f3 Endterm 3 Exams s1
f3 Endterm 3 Exams s1
f3 Endterm 3 Exams s1
Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, CRE,
Geography, History, Business Studies, Computer Studies, Agriculture &
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….....
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
1. Write your name, admission number, school and stream in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
(a) Identify the organelle. D (1 mark)
(b) Name the part labeled B. (1 mark)
(c) State the function of part labeled A. (1 mark)
4. Name any two problems that animal species overcome by their dispersion. (2marks)
10. How is fur important to desert animal, other than in the regulation of their body temperature?
11. What are the functions of named product of white blood cells? (3 marks)
13. A form one student trying to estimate the size of onion cells observed the following on the
microscope’s field of view.
(b) If the student counted 20 cells across the field of view calculate the size of one cell in
micrometers. (2 marks)
15. Define peristalsis and state its importance in the nutrition of mammals. (2 marks)
18. State the importance of cytoplasmic filaments in sieve tube elements. (1 mark)
O2 CO2
(a) State how the alveoli are adapted to their function. (3 marks)
(b) Name the cell labeled A. (1 mark)
22. What are the external conditions needed, by root hair cells, for the uptake of mineral salts ions
from the soil? (2 marks)
23. The diagram below represents a pyramid of biomass derived from a certain ecosystem
24. Suggest two reasons for the appearance of glucose in the urine of a man. (2 marks)
25. (a) State the source Carbon (IV) oxide in aquatic ecosystems. (2 marks)
(b) State the importance of Carbon (IV) oxide to aquatic ecosystems. (2 marks)
26. The set up below shows apparatus to demonstrate a certain biological process
Liquid X
Boiled and cooled
glucose plus yeast
(a) What biological process was being investigated in the experiment (1mk)
(b)Write down a word equation that represents the reaction above (1mk)
30. The diagrams below show a pair of homologous chromosomes. Study them and answer the
questions that follow.
31. Account for the thick wall and narrow lumen of an artery. (2marks)
32. How do pathogens that enter the body through the respiratory tract in man prevented from causing
diseases? (1mark)
33. Where does the detoxification of ammonia take place in mammals? (1mark)
34. Name the processes that take place in the grana of chloroplast. (2marks)
35. The experiment illustrated below was set up to investigate a certain physiological process using
a raw tuber
Concentrated glucose
Raw potato tuber
(b) Explain the results obtained in the above experiment after a few hours (2mks)
(c) State the observations that would have been made if the experiment was repeated using boiled
potato (2mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….....
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Write your name, school and index number in the spaces provided above.
This paper consist of TWO sections; A and B.
Answer all the questions in the section A in the spaces provided.
In section B answer Question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the space
provided after question 8.
Check to ascertain that all pages are printed and that no questions are missing.
d) Suppose all the crabs were poisoned, what would be the immediate effect in the ecosystem. Give
a reason. (1mk)
(e) Give a reason why pyramid of biomass is a better representation of energy flow in an
eco system than pyramid of numbers. (1mk)
a) A student blew air in and out through point X. Using arrows indicate on the diagram how
air gets in and out of the set up. (2mks)
b) (i) In which of the test tube would lime water turn milky first. (1mk)
(ii) Give a reason. (1mk)
(c) What is the effect of lactic acid in the thigh muscles of an athlete after a short fast race.
(d) Identify the type of muscle in human being where formation and effect of lactic acid is
not felt. (1mk)
(e) What is the biological significance of boiling milk /ultra heat treated milk. (1mk)
c) i) State two differences in the structure above found in the deserted- rat and fish (3mks)
d) Name the gland associated with the secretion of aldosterone hormone. (1mk)
Body N
(b) Name one class of animals having this type of circulatory system. (1mk)
d) What disadvantages is faced by having the types of circulatory system shown above? (2mks)
e) Between blood vessels Q and T, which one carries oxygenated blood? (1mk)
b) What was the concentration of glucose in the blood of Y and Z at the 50 th minute? (2mks)
d) Account for the decrease in glucose level person Z after 60 minutes. (2mks)
Each candidate should be supplied with the following;
2 test tubes in a test tube rack
10 ml of white wheat flour suspension in a 50ml beaker labeled M.
10 ml of groundnut solution in a 50 ml beaker labeled N.
10% Sodium hydroxide solution in a beaker labeled U
Benedict’s solution labeled V
1% copper sulphate solution in a beaker labeled X
2 filter papers
A means of heating
A test tube holder.
Peel off the raw testa; then grind the cotyledons and embryo using mortar and pestle into a powder;
then dissolve the powder in water in a beaker.
For every 20 candidates dissolve 10gms of ground nut powder in 100 ml of water.
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….....
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided in the question paper
Spend the first 15 minutes of the time allowed for this paper reading the whole paper before
commencing your work.
ALL working MUST be clearly shown where necessary
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….....
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
1 a) Outline four reasons why organizations need to safe keep documents in files (4mks)
3.A business is expected to be socially responsible to various groups such as customers, employees,
government, public and suppliers. Indicate against each statement the most appropriate group
Statement Group
i)Fair remuneration
ii)Timely tax returns
iii)Fairness in tender allocation
iv)Equal job opportunities
Quality products
9.State four main factors that may limit the level of a country’s national income. (4mks)
10.Identify four ways in which a business may be of benefit to people in the surrounding area
11.State the effect of each of the following transaction on the balance sheet by writing increase or
decrease or no effect in each case
Transaction Effect
a)Bought machinery on credit
b)withdrew cash from the business for personal
c)Purchased stock in cash
d)Paid outstanding by cheque
13.The following information relates to Makuyu Traders. Determine the missing figures. (3mks)
Assets Liabilities Capital
a) 50000 70000
b) 320000 280000
c) 14360 12000
14.Post the following transactions in the ledger books of Embakasi traders (4mks)
March 1/2013 commenced business with sh. 150,000 cash at bank
March 5/2013 bought machinery in credit for sh. 9500
March 7/2013 withdrew sh 5000 from bank for office use
March 8/2013 paid sh 3000 cash to creditor
15.Give four reasons that make insurance companies decline to insure acts of nature (4mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….....
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Instructions to candidates;
a) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
c) This paper consists of six questions.
d) Answer any five questions in the spaces provided after question six.
e) All questions carry equal marks
2a) Explain five assumptions that will make a circular flow of two sector economy to hold.
b)Explain five ways of improving the efficiency of a warehouse. (10 marks)
3.a)Explain six ways which the government of Kenya can use to influence the supply of maize in
Kenya (12mks)
b)The following balance relate to the business of Roba traders during the period ended 31st March
Cash at bank 680,000
Premises 500,000
Machinery 175,000
Creditors 190,000
Furniture 85,000
Motor van 200,000
Cash in hand 50,000
ADS5y loan 630,000
Extract the trial balance of Roba traders as at 31st March 2014 (8mks)
4a)Discuss any four importance’s of a balance sheet with special reference to the interested parties
to a balance sheet (8mks)
b)Highlight any six types of an employment and disclose a remedy (solution) for each type (12mks)
5. a)Describe four circumstances under which an insurance company would not compensate the
insured in the event of loss. (8 marks)
Balance Sheet
Ksh Ksh
Equipment 82,000 Mbotela(creditor) 27,000
Stck 140,000
200,000 Capital 415,000
Cash 20,000
442,000 442,000
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….....
