Report 2401007536 G03S07T01 Letterhead

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To: Surya Mother & Child Care Pvt .

Sample ID 2401007536
Sr No-8, Bhujbal Chowk, Understand Your
Report In Detail
Near Wakad Octroi Naka, Hinjewadi Fly Bridge Patient ID 1002431321
Maharashtra Received on 11/06/2024 11:43
Pune - 411057
Registered on 11/06/2024 14:08
Report Of: Mrs. VIDYA KIRANKUMAR PATARE Reported on 12/06/2024 19:31
Scan QR code
Pt. Contact: 9011880440 Referred by Dr. Rashmi Dharaskar


Patient Name: Mrs. VIDYA KIRANKUMAR PATARE Patient DOB: 27/05/1995

is an evidence based prenatal screening program curated by Lilac Insights in accordance with the Fetal Medicine Foundation (UK)
guidelines for First Trimester Screening to determine the probality of most common chromosomal aneuploidies in a pregnancy. It utilizes:
• Hormonal values from the pregnancy measured on Fetal Medicine foundation (UK) accredited analyzers and reagents
• Robust indigenous medians from over 7 lac+ pregnancies for different gestation ages
• Risk calculations from evidence based algorithms validated through large international studies

UKNEQAS: United Kingdom National External Quality The Risk Assessment Performed Using
Assessment Service CE-Marked Antenatal Risk Evaluation Software
Certified by the British Standards Institute
RIQAS: Randox International Quality Assessment (BSI)- ISO 13485:2016


T21 (Down syndrome) 1: 100000 Low Risk LOW INTERMEDIATE HIGH

T18 (Edwards' syndrome) 1: 100000 Low Risk Free ß-hCG 1.03

PAPP-A 2.16
T13 (Patau syndrome) 1: 85000 Low Risk LOW HIGH

The First Trimester Screening for the given sample is found SCREEN NEGATIVE.

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Patient name : Mrs. VIDYA KIRANKUMAR PATARE Sample ID : 2401007536
Sample Type:Serum Risk assessment: Algorithm validated by SURUSS 2003, N.J Wald
Method:Time-resolved Fluroimmunoassay

No. of fetuses :1 EDD : 25/12/2024 Age at Term : 29.5 Years

GA is Based on : CRL 49.7mm at 10/06/2024 LMP Date : 21/03/2024 LMP Certainty : Regular
Smoking : None Parity : Height : Weight : 57.00 Kg
Ethinicity :Asian FHR :

Previous pregnancy history Pre-eclampsia history Other findings

Down syndrome Edwards' syndrome PE in previous pregnancy Insulin dependent diabetes
Patau syndrome NTD syndrome Pat. mother had PE Chronic hypertension
EDD: Estimated Due Date | GA: Gestation Age | LMP: Last Menstrual Period | FHR: Fetal Heart Rate | NTD: Neural Tube Defect | PE: Pre-eclampsia | DOB: Date
of Birth


Sample ID : 2401007536 CRL : 49.7 mm Test Name Conc. Unit Corr. Mom
Collection Date : 10/06/2024 CRL2 : Free-ß-hCG 48.16 ng/mL 1.03

Scan Date : 10/06/2024 BPD : NB Present

GA at Coll Date : 11 Weeks 5 Days BPD2 : NT 1 mm 0.86

GA at Scan Date : 11 Weeks 5 Days HC : PAPP-A 5540.00 mU/L 2.16

Received on : 11/06/2024 HC2 :

GA: Gestation Age | CRL: Crown Rump Length | BPD: Bi-parietal Diameter | HC: Head Circumference | free-ß-hCG: free-Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
NT: Nuchal Translucency | PAPP-A: Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein-A

Disorder: Down Syndrome Result: Low Risk
Final risk: 1:100000 Age risk: 1:1000
Cutoff 1:250 Risk type Risk At Term

