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The History of English literature

‫نوطة تاريخ األدب‬

Don't be afraid to start

over. It's a brand-new
opportunity to rebuild
what you truly want.
2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

Old and Middle English

1- Britain was invaded by angles, jutes, Saxons, Normans, and
2- Old English is the language of the first literature in English.
3- there are two cultures through the Anglo Saxon period:
• the Christian culture which had arrived in 597with Saint
• the heroic culture of leaders and heroes
4-The Battle of the Hastings
• in 1066
• by the Norman conquest
• William the conqueror became king of England
• was the last successful invasion of Britain brought with
them French influences
5- The Magna Carta
• in 1215
• reduced the power of the king
• Giving more power and property rights to the aristocrats

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

6- the subject of the first literature are:

war, religion, personal sadness, happiness and security.
7- The Christian monks in the monasteries who first wrote
down the word of the early literature
8- Fragments reflected the Christian and heroic action
9- Most of the texts from this period are anonymous
10- Hymn
• by Caedmon
• the first fragment
• the first song of praise in English literature
• in about 670 Caedmon Hyman entered history
11- Two features of Old English poetry are
• caesura: the gap of the middle of each line.
• alliteration
12- Several poems are preserved in the Exeter Book
13- The wonderer and The seafarer
• anonymous poems
• preserved Exeter Book
• elegiac poems memorise of old legends battle old heroes
14- elegiac poem

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• the speaker is always alone

• his memory becomes very important
15- Beowulf ‫التعريف ببطل القصيدة‬
• the first hero in English literature
• the man who can win battles and give safety.

16- Beowulf ‫تعريفها كقصيدة‬

• describes invasions, battles, historic, and legendary
• Set around the 6th century
• written down 8th century
• about 3000 lines
• Story about a brave young man from southern Sweden.
• Beowulf goes to help Horthgar (king of the Danes) against
Grandel (the monster)
• He's a sad ending
• Is a statement of heroic values?
• is a mythical historical story?
• ‫ بعد خمسين عام دافع عن شعبه ضد‬Dragon

• A new translation of the Beowulf came out in 1999 by

Seamus Heaney

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• The translation won the Whitbread Book of the year

17- Seamus Heaney
) the Irish Noble prize winner)
18- Bede
• Venerable Bede
• Monk
• live between673 and 735
• wrote about The Bible
• history of the English church and people
19- Who is come after Beowulf?

‫ تلك األسطر ل (يأتي في االمتحان سطر‬Wiggle -20

‫ويجب عليكم إما اختيار اسم قائل تلك األسطر أو لمن‬
Beowulf ‫قال تلك األسطر) قال تلك األسطر ل‬
Beloved Beowulf, keep well the vow that you swore
Long ago in the days of your youth not to allow your
Glory to diminish as long as you lived.

21- The Anglo-Saxon chronicle

• Chronicle means record of events

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• one of the first book in history

• tells the history of England from the beginning of Christian
• important for our knowledge of the history and language
of Old English
22- Alfred
• help to put the chronicle together
• his reign from 871 to 899
• ordered many translations of religious and historical texts
• bring the West Saxon dialect into strong position
23- Aelfric
• a monk, translator, and writer
• from Winchester in the South of England
• uses real spoken English and all features of Old English
• The greatest figure in Old English prose
• brought the excellence style into the language

24- The poems were song in the hall of a castle.

25- Songs and poems where passed on from generation to
generation before they written down.

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26- The Hundred Years War

• between France and England
27-The Wars of the Roses
• between the Royal houses of Lancaster and York
• Purpose》》 for the throne of England
In the mid-14th century 》》the Black death
28- Geoffrey Chaucer
• the first great poet of the nation and the language
• remains the reference point
• used many European models
• first poems 》》dream poems
• was a European in his view and experience
• his ambition was to make the literature of English the
equal of European writing

• planned for 》120 stories

• were written 》24
• Chaucer is describing a society that is changing
29- Chaucer’s works
1. Troilus and Criseyde 1385
uses a story from classical Greek times

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2. The House of Fame 1370

Shows the influence of Ovid and Dante
3. Canterbury Tales ‫مهم‬
• Tales mean stories
• Is the Chaucer’s best known work?
• The first major work in English literature
• serious of linked stories
• aspects》》 secular and religious
• Boccaaccio ‫》 أخذ فكرة هذه السلسة من كتابات‬
• Comic views of the life it describes.
30-John Gower
• wrote many books in Latin, French, and English.
• Confessio Amantis
• Heroism ‫ابتعد عن كتابة‬
• Emotions and human weakness ‫انتقل للكتابة عن‬
31-William langland
1. Piers plowman
• Uses the dream vision form to write dream stories
• a kind of early satire on the new society
• the old values are on contrast with the new views

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32-The best known of anonymous texts:

‫وتلك األعمال تظهر التناقض بين القيم القديمة أي‬
‫المثالية الدينية مع وجهات النظر المختلفة والجديدة‬
• Pearl and Sir Gawain》 ‫حلم يراود األب الينته المتوفاة‬
• Green knight
• Winner and Waster

33-Robert Henryson and William Dunbar

• influenced by the work of Chaucer
• known as the Scottish chuceriancs
• language 》scots
• the first great figures in Scottish literature ‫مهم‬

34- Kingis Quair

• King James》 an important poet
• 1425
• a book of love poetry
• written in the verse form
• known as ‘rhyme Royal’
35- The invention of a Printing

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• the major event in literary term in the 15th century

• by Gutenberg
• in Germany
• Bibles ‫الكتب األولى التي تمت طباعتها‬
36- William Caxton and Wynken de worde
• Brought printing to England
• In 1470
• began to print 》》 literary work
• King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table
‫تلك األعمال تمت طباعتها من قبلهم‬
Le Mort d’Arthur ‫》》وأطلق عليها‬
37- La Mort D Arthur
• By Thomas Malory
• published in 1485
• based on》》 a middle English alliterative poem in dialect
from the century before.
38- Deor or Deor’s lament
Deor ‫بمعنى اسم بطلها‬ •
‫كان كاتبًا ومغنيًا‬ •
‫العمل غير معروف اسم كاتبه‬ •

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

• Ideas》》
1- He thinks of other unfortunate men
2- the passing of time
3- the personal suffering
The Roman left Britain》》410
The first parliament 》》 1265
English became the language of national law》》1362
The Hundred Years War 》》 (1337-1453)

The Renaissance
 The Renaissance means rebirth.

