The 2024 Marketing Mastery Workbook
The 2024 Marketing Mastery Workbook
The 2024 Marketing Mastery Workbook
To Marketing Mastery
and Beyond
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• Utilize the included worksheets, templates, and frameworks for hands-on practice.
• Gather your team and collaborate on the workbook to leverage everyone’s strengths
and insights.
• Strive to complete all the exercises within two weeks to ensure maximum efficiency
and effective action planning.
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CONCLUSION: Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................140
Before reading this chapter, describe what you hope to learn about buyer targeting and
segmentation strategies.
It’s not just about reaching people; it’s about reaching the right people who are ready
to make a purchase now or in the future.
• Define Your Best Audiences: Pinpoint the buyers and accounts who need to hear from you.
• Identify Decision Makers: Peer through the telescope to find the centers of influence within
your target accounts and the decision makers who hold the power to say “Yes.”
• Harness Buyer-Level Insights: Leverage buyer-level intent and engagement data to guide
your marketing and sales efforts with expert precision and efficiency.
Effective targeting requires you to channel your resources towards the accounts and individuals
who not only match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), but are also likely to buy from you.
By understanding your buyers’ unique behaviors and needs, you can craft hyper-personalized
campaigns to reach them through the cosmic noise.
How do you identify your best-fit buyers? Casting a wide net can dilute the quality of your results.
But being too targeted may not yield enough either.
Instead, effective targeting requires you to strike a balance between your audience and your goals.
While broader targeting methods help you capture as many buyers as possible, these strategies
typically yield a lower quality pool of leads—those who don’t match your ICP, lack intent to purchase,
or simply aren’t a good fit for your business.
On the flipside, being more targeted and focused in your efforts limits the number of total buyers
you’re able to capture. However, this restriction can help ensure that the leads you do generate
are qualified and a good fit to continue working and nurturing.
Ultimately, how you decide to target and segment depends on your goals and objectives.
Consider these examples:
My company, , targets
[your company name] [account list size #]
to engage .
[job titles / roles]
2. Industry:
This approach has you tailor your marketing efforts
to specific industries or verticals, each with unique
A cloud computing services provider might
regulations and challenges that your content and create case studies and whitepapers specifically
solutions will need to address. for healthcare organizations, highlighting how
their services comply with HIPAA regulations and
improve patient data management.
My company, , targets buyers in the
[your company name] [industry]
My company, , targets
[your company name] [company size]
4. Geography:
This involves customizing content for specific
regions, countries, or even local markets. Cultural
nuances, language preferences, and regulatory An e-commerce platform might create localized
differences play a role here. landing pages for different countries, showcasing
relevant products, pricing in local currencies, and
shipping options.
My company, , targets organizations located in
[your company name]
a strong understanding of ,
[relevant topic] [relevant topic]
and .
[relevant topic]
My company, , targets buyers who are
[your company name] [job titles and roles]
Finding the best target accounts shouldn’t be like searching for a lost opportunity in the dark.
Leverage buyer-level intent data to reveal who within an account is actively expressing intent,
what actions they take, when those actions happen, and where those actions occur—online,
offline, on your content and website, and beyond.
8. Buyer Behaviors:
This has you evaluate a buyer’s activities and
interactions from both online and offline sources.
It considers the content they register for, the topics A financial services company creates personalized content
they show interest in, and the events they attend. and campaign materials for directors of finance and above
who recently attended an industry trade show about the
future of finance.
My company, , targets who
[your company name] [job titles and roles]
We don’t leverage
this type of
1 2 3 4 5 segmentation
Company Size
Company Sophistication
and Maturity
Buyer Behaviors
Total Audience
What does your
ideal target audience
look like?
Tier A
Who is your most
valuable segment
of buyers?
Tier B
Tier C
Total Audience
What does your
ideal target audience
look like?
Tier A
Who is your most
valuable segment
of buyers?
Tier B
Tier C
Total Audience
What does your
ideal target audience
look like?
Tier A
Who is your most
valuable segment
of buyers?
Tier B
Tier C
And the bigger the organization, the larger the buying committee.
For instance, while you might classify a Director-level position as a ‘Champion,’ another
company may regard it as an ‘Influencer,’ and yet another may see it as a ‘Decision Maker.’
Understanding the roles and dynamics of the buying committee within a target company
is paramount, and failing to do so can result in missing the mark entirely.
1. Decision Makershave the final say in a purchase. They fall into one of three categories:
Thinking about your average customer, who are the Business Decision Makers responsible
for evaluating your solution? List their titles below.
Thinking about your average customer, who are the Financial Decision Makers responsible
for evaluating your solution? List their titles below.
2. Executive Sponsors or Champions of your solution are those who drive the purchase
decision forward internally. They are the individuals who are best positioned to recognize
the impact and benefits that your solution can bring to the business.
Thinking about your average customer, who are the Champions responsible for evaluating
your solution? List their titles below.
3. Purchase Influencersare those who may not have a direct role in the purchase decision,
but have influence over the outcome. They fall into one of two categories:
Thinking about your average customer, who are the Technical Influencers responsible
for evaluating your solution? List their titles below.
4. Users are those who will use the product in their day-to-day jobs. They are directly
impacted by the purchase and are concerned with how the solution will help them be
more efficient, effective, and productive.
Thinking about your average customer, who are the Users responsible for evaluating
your solution? List their titles below.
Business Business
Decision Maker Influencer
Influence Users
Technical Technical
Decision Maker Influencer
While a buying committee is a group of individuals involved in a decision, buyer personas get
to the heart of who those individuals are.
Think about a typical Business Decision Maker for your solution: You likely know their title,
but what are their motivations? Their goals? Their challenges? Their needs? What are they
driven by? What do they engage with? Where can you find them?
Personas power personalization.
71% 76%
of consumers expect companies to deliver get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.
personalized interactions.
Source: McKinsey & Company, “The value of getting personalization right—or wrong—is multiplying”
Buyer personas don’t only help you sell; they help you build enduring relationships with
those who matter most to your business—your customers.
By diving into the minds of your customers—what they like, what they need, and how they
make decisions—you can tailor your marketing efforts to craft content and messaging that
resonate and drive results.
Consider the following example for a Decision Maker from a Manufacturing organization.
As you review this framework, think about how these insights could be translated across
your own marketing and sales endeavors.
Responsibilities Goals
• Oversees daily operations of the manufacturing plants • Improve production efficiency
• Ensures production efficiency and quality standards • Reduce operational costs by optimizing supply chain logistics
• Manages supply chain and logistics • Position the company as a leader in sustainable
manufacturing practices
• Implements and optimizing processes and technologies
• Expand production capacity to support new product lines
Now, use the template below to create a buyer persona for your ideal customer.
Don’t worry if you can’t complete certain sections yet! As we get further in this workbook,
we’ll review the Buyer’s Journey, Content Marketing Strategies, and Buyer Engagement
Strategies in much greater detail.
Responsibilities Goals
Doing it well ensures that your campaigns, budgets, and resources are focused on the right in-market
buyers. But without a detailed understanding of who you’re marketing to, your efforts might as well be
lost in the vacuum of space.
Here are some tips to help you overcome common targeting challenges.
The universe is vast, and so is your audience. Segment your market into smaller, more
manageable clusters so you can better tailor your messages and ensure your messaging feels
personalized and relevant.
Do you segment your audiences today? If so, how?
Leverage buyer-level intent and engagement data to learn more about your buyers and their
buying journeys.
While account-level insights can help you prioritize actions, marketing and sales teams must
be able to dig deeper to quickly and accurately identify who within an account is expressing
intent to purchase, what they are searching for, where and how they are most active, and
when they plan to purchase.
Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1-5, with 5 being strongly agree
and 1 being strongly disagree.
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5 I don’t know
I know who my most engaged
individual buyers are.
• Conduct Thorough Audience Research: Dive deep into both qualitative and quantitative data to
really get to know your audience. Look at demographics, behaviors, and preferences to paint a
clear picture of your ideal customer.
• Personalize Your Messaging and Content: Tailor your messages and content based on what you
know about your buyers—like their preferences and past interactions. Make each interaction feel
personalized, original, and impactful to build stronger connections.
• A/B Test for Optimal Results: Experiment with different message variations, content types, and
designs. See what resonates best with your audience and use those insights to fine-tune your
strategies for better results.
• Regularly Monitor and Measure Performance: Keep an eye on key performance indicators
(KPIs) to see how well your efforts are performing across different channels. Analyze the data to
spot trends, adjust your targeting strategies, allocate resources wisely, and make your marketing
content more effective.