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Paper 1
2 hours
Instructions to students
(a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.
(b) Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided.
(c) This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C.
(d) Answer all questions in sections A and B.
(e) Answer any two questions in section C.
(f) All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
A 1 19 30
B 20 23 20
3. Give four advantages of individual owner operator tenure system as practiced in Kenya. (2mks)
4. Give four methods of breaking seed dormancy. (2mks)
8. List three methods of treating water for use on the farm. (1 ½ mks)
9. Give two examples for each of the following categories of water pipes.
(a) Metal pipes (1mk)
(b) Hose pipes (1mk)
11. State four problems that may be brought about by hardpans in crop land. (4mks)
13. Mention the simultaneous processes that lead to the formation of erosional characteristics of a
gully. (4mks)
14. State three factors that determine the depth of planting. (1 ½ mks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
15. The diagram below shows a soil water conservation structure.
c) State any other structure that can be used in soil and water management. (1mk)
16. The diagram K, L, M and N below represents types of soil structures. Study the diagrams
carefully and the answer the questions that follow.
The number of cabbage seedlings that should be planted on the plot. (3mks)
18. Study the illustrations given below and then answer the questions that follow
(c) State two effective methods of controlling each of the pests labeled A and B.
A (2mks)
B (2mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….....
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Paper 2
2 hours
Instructions to students
(a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.
(b) Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided.
(c) This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C.
(d) Answer all questions in sections A and B.
(e) Answer any two questions in section C.
(f) All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
A 1 19 30
B 20 23 20
2) Give four characteristics of exotic cattle that make them not to survive well in arid areas. (2mks)
3) Differentiate between roughage and concentrate feeds as used in livestock nutrition. (2mks)
4) List four reasons for treating timber before roofing farm building. (2mks)
8) Outline four maintenance practices that should be carried out on a hand saw. (2mks)
9) List four management practices that should be carried out during mating season in sheep.(2mks)
Answer All Questions in this section.
16) The diagram below illustrates a cross section of a livestock handling structure. Use it to answer
questions that follow.
17) Diagrams Q and R below illustrate a practice carried out on livestock. Study them and answer
questions that follow.
Using letter T with a pointing arrow indicate four areas where ticks are found. (3mks)
36. Name two chemical methods of controlling ticks. (2mks)
19) A farmer wanted to prepare a 200kg of calf rearing ration containing 20% D.C.P. Using
pearson’s square method calculate the amount of maize containing 10% DCP and sunflower
containing 35% DCP the farmer would need to prepare the ration. (4mks)
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Answer Any Five Questions
1. (a) Explain ways in which CRE promotes national unity (8mks)
(b) Outline six reasons why Bible is referred to as the word of God. (6mks)
(c) Outline ways in which Christians obey instructions given by God in creation stories.(6mks)
2. (a) From the call of Moses, explain five reasons why he was reluctant to accept the task given by
God. (10mks)
(b) Outline five roles of Moses in Israel. (5mks)
(c) Give five problems church leaders face in their work today. (5mks)
3. (a) Identify six reasons why Samuel was against kingship in Israel (6mks)
(b) outline ways in which David promoted worship of Yahweh in Israel. (7mks)
(c)what lessons do church leaders learn from David’s leadership? (7mks)
4. (a)Identify characteristics of true prophets in the old testament (5mks)
(b)Explain the Visions of Prophet Amos and give their significance (10mks)
(c) Identifyfive evils in society today that prophet Amos would have condemned (5mks)
5. (a)Explain four reasons why prophet Jeremiah condemned human sacrifice (8mks)
(b) Outline five characteristics of the new covenant as foretold by prophet Jeremiah (5mks)
(c) State lessons Christians learn from prophet Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations (7mks)
6.(a) Give the importance of kinship in traditional African society (7mks)
(b) Highlight six responsibilities of living towards ancestors (6mks)
(c) Outline ways in which Christians honour God today (7mks)
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
2. (a) With reference to the sermon on the plain, state six teachings of Jesus on how human beings
should relate to one another. (6 mks)
(b) Describe the incident in which Jesus calmed the storm. (Luke 8: 22 - 25). (7 mks)
(c) Identify virtues that Christians learn from the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand.
(7 mks)
3. (a) State five accusations that were made against Jesus during his trial. (Luke 22: 66 -23: 1-23).
(b) Give reasons why Jesus appeared to His disciples after resurrection. (7 mks)
(c) Why should Christians be discouraged from taking part in mob justice? (8mks)
4. (a) Explain the teaching of Peter concerning the people of God (1st Peter 2: 9 - 10) (8mks)
(b) Give ways through which Christians can promote unity among themselves in Kenya today.
(c) State how kindness as a fruit of the Holy Spirit is abused in the Church in Kenya today.
5 a) Outline the events that took place at Jesus entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-40. (7mks)
(b) State what the two disciples to Emmaus discussed about Jesus. (6mks)
(c) Explain how unity is demonstrated in Kenyan churches today. (7mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Andika Insha mbili. Insha ya kwanza ni ya lazima.
Kisha chagua insha nyingine moja kati ya hizo tatu zilizobaki.
Kila insha isipungue maneno 400.
Kila insha ina alama 20.
1. Wewe ni katibu wa kamati ya maslahi ya klabu ya wasanii chipukizi mtaa wa Rehema.
Andika kumbukumbu za mkutano uliofanywa hivi karibuni kujadili suala la usalama
2. Mfumo wa elimu nchini Kenya una kasoro nyingi na unafaa kufanyiwa mabadiliko. Eleza.
4. Tunga kisa kinachomalizika kwa maneno haya: ‘……. Hapo ndipo iliponipambazukia kuwa
nilikuwa naogelea baharini pekee, kinyume na wenzangu wote.
