Radioimmunoassay For PMSG and Its Application
Radioimmunoassay For PMSG and Its Application
Radioimmunoassay For PMSG and Its Application
in-vivo studies
Christiane Menzer and D. Schams
Institut für Physiologie der Südd. Versuchs- und Forschungsanstaltfür Milchwirtschaft der
Technischen Universität München, 805 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany
The glycoprotein, PMSG, is secreted by the endometrial cups (Clegg, Boda & Cole, 1954), local
endometrial outgrowths which develop from an invasion of specialized trophoblast cells into the
maternal endometrium on Day 36 of gestation (Allen, Hamilton & Moor, 1973), and is present
in the serum of mares between Days 40 and 130 of pregnancy (Cole & Hart, 1930). PMSG is a
single molecule possessing both follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone
(LH) activities (see review by Papkoff, 1978). Since PMSG is commercially available in large
quantities and at reasonable cost, it is widely used in veterinary therapy and for stimulation of
ovulation and/or superovulation in cattle and other animals. Due to its high concentration in the
serum of pregnant mares, a bioassay (Cole & Erway, 1941) or haemagglutination inhibition
assay (Wide & Wide, 1963; Allen, 1969a) can be used for measuring PMSG in mares and such
assays are efficient for pregnancy diagnosis. For monitoring PMSG levels in the blood of other
species after administration of PMSG, a more sensitive and efficient method is necessary. For
this reason, a radioimmunoassay for PMSG has been developed and is described in the present
paper. Some of the data have been used in a previous paper (Schams et al, 1978).
Antisera to PMSG
For immunization, rabbits received, at 3-week intervals, 4 injections (s.c. and i.m.) each of
1000 i.u. PMSG dissolved in saline (0-154 M-NaCl) and suspended in Freund's complete
adjuvant. The animals were bled after two additional booster injections of 1000 i.u. PMSG at 4-
week intervals.
Radioiodination of PMSG
Radioiodination was carried out using a modification of the chloramine-T method of Hunter
& Greenwood (1962). Labelling was performed using 0-5 mCi 125I-iodide in 50 ul 0-5 Mi-
phosphate buffer and 5 µg PMSG dissolved in 25 µ 0-5 M-phosphate buffer, pH 7-5. The
reaction was initiated by the addition of 50 µg chloramine-T dissolved in 25 ul 0-05 M-phosphate
buffer, pH 7-5. After an oxidation time of 20 sec, the reaction was blocked by the addition of
80 µg sodium metabisulphide dissolved in 400 ul 0-05 M-phosphate buffer, pH 7-5. Separation of
labelled hormone from free I25I-iodide was performed by means of gel filtration with a Sephadex-
G50 column (20 1-5 cm). Elution was carried out with 0-07 M-veronal buffer, pH 8-6.
The labelled hormone was stored at —20°C. Immediately before use in the assay a second
purification step with a freshly set-up cellulose column (about 15 ml gel, type HBS: Serva) was
necessary. Hormone damage products were eluted with about 20 ml 0-01 M-phosphate buffer,
pH 7-5. The undamaged, immunoreactive PMSG was finally eluted with serum from non-
pregnant mares, diluted 1:4 with 0-5 M-phosphate buffer, pH 7-5.
Dilutions of standard PMSG or serum samples were prepared with 0-05 M-sodium phosphate
buffer, pH 7-5, containing 0-18% (w/v) EDTA and 0-05% (w/v) human serum albumin. To
small plastic tubes (10 65 mm) either known concentrations of standard hormone in 0-2 ml
buffer or in 0-1 ml buffer plus 0-1 ml PMSG-free serum, or 0-2 ml of the unknown serum sample
were added. Incubation was set up by adding 0-1 ml antiserum to a final dilution of 1:40 000
(for assay in bovine serum) or 1:80 000 (for assay in equine serum) containing normal rabbit
serum at a final concentration of 1:1800. For measuring PMSG in bovine serum, 5 ng bovine
LH were added to the antiserum. After incubation for 24 h at 4°C, 0-1 ml labelled PMSG (about
10 000 c.p.m.) was added to each tube. Separation of bound and free hormone was performed by
means of the double-antibody method. A precipitating antiserum
against rabbit gamma-globulins
was added after an additional 48 to 72 h incubation. After 24 h 1-5 ml 0-05 M-phosphate buffer
were added to each tube and the samples were centrifuged at 1500 g for 30 min. The supernatant
was decanted and the precipitate counted in an automatic gamma-counter. Text-figure 1 shows a
typical standard curve for measuring PMSG in cattle serum.
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S 60
40 -
I J 1 |— " —
0 0 5 1 5 10 50 100
PMSG (m¡.u./tube)
Text-fig. Binding inhibition curve of standard PMSG after addition of 5 ng bovine LH and
0-1 ml PMSG-free bovine serum in the radioimmunoassay described. Each value represents a
mean ± s.d. for 20 observations.
Validation of the method
Radioiodination. The mean incorporation of 125I into PMSG was 12-3 ± 2-7% of the total
125I-iodide (n 14). The mean specific activity was 19-8 pCi^g protein (n 12). Storage of the
labelled hormone was possible only for a limited time due to increasing hormone damage found
by means of the second purification procedure. After 2 days, iodination damage was 5 ± 1%
(n 12), increasing after 3-8 days to 16 ± 6% (n 7) and to 26 ± 3% (« 5) after 10-20
= = =
days. Iodination with lactoperoxidase (unpublished data) gave comparable results without any
significant improvement.