Before reading this chapter, describe what you hope to learn about the buyer’s journey
and buyer engagement strategies.
2.1 The Gravity of Buyer Needs, Becoming Your Buyer’s Trusted Advisor—
Their Co-Pilot Through the Cosmos
Behaviors, and Signals
In the last chapter, you mastered the In mere seconds, your buyers can learn
art of targeting your ideal audiences. everything there is to know about your
products, solutions, and services—all
Now, we’ll dive deeper to discover without ever interacting directly with
how your buyers buy. your brand.
Achieving this status relies on a deep understanding of your buyers—recognizing and anticipating
their needs (often before they realize those needs themselves), bridging their knowledge gaps, and,
ultimately, ensuring that their journey to find a solution is a success.
We often hear the advice to talk to our customers, but how frequently do we actually do it?
Your customers are crucial to understanding your buyers and their journey.
To answer the question, “What does our buyer’s journey look like?”, start by engaging with
your current customers—such as your most recent customer, your longest-tenured customer,
and your favorite customer. Ask them questions like:
• What business challenge(s) prompted your search for a solution like ours?
• How did you begin your search for a solution?
• How did you discover our solution? How long did it take from when you first began your search?
• Why did you choose our solution?
B2B buyers are savvy, well-informed, and adept at researching solutions long before needing to
engage directly with your sales team. They decide the pace and the terms of their buying journey.
The B2B buyer’s journey illustrates an individual’s decision making process—from the initial
spark of awareness of a need to the purchase of a solution to their new journey as a customer.
Understanding your buyer’s journey enables marketing and sales teams to consistently deliver
value in every interaction.
Below are definitions and examples for each stage of the buyer’s journey—from awareness to advocacy.
These are the stages of the buyer’s journey that occur before the buyer becomes a customer.
They consist of Awareness, Education, Consideration, and Decision.
At the top of the funnel, you encounter your broadest stream of potential buyers. These are leads who
have identified a need within their organization and are interested in learning best practices to address it.
They may not know much about your solution, but they’re keen to learn more about the topics you cover.
1 Awareness
The buyer recognizes The buyer is ready Josh needs more • Reviews current
a problem but isn’t aware to understand. and better leads for marketing strategies
of solutions yet. They’re his marketing and • Checks out
seeking information to sales teams. competitors and
understand the issue and other brands
explore potential fixes.
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
The buyer actively seeks The buyer is ready Josh is learning about • Reads blog posts
information to understand to learn. ways to boost his • Researches
their problem and sales funnel. industry trends
explore solutions.
• Downloads an eBook
• May subscribe to
learn more about
best practices
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
Consider these tactics to increase brand awareness and educate your buyers:
• Publish blog posts that address common pain points related to your solution.
• Launch digital display and ABM campaigns to increase brand visibility.
• Host educational webinars with thought leaders in your industry to showcase expertise
and provide insights.
The funnel narrows and you’re able to qualify or disqualify leads based on their engagement and fit.
Those that stick around have expressed an interest in learning more about your specific solution and
are beginning the evaluation process to find the right vendor.
The buyer compares different The buyer is ready Josh understands that • Researches different lead
options to address their to evaluate. he needs a lead generation generation platforms
needs, comparing features, solution. • Reads reviews
benefits, and pricing. and comparisons
• Attends a webinar on
advanced lead generation
• Downloads a comparison
guide for top solutions
• May become a member of
online communities and
courses to learn
from others
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
Consider these tactics to drive consideration and accelerate your buyer’s decision making process:
Marketing Sales
• Launch email newsletters or nurture programs based • Provide relevant case studies or testimonials
on a buyer’s interests and interactions from similar customers to showcase
successful implementations.
• Offer gated content such as valuable research reports,
guides, and eBooks to further qualify and nurture • Leverage CRM data and buyer-level intent to
your audience. track behavior and preferences.
• Create tailored landing pages, product demo videos, • Personalize sales outreach based on buyer interests,
or product specification charts to showcase key features goals, and past interactions.
and benefits.
• Engage in 1:1 consultations or discovery calls
• Implement lead scoring systems to prioritize follow-up to understand buyer challenges and offer hyper-
efforts and tailor messaging based on engagement and personalized product demos that align with their
intent signals. needed use cases.
At the bottom of the funnel, you’re left with a subset of qualified leads ready for sales conversations.
These leads have shown a deep interest in your specific solution and are in the final stages of the
decision making process.
The buyer chooses a The buyer is ready Josh is deciding between • Talks to sales reps
specific product or service to decide. a shortlist of lead • Visits vendor
based on their research generation solutions. websites to compare
and is ready to buy. prices and features
• Has personalized demos
• Reads customer reviews
and testimonials
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
Consider these tactics to validate your buyer’s perceptions, address their concerns, and win:
Marketing Sales
• Create interactive, self-service tools like to help buyers • Provide detailed product comparisons or ROI analyses
assess their needs and make informed decisions. to help buyers evaluate their options and make
informed decisions.
• Offer limited-time trial periods, promotions, or
discounts to accelerate purchase decisions and • Offer trial periods or pilot programs to allow buyers
prompt action. to experience the product or service firsthand before
committing to a purchase.
These are the stages of the buyer’s journey that occur after the buyer becomes a customer.
The goal is no longer to acquire their business—it’s to drive their loyalty as a customer.
Now, the journey begins again as you work to demonstrate value, foster growth,
and cultivate loyal brand advocates among your customer base.
After the purchase, The customer is Josh has purchased • Sets up user account
the customer starts ready to implement the solution and is • Attends orientation
onboarding, including your solution. starting onboarding. and onboarding
setup, training, and webinars
initial use.
• Uses tutorials
and guides
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
6 Adoption
The customer starts The customer is ready Josh and his team • Uses the
using the product regularly to use your solution. are using the solution product regularly
and sees its benefits. and seeing results. • Engages with
customer success reps
• Provides feedback
and suggestions
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
The customer looks The customer is ready to Josh wants to further • Inquires about
to expand their expand how they use increase his results. additional features
use of the product, your solution. • Increases spend
upgrade, or purchase or contract value
additional offerings.
• Watches webinars
on new strategies
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
8 Advocacy
Satisfied customers The customer is ready Josh’s team sees great • Shares success stories
become advocates, sharing to become an advocate results and shares with the customer
their positive experiences of your solution. positive feedback. success team
with others and potentially • Inquires about
influencing future being featured in
purchasing decisions. marketing materials
• Participates in case
studies and testimonials
• Ready to become
a champion of
your solution
What channels or content would you use to engage Josh at this stage of his buyer’s journey?
Consider these tactics once your buyer becomes a customer to further prove value and increase
satisfaction and ROI:
purchased product or service in their daily solution.
Whose buying journey is this?
What prompted your buyer to
start their buying journey?
What are your buyer’s primary goals
at this stage of their buying journey?
What are your buyer’s challenges, hurdles,
or hesitations that are preventing them
from progressing to the stage of their
buying journey?
What does your buyer need to progress
to the next stage of their buying journey?
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
Whose buying journey is this?
What prompted your buyer to
start their buying journey?
What are your buyer’s primary goals
at this stage of their buying journey?
What are your buyer’s challenges, hurdles,
or hesitations that are preventing them
from progressing to the stage of their
buying journey?
What does your buyer need to progress
to the next stage of their buying journey?
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
What are your buyer’s primary goals
at this stage of their buying journey?
What are your buyer’s challenges, hurdles,
or hesitations that are preventing them
from progressing to the stage of their
buying journey?
What does your buyer need to progress
to the next stage of their buying journey?
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
What are your buyer’s primary goals
at this stage of their buying journey?
What are your buyer’s challenges, hurdles,
or hesitations that are preventing them
from progressing to the stage of their
buying journey?
What does your buyer need to progress
to the next stage of their buying journey?
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
Intent data and other key buying signals offer a window into their world, illuminating insights into
who they are, what they want, and when they want it.
However, not all intent data is equal, nor does every datapoint shine with the same brilliance.
Deciphering those signals is crucial to winning the race for a buyer’s attention, time, and trust.
Buying signals are essential indicators that provide rich insights into a buyer’s needs and intentions.
By accurately interpreting these signals, you can refine your strategies and improve your interactions
with prospects and customers at every stage of their journey.
Evidence Signals
Evidence signals are situational and suggest that circumstantial changes within a target company or
to an individual—such as organizational or role changes, new product launches, or active recruiting
initiatives—could signify a current or imminent need.
Evidence Signals indicate that the need is unknown. The buyer is unaware that
a need exists and is not yet in-market. They are in a stage of “unawareness.”
These types of signals are typically expressed before the start of the buyer’s journey.