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

 The Renaissance was worldwide.

 (1500 》1600) the world reborn.

 in 15th century
The Renaissance began in Italy in art and architecture.
 in the late 16th century

1. England became the most powerful nation.

2. new worlds were discovered.

 Columbus》》 the first European to discover American in 1492

 Copernicus and Galileo》》 discover stars and plants.
 Ferdinand Magellan 》》sailed all around the world.

Henry VIII
 Change religion and political
 The head of the church
 Cut all contact with the Catholic Church and the Pope in Rome.

 Became more important
 Give whole new vision of man’s relation with God.

 The Dutch thinker
 Wrote of mankind as central to the world
 The basis of most Renaissance thought.

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Queen Elizabeth
 Henry VIII’s daughter
 symbol of the Golden age (1558 to 1603)
 Spain》》 defeated ‫بمعنى انكلترا هزمت اسبانيا‬
 The English controlled the sea of the world and bringing valuable
 The most famous line in English is the Hamlet’s to be or not to be ‘》》
this line expresses many of the issues and problems.

 The best known of all Shakespeare’s plays.
 Claudius kills the King hamlet and get married to Gertrude.
 Hamlet's duty is to avenge his father's death.
 The final problem Hamlet has to face is his one death in non
Catholic world.
 Hamlet is tragedy
 At the end the hero dies.

Most of Shakespeare’s plays are tragedies Shakespeare wrote 37 plays.

the first plays of Shakespeare

 Henry VI
 the comedy of Errors
Richard II
 Shakespeare the most tragically weak of Shakespeare’s King
 Shows the deepest feelings
 ‫ أسطر يجب حفظها‬For God’s

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Richard ‫التعريف بشخصيته‬

 real man
 no longer distant God like figure.

The Roman plays

Connect the tragic with the historical
 Antony and Cleopatra
 Titus Andronicus
 Julius Caesar
 Coriolanus
Shakespeare’s plays are written to be performed، he didn’t intend
them to be published.
all the plays are divided into:
 five sections we called them acts
 smaller section we called them scenes
The tragedies ‫مسرحيات شكسبير المأساوية‬
 most of them were written in (1598-1607) black period ‫وتسمى‬
‫هذه الفترة بسبب وفاة ابنه‬
 Hamnet 》》‫اسم ابنه لشكسبير‬
 many of his plays concern father and children.

‫أسماء المسرحيات المأساوية لشكسبير والتحدث عن‬

‫فكرة كل مسرحية‬...
 Romeo and Juliet
1-the most famous tragedy of love
2- Shakespeare’s earliest tragedies

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3-Less complex and philosophical

 Hamlet about 》revenge
 Othello about 》 jealousy
 King Lear about 》family
 Macbeth about 》ambition
‫سطر من المسرحية‬

 The future harmony is important
 End》》happily
 Subject》》Serious

 Harmony is lost
 End 》》 the death of the hero
 Subject》》 Serious
‫مسرحيات شكسبير الكوميدية مع فكرة كل مسرحية‬
 Identity
1. The Comedy of Errors
2. Twelfth night
3. As you like it
 the role of women
1. The Taming of the Shrew
(shrew means wild women)
 love and jealousy
Much Ado About Nothing
 Love and power
A Midsummer Night’sDreamm
 the power of money

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

The Merchant of Venice

Antonio ‫عمل لشكسبير‬
 A merchant borrows money from Shylock a Jewish moneylender in
order to help a friend.
 ‫فكرتها》إذا أنتونيو لم يدفع الدين خالل فترة معينة سيتم‬
‫قطع جزء من لحمه‬
(Antonio’s body ‘pound of flesh’)

Some critics claim that Shakespeare's recent plays are:

 Pastoral comedies (escape to countryside)
 Fables

The last plays of Shakespeare: (1611-1613)

 The Tempest
1-the most perfect
2- giving back harmony to the universe
 Henry VIII

(Prospero) The Tempest) ‫اسم شخصية من هذه المسرحية‬

 Uses his magic power to bring together all the contrasting parts of
 Wins his Kingdom
 At the end of the play he says ‘we are such stuff as dreams are made
 Prospero’s final speech 》》Shakespeare’s experience farewells his

Shakespeare is an actor, playwright, and director of his company.

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson

 from the Golden age
 the most closely connected with Shakespeare

Christopher Marlowe (1567-1593)

 died in a fight pub
 at the age of 29 the most famous and successful playwright
 wit
 best known hero 》Doctor Faustus

‫))))مقارنة بين شكسبير ومارلو‬

Marlow studied at Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare didn’t have
University Marlowe’s plays were tragedy
Marlow’s language was classic
but Shakespeare’s language was less classic Marlow’s characters had a
poetic style Shakespeare same language as their audience.
Doctor Faustus
 has sold his soul to devil for knowledge and power
 in his final moment tries to keep death away.

Spanish tragedy (1592)

 by Thomas Kyd
 give rise to a whole series of revenge tragedy
 the greatest of which was Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Tragedy of the blood

 influenced by the Latin writer Seneca

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 took many forms during Elizabeth

 ended in the violent death
 ‫أسماء مسرحيات تشير إلى تلك المأساة‬
1- Gorboduce
》 by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton
2- Hamlet (1600)
3- Tis Pity she’s a Whore
》 by John Ford
》 sexual love between brother and sister
》 (tis means it is)
(Whore means prostitute)
 revenge main theme (code of honour).