Specificity. As demonstrated in Text-fig. 2, the antiserum against PMSG showed a strong
cross-reaction with equine LH as well as a weaker one with equine FSH. A slight cross-reactivity
could be observed with porcine and bovine LH, as well as with ovine and bovine FSH, which
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hCG, hLH,
100 bTSH, bProlactin
S 60
£ 40
µ —r-
sensitivity of the assay was 0-1 ng (1 mi.u.) PMSG when 0-1 ml PMSG-free serum was added.
Dilution curves. Inhibition curves of sera of prägnant mares as well as serum samples of
cattle after injection of PMSG (diluted in buffer) were parallel to the standard curve for PMSG
as shown in Text-fig. 4.
0 1 10 100
Text-fig. 3. Binding inhibition curves of PMSG (# ), equine LH ( - ), equine FSH
(D-D), ovine and bovine LH, ovine and bovine FSH (O -O) after addition of 5 ng
bovine LH per tube.
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S 40
Text-fig. 4. Inhibition lines after dilution of endogenous PMSG in pregnant mare serum
(D-D) and exogenous PMSG in bovine serum ( - ) compared to standard PMSG
(mi.u./tube ·-·).
Recovery experiments. Known amounts of PMSG were added to samples of serum from non-
pregnant mares or cows. As can be shown from the recovery results, equine as well as bovine
serum had an influence on the assay system, resulting in an average recovery of only 54 ± 10%.
By adding PMSG-free serum to the standard, especially of homologous serum obtained from the
same animal, the recovery results (range of added PMSG 2-20 mi.u.) could be improved on
average to 90-5 ± 9-9% with a CV of 11%.
Physiological results
PMSG determination in pregnant mare serum. As shown in Text-fig. 5, serum levels of
PMSG were determined in 3 pregnant mares. The results of the radioimmunoassay were
compared with those obtained for the same samples by bioassay. There was clearly good
agreement between the two assays. The mean index of discrimination between bioassay and RIA
was 1-2.
170 (a)
" -1-1-1-1 I -
40 50 60 70 80 90 40 50 60 70 80 90 70 80 90 100 110
Days pregnant
Text-fig. 5. Serum levels of PMSG in 3 different pregnant mares (a, b, c) when measured by
radioimmunoassay (O-O) and bioassay (·-·). Arrow abortion. =
2 34 56789 10
1500 i.u.
Text-fig. 6. Blood serum levels of PMSG in 2 heifers after a single i.m. application of 1500 or
3000 i.u. PMSG.
1281 expressed in mi.u.) or 40-0 h (y —13·25 + 1299) and a longer one of 123-2 h (y
= =
With regard to the validation of the method, the inhibition curves with pregnant mare serum or
PMSG in cow serum, the recovery experiments with PMSG added to bovine serum and the good
reproducibility of control samples demonstrate that the radioimmunoassay developed is
potentially useful for measuring endogenous or exogenous PMSG in mare or cow serum. Inter¬
ference of serum components of equine or bovine serum within the assay could be eliminated by
adding a constant amount of PMSG-free serum to the standard curve.
An unspecific interfering influence of equine serum has also been reported by Wide & Wide
(1963) and Allen (1969a), who used a haemagglutination-inhibition asay for PMSG determi¬
nation. The partial cross-reaction with bovine LH and ovine or bovine FSH (Text-fig. 2) was
eliminated by addition of bovine LH to each tube (Text-fig. 3). This cross-reactivity could be also
eliminated by addition of ovine FSH and is perhaps due to a small population of antibodies with
lower specificity in the antiserum used. Because the structure of PMSG and eLH and to some
extent that of eFSH is similar biochemically the cross-reactivity is to be expected (Papkoff,
1978). This offers the possibility of measuring radioimmunologically the total gonadotrophin
activity in non-pregnant mares.
Concerning the limited PMSG data in 3 pregnant mares, the values are comparable to those
obtained in more intensive studies in pregnant mares by means of the haemagglutination-
inhibition assay (Allen, 1969b). The good agreement between values obtained in the immuno-
and bioassays further validates the radioimmunoassay method. The possibility of measuring
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PMSG levels in blood after administration of PMSG with this assay may improve the under¬
standing and interpretation of studies in which PMSG is involved. To our knowledge, apart from
our earlier publication (Schams et al, 1978) no data exist about PMSG levels in cattle blood
after a single administration. It was surprising that PMSG values could still be measured 10 days
after injection, although a reasonably long half-life of PMSG in the cow could have been
expected. The component with the longer half-life agrees well with that obtained in the mare by
means of bioassay (Cole, Bigelow, Finkel & Rupp, 1967) and is much longer than that observed
in ewes (ti= 21 h: Mclntosh, Moor & Allen, 1975). The prolonged half-life of PMSG is probably
related to the high sialic acid content (Schams & Papkoff, 1972; Gospodarowicz, 1972).
This work was supported by the Commission of the European Communities. We are most
grateful to the following for their kind gifts: National Institute of Health, Bethesda, U.S.A., for
the preparation of bovine prolactin (NIH-P-B3) and a- and ß-subunits of ovine LH; Dr H.
Papkoff for pure equine LH and FSH; Dr I. G. Pierce for pure bovine TSH; Dr A. J.
Breeuwsma, Intervet, Holland, for supplying us with pregnant mare samples; and Dr T.
Kouvenberg (Organon, Oss) for the bioassay data.
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for pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin. /. Endocr. chemical properties of the pregnant mare serum
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593-598. specific activity. Nature, Lond. 194,495-496.
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