Radiation Physics and Chemistry: Vishwanath P. Singh, M.E. Medhat, S.P. Shirmardi
Radiation Physics and Chemistry: Vishwanath P. Singh, M.E. Medhat, S.P. Shirmardi
Radiation Physics and Chemistry: Vishwanath P. Singh, M.E. Medhat, S.P. Shirmardi
Photon interaction parameters of carbon and stainless steel alloys were investigated.
Good agreements of simulated results were found for theoretical data using WinXcom.
Monte Carlo simulation, theoretical data and experimental results shows very good agreement.
Monte Carlo simulation process can be used for gamma ray interaction with alloys.
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The mass attenuation coefficients, m/ρ and effective atomic numbers, Zeff of some carbon steel and
Received 20 April 2014 stainless steel alloys have been calculated by using Geant4, MCNP simulation codes for different gamma
Accepted 7 July 2014 ray energies, 279.1 keV, 661.6 keV, 662 keV, 1115.5 keV, 1173 keV and 1332 keV. The simulation results of
Available online 15 July 2014
Zeff using Geant4 and MCNP codes have been compared with possible available experimental results and
Keywords: theoretical WinXcom, and good agreement has been observed. The simulated m/ρ and Zeff values using
Steel alloys Geant4 and MCNP code signifies that both the simulation process can be followed to determine the
Effective atomic numbers gamma ray interaction properties of the alloys for energies wherever analogous experimental results
Attenuation coefficients may not be available. This kind of studies can be used for various applications such as for radiation
dosimetry, medical and radiation shielding.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction coefficients and effective atomic numbers mainly. The effective atomic
number can provide estimation of the chemical compositions,
After recent accident of Fukushima in Japan, the radiation applica- neutron/gamma ray shielding effectiveness and dosimetric properties.
tion and its protection has become a keen interest in radiological The mass attenuation coefficient is a fundamental factor to derive
engineering, science and technology. Radiation is used in agriculture, interaction parameters of dosimetric and shielding interest such as
medical, petroleum plants, archeology, industries and research works. molecular, atomic and electronic cross sections, effective atomic
Radiation protection and shielding is mainly focused on neutral number, electron density, energy deposition and shielding effective-
radiation (X- and γ-rays). In practice, gamma ray sources above ness (Medhat and Wang, 2013; Singh and Badiger, 2013a, 2013b).
200 keV up to 1500 keV are widely used in radiography, archeometry, Therefore mass attenuation coefficient is an essential gamma ray
chemotherapy, medical diagnostic and Compton scattering image etc. interaction parameter of a compound/mixture. However radiation
Gamma ray interaction is dependent upon photon energy and shielding effectiveness is also being assessed by the effective atomic
composition of the materials i.e. atomic number's of elements. The number for the compound/mixture.
gamma ray interaction is characterized by the mass attenuation The photon interaction with matter is combination of partial
interactions namely photoelectric absorption, Compton scattering
and pair production. The mass attenuation coefficients of indivi-
Corresponding author. dual elements are being employed using XCOM program in energy
E-mail address: [email protected] (V.P. Singh). 1 keV–100 GeV (Berger et al., 2010). The XCOM program has been
0969-806X/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
256 V.P. Singh et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 106 (2015) 255–260
converted to new version called as WinXcom (Gerward et al., interaction properties using popular Geant4 and MCNP. Therefore,
2004). The WinXcom is user friendly which converts the interac- we have calculated mass attenuation coefficients, μ/ρ and effective
tion parameters in excel form in windows for analysis. atomic numbers, Zeff of some carbon steel and stainless steel alloys
Geant4 code is widely used for the Monte Carlo simulation of (given in Table 1) using Geant4 and MCNP code. The mass
the passage of particles transport through the matter. It is based attenuation coefficients and effective atomic numbers of these
on object-oriented programming and allows user to derive classes alloys have been reported in the recent literatures (Singh and
to describe the detector geometry, primary particle generator and Badiger 2013b; Fakarrudin et al., 2011; Prasanna and Umesh,
physics processes models along with electromagnetic, hadronic, 2012). The simulated results of Zeff of the selected alloys have
and decay physics based on theory, materials and elements, been compared with theoretical and possible experimental data at
experimental data or parameterizations. Most of physics processes 279.1 keV, 661.6 keV, 662 keV, 1115.5 keV, 1173 keV and 1332 keV.
