Session 1987 03 20
Session 1987 03 20
Session 1987 03 20
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saw!:.':::.>· dn ....
alpi:l ring Le,
I }';.;?,~~!,:q Z;~y,~~.,,} % -"Xi';) L.d C::;:jDh hre r-ene Is,
I ku~,;r:g -.<.:6 -::~';,l C' .;(i3.:'i::'Ji.~,muh ze L ang che ;
(~'hurCingte 3' 5 - 6 11
Ii\w1e, kill d en 33 .Fi Cil.g ill. first hour hi
zawna h\U1 ani CP l;\uo'1'3J:a~""hd,u zE,v,'hna kan tan. hmB in k em
hnih khat 1ek han ,~a;.':'.i :'~-=: C:-:'J.5. a, !;lei ken list of Business
hi kan dan ah cbuen .r ;:},i-:;L~~u cc L a h:11Uh -cuz- tih ali QI
hei lczn member tihenkh e-c -C2:1 k 0n hrnu 10 pawh ani mai thei cr,
fl chh an chu k en seor-e.t.ery 1 rmp 51] p 81;3:1 an ch awl a, ken
member ZFl1i,tl.g zaVlt1g te...'1 lch cmia) nee in D ak hi thleng sel i9
in duh ,Hostel a t"l.l£.'"1g "C~.ra "·n dub chuan Hostel ah in
awn tur ani a ( I'U C) c\ik6ptI1i~1ga :; PU 5peak~r, kan pe trl
vek talJ1 2, ken secrE.t~1';'ia}: h Lsn on la hre 10 ern ::1.1. S
An hre 10 anih rawh In ,\ j-tr '~aikqpthianga l l'U speaker,
CO hre tur c;p.i A pe 10 te p<}~tin en awn a niang, chu chu
k a rev.n sawi duh mai aniao
Tin, ve'\.rii.., a ke.."l..K rocaeding hi tlei ah kan
pu sh ch eh leh ch ar c.hc:=a, lth a k:la a tnk leh Business ah
khan ziah tel a riq adh d~l';';:l c(,,"c' tlem in ken duh <ngin
k€J). in peih hm e thei thin Lo v a ;';.a'Cl secretary Ian paM1 .
in min 10 nq sdb tb Lan Kan beir":2i e ,
A wle, zav.nna hun first hour ken ti a, chu chu
darkar 1 a tlengpui in z'u ahmzn ani e, peih loh tur:1 b r-srn
ila hei dar 10'30 mdnube 3 ::.n a pel a,.4<=3:h-hna 5 k sri nei a,
km. zav.h chu a in c-i.g nUcll a, P u Ks L ... L icnc'1'icn zawt
sela a tha awn e~
PU K.L. LIlt'ICHIA I PU ~peaker, ka za\'klna pakhet n a cnu
What action have been taken on the
dem..,ds of pay scales by the md zor-rm
H 19h S cheal Teadlers Association.1
s W speaker,. co LLat.Lon qovernment
thla 6 .chhunq kh,<J'l ka(! "H igh School
2iirtirtu ten sorker a thil thlen torn
'hak eri nei a. Kha th1a 6 chhung
khm k en sork"r hi.., th1ir n e pa.n a 10 nei 10 nee ni
kh a U.T. sorker in a 10 reconmcne kha 'tu n eh 'hi.., tih
puitlin k.., tum mai ch.uh '1 '
* f'U LI,fNSU#1A '&IoU spe eke.r , s':a-t:.e ao r-k az- k2..'1 10 neih
trek a.. <:: -ch u "t.?ir:P ned tru stc.t.e sorkar
ZE'.r hi a."l 20 ~"10i h r en lenn ni "1 Tun
"hma kha chuo.'1 H OHlC minister in thu
a nei thin em a. kan Dor·co:.; ba b Len .i.::l U ~--::r'o ken hili
lei a ken 1D~ ngJ"i;!'!: thin a.'1g ]:::~a I ka-Tl pe nq eL mg tih
,min tian thE!i 10 em ni ?
* HI NGUROiHINil • i u fpeaker,
t1ln a Ie",
member eeh evm
INOlSTRY MLNI&TER tak za..nna kha Mi2Dr"" sork& hi..,
Thingtl<Jlg khua ,,'!\;i
i:I' hnench hiEJ)
L cDd use policy ~""9Ch ang a t..,pui
n a hi a pe zel da..n em 7 tih ",,1 a . cl'\se a z1ak dm ch
hi Chu.., he mi Thingtlmg 1'0 neih ti b",~ fur hi.., kh ew
mipliita hi tmpuina a. _ pe zeL de~, elf T- tih ,.,i~
Hai hi ehu pe zel da...", tih hi chhan na 'id •
* I'U NGUROiHINil • leU speaker, tuna 1986 _ 87 in kell!
INOlSTRY MINISTER a k81 thl81 te hi thl,.., fel tap ,.,
ni a, mi 83 thlan III ni a. ilmdl-
er awhChu report 1<,., pmuh dm in
tunch pele hleih theih loh na lei douh keP la nei a.
Chung te chu 10 ne i mi n L lem 10 thlan an am e , Tin,
chu b ak.... villagers ten khawi khu a ten ernaw a bilo takin
"eling te en rem pek den 1<I>a a dam nuai mai a, In tin
.... en 3D pe a. chung thil te avmg leh L o vat tal-h 10
mrs h r a.lh "" nih hnu .... pawh 10 vat te "" la awn avmg
in sarkar 10 ru";,m",, t!i>h n a eng a 2Ui 3D deuh a. chung
chu h an en chi"" . 100 sorkar in a duh deuh a,
chuv en qdn kumin F ina."lcial year chhung hian pawisa sern
I PI] speakl>r. hei hi central at"",ga
.. JT:"'. kell hmuh a awn a, state
Development Depart1nent ten .., m<hni
Departmental Budget at<l1ga a> pek a
a.... bllWk a. H eng thil ah hi.., a then chu,., Of> 10 sent
hmSl a. lIm<hermtlchu over lacking a am ni i.n :In kan
hria a. EntirnOf> AgriCUlture 10 pek tat<h te coo tuna
ked. ni Ru r &1 D"l'Olr'tment at...,ga hmu mra leh te ""
;}WIl ni in kC!Jl hria a, mung e~~,-"r avang. chU8=l en
"hi"" k"" duh ava>gin paym<lnt k sn La siam thai 10 mai
ani a. ,
. Tin, "el:lng chungchangoh kha dluOf>
B """g vulh tur te ehu a> r"" '" 10 pek n a ch u Tuirini
ran 51 te a. 10 ni B,Kswqawnl')hna ah chuv~9 C!hU<:£1
a ran CI'l allot dan kha a ba'l9 bo @In mai e. a lInute sem
kha a buaithlak viau in k a r:lng. Chuva>gi', hang thil hi
enchi", leh k.., dub avangin "'" thl", n e onn1-'I e:- "'''J
spi",g ah hi.., pek mai chu sorkar in a tum Lova, k", mi
thi en te ngaihd.., in a hmun tha I'lL a dah theih a duh,
zawl< ~ chung avang ti ek chuan khang thil ti ~ kh<l1
state le,rel committee sian ani ta reng mi. J
feb .19B7 hma in chuti,sJIq j.Loense 10
nei tawh te chu.a'l dilna .., thehlut nqei tur",i tih ""i
a. chut~""g dUna 10 thehlut ta>k> chu engzat ng.. aw 1,
T:!n. thihlut a'lih chull'i d'lunq mite r!'new plral, 5 aK
'" ni da>#> em • ';ce
I?U F.Li\
, "
Tunah ken Item leh ah ken kal eng BJ ken Itam Ish ehu
( Pu f. LALRAMLIANA : Pu Speaker, Lal thuttc.eng i luah ni
khan iSBW]. ken ring. a , mahss, i sawl Lov a, k an r or e.Ina ka L
ehho zsl a tan hiana,pawimawh dawn a J rules'no 30 n~,~h khan
in Quaram chung chanu thu ah 1/3 Heusa Member .:.:taRgin 8;.ni eng
i tie. Ameher-auhctiu, he L ken House Member chu ,·3~: ken n1 a,
bua Lna fir-anna a a urn Lov a, Tunah hian 40 ,ken n:: ta tlat mal a.