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
(b) “Hali hii imekuwa ya kuhuzunisha.” Ni hali gani inayozungumziwa katika aya ya ? AL.2
(e) Taja manufaa mawili ambayo mwalimu anaweza kupata kutokana na ujuzi wa teknolojia
ya Kompyuta AL.2
(a)Kulingana na kifungu ‘umasikini ni hali inayoletwa na udhaifu wa mtu binafsi’. Jadili
(maneno 30-40) AL.7
(b)Jamii ina uwezo wa kukabiliana na hali ya umaskini inayowakumba raia wake. Thibitisha
kwa mujibu wa kifungu (maneno 40-50) AL.8
(b) Badilisha sentensi ifuatayo iwe mazoea kwa kutumia kirejeshi “O”. (alama 2)
Mtoto anayelia huchapwa
(i) Eleza muktadha wa mazungumzo haya AL.2
(ii) Taja sifa nane za lugha inayotumika katika sajili hii AL.8
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Jumla 80
Kondolo kondolo
Mwana ndolo
Mwana kuja
Titi laja
Basi ndolo kipenzi cha mama
Ndolo ndolo atarudi.
T. Arege: Bembea Ya Maisha
…Jamani mtoto amejaribu! hivi umesahau kuwa hata wewe unatumia hela za kununua dawa? Hata
sasa umetumia mapeni uliyotumiwa wasikuone shabiki tu.
a.Eleza muktadha wa dondoo hili. (al. 4)
b. Tambua na ueleze mbinu za kimtindo zilizotumika katika dondoo. (al.4)
c. Onyesha jinsi mhusika anayerejerewa amejaribu kuwashika mkono wazazi wake. (al.4)
d. Taja sifa nane za anayerejelewa. (al. 8)
6.Soma shairi lifuatalo kisha ujibu maswali
Kila nikaapo hushika tama
Na kuwazia hali inyayonizunguka
Huyawazia madhila
Huziwazia shida
Huiwazia dhiki
Dhiki ya ulezi
Shida ya kudhalilishwa kazini
Madhila ya kufanyiwa dharau
Kwa sababu ya jinsia ya kike
Hukaa no kujidadisi
Kujua kwa nini
Jamii haikisikil killo changu
Wenzangu hawanishiki mikono
Bali wananidharau kwa kuukosoa utamaduni
Hukaa no kujiuliza
I wapi raha yangu ulimwengu huu?
I wapi jamaa nzima ya wanawake?
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Paper 1
Time: 21/2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
This paper contains two sections; Section 1 and Section 11.
Answer all the questions in section 1 and only five questions from Section 11
All workings and answers must be written on the question paper in the spaces provided below
each question.
Marks may be given for correct working even if the answer is wrong.
Calculations and KNEC Mathematical tables may be used EXCEPT where stated otherwise.
Show all the steps in your calculations, giving your answers at each stage in the spaces below
each question.
3 15 4 of 2 1
4 7 7 3 Giving your answer as mixed fraction (3mks)
2. Two boys and a girl shared some money. The younger boy got 518 of it; the elder boy got 7 12
of the remainder and the girl got the rest. Find the percentage share of the younger boy to the
girl’s share. (4mks)
5. Find the equation of a straight line which is equidistant from the points A(2,3) and B (6,1)
9. Using a ruler, a pair of compasses only and (proportional) a set square, construct on the upper
side division of line BC, a line BD such that DBC = 37.5o. Use the line BD to divide BC into
4 equal portions. (3mks)
4cm 4cm
5cm D
x 36
11. In a regular polygon, each interior angle is xo and each exterior angle is
1. Find angle Xo (1mk)
A 85m
Determine the area of the plot, in hectares correct to two decimal places. (4mks)
13. An open rectangular box measures externally 32cm long, 27cm wide and 15cm deep. The box is
made up of metal 1cm thick. If it has a mass of 1.5kg, what is the density of the box to 4
significant figures? (3mks)
14. Find the integral values of x which satisfy the following inequalities;
2x + 3 > 5x – 3 > -8 (3mks)
A tourist arrived in Kenya with £ 9600 which he converted into Kshs at a commission of 5%. He
later used ¾ of the money before changing the balance of dollars at no commission calculate ; to
the nearest dollar, the amount he received. (3mks)
16. The histogram shown below represents the distribution of marks obtained in attest. The bar
marked A has a height of 3.2 units while B has a height 1.2 units. If the frequency of the class
represented by B is 6, find the frequency of the bar represented by A. (3mks )
1 B
C 5cm
7cm A
(a) Find the size of angle ABC. (3mks)
(e) Given that OD = 1/3 OA and AN = ½ AC, CD and AB meet at M. Determine in terms of a and
b C
(i) AB (1mk)
(ii) CD (1mk)
(f) Given that CM = k CD and AM = h AB determine the values of the scalars k and h (5mks)
(b) Given further that the path surrounding the lawn is fenced on both sides by barbed wire on posts
at intervals of 10 metres and 11 metres on the inner and outer sides respectively. Calculate the
total number of posts required for the fence. (4 marks)
(c) Calculate the total cost of the posts if one post costs sh 105. (2 marks)
20m C
A car moves from B towards D. At point P, the angle of depression of the car from points A is
11.3oCalculate the distance BP to 4 significant figures. (2mks)
If the car takes 5 second to move from P to Q at an average speed of 36km/hr, calculate the
angle of depression of Q from A to 2 decimal places. (3mks)
(c) If the ratio of boys to girl in the school was 11: 7 find the amount money contributed by boys
alone. (2mks)
c. Jane, Jepchoge and Chepkoech invested their money and earned a profit of Kshs. 12,000. A third
of the profit was left to maintain the business and the rest was shared according to their
investments. Find how much each got. (5mks)
ii. The distance from Onyango’s house where the two met. (2mks)
iii. How far was Onyango from Juma’s house when they met? (2mks)
(b) The two took 15 minutes at the meeting point and then travelled to Juma’s house at an average
speed of 20km/hr. Find the time he arrived at Juma’s house. (2mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
1. Write your name and indexnumber in the spaces provided at the top of the page.
2. The paper contains two sections; section I and II.
3. Answer all the questions in section I and any five questions from section II.
4. All answers and working Must be written on the question paper in the spaces provided below
each question.
5. Non- programmable silent electronic calculators and KNEC mathematical tables may be used
except where stated otherwise.
6. Mark may be given for correct working even if the answer is wrong. .
p2 n
3. Make p the subject in T = 3 R (3mks)
5. (a) Find the first three terms in ascending powers of x of ( 2 –x)5 (1mk)
(b) Hence find the value of the constant k, for which the coefficient of x in the expansion of
( k + x) (2- x)5 is - 8 (2mks)
8. Find the relative error in the area of a parallelogram whose base is 8cm and height 5cm.
4 3
9. (a) Find the inverse of the matrix ( ) (1 mark
3 5
(b) Hence solve the simultaneous equation using the matrix method (2 marks)
4x +3y = 6
3x + 5y = 5
Find the equation of another line L2 which passes through (1, -2) and is perpendicular to L1 (3mks)
11. Use reciprocals, squares and square root tables only to evaluate (3mks)
2 5
(0.5245) √363.4
12. Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only construct triangle ABC such that BC=6cm, <ABC=75 o
and BCA=45o. Drop a perpendicular to BC from A to meet BC at O hence find the area of triangle
13. (3mks)
14. A two digit number is such that the difference between the ones digit and the tens digit is 2. If the
two digits are interchanged, the sum of the new and the original number is 132. Find the original
number (3mks)
17. Obtain the values of x for which the matrix is singular (3mks)
x3 x
1 1
An employee earns a monthly basic salary of sh. 30,000 and is also entitled to taxable allowances
amounting to Ksh. 10,480.
