Web Services

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Chapter 9
Web services

Computer Science
Class XII ( As per CBSE Board)
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Web services

Web service - is a standardized medium,protocol or language to

propagate communication between the client and server
applications on the World Wide Web. A web service is a software
module that is designed to perform a certain set of tasks.

Web services are invoked by the user directly or indirectly to

provide services to the program/software which is being used as
a part of WWW.User may be unaware about such web services.

The web services can be searched for over the network and can
also be invoked accordingly.

When invoked, the web service would be able to provide the

functionality to the client, which invokes that web service.

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Web services

Many people think that the internet and the world wide web
(WWW) are the same thing. While they are closely linked, they
are very different systems.
The internet is a huge network of computers all connected
together. The world wide web (‘www’ or ‘web’ for short) is a
collection of webpages found on this network of computers. Our
web browser uses the internet to access the web.
The World Wide Web is a way of exchanging information
between computers on the Internet, tying them together into a
vast collection of interactive multimedia resources.
World Wide Web was created by Timothy Berners Lee in 1989 at
CERN in Geneva. World Wide Web came into existence as a
proposal by him, to allow researchers to work together
effectively and efficiently at CERN. Eventually it became World
Wide Web.
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Web services

Web architecture –

Web is a two – tiered architecture.

• A web browser display information contents
• Web server that transfers information to the client
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Web services

HTML – Hyper text markup language is a document design

language not a programming language. It provide various
kinds of tags(commands) used to define the structure and
appearance of web page.
HTML was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in late 1991 but
was not released officially, which was published in 1995 as
HTML 2.0. HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard that
defines HTML.

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Web services

Basic structure of HTML document –

<title>simple document</title>
<p>a simple paragraph</p>
Save above content in text editor with .html extension and open
it in web browser to run it(tags).Generally/Most of the tags are
written as part of <body> tag.
List of HTML Tags
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Web services

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language

that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a
format that is both human-readable and machine-
XML is Platform Independent and Language
Independent: The main benefit of xml is that we can use
it to take data from a program like Microsoft SQL,
convert it into XML then share that XML with other
programs and platforms. You can communicate between
two platforms which are generally very difficult.

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Web services

Difference between HTML and XML


Expands to Extensible Markup Language Hypertext Markup Language

Basic Provides a framework for markup HTML is predefined markup language.

Structural Information Provided Does not contain structural information

Language type Case sensitive Case insensitive

Purpose of the language Transfer of information Presentation of the data
Errors Not allowed Small errors can be ignored.

Whitespace Can be preserved. Does not preserve white spaces.

Closing tags Compulsory to use closing tags. Closing tags are optional.
Nesting Must be properly done. Not much valuable.
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Web services

Structure of XML Document System

A XML Document is intended to display data like HTML.
An XML document system comprises the following-
 Style Sheet (CSS or XSL)
It defines the style (How it would appear i.e. font,
color, size alignment etc.) of the elements.
 Grammar Structure (DTD)
It is optional component in XML document system
and defines the Rules of the document (Tag
 XML File
It contains and describes actual data.
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Web services

How to Prepare XML Document

In order to prepare XML Document system, you may
do the following steps-
 Prepare XML document file as per problem
XML document is divided into two part.
1. The Prolog :
Preface or Introduction to the XML document. It
includes An XML declaration, Comments etc.
2. The Data Instance :
It contains actual data.
 Prepare a style-sheet file for XML file
It contains style rules that tells a browser how to
display an XML document.
 Link the XML file with Style sheet
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Web services
Example to create XML document
 Expected View on Browser
Suppose we
want to make an Computer Parts
XML document
Mother Board
which is
displayed in
browser as
shown here P3B-F

TFT Monitor

LG Electronics

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Web services
 Preparation of XML (test.xml) document Prolog

