Ins 201335295

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Travel insurance policy certificate

Insurance & transaction

Insurance: Basic Contract number: ins_201335295
Subscription date: 21st, October 2024 Price (tax incl.): 21.00 EUR
Transaction id: pi_3QCE30FO7Z0VgDl41MHQlDUv

Travel Customer
Insurance start date: 11th, November 2024 Last name: Naik
Insurance end date: 13th, November 2024 First name: Amruta trideep
Validity: 3 days Phone number: +447487897480
Departure country: United Kingdom (UK) Email: [email protected]
Arrival country: Germany Country of residence: United Kingdom (UK)

Insured person(s)

Last name First name Passport Date of birth Nationality

Naik Amruta trideep N7920080 23/10/1983 Indian

Your main guarantees

24/7 Travel Assistance - Medical expenses (outside the country of residence) up to €30,000 (Epidemic & Pandemic included) - Medical Repatriation
(Mortal Remains + Epidemic & Pandemic included) up to actual costs - Hotel expenses following Quarantine in the event of an Epidemic & Pandemic
(Expenses of hotel €150 per night / Max 14 nights per person) - Sports (Search and Rescue Costs) - Legal Assistance Abroad - Guarantee COVID-19.
Deductible €0
The main guarantees expressly mentioned herein are acquired in the Contract subject to the conditions and limits provided in the Terms and Conditions.
Subject also to the possibilities of suspension or termination of the insurance contract according to the cases provided by the Insurance Code or by the

Territorial limits

Worldwide (all Schengen countries included: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and, French overseas).

This certificate is made to be worth of that of right. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY

The Contract takes effect subject to payment of the total premium.
Done at Caen, on 21st, October 2024 Scan and verify the contract authenticity
Verify on using the document
number ins_201335295

Fraud is severely punished by law article 441-1 of the Penal Code

Need another insurance? In the case of a claim, contact your insurer by phone
Search “Insurte” on Google or 7/24 : +33 1 55 98 57 07
In all cases, the Insurer must be informed in advance and must have given its express
agreement to any request for assistance.


Embassies & Consulates validity insurance check on

Insurer: Mutuaide Basic 9421
Located at 126, rue de la Piazza, CS 20010, 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX (France).
Limited Company with a capital of EUR 12,558,240. Governed by the French Insurance Code. Subject to the control of the French Prudential and Resolution Supervisory Authority (ACPR) Located at 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 (France). Registered with the Register of Business and
Companies of Bobigny (France) under number 383 974 086 – VAT FR 31 383 974 086.
Headquartered at 5 Ter Rue du Magasin à Poudre 14000 Caen (France), a sole-trader limited liability company with a capital of EUR 10,000 registered with the Caen (France) Register of Business and Companies under number 523 065 860 and with ORIAS under number 10 056 187.
Insurte is subject to the control of the French Prudential and Resolution Supervisory Authority (ACPR), located at 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 (France).

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Travel insurance policy certificate

unaware takes place during the cancellation period and brings the policy cover into play.
Insurer legal notices Please be informed that starting your travel, you waive from your right to withdraw from
this Policy as the performance of the cover under the Policy by the Insurer would have
MUTUAIDE Basic 9421
Located at 126, rue de la Piazza, CS 20010, 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX (France).
Limited Company with a capital of EUR 12,558,240. Governed by the French Insurance
Code. Subject to the control of the French Prudential and Resolution Supervisory Authority
(ACPR) Located at 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 (France).
End of the subscription
Registered with the Register of Business and Companies of Bobigny (France) under number The subscription and covers end:
383 974 086 – VAT FR 31 383 974 086. - After the Policyholder notifies non-renewal by email to [email protected] with
fourteen (14) calendar days notice before the monthly/annual due date, when the Policy
is automatically renewed. This termination may occur at any time after the first period of