(a) Calculate the gross income tax (4mks)
(b) The employee is entitled to a personal tax relief of Ksh. 800 per month. Determine the net
(c) If the employee received a 50% increase in his total income, calculate the parentage increase on
the income tax. (4mks)
Calculate by giving reasons
(a) QRS (2mks)
(d) Using a suitable straight line, solve the equation 2x2 - 5x - 3 = 0 (3mks)
b) Draw A11B11C11D11 the image of A1 B1 C1 D1under rotation of +ve 900 about (1,0)
c) Draw A111B111C111D111 the image of A11 B11 C11 D11under a reflection in the line y-x = 0 (2mks)
d) Draw A1VB1VC1VD1V the image of A111 B111 C111 D111under translation (2 3) and write the
co-ordinate of the final image. (3mks)
b) The diagram below represents a solid made up of a hemisphere mounted on a cone. The radius of
the hemisphere and cone are each 6cm, and the height of the cone is 9cm.
r = 6cm
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Paper 1
(Functional and Oral Skills)
2 Hours
Question Score
20 marks- Functional writing
10 marks- Cloze test
30 marks- Oral skills
Total marks 60
(b) During the meeting, 8 members were present, 3 including the treasurer sent apologies and the
whereabouts of 2 members were unknown. The youth pastor attended the meeting. Apart from the
main issues, members raised some matters from the previous meeting. There were also some
personal issues raised by some members.
Write down the minutes of the meeting. 14 marks
3. a) Read the following Ankole song and answer the questions that follow.
Suck and I hide you, my gentle one Suck and I hide you, my beloved
I dreamt that the hunt was at Buganga I dream that the hunt was at Ngarama
Where, oh where, shall I put, my little baby? Where, oh where, shall I put you, my lovely little
lips? If I put you in a clump of grass, my gentle one The hunters’ rough dog will come sniffing
The hunters’ thick club tears up the back
Suck and I hide you, gentle one Suck and I hide you, for whom the drum
Where, oh where, shall I put you, my lovely little lips? Where, oh where, shall I put you, my
If I put you by the wayside, gentle one Passers-by will take you with them, my
beloved If I put you in an anthill, my little baby The ants will enclose you in
their nest, lovely little lips Suck and I hide you,
little baby Suck and I hide you,
my gentle one
When I am dead and gone, gentle one Feed on little blades of grass like cow, my
belovedAnd wash them down with a little water, my little baby That’s what raises orphans,
you for whom the drum sounds
If I do not die, my little baby
Good things will be ours to enjoy, you for whom the drum sounds
(a) Identify aspects of oral performance that make this song easy to remember? 2 marks
(iii)How would you perform the last two lines of the above song? (2 marks )
b) Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow
I have a wife everyone she bears has a bead
1. Identify the genre under which the above item falls. 1 mark
2. Assuming you were to perform this genre, what will you do before the presentation?
3. How will (ii) above assist you as a presenter? 1mark
c) Identify the silent letters in the words below 3marks
i) Shepherd ……………………………………………………………………………………….
ii) Rendezvous ……………………………………………………………………………………
iii) Epistle …………………………………………………………………………………………
d) Write another word that has the same pronunciation as the following words 3marks
(a) Mark …………………………………………………………………………………………..
(b) Broach …………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) Proof …………………………………………………………………………………………..
e) Underline the stressed the syllables in the highlighted words 2 marks
1. We have to relocate these people
2. The security officer will punish you if you come late.
f) Indicate whether the following sentences have a falling or a rising intonation. 2 marks
(a) A stitch in time saves nine
(b) Do you like tomatoes or not.
g) Jaramba’s son, Mariapa, was really enthusiastic to go for a party with his friends at Carnivore.
He had been invited to a friend’s birthday party. He had to get permission from the father first in
order to attend. However, Mariapa failed to convince his father because of his approach and
What could have been the weaknesses in his negotiation skills? 5 marks
h) Read the conversation below between Audrey, a student, and the school secretary then answer
the questions that follow. 6 marks
Audrey: Hallo. Good morning.
Secretary: Hallo. Who is on the line and what do you want?
Audrey: I am a Form 4Y student and I have been away from school for three days now. May I
speak to the Principal?
Secretary: The Principal is not in the office now.
Audrey: Could I please leave a message for him?
Secretary: Oh, please, don’t you have his cellphone number?
Audrey: No madam, since it is official, kindly take down the…
Secretary: Excuse me, young girl, I am too busy for this idle chat.
Audrey: I am sorry but it is very urgent, madam.
Secretary: (without a pen or paper) Go ahead and you better be quick.
Audrey: Thanks for the attention
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Instructions to candidates
(a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in spaces provided above.
(c) Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
(d) All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
(e) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.
(g) Candidates must answer all the questions in English.
During the apartheid years, music was more than a solace – it was a “weapon of struggle” used against
the aggressor whose only recourse was to ban it from the airwaves, but never from the hearts of
the millions who were oppressed.
Music had always been used to soothe souls during sufferance and it is said that it is slavery that gave
birth to (heavy metal) rock when slaves used their shackles or tools to make music either to
entertain themselves or to irk their captors.
The separatist system that saw people like Nelson Mandela and other black South African leaders
jailed for dissidence gave rise to more protest music than ever before.
And South Africa’s anti-apartheid musicians were so influential that their songs were not only
banned, but they were also forced into exile. Mandela believes that these protest songs, together
with those of non-South Africans, played a significant role in the collapse of apartheid and, indeed,
his February 11, 1990 release from Robben Island.
“Artistes reach areas far beyond the reach of politicians. Art,especially entertainment and music, is
understood by everybody, and lifts the spirits and the morale of those who hear it,” Mandela
admitted after his release.
South Africa’s musicians like Hugh Masekela and the MirimaMakeba started the protest campaign
back in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s after leaving South Africa for the United States, where they
used music to highlight the desperate situation of their compatriots who were living under
oppressive rule in the townships back home.
The Musical campaigns against apartheid intensified internationally throughout the‘70s and ‘80s and
saw the composition, production and performance of many a political song by musicians who had
never even set foot in African but were inspired to join the anti-apartheid bandwagon- with some,
like Paul Simon, even stirring controversy when he was accused of breaking the cultural boycott
against South Africa by touring the country and utilizing contributions from local acts.
