Tds Pai Sac0307 Lead Free Wire
Tds Pai Sac0307 Lead Free Wire
Tds Pai Sac0307 Lead Free Wire
Condition B
1×108 Ω or over JIS Z 3197:2021 8.5.3
(7 days, 85°C/85% RH)
5 Electro migration Test Pass JIS Z 3197:2021 8.5.4
Sn Pb Zn Sb Fe Ni Cu Cd Bi As Ag Al
0.07% 0.001% 0.1% 0.02% 0.01 to 0.5%- 0.01% 0.06% 0.03% 0.2 to 0.001%
Hg In Au Cr Ge
A preferred typical Solder tip temperature would be between 380°C to 450°C. Heat both the land area and component lead to
be soldered with the iron tip prior to applying the solder wire to land area or component lead. To maximize tip life and reduce
solder spattering, do not feed wire directly to iron tip.
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