Smanie Implacabili - Mozart

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Smanie implacabili
Dorabella's aria from the opera Così fan tutte (mezzo)
Text by Lorenzo da Ponte (1749-1838)
Set by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Ah scostati,
[a sk.sta.ti]
Ah, move-away!
(Ah, go away!)

paventa il tristo effetto d'un disperato affetto!

[pa.vn.ta il tri.sto ef.f dun di.spe.a.to af.f]
fear the sad effect of-a desperate love!
(beware of the sad effect of a desperate love!)

Chiudi quelle finestre...

[kju.di kwel.le fi.n.stre]
Close those windows…

odio la luce, odio l'aria che spiro... odio me stessa!

[.djo la lu.te .djo la.ja ke spi.o .djo me ]
I-hate the light, I-hate the-air that I-breathe… I-hate my- self!

Chi schernisce il mio duol, chi mi consola?

[ki skr.ni.e il mio dwl ki mi kon.so.la]
Who mocks [the] my pain, who me would-console?

Deh, fuggi, per pietà, lasciami sola.

[d fud.di per pje.ta la.a.mi so.la]
Ah, flee/leave, for pity's-sake, leave-me alone.

Smanie implacabili, che m'agitate
[zma.nje im.pla.ka ke ma.di.ta.te]
Turmoil implacable, that agitates-me
(Unrelenting turmoil that causes agitation)

dentro1 quest'anima più non cessate,

[den.tro kwe.sta pju non ts.sa.te]
inside this-soul more not ceases,
(within my soul, do not cease)

finché l'angoscia mi fa morir.

[fi.ke la..a mi fa mo.ir]
until anguish me makes die.
(until this anguish makes me die.)

or entro [en.tro] within

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Esempio misero d'amor funesto,

[e.zm.pjo mi.ze.o da.mor fu.n.sto]
(An)-example pitiful of-love unhappy,

darò all'Eumenidi se viva resto (If I live, the sound of my horrible

[da. al.leu.m.ni.di se vi.va r.sto] sighs will set a pitiful example of
unhappy love for the Furies.)
I-shall-set for-the-Furies, if alive I-remain,

col suono orribile de' miei sospir.

[kol sw. nr.ribi.le de mji so.spir]
with-the sound horrible of my sighs.

(Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2018 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC)

Smanie implacabili (Così fan tutte) Mozart - Page 2 of 2

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