But the beat never stopped. In the UK, The Specials released Free Nelson Mandela while in the US,
Gil Scott-Heron and Brian Jackson released protest classic Johannesburg off the album From
South Africa to South Carolina. Little Steven (and the Disciples of Soul), together with Artists
United Against Apartheid, conceived and produced Sun City Resort in one of South Africa’s so-
called homelands where international Musical concerts were frequently held.
Adopted from Sunday Nation December 8th 2013.
(b) According to the passage what were the contributions of the anti-apartheid musicians.
(2 marks)
(c) Who are the international singers who joined the musical campaigns against apartheid. (3mark)
(d) Artistes reach areas far beyond the reach of politicians (add a question) (1 mark)
(e) Make notes on the titles of songs sung against the apartheid regime (4marks)
(h) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases (3 marks)
1. irk their captors
2. dissidence
3. stirring controversy
2. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow (25 marks)
Seymour: Money, money, money! And more money.
Ted: You mean we give money to the two students and the teacher?
Seymour: No, mobilise enough money to fight any cases that might be brought up against us
and if necessary, enough for dealing in other ways with those who insist on
pursuing us.
Ramdaye: Good idea, but I have loans and projects. I don't think I can raise any money now.
Bembe: I, too, just finished the Madingo Golf Club recently. I am as broke as a church
Ted: I cannot raise a meaningful amount, either.
Harvester: If that is the case, they why can't we find a way of averting the court cases from
coming up in the first place?
Bembe: How will that work?
Harvester: We will announce a grace period within which everyone in the Municipality should
come clean, confess their mistakes. Give back what they have acquired irregularly,
forgive one another and then open up a new chapter of honesty in the\ conduct of
our municipal affairs.
Ted: (Chuckling) That has never happened anywhere in the world!
Harvester: It can be our local initiative. I know the truth can set us free.
Harvester: Isn't restitution an admission of guilt? How can I incriminate myself? And in any
case, what if you are accused of crimes other than acquiring wealth irregularly?
Ted: I doubt whether restitution is a good idea.
Ramdaye: That takes us back to the idea of raising money to fight the cases. We may have to
procure loans or sell some of our properties.
Seymour: Since we all do not have money, why can't we find a way of getting that money
from the Municipal Fund?
Mossi: Municipal Fund? How?
Seymour: We just need to do some reallocation of budget line items.
Ted: I agree. We must set aside some money to take care of investigators, lawyers,
prosecutors and judges if things go wrong.
Seymour: You see, the waste disposal system in our town is in terrible state. There is garbage
all over the place and the drains are broken. As we speak, it is a serious health
hazard. We can justify reallocation of funds on the need to address this problem. In
reality, we will use some of the funds to fight off cases that are without a doubt
Mossi: (Surprised and in disbelief) What?
(a) Briefly explain what happens just before the events in the excerpt. (3 marks)
(b) What does Hon. Seymour imply when he says they need to mobilise enough money, if
necessary, enough for dealing in other ways with those who insist on pursuing them? (2 marks)
(d) (i) I doubt whether restitution is a good idea. (Rewrite in the reported speech) (1 mark)
(iii) We just need to do some reallocation of budget line items. (Rewrite in the passive) (1 mark)
(e) Discuss two thematic concerns of the writer raised in the excerpt. (4 marks)
(f) Pick out and illustrate two stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4 marks)
(h) Briefly explain what happens shortly after the events in the excerpt. (2 marks)
3.Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
The earth does not get fat.
It makes an end of those who wear the head plumes.
We shall die on the earth.
The earth does not get fat. It makes an
end of those who act swiftly as heroes
Shall we die on the earth?
Listen O earth. We shall mourn because of you.
Listen O earth. We shall die on the earth?
The earth does not get fat. It makes and an end of chiefs.
Shall we die on the earth?
The earth does not get fat.
It makes an end of the women chiefs
Shall we die on the earth?
The earth does not get fat. It makes an end of the beast
Shall we die on the earth?
Listen you who are asleep, who are
left tightly closed in the land.
(c). Explain the meaning of the words, “The earth does not get fat” (2 marks)
(d). Identify two aspects of style and comment on their effectiveness (6 marks)
(g) Under what circumstances is the genre likely to be performed and for what purpose?(2 marks)
Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions after each (3 marks)
(a) You can do better than this. (Begin: This ……………………..)
(i) Having failed once, I do not want to fail again. (Begin. As………………………………)
(j) The teacher asked Kamau if he would go home that day or the following day. (Change to
direct speech)
(b) Using the verbs in brackets, replace the underlined words and phrases with correct phrasal
verbs(3 marks)
(i) The two friends met each other accidentally…………………………………..(run) in
(ii) The city council askariesdemolished …………………………………….kiosks in the
city Centre (bring)
(iii) Otienovisited …………………………..us on his way to town (call)
(c) Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate prepositions (3 marks)
(i) Many people think that manual labour is…………………………………their dignity
(ii) The judge was prejudiced………………………the accused from the beginning.
(iii) John has retired………………………………………private life.
(e)Explain the differences in meaning between the sentences in each of the pairs given below
(4 marks)
7. I saw parents in the school library
II, I saw “parents” in the school library
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
(a)Answer three questions only.
(b)Question one and two are compulsory
(c)In question one,choose one composition either a or b.In question 2, all the questions are
Corruption molds suspicious leaders who will always work towards escaping punishment
rather than working towards the progress of their nations. Using illustrations from The
Samaritan by John Lara, write a composition. (20 marks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Black solid
Heat Water
(a) Complete the set-up to show how dry chlorine gas is collected. (2mks)
2) Give a reason why it is possible to separate nitric (V) acid from sulphuric (VI) acid which is used
one of the reagents in the preparation of nitric (V) acid. (1mks)
Solid W Heat
4) The ions M3+ and N2- have identical electronic arrangement. M is in period three.
i) Write the electronic arrangement of
M (1mk)
ii) Write the formula of the compound formed when M and N combine. (1mk)
5) Explain why there is a general increase in first ionization energy of elements in period three of
the periodic table from left to right. (1mk)
ii) Write the two equations of the reactions that form the products in (i) above (2mks)
b) Calculate the pressure required to compress 12 liters of nitrogen gas at 1 atmosphere to give a
volume of 4 liters. (2mks)
12). The apparatus below was a set-up to show the catalytic oxidation of ammonia. Study the
diagram and answer the questions that follow.