Does your organization currently
track Evidence Signals?
What tools might you use, or do you currently use today, to monitor Evidence Signals being
expressed by your buyers?
Need signals indicate a buyer’s awareness that a certain level of need exists, though they may require
further education to fully grasp the scale and implications of addressing—or not addressing—the need
before exploring potential solutions.
Need Signals indicate that the need is known, but buying intent is unassured. The buyer knows
that a problem exists but needs more education to understand the scale and impact before
exploring solutions.
These types of signals are typically expressed at the beginning of the buyer’s journey.
Does your organization currently
track Need Signals?
What tools might you use, or do you currently use today, to monitor Need Signals being expressed
by your buyers?
Intent signals denote the seriousness or readiness of a buyer to advance towards a purchase decision,
allowing you to gauge their level of commitment.
Intent Signals indicate that the need is named and the intent is declared. Your buyer is on
the move and they are actively exploring solutions to address the need.
These types of signals are typically expressed in the consideration and decision stages of the
buyer’s journey.
Does your organization currently
track Intent Signals?
What tools might you use, or do you currently use today, to monitor Intent Signals being expressed
by your buyers?
The problem is known, but intent is assumed. • Watching videos or joining webinars
The buyer knows that a problem exist but
needs more education to understand the scale • Registering or engaging with content
and impact before exploring solutions.
• Browsing web pages or reading blogs
The problem is named, and the intent is • Raising hand to start the evaluation process
declared. The buyer is actively exploring
solutions to solve the problem. • Pricing inquiries, demo requests,
free trial sign-ups
Are there other scenarios you’ve experienced first-hand? Add them below.
We will map everything we’ve covered so far—personas, buying signals, behaviors, activities, and
content—to the distinct stages of the buyer’s journey, helping us reach the right person with the right
message and content at the right time.
Below are some examples of how certain buying signals, actions, content, and metrics align to the
different stages of the buyer’s journey, and how marketing and sales teams can respond, guiding
buyers down the path to conversion.
Registers for demo • Comparing vendors • White papers • Demo, contact us,
free trial sign-ups
• Requesting • Comparison
demos or trials sheets • Trial sign-up-to-
conversion rate
• Evaluating pricing • Case studies
and features
• Analyst reports
• Reading
• Demos
customer reviews
• Comparison build credibility • Customized calculate the
The buyer is ready Guides: Create and trust. Proposals: potential return
to evaluate comparison charts Prepare tailored on investment.
• Nurture
and guides that proposals that
Programs and • Solution
show how your address the
Retargeting Consultations:
product stacks up specific needs
Ads: Use nurture Offer one-on-one
against competitors. and challenges
emails and consultations to
of the prospect.
• Testimonials retargeting ads discuss how your
and Reviews: to stay top- • ROI Calculators: solution can meet
Showcase customer of-mind for Provide tools to their specific needs.
testimonials leads who have help prospects
and reviews to shown interest.
• Detailed Case allow prospects • Negotiation: Engage • Final Demos:
The buyer is
Studies: Present to experience the in negotiation to Provide final,
ready to decide
comprehensive product firsthand. address any final in-depth demos
case studies that concerns and agree to address
• Product
highlight successful on terms. any remaining
implementations questions and
Publish detailed • Contract Reviews:
and outcomes. demonstrate value.
product comparison Assist in reviewing
• Free Trials: Offer pages to help contracts and
free trials or pilot prospects make answering any legal or
programs to informed decisions. compliance questions.
The customer
is ready to • Upgrade showcase the benefits • Account Reviews: features that
expand how Promotions: Run of upgrading or Conduct periodic complement the
targeted promotions expanding usage. account reviews customer’s current
they use your for product upgrades to identify usage.
solution • Feature
or additional expansion
Announcements: • Expansion
features. opportunities.
Regularly communicate Proposals: Prepare
• Customer Success new features and • Cross-Selling tailored proposals
Stories: Highlight enhancements to and Upselling: for expanding
customer success encourage expanded Suggest additional the current
stories that usage. products or engagement
or adding new
Whose buying journey is this?
What prompted your buyer
to start their buying journey?
Buying Signals
What behaviors are your buyers expressing
or demonstrating at this stage of their
buying journey?
Key Message
In 2-3 sentences, write the key message you
are using to connect with and engage your
buyer at this stage of their buying journey.
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
What channels are you using to reach
and engage your buyers at this stage
of their buying journey?
Ket Metrics
What metrics are you tracking to gauge the
success of your marketing and sales programs
at this stage of the buying journey?
Whose buying journey is this?
What prompted your buyer
to start their buying journey?
Buying Signals
What behaviors are your buyers expressing
or demonstrating at this stage of their
buying journey?
Key Message
In 2-3 sentences, write the key message you
are using to connect with and engage your
buyer at this stage of their buying journey.
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
What channels are you using to reach
and engage your buyers at this stage
of their buying journey?
Ket Metrics
What metrics are you tracking to gauge the
success of your marketing and sales programs
at this stage of the buying journey?
Buying Signals
What behaviors are your buyers expressing
or demonstrating at this stage of their
buying journey?
Key Message
In 2-3 sentences, write the key message you
are using to connect with and engage your
buyer at this stage of their buying journey.
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
What channels are you using to reach
and engage your buyers at this stage
of their buying journey?
Ket Metrics
What metrics are you tracking to gauge the
success of your marketing and sales programs
at this stage of the buying journey?
Buying Signals
What behaviors are your buyers expressing
or demonstrating at this stage of their
buying journey?
Key Message
In 2-3 sentences, write the key message you
are using to connect with and engage your
buyer at this stage of their buying journey.
What content is your buyer looking for
or engaging with at this stage of their
buying journey?
What channels are you using to reach
and engage your buyers at this stage
of their buying journey?
Ket Metrics
What metrics are you tracking to gauge the
success of your marketing and sales programs
at this stage of the buying journey?
From detecting shifts in buyer behaviors to deciphering signals sent from far, far away—
effectively navigating the buyer’s journey demands a deep understanding of your target audience.
Here are some tips to help you navigate the buyer’s journey.
You only see 2% of a buyer’s entire buying journey, with most of their time spent outside
the channels you can directly track.
You can’t effectively engage your audiences when you can’t see the full extent of their
behaviors and activities.
To fully understand your buyers—even when they aren’t on your website, interacting with
your content, or in your MAP or CRM—you need to leverage multiple data sources to gain
a holistic view of their journey.
Which of the following types of data do you currently capture?
Move beyond generic personas to understand the unique needs and motivations of individual buyers.
While personas are helpful in creating a clearer picture of your ideal customers, true marketing
mastery requires you go beneath the surface.
Start by segmenting your audience based on demographics, interests, and buying intent to provide
relevant content and recommendations at each stage of the journey. Then, dive deeper to deliver
personalized experiences tailored to a buyer’s distinct preferences, behaviors, and needs.
How well do you understand your buyers?
Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1-5, with 5 being strongly agree
and 1 being strongly disagree.
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5 I don’t know
I know who my ideal
customers are.
Create an array of content to support each unique stage of your buyer’s journey, ensuring a healthy
mix of topics and formats to address not only your buyer’s needs, but also the needs of others in
their buying committee.
Use the following checklist to evaluate your content marketing mix:
• Tune In to Your Buyer’s Buying Signals: Keep a keen eye on your buyers’ buying signals.
Pay attention to what they interact with, both on your website and beyond it. Anticipate their
next moves and personalize your messages and content to guide them through their journey.
• Measure Your Marketing Impact: Use data to measure how well you know your buyers.
Track engagement metrics and intent signals to gauge their interests and activities across
their journey.
• Expand Customer Lifetime Value: Think beyond the initial sale. Focus on building long-
term relationships with your customers. Prioritize customer satisfaction, retention, and
advocacy to turn happy customers into loyal advocates for your brand.
• Stay Flexible and Adaptable: Stay nimble in response to evolving audience behaviors.
Foster a culture of curiosity and be willing to adapt your strategies to keep pace with
trends and market fluctuations.
Try it now
Before reading this chapter, describe what you hope to learn about content planning,
creation, and promotion strategies.
That’s the beauty of an effective content marketing strategy. It not only provides answers,
but also makes an impression that lasts.
So far, we’ve explored how to identify and target your ideal audiences and the importance
of understanding what those audiences need at each stage of the buyer’s journey.
Now, let’s bring those lessons together to create the kinds of captivating, memorable content
that your audience needs—no, craves.
• Craft Content by Persona and Buying Stage: Tailor your content and messaging to resonate with
the needs, interests, and motivations of your diverse buyers at every stage of their buying journey.