_The Spanish tragedy the father of avenging his son’s death.
_Hamlet the son avenging his father’s death.

The plays of Jacobean were:

 Complex, passionate, and violate
 ‫أسماء مسرحيات لتلك الفترة‬
2. The white Devil (1612)
 Talks about》Vittoria
3. The Duchess of Malfi (1612)
 (duchess means noble lady)
 Both of them by John Webster
 ‫أفكار تلك المسرحيات‬

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

1_ These plays contained two of the most memorable tragic heroines

in English drama.
2_ Victims of male violence.

Plays of Elizabethan Age talk about:

 problem of corruption
 human weakness

Golden age of Elizabeth

 knew social and religious political problems.
 ended in criticism, censorship, and decline.

 say theatre as symbol of the bad features.
 )1642( ‫أغلقوا المسارح عام‬

The sonnet is a very important poetic form in Elizabethan writing.

Sonnets ‫اسم عمل لشكسبير‬

 published in (1609)
 written more than 10 years before.

The sonnet ‫معنى السونيت بشكل عام‬

 14 lines
 from the Italian of Petrarch
 the first examples in English were: written by》 Thomas Wyatt
developed(form) by 》 Henry Howard and Earl of Surry.

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

Henry Howard and Earl of Surrey

 developed the sonnet
 published in an anthology called Tottel’s Miacellany
(miacellany means selection).

Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets

 Subject about love, lose, loneliness, and Change
 the mysterious dark lady and fair man
 passing of time》》 a central theme of much Renaissance writing.

Sir Philip Sidney

 the first major poet of the Renaissance
 the ideal Renaissance figure
 the perfect man
 soldier
 A man of learning
 romantic lover
 died after the buttle of zutphen
 Died at 32
 Astrophel and Stella

Astrophel and Stella

 by Sir Philip Sidney
 full of Idelized love for stella

John Donne 》churchman

George Herbert

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 a churchman
 died at 39

John Donne and George Herbert

 metaphysical poets
 educated men
 their poetry full of modern ideas and original imagery.

52- Inner conflicts in the soliloquies of Shakespeare’s heroes.

53- Andrew Marvell

 the late metaphysical poets
 brings together religious and secular themes
 talks about the:
1. poetry of nature
2. the old Elizabethan concern with the time his famous line to
his shy lover. ‘to his coy mistress’
 Andrew ‫تلك األسطر ل‬
At my back I always hear
Time’s winged Chariot hurrying near

54- In the 1630 and 1640

 political problems
 Puritans became more powerful

55- the cavalier poets

 who supported the King Charles I against the Puritans?
 poems》 simpler and more lyrical than metaphysical poet
 concerned 》 love and passing of time

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56- Richard Lovelace‫تلك األسطر ل‬

Stone walls do not a prison make
Nor Iron bars a cage

57- Prose in the Renaissance may seem less important.

58- prose (Renaissance)
 form the modern English language
 example of many forms of writing.
59- many forms of prose writing reached a wide audience through:
 Printing
 travel writing
 essays
 guidebooks
 political pamphlets

60- Authorized Virgin of the Bible or the King James version

 published in 1611
 used in all the church in the nation
 heard the Bible in church on Sunday

61- Travel writings

 people wanted to read about voyages of explores to the new worlds
of the Americans and the East
62- Richard Hakluyt
 Collected and published the descriptions of many voyages
 his work was continued by Samuel Purchas

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63- Richard Hakluyt and Samuel Purchas

 their publications were very influential in making people more
aware of new worlds voyages to:
》 The America
》 West Indies
》 Arctic
64- The story of the voyage of Sir Francis Drake became an important
part of the
1- Elizabethan’s pride
2- the beginning of Britain’s colonial glory

65- The Tempest 》by Shakespeare contains many of the new ideas of
the growing colonial world.

66- Marco Polo

 Italian traveler
 traveled to China
 wrote fantastic stories about his travels
 became popular in Romans when his works translated into English

67- Utopia
 by Thomas More
 Brought new word into the language
 In Greek utopia means no place
 talks about a journey to this imaginary country.
68- Eldorado
 the land of gold
 described in real travel book 》Discovery of Guliana by Sir Walter

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69- The Arcadia

 by Sir Philip Sidney
 wrote in 1580

70- Shakespeare based some of King Lear on a part of Sydney’s work.

71- Thomas Nash

 The major figure in imaginative prose writing in the late 16th century
 the inventor of modern narrative
 Nash’s works are similar to genre of novel
His works
1- The unfortunate traveler
2- Terrors of the Night
Both of them talk about:
 a clever mixture of genres
 new kind of fantasy
 humor and social comment

72- ‫أسماء أعمال مع أفكارهم‬

The courtier
 how to behave like a proper gentleman
The Book Named the Governor
 how to be a proper politician
The Gull’s hornbook
 fool’s guidebook

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The commonwealth and Restoration

1- (In 1649) ‫األحداث التي حصلت خالل هذه الفترة‬
 the victory of the Roundheads
 execution of King Charles I
 Oliver Cromwell became the leader of the Commonwealth

2- (in 1658)
 Oliver’s death
 Oliver‫جاء ابن‬
 Lord protector ‫اسموه‬
3- (in 1660)
 the parliament invited Charles I to return from France
4- ‫على الرغم من عودة النظام الملكي واستعادته إال أن‬
‫البرلمان احتفظ بمعظم السلطة‬
(‫)أسماء البرلمانات‬
 The whigs
 The Tories