models include multiple scattering, ionization, Bremsstrahlung, We found a good agreement among simulated, theoretical and
positron annihilation, photo electric effect, Compton and Rayleigh experimental results. The simulation for m/ρ and Zeff values using
scattering, pair production, synchrotron and transition radiation, Geant4 and MCNP code signifies that these simulation processes
Cherenkov effect, refraction, reflection, absorption, scintillation, can be followed to determine the gamma ray interaction proper-
fluorescence, and Auger electrons emission (Agostinelli et al., ties of the alloys for energies wherever analogous experimental
2003; CERN, 2007). The Geant4 simulation code covers a wide results may not be available.
energy range of photon starting from 250 eV to the TeV. It has
been designed and constructed to expose the physics models
utilized, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy 2. Computational methods
adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The
Geant4 simulation is modeling of the photon attenuation through 2.1. Geant 4 simulation code
materials in computer environment provides flexibility and ease of
use, instead of performing an experimental determination of mass The physics of Geant4 simulation depends on narrow beam
attenuation coefficients μ/ρ values of different composite materi- geometry with various photon energies. The experimental set-up
als or mixtures. For this reason, the system model would be useful of the simulation, consisting of a mono-energetic photon beam
for further experiments where material and incident photon impinging on a slab of the alloys is similar to earlier study (Singh
energy is being changed. Then, instead of performing photon et al., 2014a, 2014b). The mass attenuation coefficients of the
attenuation for each sample, which may sometimes be impractical, alloys were determined by the transmission method according to
the model can be used through macro file to calculate μ/ρ of the Lambert–Beer's law ðI ¼ I 0 e mm t Þ, where I0 and I are the incident
samples at different energies. Recently Geant4 toolkit has been and attenuated photon intensity, respectively, mm (cm2 g 1) is the
used for simulation of μ/ρ values of scintillation detectors, mass attenuation coefficient and t is the mass thickness of the
themoluminescent dosimeters, concretes for various energies slab. The thickness of the slab is optimized according to the
(Medhat and Wang, 2013; Singh et al., 2014a, 2014b; Medhat energy of the incident beam, to avoid that all photons are
and Pires, 2014). absorbed in the slab or traverse the slab without interacting.
Monte Carlo simulation code (MCNP) is found to be an effective The primary photons emerging unperturbed from the slab are
tool to calculate gamma ray interaction parameters in different counted. Attenuation of photons is calculated by simulating all
types of compounds or mixtures in human organs, tissues and relevant physical processes and interactions before and after
shielding materials. The user can apply up to second order surfaces inserting the samples under the investigation. Photon interac-
(boxes, ellipsoids, cones, etc.) and fourth order torii to build a 3D tions include photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, pair pro-
geometry which can be filled with materials of arbitrary composi- duction, Rayleigh scattering, and electrons interactions include
tion and density. Point, surface or volume sources of radiation can Bremsstrahlung, multiple scattering and ionization. Atomic
be defined, from which the mentioned particles are emitted with effects after photoelectric effect, as X-rays emission and Auger
user specified probability distributions for energy and direction. effect are included. So it is possible to have a vertex from
The code then simulates the particle tracks and interactions with photoelectric effect (Amako et al., 2005). A good agreement
the materials, according to probability density distributions between Geant4 model for electromagnetic processes and
(Briesmeister, 2000). Monte Carlo simulation for mass attenuation National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) reference
coefficients of various concretes, heavy metal oxide glasses and data has been reported recently (Amako et al., 2005). This
gold, bronze and water matrixes (Gurler and Akar Tarim, 2012; statistical analysis estimated quantitatively the compatibility of
Sharifi et al., 2013; Shirmardi et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2013; Geant4 electromagnetic models with reference data and high-
El-Khayatt et al., 2014; Esfandiari et al., 2014) have been used and lighted the respective strengths.
provided satisfactory results.