• Create High-Impact Content and Experiences: Captivate your cosmos of buyers with compelling,
unforgettable content that sparks engagement and fosters strong connections with your brand.
• Promote Your Content and Drive Engagement Across the Buyer’s Journey: Amplify your content
across channels, driving continuous engagement with your buyers from awareness to decision
and beyond.
It’s how you externalize your company’s value proposition and how audiences come to
understand your differentiators, perspectives, and expertise.
But in order to reach the stars, you’ll first need to break through the atmosphere that
separates the good content from the extraordinary.
Source: NetLine, “2024 Source: Informa Source: NetLine, “2024 Source: Content Marketing
State of B2B Content Tech, “2023 Trust in State of B2B Content Institute, “B2B Content
Consumption and Demand Marketing Index” Consumption and Demand Marketing Benchmarks,
Report for Marketers” Report for Marketers” Budgets, and Trends:
Outlook for 2024”
But creating content that resonates with your buyers relies on a rich understanding
of their journey.
What are their goals? Their needs? Their motivations? Their obstacles?
It also comes down to their preferences as individuals. What do they like and dislike?
What formats engage them? What formats push them away?
Don’t worry: We’re not here to tell you to create entirely unique pieces of content for
every individual buyer. That just isn’t feasible (or necessary).
Instead, leverage your personas and what you know about your buyer’s journey, focusing on
groups of similar buyers with similar behaviors and interests in similar stages of their decision
making process.
• Goals: What are the goals of your content? What do you want your content to achieve
or generate?
• Message: What is the key message of your content? How does your content
communicate your company’s value proposition? Your solutions and services?
• Purpose: What is your content about? What problems or needs will it address?
• Format: What format will your content take? How long will it be?
Let’s explore the gravitational relationship between your content, your buyers, and the stages
of their buying journey.
First, we’ll broadly identify the most effective types of content for each stage.
Then, we’ll dive deeper to understand what content resonates best with what personas.
• Webinars
Think about the content that could be used to support your buyers in this stage of their buying
journey. Propose the content’s purpose, title, and format. Leverage your existing content or think
of something new.
Think about the content that could be used to support your buyers in this stage of their buying
journey. Propose the content’s purpose, title, and format. Leverage your existing content or think
of something new.
Think about the content that could be used to support your buyers in this stage of their buying
journey. Propose the content’s purpose, title, and format. Leverage your existing content or think
of something new.
• Contests
• Direct mail
Think about the content that could be used to support your buyers in this stage of their buying
journey. Propose the content’s purpose, title, and format. Leverage your existing content or think
of something new.
Now, let’s explore how different types of content resonate with different personas.
Here are a few best practices for planning suitable content formats for your audience:
• Conduct Thorough Persona Research: Leverage surveys, interviews, and online and offline
data capture to gather insights into your personas’ content consumption habits and interests.
• Consider Content Consumption Preferences: Tailor your content based on how your
personas prefer to consume information.
− Executives may opt for concise formats like executive summaries, bullet-point lists,
and quick-read articles.
− Analytical thinkers may want detailed reports, case studies, and comprehensive guides.
Let’s revisit the persona framework outlined in Chapter 1 and expand our scope to include
three additional personas:
Your goal should be to assess the nuances in buyer behaviors, needs, and interests, discerning
the most suitable content for each persona throughout their distinct buying journeys.
Responsibilities Goals
• Oversees daily operations of the manufacturing plants • Improve production efficiency
• Ensures production efficiency and quality standards • Reduce operational costs by optimizing supply chain logistics
• Manages supply chain and logistics • Position the company as a leader in sustainable
manufacturing practices
• Implements and optimizing processes and technologies
• Expand production capacity to support new product lines
Think about the content that could be used to engage this persona throughout their buying
journey. Using the information above, propose a purpose, title, and format for three pieces
of content. Leverage your existing content or think of something new.
Responsibilities Goals
• Develops and implements HR strategies and initiatives • Improve employee retention and satisfaction
• Bridges management and employee relations • Foster a diverse and inclusive work environment
• Manages the recruitment and selection process • Enhance company culture and employee engagement
• Oversees a performance appraisal system • Streamline HR processes and systems for efficiency
Think about the content that could be used to engage this persona throughout their buying
journey. Using the information above, propose a purpose, title, and format for three pieces
of content. Leverage your existing content or think of something new.
Responsibilities Goals
• Oversees month-end and year-end close processes • Maintain accurate financial records
• Ensures accurate and timely financial reporting • Ensure compliance with regulations and standards
• Develops and implements accounting policies • Provide insights to support strategic decision making
and procedures within the organization
• Manages internal and external audits
Think about the content that could be used to engage this persona throughout their buying
journey. Using the information above, propose a purpose, title, and format for three pieces
of content. Leverage your existing content or think of something new.
Responsibilities Goals
• Plans, executes, and analyzes marketing campaigns • Increase brand awareness and market share
• Collaborates with cross-functional teams (e.g., creative, • Drive customer acquisition and retention
sales, product) to develop strategies
• Generate qualified leads for the sales team
• Manages campaign budgets and timelines
• Enhance customer engagement and loyalty
through targeted campaigns
• Maximize ROI on marketing initiatives
Think about the content that could be used to engage this persona throughout their buying
journey. Using the information above, propose a purpose, title, and format for three pieces
of content. Leverage your existing content or think of something new.
Go back to the Persona Template (1.4), Buyer’s Journey Template (2.2), and Buyer Engagement
Template (2.4), adding what you know now about creating the right content for the right buyers
at each stage of their buying journey.
Utilize the following framework to develop your content marketing mix, ensuring
it is aligned with your personas and the various stages of their buying journey.
Here’s an example:
Content Purpose Educate and inform buyers in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey about
buyer-level intent data.
This content aims to introduce the concept, benefits, and practical applications of
intent data so the reader can start incorporating it into their marketing strategies.
Key Message Discover how buyer-level intent data can revolutionize your marketing strategies
by providing deep insights into your potential customers’ behaviors, preferences,
and purchase intent.
Topics and Themes • Buyer-level intent data is a crucial tool in modern marketing, offering
detailed insights into individual consumers’ behaviors and interests.
• By understanding this data, businesses can more effectively target their
marketing efforts, personalize their messaging, and ultimately increase
conversion rates.
Format eBook
Whose buying journey is this?
Content Purpose
Key Message
Whose buying journey is this?
Content Purpose
Key Message
The way you craft your messages—from headlines to taglines—shapes how your target audience
perceives and interacts with your brand.
Clear, consistent messaging builds trust, credibility, and reinforces your brand’s expertise. It also
ensures that your value proposition—a statement of your unique benefits and key differentiators—
is understood, making it easier for potential customers to see how your solutions address their
specific challenges and, more importantly, say “Yes” when it’s time to sign on the dotted line.
If content is the launchpad to engaging your buyers, then messaging is the gravity that captures
them in your orbit.
Speak with your product team and internal subject matter experts to increase your
knowledge of your offerings and learn how to communicate them to your audiences.
A messaging framework is a structured guide that outlines how a company communicates its value
to its target audience. It serves as a blueprint to ensure all messaging and content is consistent, clear,
and aligned with the brand’s goals and values.
TARGET AUDIENCE The intended recipient of your messaging framework, tailored to a specific
buyer persona or audience segment.
VALUE A brief statement outlining the unique benefits and distinguishing features
PROPOSITION of your offering.
What is your company’s Value Proposition?
What are your company’s Challenge Statements?
SOLUTION Concise statements detailing the unique value of your solution and
POSITIONING how it addresses the challenges faced by your target audience.
What are your company’s Solution Positioning Statements?
PROOF POINTS AND Concrete features or functionalities of your solution that validate your
PRODUCT FEATURES positioning statements.
What are your company’s core Product Features?
What are your company’s Benefit Statements?
Value LunaCorp provides an all-in-one, cloud-based project management solution that simplifies
collaboration, enhances productivity, and ensures project success.
Solution Save time and Achieve seamless collaboration Gain full visibility and rich
streamline workflows across the enterprise insights into every project
Benefit Maximize productivity with Enhance team collaboration with Gain project progress visibility
LunaCorp’s intuitive interface LunaCorp’s real-time updates and with LunaCorp’s customizable
and automation, streamlining shared workspaces for seamless dashboards and detailed
tasks and scaling efficiency. communication. reporting, empowering informed
decision making.
Proof Points
and Product
To make it easy, we’ve broken down the process into 20 questions (and included some
sample responses of our own).
The first set of questions you’ll need to answer revolve around your hopes for this content.