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5- King James II
 became King after the death of Charles II
 the last Catholic
 his dream ended with glorious or bloodless revolution in 1688

6- (in 1662)
 the Royal Society was beginning for the improving of natural
7- (in 1694)
 the Bank of England was opened

8- Restoration‫أسباب ظهورها‬
 Society didn’t want to see problems
 the new middle classes:
1. their wealth grew
2. wanted to stability
 great commercial growth

9- leviathan
 By Thomas Hobbes
 written in 1651 in France
 the main philosophical text behind the thinking of the second half
of the century
 about society
 leviathan means a huge animal

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10- The war of the Spanish Succession from 1701 until the Treaty of
Utrecht in 1713
** Treaty of Utrecht ‫وهي سلسة من معاهدات السالم الموقعة‬
‫من قبل المتحاربين في حرب الخالفة االسبانية‬
11- The battle of Boyne
 in 1690
 give the Protestants victory

12- Commonwealth the period between the execution of Charles I

in1649 and the Restoration with Charles II.

13- Oliver Cromwell

 leader of the Roundheads (puritans)
 named Lord protector of the nation

14- An Horation Ode

 by Andrew Marvell
 Cromwell’s return from Ireland
 the greatest political poem in English
 celebrated Cromwell as the nation’s hero
 Theme
1. strength
2. strong government
‫سطر من القصيدة‬

14- The new society of Restoration gave:

 important for stable values
 less important for search of a new values or the exploration of the
new world

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15- John Milton

 link the Renaissance and the Restoration
 can be seen as a Renaissance and post Renaissance man

16- Paradise lost

 by John Milton
 the major poem in English
 used God and Satan
 It can be read as:
1.a religious text
2. the last great Renaissance text
 its subject》 the full of mankind
 ‫سطر من القصيدة‬

17- paradise Regained + Samson Agonists

 by Milton
 about superhuman hero

18- John Bunyan

 the best known prose text
 The pilgrim’s progress

19- pilgrim’s progress

 by John Bunyan
 published in 1678
 is an allegory
 one of the most important texts in the English because it fixed the
values of society

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20- Augustans
 their name from the classical Latin age of Augustan
 the high point of Roman culture
 Reason》 is important
 Emotion》 takes second place to clear thought and reason

21- Hudibras
 by Samual Bulter
 satirical poem
 A mock romance
 Inspired by the spanish text Don Quixote

22- Dryden
 His translations from Latin and Greek improved the Augustine
age’s knowledge of the classics which inspired them
 wrote more than 20 plays
 successful in the tragicomedy
 was a master of satire in poetry after the Restoration?
 an essayist
 became Catholic in 1685 when James II was forced to leave
23- Dryden’s works
 Poem
1. Heroic Stanza
about praised Cromwell on his death
2. To his Sacred Majesty
welcomed the return of the King in 1660
 Of Dramatic Posey
the nature of drama
 the Secular Masque

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the last work of Dryden

about end an age‫نهاية العصر‬
 Marriage a-la-mode
tragic comedy
about love
in 1672
 All for Love
returns to Antony and Cleopatra
about love
24- George Etherege ‫مع أفكارها أعماله‬
1. The Comical Revenge
2. She wou’d if she cou’d
3. The Man of Mode
satirizes the falls fashion and selfish behaviors of the time plot.
25- The Country wife
 By William Wycherley
 was accused of immorality
 the main character is 》 Honer

26- A Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English

 by Jeremy Collier
 because of the kind of morals seen in Restoration comedy ‫أسباب‬
‫ ظهور كتاتيب‬Jeremy)
27- Collier》》attacked the plots of plays.

28- William Congreve

 the major dramatist of the 1690

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 wrote:
1. four comedies
2. one tragedy
 The Way of the World:
1. his final play
2. takes the comedy of manners to its highest level

29- the main female writers of the time:

 Susannah Centliver
 Aphra Behn
 Mary de la Rivere

-30 Aphra Behn

 wrote 18 plays and 30 novels
 The Rover
.1 the results of arranged and unsuitable marriages
2. about a social problem

31- A Blood Struck for Wife

 by Susannah Centliver
 shows the effects of different religion values on personal
 a social problem
 the most successful

32- both Dryden and Shadwell wrote new versions of the plays of
33- ‫األعمال التي تمت إعادة كتابتها‬
 King Lear

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to give happy ending

 Doctor Faustus
as a farce)‫هزلي (كوميدي مع سخرية‬
Dryden wrote a new version of:
1. The Tempest
2. Troilus and Cressida
34- ‫استمرت دراما شكسبير لمدة قرنين‬

35- the main tragic form of the Restoration was heroic tragedy.

36- Thomas Otway

 died at the age 33
 Venice preserve’s
the difference between the heroic tragedy and Jacobean tragedy.

-35 Richard Brinsley Sheridan

 his plays (comedies)
1.The Rivals
Malaprop‫》》 أشهر شخصية بهذا العمل‬
2. The Critic
3.The School for Scandal
 in 1770 with the place of Richard does comedy reach the level of
the Restoration.

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Augustan to Gothic

1- After the death of Queen Anne in 1714

(‫)األحداث التي حصلت بعد وفاتها‬
 The German house took the British throne
 two rebellions
 the parliament +the Prime Minister grow
-2 The American Declaration of Independence 》1776

3- the French Revolution》 1789

-4 ‫االستقالل والثورة كالهما ساهما في جلب روح الحرية والمساواة‬

‫واألخوة ألوروبا‬
the spirit of Liberty, equality, and fraternity to Europe.

5- in literature the classical ideas of the Augustans changed.

6- drama became less important after the Stage Licensing Act of

1737, but the novel became more important.