Disorder: Edwards' Syndrome Result: Low Risk

Final risk: 1:100000 Age risk: 1:7600
Cutoff 1:100 Risk type Risk At Term

Disorder: Patau Syndrome Result: Low Risk

Final risk: 1:85000 Age risk: 1:11000
Cutoff 1:100 Risk type Risk At Term

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Patient name : Mrs. VIDYA KIRANKUMAR PATARE Sample ID : 2401007536
Every pregnant woman carries a certain degree of risk that her fetus/baby may have certain chromosomal defect/ abnormalities. Diagnosis of
these fetal chromosomal abnormalities requires confirmatory testing through analysis of amniocytes or Chorionic Villous Samples (CVS). However,
amniocentesis and CVS procedures carry some degree of risk for miscarriage or other pregnancy complications (Tabor and Alfirevic, 2010).
Therefore in routine practice, prenatal screening tests are offered to a pregnant woman to provide her a personalised risk for the most common
chromosomal abnormalities (T21-Down syndrome, T18- Edwards' syndrome, T13- Patau syndrome) using her peripheral blood sample. Based on this
risk assessment, if the risk is high or intermediate, you can take informed decision of opting for invasive procedure such as amniocentesis or CVS
followed by confirmatory diagnostic test(s), as per discussion with your clinician.

You may get your prenatal screening result as either of the following:-
High Risk
High Risk or Screen Positive Result: A High Risk Result does not mean that the pregnancy is affected with the condition. It
means that the likelihood of the pregnancy having a condition is higher than the cut-off (Most commonly used cut-off is 1:250
and this represents the risk of pregnancy loss from confirmatory testing through CVS or amniocentesis).
Low Risk
Low Risk or Screen Negative Result: A Low Risk result does not mean that the pregnancy is not affected with a condition. It
means that the likelihood of the pregnancy having a condition is lower than the cut-off.
Intermediate Risk result: An intermediate Risk result means that the pregnancy has an equivocal or a borderline risk of being
Risk affected with a condition. In this case, you may want to choose a second stage screening modality like an Integrated Screening
Test that is done between 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy or a Non-invasive Prenatal Screening Test between 12 to 20 weeks of
pregnancy before taking a decision on an invasive confirmatory testing. This will help you improve the sensitivity of the
screening test keeping an invasive test a last option were you to come as a high risk in the second stage screening test.


Prenatal Screening determines the likelihood of the pregnancy being affected with certain conditions by analysing levels of certain hormones.
These hormones are Feto placental products (released by Fetus or placenta). Their levels not only indicate propensity of the fetus being affected
with certain chromosomal conditions, they also provide indication of placental insufficiency that can potentially lead to pregnancy complications
like Pre-Eclampsia or Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction. It is therefore important to take cognisance of the Reported MoMs alongside the Risk

For more information, visit our website at:

Limitations of the Test:
As prenatal screening tests are not confirmatory diagnostic tests, the possibility of false positive or false negative results can not be denied. The
results issued for this test does not eliminate the possibility that this pregnancy may be associated with other chromosomal or sub- chromosomal
abnormalities, birth defects and other complications.
Nuchal Translucency is the most prominent marker in screening for Trisomy 13, 18, 21 in the first trimester and should be measured in accordance
with the Fetal Medicine Foundation (UK) guidelines. Nuchal Translucency or Crown Rump Length measurement, if not performed as per FMF (UK)
imaging guidelines may lead to erroneous risk assessments and Lilac Insights bears no responsibility for errors arising due to sonography
measurements not performed as per these criteria defined by international bodies such as FMF (UK), ISUOG.
It is assumed that the details provided along with the sample are correct. The manner in which this information is used to guide patient care is the
responsibility of the healthcare provider, including advising for the need for genetic counselling or additional diagnostic testing like amniocentesis
or Chorionic Villus Sampling. Any diagnostic test should be interpreted in the context of all available clinical findings. As with any medical test, there
is always a chance of failure or error in sample analysis though extensive measures are taken to avoid these errors.
Quality of the Down syndrome screening program (Biochemical values, MoMs and Risk assessments) is monitored by UKNEQAS on an ongoing basis.
This interpretation assumes that patient and specimen details are accurate and correct.
Lilac Insights does not bear responsibility for ultrasound measurements like CRL,NT,NB etc. We strongly recommend that ultrasound measurements are
performed as per FMF (UK)/ISUOG practice guidelines.
It must be clearly understood that the results represent risk and not diagnostic outcomes. Increased risk does not mean that the baby is affected and
further tests must be performed before a firm diagnosis can be made. A Low Risk result does not exclude the possibility of Down’s syndrome or other
abnormalities, as the risk assessment does not detect all affected pregnancies.
Each sample received at Lilac Insights' processing centre is handled with the utmost sensitivity and care. All samples received on Sundays and National
holidays are stored as per specific guidelines for the respective specimens and processed on the next day.


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