At the onset, you should be able to clearly identify your goals, objectives, and approach.
Essentially: How will you ensure this content is worth the investment of time and resources?
Next, you’ll identify who you want this content to gravitate around.
• Content marketing
• Retail
This third set of questions will help ensure your content resonates with your audiences.
You can also start to determine how to personalize and tailor your efforts.
Refer back to your Persona Template (1.4), Buyer’s Journey Template (2.2) , and
Buyer Engagement Template (2.4) to help answer these questions.
Personalization is key to enhancing the effectiveness of your content. But go too far and you risk
being… creepy.
Leverage the similarities in your personas’ interests, goals, and motivations to create content that
still remains highly relevant and highly resonant for your target readers.
Read more: How to Use Buyer Intent Data to Boost Results (Without Being a Creep)
Now, you’ll define the “why”—why should your audiences care about this content?
What makes this content different from others like it? What is its purpose? Why would
someone engage? What are they going to learn?
Your answers to these questions should be as detailed as possible as they will heavily guide
your content outline.
Finally, knowing everything you do about your audience’s interests, challenges, and needs,
you’ll come up with a title, format, and summary of your content.
What titles will resonate best? What formats will your audience prefer? What will your content
ultimately help them achieve?
What are the broader, long-term
outcomes you want to achieve with
this content?
What are the measurable, short-
term results you want to achieve
with this content? Be as specific
as you can.
How will you ensure this content
achieves your goals and objectives?
What is your audience
responsible for?
What are your audience’s goals?
What are they motivated by?
What stands in the way of
your audience’s success?
What does your audience need
to be able to remove roadblocks
and achieve their goals? What are
they interested in? What have they
engaged with previously?
What purpose will your content
serve in your buyer’s journey?
What makes this content
different from others?
Why would someone be interested
in this content?
What will someone learn after
engaging with this content?
What are the actions and
behaviors we want this content
to inspire in a reader?
Write a 5-8 word title that effectively
describes your content.
What shape will your content take?
Write a short summary (~100-150
words) about what your content
will be about.
With your content strategy in-hand, your next step is to draft a content
outline—a detailed overview of the structure, themes, ideas, and takeaways
you plan to include in the finished piece.
An outline will help you organize your thoughts and make collaboration easier,
ensuring everyone is moving towards the same destination.
Using the content strategy inputs we provided earlier, here’s a sample content
outline you can refer to:
Title: Marketing Guide: Embracing the Future - 3 Key Trends Shaping Modern Marketing
The Introduction
1 Introduction
• Context Setting
− Describe the state of the industry, the “need,” and the challenges that inspired the creation
of this content
• Overview of Content
− Briefly describe what the guide will cover and what the reader will learn
The Introduction should provide context, clarity, and purpose, reinforcing to the reader why
they’re here and helping set expectations for what they can expect to learn.
• Key Takeaway 1
• Key Takeaway 2
• Key Takeaway 3
You may also consider placing your Key Takeaways at the start of your content. This technique
ensures readers immediately see the value of your content whether they reach the end or not.
− Why keeping up with trends and innovations is crucial for marketing success.
Before diving into the main topics of your content, it can be helpful to include a brief section
on Level Setting, helping ensure all readers have a common understanding of what you’re
about to discuss.
The Body
− Definition
− Examples
• Key Strategies
• Key Takeaways
− Definition
− Examples
• Key Strategies
• Real-World Insights
• Key Takeaways
− Definition
− Examples
• Key Strategies
• Real-World Insights
• Key Takeaways
The body of your outline contains your Main Topics and Sub-Topics. It’s important to consider
the order of your main discussion points as well as your supporting points. Following a pattern
can make it easier for readers to follow along and comprehend complex ideas.
− Insights into future trends and innovations − How to stay ahead in the ever-evolving
in marketing. marketing landscape.
You may consider including a section between your Main Topics and Conclusion.
This section can contain information relevant to the overall discussion, but it may not fit within
your Main Topics. Just be careful not to introduce too many new ideas, as this could confuse
your readers.
The Conclusion
7 Conclusion
• Key Takeaways • Calls-to-Action (CTAs)
The Conclusion serves as a recap of your main points, reinforcing ideas and learnings to
ensure that the reader leaves with a clear understanding of the topic and their next steps.
Let’s face facts. The introduction of Generative AI has made much of the initial elements of content
construction and outlining easier than ever. So how can you stand out from the “Sea of Sameness”?
Be unique. Leverage your own perspectives and experiences—these belong to you and you alone.
Don’t be afraid to let your personality—and your brand’s identity—shine through!
However, it’s not just about reaching any audience—it’s about reaching the right audience.
With a robust mix of channels, messages, and content, you can strike the perfect balance between
wide reach and deep engagement, ensuring that your content not only shines but also resonates
with the buyers who matter most to you.
Who was your content made for? Who will engage? Who will take action?
Leverage a combination of segments, filters, and data points to identify the best audience to
promote your content to.
21% 8%
increase in total demand from increase in Managers, Directors
individual Contributors and C-level consumption
Source: NetLine, “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers”
Who within a buying committee is most likely to make an immediate buying decision after
engaging with your content?
Source: NetLine, “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers”
Fill in the blanks: Who is your target audience?
purchase intent.
What are your goals and objectives? Who is your target audience?
Based on these factors, select the content that will resonate most with your audience, aligning
your goals with their challenges, behaviors, needs, and interests.
Source: NetLine, “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers”
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 100
Decision • Case Studies • Product Spec Sheets
• Comparison Sheets • ROI Calculators
• Customer Reviews • Testimonials
• Demos • Trials
79% 115%
more likely to purchase more likely to purchase
within 12 months within 12 months
Source: NetLine, “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers”
Playbooks, Case Studies, and Trend Reports Tips and Tricks Guides, Courses, and eKits
were the three formats most likely to be were the three formats least likely to be
associated with a buying decision over the associated with a buying decision over the
course of the next years. course of the next year.
Source: NetLine, “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers”
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 101
Fill in the blanks: What content will you use to engage your target audience?
to in in the
[job title - buying committee role] [industry]
to in in the
[job title - buying committee role] [industry]
to in in the
[job title - buying committee role] [industry]
What’s the hook? What’s in it for the reader? Why should they engage?
It’s not just about your content—it’s also about how you message it.
Awareness • Drive interest and Launch your marketing results Learn best practices, tips,
capture attention into the stratosphere. and success strategies.
The buyer is ready to • Educate readers about
understand and learn Explore these 5 strategies for
a problem or need
success and discover new ways
• Establish thought to reach, engage, and convert
leadership and expertise your buyers.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 102
Consideration • Offer insights on challenges Discover the difference. Evaluate the solution in a real-
and solutions world scenario.
The buyer is ready to evaluate See how LunaCorp leveraged
• Emphasize features and
advanced strategies and
benefits for decision making
cutting edge tools to increase
• Showcase unique strengths efficiency by 30%.
to outshine competitors
Decision • Foster trust and Are you ready to boost results? Decide on suitability by
transparency weighing pros, cons, and
The buyer is ready to decide Seeing is believing: Schedule options in real-time.
• Compel to choose you
a personalized demo and see
• Address remaining what our solution can do.
Loyalty • Nurture loyalty for Level-up your marketing Discover advanced techniques
renewals and growth strategies and boost ROI. for enhanced results and ROI.
The customer is ready to use your • Elevate the
solution, generate results, and See how our latest features
customer experience
prove ROI helped LunaCorp achieve
• Excite and delight their best quarter yet.
Fill in the table: How will you communicate with your buyers?
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 103
Choose the Right Channels
Lastly, how will you reach your audiences? How will you promote your content?
Maximize engagement by selecting the right channels to connect with the audiences actively
seeking content like yours.
Leverage a robust mix of channels and content to capture buyers wherever they are in their
buying journey, providing them with opportunities to explore at their own pace and on their
own terms.
Remember: Your buyer is in the driver’s seat, and you are their trusted co-pilot.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 104
Fill in the table: What are your top performing channels? What channels do you want to utilize more
moving forward?
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 105
Utilize the following framework to develop your content
promotion strategy, ensuring it is aligned with your
Download the full
personas and the various stages of their buying journey.
template here
Firmographics: Promotion
Goals and
of Success
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 106
Utilize the following framework to develop your content
promotion strategy, ensuring it is aligned with your
Download the full
personas and the various stages of their buying journey.
template here
Firmographics: Promotion
Goals and
of Success
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 107
3.7 Cutting Through the Noise: Tips to Create Irresistible Content
In a cosmos brimming with competitors and flooded with choices, you need content that can cut
through the noise and help you connect with your buyers.