Quaram hi eng zat chiah nqe kan for'" the1h a nq tih kha House
hi hrilh tneih nise a the ang a, chuti"'lo-chuan roral ,1aJ te
pawhin kan Minia:ter ...te hrta p eudme uh a kal to- pgwn" an .duh- anq
", lluaran kin form theih chin tur kha anqzab m e ni ang) IIwle,
Member, 14 in kan form thei ans. (PU LlANSUAl',' • Pu Speaker,
Sp aake r tiem in tihna eni ni1 r Keimah tiam 14 in liib a ~
ngai. (PU LlANSUAMA : Pu Speaker, anin Ish r no 30 na hi
unqe ni.a ~l,Jmz1a? fnc Luedva .Of the, psrSonbli' tho, cb'ai:r;,'pr.eei.-
(~ing .tih klla eng8 a aun,zia?) .A\J;La'~~ nLkum lam 'khar psWifl8 ken
10 hmeng ba dsuh.a, ken ,10 hmangtam 'deuh a" ken 9udget",:akan
<uahman aiin, ehu ehu Supp Ldmerrt a e y anq DpeS's ~ rtgai.da4In a,
; c-.
Tin, kum thar a kan p aui.ea hman tur 1987 - 8a I'i H~use in
ken passed Ish a ogai dawn-a, tunah hian a supplinantary demand
lsh ~n Annual Bqdget kha moVe a ogal dawn a,;Houso phalna
1ak a ogai dawn B," Dove enor- pawh"in: remtihna·'min, rJ,Q',.tstJ-f"l "a,
tunah ken finance Minister Pu Zoram~hanga ken hmnn bat ts 1ah
ken hmen Le h tuJ;' a rual in rawn pbarh, turin i 10 Be. lJrrt eng u,
As the Honlbl~ Members 81'e aware, the outlay for tho State
Annual Plan for 1987-88 is fixed at Rs.7000.00 La khe as against
Rs.5950.00 lakhs for 1986-87. Sectoral ~ise distribution of
this out lay is depicted in Annexure I of the Exp Lanat.or y Memo-
The total outlay for NEC Schemes "'during 1987-88 is Hs , 534, 81
Lakh e as ag'ainst Ra; 433. 83 takhs 'in the Revised Estimates for
1986-87. The outlay for Centrally Sponsored" Schemes is Rs.61.58
Lakhs for 1987-88 ae against Rs.1886.32 La khe in tho Ruv Ls e d
Estimates for 1986-87. 1 may mention in this connection that
statement of appnovad uxpanddb ur e in reapucb of some of the
,<entral Plan/CetltraUy Spomsorsd Schemes for the year 1987-88
have not yet besn received ·L ill now arid'therefore, only b akon
provisions are indiCated for these schemes. Details of the
Centrally Sponsored Schemes and schemeeunder NEe 8re depict
ad in Annexure II and III of the Explal1-P~ory·Memor,endum. The
Budgetary position of funds in the e anct ioned grant for the
year 1986_87, Revfeed Estimate 1986-87 and 8udget Estimate for
1987-88 are .il)dicated belo",'-
" sum of Rs..20.. 00 Lakhs has bean provided to the Department
during 1986-87 .pOl' the works connected with up dating of land
records, surveyt-:rain; and c aesrs t r a L survey. The Ilepa rtmsnt
has completed large_sc219 cadastral survey covering 240 hGctares
of land. During the ne x'c yoor, i·:; is proposed to survey under
500 hectares under Lour-.. .·i:.m:mschm8mes and another 500 hectares
under ahart-term e cheraes , TI,}F s ch emaa for giving in service
training to the emp Lo ye ec wil:. also ccnt.Lnuu,
E.!2..lJ&.li. 1 A sum of Rs.80.00 Lakha has been pr ov Lde d during
198~or'constructlonof 85 quarters which axe n13aJ'ing com-
plat Icn, With the prov iBion Rs.' 00. 00 lakhs dur ing 1987-88, ,
i t is proposed to construct 132 more quar-b er s of vaious types ..
A number of naW pqsts in MRP and MAP were created asa resu~\,
of re--_anisation e chama introduced during the past few years"
An ambitious scheme of 'Modernization ofPoliee' at a cost of
Rs, 2.00cDores and modernization of Fire Servdcee invalvJn'g
Ra, 3. 00 c_for'es, with emphasis on procurement of mod,?rnequip~
ments, transport and communication net work, has been dr8;1.lK1
up and the same is dubmitted and is under consideration of
the Govt. of India.
Jails 1 Construction of Central Jail building at BUJ19t1ang,
at 'a, cost of Ra.169.00 lakhs Ras baan completad and the 1I211 '
has bG~n 'comm~sioned~ Measures hava basn taken to'introdue8
vacat·10nal colirses and"othor refbJ;matory measures Inthin Jail,
The CRPF Complex at. Armed Veng is earmarked ro~ Locet-Lon .o r- .'
neu Oistrict Jail for "izawl.
Hgma"Gyards:, , The Organisation split into Headquarter,s
at State leval, District Organisation consietsofRsgional
Trsining CentrB at Saiha Headqua~ters and 5{five} companies d into all over Mlzoram a,ccording to local raquirements'_
The wages of Horns ,Guards voluntaers'hava been': raised rz-om
Rs.10.00 to Rs.15.00 p er day; Poet of 114 voluntoers have
also been sanctioned thus raising ths strength of Home, Guards ....
to 760.
" sum of Re, 100.00 lakhs has been provided during 1986-87
with ~ch 10000 runnin9 metres of steps havEl been ,contruc-
ted. ~ shopping centres have already been const~d at
various places and 400 families have been given septic tank
and water ·tank loana •. 200 families ar a ,given assistance for
conet cuce Lon of dwelling hcueee unt;ler £\liS Loans • .245 households
were supp lied with Gel Sheets and assistance in kind
been given for construction of 155 Village, Council housss and
15 Community Halle!MHIP HaLl.s , A aum of Rs.116.00' la!<hs has
been prov ided for 1987-B8 which wo€lld be utilised f07 construc-
tion .o f" steps, shopping centres, septic/water tar~: loansundsr
floIS,Schijnu,a.. Another sum of Rs.136.43 lakhs has eLs o bean
provided as housing loan under,MIG and LIG HouSBing,J3chemes.