i)write an equation for the reaction that takes place in the in the gas jar. (1mk)
ii) Why is it necessary to have a hot nichrome wire in the gas jar? (1mk)
13). When 3.125g of a carbonate, MCO3 was heated completely, the volume of carbon (IV) oxide
evolved during the heating is 600cm3 at room temperature and pressure. Calculate the relative
atomic mass of M. (Molar gas volume at r.t.p=24dm3) (3mks)
15). Using dots (.) and crosses(x) to represent electrons, show bonding in carbon (II) oxide(2mks)
16). When a burning candle is put into a gas jar of sulphur (IV) oxide gas, it goes off but a burning
magnesium ribbon continues to burn. Explain these observations. (2mks)
17). Starting with copper metal, describe how pure copper (ii) carbonate can be prepared in the
laboratory (3mks)
18). State the observations that would be made when chlorine gas is bubbled through potassium
bromide solution. (1mk)
b) Write the ionic equation for the reaction in (a) above (1mk)
21 10 cm3 of concentrated sulphuric(vi) acid was diluted to 100cm3. 10 cm3 of the resulting solution
was neutralized by 36cm3 of 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution. Determine the mass of the
sulphuric (vi) acid that was in the concentrated acid(S=32, H=1, O= 16) (3mks)
22. a) Explain why potassium carbonate cannot be manufactured by the Solvay process. (1mk)
b) Write the equation for the reaction that takes place in the Solvay tower (Carbonator) (1mk)
24. Zinc sulphate was prepared by adding excess Zinc oxide to dilute sulphuric (vi) acid in a beaker.
The mixture was wormed until no more effervescence occurred. Excess Zinc oxide was filtered
and the filtrate evapourated and then cooled. Fine crystals were obtained.
a) Write an equation for the above reaction (1mk)
ii) Write an ionic equation for the reaction that took place (1mk)
26. Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow
Platinum Nitrogen O2 Nitrogen H2O G&J
(II) oxide (IV) oxide
Gas X
Write an equation for the reaction between ammonia and gas X (1mk)
27 All apparatus used during preparation nitric (V) acid are made of glass. Give a reason. (1mks)
28. Sulphur (IV) oxide gas was bubbled through acidified potassium chromate (VI) solution and
Iron (III) Sulphate solution chromate. Explain the observations made in each case.
(i) With Potassium Chromate (VI) solution. (1 ½ mk2)
30. 20 cm3 of 2 M Sulphuric (IV) acid reacted completely with 3.2 g of WOH (O=16, H=1)
Calculate the R.A.M of W in the formula WOH. (3 mks)
(a) (i) Describe an experiment that would confirm that region labeled A is not suitable
for heating. (1 ½ mks)
(ii) Explain why luminous flame produce light and soot. (1 ½ mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
(c) Explain why copper metal cannot be used to prepare hydrogen gas. (2mks)
(d) Hydrogen burns in oxygen to form an oxide.
(i) Write an equation for the reaction. (1mk)
(ii) State two precautions that must be taken before the combustion begins and at the end of
the combustion. (2mks)
(e) Give two uses of hydrogen gas. (2mks)
f) When zinc is heated to redness in a current of steam, hydrogen gas is obtained. Write an
equation for the reaction. (1mk)
g) Element Q reacts with dilute acids but not with cold water. Element R does not react with
dilute acids. Elements S displaces element P from its oxide. P reacts with cold water. Arrange
the four elements in order of their reactivity, starting with the most reactive. (1mk)
(II) The grid below shows a part of the periodic table. The letters do not represent the actual
symbols. Use it to answer the questions that follow:-
(i) Using crosses (X) to represent electrons, draw the atomic structure of element Q (1mk)
(ii) State the period and the group to which element Q belong (2mks)
Group ……………………………
Period ……………………………
(d) (i) The ionic configuration of element G is 2.8 G forms an ion of the type G-1.
Indicate on the grid, the position of element G. (1mk)
(iv) What is the nature of the compound formed between K and U (1mk)
(a) (i) Give the name of the process by which air is seperated into oxygen and nitrogen (1mk)
(d) Apart from oxygen and nitrogen gases produced from process (a)(i) name one other gas
produced……………………………………………… (1mk)
(d) Explain the role of the catalysts in both the Haber and the Contact processes (1mk)
5. (a) Two reagents that can be used to prepare chlorine gas are manganese (IV) oxide and
concentrated hydrochloric acid.
(i) Write an equation for the reaction (1mk)
(ii) Give the formula of another reagent that can be reacted with concentrated hydrochloric
acid to produce chlorine gas (1mk)
(iii) Describe how the chlorine gas could be dried and collected in the laboratory (2 mks)
(b) In an experiment, dry chlorine gas was reacted with aluminium as shown in the diagram below
Calcium Chloride
Dry Chlorine
ii) The two allotropes of sulphur are stable at different temperatures, as shown in the
equations below.
above 95.5o
Rhombic sulphur monoclinic sulphur
below 95.5o
b) below is a flow diagram for the contact process for manufacture of sulphuric acid(VI)
7. The following flow chart shows the industrial manufacture of Nitric (V) acid.
f) Copper reacts with nitric (V) acid and not hydrochloric acid. Explain. (1mk)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
(a) Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper
(b) You are not allowed to start working with the apparatus for the 1stfifteen minutes of the time
allowed for this paper.This time is to enable you read through the question paper and make sure
you have all the chemicals and the apparatus that you may need.
(c) All working must be clearly shown where necessary.
(d) Mathematical tables and electronic calculators may be used
1 20
2 11
3 09
Total 40
Procedure 1
1. Fill the burette with solution H.
2. Pipette 25cm3 of solution N and transfer it into a conical flask.
3. Titrate solution N against solution H until a permanent pink colour just appears.
4. Record the results in table 1 below.
5. Repeat the titration two more times to complete the table.
(o) Table 1
(p) Determine the average volume of solution H used. (1mk)
(q) Calculate;
3. The number of moles of solution N in 25cm3. (2mks)
Procedure II
(c) Fill the burette with solution H.
(d) Using a clean pipette, place 25cm3 of solution X into a conical flask.
(e) Add 10cm3 of 1Msulphuric acid and shake well.
(f) Titrate using solution H until a permanent pink colour just appears.
(g) Record the reading in table II below.
(h) Repeat the titration two more times to complete the table.
Table II
(b) Calculate;
1. The number of moles of solution H used. (2mks)
2. The number of moles of solution X in 25cm3 if the equation for the reaction is;
2MnO42-(aq) + 6H+(aq) + 5H2O2(l) 2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O(l) + 5O2(g)
The following notes will assist in making the correct observations and inferences.
Cations are positively charged ions, majority of which are metal ions. Cations can be tested
using one or a combination of the following methods;
(d) Flame tests
(k) Some cations burn with flames that have distinct colours.
