Professional Fees

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Below is our proposed charges for one year audit assignment.

Description Remuneration Total period of Total Rate for

per Day engagement the period
($) (Days) ($)
1 Remuneration
1.1 Services in Home Office
Quality Reviewer 400 15 6,000
Team Leader 400 40 16,000
Audit Manager 400 30 12,000
Audit Supervisor 300 30 9,000
Audit Senior 200 30 6,000
Sub-Total 49,000

2 Out of Pocket Expenses Unit Number of Number of Amount

Days Persons ($)
2.1 Travel Costs (Return Ticket) 1,200 4 4,800
2.2 Daily Allowances 475 20 4 38,000
2.3 Communication, Secretarial, 2,500
2.4 Production and other items 3,200
Translation cost 48,500
Sub Total

Grand Total 97,500

Our proposed charges for one year audit assignment is ninety seven thousand, five hundred Dollars.

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