. .
·The appr-oved Plan outlay of the Oa~rtment for 1 986,.B7
if Rs , 360. 00 lakhs .o trt; ofwtrlch Re, 250. 00 lakhs ua s eeumer ked
for Elementary Education,: Rs_100.00 Iakhe for Secondary Educa-
tion, Re, 35; 00 Lakhs for Higher Education and. Ra, 30.00 lakhs
f:Jr Technical Education. 32 private Middle' Schools, 5 private
• The main function of this Department is collodtion of
vitel statistics r e La't Lnq to Agriculture, Industry, Education,
Roads, Rainfall, BirthS and Ooaths etc. The Departmont had
taken U:J Notional Scmp Lo Survey an ri agrJiJqulture e ons us , The
Department brings out soma periodic p ub Ll ce t Lons per t a Ln Lnrj
to s t at Let.Lc a L and othor related information of n.Leo cc m,
" sum of RS.52,.OO Lakha have been p rnvd ded to the Oe;JaI"t-
ment dur 1n9 1986....87 .. 23015 qudrrt a Ie a f ginger, same quant it iss
06 chillies .an d broom-sticks have been procured thtough f'lIZO_
FED. The POL Depoe of IOC at Vairengte has also bee. 't ekcn
over and proposals are un de'r way for opening POL retail :Jut-
lets at Hnahthial and Vairengte. ~ith a vie~ to enable the
MIZOFED to dever e Lfy its activities, Government of India has
agreed to sanction Rs.. 1.00 cr-one as war king cap ital for t eking
up public distributimn system and sanction of Re t 2. 52 Le kha
has been accorded for opening 7(s8\16n) ne. br anc'uae 'of the fe-
deration for the benefit of the rural poor. GOVl -nmerrt of 1n-
dia, through the National Cooperative Dave Lopmen.. yorporation~
have a Ls o eanct Lonod for the first time a sum o f Rs.10.00 lakhs
,"" s\.!m of f\s.1 05" 00 Lakha was a Lkn't a d during 1906-07 cot
of wnich Rs.70 ..00 Lakh s has been earmarked for family o r Lcrrt e d
s cheme s , p ai-b i.c u Lar Ly for settlamsht of 2100 jhummia f3mi.l~8s
in daj:t·,;i"3.:·~m1.11g. hill cattle farming, p Lqqe r y and athol: l1.VOS
tack fa'r:ni.ngQ Tho RUBal Animal Health Centres at Ka unou L, Lung-
s cn an o 5ang8lJ hcv e been upgraded to dispensaries s t a t ua 10(ten)
r.or e such t e-ir r e e have also been opened at Sa Ip ha L, Lall.m, Buk-
I u L, Lcn np ho , L.ungrang, New 5 aiha, Zawngling, Bungtlang (5), Chapui
L. nd Bar ap anaur y, About 500 families have been making da Lc y far-
,iling their sale o ccuo at Lun, The Department has acquired liquid
u Lt.r-o qen p Lca rrt; for introduction of frozen s ern.,-i 't echn Lora which
La e xp ec't e d tr considerably improved the genetic quality or cee-,
,;;le in Mi70rarn. The NEG has also sanctioned ecr oe ce for 3roiler
"h Lcke n product ion cost ing Rs , 50. 00 lakhs and fodder SeG j farm
0ostin') Rs~25.00 La khe , A. sum of Rs.197.00 lakr!3 have be rn alloted
tc the Department for the yea f 1907-00, The funJ is p r opuss d to be
utilised for expansion of veiwrinary services, axpa ne Lor, of ex-
isting farms at Lunq Le L and Dampui, research cr.d acucat Lon as
..Jell as continuation of the existing schemes.
OO~IERII~§:--f-:.Lf2~Tn~f.r~_Y,DEPARTMENT: --
Transport lJiJJ~ The strength of the f' Lae't has boon Lncr-e a s od
from 69 last year to 09 during the current yea r , 6 moue bue e s c r-c
e xp e ct nd to join the floot by the ond of the current yec r , Enn-,
e t r uc t Lon of building for Eerrt r a L Workshop at South Hlimon has
commenced, 13 private buses and 33 taxies have been p cee eed
into e cr v Lcc during the year. (J'ith the Plan outlay of Rs.160. 00
Lokhe during 1907-00~ the main thrust will be r ep In c emerrt of
23 aid buses and luggage vans, construction of Central Workshp?
additional bus terminal buildin]s at Aizawl and bus stations
at Vairengte and Thenz au.l ,
Mr. Spet;:!;ker.. Sir, I thank you and all tho Plamher S o f the
House for giving me your attention.· I now p Lece t l u Supple-
mentary Demands for 19D6-97 arrd BUdiJet Eet Lmat.ea fer 1907-0]
for co ns Ldar ab ion and appr ova I of this august House.
Thank you.
AWle, Finemce Minister-:i.n nikum lama k sn
pawisa ei bat taw'h rulhna tur te Leh kum't.harr
a kan pawi.s a hman tur a rawn pharh ta <1, House
a present ta a, g. copy kha 'member te han sem u Le ,
Hei vawiin Zlrtawpni a nl hlauh mal.a, nilo
se chuan k an chawL thei tur a ni a.Mahse, Zirtawpni a 10 ni
hl~uh mai' at tih tur hmabak pakhat kan la nei a. Zirtawpni apiang
hi Private Member Business ngaihtuahna atan tih a nl a, ka~ danah
khan a awrn a. Chuvangin vawiin Zirtawpni a 10 nih bawk si avangin, ..
a budget han pharh -t.awh chuan haw mal ewm -t ak a ni a. Me.hi3e l ti
10 the,i ken ni Leva, dan B.A.C in 'hrnannd, khan a puang tawh -a.
Private Resolution kan neia, chu Resolution chu
Pu F.Lalramli311a dah a ni a.
Tin, thusawi kan duh leh hlawrn mai thei a, a
'hun hi a tlangpuiin kan pel zel mai u, minute 10 kan tih Lo'h
mr mrce 15 kan th1eng a. Minute 15, kan tih leh'ce 20 ktn
tLleng a. He Lad.ah hianin a hun hl chu in bi tum deuh hlek l1a
a tha a\111TI mang e aw, ka ti a. Hetiangin minute 10 zel hun - in
p.. i1a a 't.he an~. Minute 10 pawh cbu a rel.1eh mal d.wn 'a,
a mover erawh chu a bikin minute 15 vel ken pe an q Cl, a -t.hc.Ln
k- ring a, minute 8 zelah warning bell hi hmet ta iln, or-or.s
Lc.h hrrem tum ila, tihad.n ka ring iJ., minute 8 a ri] :_·.h \'1arniw· bell
a 10 ri va va ang a" tah chuan minute 2 a La awm t.Lhnn n n ; ang
a. 11 minute 10-naah chuan tawp 'burn hram hram i1<.1 '~ain ka t.r-La ,
s. PU Qpea'ker,mizoram, state
*'ssembly ah r'e so Lu t Lon pu Lut;
hrrtaseber Leh a nei aWIU chhu n ka ni a,
chuvanqchu en in he ka resolution
te paW:1. hi ngun takin memoer- tin ten in lo en theuh tal--.o
in 'ka ring a ~ A pawimatr.h ziate Pi"lW"? hria in rndn p ass
pu d theuh a hmas e in ka' ngen dub ani.'
