RPM Lesson Plan Whales

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Since you chose a whale HERE IS A PICTURE OF THE What type of animal is
ORCA a whale?
for your arctic animal last
*a reptile or a
week I thought we could mammal?
learn a bit more about
whales. What are the 2 main
colours of the orca?
The first one we can talk (Offer choice or full
stencil to spell).
about is the killer whale
or ‘Orca’ If using full letter
board, choice – scotch
tape – b for black or P
for Pink
Now lets spell black.

The Orca is one of the Use paper to draw seal on ice What is another
oceans top predators. and demonstrate how whale name for orca (Killer
would push off, or use paper
to show PUSH off – ie. Small
whale or open
paper ball for seal, bigger whale) Lets spell
Orcas hunt everything paper ball for whale and push whale.
from fish to walruses— off the desk*
seals, sea lions, penguins, Can you name one of
squid, sea turtles, sharks, the animals that the
and even other kinds of orca eats? (offer to
whales. spell on full stencil
or choice p for
Orcas have many hunting penguin or g for
techniques, and bumping giraffe).
seals off ice is just one of

The orca is found in the Where would you

ocean. Show map of words oceans find an orca? Offer
(attached). to spell or choice –
There are 6 oceans in our Ocean or Jungle?
Count the oceans and name
world. The Pacific, The them. Lets spell ocean.
Southern, Artic Ocean,
Indian Ocean and the How many oceans
Atlantic ocean. are there? (offer
letter board or
choice - 6 or 9).

Which ocean is the

largest? (Offer spell
or choice - A for
artic or P for pacific)

Orca’s hunt in
Often called wolves of the This is a pod of Orca working groups called what?
sea, orcas live and hunt together to bump the seal off A clan or pod?
the ice.
together in pods, or family
groups. What is the orca is
referred to (offer to
They are often compared to spell or choice C for
wolves because they hunt or W the Cat of the
in packs like wolves do. Sea or the Wolf of
the sea?
They work together as they
hunt. What animal family
do you think the Wolf
Groups of orcas cooperate comes from? Offer
to herd fish into an area so (Do you think it
that they're easier to eat. This is a pod of orcas under
the water working together to
would be the dog
herd fish. family or the family?

Is the Orca a fish or

a mammal? (The
Orca is a Mammal as
it gives birth to live
babies and the baby
will feed from its
mother’s milk.)
A POD of orcas under water.

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