Protection of personal data insurance (monthly or annual). Each month/year started, according to the initial period,
is due in full,
By subscribing to this contract you have given your consent to the processing of your - At the end of the policy, in accordance with the end date specified on the subscription
personal data. All the provisions relating to the processing of your personal data are form for fixed durations,
present in the Terms and Conditions. - If the policyholder does not accept the premium change proposed by MUTUAIDE
Personal information relating to the Policyholder, the Insured person(s), and provided to ASSISTANCE, upon notification by email to [email protected] subject to a fourteen
the Insurer in the context of this policy is processed for the purposes of administering (14) calendar days notice period,
the insurance, client base management, anti-fraud procedures, and dispute - Upon the death of the policyholder, his/her assigns must inform MUTUAIDE
management. The Policyholder and the Insured person(s) explicitly accept and declare ASSISTANCE by email to [email protected]. The subscription ends on the date of
that they agree to the processing of personal information relating to their health in so far policyholder's death,
as this is necessary and/or useful for the management and/or execution of the - When the policyholder exercises his/her right to cancel, on the date the email to
insurance policy entered into between them and the Insurer. [email protected] is sent,
- If the premium is not paid, as required by Article L 113-3 of the French Insurance Code,
- If the policyholder's initial visa is refused, upon presentation of the official proof of
Intentional or unintentional refusal from the competent authorities within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date
of notification of visa refusal by the competent authorities by email to
misrepresentation [email protected],
- In all other cases provided for by the French Insurance Code.
Any non-disclosure or misrepresentation concerning the elements of risk known to the
Policyholder exposes her/him to the penalties provided by the French Insurance Code,
namely: reduction of indemnities or nullity of the Subscription to the Policy (Articles L.
113-8 and L.113-9 of the French Insurance Code). Any non-disclosure or
Changing the policy
misrepresentation concerning the elements of the claim known to the Policyholder, The policyholder may request to modify his/her Policy, subject to notifying:
exposes her/him, in case of bad faith, to the following sanction: nullity of the [email protected]
Subscription to the Policy, with paid premiums, then remaining the property of the
insurer. All insurance amendment requests must be submitted before the insurance takes effect.

In-force date and end date of the Payment of the premium

policy MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE hereby mandates Insurte, who accepts, to collect on its behalf,
the amount of the premiums owed by the Policyholder, to ensure their collection, and to
The Policy is entered electronically through the internet website of Insurte. terminate the Contract Policy in case of failure to pay outstanding amounts.
The Policy can last from one (1) to three hundred and sixty six (366) days. - The subscription form constitutes prior notification of a direct debit,
The Policy may be automatically renewed according to the option chosen by the Insured - The policyholder must ensure that his/her bank account contains sufficient funds and
for successive periods of one (1) month or one (1) year. undertakes to inform INSURTE of any change in his/her bank details,
You are entitled to buy a single Policy to cover you for multiple Travels. - The policyholder may be held liable for any dispute or improper cancellation of a direct
If the Policy is not renewable, it cannot be extended. If you extend your trip, you will debit and to generate, at his/her cost, a formal notice related to the payment,
need to take out a new Policy to be covered during the additional period. - Any premium payment incident may result in the application of a fifteen euros (€15)
administrative fine,
- Any refund may result in the application of fifteen euros (€15) for administrative costs.
In-force date and end date of the Payments and reimbursements within the framework of the subscription or a claim are
always in euros based on the exchange rate in force on that date. Any exchange-related
costs will remain at the expense of the Insured.
The cover starts upon departure on the trip, at the moment you leave your Country of
Residence, subject to the effective payment of the premium and on the dates stated in Premium change
the Insurance Policy. MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE must inform by email the policyholder of any change in the
The cover ends on the last day of the trip(s), outside the country of residence, with a premium one (1) month before the expiry date of the policy. The policyholder may refuse
maximum duration of three hundred and sixty six (366) consecutive days (possibly this change and terminate his/her subscription under the conditions set out in article
renewable by tacit agreement), subject to the effective payment of the premium and on "End of the subscription".
the dates stated in the Insurance Policy.