K a re solution chu P u eker' hei
hi 81i a. IIThis AssemblY of tne opinion 'ch at; con s''t Lon
of the t\izawl ~ Thenzewl/L'unglei r-o ad 1..--e h sn dec over to
B.R.T.F immediately for better ampr-ovemene't tnh hi F.1li •
PU Speaker, ka resolution hi
rn Lzo r esn t;::lJ1 a pawirnav.h ng;:Ulg aniang p r,C. sorkElr llEl0.,<;;a
zawk 1o.i khcn ruling" porty in Cl pu lut ta".1h a~ N ime.:"";scla,
an 10 passed pui lova~ Congress sorkar lui kJ.'1 ciD iJ.l "lun a kan
speaker ngei hian in abial kflltlang tc a 10 hili av~.pgin
a ngai pawirnawh bawk a, a pu lut leh a! chutuh P2t-A:":
chuan in passed pui hranpa lem lovin, ka"1 !Jouss leeder
in Top priority i pc eng U , a ti 8,/ a resolu·tion kbi"~ a
withdr.,w 1eh ta ani a. i\ resolution a ~"ithdrG" leh t.""k
avang khan in kan lung<"lwi leh ta lovi"l, tuna ken opeF,ker
zahawn tak leh I?U Lalchhawn::'l member hlui te ne..'1 khan in
session hnuhnung bQrah pav.-h ~an in resalution kan
- (128)-
ehlut Leh a • Mehse, move me hun a al<JTl 1eh -t a Lov s ,
C hei state Assembly k.:n neih hmes ex ber ah
k . _i.m~ ka raY#1 pu lut Jeh ta <9111.
"""'K <:11- speaker pbe L hi chui3n he k?"jf.
r-?,illngchrtlg hi rout roavh hnar ma~ in a rie L a, fur ah 't.e ,
t'>lel ah -te , engtik lai pavi"l in a bial te tla~ in a k al.
Liin a, chuvangchuan in a nl b Lsn s;:::lwi thei phei chu
nt sel.a a pawimattkl zia t.,k a sawi thei nge1 ang. M?f1,C::'
n 91 s?wi thei 10 dinhmun ah a a'4l'\ tlat mai at B powi <,;0/'
r enq hie in ka hria a. N drn eh se La, <'Il1ah n Len min t8wiaw.r
tawk em an ani tih kA hmu reng 't.Lat; a.
Tin, chubak m chum ka'l chief
minister n-;jei pa",*, hromni .In thlan n a S nteek bial a bn..'
lim ern a, tling kha ani a, Moose, sawlai bial sawenkawl
"i ar- a ti dcuh anico.g chief minister t;:n pqwh bial te
::.:ong a kal zen .Z\:=-;D b er-s a a ti en1 ang e, chuv<:P.g chug,
in a kels?U tawh n a in cJ)i pawh hian a nga1 paw.imawh es..
3ll\ in k e ring e.• P .W.D. 10 enkaw1 tu ani 1eh ngh'll( 'o..
<'3., P.W.D. en r tn 't.Lak loh zia a hr-ech Lsnq b09wk a,
chuv soq chucn ani nge1 pawh in k e resolution hi chu
:TIm pass pui duh em em in ka ring bewk EJli.
Tin, kCfl chief minister Z8hrlW(l
-t ak khaw hlui l?ukpui kh~w thing tam taX: te PFlv.!1 S8W
B.R.T.F. ka...,g in a k81 t1aug hi chu<tl in !<haw tI . tbal
rog deuh '" a 10 ch mg 1eh aug a. a kawtchhuAh te p ewn
ala Lun 1eh ang a. .cbuv enq cl:lUan in hei kau Industry
minister te nen a khaw kh?t an 01 a, chuvangin an nl h
pa.n hian min dUh pui em em in xe ring ani.
"wle, pu speaker, Ai-ZA.wl , -then
Lunglei r'o ad saw mizorc(l1 a kBtmg up~ ber p;::l;wL ~i ':
tun hroa phei kh a chuan in chhim Leh H mar in k;"!l paw T.
kawng awn chhun ani hial a~ e, mi zamg ZAv.t'l,g deuh tr
.:J1 .k al, n a thin ani a • British hun cb te pawn an 10 J
chhuak ta~ a, n er s a takin. T in, mel 10 d.en ?...:1 BUngalC ,,_
te patJ1 an d~ fer fur at sorJ{ar hnnthawk,zaiJng lI<"mg
te leh thawk 10 te P8W'l Leh Hm~ ka1 tur te ehu
chutieng kav.t1g ah chu<:Jl en ka1 thin a • T iqhu5l' in
sor-ksc- in hrn a a S8.~ zol a, India Independence ken brm !-
hnu khan in J e op kaW1gm han 1ai ve leh ta nq ar- ngAr
an laih zawfl llima in India road congress khan .in M",jor
District RoR.d congress: hw j< chu tn8t€lr 5 a zAU e
ke...,g 1eih tur <'<1i .zawk e, an ti a1 'lO ichu,,", in ?J ext r,
chha leh t~ zel a. '.L'in mc'Ccr 5 aJ. a~h chu an z~
hma in 1975 khan in, Indian Road Congress bawk :j.n MaJ_
District ROad chu meter 9.95 ni- zawk rAvi"t se, ('Il]'tili
leh:,,'t>?k AV2ng khm in- an extent chho leh ta zeJ a,
lain zat-.h tak tek paWl. a awn thei 10, extent chHoh ze
a ngei a, '" 1ai mek ze1 a, Jeep pa"" k81 thei toak t ,
mEO-g vawiin ni thleng in a la aw:n a.
Tin, ka\\t1g thenkhi"lt ',ch chue.rt; hr.'
k?11 sa~ hIe a .p.w.n. hn:ath<"l~ an lei te pal,h 3
vanVa 1eh hmun dAl1g a mi te p a.n ro delJ> DO t ,;!J ngh'
nghe a, an theih t8WP in ctl tang ve b awk a, hllate p
la SAwt ve '"riau a, khaw hmun thenkhAt ;j) te0nU~
B'JUlder te an phum tavtJ a, an metal t~....n hAWl<' a,. T'in
melthum thleng Saw ni inkan hria ct1 black topillg aL
ti ve ~ a • k.m. 171 hia ani a, he kaW"lg K~ ,ewi
tunah Aizawl ,Serchhip, lunglci kal\tlg hi k.rn •.~35
a hia 3'1i a. He kamg2 :;n hlat hIeih zamg hi 'm1 64: I-
n1 ~, a in thleu em em ani. Lunglei lehi:\j. z8,...1 }cal '~
• ni ta ila, eng kaWtlg z?wk hi ngc -i thl<ll' d"'W1 t i
lIe ka\o,V.g in ang reng '"B ... R.T.F. Road ni'tt!: VB VJ se}
Serchhip kawng a kal chu kcJ1 ka r.i,ng 10, K.atk;l~
tih tur k51 nei te €Ilih loh chuen' dark&'" ,./3 ",'"C 1 in
in thl~ d .... wn a. . ,
-(129)_ .