It’s not enough to merely capture a buyer’s attention—that’s just the beginning. To sustain it, and
eventually turn that attention into action, your understanding of your buyers and their buying journeys
will be put to the test.
Here are some tips to help you create the content and experiences your audiences crave.
Enhance your content by analyzing the behaviors and activities of your audience, using these insights to
help you determine which topics and formats are worth covering, abandoning, or doubling down on.
Answer the following questions.
• How do you currently capture data around buyer intent and engagement?
• What topics are your customers and prospects most interested in learning about?
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 108
• What events are your customers and prospects most likely to attend?
• What are some things your competitors do well that you would like to emulate?
• What are some things your own organization does currently that you think could be improved to drive
more engagement with customers and prospects?
Repurpose your content by transforming your long-form, big rock pieces—your eBooks, reports,
whitepapers, and webinars—into new, varied formats, breaking them down into smaller, easily
digestible pieces.
By doing so, you can extend your content’s lifespan, reach new audiences, and maximize your content
marketing efforts.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 109
• Start with high-performing pieces: These have already resonated deeply with your audience,
demonstrating their interest. Double down on that engagement.
• Customize for specific platforms and audiences: Ensure your content fits the unique format
and style of each platform and audience.
• Transform key takeaways into standalone assets: Extract chapters, key points, and noteworthy
insights to create shorter content pieces like blog posts, social media posts, infographics,
checklists, and guides.
• Update for relevance: Ensure the content reflects current information and trends.
Assess your current content library and identify pieces of content that you could repurpose and atomize.
Collaborate with your content marketing team to think of some ideas.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 110
If your content mix feels one-note, conducting a content audit can help you identify gaps and
areas for improvement.
Content Format URL Publish Buyer’s Target Key Topics Performance Additional
Title Date Journey Audience Metrics Notes
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 111
Create an
Inconsistent Content Production Editorial Calendar
A content editorial calendar is essential for any content marketing strategy, providing a structured
framework that ensures consistency, organization, and alignment between the audiences you want
to reach and the content you create to reach them.
Start by planning your cornerstone content pieces—those requiring the most effort and resources,
such as an annual research report, quarterly eBook, or bi-monthly webinar series.
Next, plan additional content to support these main pieces, like blog posts summarizing key takeaways
or detailed guides. (Repurposing content is also a smart tactic here!)
An editorial calendar helps you effectively map out your content plan—filling gaps, addressing needs,
and ensuring all teams are aware of what’s coming up.
Date Persona Buying Stage Content Content Title Key Themes Promotion Responsi-
Format and Topics Channels bilities and
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 112
3.8 Key Takeaways: Creating Content That Converts
• Understand Your Audience: Get to know your audience inside and out. Use surveys, interviews,
and analytics to build detailed buyer personas. Tailor your content to address their specific needs
and challenges, offering valuable solutions and insights they can’t resist.
• Align Your Content to the Buyer’s Journey: Map out the stages of your buyer’s journey and ensure
you have content to support every step of the way.
• Utilize Different Content Formats: Diversify your content to cater to different preferences. Offer
a variety of formats like articles, videos, infographics, and more. This way, everyone in the decision
making process finds something that clicks with them.
• Atomize Your Content: Don’t let great content go to waste—repurpose it! Turn that big eBook into
bite-sized blog posts or transform a webinar into a downloadable guide. It’s a smart way to extend
your content’s reach and make the most of what you’ve created.
• Leverage Social Proof: Show potential customers that others trust you too. Share testimonials,
case studies, and user-generated content to build credibility. Real success stories prove your
solutions work and can make a big impact.
• Include Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Guide your audience smoothly through their journey with
clear instructions. Whether it’s signing up for a demo or downloading a guide, make it easy for
them to take the next step. Don’t leave them guessing about what to do next.
• Promote Across Channels: Meet your audience where they spend their time. Share your content
across platforms they use. Maximize your visibility and keep potential customers engaged
wherever they are online.
• Stay Consistent: Keep your audience coming back for more by staying on top of your content
schedule. Plan ahead with a content calendar to keep your production and distribution organized.
Consistency builds trust and keeps your brand top of mind.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 113
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 114
Before reading this chapter, describe what you hope to learn about engagement
strategies and integrated campaigns.
Now that you understand how to identify your buyers, map their buying journeys, and create the
content they crave most, you can unlock the final piece of the puzzle: generating rich, meaningful
engagement that drives business growth.
To achieve this, you need an integrated campaign strategy—a set of coordinated programs and tactics
that engage customers and prospects with messages, content, and resources tailored to their needs
throughout their buying journey.
In this final chapter, we’ll launch into orbit with everything you’ve learned, thus creating a full-funnel,
integrated campaign strategy; one with the power to excite and delight, interest and intrigue, and
ultimately convince, convert, and deliver remarkable results.
• Plan and Launch an Integrated Campaign: Engage your audiences with interstellar excellence
using integrated campaigns. Align your channels and messages, create seamless brand
experiences, and ensure every touchpoint adds value to the buyer’s journey.
• Adopt a Full-Funnel Approach: Chart your course through the cosmos and learn how to navigate
your buyers and tailor your strategies across the different stages of their journey—from awareness
to decision and beyond.
• Orchestrate Channels, Programs, and Tactics: Push engagement and conversion to new heights
by masterfully orchestrating a diverse array of marketing strategies, tactics, and channels.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 115
Hear from today’s leading B2B marketing experts and learn how to craft
compelling content and stories, build revenue-generating campaigns,
and accelerate your buyer’s journey to ignite growth and conquer
new frontiers.
In the boundless expanse of B2B marketing, where competition is fierce and audience attention
spans are fleeting, navigating the cosmos of engagement has become increasingly complex.
Like a gravitational force that draws audiences in, integrated campaigns help marketing and sales
teams create cohesive brand experiences across the buyer’s journey.
Before we dive into building an integrated campaign, let’s first understand its core components:
Consistent Given the diverse array of channels and tactics employed, integrated campaigns
Messaging demand consistent messaging and branding to reinforce brand identity across
all touchpoints.
Strategic Timing Campaign activations, messages, and content should be timed strategically to
coincide with important events or customer touchpoints.
Data-Driven Integrated campaigns rely on data and analytics to shape future strategies,
Insights optimize performance, and drive continuous improvement.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 116
Have you ever planned or participated in the execution of an integrated campaign?
If so, what did you enjoy about it? What could have been improved? If not, what aspects of an integrated
campaign do you find most interesting?
And, depending on your goals and objectives, integrated campaigns can be used to support a variety
of use cases too.
Lead Generation Attract and nurture leads with gated content, email marketing, and targeted
advertising across social and digital channels.
Demand Drive demand and deepen engagement through an array of content formats
Generation (including blogs, eBooks, guides, webinars, and whitepapers) across a diverse
mix of channels.
Account-Based Secure your footholds within key accounts and drive conversions through
Marketing (ABM) tailored ABM initiatives designed for high-priority target accounts.
Product Marketing Generate interest and anticipation for new product offerings with coordinated
marketing efforts, from product teasers to post-launch follow-ups.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 117
4.2 Unlocking the Mysteries of Buyer Engagement:
Who, What, When, Where, and Why
Let’s reinforce what you’ve learned so far.
Understanding the “who” unlocks the mysteries behind the “why,” “what,” “when,” and “where.”
Defining these elements is non-negotiable, and mastery over them not only positions you as a
trusted advisor, but also ensures you deliver the right message to the right person with the right
content at the right time.
Explore your vast universe of buyers, find your best customers, and understand who they are
inside and out.
• Identify Demographics and Firmographics: Determine the best-fit accounts and buyers
of your solution.
• Create Detailed Buyer Personas: Develop comprehensive profiles of your ideal customers,
defining their goals, challenges, and motivations.
• Segment Your Audiences: Break down your audience into smaller, more specific groups
to tailor your messaging and content effectively.
Discover the gravity of your audience’s needs, interests, motivations, and pain points.
• Understand Customer Motivations: Identify the reasons why your audience needs your solution.
What problems are they trying to solve?
• Map the Customer Journey: Map the path your customers take from awareness to purchase and
beyond. Identify key touchpoints and opportunities to engage.
• Address Pain Points and Goals: Create content and tailor messaging that speaks to your
audience’s specific pain points and goals at each stage of their journey
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 118
The WHAT: Uncover the Solutions They Seek
Create and tailor your content and messaging to address your audience’s specific needs and interests
at every stage of the buyer’s journey.
• Tailor Messaging and Tone: Use language and tone that resonate with your audience,
considering their industry, job seniority, and overall maturity.