7- journalism +magazines
 reflected the opinion of a new middle classes
 gave the nation
.1 its strength
.2 its political power

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8- The rise of the novel 》1700

9- important in the development of the novel:

 Thomas Nashe
 Aphra Behn

10- Aphra Behn

 30 novels 18 plays
 The Rover
.1 love letters between Nobel man and his sister
.2 epistolary (‫)كانت على شكل رسائل‬

11- epistolary 》novel in a form of letters.

12- ‫الشخصيات الذين أسهموا في تطور الرواية من الذكور‬

 Daniel Defoe
 Jonathan swift
 Samuel Richardson
 Henry Fieldings

13- Daniel Defoe

 Journalist
 Technique》 using a first person narrator’ I’
 ‫أعماله‬
1. Robinson Crusoe (in 1719)
 most famous story in the world
 inspired by the story of Alexander Selkirk
2. A Journal of the Plague Year(in1722)

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 describe the plague in London

3. Moll Flanders(in1722)
 about a woman who has been prostitute, a thief committed incest
and been to prison.

14. the novelist of the 18th century described the bad side of life but
with a happy ending.

15. Jonathan swift

The Battle of the Book
 satire
 differences between Ancients and Moderns
.2 Gulliver’s Travels
 1726
 satire
 a kind of a children’s story
 fable
 social criticism
.16Samuel Richardson
 a publisher
 1740
 a typical heroine
 a model of good wife
17. (in 1737) 》Henry Fielding turned to write the novel.

18. Richardson》 examined female ideas and circumstances.

Henry Fielding》 examined male points of view.

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19. Henry Fielding ‫اعمال‬

 Joseph Andrews (1742)
 Tom Jones (1749)
1. Comic epic in prose
2. he follows his heroes through their journey

20. the plots of Fielding

 show the weakness and strength of the human nature
 the innocent learning from experience
 human goodness

.21after Richardson and fielding the novel had become

 rich
 Varied genre

.22 Charlotte Lennox

 Born in New York
 her works:
Life Harriot Stuart
The Female Quixote
 female experience

.23 Eliza Haywood

 Miss Betty Thoughtless
2. Her heroin suffers in a bad marriage

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24. Sarah Fielding

 David Simple
1. innocent hero looking for real friend 2.the man is a Tobies

25. Tobies Smollett

 uses original and rich Language to suit his character
 Scot
 his works
about entertaining advent:
.1 Roderick Random
.2 Peregrine Pickle
 Humphry
His last novel
epistolary novel
describes how disunited the United Kingdom
26. at the last of 18th century 》the novel took a new direction.
27. The Castle of Ortanto
 By Horace Walpole
 About fashion for gothic
 medieval times

.28 the Gothic novel 》developed the imaginative.

29. satire at its highest point 》after the death of Dryden in 1700

.30 The Rape of the Lock

 by Alexander pope
 mock- heroic satire
 Belinda’s hair
 ‫هجاء بطولي ساخر‬

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31. Mary Wortely Montague

 the best known of The many woman poets
 well known for her letters from Turkey and from Europe

32. Mary Leapor

 died 》 24
 influenced by pope
 her poems published by pope after her death with Richardson’s

.33 Mary Leapor + Hetty Wright

 critical of male superiority in society

.34 Graveyard School of Poetry

‫اهتموا ب‬:
 delightful gloomy
 death

.35 Night Thoughts

 by Edward young
 About death, immorality, and life
 lacks the irony ‫اليوجد فيها سخرية‬

36. The Grave

 by Robert Blair
 a celebration of death
 talks about pain and madness

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37. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

 By Thomas Gray
 Churchyard means churchground
 the most important single poem in 18th century
 it celebrates the lives and deedssingl

38. The Deserted Village

 by Oliver Goldsmith
 a loose of a village

.39 William Cowper

 The Task
celebrates the working life in the countryside
 The Borough
Talk about the harder side of this kind of life (the life in

.40 Fanny Burney

 Eveline 》 her first novel
 lived to 》90
 her letters and diaries describe the English and French society.

.41 James Macpherson

 Scottish writer
 his works

42. Ossian

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 an epic poet
 one of the favourite writers of the Goethe and Napoleon

.43 Daniel Defoe

 worked for business magazines before he started writing his novels
 The Shortest Way with the Dissenters
(dissenters mean protestors)

44. The Tatler + The Spectator

the most famous of early magazines.

.45 Richard Steele

 started The Guardian‫اسم صحيفة‬
 run the ‫أدار‬:
.2The Lover
.3The Theatre
 The Conscious Lovers
.2 introducing the kind of feeling and polite behaviour.

The Romantic Age


.1The Romantic period

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 lasts 40 years
 from the French Revolution 1789 to the Reform Act 1832
 the age of Revolution
 Romantic writing》 poetry
.2 The Reign of Terror began 》in 1793

.3 The early 1800 》Europe against France.

.4 in this period 》poetry was about war.

.5 Lyrical Ballads ‫مجموعة من القصائد‬

 By Coleridge and Wordsworth

6. Society》industrial
government 》‫ شجعت‬free trade

7. The Peterloo massacre

 In 1819
 government soldiers attacked protesters
 killing eleven
 Injuring 400

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.8 Augustans
feelings and imagination were dangerous
reason and the intellect were dangerous

9. William Black
 Songs of Innocence and Experience
 poems simple and symbolic
 Lamb refers to innocence
 Tiger refers to mystery
 the consciousness of the Romantic Age (voice) ‫الصوت الواعي‬
‫للعصر الرومانسي ويليام‬
 Saw the dangers of an industrial society
 London
he calls the systems of society ‘mind forged manacles ‘
 For Black, London is a city in which the mind of everyone

.10 William Wordsworth

 poetry 》inward rather than outward
 Wordsworth is the main character in most of his poem