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding = UTF-8“ ?>

<?xml-stylesheet type=“text/css” href=“parts.css”?>
<TITLE> Computer Parts </TITLE>
<PART> Linking of .css
<PARTNAME>Mother Board</PARTNAME> (Style Sheet) file
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Web services

 Preparation of StyleSheet (part.css) file

PARTS {display:block}
TITLE {display:block; font-fanily:arial; color:#008000;
font-weight:600; font-size:16 margine-top:12pt;
PART {display:block}
PARTNAME {display:block; font-fanily:arial; color:#008000;
font-weight:400; font-size:14 margine-left:10pt;
margin-top: 10pt}
MANUFACTURER {display:block; font-fanily:arial; color:#600060;
font-weight:400; font-size:14 margine-left:30pt;
margin-top: 10pt}
MODEL {display:block; font-fanily:arial; color:#600060;
font-weight:400; font-size:14 margine-left:30pt;
margin-top: 10pt}
COST {display:block; font-fanily:arial; color:#800000;
font-weight:400; font-size:14 margine-left:30pt;
margin-left: 5pt}
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Web services

HTTP - HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol and is used to transfer data across
the Web. It allow users of the World Wide Web to exchange information found on web
pages. When accessing any web page entering http:// in front of the address tells the
browser to communicate over HTTP.
How It Works-
It is a connectionless text based protocol. Clients (web browsers) send requests through
request object of http to web servers for web pages / images etc.Web server respond
accordingly through response object of http After this cycle(request – response), the
connection between client and server across the Internet is disconnected. A new connection
must be made for each request(means for each web page).

This diagram shows the

working of http protocol.
Working with dns server
and working with web
Server both.

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Web services
DNS –The Domain Name System, translates human readable domain
names (for example, www.python.mykvs.in) to machine readable IP
addresses (for example, ... DNS servers translate requests
for names into IP addresses.

Request python.mykvs.in

Local DNS server

Make http Request to

Http response

A domain name is our website name. e.g. in python.mykvs.in , in is primary

domain,mykvs is subdomain of in and python is subdomain of mykvs.
Generic domain name - .com,.edu,.gov,.mil,.net,.org etc
Country specific domain name - .in for india,.us for united states
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Web services

URL –Uniform Resource Locator is defined as the global address of

documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. The URL is
an address that sends users to a specific resource online, such as a
webpage, video or other document or resource.

protocol subdomain domain name path

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Web services

Web page - A html document which can be displayed in a web

Website - A collection of web pages which are grouped together
and usually connected together in various ways. Often called a
"web site" or simply a "site.“
Web browser – A software which interpret html document and
display them in human readable form is known as web browser.
E.g. Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer or
Edge, or Apple's Safari. These are also often called just "pages.“
Web server – A software which host website and return web pages
to web client(web browser) on request. E.g. Apache Tomcat,
Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS) Windows Server ,
Nginx web server , Jigsaw , Zeus web server
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Web services

Domain Name-Domain name is the address of your website that

people type in the browser’s URL bar to visit your website.

Web hosting - Web hosting is the place where all the files of your
website live. It is like the home of our website where it actually
A good way to think about this is if the domain name is the address
of our house, then web hosting is the actual house that address
points to. All websites on the internet, need web hosting.
Domain names and web hosting are two different services.
However, they work together to make websites possible.It is
possible with the system known as DNS.

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Web services

There are four main types of web hosting:

• Shared hosting – share by multiple domains/web sites.
• VPS (virtual private server) hosting - The main server is split into
multiple virtual servers—hence the name. These virtual servers
can be customized by individual websites.
• Dedicated hosting - Websites being hosted on a dedicated server
have complete technical control over the server settings. We
choose the software, configurations, and anything else we need.
• Cloud hosting - Cloud hosting plans come with multiple remote
servers. Each server has different responsibilities. If one of the
servers is compromised or has a problem, the other servers on the
network will take over those responsibilities and pick up the slack.
• Reseller hosting and WordPress hosting are also specific types of
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