• Establish Consistency, Expertise, and Thought Leadership: Plan and schedule content
consistently to align with your audience’s needs, establish your brand, and offer relevant
solutions, insights, and actionable advice.
Revisit these resources: • Content by Persona and Buying Stage Framework (Ch. 3.2)
• Messaging Framework (Ch. 3.3)
• Content Strategy Brief Template (Ch. 3.4)
Decipher buying signals that indicate when your buyers are in-market, actively researching solutions,
and ready to make a move.
• Surface Online and Offline Intent: Use buyer intent signals like high-value website visits,
content downloads, or in-person event registration and attendance data to trigger personalized
and timely communications.
• Explore Beyond Your Own Content and Website: Gain insights into your buyer’s complete
journey, encompassing activities beyond your own content and website.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 119
The WHERE: Make Your Message Heard
Find where your audiences gravitate and leverage the best channels to reach and engage them based
on their preferences and stage in the buyer’s journey.
• Select the Right Channels: Choose the most effective channels to reach your audience, including
email, social media, 1:1 meetings, or in-person events.
• Maintain Message Consistency: Ensure your message remains consistent across all platforms,
leveraging each one’s unique features to enhance engagement.
• Analyze Engagement: Track and analyze engagement on each channel to understand where your
audience is most active and how they interact with your content.
When planning your integrated campaign, consider these two engagement frameworks.
Use this framework if you’re unsure how or where to start planning your integrated campaign.
This framework will guide you in creating a detailed map of your engaged buyer personas.
Gather insights about their recent activities (content downloaded, websites visited, events
attended, etc.), presumed projects, interests, and current stage in the buying journey.
With these insights, you can determine what your campaign needs to accomplish, communicate,
and offer.
Engaged Buyer The specific personas or audience segments most relevant for your offerings.
Last Activity The most recent action or interaction performed by the buyer
(content download, website visit, event attendance, etc.).
Last Activity Date The date of the buyer’s last known interaction or engagement.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 120
Key Insights Based on the buyer’s last activity and past behaviors, valuable insights that
reveal their interests and focus areas.
Presumed Projects Based on the buyer’s last activity and past behaviors, initiatives they are
assumed to be involved in or planning.
Presumed Buying Based on the buyer’s last activity and past behaviors, the stage they are in their
Journey Stage buying journey.
Proposed Planned marketing strategies or tactics as a response to the last known activity
Marketing Play with the goals of engagement and qualification.
Proposed Planned sales strategies or tactics as a response to the last known activity with
Sales Play the goal of conversion.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 121
Campaign Engagement Map
This framework will help you map out how you hope audiences will engage with your offers.
Include detailed insights on their presumed interests and projects, and plan potential marketing
and sales strategies aligned with their actions.
This approach will effectively help you answer the question, “If a buyer engages with X, then we
should respond with Y.”
Target Audience The specific personas or audience segments that you’re targeting in
this campaign.
Presumed Buying Based on the buyer’s response to the offer, the stage they are in their
Journey Stage buying journey.
Desired Action The action(s) you want a buyer to take in relation to the offer (download,
register, attend, etc.)
Key Insights Based on the buyer’s response to the offer, presumed insights that reveal their
interests and focus areas.
Presumed Projects Based on the buyer’s response to the offer, initiatives they are assumed to be
involved in or planning.
Proposed Planned marketing strategies or tactics as a response to the offer with the goals
Marketing Play of engagement and qualification.
Proposed Planned sales strategies or tactics as a response to the offer with the goal of
Sales Play conversion.
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Campaign Theme: Your buyers are out there: Reveal them with buyer-level intent data
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 123
4.4 Go for Launch! Building Your Integrated Campaign:
Strategy, Tactics, and Timeline
You’ve identified your audience, mapped their journey, and honed your content
and messaging. Now, it’s time to plan your integrated marketing campaign!
This will combine everything you’ve learned so far—blending creativity, data-driven insights,
and a deep understanding of your audience—to effectively engage buyers across channels
and throughout their buying journey.
While it may seem daunting at first, creating an integrated campaign strategy can be
broken down into three key components:
• Campaign Strategy Brief: The foundational document that outlines campaign goals,
target audience, key messaging, and desired outcomes to align marketing efforts with
business objectives.
• Campaign Tactics Brief: A document that details the specific tasks, channels, timelines,
budgets, and responsibilities to implement the campaign effectively.
Creating an integrated campaign starts with a Strategy Brief: a structured framework that details
your campaign’s target audience, goals, themes, and content and will guide the development and
execution of the tactics that follow.
Does your marketing team currently use a shared and standardized
campaign strategy brief, template, or framework?
Target Audience Who are you targeting? Identify the demographics and firmographics of your
audience. Understand their pain points, challenges, and motivations to tailor
your messaging effectively.
Need help? Pg. 16 — 1.3 Spheres of Influence: Buying Committees and Personas
Campaign Goals What do you want to accomplish? Define your objectives and how you will
measure success, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads,
driving website traffic, or boosting sales revenue.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 124
Timing How long is your campaign? Determine the duration of your campaign (year,
six months, three months, etc.) and decide on how often you want to update
your themes, messaging, and content (quarterly, monthly, etc.). Set clear start
and end dates, and consider seasonal trends, industry events, and holidays.
Campaign Theme What broad themes or ideas do you want to take ownership of in the market?
Choose a central theme that resonates with your audience, conveys your
value proposition, and differentiates your brand. Ensure this theme remains
consistent across all campaign elements.
Need help? Pg. 62 — 3.2 Enter Your Buyer’s Orbit: Crafting Content by Buying Stage and Persona
Supporting What subtopics, themes, or ideas do you want to focus on? Identify subtopics
Themes that complement the main theme and address different audience needs.
Organize these into monthly or quarterly themes to create diverse content.
Key Messages What do you want your audience to understand, remember, and associate
with your brand? Define concise, compelling core messages that align with your
supporting themes. Ensure these messages are memorable and associated with
your brand.
Need help? Pg. 79 — 3.3 Incoming Message: Crafting a Messaging Framework
Solution How does your campaign align to your solution? Explain how your products or
Positioning services solve your audience’s specific problems. Align this with your campaign
Statements theme, supporting themes, and key messages.
Big Rock Content How will you engage your audiences? Identify or create cornerstone content
that serves as focal points for your campaign, such as whitepapers, e-books,
webinars, or research reports offering in-depth insights.
Need help? Pg. 62 — 3.2 Enter Your Buyer’s Orbit: Crafting Content by Buying Stage and Persona
Supporting What additional content will be used or created? Develop a variety of smaller-
Content scale content that reinforces your key messages and supporting themes. This
includes blog posts, videos, infographics, case studies, social media posts, and
email newsletters.
Channels How will you reach your audiences? Select the most effective communication
channels to reach your audience. Use a mix of online and offline channels,
including email marketing, content syndication, social media, paid advertising,
events, and direct mail.
Need help? Pg. 98 — 3.6 Expand Your Orbit, Reach Your Buyers: 4 Steps to Promote Your Content
and Drive Engagement
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 125
Here’s one example of what a campaign strategy brief could look like.
Journey Stage
Your Buyers Are Out There: Reveal Them With Buyer-Level Intent Data
Actions Speak Loder Than ICPs Explore Your Universe of Buyers
Key Messages • Real-Time Actions Over Static Profiles: • Discover Hidden Opportunities: Uncover
Focus on dynamic buyer behaviors instead untapped potential by exploring the full
of static customer profiles spectrum of buyer behaviors
• From Hypothetical to Practical: Use real • Navigate Real-Time Insights: Use real-
buyer intent data for actionable insights time data to understand and engage
with your buyers effectively
• Action-Based Insights Boost Conversions:
Let prospect actions guide your marketing • Map Your Path to Higher
for better results Conversions: Let detailed buyer
insights guide your marketing strategy
for improved conversions
Solution Move beyond static ICPs and focus on real-time Unlock comprehensive buyer insights,
buyer actions. By analyzing actual behaviors, we discover opportunities, and navigate buyer
provide actionable insights that ensure precise and behavior complexities.
Statements effective targeting.
Big Rock eBook: “From Profiles to Predictions: Harnessing Webinar Series: “Navigating Buyer Behaviors:
Real-Time Buyer Actions for Marketing Success” Uncovering Opportunities in Your Universe
of Buyers”
Explores leveraging real-time buyer actions to
enhance marketing effectiveness. Dives deep into understanding diverse buyer
behavior to uncover growth opportunities.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 126
Here’s one example of what a campaign strategy brief could look like.