The carbon steel and stainless alloys are the common structural 2.2. MCNP simulation code
materials of nuclear reactors for calandria shell, end shield, piping
for primary heat transport system and moderator system, (Singh MCNP code is a radiation transport code used for modeling the
and Badiger, 2014). In modern reactor designs, steel liner plates for radiation transport and the interaction of X-, gamma, neutron and
inner containment wall of double walled structure dome is being electrons radiation with the matter. It is based on the Monte Carlo
used for leak tightness under normal operation and accident method to solve the transport equation; furthermore, it can work
conditions. The extensive applications of carbon and stainless on different modes of delivery that are capable to consider
steel alloys in reactors, petroleum plants, archeology, industries neutrons, electrons and photons, alone, or in pairs all three
and research works needs investigation of gamma ray shielding together. It utilizes the nuclear cross section libraries and physics
properties. The energy of gamma radiation emitted from reactors models for particle interactions and gives the required quantity
core is polychromatic and experimental results for interaction with certain error (Shirmardi et al., 2013; Eakins, 2007; Shultis and
properties are available for few gamma ray energies. Nowadays Faw, 2010). The simulated geometry consisted of a cubic model
computer environment for estimation of gamma ray interaction is of 10 10 1 cm3, the beam. The environment except the
being used instead of utilization of radiation sources and spectro- mentioned cube was filled with the air. Finally, the cubic model
scopy. This has encouraged us to investigate the gamma ray was centered in an air sphere for variance reduction. Anything
V.P. Singh et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 106 (2015) 255–260 257
outside the air cube was considered void into which MCNP did not with 100,000 histories. All simulation data obtained by MCNP code
perform particle transport. Tally F2 was used to obtain MCNP-4C were reported with less than 1% error. For implementation of
simulation data. This tally calculates flux in the cube sides for geometry, the reported dimensions in Akkurt's paper were
every source. The MCNP source was modeled as a directional plane employed for NaI (Tl) detector and alloy samples, so that we used
source in a vacuum. This source located at 10 cm away from the the cylindrical model in MCNP cell card for them (Akkurt et al.,
entry plane of the mentioned cube. The initial direction of gamma 2010; Medhat, 2009). Multiple scattering and buildup effects were
source was parallel to the beam axis. Simulations were performed taken into account in Monte Carlo simulation code.
Chemical composition of steel alloys (Singh and Badiger, 2013b).
C Al Si P S Ti Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu Mo
Steel 1 0.420 0.049 0.250 0.021 0.110 0.0019 1.050 0.890 97.037 0.060 0.010 0.200
Steel 2 0.390 0.036 0.260 0.014 0.008 0.0014 0.040 0.790 98.4216 0.020 0.010 0.010
Steel 3 1.030 0.034 0.310 0.015 0.012 0.0026 1.430 0.320 96.796 0.030 0.010 0.010
Steel 4 0.033 0.040 0.260 0.020 0.021 0.0013 0.890 0.660 98.578 0.030 0.010 0.160
CS516 0.310 – 0.190 0.010 0.005 – – 0.980 98.390 – – –
SS410 0.150 – 1.000 0.040 0.030 – 11.250 1.000 85.780 0.750 – –
SS316L 0.030 – 0.530 0.040 0.005 – 16.000 1.850 68.270 10.770 – 2.120
SS304L — – – – – – 18.000 – 74.000 8.000 – –
0.30 0.30
0.25 0.25
0.20 0.20
0.15 0.15
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Photon energy (keV) Photon energy (keV)
0.30 0.30
0.25 0.25
0.20 0.20
0.15 0.15
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Fig. 1. (a)–(h). Mass attenuation coefficients of carbon steel and stainless steel alloys using Geant 4, MCNP and WinXcom.
258 V.P. Singh et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 106 (2015) 255–260
e f
0.40 0.40
Mass attenuation coefficient (cm /g)
0.25 0.25
0.20 0.20
0.15 0.15
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Photon energy (keV) Photon energy (keV)
g h 0.40
Mass attenuation coefficient (cm /g)
Mass attenuation coefficient (cm /g)
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Photon energy (keV) Photon energy (keV)
Fig. 1. (continued)
2.3. WinXcom program applications. Hence uncertainty in the result may not have any
impact for practical applications and results can be used safely.