Tin, AizFlwl,ThenZFlwl, LUn\]lei r0;:<r1
hi B.R.,m.r. in the deuh mad r-an d?ng e. mi ang an
10 lam chhu eh chu m in ilizaw1 atengin S edh e te pawh
awlsarn tak:in ni 1 eh ken ban thei d?W1 "3, corrmun Lc at.don
the dcuh mai -m±zor?rnah District 3 te in tl;=l~ pawh na a
10 ni dC'!\Vfl a. chuvrrrqdn he kawn9 hi a pawimawh emem in
k e hria a.
Tin, P.W.D. chu nqch nng thu ah k<:11 st ....to2
aor-k er- hnu e L a awn 81 ni ngei a. Am char;:>\J:1 chu ~ r in tl i'lk
t?wk 10 1, tih h;j" a chiang em em a I hre tu te kan ni
ve k a, tun a k'an spe skcr phei hi chu a hre ch ~g em em
tu cP.1 •
* PU LIii.'J~U AMA l PU c pe aker- I kriW1g Leh Lam a
ngeihtu.,n chu zn L a""gtl,i lam bial
tu in re solution a han pu lut daih rna t
chu an Leb kh a zirlai a Aizawl Ion
keYllg a a rawl'l feh 12i te n ngaihtu.31 Le't; anih k a ring
'.ia1 a, sew tl"-lai tlang dung a pOlitic khel thin r-enq
r enq chuan pu spe-aker' SAW ltd zia a-w
"Lri a in k<-n in sawi vek a. \. 1 minute mike failed J
chhimtuipui D:Lstr'ict lean :tih tak-thleng in he k"wng hi
*'izAwl kBlk2wng~ilchar Lob ~hillong k al, kawng Aizawl
':-,'·"atanga chhim lam mi te tan ct'li deuh ber thin ani.
kun 1956 kum khan mirum khanrlkcP tih thleng SAwn Jeep
a kal thei triwh 1958 a mal a 10 tam ta ~ kan tam ta a
vai buh f af ,km hen puk chho velah te pa.J1 khan Thenzawl
thlengin saw ka'V\1l1.gnh SilVll Jeep in mipui te b er eet; na
chhewk turin Bullifai a 1D thiar tawh thin a, chuvang
ohu an a ka~g tluan eng bu te, a UP2.t eng nu te ngaih-
tuah erav..h chu zn ngEdhrnawb a hlawh 10 k~ t i da\'C! nqe
ni hmaihthe1hhi a h1e"" Leh b Laab thin.
K", ngaih1;h'1ak t""" ,..g khan 1978
kurn paoJ1 khcP p s c PArty CJ1 hen s:")rkqr tir pn at; khan a
bial tu in Bo.cder rand te hnenah he kamg hi pek ni mai
se tih a rawt tf''Wh a,chutiangin ravrt:na a asm fa t?W1
thin a, v ewf.dn ni thleng in k an 1;::1 ti thei ta Jo-ve,
P.W.D. te Lek 't.Lek Ion em eng ai him BOr;ler r'o ad te hi
chu farce <'1Pg a jm.a 10 thawk thin, an nih ;:rv;=ng hian
lehL=omah chu an P.H.D. mLzo r am stF'te hnu ad ami te co
rinAwtn 10 lutuk ee, tih n e lam n Ljov In , a lehl.-nah chu<:J1
P .H.D. ten K.M.' I kamg an La.ih Z?wn n a rur a p awd e a k~
pelc thin Leh B order road .ten K.M. I laih n a t:ur t.ho a
pawisa an hmuh thin te a in thlauh em 2vang,~tE.; pA...A"1
h Len he B Orc1i:::-r r'o ad or-qan Ls at.Lon hnori ah chua\ Saw kav.,ng
sew b en pe pbal . thin ilang~ht+_81 a tl-"1ngdung mipui te
ten a hmClS?\oI:l thlClk d~'41 hletih chu a chiang S~ a.
_ ' Hei B y _ e Lec't Lon chu kaft nei 100
dawn tEl a, He ka\41g pawimawn z La hi a mipui te .awn
an hre chir:og <;l, ke L pav.lh in ka hre chieng. P u ~peakcr,
n",g p,,""in ihrechieng , ken P .II.D. to en Lak tlaJ<
loh em rd meh Ln p ewf s e tie an ned dawrawthin s1 8.
Tun ci1 p awh kan Finance min ister in budge tar?~ ph flI."h
ah kh Pn" Aizawl road D ivision hnuai as. atie ek tlAIlgdung
ka~g, S,erchhip, .road Division hnuai a Sialsuk at81ga
Lunglci rcf,"l'd Division bound,-"ry thleng en kawl na
Lung,lei khA-wpui ehhunga P. W.D .. Division in H AUl",~g
t1cngdun.q a "nk~w1 Ija tu. be1hl$hawm diat diet !<hi< a
"beitftElTl r'ilew Ke rlng tlat a t i l . . '
. Nichin a ken ngaihth1ak to"" eng
khC'D kCfl chi~f; minister bial 01 bawklehl,anah chUS1
Th.enza.wi ~ea,vcl.chU tunah.~1~ op1?ositionleAd~t ,
puLalthanhawla b:lal 10 ni . : ', .1Il. T 1l1 # Lunglei Dlstrlct
Z?WJ.g chu Deputy Speaker bial a 10 n1 bawk a, opposition
leh rulingkanlunqrual n a ngei ngoi tur ni :in a lJang
ani. He r""wt na hi"'P u ~peaker nang 1'l.gei pawn in a pinl ttl
i nih la-i a i r",W!l thehluh khan ngawi teh u, ni
leh k€dmahni kan in ring 10 thin ani. KEJ). P.H.D. officer
te hi eni rinawn ve bawk ang, khawl tha nen ken 'h., tATIg
eng " i ti chhin teh eng ken. han t i a, ken t"len ~eih ch
chu hei Z?W1g hi ani, an mahni sit na em ern yang ..,ilovin
n1chipa kan sBwi ta~ ang khan khawl tha pawh C1l; 10
ngah'deuh K.M •.l laih na ttlr a tan pawisn pnvk! en
ngah deuh ngenge a, chuvangin kan lainat mipui te
kawng siefI\ sak tur a tan hethil ah hi chu-an LUling leh
opposition 1ampang te kan lungrual na ng01 ngei "tur 'pi
in a lF09 c •
Tin, l,j.t\i.F .. p2rty m an Lfe.s t.o I) L-
S:c bo 3 ;=h khan chL::Dg 't ekdn e r n WI1 in ziek Lenq a r
k,c-,,,ng Lam riq adh p?wirn,::'lvkl tur churiqch enq thu khri., chu mi
n(,~ih p~w:irn<'!\J1 tur tc zingah chu;::n he kawng hi a tel n jc L
a;; tih kan ring.