Supporting Content
Champions Case Study: “Driving Revenue Growth: Workshop: “Uncovering Hidden Market Potential:
How Real-Time Insights Revolutionized A deep Dive into Buyer Behavior Analysis”
Our Marketing Strategy”
Influencers/ Webinar: “Marketing Dynamic Buyer Insights: Infographic: “Visualizing Buyer Behavior:
Practical Tips for Marketing Professionals” Key Insights for Marketers”
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 127
Campaign Tactics Brief
Next, you’ll need to identify and document how each individual channel will be used in your campaign.
This is the role of a Tactics Brief—created uniquely for each channel, these briefs outline key details around
segmentation, timing, offers, and messaging to ensure consistent brand alignment across your campaign.
Does your marketing team currently use a shared and standardized tactical
brief, template, or framework?
Regardless of the channel, your tactics briefs should be able to address the following questions:
• What channel are you using? • What are your offers? Your calls-to-action?
• Why are you using this channel? • When will this channel be active? When will
promotions launch? When will they end?
• Who are you targeting?
• How will you use this channel to drive
• What is your key message? engagement and support your campaign?
The examples below cover some common marketing channels and can serve as a starting
point for your tactics briefs:
Directors N/A B 1 3/12 Promo Give your team the tools to Research
and above achieve new levels of success Report
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 128
LinkedIn 1 3/4 Text + Get the tools to level-up your strategies and advance Research
Image your career Report
2 3/11 Video Hear 5 key takeaways from our research report Blog Post of
Key Takeaways
2 3/11 Promo
Advertising $10.00 3/1 3/31 1 Image Web Ad 300x250 Get the tools to level-up your
strategies and advance your career
2 Image Web Ad 300x600
3 Image Web Ad 728x90
Retargeting $10.00 3/15 4/30 1 Image Web Ad 300x250 Generate more results
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 129
eBook: “From Profiles to • Geography: US 1,000 $11.00 3/1 6/1 eBook Enhance Download
Predictions: Harnessing marketing Now
• Industry: Marketing
Real-Time Buyer Actions effectiveness
for Marketing Success” • Job Level: Manager
and above
• Company Size: 100
and above
DIRECT MAIL RECIPIENTS Managers and above from Top 100 target accounts who visited our booth or attended
our event session
WHAT ARE YOU SENDING? (EGIFT? $50 eGift card of their choice
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 130
Campaign Timeline
Finally, you’ll develop a Campaign Timeline—an outline detailing the start and end dates of your
various campaign channels and activities.
This tool helps ensure that your channels, offers, and messages are well-coordinated, well-balanced,
and rightly-targeted to your diverse audiences.
Does your marketing team currently use a shared and standardized
campaign management system, timeline, or tool?
Whether using a calendar, project management tool, or Excel, creating a timeline provides a clear
visual of your integrated campaign, fostering alignment among different teams and helping identify
potential bottlenecks, dependencies, and risks.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 131
Journey Stage
Key Messages
Big Rock
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 132
1 Month/Quarter 2 Month/Quarter
Supporting Content
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4.5 Breaking Through: Tips for Integrated Campaign Success
Creating engaging integrated campaigns requires a cosmic blend of captivating content, multi-channel
coordination, and deep audience understanding.
By aligning your objectives with consistent branding and messaging, you can engage your buyers and
ensure your campaigns remain relevant and impactful long after launch.
Here are some tips to help you achieve your goals with high-impact integrated campaigns.
Whether you’re planning, executing, or completing a campaign, it’s important that others have
visibility into the work you’re doing.
Limited visibility occurs when marketing teams work in silos, focusing on their own plans and goals
without coordination. This leads to inconsistent messaging, inefficient use of resources, brand dilution,
and the risk of oversaturating some audience segments while neglecting others.
Which of the following options does your organization currently leverage to foster alignment,
consistency, and collaboration in the planning and execution of a campaign? Check all that apply.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 136
Teams don’t have a lot of time and resources to spare, so when they fail to coordinate, it can lead to
conflicting initiatives, duplicated efforts, and a lot of waste.
Hold regular meetings with your marketing team to review priorities, goals, and upcoming campaigns.
Use these sessions to gather feedback, share perspectives, collaborate on solutions, and brainstorm
new and exciting ideas to engage your audience.
Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1-5, with 5 being strongly agree and 1 being
strongly disagree.
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5
Our team coordinates effectively on campaign
planning and execution.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 137
Planning an integrated campaign can feel overwhelming, especially when you may not know where
or how to begin.
Our advice: Start small, test things out, and iterate as you go. Build confidence in what works.
Begin with a focused pilot campaign or a select few key channels. This allows you to gather valuable
feedback and refine your strategies based on real-world results. As you identify what resonates with
different audience segments, adjust your messaging and content accordingly.
Once you’ve honed in on what works, you can gradually scale your efforts. This might mean expanding
to new channels or broadening your audience reach. Taking this step-by-step approach helps ensure
your resources are used effectively and your campaigns hit the mark.
In 2-3 sentences, describe the next campaign you want to create by identifying your goals,
target audience, and key message. Then, outline your first step in your planning process.
Target Audience
Key Message
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 138
4.6 Key Takeaways: Driving Engagement With Integrated Campaigns
• Define Clear Objectives: When you clearly define your campaign objectives, everyone knows
what you’re aiming to achieve. This clarity helps you track how well your campaign is doing,
optimize your strategies as you go, and stay aligned with your team.
• Understand Your Audience: Getting to know your audience isn’t just about numbers—it’s about
understanding what makes them tick. When you know their interests, behaviors, and what they
care about, you can create campaigns and experiences that truly resonate with them.
• Maintain Consistent Branding: Consistency is key in how you present your brand. Whether it’s the
look and feel of your visuals or the tone of your messages, keeping it consistent builds trust with
your audience and makes your brand more recognizable and trustworthy.
• Adopt a Multi-Channel Approach: Using different channels lets you reach buyers wherever they
are in their journey. Each channel has its own strengths in reaching different audiences. Maximize
your campaign’s impact and don’t be afraid to mix things up.
• Captivate Your Audiences With Content: Good content grabs people’s attention and makes them
want to learn more. Whether it’s a great story, eye-catching visuals, or something interactive,
compelling content draws your audience in and gets them interested in what you have to offer.
• Unify Your Messaging: When your message is consistent across all channels, it reinforces what
your brand stands for. It helps people remember who you are and what you’re about, which
builds stronger connections and keeps your brand top of mind.
• Measure and Analyze: Tracking how your campaign performs gives you insights into what’s
working and what isn’t. By analyzing the data—like engagement rates or conversion metrics—
you can make informed decisions to improve your campaign’s effectiveness over time.
Try it now
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 139
The End of One Journey, the Beginning of the Next
You’ve reached the end of this workbook and have successfully learned how to target your buyers,
understand their buying journeys, create high-impact content, and develop integrated campaigns.
You’ve taken a giant leap towards marketing mastery, but your journey is only just beginning. There is
still so much to learn and explore—untapped galaxies of strategies and tools, systems of technology
yet to be discovered, buyers searching for a light in the dark.
So, as you continue your voyage across the B2B cosmos, here are three final reminders:
Be Curious: Curiosity is a cornerstone of learning. Ask questions, investigate the world around you,
and dedicate time to learning new skills and expanding your knowledge of what’s possible.
Be Bold: Progress often requires stepping outside your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
Try new strategies and tools and discover what works best for your audience.
Be Impactful: Lead with intention, originality, and impact. Inspire your team to innovate and deliver
extraordinary results that resonate with customers and stakeholders alike.
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 140
NetLine empowers B2B marketers to scale revenue
via an all-in-one buyer engagement platform that
delivers unparalleled buyer-level intent data and
lead generation capabilities.
Operating the only buyer-level intent platform, INTENTIVE, delivering real-time
insights into “who” is actively expressing intent in an account, “what” actions that
person is taking, “when” those actions took place, and uniquely “where” those actions
occurred, including offline Event Intent data, NetLine fast tracks buyer transparency.
Successful B2B marketers start with NetLine. To learn more, visit
or email us at [email protected].
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 141
Focused on helping clients drive predictable growth via
a revenue responsible focus, Heinz Marketing helps B2B
marketing teams elevate their impact and contribution
to business outcomes that matter.
Their proven Predictable Pipeline methodology has been successfully customized and
implemented at countless organizations, changing the trajectory of marketing work,
careers and lives.
The Heinz Marketing team is made up of full-funnel experts who speak the language
of sales, empowering clients with strategy and tools for success. To learn more, visit or email us at [email protected].
THE 2024 MARKETING MASTERY WORKBOOK • To Marketing Mastery and Beyond 142