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 He wants to see into the heart of things

 he wants to show Human memory 11.Wordsworth’s works
 The Prelude
1.An autobiographical poem
2. how individual’s thoughts and feelings are formed
3.psychological poem
 Daffodils (kind of flower)
.1how the past relates to the present
 The Old Cumberland Begger and The Leech Gatherer
1.about nature and ordinary people

12. Wordsworth wrote’ child is father of the man’

 Wordsworth means adult can learn from children
 the Augustans children should be controlled as soon as possible

.13 Augustan writers talk about society Romantic writers talk about

.14 Samuel Taylor Coleridge‫اسماء أعماله‬

 The Rime of the Ancient

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talks about an old Mariner

 Chistable
2.about a journey
3.search for full meaning and understanding
4. truth can be found even if complete understanding is not
 kubla Khan
.1 poem
.2 about creative imagination
has subtitled a’ Fragment’
 Dejection: an ode
.1dejection means sadness

15. Christabel + the Rime of the Ancient

 use medieval verse forms and styles
 atmosphere of the distance past
 look for meanings in a contrast between past and present

.16 Wordsworth + Coleridge

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 Wordsworth worked with Coleridge

 Wordsworth’s poetry 》the day- to- day ordinary worlds
 Coleridge’s poetry 》extraordinary and supernatural world
 the first generation of Romantic poets

17. John Keats

 born in 1795
 wrote about:
.1 the nature of literature
.2 the imagination
.3 poetry
 25 ‫》》 بعمر‬one of the most important romantic poets
 Wordsworth and Coleridge were important influences on his
poetry and ideas
 interests in:
1. irrational
2. mysterious
3. Supernatural world
.18 John Keats ‫أعماله‬
1. Letters 《《critical works

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2. ‫رواياته‬



The Eve of Saint Agnes

La Belle Dame Sans Merci

.3Ode to a Nightnigale (nightnigale=song bird)

.4Ode on a Gercian Urn (urn=vase)

3 +4 ‫فكرة األعمال‬

 Show that art and artistic creation can make things permanent
 poetry can keep human feelings and idea alive
5. Autumn
 paints a picture of a world of nature which is dying at the end of
the year
 end his poem that the beauty and fullness of autumn which
cannot die

19. Percy Shelley

 Shelley's writing is, likes Blake

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 Shelley's poetry is similar to Keats

 wrote about keats in his poem Adonais
 Shelley was both optimistic and pessimistic
‫أعماله مع فكرة كل عمل‬

1. Queen Mab,
he attacks the religion and morals of the age.
2. 'The Necessity of Atheism' (1811)
he states that we cannot prove that God exists.
3. The Mask of Anarchy
he writes about the future revolution .1
,responds to the Petrol massacre of (1819).2

Ode to the West Wind (1819).4

his best-known lyric poem .1
makes the wind a symbol of the power

.Julian and Maddolo 5

he sees the modern world as a wasteland‘

The Defences of Poetry .6

‫اسم مقالة‬

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‫عبارات تم ذكرها بهذه المقالة‬

'The rich have become richer, and the poor have become
poorer.' 1
'Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

Ozymandias .7

20. Lord Byron:

 a great influence across Europe in the nineteenth
 the romantic hero, an isolated individual
 a poetic hero of his age
 the first popular best-selling poet
 changes in style and context
 died, at the age of thirty-six
 fought on the side of the Greeks in war of
independence against Turkey.

His works :
 rebel against society
1.Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
2. Manfred

 Byron is more satirical

3.Don Juan
‫ سؤال دورة‬1

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‫أسطر من هذا العمل‬

He pored upon the leaves, and on the flowers,
And heard a voice in all the winds; and then
He thought of wood-nymphs and immortal bowers
And when he looked upon his watch again
He found how much old Time has been a winner
He also found that he had lost his dinner.

21. John Clare:

 suffered a mental decline
 described the decline of the agricultural countryside
 Clare is the least known of all the Romantics

22. Romantic Age prose writing developed


23. changed the styles and topics of the eighteenth century

Charles Lamb
William Hazlitt
Thomas de Quincey

24. Thomas Love Peacock

 work was written in both the Romantic and Victorian
 Nightmare Abbey
(nightmare= frightening dream)

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25. The most important novelists of the time were Jane

Austen and Walter Scott.
26. Jane Austen
 Interest in moral, psychological, social behavior of
their characters
 writes about heroines
 Northanger Abbey
(her first novel)
 Sense and Sensibility
1.about two sisters
Elinor who is rational and self - controlled (sense)
Marianne who is more emotional (sensibility)
2. a contrast between the Romantic and Augustan ages.
27.novelists (women)
1. Fanny Burney
Evelina and Camilla

2. Maria Edgeworth
 wrote about the details of every provincial life
 an Irish novelist

28. Anne Radcliffe and Clara Reeve

 wrote Gothic novels

29. Frankenstein

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 by Mary Shelley
 A later Gothic novel
 can be seen as one of the first modern science
fiction novels.
 interest of the supernatural
 attempts of man to be as powerful as God.

30. Mansfield Park

 shows that it is important to know oneself in order to
make the right choices in love and marriage.
 Pride and Prejudice (1813)

Sir Walter Scott .31

 writes about revolution, history and social change.
 Writes about characters from all levels of society.
 Most of his early novels from Waverley (1814) to The Bride
of Lammermoor (1819) are set in the past.
 He was universally read because:
1. he explored values
2. created exciting plots and characters who live in the
32. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

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 James Hogg

The Victorian Period


1. Queen Victoria reigned from (1837) until (1901).

2. the Victorian Age sometimes said to begin with the

defeat of Napoleon in (1815).

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In literature the period starts with the death of Sir Walter Scott in
Sir Walter ‫بمعنى في األدب يقال بأن تلك الفترة تبدأ بوفاة‬
4.the problems during Victoria's reign:
 social problems
 the working class were punished
 the population grew
 Britain became the richest manufacturing country in the
5.Crimean War(1845-1856)
 Britain's First war
 for forty years
 the first war to be reported daily in the newspapers.
 fought by Britain, France and Turkey against Russia

6. the Origin of Species

 by Charles Darwin
 The book showed that man was: descended from apes.