Tin, corrp aign 1 ai ? kan TIl] a.ih t.h 1 Cik
tr.inah phei chu en kci p8wh S;>jW lctnp..h S<'1~ k2 VP k21 thin
a. cr.u't Lh 12i a c and Ld at.e P u L nldcnga chief minister
Z,<lFlW!'. 't ak chu t.h Len tlin en fb nq at; Ell chief mdn Lst.c r- nnw
nc et. phe L chu an K8\..;n.g Lemp anq a tan a lak nFlSat tur zip
mLpuI ~n an h2D ng2ihtuflh chu en en phur h Le <31i. V anne .ih
tr.12k tGr.i.n thlan tlin 1') n r in v awf in niah chuan ken
S"TkFlX min hr-u o L tu en L 2~ kan bial mipui te leh s ew.l e.i.
t l eng dunqmi. S ate ek, 8 i al su k, Then zr1wl r-em La.i. H auQ:.;:,v,r. 9
h;, Bu kpu 1, thlengin a kh aw tlawh t.e SPW a t6Tl zo a-c. tj.h
coni ~ • Tl~ng0Ung chh ek zewk .:::>h c:huRD ::>erchhip t.Lenq r'iung
olu N 2tioLal-high 'Vl(1Y a 10 ni te.vkJ bF1wk si a. 4l d.i k t"k
chu en a tli'iwh khua ten 10 hFlW 10 sc Le ,: . I Thenzr:1wl-
BLoohmun rO''"'d tc ai chu en a pawirna~Jh z awk dF!ih Ani. Dei
h:' .tI'order rQ;:;:od orgFlnisation 2D pruject ah an la chho
t;"'wV me k 2, chuti tF1k CJ k awnq UP_2 p;::rwirnawh kb.6W tlF1iJ'1,
t.rtTl oconomi c r-o ad ni br'!wk tur hi tun so r k ar- therfh ph o L
r-bu an theih p e t~Wfl chhu eh 2. L:n kan IF'k n qe L nge: De
"",'..1r n L in a rin?VJITI a. Hmanah kh a chu en zep thu pm·Jh 2
;-'I\.\Cfl Lov e k?11 F .WooD. to hi in chh Iri teh ?ng P""WiSF~ tc
'-uW< km duh dcuh i"l1g a kllawl tha n en in tpn<] tL,hRng
\?!l t i Roo iimcherewhchu Jcw;ri 3 a r""l tawh hnu ;;tl pnt.h sew
~2\t<ngS?W ani mai a.
By-election ah comp z i.qn tur~"D kY'l.
"'en thAwk phei Leh anq Cl.,weeker z",.hawrn t<'lk bi21 n cn
>-han 2 Le in ang r-enq , F u ZdUte;:p a bial Le.i. non :<h?n
,.,., 1", in ,:>ng deuh r-enq , ·H e house ah hian k<'1l nqeih
J' ewtm 8.wh thu kan sawi u or- th in b Le , Am aher aWl chu v F>vliin
.- i R kan ngF>ihp?wim;:1.wh ziR a t;o>k a a Ian ',.':' bhe Ih na
cur chu?n mizortin <''IF.-Vw.D_ ?i chu;::jfl E.t~.I~Foo
k?vng a the. zi~h tih keD hrc reng si A, chuvF'ng s:-hu,"'fl i
',)e hr2ffi O11g u, t i a,Lav,ngtlai bialtu Zt1heW11 tnkw e rC'l'tro
re'tlt n a kh a he house hiankan P?wrn pui a, ken zev,li n
,,, mipui te k<'ln 12innt . ~ 2l1ih tak zet chuan kan p,lih lch
""- chFlk tC1k a kClD um2lli a, Tun )<um thara an prJjecri: a '?J'l-
-;:x,lh hm C1I1 n ge i tur i9 t pD 8 kan sar kar P Av.h .in tart 1 t\ ZU i
nghel turin ka ngcn duh a.,H e r8so1utioD hi mlll pJsscd
pui turin member te ka rcwn scwtn ve ani • ka la\-lofll C'.
10 c.HI~
oJ fl-LV ~ PU ~pcr>Ker,
he res01utJ..:)n !<:.a en
hian hlim nB t?k K;::1: nt.:i 2, k~ ..
ncih nn ehhen chu K.m.C4 v!l a tp'l'li
tur kh c> K:'1 ng ",ihtu ""h _~·n Ai ':2wl
;'tcngt=l ..ka chhuah in 0 aiha hi KP ban vc thci l1~ r i in
ka hrie R. fie lai ? lungleng 08Uh a haw phei 2, r""Y:"l<::het
thil thu a. ~ c>ilia va bG11 theJ.h chu lewnawm taX. ern •
.' • .. Helni K2lkewng hi ki'J lp KF'l t:=tm
}ov,..", Mu elluhgthu th·.1enq 3,--'\<!1 ka kel tilv,O a, ("hu mi kB
}:,cl hun lsi chu?l1 k;q~g chu chhe tFl.k ani. Tin,BL;:~ck
t-=::;ing kAa. thui )'0 tic ob euh f'ni,f;1, chuti 2nili chu an
k;o' ,ng thO': aewk Del. tur ChU2D B.K_l-.F. e n q a.L tih ehu
k r-n chLo,ng tleng a. k?n b Lal. l;:'lmctJ chu an L ...I:<..T.P .. ki'1',J!1:
1CJ ehu k<'11 th?ttheih ani lo.F.\·i.D. hian fme cbu tb01,!E
tbj_n meh s c , an p aw.i s a n c dh a t.Lem s i. e., L ..R.T_F .. i l l .:.,;.
I ,', Nuai 15 an sen L"i in F ..H.D. chu an 2 t.rm ber eilliu?
3 181 ch ouh a s.enq thin 2, an hn et.h awh p;qwh ehu in thL'f.~
",y.,,": tF'k en L, chumi ruF\l r-u al. ohu sri k?lt$1g thp z.=l\.,k k an
ne. th c-'C>VJ!1 chu en B ..R ..T~F. kute. pe k kh<""'I ehu mitin t?nth,7>
t-ur- ,;:ni ti in k""D 8awi theuh e.o
Tin, Lungph binI tu M~L.,A Z?~,;:,\tJIT
kan tawh thin eng kha a tawk leh ngei dato.rl ni ,h: i'
lang a. Hmuntin at;:mgin P oliticnl Pressure a lc) ki"_
nqei anq at hniel rual loh hnuntin atFlDga 10 kl:!l
khR!l P.W.D.. minister a t i lu h;:!i ngei dAI-Kl a.
chuvangin h--ekawng hi a k",wng te '" eWfn anih chUFlI1'
B.R.T.F. in a ka1 k;:>wng cJ1 lak theih dAn ki"lW1'J hnir
k8W1g thum en hian a kaW1g khat emi1W ah hi~
D..R ... T.F"kutapek theih dan a -=!WTI ni in kC'> hr_-LFl at
chu - . "chu N..t: .. C. pFlwisa hmAllgin ,emAw Nizori1m sorkar
in ,~hm;:ln t.ur paWiS2~·.'J.. D kutapeka in ernew, en Ih 1<: Leh
De -n ce ministry et;::>nga tih hrim hrim emaw in B • .k .. T.F~
kuti'! pek d en ev.,JITI thei in a IFl11g a. chumi k?lllKlg s-jnc::
? 1 :::,y-J1;ot z ewkeh chu an k'3D s tc r in k~wng 10 d ap t.> sie ,
n e K21\'J!1g hi B~..T.F. ku t.e pc k 10 ng2ihtuah chhin [";,
ti<;'-!unn he Led kC',tJlg hi n Lch an a member z oh evm tak ten or.