(e) Carrying out precipitation reactions using the following;
Sodium hydroxide
Aqueous ammonia
Anions such as CO32-, SO42-, Cl- and SO32-
Precipitates are formed as a result of formation of insoluble salts or metal hydroxides. The colour of
the precipitate should be noted down when writing the observations. Incase a white precipitate is
expected and not observed, then one should record that there is no white precipitate but NOT no
It is important to note that hydroxide of zinc, lead and aluminium are amphoteric thus can react
with sodium hydroxide which is alkaline. Another thing to note is that zinc hydroxide and
copper (II) hydroxide dissolve in excess aqueous ammonia due to formation of complex ions.
Carry out the tests below and record your observations and inferences in the spaces provided.
(b) Place all of the solid Y provided in a boiling tube. Add about 10cm3 of distilled water and shake
well. Use about 2cm3 of the resulting solution to carry out tests (i)to (iii) below. Reserve the
remaining portion for test (b).
Observations Inferences
(1mk) (1mk)
8. To
iTo the first portion, add aqueous sodium hydroxide dropwise until in excess.
Observations Inferences
(1mk) (1mk)
10. To the third portion, add about 1cm3 sodium chloride solution.
Observations Inferences
(1mk) (1mk)
(c) Procedure
Clean a glass rod and rinse it with distilled water. Dry the glass rod on a Bunsen burner flame.
Allow it to cool. Dip it in a little sodium chloride solution and burn it strongly with a non-
luminous Bunsen burner flame. Note the colour of the flame and record it in table III below.
Clean the spatula thoroughly and repeat the procedure using each of the other solutions and
complete table III.
7) Table III
Solution Colour of flame
Sodium chloride
Potassium chloride
Calcium chloride
Solution Y
8) From table III, suggest the cation that could be present in solid
Y____________________________ (1mk)
You are provided with solid F.
Carry out the tests below using solid F. write the observations and inferences in the spaces
Place all solid F in a dry boiling tube. Add about 15cm3 of distilled water and shake thoroughly.
Use 2cm3 portions of the solution for tests (b) to (e) below.
Observations Inferences
To the first portion add two drops of universal indicator and record the color and PH.
Observations Inferences
(1mk) (1mk)
(1mk) (1mk)
(1mk) (1mk)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
1) What is desertification? (2mks)
b. State three negative effects of desertification. (3mks)
4) Apart from water vapour, name two other substances that are suspended in the atmosphere.
6. Name one type of cloud that give rise to rainfall in the tropical regions. (1mk)
i. Name:
The continent marked W. (1mk)
The ocean marked X (1mk)
The line of longitude marked Y. (1mk)
ii. Give two reasons why the earth has a spherical shape. (4mks)
iii. State four effects of the rotation of the earth on its axis. (4mks)
d. Describe the structure of the earth’s crust. (4mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
1. a) Name three mining methods. (3mks)
b) State three conditions that are necessary for the formation of petroleum. (3mks)
2. a) List two factors that determine the distribution of forests in Kenya. (2mks)
3. The diagram below shows the occurrence of petroleum in the earth’s crust. Use it to answer
question (a).
(i) What evidence shows that this is a ground general – view photograph? (2mks)
c) Give the differences between softwood forests in Kenya and Canada under
the following sub-headings.
Tree harvesting (2mks)
Marketing of forest products. (2mks)
10) Explain four factors that favour the growth of natural forest in the area marked L. (8mks)
7. The table below shows the quantities of minerals produced in Kenya in tones between year 2001
and 2005. Use it to answer questions a(i) and (II)
(d) Calculate the average annual production of soda ash over the 5 years period. (1 mk)
(e) Calculate the total mineral production for the year 2003. (1mk)
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Answer all the questions in these section
1) Name two southern cushites that inhabited Kenya during the pre-colonial period (2mks)
2) Give one way in which iron working helped in migration of Kenyan communities (1mk)
3) Apart from the Akamba name two other Kenyan community that participated in the long distance
trade. (2mks)
4) Identify two benefits of dual citizenship (2mks)
5) Give two characteristics of the Kenyan government (2mks)
6) Outline one early mean of communication used by the Kenyan communities in pre-colonial
period (1mk)
7) Give two strategic reasons that led to occupation of Kenya by the British (2mks)
8) Name one colonial governor who encouraged settlers farming in Kenya (1mk)
9) What was the main recommendations of Fraser commission of 1908 (1mk)
10) Give the main reason that that led tom formation of early political parties in Kenya up to 1939.
11) Identify the main feature of Kenyans first independent parliament (1mk)
12) What was the main reason for convening the 2 Lancaster conference in 1962 (1mk)
13) Define the term democracy (1mk)
14) Give two social causes of disunity in Kenya today (2mks)
15) Identify the most significant aspect of the Nandi social organization (1mk)
16) Give two reasons that may lead to deprivation of freedom of expression to a Kenyan citizen
17) Explain two recommendations of Littleton constitution of 1954(2mks)
Answer any three questions from this section
18) a) Identify three main economic activities of the Luo during the precolonial Kenya (3mks)
Describe the political organization of the akamba in 19thcentury (12mks)
19) a) Give the characteristic of early political organization in Kenya (3mks)
b) Explain six factors which promoted African political organization in Kenya after 1945
Answer any two questions
22a) identify the factors that should be considered while drafting the constitution of a
country (5mks)
b) Describe the stages of constitution making process in Kenya (12mks)
23a) give three ways in which education promotes national unity in Kenya (3mks)
b) Discuss the procedures followed while solving conflicts through the mediation method
24a) what were the main objectives of local native council in Kenya during the colonial
period (3mks)
b) Describe the structure of central government in colonial Kenya (12mks)
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Answer ALL the questions
1. Give one reason why History is referred to as a science. (1mk)
2. Outline two classes of Monarchial government (2mks)
3. Give one advantage of Oral traditions as a source of information on History and government.
4. Outline two characteristics of the Homo habilis. (2mks)
5. Give one disadvantage of hunting in groups during the Stone Age period. (1mk)
6. Definition of Agrarian Revolution (1mk)
7. One criteria that used to classify trade. (1mks)
8. Name one type of sailing ship invented by the Portuguese. (1mk)
9. Two reasons for space exploration.
10. Identify two early forms of communication used by early man. (2mks)
11. Two factors that facilitated the spread of Iron working in Africa. (2mks)
12. Two political effects of the Industrial Revolution in Europe. (2mks)
13. State two roles played by missionaries in the process of colonization. (2mks)
14. First president of the FRELIMO Movement. (1mk)
15. Name one method of administration used for to ruler Kenya during the colonial period. (1mks)
16. Give one function of Athens as an urban center. .
17. Name two Cities that developed along East African cost. (2mks).
(a) Outline five factors that facilitated the development of the Trans – Saharan trade. (3mks)
(b) Explain five reasons for the decline of the Trans – Atlantic trade. (10mks)
20. (a) give three reasons why attainment of independence by Mozambique tool long? (3mks)
(b) Factors for the emergence of African Nationalism in South Africa. (12mks)
21. (a) Reasons why Lewanika collaborated . (3mks)
(b) Factors that enable SamoriToure to resist the French for long. (12mks)
23. (a) State five factord that led to the decline of Asante Kingdom. (5mks)
b) How was the Asante Empire Organized politically in the 19 thcentury. (10mks)
24. (a) State five reasons why the British employed direct rule in Zimbabwe. (5mks)
b) Explain the effects of direct rule in Zimbabwe. (10mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
2) State two physical characteristics that change when a metal cube is heated. (2mks)
6) The system below was used to balance a mass of 25kg fixed at a distance of Xm from the pivot.