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7.Victorian Age an age of extremes

8. ‫اهتمامات كل فترة‬
Romantic period poetry
Victorian period novel

9. Waverley Novels ‫اسم سلسلة‬

 By Sir Walter Scott
 published between (1814) and (1832
 became best-sellers all over the world

10. Charles Dickens

 wrote thirteen novels
 The sufferings of children were a main theme of Dickens's
 wanted education for all children
 novels often tell the stories of victims

1. Sketches by Baz
2. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
3. Pickwick Papers

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His first great success

4. Oliver Twists and 5. Nicholas Nickleby
Both of them about social problems of young boys
5. David Copperfield
 most positive novel
 about growing up
 The hero is David
 Dickens's own childhood
 Happy ending
6. Great Expectations
there is a feeling of disappointment
7. A Tale of Two Cities
A bout the French Revolution
8. A Christmas Carol
About Christmas stories
11. Friedrich Engels
 studied the life of the workers in Manchester
 The Condition of the Working Class in England
12. Karl Marx
 Das Kapital

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political theory
criticizing the whole capitalist system
 lived and worked in Britain

13. Elizabeth Gaskell

lived in Manchester

 ‫أعمالها‬

North and South

Mary Barton about social concerns

 the biographer of Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre .14
 most famous novel about a woman
 examines many sides of the circumstances of women

15. Emily Bronte

 Wuthering Heights

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Moving backward and forward

Anne Bronte .16

The Tenant of Wild fell Hall

)[tenant = occupier

:after the Brontës, female characters were .17

 more realistic
 less idealized
 their struggles became the subject of a great many novels
later in the nineteenth century.

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18. Mary Ann Evans

 used a man's name - George Eliot
 a translator
 George Henry Lewes, encouraged her to write fiction
 ‫أعمالها‬

1. Scenes of Clerical Life [clerical life = church life]

2. Middlemarch

Adam Bede .3

 about controversial women's themes

 a collection of three stories

19. The detective story At first they were called

Novels of Sensation


 The Woman in White

by Wilkie Collins

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published in 1860

 The Moonstone
he first real classic of the genre
by wilkie collins
about a stolen diamond
20. Sherlock Holmes
 The most famous fictional detective
 the main character in a long series of stories by Arthur
Conan Doyle, starting with A Study in Scarlet [scarlet = red]

21. A Study in Scarlet [scarlet = red]

 ‫اسم عمل آلرثر تم فيه ذكر شيرلوك وهي رواية بوليسية‬
22. Charles Darwin
 caused a great crisis of faith
 by Charles Darwin
23. Thomas Hardy

 His novels reflect the problems of the last years of the

nineteenth century
 His novels
1.burned 2. not bought by the private libraries

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24. Jude the Obscure

 By Thomas Hardy
 Jude's crime to have the ambition to go to study at
 Love, sexual attraction, the institution of marriage and the
struggle between ambition and human weakness (ideas)
 Tragedy
 Social problems

The last of the Romantic poets was also one of the first .25
.William Wordsworth
Lord Alfred Tennyson.26
 began his career in (1830)
 the tone of Tennyson's poetry was quite
 For Tennyson nature is not simply the object of beauty.
 His works
1. Chiefly Lyrica
2. Memoriam A.H.H
 an elegy to Arthur Hallam
 When Queen Victoria became a widow “In Memoriam’’
became her favorite text
 Tennyson became the nation's favorite poet.

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The Charge of the Light Bridge" [bridge= a group of soldiers] .3

 praise of the heroes
27. Robert Browning
 The master of the dramatic monologue form in the
Victorian age
 His novels show many of the sides of Victorian society and
 became famous when he ran off with Elizabeth Barrett
 His works:
1.'My Last Duchess' [duchess= noble lady]
in a volume called Dramatic Lyrics
2. "Porphyria's Lover
a man speaks about the woman he loves
 poems are set in Italy
‫القصائد التي كتبها في إيطاليا‬
1. The Ring and The Book
tells a murder story
2.Dramatic Personae
his best-known collection
28. Elizabeth Barrett
 the best-known female poet of the century

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1.Sonnets from the Portuguese

love poems to her husband
2.Aurora Leigh
a long poem on women's themes
 considered a Victorian feminist text
29. The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (rubáiyát = verses)
 by Edward Fitzgerald
 published in 1859
 free translation from a Persian poem
30. Ebenezer Elliott
 Corn Law Rhymer
His famous line "Poor men pay for all'
31. "The Song of the Shirt"
 By Thomas Hood
 About a woman who works all day sewing shirts
32. Most writers of the Victorian period wrote for newspapers

and magazines.

33. Charles Lamb

 The best-known essayist of the (1820s)

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 he was a social observer

 Essays of Elia
were written for the London magazine

34. William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt are more serious critics of
literature and society.
35.William Hazlitt
 was a critic who described rather than analyzed his
 His works
1. Spirit of the Age
2.English Comic writers
3.Political Essays

36. Walter Pater

 father of aestheticism
 his belief in beauty became a central part of the aesthetic
 His works
1.the Studies in the History of Renaissance

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include a famous essay on Leonardo da Vinci's picture

Mona Lisa
described her as one' who has learned the secrets of the

4.Epicurean read by his students at Oxford

37. Oscar Wilde

 the most important writer in the final years of the
nineteenth century
 His first stories
1.'Lord Arthur Savile's Crime'
2. "The Canterville Ghost'wrote fables for children

 stories
1.The Happy Prince
2.The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Importance of Being Earnest (earnest =serious)

a complex story of social behavior
the main character is Jack
38. Robert Louis Stevenson
 The Scottish novelist