S2','ii tFl"'lh FlOg kh en k s m, 70 lai in a in tawi h£~ d'"
;;>', k.m.70 chu darker 2 k ak em aw 2 10 ni ang a. SUi"
K rist2. hi 10 Le k al, d?\.I,41 10 ni t? se, kum en qernrac _ J..'l
hm-:>ng -tu.r eh in ngei, kurn -20 kum 30 nitin a d ar k ac 2 mi
D2]Jl~t in a s -ve chum d er k or 't.em tak a 10 ni d,""'.'¥l a.
S ep Ln an. s,=,wi thin Time is Money tih hi a dik a, hun t.c
hi p a vri S -3 on Lh b ewk d?M"J. ev enq Ln motor neitu in n Lt.Ln <1
d ec-k or- 2 a seve de'll...,n chu en p ew.i s e t an t?k mLzo.r ern chhunq a
S?~Te tur ngF1ihtuc,h ChUC1l1 B.R.'I'.F. ku t a pek hi a fing
Z?'""k ?ng tih k e ring tlat a. chuvangin a kawng eriqemew
z?'lk 2h chu en E.R.'l'.F. ku t a pek d rsn k"fD sor-k xr- hian rn ir:
n c o ib t.u eh s okf.n a r?JT1 pumpui hmr:1s?vJn n a tur nen Leh
p<"lisi" sen tAm .lu t-u k tur t.Lern n a tur nen he lei mipui
IE:, kaew ti--1m tam ten a kawng tha an 10 neih tur te nen
nct o Ih t.u eh in karl sor-k ar in he resolution hi min p ewnpu;
i~ B.R.T.F. ku t a h Lon dan -tu r- min 10 n q a.ih't.u eh turin
he resolution nei 'tu hi k e t.h Lewp ve ani • ka 18$ffi e.
;=> t.h ot. aevk be Lsed. in 3.:i;{.T.l<'" hnc n s pesk a r<'lwt arL'_, a
a'.,;-rnzi", chu km aor k ar- 3 10 k;:>1 t"'.wh he kh -n an s Lam t-h a
tr_i ti"\wh love.• Mi:z:orsrn sor-k ar 10 ding Leh tur PCllrk: hi fl
r-Lnqh Lc L tF'1J1 a. Mizar2m mipui h d an hernf s i em thei tur
s(~-k;=>r hi en thl<'!ng chh u ak 2,Og tih pewO a ring I..;alr.-,f~, 10
n '. in i'l Lsnq ,
Chuti<"lD9 n Ll.o BE: chu en m: ,iF1ng
h: ..-n eh ken k=>W1g s Larn tur hi iI h Len <mg u a t i 11\.:f
Iov r-nq , chuv enq In he't dneq Jc e soj.u cdon han move P:1g r-eno
h - k",D hn am tan 1eh he Ls L sor-k ar- ten h Lsn thil "o;lh-t~hl,=':<::
t.<K: en L ph awt; en d ,
T in, a p ahn Lhn a at.en chu r n
kr-L te.wh ZiC'vElg ;;o:awng khi3 ?J1 tlin loh Zi2 zuk s",,,,,1 Len n e
»n lh »v enq tn k?n s aw.i. 1;=lTI chhu eh turah a'i.'tn 10 se I a t.h >
in k2 hr-La ,
Tin, ke Lmehn L Dcp2rtment~'].}:
5",,,1 v"'lk v ok a, m ehn L t.h Lem t0ka rn aw.i fu 2 ding "u r Cm~"l
k", nih in t.i te hi n q afh t.u eh d sn 't.h a vek 10 n-I ~t }:;:> r-ing
b ,'wk. Ii e thil hi 10 p a s sed ta .i.Ln an Le thei enq em ? u.ih
p ewh hre hm as e s i Io v in " . heti~g?I1g h en S :1'1:- ChtlU-3l--'
n o > ..rt. mai peM"l hi House t2l1 htan FI z sh t.h Lak h Le ':::1 kCl
h rLe , L o li~ thei p awh ni se La, an thcih Io h p"'wh Lr ,·1
engarr,,,,,h h re s t ic v e , m ehn L in hmu s i.t; a mid.=og hneria t.lron
t-urn fe'l min 10 P2Wffi d ewi em I'tih PFlM1 h rc menq s Llo c a 32 .....· j ch Lsrn chL=tm mai hi a fing in ka ring 10.
Chuvr>ngin thil kFln ZU ng"i:1tU qO
hjen ken hriet hm2sFlk tur 2 awrn 2. t-ieti2ng kan sC'"j,chhuch
hma hian hei hi thil t:ih them (111i a • min 10 p<"!Wf' E:~k
,.,,:r:q ern ? Tin, enge sum in nge centrrol ten an sum in
B.R ..T ..FoO t,c chu an tih tir duh ang em '1 N g e keimFlhj'li
stAte sumin ngc ni -; Central 1eh stat-c; sum in pawltl in
em ni ,C!ng 7 T ih p2wh ngaihtuah mang silova. H.a\1ni :;orkclt"
hnusit a, sorki'1r kal taW:1 te dem a, a hlawhtling ar:q
ell; '1 h1atJ1tling 10 ?ng em? tih pFlwh hre lava, he ];"i
C:' puan chhuetJ vak mei hi k?D hnan tan a 8ahthl.~k ex i,
~o puitLLng 10 ani.
ChuVBI1gin he resolution hi ,'~..n~.
b'lc k",n duh flv2ng 2 ngi'dhtuah kim lavin emAW sr>wi 2.i"IT
i l hunjn ka Lhre 10. Ami'lher2t-hchu ~ ateek biel kh a -.J'::'
tIe m",'l 0. B¥e- election awn tur compC'Jign effiaw n_' ::~ l..i.
; '',<If te ka t i a, H el a i , i'1l't him KFlwng,·th.=1. duhsFlK .=1."i"D a
S "teek.bial mipui te .hni'1ng var 2. hIm tum hi a _
J-:l-"'whchhmr <"lng tih ka ring 211i. He bii'll mipui b nJ :'"
fing 2, an hre ve ngei ang tili k2 ring. chuv,""!l:g i,;J .1<-, ''l1(J
tha k,"1n duhs 0k a theiht,ewp kan chhuch ngci tur 3I1i.
chut?b chuan theihtEtIA;p chhuFlh k.;:tr1 duh avcmga ti'.l the h
10h theih 10h pi"wh ngnihtUN1 lOVi"t, duhthu?."m z~ n'!< .:'l"
m;o,hni mFlwn~ hlim bawk hi, f'! fing 1em 10. heti'=>llCj an
pui hi chu el.L...--opt.:cr in po ile i thlpwk theuh Rl1g 11,
t i ang chF'uh ani A. kan hmuhna tur P"'1v..n hre s~_loV0 k;~.'l
t,:.hei FOg em '7 tih p .... wh ngail1tu d11ova, resolub'OT1 z1;o>k Fi
rnehn L mewnq h Ldm hi kC1D nou s e »h h i an i":Wffi 10 ae Le a t[, '1.
in K;:=> ring. chuv en b k 1Gh Thenz"wl, H. dlllA.1A!lg,
L'l.;.'1g1ei ki"wng chu th"l i3l21~ ken duh em om • Kei P.=j,..,h
member Z;::.hAwm t?k t;:1K tie sawi ;:>Dg kh an he La.i, k?wngah
hi",!D kepavk1in k? k a L tF1m mAwp ms L, Tun hm e phei chu an
hc.La L hi kawng hn?i ber- en L a. LUnglei Lem mi t'3fl ChUF!L
A'~ z?wl leh V 81 r ern x al. da1NI1 chu 2D keL loh the ih ani 10.
etFl mi tha kan duh ev en q er2v..n chu sn k<}f1 nq a ih tu ah D? c~' mawl.