Ability to cancel Plurality of insurance

In accordance with the provisions of article L.121-4 of the French Insurance Code, when
The policyholder, is hereby informed that he/she benefits from a period of fourteen (14) several insurances are contracted without fraud, each one of them produces its effects
calendar days to cancel. within the limits of each policy's covers, in compliance with the provisions of Article
This period starts on the date of agreement/consent online on Insurte’s internet L.121-1 of the French Insurance Code.
website. A Policyholder who wishes to exercise his/her right to cancel under the
aforementioned conditions must use the following model, duly filled in by him/her and
send it by email to [email protected]:
"I, the undersigned, (Mr/Ms, Last Name, First Name, Address, Country, Date of birth,
Applicable law and jurisdiction
Place of birth), hereby cancel my subscription ins_XXXX or vti_XXXX, concerning the The Policy, its interpretation, or any issue relating to its construction, validity or operation
insurance policy taken up on [date] through Insurte. I certify that this insurance policy and performance shall be subject to the laws of France. Any dispute or claim arising out of
has not been used with authorities for a non-refused visa application, that he has not or in connection with the Policy, or its subject matter or formation (including
been the subject of a request for coverage of a claim with MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE, that non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
the trip has not started and I know that I could not benefit of any guarantees. (Date) French courts.
Exercising this right to cancel causes the policy to be terminated as of the date of
receipt of the email to [email protected]. MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE reimburses the
policyholder the full amount of any sums paid within thirty (30) calendar days of
receiving the email. As of the time of sending this email, the subscription and the covers If you wish to submit a complaint, please follow the procedure indicated in the Terms &
end. However, the entire premium remains owed to MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE if the Conditions of your contract.
policyholder exercises his/her right to cancel and an insured event of which he/she is

Embassies & Consulates validity insurance check on

Insurer: Mutuaide Basic 9421
Located at 126, rue de la Piazza, CS 20010, 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX (France).
Limited Company with a capital of EUR 12,558,240. Governed by the French Insurance Code. Subject to the control of the French Prudential and Resolution Supervisory Authority (ACPR) Located at 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 (France). Registered with the Register of Business and
Companies of Bobigny (France) under number 383 974 086 – VAT FR 31 383 974 086.
Headquartered at 5 Ter Rue du Magasin à Poudre 14000 Caen (France), a sole-trader limited liability company with a capital of EUR 10,000 registered with the Caen (France) Register of Business and Companies under number 523 065 860 and with ORIAS under number 10 056 187.
Insurte is subject to the control of the French Prudential and Resolution Supervisory Authority (ACPR), located at 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 (France).

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Travel insurance policy certificate

Declarations and consents

Please find below the declarations and consents that you accepted during your online
- Wherever you are located, you are not obliged to subscribe to travel insurance in your
home country;
- Wherever you are located, you are not prevented from buying travel insurance from a
French broker by any local laws;
- This website is hosted in France, the virtual space constituted by the web pages of the
sites are deemed to be located in France and the subscriptions made there are therefore
located in France; and
- You agree to the General Conditions of Use.

You declare that you have read, before any agreement, the pre-contractual information
notice, the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID), the Terms & Conditions, the
General Conditions of Use, the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy, the Cookies Policy, and
the Disclaimer. You agree that the entire purchasing process is online, including your
consent and that you will not receive a paper version.

You agree that this website is governed by the laws of the Republic of France, you must
verify if the law of your country of origin or any other country that may apply to you
forbids it, should this not be the case, cease this purchase and this session web. You
recognize that the guarantees, as described in the Terms & Conditions, constitute a
solution adapted to your needs and requirements. You thus agree to take out the Insurte
Contract and to authorize the processing of your personal data according to our Privacy

You confirm that you have the legal capacity to contract.

You can select your currency to pay, however your contract remains in Euros, subject to
French insurance tax, the French Insurance Code and French law.

All insurance amendment requests must be submitted before the insurance takes
Contact our support team: [email protected]


Embassies & Consulates validity insurance check on

Insurer: Mutuaide Basic 9421
Located at 126, rue de la Piazza, CS 20010, 93196 Noisy le Grand CEDEX (France).
Limited Company with a capital of EUR 12,558,240. Governed by the French Insurance Code. Subject to the control of the French Prudential and Resolution Supervisory Authority (ACPR) Located at 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 (France). Registered with the Register of Business and
Companies of Bobigny (France) under number 383 974 086 – VAT FR 31 383 974 086.
Headquartered at 5 Ter Rue du Magasin à Poudre 14000 Caen (France), a sole-trader limited liability company with a capital of EUR 10,000 registered with the Caen (France) Register of Business and Companies under number 523 065 860 and with ORIAS under number 10 056 187.
Insurte is subject to the control of the French Prudential and Resolution Supervisory Authority (ACPR), located at 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09 (France).

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