Find the value of X to 2.d.p. (3mks)
30o X pivot
8) In the graph below sketch the graph of pressure experienced by a ball moving from the bottom
of a tank of water towards the surface. (3mks)
Pressure (pa)
9) Two springs A and B. have the same length and same diameter. When the same object was
suspended from the bottom of each spring separately, there was a difference in their extensions.
State two factors that may have caused the difference extensions (2mks)
10) A road surface offers friction of 32,000N, to a vehicle of mass 2500kg running on it. Find the
coefficient of kinetic friction of the road. Explain if the value obtained will change when it rain.
11) In a laboratory experiment, it was realized that two different gases of equal volume diffused
across a chamber at different rates. What may have caused the difference? (2mks)
13) (a) Outline the order of energy transformations when lighting a match box (3mks)
(b) The system below was used to lift a load of mass 240kg in a warehouse using a force of 48N.
V..R (2mks)
Efficiency (3mks)
(b) The number of particles per mm3 of substances A, B and C are given in the table below.
(f) Explain how the number of particles of B will change when heated. (3mks)
(c) State the factors that determine pressure exerted by a wooden block resting on a table surface.
The time taken by the two bodies to reach maximum height (3mks)
(ii) The volume of liquid in litres that passes through the construction in one hour. (2mks)
17) A stone is projected vertically upwards from the top of a building at a velocity of 20m/s. If the
stone took5.5 seconds to reach the bottom of the building. Find;
After how long did the stone start the down ward journey (3mks)
Velocity with which the stone hits at the bottom of the building (3mks)
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
Figure 1
Sketch image of object using mirror shown. (1mk)
2) Figure 2 below shows an object infront of concave mirror and it’s image.
Figure 2
Locate position of its principal focus. (2mks)
(a) Total resistance. (3mks)
5. Figure 4 shows conductor carrying current in magnetic field and moves in direction shown.
Figure 4
Identify polarities X and Y. (2mks)
6. A man standing between two parallel walls fires a gun. He hears an echo after 1.5 seconds and
another one after 2.5 seconds and yet another one after 4 seconds. Determine the separation of
the walls. (Take velocity of sound 340 m/s)
8. Figure 6 shows water waves moving towards barrier. Show the emergence of the reflected
Figure 6
(b) The critical angle of a material is 43.20. Determine the refractive index of that material. (2mks)
(b) A battery of emf E drives a current of 0.25A when connected to 5.5W resistor. When the 5.5W
resistor is replaced with 2.5W resistor, the current flowing becomes 0.5A. Find the emf E and
the internal resistance r of the battery. (3 marks)
+ +
+ +
+ +
10 3F
(i) (a) Distinguish between e.mf. and terminal voltage of a battery. (2 marks)
(b) The graph in figure 8 shows the variation of potential difference V against current I for a cell
when current is drawn from it.
(c)on the space provided below, draw a circuit that could be used to obtain the results represented
by the graph. (2 marks)
25 50 75 Distance(cm)
iii)Calculate the frequency of the wave given that the speed of the wave is 9m/s. (3 marks)
b) Figure 10 show s monochromatic source of light L behind a barrier with a single slit S
placedbehind another barrier with two identical slits S1 and S2. A screen PQ is placed in position
as shown.
L S1
Contacts Motor
Soft iron armature Insulator
Suggest suitable material for the core. (1mark)
(b)What happens to the core when switch S is closed? (2marks)
(c)Why do the contacts A and B close when the switch S is closed. (2marks)
State two ways in which an electromagnet could be made more powerful. (2marks)
15.Figure 12 below shows a narrow beam of white light onto a glass prism.
16. The figure 4 shows a circuit with a coil used to warm oil in a beaker.
Figure 4
(iv).Give two changes that can be made in the set-up in order to produce more heat per minute.
NAME…………………………………………………….. ADM NO……………….......
SIGN……………………………………………………….. DATE;……………………..
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
2. Mathematical tables and non-programmable calculators may be used.
3. This paper consists of section A and section B.
4. Attempt all the questions in the spaces provided.
5. ALL working MUST be clearly shown.
1 18
2 22
Proceed as follows
Measure the diameter d of the mounted wire at three different points
d1= ____________________________________ mm
d2=____________________________________ mm (½mk)
d3=____________________________________ mm
Average d = ____________________________________ mm (½mk)
Set up the apparatus as shown in the circuit diagram.
Close the switch and tap the mounted wire with jockey as shown in the circuit. Ensure that both
meters show positive deflection, open the switch.
Tap the wire at L= 20cm, close the switch, read and record in the table the ammeter and
voltmeter reading.
Repeat the procedure in (c) for other values of L shown in the table and complete the table.
Given that R= p where A is the cross-sectional area of the wire and p is a constant for the
Proceed as follows
Clamp the spiral spring so as to hang from the clamp as shown in the figure below
Hang a 40g mass from the spring and displace the mass slightly downwards so that it executes
vertical oscillations as shown.
Measure and record in the table the time for 10 oscillations.
Determine the periodic time T in the table.
Repeat the experiment for other values of mass m shown in the table. Complete the table below.
Mass (m)g 40 60 80 100 120 140
Mass m (kg)
Time for 10 osc(s)
Period T(s)
T2 (s2)
Plot a graph of T2 (s2) against mass m(kg). (5mks)
Determine the slope of the graph. (2mks)
Part II
You are provided with a glass block, 4 optical pins, a soft board, one plain paper.
(a) Place the rectangular glass block on a sheet of paper fixed on the soft board with one of its
longest face uppermost. Mark the outline ABCD as shown in the figure. Remove the glass
block and draw a line EF to represent a ray of light making an angle of incidence i=30 0 with
the longest side BC of the block.
(b) Stand pins p1and p2 on this line as far as possible. Replace the block and mark the emergent ray
by looking into the side AD of the block and placing pins p3 and p4 in line with images of p1
and p2 as seen through the glass block. Remove the block and the pins and draw ray EFGH as
shown in the figure below.
𝑠𝑖𝑛 300
Given that k=
sin 𝐵
The main paper used should be handed over together with this paper (correct use made of the
plain paper) (1mk)