11'.'''''09 lutuk a krd. hi kan house 't en h Lsn t.h a in k a hre 10
;"T: a ,
Tin, k;;:. s ew.i, tCiMl. ang kh an k a
or-j c.ct n achh envchu I ....'/.D· dcrn h i en sor-k ar- hi a hr-on
p,,,, in k;;>n mawd n euh 10 i- .. W.D. hi ke imahn L thu hnu e.i 2 C:' rm
ie '-' ; ih ?V Cillg in dem aV$T1 a, ? awm chu en;::, hnu <"1 ? , '.
(-,h tu sof-k er' kan mualpho sn L • chuv enqdn so.r keu- hm"j's"!
j-or- congress p...?rty sor-k c- kh a k~ dcm mi e Ipho to. "'l, chu
mi hnu 2h :kl.C·~\.arty sor kr-r kh e kC\Il dem Lob tih n > on L 2,
chumi hnu eh congress p sr-t.y sor k or- '" 10 ding Leh 2. chu
rcowh chu kan dem tih n e en d , Titi, oo e.Li at.Lon PC1\'IIh 2._
LLanq 10 1 lcsn tih n e ;:>rd. ch~ mi tc f elc chung chu sn .1:' .• ". 0.
r:L adem theih b enh 10 mad , Sork~ rnavmphur h n.. in l-.V·l.l. ..
b:'. 2 function t.Lat. ;:N?ngin l chuv enq Ln ken DepFlrt.mcnt
e owt; v s-k VE!k scr x-r- m?wi tBk ?WlT! -thei ;:mg a in r In hi
k;n th in lung. ah awm 10 5e1 Po, 2. th a anq ; , chumi lta;>s~wi
--v anq chuF'D .I:--.'il.D. ka ch.o>w.lln?wi eni 10. k? s aw.i.chh i e
p;lwh e ni 10. i . i l . l ) . a maw.i loh chu en Fl enk~wl t.u
eor k ar- hi J<.=!l mewi. 10 Leh zc al. 2ni tih k:"1D hr-d et. B.
p.cowirn?wh ;=ni.
ll) Tin, he ~esolution move -cu h Len rnLzo hn arn
b i en 0 t i thei Lcv an q tih C' ring", n L, MiZO hn rr- hi rin
De ne L so L.a, m Lzo hn am in "n si;:>J11 sor k ar hi rirw n Lse La ch
chu en B.R.'1' .. ? ~ 2 pe k k? ring 10.
(2) B.RoT.F. hnen eh h Lan krsn'oe t.he L FI11g e\11"' ken
pv t.he L Lov enq em"' tih p~1Nh hr-e lov~? he12i a s,lk move
,ring.:"lwt m?i pevil. hi a zahthlFlk t<31t1h hIe in k? hri"'J. •
chuvangin a tih theih dr>wnleh d.=1I",n loh pFlvi'l hre
."·OV? duhthusFlm s2'i\ri v,=lk vek n"J in ni in kA hre 1::1, he
i_Olise hi chuv?ngin heng thil hi C1l1 mve hma hisn 1('
.;gRihtuAh l?wk sola chuRn kFlD fing tl;,ng zi'1wk ,~nJ tih
'\", b~- iSt:: i.
Tin l eng sum in nge he kR\vlg hi
.:nkFlwl anih d;>V$1 ? Mizor",m sork?r sum chu a tIer.< em C~
i~. B.RoT.F. te hi chunn cn heh z2wk a l per k.m. i C1J.':
:-Omen pev.:O hi a tern zawk a. chuv?ngin he tFlh hiF\D ::1 sum
:1i k;::n tum sak 2ng a. kim"'P.W.D. te hi 2D rini"v..rn _OV2,
'" enk"lwl tu sork?r tc hi0D km 7P bF'ldk si lovri, K>n
~um hien B.R.T.F. hi i ruei m2i eng ->.1. 1 e tih na rr ih niloh PAW1 a sRwi chi?J1g bC'lvk silov G I chuv,-=:tDg.:'n
he resolution hi 2 tlpngpui hi.on vC'hdin house nh him
3awi loh nisl;l""" G the". tavl. sawk <3, k8D s2wi lC'iw 1"'1,'1
F'!1ih P?wfl in tih puitlin chi ni in EJ. li'1ng 10. ehu\ "'nam
:letimg Resollltion hi hnpm 111ll~lpho TIn leh knn sor} ,r-
.'nu21pho np' nni 2. Am a h e r 8 M1 c hu holni tli'Ongdung ka't1lg
hi k;:'1,mg th:;'1 kM duh a KC1n sorka.r hia:n a thuih n,', ::al.." ,g
zawng in kF'V$1g th G " z;>'tlng tu,r cfi i.
:t' .W.D. pnw~; a a'. ,nilo\
chua:n k",n; sorki'!r hi2D il check tur ani 0. 1 a mat.J1phull:m~
?ni. chuvl'lfigin kAM1g thFl kan ( dub ,"'v"'rtga , rI~nj mf1wng
hlim hi ;:> tha lov(l. chuvF'ngin he resolution hi kpltlcmg
tl?k 2nilove withdraw sel ul ki:!l1 hnF'm i"1 mrlwi z,o,\.".:k "n:J tih
X:('I rlllg a. A withdraw thei 10 ;:mih p",y,h in kaltlAfH] t.l€'K
rni 10 ~ chuvF\I1gin engm2h thil chiC!D9 awm lovi'll hriOlt
'1r1l1 b''lwk lov;:"1 duhthusam puc:hkchpui fI resolution mO"e hi
kc>n house hi(lI1 t i 10 hr?rn hram ila tha in k~ hria F1,
clmv,30gin, pu speaker,c move tu hian withdrm~ hrC'lTI selal
~, thei 10 an.ih P?tvh in he house hi<:ll1 PFl~ pui tlFlk r i in
;':a hre 10.
-(14 1)_
bPE;N;R •• " 1
we, he 'a d ar 1 ,~ .r a. 1 e h t,'l a,
d ar- 1 leh dar 4 hi a p awdm atch FI,
co p atch se L leh p owh ae I loh thu Leb
pr'oq.r smme s2wi n e hun ani a, nei,
d2X 1 cni a, chawlh a 10 hun ta at ArnttJera"."hchu a l'akli'lwt~
em ,1P' trover- kh a hun tawi te pek leh a tul d acm n, q!jluvcI1g
in __ zO IFlw lAW nghal mal ang kfl11 tih davEl 'chum in -ou sc
in "femtih a ng?i a. K an remti em 7 ( Member ten rem m
t i c' A en dh leh a mover kha minute 5 hun i pe Leh u:q u ,
Meeting rejourned
At lJ.12P ..M..
5 e cr et ery ..