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 His works
1.Treasure Island
Long John Silver ‫اسم شخصية خيالية بالرواية‬
Children’s story
3.Travel with a Donkey in the Cevennes
 About travels
 Sets in France
4.The Amateur Emigrant
 About a journey in America
39. Rudyard Kipling

 the most important writer to come from the colony of India

 the first English writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature
 His works

1.Plain Tales from the Hills made him famous

2.The Jungle Book

3.‘Recessional' [going back]

the most imperialist and Victorian texts of all

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shows the last great moment of Victorianism

40. Alice's Adventure in Wonderland

By Lewis Carroll
Popular with both children and adults

41. H. G. Wells
 His works
1.The Time Machine
2.The Invisible Man [invisible = cannot be seen]
3.The First Men in the Moon
4.The War of the Worlds

42. More realism came into drama with the plays of George
Bernard Shaw.

43. George Bernard Shaw

 admirer of the plays of Ibsen
 discussed themes which were politically and socially
 Shaw always wrote a preface to the published version of his

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 His works
1. Widowers' Houses
about greedy landlords
2. Mrs. Warren Profession
about prostitution
3. Arms and the Man [arms= weapons]
about war and heroism

The Twentieth Century to 1939

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1. In 1900 ‫األحداث التي حصلت خالل هذه الفترة‬

 The economy of Britain had become mostly industrial
 The British Empire had grown
 The Boer War in South Africa was not a successful war
for the British

in 1911 .2

 people in the country lived in cities

 A village way of life had disappeared

3. The First World War (1914- 1918)

 Millions of men + soldiers were killed.
 religious and political beliefs were questioned
 Communism grew in Russia
 fascism grew in Germany and Italy
4. )1939-1945( ‫سبب قيام الحرب العالمية الثانية‬
 because of the fascist beliefs.

5. women were allowed to vote for the first time in

(1928) (imp)

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6. The novel of Victorian period had social themes.

7. The novel of the 20th-c

 Personal + individual themes
 Writers use different points of view
 quick moves from scene to scene
 The stream of consciousness technique, named by the
American psychologist William James
8. Henry James
 William James's brother
 born in America
 later in his early life became a British citizen
 search for fixed cultural and social values
 His works
Rodrick Hudson
Washington Square
 three of his masterpieces in England

TheWings of the Dove (dover= bird of peace).1

The Ambassadors .2
The Golden Bow .3

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Joseph Conard l .9
 Born in the Ukrania
 He travelled the world as a sailor
 ‫أعماله‬
Lord Jim + 2. Nostromo .1
 most typical novel
 sea + explore the dangers + the questions of
honour and the moral conflicts of man's
struggles at sea
3. Heart of Darkness
 goes deep into Africa
 A central character is Mister Kurtz, a
successful colonial trader in Africa
4. Under Western Eyes
 Conrad's later novels
 Political
5. chucer

 By T.S.Eliot
 He used Kurtz's words at the moment of his death
The horror! The horror!'
11. D. H. Lawrence

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 the first important writer to come from the

working class
 His early works are about his own background
 he was married to a German woman
 wrote about Australia and Mexico.
 His works
1. East Midlands
 a mining family
2. Sons and lovers (imp)
 an autobiographical novel
 the best-known of his works
 the most successful psychological novels
3. The Rainbow + 4. Women in Love
 caused some scandal
 about men's and women's roles in sexual
4. Lady Chatterley's Lover
 was banned in Britain until 1906
12. ‫مقارنة‬
 Lawrence
was interested in the journey of the
human soul to truth and knowledge through:

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1. nature
2.contact with the deepest forces of

 James Joyce + Virginia Woolf

the journey was through:
1. the mind of their characters
13. James Joyce + Virginia Woolf
 The term stream of consciousness is
connected with them
 They go inside their characters' minds and
14. James Joyce
1. Chamber Music
 The first published work
2. Exiles
3. Dubliners
 the best-known books of its time
 a collection of stories set in Dublin
 main character Ctephen Dedalus

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 Other characters
Molly Bloom
 (monologue by Molly, alone in her bed)
(in these lines, we have stream of
What shall I wear shall I wear a white rose those cakes
in Leptons I love the smell of a big rich shop at 7 1/2d a
pound or the other ones with cherries in them of
a nice plant for the middle of the table I love flowers
.I'd love to have the whole place swimming in roses

The end

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‫‪2021 \ 2020‬‬ ‫‪The History of English literature‬‬ ‫‪Third Year‬‬

‫صديقي العزيز‬
‫وامض لحلمك‬
‫دعنا نخبر طالبنا‬

‫كن في مقدمة الصفوف‬

‫األعزاء عن‬
‫الفرق بين الكلمتين‪...‬‬
‫وامنح فؤادك أن يسافر‬
‫‪Adopted, Adoptive‬‬
‫في األماني دون خوف‬
‫فهؤالء الطالب يحبون‬ ‫فاليوم تبذل للمنى‬
‫وغدًا سترضيك كالمك‬
‫أنت الصباح فال تضقيا براين‪...‬‬
‫مهما تكدرت الظروف‬

‫فقرة بينكي و‬
‫برين ‪‬‬

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2021 \ 2020 The History of English literature Third Year

‫ أخبرهم يا‬...‫ وأنا أحبهم أيضًا‬...‫شكرًا لك يا صديقي‬

‫عليك جمع‬...‫تسيطر على العالم‬ ‫صديقي أنك كي‬
..‫ وعليكم الوثوق بما أقول‬...‫المعلومات من كل مكان‬
Adopted refers to an accepted policy or responsibility.
They adopted a new policy for handling delinquent accounts.
Adoptive refers to adoption.
Tim always felt content and happy with his adoptive parents.

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