18 .421 .499 .001 -.57 1.41
18-25 .149 .204 .464 -.25 .55
Above 35 .092 .214 .669 -.33 .52
Above 35 Below 18 .329 .501 .512 -.66 1.32
18-25 .058 .208 .782 -.35 .47
26-35 -.092 .214 .669 -.52 .33
The above table shows about the comparison between age and Perception towards Nexon EV cars’ customer service were
the level of significance is greater than 0.05 which shows that there is no significance relationship between the two factors.
• Most of the respondents are male in our survey.
• Most of the respondents are from the age group of 18-25 in our survey.
• Maximum of the respondents have completed their higher secondary in our survey.
• Most of the respondents are from urban area in our survey.

IJRTI2304252 International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation (www.ijrti.org) 1536
© 2023 IJRTI | Volume 8, Issue 4 | ISSN: 2456-3315

• Maximum of the respondents are earning from 10000-20000/month in our survey.

• Most of the respondents are business professionals in our survey.
• Maximum of the respondents are having MUV from Nexon EV cars.
• Most of the respondents said as Alto is their favorite brand.
• Maximum of the respondents said as Style is the best feature in Nexon EV cars.
• Most of the respondents said as Style is the best feature in Nexon EV cars.
• Maximum of the respondents are satisfied towards Vehicle mileage.
• Most of the respondents prefer Nexon EV cars car.
• Maximum of the respondents said that Nexon EV cars customer care service is excellent.
• Most of the respondents use the vehicle for 2-4 years.
• Maximum of the respondents said that the price of the vehicle is low.
• Most of the respondents are neutral about satisfaction towards experience at the showroom.
• Maximum of the respondents are satisfied about satisfaction towards usage of the car.
• Most of the respondents not repeating purchase of Nexon EV cars.
• Maximum of the respondents are satisfied about after-sales service of Nexon EV cars.
• Most of the respondents are neutral about overall service provided by the Nexon EV cars.
• Maximum of the respondents agree about sophisticated tools and technique at authorized service station.
• Most of the respondents agree about authorized Service Station has sufficient and genuine spares.
• Maximum of the respondents are satisfied about safety and Comfort of Nexon EV cars.
• There is a significance relationship between gender and satisfaction towards vehicle mileage.
• There is no significance relationship between gender and satisfaction towards experience at the showroom.
• There is no significance relationship between gender and satisfaction towards usage of the car.
• The factors Satisfaction towards overall service provided by the Nexon EV cars, Satisfaction towards safety and Comfort of
Nexon EV cars and Satisfaction towards fuel consumption of Maruti Suzuki swift are used for decision making process of the
• The small segment cars can be manufactured in a large scale as the customers showing more willingness towards the segment
cars and if they do so then the sales volume can in increased in future period of time.
• The customers feel that style is the best feature of the electric vehicle companies and if the electric vehicle companies launches
stylist cars in future then the sales can be increased.
• The quality of work with showrooms can be increased in future so that the level of satisfaction of customers can be increased.
Customer behavior is a concept that more and more companies are putting at the heart of their strategy, but for this
to be successful they’re needs to be clarity about, what customer behavior means and what needs to happen to drive improvement.
the main objective is to know about the attitude of customers towards sales and service of the electric vehicle companies and to
analyze the need of the customers based on primary data. For this purpose a sample of 110 has been collected and percentage
analysis, chi-square analysis, descriptive statistics and Anova were used as tool and the conclusion is that the quality of work with
showrooms can be increased in future so that the level of satisfaction of customers can be increased.
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