The m/ρ values of the alloys were calculated by using mixture rule
(ðm=ρÞalloy ¼ ∑ wi ðm=ρÞi ) where wi is the proportion by weight and 3. Results and discussion
ðm=ρÞi is mass attenuation coefficient of the i element by using
WinXcom (Gerward et al., 2004). The effective atomic numbers of The mass attenuation coefficients, m/ρ of the selected for carbon
the alloys were calculated by the ratio of the effective atomic cross steel and stainless steel alloys were calculated using Geant4 and
MCNP Monte Carlo Codes for photon energies, 279.1 keV,
section (σa) and electronic cross section (σe) of the alloys (Singh et al.,
661.6 keV, 662 keV, 1115.5 keV, 1173 keV and 1332 keV. The results
2002). The details of the calculation procedures for calculation of σa of the present simulation were compared with the theoretical
and σe have been reported in various literatures. The mass attenua- values using cross section data, WinXcom and with the possible
tion coefficients of the alloys have been employed using Geant4, experimental data reported in different literatures (Fakarudin ARF
MCNP code and WinXcom program to estimate the effective atomic et al., 2011; Prasanna and Umesh, 2012). The m/ρ results using
numbers. Geant4, MCNP and theoretical results of WinXcom are shown in
The uncertainties in m/ρ values is about 1% for low-Z (1 oZo8) Fig. 1(a–h). It was found that the simulated results of m/ρ values of
in Compton region (30 keV to 100 MeV). Below 30 keV energy, the the alloys for different gamma ray energies were in good agree-
uncertainties are as much as 5–10% because of correction to ment with theoretical calculation. In general, the m/ρ values
experiments for high-Z impurities and departure of Compton calculated using Geant4 were slightly lower than MCNP and
cross section from Klein–Nishina theory. The gamma sources of WinXcom program for low energy. However in intermediate and
photon energies above 5 keV are being used in medical, biological, high energies the Geant4, MCNP results and theoretical WinXcom
industrial, radioactive source transportation and other shielding was in very good agreement.
Table 2
Effective atomic numbers using Geant4, MCNP, calculated and experiment for carbon steel and stainless steel alloys.
V.P. Singh et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 106 (2015) 255–260
Geant4 MCNP Cal. Expt. Geant4 MCNP Cal. Expt. Geant4 MCNP Cal. Expt.
279.1 25.41 24.45 25.63 25.90 26.30 24.45 25.56 25.80 22.76 24.44 25.55 25.80
661.6 25.39 25.11 25.53 25.90 24.38 25.11 25.52 26.00 26.39 25.12 25.53 26.00
662 25.50 25.09 25.53 — 24.70 25.09 25.52 — 24.67 25.10 25.53 —
1115.5 25.20 25.30 25.51 25.90 24.39 25.30 25.52 26.00 24.97 25.32 25.53 25.90
1173 25.49 25.35 25.53 — 23.64 25.35 25.52 — 23.08 25.36 25.53 —
1332 25.51 25.36 25.51 — 24.67 25.39 25.52 — 24.62 25.41 25.53 —
Geant4 MCNP Cal. Expt. Geant4 MCNP Cal. Expt. Geant4 MCNP Cal. Expt.
279.1 24.07 24.45 25.57 25.90 22.38 24.66 25.74 — 23.47 24.43 25.56 —
661.6 26.74 25.12 25.52 25.90 24.76 25.14 25.55 — 24.66 25.11 25.52 —
662 25.71 25.10 25.52 — 24.56 25.12 25.55 26.61 24.32 25.10 25.52 25.66
1115.5 24.34 25.30 25.51 25.90 24.84 25.49 25.52 — 24.39 25.29 25.51 —
1173 24.10 25.34 25.51 — 24.65 25.36 25.52 26.85 24.56 25.40 25.51 25.89
1332 23.24 25.37 25.51 — 24.72 25.40 25.52 26.88 24.67 25.44 25.51 26.03
260 V.P. Singh et al. / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 106 (2015) 255–260
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